var start_locales = { locale: 'es', messages: {"verbose_time":"%A, %d de %B de %Y a las %H:%M","long_numeric_time":"%d\/%m\/%Y %H:%M","promotions":"Promociones","Promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n","Yes":"S\u00ed","No":"No","The promotion has been successfully created and has been saved in your drafts.":"Has creado correctamente la promoci\u00f3n y la hemos guardado en tus borradores.","Please complete the form.":"Por favor completa el formulario.","Please check the picture you tried to upload. Valid formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG. Max size: 4MB.":"Por favor revisa la imagen que intentas subir. Formatos v\u00e1lidos: JPEG, GIF, PNG. Tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo: 4MB.","All fields are required to register for the promotion.":"Todos los campos son obligatorios para registrarse a la promoci\u00f3n.","User has been removed from this promotion":"Has eliminado el usuario de la promoci\u00f3n.","Oops, something happened":"\u00a1Uuups! alguna cosa ha pasado","Share":"Compartir","Create your account":"Crea tu cuenta","By clicking this button, visitors to your promotions tab will be able to publish this promo on their wall.":"Clicando este bot\u00f3n, quienes visiten la pesta\u00f1a de promociones podr\u00e1n publicar esta promo en sus muros.","View and vote for entries":"Votar participaciones","Entries":"Participantes","By clicking this button, visitors to your promotions tab will be able to see and vote for competition entries.":"Clicando este bot\u00f3n, los visitantes de tu promoci\u00f3n podr\u00e1n ver todas las participaciones de la promoci\u00f3n y votar por ellas.","Promotions management":"Gesti\u00f3n de promociones","Create new promotion":"Crear nueva promoci\u00f3n","Active":"Activo","Drafts":"Borradores","Check our %s on how to create an effective promotion with Easypromos.":"Lee nuestras %s para crear promociones efectivas con Easypromos.","Are you sure you want to delete # %s?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar # %s?","Actions":"Acciones","View":"ver","Edit":"Editar","previous":"anterior","next":"siguiente","Id":"Id","Name":"Nombre y apellidos","Status":"Estado","Created":"Creado","Modified":"Modificado","Title":"T\u00edtulo","Description":"Descripci\u00f3n","Time zone":"Zona horaria","Date when promotion will become visible to users on the tab.":"Fecha a partir de la cual la promoci\u00f3n es visible en la pesta\u00f1a.","Max. users":"Max. usuarios","Check if the promo is exclusive for fans.":"Clica si la promo es exclusiva para fans.","Show current users":"Mostrar n\u00famero de usuarios","Check if you want to show the number of current registered users":"Clica si quieres mostrar el n\u00famero de usuarios que est\u00e1n registrados a la promo","Make entries public":"Publicar participaciones","Check if you want to show all participants and entries. Name, profile pic, comment and picture (if available) will be public.":"Clica si quieres mostrar todos los usuarios registrados y sus participaciones: Nombre, imagen de perfil, comentarios e imagen (si es el caso), ser\u00e1n p\u00fablicos.","Make entries votable":"Participaciones votables","Check if you want to create a competition. Any Facebook user will be able to vote for entries.":"Clica si quieres crear un concurso. Cualquier usuario de Facebook podr\u00e1 votar por cualquiera de las participaciones de la promo.","Check if you require user email to complete the registration.":"Clica si requieres el e-mail del usuario para completar el registro.","Require email?":"\u00bfRequieres e-mail?","Check if you require user gender to complete the registration.":"Clica si requieres el g\u00e9nero del usuario para completar el registro.","Require gender?":"\u00bfRequieres g\u00e9nero?","Check if you require user country to complete the registration.":"Clica si requieres el pa\u00eds del usuario para completar el registro.","Require country?":"\u00bfRequieres pa\u00eds?","Comments":"Comentarios","Insert a question if you require answers or comments from participants. Leave it empty if you don't.":"A\u00f1ade una pregunta si requieres respuestas, comentarios, opiniones, historias de los usuarios para participar. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","Picture":"Imagen","Insert a title if you require that participants upload a picture. (i.e: Upload a picture of your favorite sunset). Leave it empty if you don't.":"A\u00f1ade un t\u00edtulo si requieres que los usuarios suban una imagen para participar. (Ejemplo: Sube una foto tuya con una camiseta de nuestra marca.). Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","These are the terms and conditions you may want to apply to your promotion. If you ask for user email, we encourage you to define here your mailing and privacy policy. Leave this field empty if you don't want to specify any terms and conditions.":"\u00c9stas son las bases legales de la promoci\u00f3n que puedes aplicar. Si pides el e-mail, te recomendamos que definas aqu\u00ed la pol\u00edtica de privacidad y de uso de la informaci\u00f3n de usuario. Deja el campo en blanco si no tienes condiciones de uso.","Add promotion":"Crear promoci\u00f3n","Enter":"Participa","You have successfully activated your promotion":"\u00a1Muy bien! La promoci\u00f3n ha sido activada","Let the world know you have a new promotion. Publish the promo on the wall of your page so all your fans can find out about it.":"Dile a todo el mundo que tienes una nueva promoci\u00f3n. Para ello publica la promoci\u00f3n en el muro de p\u00e1gina as\u00ed todos tus fans lo sabr\u00e1n al momento.","Click here to publish":"Pulsa aqu\u00ed para publicar","Create a new promotion":"Crear una nueva promoci\u00f3n","Follow the performance of your promotion":"Puedes seguir los usuarios que se apuntan a tu promoci\u00f3n desde el men\u00fa de promociones activas.","Go to my active promotions":"Ver mis promociones activas","You have already registered for this promotion.":"\u00a1Ya est\u00e1s participando!","here":"aqu\u00ed","Click %s to go back.":"Pulsa %s para volver.","Update your promotion":"Actualiza tu promoci\u00f3n","Upload image":"Subir la imagen","Active promotions":"Promociones activas","Old promotions":"Promociones antiguas","Displaying promotions %start% - %end% out of %count%.":"Mostrando las promociones %start% - %end% de un total de %count%.","No limit":"Sin l\u00edmite","Current entries":"N\u00ba de participantes actuales","Activate promotion":"Activar promoci\u00f3n","View entries":"Ver participantes","Promote":"Promocionar","Delete":"Eliminar","Requirements":"Requisitos","Go to":"Ir a","This is your first promotion.":"\u00a1Tu primera promoci\u00f3n es gratis!","If you want to publish this promotion NOW free of charge, please click %s":"Si quieres publicar esta promoci\u00f3n AHORA y GRATIS, por favor clica %s","Activate":"Activar","Promotion payment":"Pago de la promoci\u00f3n","Valid From: ":"V\u00e1lida desde: ","To: ":"Hasta: ","Total":"Total","Email":"Email","Country":"Pa\u00eds","votes":"votos","invitations":"Invitaciones","Entry date":"Fecha de registro","Add an image \/ flyer \/ poster to your promotion":"A\u00f1adir una imagen \/ flyer \/ poster en tu promoci\u00f3n","Upload an image for your promo. Be creative! Skip this step if you don't have any image available.":"Sube una imagen para tu promo. \u00a1S\u00e9 creativo! Omite este paso si no quieres asociar ninguna imagen a la promoci\u00f3n.","Skip this step, and %s":"Omite este paso, y %s","Thanks for joining our promo!":"\u00a1Muchas gracias por participar!","I've just joined the following promo '%s'. Feel free to take a look and join if you like it.":"Me acabo de apuntar a esta promo '%s'. \u00c9chale un vistazo y te recomiendo que tambi\u00e9n te apuntes.","You are the administrator of the promotions on this page:":"Eres el administrador de las promociones de esta p\u00e1gina:","manage your promotions":"gestiona tus promociones","Currently there are no active promotions.":"En estos momentos no tenemos ninguna promoci\u00f3n activa.","Create your own promotion with %s":"Crea tu propia promoci\u00f3n con %s","Ok":"Aceptar","Valid until":"V\u00e1lido hasta","Gender":"G\u00e9nero","Male":"Hombre","Female":"Mujer","check to accept the %s of this promotion":"He le\u00eddo y acepto las %s","Submit":"Terminar","Last entries":"\u00daltimos participantes","Most voted":"Los m\u00e1s votados","vote":"votar","No entries yet":"No hay ning\u00fan participante todav\u00eda","Be the first to join the promo by clicking on %s button.":"S\u00e9 el primero participar y pulsa el bot\u00f3n %s.","Thank you!":"\u00a1Gracias!","voted":"votado","Vote for me":"V\u00f3tame","Help me to win this contest and vote for me :-) Thank you!":"Ay\u00fadame a ganar este concurso, y v\u00f3tame por favor :-) \u00a1Muchas gracias!","Invited friends":"Amigos invitados","Posted on wall":"Publicado en el muro","Vote for %s":"Vota por %s","Monday":"Lunes","Tuesday":"Martes","Wednesday":"Mi\u00e9rcoles","Thursday":"Jueves","Friday":"Viernes","Saturday":"S\u00e1bado","Sunday":"Domingo","January":"Enero","February":"Febrero","March":"Marzo","April":"Abril","May":"Mayo","June":"Junio","July":"Julio","August":"Agosto","September":"Septiembre","October":"Octubre","November":"Noviembre","December":"Diciembre","Require phone?":"\u00bfRequieres el tel\u00e9fono?","Check if you require user phone to complete the registration.":"Clica si requieres el tel\u00e9fono del usuario para completar el registro.","Phone":"Tel\u00e9fono","Leave empty for unlimited.":"Deja en blanco para sin l\u00edmite.","Maximum number of entries reached":"Se ha llegado al m\u00e1ximo de inscripciones","Update":"Actualizar","Registration open until":"Registro abierto hasta","Voting open until":"Votos abiertos hasta","closed":"Cerrado","Sorry, this promotion is closed for new entries. Thanks!":"Lo sentimos, no se aceptan nuevas participaciones para esta promoci\u00f3n. \u00a1Muchas gracias!","Votes are closed.":"Las votaciones est\u00e1n cerradas.","Like us to vote":"Hazte fan para votar","Permissions":"Permisos","Start of publication date":"Fecha de publicaci\u00f3n","End of publication date":"Fecha fin de publicaci\u00f3n","Date when promotion will disappear on the tab.":"Fecha a partir de la cual la promoci\u00f3n desaparece de la pesta\u00f1a.","Start of entry date":"Fecha de inicio de participaci\u00f3n","Date when users will be able to start entering.":"Fecha a partir de la cual los usuarios pueden empezar a registrarse. Si la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e1 publicada pero todav\u00eda no ha empezado el periodo de registro, no se mostrar\u00e1 el bot\u00f3n de 'Participa' ni la informaci\u00f3n de registro a la promo.","End of entry date":"Fecha de fin de participaci\u00f3n","Date from which users can not enter.":"Fecha fin del periodo de registro. Una vez se cierra el periodo de registro, no se podr\u00e1 extender.","Start of voting date":"Fecha de inicio de votaciones","Date when votes are opened.":"Fecha a partir de la cual los usuarios pueden empezar a votar.","End of voting date":"Fecha de fin de votaciones","Date when votes are closed.":"Fecha fin del periodo de votaciones.","Flash or video presentation (swf file)":"V\u00eddeo o flash animado de presentaci\u00f3n","Add the URL to a swf file as an introduction to your promo. It may be a swf file pointing to a video, like youtube or vimeo. It must have same dimensions than the promo image.":"Inserta la direcci\u00f3n de un v\u00eddeo de YouTube o Vimeo para presentar tu promoci\u00f3n. Tambi\u00e9n puedes a\u00f1adir la URL de un fichero SWF para la reproducci\u00f3n de una animaci\u00f3n Flash. El v\u00eddeo o flash debe tener las mismas dimensiones que la imagen de la promo. (No se reproducen autom\u00e1ticamente, el usuario deber\u00e1 hacer click en la imagen de la promo para reproducir el v\u00eddeo\/flash.)","Header image":"Imagen de cabecera","Upload an image to customize headers of registration and voting pages. The image will be automatically resized to a width of %s.":"Sube una imagen para personalizar las cabeceras de las p\u00e1ginas de registro y votaciones. Recomendamos una imagen de %s x 150px.","If leave empty promotion description will be shown.":"Si dejas el campo vac\u00edo, por defecto se mostrar\u00e1 la descripci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n.","Post image":"Imagen viral de la publicaci\u00f3n de muro","Application secret":"Clave secreta de aplicaci\u00f3n","Create your promotion":"Crear tu promoci\u00f3n","In this step you can define the main characteristics of the promotion.":"En este paso definir\u00e1s las caracter\u00edsticas principales de la promoci\u00f3n.","Next step":"Siguiente paso","License expired.":"Licencia caducada.","If you want to activate this promotion please contact to":"Si quieres activar esta promoci\u00f3n por favor ponte en contacto con","Video":"V\u00eddeo","Insert a title if you require that participants upload a video from youtube or vimeo. If you require a picture, you cannot require a video. Leave it empty if you don't.":"A\u00f1ade un t\u00edtulo si requieres que los usuarios suban un v\u00eddeo de YouTube o Vimeo para participar. Si pides que suban una foto, no puedes pedir que suban tambi\u00e9n un v\u00eddeo. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","Back to manage promotions":"Volver al inicio","view voters":"ver votantes","Require city?":"\u00bfRequieres ciudad?","Check if you require user city to complete the registration.":"Clica si requieres la ciudad del usuario para completar el registro.","Optin checkbox":"Casilla de verificaci\u00f3n","Insert a title for an optin checkbox in the registration form. Example: I want to sign up for the newsletter. Leave it empty if you don\\'t.":"A\u00f1ade un t\u00edtulo para la casilla de verificaci\u00f3n. Ejemplo: quiero suscribrirme al bolet\u00edn. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","mandatory optin":"Casilla de verificaci\u00f3n obligatoria","Check if you require mandatory optin to complete the registration.":"Clica si requieres que la casilla de verificaci\u00f3n sea obligatoria para registrarse.","City":"Ciudad","Optin":"Optin","Facebook pages ids separated by commas.":"Ids de las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook separados por comas.","Get Facebook page id":"Obtener el ID de una p\u00e1gina","Vote for this entry":"Vota por esta participaci\u00f3n","Click here":"pulsa aqu\u00ed","An image is worth a thousand words.":"Una imagen vale m\u00e1s que mil palabras.","Anonymous entries":"Participaciones an\u00f3nimas","Now that your promo has been created you can make advanced adjustments from the %s.":"Ahora que tu promo est\u00e1 creada puedes configurar las opciones avanzadas en la %s.","editing page":"pantalla de edici\u00f3n","Promotional codes":"C\u00f3digos promocionales","Promotional code":"C\u00f3digo promocional","Final image":"Imagen final","Upload an image for the last page of the registration process. It will show just under our 'Thank you' message. Use it to personalize your final message. The image will be automatically resized to a width of %s.":"Sube una imagen para la \u00faltima p\u00e1gina del proceso de registro. Se mostrar\u00e1 justo debajo de nuestro mensaje de 'Muchas gracias'. \u00dasala para personalizar tu mensaje final. Ancho de la imagen recomendado: %s.","The end of registration date can not be extended. Registration is closed.":"La fecha de fin de registro no se puede extender. El registro est\u00e1 cerrado.","Final image link":"Enlace de la imagen final","Make your final image linkable by inserting an URL. Leave it empty if you don't.":"Si quieres que la imagen final te enlace a otra p\u00e1gina, inserta aqu\u00ed la direcci\u00f3n del enlace.","If the codes finish...":"Si se terminan los c\u00f3digos...","Check if you want to start again with the first code once all codes finish.":"Clica si quieres reasignar de nuevo los c\u00f3digos cuando se terminen.","Insert the list of codes to create your codes. Write the list with one code per line. In case of using the code set to distribute to participants, the codes will be assigned in the same oder as you enter them.":"Inserta la lista de c\u00f3digos. Escribe los c\u00f3digos uno en cada l\u00ednea. En caso de utilizar el set de c\u00f3digos para repartir c\u00f3digos a los participantes, los c\u00f3digos se asignar\u00e1n en el mismo orden que se insertan aqu\u00ed.","Votes received":"Votos recibidos","Check if you want to make public the voters for each entry.":"Clica si quieres que se muestren p\u00fablicamente los votantes de un participante.","Make users who voted public":"Publicar los usuarios que han votado","view more":"Ver m\u00e1s","Custom Text Field":"Campo de texto extra","Custom Dropdown List Title":"Lista desplegable extra","Custom Dropdown List Options":"Opciones de la lista desplegable extra","Insert a title for a dropdown list in the registration form.":"Introduce un t\u00edtulo para un campo de texto adicional en el formulario de registro.","Do you want to add any custom field?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir alg\u00fan campo adicional?","Select the field type to add:":"Selecciona el tipo de campo a a\u00f1adir:","Text field":"Campo de texto","Dropdown list":"Lista desplegable","Get more votes!":"\u00a1Consigue m\u00e1s votos!","Close":"Cerrar","See entry":"Ver participaci\u00f3n","Easypromos terms and conditions":"Condiciones de uso de Easypromos","check to accept %s and %s":"Acepto las %s y la %s","Oops! Someone has already voted for this entry from this IP. Please try again in a few minutes.":"\u00a1Ups! Otro usuario ya ha votado para esta participaci\u00f3n con la misma IP. Por favor int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo en unos minutos.","Number of seconds after which the same IP can vote for the same entry again":"N\u00famero de segundos a partir del cual una misma IP puede volver a votar por una misma participaci\u00f3n","Leave blank if not required (by default 300 seconds)":"Deja el campo en blanco o pon 0 si no necesitas este filtro. (Por defecto 300 segundos)","Your promotional code":"Tu c\u00f3digo promocional","Download\/print coupon and promotional code":"Descargar\/imprimir cup\u00f3n y c\u00f3digo promocional","If you wish to include a button to allow the user to download or print a PDF of the coupon (final image of the promo) or promotional code after registering, write the text of the button in this field. Example: 'Download coupon'. Leave this field blank if not needed.":"Si quieres que aparezca un bot\u00f3n para que el usuario despu\u00e9s de registrarse pueda descargarse o imprimir en formato PDF el cup\u00f3n (imagen final de la promo) o el c\u00f3digo promocional asignado, escribe en este campo el texto del bot\u00f3n. Ejemplo: 'Descarga el cup\u00f3n'. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","Voting begins on %s":"Las votaciones empezar\u00e1n el %s","Pending invitations":"Invitaciones pendientes","links to promotion":"Enlaces a la promoci\u00f3n","How to link to the promotion":"C\u00f3mo enlazar a la promoci\u00f3n","These are the links you can use to share the promotion.":"Estos son los enlaces de la promoci\u00f3n que puedes utilizar para compartirla","Main link":"Enlace principal","This is the default link to the promotion. Use this link to share the promotion on the Facebook page wall or on any other site. It supports mobile access (*). Users connected from a desktop browser will be automatically redirected to the corresponding tab on the Facebook page.":"\u00c9ste es el enlace por defecto de la promoci\u00f3n. Utiliza este enlace para compartir la promoci\u00f3n en el muro de tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook o en cualquier otro sitio. El enlace es compatible para dispositivos m\u00f3viles (*). Los usuarios que no se conecten con dispositivos m\u00f3viles se les redirigir\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a la pesta\u00f1a de la promoci\u00f3n de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","Link to the promotion on the Facebook page":"Enlace de la promoci\u00f3n dentro de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook","This link goes to the promotion in a tab on your Facebook page. NOT SUPPORTED ON MOBILE DEVICES.":"Este enlace va directamente a la pesta\u00f1a de la promoci\u00f3n dentro de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook. ESTE ENLACE NO ES SOPORTADO POR DISPOSITIVOS M\u00d3VILES.","Link to the public list of entries":"Enlace al listado p\u00fablico de participaciones","Use this link to go directly to the list of current public entries.":"Utiliza este enlace para ir directamente a la pantalla con el listado p\u00fablico y actual de las participaciones.","Mobile devices supported: iPhone, iPad and Android.":"Dispositivos m\u00f3viles soportados: iPhone, iPad y Android.","Countries of the promotion":"Pa\u00edses de la promoci\u00f3n","Promotion only will be visible for users of choosen countries.":"La promoci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo ser\u00e1 visible para los usuarios de los pa\u00edses escogidos.","Only entrants can vote":"S\u00f3lo pueden votar los participantes","Only users who participated in the promotion can vote.":"S\u00f3lo aquellos usuarios que hayan participado pueden votar.","How many entries a user can vote?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas participaciones puede votar un usuario?","Maximum number of votes a user can cast in the whole promotion. Leave blank if not required":"M\u00e1ximo de votos que puede hacer un usuario en toda la promoci\u00f3n. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas","Maximum number of votes an entry can receive. Leave blank if not required":"M\u00e1ximo de votos que una participaci\u00f3n puede recibir. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas","Oops! You can't cast any more votes. You've reached your limit of votes allowed.":"\u00a1Ups! Ya no puedes votar m\u00e1s. Has alcanzado el m\u00e1ximo de votos permitidos.","{this_date} must be between {start_date} and {end_date}":"{this_date} debe estar entre {start_date} y {end_date}","%s and %s can't be the same":"%s y %s no pueden ser iguales","A valid %s URL must be at entered":"Debe introducirse una URL v\u00e1lida para el %s","In this field you can add links to any Facebook pages you want to recommend to the user when they enter a promotion. Introduce each link separated by a comma. Users won't be obliged to become fans of these pages; they can only become a fan of your page.":"En este campo puedes introducir separados por coma los identificadores de las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook que quieres recomendar al usuario cuando participen en la promoci\u00f3n. Los usuarios no estar\u00e1n obligados a hacerse fan de estas p\u00e1ginas. Un usuario solamente puede hacerse fan de tu p\u00e1gina.","Important: Easypromos complies 100%% with Facebook's guidelines. For this reason a user can only be required to become a fan of your Facebook page and not any others, as indicated in clause IV.4.c of %s<\/a>.":"Importante: Easypromos cumple al 100%% con las pol\u00edticas de Facebook, por eso un usuario solamente puede estar obligado a hacerse fan de tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook y no de otras, tal como \u00edndica la cl\u00e1sula IV.4.c de la %s<\/a>.","Facebook's applications guidelines":"pol\u00edtica de aplicaciones de Facebook","Confirm each entry before publication":"Confirmar participaci\u00f3n antes de publicar","Select this field if you wish to revise and confirm each entry before it is published.":"Selecciona este campo si quieres revisar y confirmar cada una de las participaciones antes que se publiquen","Other recommended pages":"Otras p\u00e1ginas recomendadas","All":"Todas","Pending":"Pendientes","Unpublished entry":"Participaci\u00f3n sin publicar","Published entry":"Participaci\u00f3n publicada","unpublish":"despublicar","preview":"previsualizar","Preview mode":"Modo de previsualizaci\u00f3n","Check if you require birthday to complete the registration.":"Clica si requieres la fecha de nacimiento del usuario para completar el registro.","Require birthday?":"\u00bfRequieres fecha de nacimiento?","Birthday":"Fecha de nacimiento","Here you have direct links to each of the sections of your promotion":"Aqu\u00ed tienes enlaces directos a cada una de las secciones de tu promoci\u00f3n","You are seeing an exact preview of the layout of each page of the promotion. This is a simulation only and the user information shown is not real.":"Est\u00e1s viendo una previsualizaci\u00f3n exacta de cada una de las secciones de tu promoci\u00f3n. S\u00f3lo es una simulaci\u00f3n y por lo tanto la informaci\u00f3n de usuarios no es real.","Promotion landing":"P\u00e1gina de acceso","Single entry":"Entrada individual","Order entries":"Ordenar entradas","Most recent first":"Los \u00faltimos primero","Randomly":"Aleatoriamente","After users submit their entry, they will be redirected to the 'Thank you' page. On this page there are 2 main share buttons. Use this option to set up the behavior of these buttons.":"Una vez completado el formulario, los usuarios ser\u00e1n redirigidos a la p\u00e1gina de Muchas Gracias. En esta p\u00e1gina hay 2 botones de compartir principales. Utiliza esta opci\u00f3n para configurar el comportamiento de estos botones.","Add participants":"A\u00f1adir participantes","Recruited users":"Usuarios aportados","Fans obtained":"Fans obtenidos","Order by":"Ordenar por","Filter by":"Filtrar por","Most users recruited":"M\u00e1s usuarios reclutados","Print list":"Imprimir listado","Export list of entries to CSV\/Excel":"Exportar listado de participaciones a CSV\/Excel","Export list of votes to CSV\/Excel":"Exportar listado de votos a CSV\/Excel","Fans obtained thanks to %s":"Fans obtenidos por %s","Users invited by %s":"Usuarios invitados por %s","view invited friends":"ver amigos invitados","Accepted":"Aceptada","Pending to accept":"Pendiente de aceptar","Enter your activation code":"Introduce tu c\u00f3digo de activaci\u00f3n","Enter your activation code here:":"Introduce tu c\u00f3digo aqu\u00ed:","Do you need an activation code?":"\u00bfNecesitas un c\u00f3digo de activaci\u00f3n?","valid":"v\u00e1lido","Apply activation code":"Aplicar el c\u00f3digo de activaci\u00f3n","already used":"c\u00f3digo ya utilizado","expired code":"c\u00f3digo caducado","Invalid code":"C\u00f3digo no v\u00e1lido","Oops! There has been an unexpected error":"\u00a1Ups! Ha habido un error inesperado","Get permission":"Obtener permisos","compatible with URL shorteners":"compatible con acortadores de URL","Send":"Enviar","By clicking this button, visitors to your promotions tab will be able to send this promo to friends inbox.":"Clicando este bot\u00f3n, quienes visiten la pesta\u00f1a de promociones podr\u00e1n recomendar esta promo en los buzones de sus amigos.","TAB page":"p\u00e1gina de pesta\u00f1a","Upload an image for the background of the %s. The image will be automatically resized to a width of %s.":"Sube una imagen para el fondo de la %s. La imagen se redimensionar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a un ancho de %s.","Specifies how the %s background image will be repeated over the available space":"Especifica com se repetir\u00e1 la imagen de fondo para la %s a trav\u00e9s del espacio disponible","Specifies the background color of the %s (in hexadecimal format)":"Especifica el color de fondo de la %s (en formato hexadecimal)","no repeat":"sin repetici\u00f3n","repeat x":"repetici\u00f3n en x","repeat y":"repetici\u00f3n en y","repeat both":"repetici\u00f3n total","View invoices":"ver facturas","Amount":"Importe","Payment date":"Fecha de pago","Displaying invoices %start% - %end% out of %count%.":"Mostrando las facturas %start% - %end% de un total de %count%.","TOTAL TO PAY":"TOTAL A PAGAR","VAT":"IVA","Subtotal":"Subtotal","Click on the %s button to pay the promotion.":"Clica el bot\u00f3n de %s para pagar la promoci\u00f3n.","Billing information":"Datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Order summary":"Resumen de la orden de compra","Review your information and pay the promotion via Paypal":"Comprueba tus datos y paga la promoci\u00f3n v\u00eda PayPal","Contact information":"Informaci\u00f3n de contacto","Company information":"Informaci\u00f3n de la empresa","Company name":"Nombre de tu empresa","Address":"Direcci\u00f3n","Zip code":"C\u00f3digo postal","Tax identifier":"Id. fiscal (VAT ID, CIF, ...)","First name":"Nombre","Last name":"Apellidos","Enter your billing information to generate the promotion payment invoice":"Introduce tus datos de facturaci\u00f3n para generar una factura de pago para la promoci\u00f3n","You can now print this page by pressing ctrl+P":"Puedes imprimir esta p\u00e1gina mediante ctrl+P","Company number":"CIF","Close layer":"Cerrar","Review your information and pay for the campaign via PayPal":"Revisa tu informaci\u00f3n y paga la campa\u00f1a v\u00eda Paypal","Paying for the campaign":"Pago de la campa\u00f1a","Click on the %s button to pay for the campaign.":"Clica el bot\u00f3n de %s para pagar la campa\u00f1a","Delete campaign":"Eliminar campa\u00f1a","List of campaigns":"Listado de campa\u00f1as","Displaying campaigns %start% - %end% out of %count%.":"Mostrando las campa\u00f1as %start% - %end% de un total de %count%.","Active period":"Periodo de activaci\u00f3n","To change the campaign picture upload a new image 336x248px (jpg \/ gif \/ png)":"Para cambiar la imagen de campa\u00f1a sube una nueva imagen 336x248px (jpg \/ gif \/ png)","VIEW PROMO":"VER PROMO","No picture available for this promotion":"No hay ninguna imagen disponible para esta promoci\u00f3n","Loading":"Cargando","INDEX":"INICIO","LAST MINUTE":"\u00daLTIMO MINUTO","Premium":"Premium","Basic":"B\u00e1sico","How to promote my promotion":"C\u00f3mo promocionar mi promoci\u00f3n","Use the following techniques to let people know about your promotion":"Utiliza las siguientes t\u00e9cnicas para dar a conocer tus promociones","Publish to Timeline":"Publicar en el Timeline","Publish the promotion to the Timeline of your page":"Publica la promoci\u00f3n en el Timeline de tu p\u00e1gina","See links to promotion":"Ver enlaces a la promoci\u00f3n","Use direct links to the promotion to post it via other channels:
Twitter, web, newsletter, Facebook Ads, etc.":"Utiliza los enlaces directos a la promoci\u00f3n para usarlos en otros canales: Twitter, web, newsletter, Facebook Ads...","Create a FEATURED CAMAPAIGN in the Easypromos' promotions list":"Crea una CAMPA\u00d1A DESTACADA en el listado de promociones de Easypromos","How does it work?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo funciona?","Select the start and end dates within which you want the promotion to appear in the %s section":"Selecciona una fecha de inicio y fin entre las cuales quieras que tu promoci\u00f3n aparezca en la secci\u00f3n de %s","How much does it cost?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el precio?","Cost per day":"Precio por d\u00eda","day":"d\u00eda","view in EUR":"ver en EUR","prices do not include taxes":"los precios no incluyen tasas","Active campaigns":"Campa\u00f1as activas","Pending campaigns":"Campa\u00f1as pendientes","Old campaigns":"Campa\u00f1as antiguas","Schedule a new campaign":"Programa una nueva campa\u00f1a","Start date":"Fecha inicio","End date":"Fecha final","Create and activate":"Crear y activar","Preview what your campaign looks like":"Previsualiza c\u00f3mo se ver\u00e1 tu campa\u00f1a","Invalid date range":"Rango de fechas inv\u00e1lido","Invalid dates. Must be future and valid dates.":"Fechas inv\u00e1lidas. Deben ser fechas futuras.","Featured promotions":"Promociones destacadas","See all Premium promotions":"Ver todas las promociones Premium","Latest Premium promotions":"\u00daltimas promociones Premium","See all Basic promotions":"Ver todas las promociones B\u00e1sicas","Latest Basic promotions":"\u00daltimas promociones B\u00e1sicas","The dates overlap with at least one of the created campaigns.":"Las fechas se solapan con al menos una campa\u00f1a existente.","Currently there are no last-minute promotions":"Actualmente no hay promociones de \u00faltimo minuto","Launch price!":"\u00a1Precio de lanzamiento!","Create your own promotion":"Crea tu propia promoci\u00f3n","Type something to search...":"Escribe algo a buscar...","Search query must be, at least, 2 characters long.":"La consulta debe ser, al menos, de 2 car\u00e1cteres de longitud.","Only verified users can vote":"S\u00f3lo pueden votar los usuarios verificados","More information":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n","Maximum entries per user":"M\u00e1x. participaciones por usuario","Enter the maximum of entries a user can make in the promotion. By default is 1, it means that users can only enter once. Enter 0 for unlimited entries.":"Introduce el m\u00e1ximo de participaciones que un usuario puede hacer en la promoci\u00f3n. Por defecto es 1, lo que significa que s\u00f3lo puede participar una vez. Introduce 0 para participaciones ilimitadas.","Easypromos invoice %s":"Factura de Easypromos %s","Empty invoice.":"Factura vac\u00eda.","%s can't be before %s":"%s no puede ser anterior a %s","You must accept %s in order to create the promotion.":"Debes acceptar %s para poder crear la promoci\u00f3n.","Campaign":"Campa\u00f1a","First you must enter your customer information":"Antes debes introducir tu informaci\u00f3n de cliente","codes":"c\u00f3digos","The information you enter here is going to be used only within Easypromos environment.":"La informaci\u00f3n que introduzcas aqu\u00ed s\u00f3lo se usar\u00e1 dentro del entorno de Easypromos.","Company":"Empresa","No customer information yet.":"No hay informaci\u00f3n de cliente todav\u00eda.","Add customer information":"A\u00f1adir informaci\u00f3n de cliente","Via %s":"V\u00eda %s","Uploaded image preview":"Imagen de previsualizaci\u00f3n subida","Image preview":"Imagen de previsualizaci\u00f3n","Do you want to hide this notification definitely?\\\\nYou can hide it the next time":"\u00bfDe veras quieres ocultar esta notificaci\u00f3n definitivamente?\\\\nPuedes hacerlo la pr\u00f3xima vez","EASYPROMOS NOTIFICATION":"NOTIFICACI\u00d3N DE EASYPROMOS","Mandatory":"Obligatorio","Click here to add":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para a\u00f1adir","Main image at %s width missing":"Falta la imagen principal a %s de ancho","template":"Plantilla","Choose a template":"Escoge una plantilla","Advanced configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n avanzada","Step":"Paso","See an example":"Ver un ejemplo","invoice":"factura","Featured campaign":"Campa\u00f1a destacada","Featured campaign (%s)
Promotion: ":"Campa\u00f1a destacada (%s)
Promoci\u00f3n: ","PAID":"Pagado ","Item":"Elemento","Campaign for the promotion":"Campa\u00f1a para tu promoci\u00f3n","Easypromos administration panel":"Panel de administraci\u00f3n de Easypromos","Easypromos: create and manage your own promotions in your Facebook page":"Easypromos: crea y gestiona tus propias promociones en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Hide with cookie":"Ocultar con cookie","Basic information":"Informaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica","Promotion dates":"Fechas de promoci\u00f3n","Entries configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n de participaciones","Voting configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n de votos","Phone number":"N\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono","Date":"Fecha","Video URL":"URL del v\u00eddeo","device":"dispositivo","Voter FBUID":"FBUID del votante","Voter profile":"PERFIL DEL VOTANTE","Voter IP":"IP DEL VOTANTE","Voter device":"Dispositivo del votante","Entry name":"NOMBRE DEL PARTICIPANTE","Entry FBUID":"FBUID DEL PARTICIPANTE","Entry comment":"COMENTARIO DEL PARTICIPANTE","Entry published":"Participaci\u00f3n publicada","Vote creation":"Fecha del voto","Max. votes per entry":"M\u00e1x. votos por participaci\u00f3n","Check if you require user date of birth to complete the registration.":"Selecciona si requieres la fecha de nacimiento del usuario para poder participar.","Specifies how %s background image will be repeating over the available space":"Especifica como la imagen de fondo de %s se repite en el espacio disponible","Now you have selected the
%s template":"Ahora tienes seleccionada la
plantilla %s","Images for the promotion":"Im\u00e1genes para la promoci\u00f3n","Upload the main image of the promotion. The image will be automatically resized to a width of %spx.":"Sube una imagen principal para tu promoci\u00f3n. La imagen se redimensionar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticament a %spx de ancho.","Promotion background layouts":"Dise\u00f1o de los fondos de la promoci\u00f3n","Background image":"Imagen de fondo","Background tiling":"Repetici\u00f3n del fondo","Background color":"Color de fondo","The selected template does not support this.":"La plantilla seleccionada no soporta esto.","Please choose another template.":"Selecciona otra plantilla, por favor.","Viral content":"Contenido viral","Have an activation code?":"\u00bfTienes un c\u00f3digo de activaci\u00f3n?","Plugin for fetching Facebook Page ID":"Plugin para obtener los ID de p\u00e1ginas de Facebook","Enter the Facebook url here:":"Introduce la URL de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook:","Must be a Facebook valid url":"Debe ser una URL de Facebook v\u00e1lida","Valid page id":"ID de p\u00e1gina v\u00e1lido","Add this to multibrand list":"A\u00f1adir esto al listado de multip\u00e1gina","No Facebook page with this url":"No hay ninguna p\u00e1gina de Facebook con esta URL","Valid formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF. Maximum size: 2MB. Image will be automatically resized to %spx width.":"Formatos v\u00e1lidos: JPEG, PNG, GIF. Peso m\u00e1ximo: 2MB. La imagen se redimensionar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a %spx de ancho.","Promo image:":"Imagen de promoci\u00f3n:","go to advanced configuration":"ir a configuraci\u00f3n avanzada","Take a look at the examples and choose the template for the main page of your promotion":"Echa un vistazo a los ejemplos y escoge una plantilla para la p\u00e1gina principal de tu promoci\u00f3n","Continue":"Continuar","Coupons and Promotional Codes":"Cupones y C\u00f3digos Promocionales","Coupon":"Cup\u00f3n","%s recruited users":"%s usuarios reclutados","Top referrers":"Top reclutadores","This is the text tweeted when users share the promotion on Twitter to get more votes. If leave empty generic text will be shown.":"Este es el texto a twitear cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Twitter para obtener m\u00e1s votos. Si se deja vac\u00edo se mostrar\u00e1 un texto gen\u00e9rico","Get votes tweet":"Tweet para obtener votos","This is the description of the post when users share the promotion on Facebook to get more votes. If leave empty promotion description will be shown.":"Esto es la descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Facebook para obtener votos. Si se deja vac\u00edo se usar\u00e1 la descripci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n.","out of %s required":"de %s requeridos","Recruit more users":"Recluta a m\u00e1s usuarios","Referred by":"Reclutado por","Invited by":"Invitado por","Get votes post on Facebook description":"Descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook para obtener votos","Share this link to refer new users to join the promotion":"Comparte este enlace para reclutar nuevos usuarios a participar en la promoci\u00f3n","Get new votes post":"Publicaci\u00f3n para obtener nuevos votos","This is the text tweeted when users share the promotion on Twitter to recruit new users. If leave empty generic text will be shown.":"Este es el texto a twitear cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Twitter para reclutar nuevos usuarios. Si se deja vac\u00edo se mostrar\u00e1 un texto gen\u00e9rico","This is the description of the post when users share the promotion on Facebook to recruit new users. If leave empty promotion description will be shown.":"Esto es la descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Facebook para reclutar nuevos usuarios. Si se deja vac\u00edo se usar\u00e1 la descripci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n.","Send this link directly to your contacts and friends so they can vote for this entry":"Env\u00eda este enlace a tus contactos y amigos para que voten esta participaci\u00f3n","Share it now":"Comp\u00e1rtelo ahora","completed":"completado","Get votes post on Facebook title":"T\u00edtulo de la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook para obtener votos","Challenge completed!":"\u00a1Objetivo cumplido!","Share on %s":"Compartir en %s","Upload main image":"Subir imagen principal","Make referrals public":"Publicar usuarios reclutados","This is the title of the post when users share the promotion on Facebook to get more votes. If leave empty promotion title will be shown.":"Esto es el t\u00edtulo de la publicaci\u00f3n cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Facebook para obtener votos. Si se deja vac\u00edo se usar\u00e1 el t\u00edtulo de la promoci\u00f3n.","Check this option if you want the participants' referrals to be displayed in the gallery. Visitors to the gallery can sort by top referrers.":"Clica si quieres mostrar los usuarios reclutados por cada participante. Se podr\u00e1 ordenar por los usuarios m\u00e1s reclutadores.","Number of referrals to obtain":"N\u00famero de reclutados a obtener","This is the title of the post when users share the promotion on Facebook to recruit new users. If leave empty promotion title will be shown.":"Esto es el t\u00edtulo de la publicaci\u00f3n cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Facebook para reclutar nuevos usuarios. Si se deja vac\u00edo se usar\u00e1 el t\u00edtulo de la promoci\u00f3n.","Enter the minimum number of referred friends a participant should obtain. Leave blank or enter 0 if not required.":"Indica el n\u00famero m\u00ednimo de reclutados a obtener por un participante. Deja el camp en blanco o pon un 0 si no es necesario marcar un l\u00edmite.","Generic post":"Publicaci\u00f3n gen\u00e9rica","Title of Facebook post":"T\u00edtulo de la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","Description of Facebook post":"Descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","Now":"Ahora","Privacy policy":"Pol\u00edtica de privacidad","Check to accept the %s.":"Click para aceptar la %s.","Oops! You are connected from a country not valid for this contest.":"\u00a1Ups! Est\u00e1s conectado desde un pa\u00eds no valido para este concurso.","of":"de","Easypromos Premium promotion":"Aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos Premium","pages":"P\u00e1ginas","Content":"Contenido","Picture URL":"URL DE LA IMATGE","Image":"Imagen","Found promotions":"Promociones encontradas","Last minute promotions":"Promociones de \u00faltimo minuto"," and ":" y ","You are not allowed to see this promotion":"No tienes permisos para ver esta promoci\u00f3n","Only available for connection from %s.":"S\u00f3lo disponible para conexiones desde %s.","Go back to":"Volver a","Invite friends":"Invitar","All entries of this promotion have been removed. Please, keep in mind that the changes may be visible in a few moments.":"Todas las participaciones de esta promoci\u00f3n se han eliminado. Por favor, ten en cuenta que los cambios pueden tardar unos instantes en aparecer.","Multibrand liking":"Fan multip\u00e1gina","Add codes":"A\u00f1adir c\u00f3digos","View codes":"Ver c\u00f3digos","code":"c\u00f3digo","Do you want to add any extra optin field?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir alg\u00fan campo optin extra?","Invoices":"Facturas","Users":"Usuarios","Edit page":"Editar p\u00e1gina","Page":"P\u00e1gina","User":"Usuario","applications":"aplicaciones","Google Analytics UA":"UA de Google Analytics","Add the Google Analytics identifier to enable promotion tracking with GA.":"A\u00f1ade un identificador de Google Analytics para habilitar el trackeo de la promoci\u00f3n con GA.","Delete promotion":"Eliminar promoci\u00f3n","View all":"Ver todos","Custom CSS styles":"Estilos CSS personalizados","CSS styles":"Estilos CSS","Write your CSS code. It will be automatically inserted inside STYLE tags. These styles overwrite the default Easypromos CSS and the external CSS file.":"Escribe tu c\u00f3digo CSS. Se insertar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente dentro de etiquetas STYLE. Los estilos sobreescriben los CSS de Easypromos por defecto y los del archivo CSS externo","External CSS file":"Archivo CSS externo","You have a 2-day free campaign!":"\u00a1Tienes una campa\u00f1a de 2 d\u00edas gratis!","Select the start date you want the campaign to start and click on the button to create it. It's that easy!":"Selecciona la fecha de inicio para la campa\u00f1a y haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para crearla. \u00a1As\u00ed de f\u00e1cil!","Create a 2-day free campaign":"Crear una campa\u00f1a de 2 d\u00edas gratis","Free":"Gratis","Delete ALL users in the promotion":"Eliminar TODOS los usuarios de la promoci\u00f3n","Are you sure you want to delete ALL entries of this promotion?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que deseas eliminar TODOS los usuarios de la promoci\u00f3n?","Are you REALLY sure you want to delete ALL entries of this promotion? This action is not undoable!":"\u00bfEstas REALMENTE seguro que deseas eliminar TODOS los usuarios de la promoci\u00f3n? \u00a1Esta acci\u00f3n no puede deshacerse!","publish":"publicar","Comments received":"Comentarios recibidos","Allow comments on entries":"Permitir comentarios en las participaciones","Check if you want to allow any Facebook user to comment on each individual entry. Comments are displayed using the Facebook Comment plugin.":"Clica si quieres permitir a cualquier usuario de Facebook que pueda comentar en las entradas individuales. Los comentarios se mostrar\u00e1n usando el plugin Facebook Comment.","Access TAB settings":"Opciones de acceso a la pesta\u00f1a","A user is considered as verified by Facebook if he took any of these actions: Registers for mobile confirms his account via SMS or enters a valid credit card number.":"Un usuario se considera verificado por Facebook si ha realizado alguna de estas acciones: se registra desde un m\u00f3vil y confirma su cuenta v\u00eda SMS o introduce un n\u00famero de tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito v\u00e1lido.","Add a new TAB page settings":"A\u00f1adir opciones de pesta\u00f1a","Add the URL to a CSS file. It will overwrite the default Easypromos CSS styles.":"A\u00f1ade la URL al archivo CSS. Este sobreescribir\u00e1 los estilos CSS por defecto de Easypromos.","Advanced settings":"Opciones avanzadas","After installing the application, a page TAB is been published in your Facebook page. Here you can set up the options that control the general behaviour of the application.":"Despu\u00e9s de instalar la aplicaci\u00f3n, se publica una pesta\u00f1a en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook. Aqu\u00ed puedes configurar las opciones que controlan el comportamiento general de la aplicaci\u00f3n.","Check if you want to hide name and profile pic in public entries.":"Clica si quieres esconder el nombre y la imagen de perfil en las entradas p\u00fablicas.","Check if you want to show a custom image when a user who does not like your page lands to the TAB page. It won\\'t be applicable to mobile devices because Facebook doesn\\'t support it.":"Clica si quieres mostrar una imagen personalizada cuando el usuario a quien no le gusta tu p\u00e1gina accede a la pesta\u00f1a. Esto no es aplicable a dispositivos m\u00f3viles porque Facebook no lo soporta.","Check if you want to show a custom image when there is no active promotions.":"Clica si quieres mostrar una imagen personalizada cuando no hay promociones activas.","CIF":"CIF","Click on the right button to add a different TAB page configuration depending on the country of the user":"Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n de la derecha para a\u00f1adir una configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a dependiendo del pa\u00eds del usuario","Color in map":"Color en el mapa","Content options":"Opciones de contenido","Countries for the TAB page set":"Pa\u00edses para la configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a","Create":"Crear","Default TAB settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a por defecto","It applies to all users accessing your TAB page when there are no country restrictions":"Afecta a todos los usuarios que accedan a tu pesta\u00f1a cuando no hay restricci\u00f3n por pais","It applies to all users accessing your TAB page who don't belong to any selected country":"Afecta a todos los usuarios que accedan a tu pesta\u00f1a que no pertenezcan a ning\u00fan pa\u00eds seleccionado","Label to identify this TAB page set configuration":"Etiqueta para identificar esta configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a","Max. %s chars.":"M\u00e1x. %s car\u00e1cts.","Modify the picture and the name of your TAB":"Modifica la imagen y el nombre de tu pesta\u00f1a","Mouse over the icon to the right and click edit.
This will give you access to the TAB settings.":"Pon el cursor encima del icono de la derecha y haz clic en editar. Podr\u00e1s acceder a la configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a.","New TAB settings by country":"Nueva configuraci\u00f3n por pa\u00eds","Not activated":"Sin activar","Preview this":"Previsualizar","Settings":"Opciones","TAB page set name":"Nombre de la configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a","Text":"Texto","This field allows you to set a label for this set of TAB setting. If you leave it empty, a generic name will be used.":"Este campo te permite especificar un nombre para esta configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a. Si lo dejas en blanco, se usar\u00e1 un nombre gen\u00e9rico.","This is content displayed to users when there are no active promotions.":"Este es el contenido que se muestra cuando no hay promociones activas.","This is the content displayed to users if they have not liked the page.":"Este es el contenido que se muestra cuando al usuario no le gusta la p\u00e1gina.","Undefined TAB settings name #":"Configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a sin nombre #","Update the settings for your TAB":"Actualiza la configuraci\u00f3n de tu pesta\u00f1a","Whole world":"Todo el mundo","Set a new TAB page settings depending on the country of the user who access to your promotions TAB.":"Crea una nueva configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a dependiendo del pa\u00eds des del que acceden los usuarios a tu pesta\u00f1a de promociones.","These are the settings affecting the visualization of your promotions TAB.":"\u00c9sta es la configuraci\u00f3n que afecta a la visualizaci\u00f3n de tu pesta\u00f1a de promociones.","At least one country must be selected from the list.":"Debes seleccionar al menos un pa\u00eds de la lista.","There are countries in the selection that are already in another TAB setting. Please, review it and change the country selection.":"Hay pa\u00edses seleccionados que ya est\u00e1n en una configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a. Por favor, rev\u00edsalo y modifica la selecci\u00f3n de pa\u00edses.","Maybe there were countries in the previous selection (which were deleted) that are already in another TAB setting. Please, review it and change the country selection.":"Puede ser que haya pa\u00edses que ya est\u00e9n en una configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a anterior. Por favor, rev\u00edsalo y modifica la selecci\u00f3n de pa\u00edses.","Fan Only Reveal":"Vista para no promociones activas","Fan Only Reveal page configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n para 'Sin promociones activas'","Like Gate":"Vista para usuarios No Fans","Like Gate Image":"Imagen de Like Gate","Upload the custom image for the 'Fan Only Reveal' page. The image will be automatically resized to a width of %spx.":"Sube una imagen personalizada para la vista para 'Sin promociones activas'. La imagen se redimensionar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a un ancho de %spx.","Upload the custom image for the Like Gate. The image will be automatically resized to a width of %spx.":"Sube una imagen personalizada para la vista para usuarios No Fans. La imagen se redimensionar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a un ancho de %spx.","Like gate configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n para usuarios No Fans","Deselect all countries from this region":"Deselecciona todos los pa\u00edses de esta regi\u00f3n","Select all countries from this region":"Selecciona todos los pa\u00edses de esta regi\u00f3n","This country is in another section of the map. Do you want to change the view to this new section?":"Este pa\u00eds est\u00e1 en otra regi\u00f3n del mapa. \u00bfQuieres cambiar la vista a esa nueva regi\u00f3n?","Update TAB main information":"Actualiza la informaci\u00f3n principal de la pesta\u00f1a","Specify the name you want for the TAB on your page. Facebook will crop it if it's longer than 15 characters":"Especifica el nombre que quieras para la pesta\u00f1a de tu p\u00e1gina. Facebook lo cortar\u00e1 si supera los 15 car\u00e1cteres","Use Easypromos Premium to limit voting to users who like your page":"Utiliza Easypromos Premium para limitar los votos a s\u00f3lo tus fans","Attention! Are you sure you want to leave this page?\\nAny changes done in the form will be lost.\\n\\nWe recommend you to first save the changes and then proceed.":"\u00a1Atenci\u00f3n! \u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres abandonar esta p\u00e1gina?\\\\nCualquier cambio realizado en ella se perder\u00e1.\\\\n\\\\nTe recomendamos que guardes primero los cambios y luego procedas.","%s has commented on your post in %s":"%s ha comentado en tu participaci\u00f3n en %s","%s promotion":"promoci\u00f3n %s","Promotion to upgrade":"Promoci\u00f3n a actualizar","A promotional code was applied.":"Se ha aplicado un c\u00f3digo promocional","Add":"A\u00f1adir","Apply discount code":"Aplicar c\u00f3digo de descuento","Check if you want to make public the number of votes for each entry.":"Selecciona si quieres hacer p\u00fablico el n\u00famero de votoso para cada participaci\u00f3n.","Click on the %s button to pay the upgrade.":"Haz click en el bot\u00f3n de %s para actualizar.","Copy":"Copiar","Coupon for \\\"%s\\\"":"Cup\u00f3n para \\\"%s\\\"","Instructions for use":"Instrucciones de uso","Cropped main image":"Imagen principal recortada","days":"d\u00edas","Discount":"Descuento","Easypromos %s promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n Easypromos %s","evolutive":"evolutivo","Final price":"Precio final","Here you can include some extra information about what has to be done by the user to use the coupon or some any content related with it.":"Aqu\u00ed puedes introducir informaci\u00f3n extra sobre qu\u00e9 debe hacer el usuario para utilizar el cup\u00f3n o alg\u00fan contenido relacionado con \u00e9l.","It applies to all users accessing your TAB page":"Aplica a todos los usuarios que accedan a tu p\u00e1gina de pesta\u00f1a","Make number of votes public":"Publicar el n\u00famero de votos","Somebody":"Alguien","The code has been already used. Please try again with another one":"Este c\u00f3digo ya se hab\u00eda utilizado. Por favor, int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo con otro","The code has been successfully applied. Thank you":"El c\u00f3digo se ha aplicado correctamente. Gracias","The code is invalid":"El c\u00f3digo no es v\u00e1lido","The discount code has been successfully applied. Thank you":"El c\u00f3digo de descuento se ha aplicado correctamente. Gracias","This is the picture to be used on
Easypromos last promotions list<\/a>. Image will be automatically resized and cropped to %s. If leave empty a cropped version of promotion image will be shown.":"Esta es la imagen que se utilizar\u00e1 en el Listado de las \u00faltimas promociones de Easypromos<\/a>. La imagen se redimensionar\u00e1 y cortar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a %s. Si se deja en blanco, una versi\u00f3n recortada de la imagen principal se usar\u00e1.","This promotion has been already activated":"Esta promoci\u00f3n ya se hab\u00eda activado","This promotion has been upgraded to Easypromos Premium":"La promoci\u00f3n se ha actualizado correctamente a Easypromos Premium","Upgrade for the promotion":"Actualiza la promoci\u00f3n","Upgrade to Premium payment":"Pago de actualizaci\u00f3n a Premium","You have %s free promotions!":"\u00a1Tienes %s promociones gratuitas!","Upgrade now":"Actualiza ahora","UPGRADE TO EASYPROMOS PREMIUM!":"\u00a1ACTUALIZA A EASYPROMOS PREMIUM!","All time":"Todos los tiempos","Average":"Media","Best day":"Mejor d\u00eda","by hours of the day":"por horas del d\u00eda","by weekdays":"por d\u00edas de la semana","Campaign for promotion %s":"Campa\u00f1a para la promoci\u00f3n %s","Check it if you would like the promotion to be displayed in the latest active promotions page in Easypromos.
Would you like to be displayed as a featured promotion?":"Clica si quieres que tu promoci\u00f3n aparezca en la p\u00e1gina de \u00faltimas promociones activas de Easypromos.
\u00bfQuieres aparecer como una promoci\u00f3n destacada?","Click on a date in the graph to view its details by hours":"Haz clic en una fecha del gr\u00e1fico para ver sus detalles por horas","Details":"Detalles","Devices":"Dispositivos","Display in the main %s":"Aparecer en la %s principal","Easypromos page":"P\u00e1gina de Easypromos","Easypromos platform has been updated, and now we need some extra information from you.
Please, accept again the permissions in order to continue":"La plataforma de Easypromos se ha actualizado, y ahora necesitamos alguna informaci\u00f3n adicional.
Por favor, acepta de nuevos los permisos para poder continuar","Fri":"Vie","General insights for %s":"Estad\u00edsticas generales para %s","General view for \\\"%s\\\"":"Vista general para \\\"%s\\\"","Login":"Login","Mobile":"M\u00f3vil","Mon":"Lun","Number of referred users per participant":"Usuarios reclutados por participante","per day":"por d\u00eda","Percentage":"Porcentaje","Direct users vs Recruited users":"Usuarios directos vs Usuarios reclutados","Desktop vs Mobile":"Escritorio vs M\u00f3vil","Review your billing information and click on %s button to proceed":"Revisa tus datos de facturaci\u00f3n y clica en el bot\u00f3n de %s para continuar","Sat":"S\u00e1b","Select your date here":"Selecciona tu fecha aqu\u00ed","Select your start and end dates here":"Selecciona tus fechas de inicio y fin aqu\u00ed","several clients":"varios clientes","Statistics":"Estad\u00edsticas","Sun":"Dom","TAB settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a","The code has expired":"El c\u00f3digo ha expirado","Thu":"Jue","Total votes":"Total de votos","Tue":"Mar","View stats for this promotion":"Ver estad\u00edsticas para la promoci\u00f3n","Wed":"Mi\u00e9","Mobile device":"Dispositivo m\u00f3vil","Device type":"Tipo de dispositivo","Add a new language":"A\u00f1adir un nuevo idioma","Added languages":"Idiomas a\u00f1adidos","check to accept %s":"marcar para aceptar %s","Click update at the bottom to save this language.":"Haz clic para actualizar el idioma, al final de la p\u00e1gina.","Default language":"Idioma por defecto","Edit the contents of the promotion in ":"Editar los contenidos de la promocion en ","language":"Idioma","The language has been deleted.":"El idioma ha sido eliminado.","There are %d fields pending to translate to %s":"Hay %d campos por traducir al %s","There are %d fields pending to translate to %s. (Default language fields will be applied)":"Hay %d campos por traducir al %s. (Se aplicar\u00e1 el idioma por defecto en estos campos)","These are the contents and images of the promotion that you should translate. To edit the general settings go back to the default language.":"Estos son los contenidos e imagenes de la promoci\u00f3n que deber\u00eda traducir. Para editar la configuraci\u00f3n general de la promoci\u00f3n vuelva a la p\u00e1gina del idioma por defecto.","This field is untranslated":"Este campo no est\u00e1 traducido","This information is collected since Dec 18, 2012 11am (CEST)":"Esta informaci\u00f3n se almacena desde el 18 de Diciembre del 2012 a las 11am (CEST)","translate":"traducir","Catalan":"Catal\u00e1n","Chinese (Simplified)":"Chino (Simplificado)","Choose a language:":"Escoge un idioma:","Czech":"Checo","Danish":"Dan\u00e9s","Dutch":"Holand\u00e9s","English":"Ingl\u00e9s","Finnish":"Finland\u00e9s","French":"Franc\u00e9s","Galician":"Gallego","German":"Alem\u00e1n","Greek":"Griego","Hebrew":"Hebreo","Italian":"Italiano","Korean":"Coreano","Portuguese":"Portugu\u00e9s","Russian":"Ruso","Turkish":"Turco","Choose a language":"Escoge un idioma","Arabic":"\u00c1rabe","Slovenian":"Esloveno","Vietnamese":"Vietnam\u00ed","this article":"este art\u00edculo","If you want to learn all Easypromos Premium has to offer you, please take a look at %s.":"Si quieres saber todo lo que Easypromos Premium te puede ofrecer, mira %s.","The display of the voters in a contest":"Mostrar los votantes del concurso","This feature is not available in Easypromos Basic. To use it, please upgrade now to Easypromos Premium.":"Esta funcionalidad no est\u00e1 disponible en Easypromos Basic. Para utilizarla, por favor actualiza ahora a Easypromos Premium.","%s is a Premium feature. The trial period will end in %d days, then it will be necessary to upgrade the promotion to Premium to regain access to this listing.":"%s es una funcionalidad Premium. El per\u00edodo de pruebas finalizar\u00e1 en %d d\u00edas, y entonces ser\u00e1 necesario actualizar a Premium para poder volver a acceder a este listado.","Test and enjoy this feature in Easypromos Basic for %d days!":"\u00a1Prueba y disfruta de esta funcionalidad en Easypromos B\u00e1sico durante %d d\u00edas!","This is an Easypromos Premium feature":"Esto es una funcionalidad Premium","This is a Premium feature. Please upgrade your promotion. Thanks!":"Esto es una funcionalidad Premium. Por favor, actualiza la promoci\u00f3n. \u00a1Gracias!","None":"Nada","Only videos":"S\u00f3lo v\u00eddeos","Only pictures":"S\u00f3lo im\u00e1genes","Either a picture or a video":"O im\u00e1genes o v\u00eddeos","Do you want the users to upload graphic media?":"\u00bfQuieres que suban material gr\u00e1fico?","Insert a title if you require that participants upload a video from youtube\/vimeo or a picture. Leave it empty if you don't.":"A\u00f1ade un t\u00edtulo si requieres que los usuarios suban un v\u00eddeo de YouTube o Vimeo o una imagen. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","Photo or Video":"Foto o v\u00eddeo","Photo":"Foto","Spanish (Spain)":"Espa\u00f1ol (Espa\u00f1a)","Likes:<\/b> stats available since Mar 5, 2012 12 am (CEST)":"Me gusta:<\/b> estad\u00edsticas disponibles desde Mar 5, 2012 12 am (CEST)","Likes:<\/b> stats available since Nov 20, 2012 10am (CEST)":"Me gusta:<\/b> estad\u00edsticas disponibles desde Nov 20, 2012 10 am (CEST)","Likes:<\/b> users who like the page inside the application":"Me gusta:<\/b> usuarios a los que les ha gustado la p\u00e1gina dentro de la aplicaci\u00f3n","Mobile devices:<\/b> stats available since Jan 16, 2012 12am (CEST)":"Dispositivos m\u00f3biles:<\/b> estad\u00edsticas disponibles desde Ene 16, 2012 12 am (CEST)","Mobile devices:<\/b> stats available since Jan 3, 2012 11am (CEST)":"Dispositivos m\u00f3biles:<\/b> estad\u00edsticas disponibles desde Ene 3, 2012 11 am (CEST)","Recruiters:<\/b> stats avilable since Mar 5, 2012 12am (CEST)":"Reclutadores:<\/b> estad\u00edsticas disponibles desde Mar 5, 2012 12 am (CEST)","ABS":"ABS","Add a new answer":"A\u00f1adir una respuesta","Add a picture":"A\u00f1adir una imagen","Add a question":"A\u00f1adir una pregunta","add a quiz":"cuestionario","Add a result":"A\u00f1adir un resultado","Add a video":"A\u00f1adir un v\u00eddeo","answer":"respuesta","Answers":"Respuestas","But you can participate again in":"Pero podr\u00e1s volver a participar en","Change layout":"Cambiar plantilla","Change the settings of your quiz":"Cambia las preferencias de tu cuestionario","Click the button if you want to add a quiz to your promotion.":"Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n si quieres a\u00f1adir un cuestionario a tu promoci\u00f3n.","Click the button to access the quiz edit panel.":"Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para acceder al panel de edici\u00f3n del cuestionario.","Convert your promotion into a quiz":"Convierte tu promoci\u00f3n en un cuestionario","Correct\/Incorrect answer":"Respuesta correcta\/incorrecta","Create a test questionnaire with questions and answers and challenge your users to take part by choosing the answer they prefer among the suggested options.":"Crea un cuestionario tipo test de preguntas y respuestas y reta a tus usuarios a participar eligiendo la respuesta que prefieran de entre las opciones propuestas.","Create questions, add answers and edit the settings":"Crea preguntas, a\u00f1ade respuestas y edita las preferencias","Delete answer":"Eliminar respuesta","Delete picture":"Eliminar imagen","Delete question":"Eliminar pregunta","Delete result":"Eliminar resultado","Delete video":"Eliminar v\u00eddeo","Do you want to add a new quiz?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir un nuevo cuestionario?","Add a photo or video (optional)":"A\u00f1adir una foto o un v\u00eddeo (opcional)","Do you want to edit your quiz?":"\u00bfQuieres editar tu cuestionario?","Easypromos WhiteLabel promotion":"Aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos Marca Blanca","Edit question":"Editar pregunta","edit quiz":"cuestionario","Edit your quiz":"Edita tu cuestionario","English (UK)":"Ingl\u00e9s (UK)","Check if the answer is right":"Selecciona si la respuesta es correcta","Enter the maximum number of points or right answers":"Introduce el m\u00e1ximo de puntos o respuestas correctas","Enter the minimum number of points or right answers":"Introduce el m\u00ednimo de puntos o respuestas correctas","Export list of votes to this entry to CSV\/Excel":"Exportar la lista de votos para esta participaci\u00f3n a CSV\/Excel","For more information about the features of the quiz, %s.":"Para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre las caracter\u00edsticas de los cuestionarios, %s.","Hide\/Show quiz":"Ocultar\/Mostrar cuestionario","How many points does it have?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos puntos tiene?","If you change the quiz type, the score will be lost. Do you really want to continue?":"Si cambias el tipo de cuestionario, las puntuaciones se perder\u00e1n. \u00bfDe veras quieres continuar?","If you change the quiz type, the selection of the correct answers will be lost. Do you really want to continue?":"Si cambias el tipo de cuestionario, la selecci\u00f3n de respuestas correctas se perder\u00e1. \u00bfDe veras quieres continuar?","If you like the quiz you have created and want to publish it now, %s!":"Si te gusta el cuestionario que has creado y quieres publicarlo ahora, \u00a1%s!","If you like the quiz you have created and want to publish it, you have two options:":"Si te gusta el cuestionario que has creado y quieres publicarlo ahora, tienes dos opciones:","In this section you'll be able to define the messages to show to the user at the end of the quiz. These messages can be different depending on the results obtained in the quiz.":"En esta secci\u00f3n podr\u00e1s definir los mensajes que mostrar\u00e1s al usuario al finalizar el cuestionario. Estos mensajes pueden ser diferentes seg\u00fan el resultado obtenido en el cuestionario.","Introduce the hashtag without the #.":"Introduce el hastag sin el #.","Like":"Me gusta","Link to the Entrants API":"Enlace a la API de participantes","Max points or right answers":"M\u00e1x puntuaci\u00f3n o respuestas correctas","Min points or right answers":"M\u00edn puntuaci\u00f3n o respuestas correctas","Only picture answers":"S\u00f3lo respuestas fotogr\u00e1ficas","Only text answers":"S\u00f3lo respuestas textuales","point":"punto","points":"puntos","Prev":"Ant","Preview question":"Previsualizar pregunta","Preview result":"Previsualizar resultado","Question":"Pregunta","Questions":"Preguntas","Quiz result":"Resultado del cuestionario","Quiz results":"Resultados del cuestionario","Recommended size: %s":"Medidas recomendadas: %s","Registration":"Registro","Result message":"Mensaje de resultado","results":"Resultados","Score":"Puntuaci\u00f3n","See example":"Ver ejemplo","Select a photo from your hard drive":"Selecciona una imagen de tu disco duro","Select if it's right":"\u00bfEs correcto?","Select the layout for your question":"Selecciona la plantilla para tu pregunta","Set up Easypromos Premium now and create the promotion again in Premium mode.
%s.":"Inst\u00e1late ahora Easypromos Premium, y crea de nuevo la promoci\u00f3n en modo Premium
%s.","Show\/hide answers":"Mostrar\/Ocultar respuestas","Test":"Test","Test questionnaire":"Cuestionario tipo test","Test your users' knowledge with a question and answer contest, where the participants will be asked to choose the right option.":"Pon a prueba los conocimientos de tus usuarios con un concurso de preguntas y respuestas, donde los participantes tendr\u00e1n que elegir la opci\u00f3n correcta.","Text and picture answers":"Respuestas de texto e imagen","Text and video answers":"Respuestas de texto y v\u00eddeo","The codes were correctly created":"Los c\u00f3digos se han generado correctamente","The last part of the url is a secret hash to ensure that only you can access this information. You can reset it if you think this is being used by someone else. Notice that you'll have to change the url of all the integrations using it because the old url will stop working.":"La \u00faltima parte de la URL es un c\u00f3digo secreto para asegurar que s\u00f3lo t\u00fa puedes acceder a esta informaci\u00f3n. Puedes resetearlo si crees que alguien m\u00e1s puede tenerlo. Ten en cuenta que si lo haces, deber\u00e1s modificar la URL de todas las integraciones que hayas hecho por que la URL antigua dejar\u00e1 de funcionar.","The minimum value is already defined or it's contained in a rank (ie: trying to define 3 having a 2 to 5 rank).":"El valor m\u00ednimo ya est\u00e1 definido o est\u00e1 incluido en un rango (por ejemplo, est\u00e1s intentando definir 3 con un rango de 2 a 5 ya definido).","The number of codes":"El n\u00famero de c\u00f3digos","There isn't a result yet. You can add specific messages depending on the number of right answers or points that the user has achieved. Try it now!":"A\u00fan no hay ning\u00fan resultado. Puedes a\u00f1adir mensajes espec\u00edficos en funci\u00f3n del n\u00famero de aciertos o puntos que el usuario haya conseguido. \u00a1Pru\u00e9balo ahora!","This image is defined in the default language but it's missing in this language":"Esta imagen est\u00e1 definida en el idioma por defecto, pero falta en este idioma","To indicate a specific score and not a rank, insert the same number for the minimum and the maximum.":"Para indicar una puntuaci\u00f3n concreta y no un rango, inserta el mismo n\u00famero para el m\u00ednimo y el m\u00e1ximo.","Trivia: select the right answer":"Trivia: selecciona la respuesta correcta","Try the Quizzes Premium functionalities with Easypromos Basic!":"\u00a1Prueba la funcionalidad Premium de Cuestionarios con Easypromos Basic!","upgrade your promotion to Premium":"actualiza tu promoci\u00f3n a Premium","Upload a picture":"Sube una imagen","Select a video":"Selecciona un v\u00eddeo","Upload an image for this layout":"Sube una imagen para esta plantilla","YouTube or Vimeo":"YouTube o Vimeo","Welcome":"Bienvenida","You are seeing an exact preview of the layout of each TAB page configuration as it would be seen when connecting from %s.":"Est\u00e1s viendo una previsualizaci\u00f3n exacta de como queda cada p\u00e1gina de pesta\u00f1a, tal y como lo ver\u00eda un usuario conect\u00e1ndose desde %s.","Click here if you want to enable it":"Haz clic si quieres activarlo","Change the quiz type":"Cambiar el tipo de cuestionario","Do you want to enable your quiz?":"\u00bfQuieres activar el cuestionario?","Check if you want to make your quiz visible.":"Selecciona si quieres que el cuestionario sea visible.","Back to promotion settings":"Volver al editor de la promoci\u00f3n","Show number of correct answers after registering":"Mostrar el n\u00famero de aciertos al finalizar","Preview quiz":"Previsualizar cuestionario","Easypromos will never do any automatic action over any of the Facebook pages you administer.":"Easypromos nunca realizar\u00e1 ninguna acci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica sobre ninguna de las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook que administres.","In this way we make sure that only you can access the Easypromos administration panel.":"Con este paso nos aseguramos que s\u00f3lo t\u00fa puedes acceder al panel de administraci\u00f3n de Easypromos.","This is the only way that Facebook gives to know the pages you administer.":"Es la \u00fanica manera que ofrece Facebook a las aplicaciones para conocer de qu\u00e9 p\u00e1ginas eres administrador.","The list of the pages you administer.":"El listado de p\u00e1ginas que administras.","The Administrator email.":"El e-mail del administrador.","Basic permissions, that is, your public information on Facebook.":"Los permisos b\u00e1sicos, es decir tu informaci\u00f3n P\u00daBLICA en Facebook.","The promotion will only be published when you explicitly indicate it.":"La promoci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo se publicar\u00e1 a todo el p\u00fablico cuando t\u00fa lo decidas.","It's not necessary to fill in all the definitive data now. You will be able to edit and preview your promotion from Drafts tab as many times as you want.":"No es necesario que rellenes los datos definitivos ahora. Desde Borradores podr\u00e1s editar y previsualizar la promoci\u00f3n tantas veces como quieras.","Fill in this form and the promotion will be saved automatically to your Drafts tab.":"Rellena el formulario y la promoci\u00f3n se guardar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente en la pesta\u00f1a de Borradores.","Now you can start creating the first promotion on your page":"\u00a1Muy bien! Ya puedes empezar a crear promociones en tu p\u00e1gina","Go to promotion":"Ir a la promoci\u00f3n","Preview the promotion":"Previsualizar la promoci\u00f3n","Save and Exit":"Guardar y salir","Changes saved successfully!":"Cambios guardados correctamente","Save":"Guardar","Show the number of points after registering":"Mostrar los puntos despu\u00e9s de participar","New %s":"Nuevo %s","Please, try again.":"Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo.","Invalid confirmation. Type the requested word if you really want to delete this promotion.":"Confirmaci\u00f3n incorrecta. Escribe la palabra requerida si realmente quieres eliminar esta promoci\u00f3n.","Invalid confirmation. Please, type the word in uppercase.":"Confirmaci\u00f3n incorrecta. Por favor, escribe la palabra en may\u00fasculas.","Edit %s":"Editar %s","deleted":"eliminado","featured promotions of Easypromos":"promociones destacadas de Easypromos","Please try again with different dates.":"Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo con otras fechas.","There are no %s for this %s yet.":"A\u00fan no hay %s para este %s.","There are no %s yet.":"A\u00fan no hay %s.","Try it now!":"\u00a1Pru\u00e9balo ahora!","a future date":"una fecha futura","a numeric value":"un valor num\u00e9rico","a valid date":"una fecha v\u00e1lida","a valid HEX color code (#XXXXXX or #XXX)":"un c\u00f3digo HEX v\u00e1lido (\\\"#XXXXXX\\\" o \\\"#XXX\\\")","a valid URL":"una URL v\u00e1lida","Add %s":"A\u00f1adir %s","Add a new tab":"A\u00f1adir una pesta\u00f1a","Add automatically on every installation?":"\u00bfA\u00f1adir autom\u00e1ticamente en cada instalaci\u00f3n?","administrator":"administrador","Administrator contact email":"E-mail de contacto del administrador","Administrator contact name":"Nombre de contacto del administrador","All the images from Instagram or Twitter tagged with this hashtag will be added automatically as a new entry in the contest. The plugin will be enabled when the you activate the promotion and will end on the end of registration date. You can enable\/disable this plugin at any time.":"Todas las im\u00e1genes de Instagram o Twitter tagueadas con este hashtag se a\u00f1adir\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente como nuevas participaciones al concurso. El plug-in se activar\u00e1 cuando actives la promoci\u00f3n y finalizar\u00e1 con la fecha de finalizaci\u00f3n de registro de la misma. Puedes habilitar o deshabilitar este plug-in en cualquier momento.","Are you sure you want to %s this tab from your Facebook page? This can be changed anytime you may need.":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que deseas %s esta pesta\u00f1a de tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook? Esta acci\u00f3n se puede modificar siempre que lo necesites.","at least one valid Facebook page ID, comma separated":"por lo menos un ID de p\u00e1gina de Facebook, separados por coma","Available tabs":"Pesta\u00f1as disponibles","Basque":"Euskera","because its dates overlap with other existing campaigns":"porque las fechas se solapan con alguna de las campa\u00f1as existentes","because no customer has been found.":"porque no se ha encontrado ning\u00fan cliente","but there has been some kind of unknown error":"pero ha habido un error desconocido","campaigns":"campa\u00f1as","Confirm":"Confirmar","customer":"cliente","default":"por defecto","Discount %":"% de descuento","Do you want to see the voters list for this contest? You will be able to see their Facebook profile, their IP from where they conected to vote and you will be able to download all this information in a CSV\/Excel file.":"\u00bfQuieres ver el listado de votantes de este concurso? Podr\u00e1s ver su perfil de Facebook, la IP desde d\u00f3nde se conectaron y votaron y podr\u00e1s descargar toda esta informaci\u00f3n en formato CSV\/Excel.","Done":"Hecho","due to an unexpected error":"a causa de un error desconocido","Enter a number higher than 0 if the answer is right":"Introduce un n\u00famero mayor que 0 si la respuesta es correcta","Entry":"Participaci\u00f3n","Facebook Application ID":"ID de la aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","field":"campo","Filter by:":"Filtrar por:","Get me out of here!":"\u00a1S\u00e1came de aqu\u00ed!","Go to featured on error?":"\u00bfIr a destacados en error?","Here you have direct links to each of the TAB pages":"Aqu\u00ed tienes un enlace directo a cada una de tus pesta\u00f1as","hidden":"oculto","If you filled in \\\"%s\\\" then you have to fill in \\\"%s\\\" too.":"Si rellenas \\\"%s\\\" entonces tienes que rellenar tambi\u00e9n \\\"%s\\\".","Image advanced settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n avanzada de im\u00e1genes","Invalid %s":"%s inv\u00e1lido","Invalid tab":"Pesta\u00f1a inv\u00e1lida","Is default app?":"\u00bf\u00c9s la aplicaci\u00f3n por defecto?","License valid until":"Licencia v\u00e1lida hasta","List of %s":"Listado de %s","Oops! The data has expired":"\u00a1Ups! Los datos han caducado","Oops! There has been some error while parsing information from Facebook":"\u00a1Ups! Ha habido alg\u00fan error durante la obtenci\u00f3n de datos de Facebook","Page name":"Nombre de la p\u00e1gina","Participation reset interval":"Int\u00e9rvalo de reinicio de la promoci\u00f3n","Please correct the invalid fields (in red) and try again.":"Por favor corrige los campos err\u00f3neos (en rojo) y vuelve a intentarlo.","Please, make sure you are the administrator of this page and try again.":"Por favor, aseg\u00farate que eres el administrador de esta p\u00e1gina y vuelve a intentarlo.","Promotion in %s":"Promoci\u00f3n en %s","quiz":"cuestionario","Regenerate Hash":"Regenerar Hash","Remove":"Eliminar","result":"resultado","Save and preview":"Guardar y previsualizar","saved":"guardado","Search":"Buscar","Select the tab you want the promotion to be displayed in from the availables.":"Selecciona la pesta\u00f1a de entre las disponibles d\u00f3nde quieres que se muestre la promoci\u00f3n.","Show quiz results after entering the promotion":"Mostrar los resultados del cuestionario despu\u00e9s de participar en la promoci\u00f3n","Show\/hide promotions":"Mostrar\/Ocultar promociones","tab":"pesta\u00f1a","TAB set":"Configuraci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1a","Tab to display the promotion":"Pesta\u00f1a d\u00f3nde mostrar la promoci\u00f3n","Tabs management":"Gesti\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1as","The answer could not be created":"La respuesta no se ha podido crear","The answer has been created":"La respuesta se ha creado","The campaign could not be created":"La campa\u00f1a no se ha podido crear","The campaign could not be deleted":"La campa\u00f1a no se ha podido eliminar","The campaign has been created":"La campa\u00f1a se ha creado","The campaign has been deleted":"La campa\u00f1a se ha eliminado","The customer could not be created":"El cliente no se ha podido crear","The customer could not be saved":"El cliente no se ha podido guardar","The customer has been created":"El cliente se ha podido crear","The data could not be parsed":"La informaci\u00f3n no se ha podido obtener","The data has expired":"La informaci\u00f3n ha caducado","The Flash or video presentation (swf file)":"El Flash o presentaci\u00f3n de v\u00eddeo (fichero SWF)","The image could not be deleted":"La imagen no se ha podido eliminar","The image has been deleted":"La imagen se ha eliminado","The language could not be deleted":"El idioma no se ha podido eliminar","The notification could not be hidden":"La notificaci\u00f3n no se ha podido ocultar","The notification has been hidden":"La notificaci\u00f3n se ha ocultado","The number of days in wich the user will be allowed to participate again. By default is set to 0. You can use this to allow users to participate daily or to do a different contest during 5 days.":"El n\u00famero de d\u00edas durante los cuales el usuario podr\u00e1 participar de nuevo. Por defecto es 0. Puedes usar esto para permitir a los usuarios participar di\u00e1riamente o hacer un concurso distinto durante 5 d\u00edas.","The param p (page number)":"El par\u00e1metro p (n\u00famero de p\u00e1gina)","The promotion could not be created":"La promoci\u00f3n no se ha podido crear","The promotion could not be deleted":"La promoci\u00f3n no se ha podido eliminar","The promotion could not be saved":"La promoci\u00f3n no se ha podido guardar","The promotion has been deleted":"La promoci\u00f3n se ha eliminado","The question could not be created":"La pregunta no se ha podido crear","The question has been created":"La pregunta se ha creado","The result could not be created":"El resultado no se ha podido crear","The result has been created":"El resultado se ha creado","The tab could not be deleted":"La pesta\u00f1a no se ha podido eliminar","The tab has been deleted":"La pesta\u00f1a se ha eliminado","The vote could not be deleted":"El voto no se ha podido eliminar","The vote has been deleted":"El voto se ha eliminado","These are the options to translate":"Estas son las opciones a traducir","Total %s":"%s totales","tweets with pictures or instagrams":"twits con im\u00e1genes o instagrams","Twitter Instagram Plugin":"Plug-in Twitter-Instagram","Unlimited license?":"\u00bfLicencia ilimitada?","Use this link access the entries of a promotion in real time to extract this info to your systems, or to do a realtime integration with your site.":"Utiliza este enlace de acceso a las entradas de la promoci\u00f3n en tiempo real para extraer la informaci\u00f3n a tu sistema, o para hacer una integraci\u00f3n en tiempo real con tu sitio.","Valid promos left (for non unlimited)":"Promociones v\u00e1lidas pendientes (para no ilimitadas)","View %s":"Ver %s","Warning: this step is irreversible. Once you confirm the deletion all data, together with the users that have entered and the voters, will be removed from our systems.":"Atenci\u00f3n: este paso es irreversible. Una vez hayas confirmado la eliminaci\u00f3n toda la informaci\u00f3n, junto con los participantes y los votantes, se eliminar\u00e1 de nuestro sistema.","You can tweet an image with your selected hash to see it.":"Puedes twitear una imagen con el hash para verlo.","%s is a mandatory field":"%s es un campo obligatorio","%s must be %s":"%s debe ser %s","Easypromos guarantees that personal details of the participants of your contests will never be disclosed.":"Easypromos garantiza que los datos personales de los participantes de tus concursos nunca ser\u00e1n revelados.","Tab icons legend":"Leyenda de iconos de pesta\u00f1a","Promotion icons legend":"Leyenda de iconos de promoci\u00f3n","Switch to publish\/unpublish the selected tab.":"Publicar\/despublicar la pesta\u00f1a seleccionada.","Manage the settings for the selected tab (such as tab name, tab image, Like Gate and others).":"Administrar la configuraci\u00f3n para la pesta\u00f1a seleccionada (c\u00f3mo el nombre de pesta\u00f1a, su imagen, el Like Gate y otros).","Learn more":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n","Drag and drop the promotions between tabs to change their publishing tab.":"Arrastra y suelta las promociones entre pesta\u00f1as para cambiar su pesta\u00f1a de publicaci\u00f3n.","tabs":"pesta\u00f1as","Use the \\\"%s\\\" option in \\\"%s\\\" section to upload the coupon.":"Utiliza la opci\u00f3n \\\"%s\\\" en la secci\u00f3n \\\"%s\\\" para subir el cup\u00f3n.","Learn all the details on the following %s.":"Aprende todos los detalles en el siguiente %s.","Back to tab list":"Volver al listado de pesta\u00f1as","change tab":"Cambiar pesta\u00f1a","Published on":"Publicado en","The %s must be, at least, %dx%dpx":"El campo %s debe ser, al menos, %dx%dpx","This is the image that will be shown when the promotion is shared on Facebook. The image size must be %s. If you don't upload any image, the application will use the main image of the promotion.":"Esta es la imagen que se mostrar\u00e1 cuando se comparta la promoci\u00f3n en los muros de Facebook. El tama\u00f1o de la imagen tiene que ser de %s. Si no subes ninguna imagen, la aplicaci\u00f3n utilizar\u00e1 la imagen principal de la promoci\u00f3n.","1 participation to be a finalist":"1 participaci\u00f3n por ser un finalista","Add this URL":"A\u00f1ade esta URL","An external link":"Un enlace externo","AND THE WINNER IS":"Y EL GANADOR ES","AND THE WINNERS ARE":"Y LOS GANADORES SON","Are you sure you want to %s this promotion?":"\u00bfSeguro que deseas %s esta promoci\u00f3n?","Are you sure you want to continue?":"\u00bfSeguro que deseas continuar?","Are you sure you want to delete this?":"\u00bfSeguro que deseas eliminar esto?","Are you sure you want to publish the winners?":"\u00bfSeguro que deseas publicar los ganadores?","Are you sure you want to recalculate the participants results based on the current right answers or points?":"\u00bfSeguro que deseas recalcular los resultados de los participantes basados en las respuestas correctas o puntuaciones actuales?","Are you sure you want to unpublish the winners?":"\u00bfSeguro que deseas despublicar los ganadores?","At least one winner must be selected":"Al menos debes seleccionar un ganador","Back to Finalists":"Volver a Finalistas","Back to selection":"Volver a la selecci\u00f3n","By default, all the participants become finalists. You can use the filter to select them depending on the guidelines defined in the terms, for instance, by a minimum number of votes necessary to go to the final.":"Por defecto, todos los participantes se convierten en finalistas. Puedes utilizar el filtro para seleccionarlos en funci\u00f3n de los criterios que hayas definido en tus bases, por ejemplo, por n\u00famero m\u00ednimo de votos necesarios para pasar a la final.","By end date":"Por fecha final","By points":"Por puntos","By recruits":"Por reclutados","By start date":"Por fecha inicial","Confirm the winners":"Confirmar los ganadores","contest URL":"URL del concurso","Customize your template":"Personaliza la plantilla","Date and time of the selection":"Fecha y hora de la selecci\u00f3n","Do you need to change the winners?":"\u00bfNecesitas cambiar los ganadores?","Do you need to select the finalists again?":"\u00bfNecesitas volver a seleccionar los finalistas?","Do you want to add additional participations to the finalists?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir participaciones adicionales a los finalistas?","Download the finalists and their participations":"Descarga los finalistas y sus participaciones","Download the Entrants API specification":"Descargar la especificaci\u00f3n de la API de participantes","Easypromos provides a platform to select the winners randomly based on the participations of the finalists. Indicate below the number of winners and alternate winners you want to obtain.":"Easypromos proporciona una plataforma para seleccionar los ganadores de forma aleatoria a partir de las participaciones de los finalistas. Indica a continuaci\u00f3n el n\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes que quieres obtener.","Easypromos template":"Plantilla de Easypromos","Easypromos Verified Certificate":"Certificado de validez de Easypromos","Edit winners":"Editar ganadores","Enter the url to display the winners":"Introduce la URL en la que se muestran los ganadores","Enter the URL you want to redirect the users to display the winners":"Introduce la URL a la que quieres redirigir a los usuarios para que vean los ganadores","Exclude\/Include from finalists":"Excluir\/Incluir de los finalistas","Excluded":"Excluidos","External URL for winners":"URL externa para los ganadores","Extra information":"Informaci\u00f3n adicional","Filter entries":"Filtrar usuarios","finalist":"finalista","Finalists":"Finalistas","Finalists confirmation":"Confirmaci\u00f3n de los finalistas","go to publish the winners":"ir a publicar los ganadores","Help about additional participations":"Ayuda sobre participaciones adicionales","Help about finalists and winners":"Ayuda sobre los finalistas y ganadores","hide":"ocultar","hide promotion":"ocultar promoci\u00f3n","How do you want to publish the winners?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo quieres publicar los ganadores?","How many winners":"\u00bfCuantos ganadores quieres?","I already have the winners, I want to publish them":"Ya tengo los ganadores, los quiero publicar","I already have the winners. Skip this step and":"Ya tengo los ganadores. Saltar este paso e","I want to give %s participations for every %s points\/right answers in the quiz":"Quiero dar %s participaciones por cada %s punto\/respuesta correcta en el cuestionario","I want to give %s participations for every %s recruits":"Quiero dar %s participaciones por cada %s usuarios reclutados","I want to give %s participations for every %s votes":"Quiero dar %s participaciones por cada %s votos","If you have changed any of the correct answers or points maybe you need to recalculate the score of the current participants. Click on the button to recalculate the results.":"Si has cambiado alguna de las respuestas correctas o sus puntuaciones quiz\u00e1s necesites recalcular las puntuaciones de los participantes actuales. Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para recalcular los resultados.","If you leave empty a default image will be used.":"Si lo dejas en blanco se usar\u00e1 una imagen por defecto.","Image to display winners":"Imagen para mostrar los ganadores","Learn more and see examples about this feature.":"Aprende m\u00e1s y ve ejemplos sobre esta funcionalidad.","make it visible again":"hacer visible otra vez","Manage additional entries":"Gestiona participaciones adicionales","Manage the participations of the finalists":"Gestiona las participaciones de los finalistas","Max. finalists":"M\u00e1x. finalistas","No participants to show here.":"No hay ning\u00fan participante que mostrar.","No. of participants":"N\u00fam. de participantes","Number of finalists":"N\u00famero de finalistas","Number of referred users":"N\u00famero de usuarios reclutados","Number of votes obtained":"N\u00famero de votos obtenidos","Participations":"Participaciones","Preview Certificate":"Previsualizar certificado","Preview Easypromos Certificate":"Previsualizar certificado de Easypromos","Random selection platform":"Plataforma de selecci\u00f3n aleatoria","Reset the finalists and select them again":"Vuelve a seleccionar los finalistas y sus participaciones","Results recalculated successfully! %d results changed.":"\u00a1Resultados recalculados correctamente! Se han cambiado %d resultados.","Score in quiz":"Puntuaci\u00f3n en el cuestionario","Score in the quiz":"Puntuaci\u00f3n en el cuestionario","See all":"Ver todos","Select the finalists":"Selecciona los finalistas","Select the winners":"Selecciona los ganadores","Select the winners using Easypromos":"Selecciona los ganadores a trav\u00e9s de Easypromos","Select winners":"Seleccionar ganadores","Select winners randomly":"Seleccionar ganadores aleatoriamente","Selected":"Seleccionados","Setup the template for the winners":"Configura la plantilla para los ganadores","show":"mostrar","Start again":"Empezar de nuevo","Start all the process by choosing the finalists again":"Empezar todo el proceso eligiendo finalistas otra vez","Thai":"Tailand\u00e9s","The action could not be executed":"La acci\u00f3n no se ha podido realizar","The action has been executed":"La acci\u00f3n se ha ejecutado correctamente","The selection was done on":"La selecci\u00f3n se hizo el","These are the finalists you have selected. The next step is to select the winners or publish them if you already have them.":"\u00c9stos son los finalistas que has seleccionado. El siguiente paso es seleccionar los ganadores o publicarlos si ya los tienes.","These are the users you have selected as finalists. One participation is automatically assigned to each finalist. If you wish you can assign additional participations, increasing the chances to win the prize.":"\u00c9stos son los usuarios que has seleccionado como finalistas. A cada finalista se le asigna autom\u00e1ticamente una participaci\u00f3n. Si lo deseas puedes asignar participaciones adicionales, aumentando as\u00ed sus posibilidades de optar al premio.","These are the winners of the promotion. You'll find below the options to publish them on your page according to Facebook guidelines.":"Estos son los ganadores de la promoci\u00f3n. A continuaci\u00f3n, encontrar\u00e1s las opciones para poder publicarlos en tu p\u00e1gina seg\u00fan la normativa de Facebook.","This action can be reverted at any time":"Esta acci\u00f3n se puede deshacer en cualquier momento","This functionality will be enabled when the contest ends, on %s":"Esta funcionalidad se habilitar\u00e1 cuando el concurso finalice, el %s","This promotion is not visible to users":"Esta promoci\u00f3n no es visible a los usuarios","This promotion is visible on":"Esta promoci\u00f3n puede verse en","Top score":"Puntuaci\u00f3n m\u00e1xima","Unpublish winners":"Despublicar los ganadores","Upload a picture with all the information":"Sube una imagen con toda la informaci\u00f3n","Upload an image for the template":"Sube una imagen para la plantilla","Upload an image to display the winners":"Sube una imagen en la que mostrar los ganadores","View participants":"Ver participantes","What should I do now?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 puedo hacer ahora?","White Label":"Marca Blanca","Your HASHID":"Tu HASHID","By votes":"Por votos","Confirm finalists":"Confirmar finalistas","Winners":"Ganadores","Alternate winners":"Suplentes","How many alternate winners":"\u00bfCuantos suplentes quieres?","Easypromos has generated a Certificate of Validity of the mechanism used to select the winners and alternate winners.":"Easypromos ha generado un Certificado de Validez del mecanismo utilizado para seleccionar a los ganadores y suplentes.","Easypromos will generate a Certificate of Validity to confirm that the sweepstake has been done using this mechanism. This certificate will only be issued once per each sweepstake.":"Easypromos generar\u00e1 un Certificado de Validez conforme el sorteo se ha realizado utilizando este mecanismo. Este certificado s\u00f3lo se emitir\u00e1 una vez por cada sorteo.","Easypromos will not be responsible for any complaint of third parties regarding prizes, winners and\/or alternate winners":"Easypromos no ser\u00e1 responsable de ninguna reclamaci\u00f3n de terceros en relaci\u00f3n con los premios, ganadores y\/o suplentes","In order to obtain the winners and alternate winners randomly, Easypromos uses the online platform %s. This random selection will be made according to the number of entries in the sweepstake through the mechanisms established in section 10.2 of the %s":"Para la obtenci\u00f3n de ganadores y suplentes de manera aleatoria, Easypromos utiliza la plataforma online %s. Esta selecci\u00f3n aleatoria se realizar\u00e1 a partir del n\u00famero de participaciones en el sorteo mediante el mecanismo previsto en el apartado 10.2 de las %s","The mechanism to select the winners and alternate winners can't be used two or more times for the same sweepstake.":"No se podr\u00e1 utilizar el mecanismo de selecci\u00f3n de ganadores y suplentes dos o m\u00e1s veces para un mismo sorteo.","The sweepstake has been done on %s at %s.":"El sorteo ha sido realizado el d\u00eda %s a las %s h.","The winners and alternate winners of the sweepstake have been selected randomly through Easypromos platform, according to the mechanism described in section 10.2 of %s.":"Los ganadores y suplentes del sorteo han sido seleccionados aleatoriamente a trav\u00e9s de la plataforma Easypromos, seg\u00fan el mecanismo descrito en el apartado 10.2 de las %s.","This giveaway has been done randomly according to the requirements of the mechanism described in section %s of %s.":"Este sorteo ha sido realizado aleatoriamente conforme a los requisitos del mecanismo descrito en el apartado %s de las %s.","Unable to select any finalist. Please, check the criteria on the users filter and select at least one finalist.":"No se ha podido seleccionar ning\u00fan finalista. Por favor, revisa los criterios en los filtros y selecciona al menos un finalista.","Unable to select the winners. Please, indicate a valid number of winners and alternate winners.":"No se han podido seleccionar ganadores. Por favor, introduce un n\u00famero v\u00e1lido de ganadores y suplentes.","Download":"Descargar","Permanent link to the Easypromos Certificate":"Enlace permanente al certificado de Easypromos","Use this direct link to access the Easypromos Certificate from everywhere you need":"Utiliza este enlace directo para acceder al Certificado de Easypromos desde donde lo necesites","View Certificate of Validity":"Ver el Certificado de Validez","Permanent Link":"Enlace permanente","Example of how your promotion will look like after you publish the winners":"Ejemplo de c\u00f3mo quedar\u00e1 tu promoci\u00f3n cuando publiques los ganadores","The winners are published. Click on the button to unpublish them now.":"Los ganadores est\u00e1n publicados. Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para despublicarlos ahora.","The winners are still unpublished. Click on the button to publish them now.":"Los ganadores todav\u00eda no est\u00e1n publicados. Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para publicarlos ahora.","Permanent link to the Easypromos Winners page":"Enlace permanente al la p\u00e1gina de ganadores de Easypromos","Use this direct link to access the Easypromos winners page from everywhere you need":"Utiliza este enlace directo para acceder a la p\u00e1gina de ganadores de Easypromos desde donde lo necesites","%s has registered in %s":"%s se ha registrado en %s","Allow to install this tab on other Facebook pages.":"Permitir instalar esta pesta\u00f1a en otras p\u00e1ginas de Facebook.","App Namespace":"Namespace de la aplicaci\u00f3n","App Secret":"Secret de la aplicaci\u00f3n","App Settings in Facebook":"Configuraci\u00f3n de la Aplicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","Application created successfully!":"\u00a1Aplicaci\u00f3n creada con \u00e9xito!","Are you sure you want to delete this Tab?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que deseas eliminar esta pesta\u00f1a?","Cancel":"Cancelar","Clear Filters":"Limpiar filtros","Create new tab":"Crear nueva pesta\u00f1a","Default publishing tab":"Pesta\u00f1a de publicaci\u00f3n por defecto","Delete tab":"Eliminar pesta\u00f1a","Delete the Tab?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar la pesta\u00f1a?","Do you need to edit some extra information about the application (i.e. app icons, privacy policy URL, etc)? Go to %s.":"\u00bfNecesitas modificar informaci\u00f3n adicional de tu aplicaci\u00f3n en Facebook (iconos de la aplicaci\u00f3n, pol\u00edtica de privacidad, URL, etc.)? Ve a la %s.","Either the id or secret value are invalid":"El ID y\/o el Secret de la aplicaci\u00f3n no son correctos","In order to create a new tab it's necessary to create first a new Facebook application. You must register as a Facebook developer, create a new application and link it to the Easypromos platform. It won't take you more than 5 minutes.":"Para crear una nueva pesta\u00f1a es necesario crear primero una nueva aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook. Deber\u00e1s darte de alta como desarrollador en Facebook, crear una nueva aplicaci\u00f3n y vincularla a la plataforma Easypromos. No te llevar\u00e1 m\u00e1s de 5 minutos.","link":"enlace","Multipage publication":"Publicaci\u00f3n multip\u00e1gina","Please, copy the right \\\"%s\\\" displayed in %s.":"Por favor, copia el \\\"%s\\\" correcto de la %s.","Publication of the promotion":"Publicaci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n","Publishing tab":"Pesta\u00f1a de publicaci\u00f3n","Refer a friend URL":"URL de reclutamiento","Select the tab where you want to publish the promotion.":"Selecciona la pesta\u00f1a donde quieres publicar la promoci\u00f3n","Select the tab where you want to publish your future promotions by default. Once published, you'll be able to edit its tab publication at any time.":"Selecciona la pesta\u00f1a donde quieres publicar tus futuras promociones por defecto. Una vez publicada, en cualquier momento podr\u00e1s modificar su pesta\u00f1a de publicaci\u00f3n.","Tab advanced settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n avanzada de pesta\u00f1a","The application namespace doesn't match with your Facebook App configuration":"El \\\"namespace\\\" de la aplicaci\u00f3n no coincide con la configuraci\u00f3n de tu aplicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","The application secret doesn't match with your Facebook app configuration":"El \\\"secret\\\" de la aplicaci\u00f3n no coincide con la configuraci\u00f3n de tu aplicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","There are no winners at the moment.":"No hay ganadores en este momento.","This is the basic configuration of your application on Facebook. Your application is linked to Easypromos through this data.":"Esta es la configuraci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica de tu aplicaci\u00f3n en Facebook. Tu aplicaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 vinculada a Easypromos mediante estos datos.","Translate your quiz":"Traduce tu cuestionario","Unexpected error":"Error inesperado","An unexpected error occurred while trying to get the random numbers. Please try again or if the problem persists contact with our technical service.":"Ha ocurrido un error inesperado al obtener los \u00edndices aleatorios. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo y si el problema persiste contacta con nuestro departamento t\u00e9cnico.","No data has passed to the application":"No se ha pasado informaci\u00f3n a la aplicaci\u00f3n","Allows you to brand your promotion":"Te permite personalizar la aplicaci\u00f3n con el nombre de tu empresa","Powered by":"Creado por","You've just recruited %s in %s":"Acabas de reclutar a %s en %s","Verified!":"Verificado!","Personalize the '%s' message. If left empty the default message will be used.":"Personaliza el mensaje '%s'. Si el campo est\u00e1 vac\u00edo se usar\u00e1 el mensaje por defecto.","Thank you message":"Mensaje de muchas gracias","Get the email of the users who voted":"Obtener el email del usuario que vota","Users must accept the application permissions to get the Facebook email automatically. Furthermore users must accept the terms and conditions of your promotion in order to vote. We recommend to specify the usage of the users' email in the terms and conditions.":"El usuario deber\u00e1 aceptar los permisos de la aplicaci\u00f3n para obtener su email de Facebook de forma autom\u00e1tica. Adem\u00e1s deber\u00e1 aceptar las bases legales de la propia promoci\u00f3n para poder votar. Recomendamos indicar claramente el uso que se har\u00e1 del email del usuario en las bases legales.","New participants in promotion: %s":"Nuevos participantes en la promoci\u00f3n: %s","You can disable this notification at any time from the %s.":"Puedes deshabilitar esta notificaci\u00f3n en cualquier momento a trav\u00e9s del %s.","Here you have the latest entrants in your promotion \\\"%s\\\":":"Tienes nuevos participantes en la promoci\u00f3n \\\"%s\\\":","edit form of the promotion":"formulario de configuraci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n","Exclude retweets":"Excluir retweets","Notification of new entry":"Notificaci\u00f3n de nuevo participante","view entry":"ver participante","%d recruits":"%d reclutados","%d votes":"%d votos","Add new user to the promotion":"A\u00f1adir nuevo usuario a la promoci\u00f3n","All my pages":"Todas mis p\u00e1ginas","Attention, the actual results of the quiz aren't calculated in preview mode. If you have defined different range results, you can preview them from the menu above":"Atenci\u00f3n, los resultados actuales del cuestionario no se calculan en el modo de previsualizaci\u00f3n. Si has definido distintos rangos de resultados, puedes previsualizarlos des del men\u00fa superior","Automatic":"Autom\u00e1tico","By a list of closed values":"Por un listado cerrado de valores","By a regular expression":"Por una expresi\u00f3n regular","Copy of ":"Copia de ","copy promotion":"Copiar promoci\u00f3n","Coupon image":"Imagen de cup\u00f3n","Custom field setup":"Configuraci\u00f3n de campo personalizado","Disabled":"Deshabilitado","Displaying entries %start% - %end% out of %count%.":"Mostrando las participaciones %start% - %end% de %count%.","Displaying users %start% - %end% out of %count%.":"Mostrando los usuarios %start% - %end% de %count%.","Displaying voters %start% - %end% out of %count%.":"Mostrando los votantes %start% - %end% de %count%.","Do you want to edit the promotion":"\u00bfQuieres editar la promoci\u00f3n?","Do you want to highlight your promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres destacar tu promoci\u00f3n?","Do you want to publish the promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres publicar tu promoci\u00f3n?","Download ZIP file with the pictures":"Descarga las fotos en un archivo ZIP","Drag and drop items to sort them.":"Arrastra y suelta los elementos para ordenarlos.","Easypromos Basic":"Easypromos B\u00e1sico","Easypromos e-mail preview":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n del e-mail de Easypromos","Easypromos notifies you about the new activity in your promotion to this e-mail account, just as you asked for in the administration panel.":"Easypromos te notifica sobre la nueva actividad en tu promoci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de esta cuenta de e-mail, tal y como lo solicitaste en el panel de administraci\u00f3n.","Easypromos Premium":"Easypromos Premium","Easypromos White Label":"Easypromos Marca Blanca","Edit entry":"Editar participaci\u00f3n","English (US)":"Ingl\u00e9s (EEUU)","Enter a valid email address to receive an email when a new entrant registers in this promotion. Notifications are sent every 30 minutes and gather all the new entrants registered during this period. Leave the field empty if you don't want to receive notifications. This option can be disabled at any time.":"Introduce una direcci\u00f3n de e-mail v\u00e1lida para recibir un correo electr\u00f3nico cuando la promoci\u00f3n tenga nuevas participaciones. Las notificaciones se env\u00edan cada 30 minutos y contendr\u00e1n todas las participaciones des del \u00faltimo correo. Deja el campo en blanco si no quieres recibir estas notificaciones. Esta opci\u00f3n puede deshabilitarse en cualquier momento.","Enter any fields you want to translate. If you leave the field empty the original text will be displayed. This also apply to the images if you don't upload a new image the original will be used.":"Introduce los campos que quieras traducir. Si dejas un campo vac\u00edo, se mostrar\u00e1 el contenido original en su lugar. Esto tambi\u00e9n se aplica en las im\u00e1genes: si no subes una imagen para el idioma, se usar\u00e1 la imagen original.","Enter comma separated or or enter separated values that will be allowed for this field.":"Introduce los valores permitidos para este campo separadots por comas o un valor por l\u00ednea.","Enter values separated by a comma or one value per line. The content entered by a participant must be exactly the same as one of these values.":"Introduce los valores separados por comas o un valor por l\u00ednea. El contenido introducido por un participante deber\u00e1 ser exacto a uno de estos valores.","fully mobile compatible":"totalmente compatible con dispositivos m\u00f3viles","Generating the ZIP file...":"Generando el archivo ZIP...","Go back to the entries list":"Volver al listado de participaciones","Hello %s!":"\u00a1Hola %s!","help":"ayuda","Here you have the latest activity in your promotion %s:":"Aqu\u00ed tienes la actividad m\u00e1s reciente en tu promoci\u00f3n %s:","Hi there!":"\u00a1Hola!","Yes, I want":"S\u00ed, quiero","How to highlight your promotion in our public promotions list":"Como destacar tu promoci\u00f3n en nuestro listado p\u00fablico de promociones","How to publish your promotion on the wall correctly":"C\u00f3mo publicar correctamente tu promoci\u00f3n en el muro","IMPORTANT: Do not activate this field if you want to ask sensible information to the user (telephone, address, personal details, etc.).":"IMPORTANTE: No actives este campo si pides informaci\u00f3n sensible del usuario (tel\u00e9fono, direcci\u00f3n, datos personales, etc.).","In case you make entries public, in addition to the public information of each user (name and profile picture), content of this field will also be public.":"En caso que publiques las participaciones, adem\u00e1s de la informaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica de cada usuario (nombre y foto de perfil), se mostrar\u00e1 tambi\u00e9n el contenido de este campo adicional.","ip":"ip","Is this field mandatory?":"\u00bfEste campo es obligatorio?","It will be displayed from %s to %s in the following link":"Se mostrar\u00e1 des del %s hasta el %s en el siguiente enlace","Link text to open quiz statistics":"Enlace de texto para abrir las estad\u00edsticas del cuestionario","Link to blog":"Enlace al blog","Long text":"Texto largo","Make this custom field public":"Hacer este campo adicional p\u00fablico","Method of validation":"M\u00e9todo de validaci\u00f3n","my account":"mi cuenta","my promotions":"mis promociones","Need help?":"\u00bfNecesitas ayuda?","New participant in %s":"Nuevo participante en %s","No validation":"Sin validaci\u00f3n","options":"Opciones","Or copy this link (which will be available for the next 24 hours):":"O copia este link (que estar\u00e1 disponible durante las pr\u00f3ximas 24 horas):","Please, review this and, if it's not correct, feel free to edit them in the %s below.":"Por favor, revisa esto y, si no es correcto, ed\u00edtalo t\u00fa mismo en el %s siguiente.","Portuguese (Brazil)":"Portugu\u00e9s (Brazil)","Public field":"Campo p\u00fablico","Publicly display statistics for each question in the quiz.":"Mostrar p\u00fablicamente las estad\u00edsticas para cada una de las preguntas del cuestionario.","publish entry":"publicar participaci\u00f3n","Results messages":"Mensajes de resultado","Short text":"Texto corto","Switch to page":"Cambiar a p\u00e1gina","Template for the first page of the promotion":"Plantilla para la primera p\u00e1gina de la promoci\u00f3n","The promotion can't be activated because the end of publication date is past. Please check the promotion dates configuration.":"La promoci\u00f3n no se puede activar porque la fecha de fin de publicaci\u00f3n es pasada. Por favor revisa la configuraci\u00f3n de las fechas de la promoci\u00f3n.","This functionality can be %s at any time.":"Esta funcionalidad puede ser %s en cualquier momento.","This value is invalid.":"Este valor no es correcto.","unpublish entry":"despublicar participaci\u00f3n","Upload the coupon image the user will be able to download.":"Sube la imagen de cup\u00f3n que el usuario podr\u00e1 descargar.","Use this field to test your regular expression.":"Utiliza este campo para testear tu expresi\u00f3n regular.","User cannot be identified. Please try again.":"El usuario no se ha podido identificar. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo.","View and manage all new %d entries":"Ver y gestionar todas las nuevas %d participaciones.","view Facebook profile":"ver el perfil de Facebook","Voter email":"E-mail del votante","Voter Name":"Nombre del votante","We cannot set the namespace because the generated name is invalid please set a namespace in your app.":"No podemos asignar el namespace porque el nombre generado no es correcto. Por favor, define un namespace en tu app.","This field cannot be left empty.":"Este campo es obligatorio.","This is the legal disclaimer text that will be displayed in the registration form of the promotion. It is optional and it doesn't exclude the Terms and Conditions. %s.":"Texto legal que aparecer\u00e1 en el formulario de registro de la promoci\u00f3n. Es opcional y no excluye las bases legales. %s.","Disclaimer":"Aviso legal","Short title":"T\u00edtulo corto","Short text to identify this field in entries list. We recommend you to use maximum 2 words.":"Texto corto que identifica este campo en el listado de entradas. Te recomendamos que utilices m\u00e1ximo 2 palabras.","Recommended option for categories contests.":"Opci\u00f3n recomendada para los concursos de categor\u00edas.","Text to identify this field in the registration form. It accepts HTML code.":"Texto que identifica este campo en el formulario de registro. Se acepta c\u00f3digo HTML.","Add Instant Win":"A\u00f1adir Momento Ganador","Add new":"A\u00f1adir nuevo","Already participating message":"Mensaje de 'Ya est\u00e1s participando'","Apr":"Abr","Aug":"Ago","Click on the image to upload a new image":"Haz clic en la imagen para subir una imagen","Date and Time (24h)":"Fecha y Hora (24 h)","Date and time of the interval end (24h)":"Fecha y hora del fin del intervalo (24 h)","Date and time of the interval start (24h)":"Fecha y hora de inicio del intervalo (24 h)","Dec":"Dic","Delete all":"Eliminar todos","Do you want to add a new Instant Win?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir un nuevo Momento Ganador?","Do you want to assign new entries every day?":"\u00bfQuieres dar nuevas participaciones cada d\u00eda?","Edit Intant Win":"Editar Momento Ganador","Error in field %s":"Error en el campo %s","Feb":"Feb","Insert a valid number":"Introduce un n\u00famero v\u00e1lido","Insert a valid number between %d and %d":"Introduce un n\u00famero v\u00e1lido entre %d y %d","Insert a valid number lower than 100. The application will generate the number of instant wins at random, according to the interval specified. If you need more instant wins, you can repeat this process":"Introduce un n\u00famero v\u00e1lido inferior a 100. La aplicaci\u00f3n generar\u00e1 el n\u00famero de momentos ganadores de forma aleatoria, en el intervalo de tiempo definido. En caso que necesites m\u00e1s momentos ganadores, podr\u00e1s repetir este proceso","Insert the HTML text that will be displayed to the user that comes out as the winner of that Instant Win":"Introduce el texto HTML que aparecer\u00e1 al usuario que resulte ganador de este Momento Ganador","Insert the number of instant wins to obtain":"Introduce el n\u00famero de momentos ganadores a generar","Instant":"instante","Instant Win":"Momento ganador","Instant Wins":"Momentos Ganadores","Jan":"Ene","Jul":"Jul","Jun":"Jun","Manual":"Manual","Mar":"Mar","New":"Nuevo","Nov":"Nov","Oct":"Oct","Only instant winners":"S\u00f3lo momentos ganadores","Publish now":"Publicar ahora","Random":"Aleatorio","Sep":"Sep","Swedish":"Sueco","The number of instant winners should be a number and lower than 100.":"El n\u00famero de instantes ganadores debe ser un n\u00famero inferior a 100.","These are the winners":"Estos son los usuarios que han resultado ganadores","Upload the image that will be displayed to the user that comes out as the winner of that Instant Win":"Sube la imagen que aparecer\u00e1 al usuario que resulte ganador de este Momento Ganador","View all available instant wins":"Ver todos los Momentos Ganadores disposibles","When enabling this option, the user has the same number of entries that you have defined in the '%s' field every day.":"Al habilitar esta opci\u00f3n, el usuario vuelve a disponer del n\u00famero de participaciones definido en el campo '%s' cada d\u00eda.","Winner message":"Mensaje Ganador","Yes, I want to continue":"S\u00ed, deseo continuar","You received this e-mail because you have enabled the option '%s' for this promotion.":"Est\u00e1s recibiendo este e-mail porque marcaste la opci\u00f3n '%s' para esta promoci\u00f3n.","Disable registration form for multiple entries":"Omitir el formulario en participaciones m\u00faltiples","Need more Instant wins? Upgrade to Premium and you'll be able to add unlimited Instant wins":"\u00bfNecesitas m\u00e1s Momentos Ganadores? Actualiza a Premium y podr\u00e1s crear Momentos Ganadores ilimitados.","This field cannot be empty":"Este campo es obligatorio","Only verified users can enter":"S\u00f3lo pueden participar los usuarios verificados","Number of seconds after which the same IP can enter the promotion again":"N\u00famero de segundos a partir del cual una misma IP puede volver a participar en la promoci\u00f3n","Leave blank if not required (by default 60 seconds)":"Deja el campo en blanco o pon 0 si no necesitas este filtro (por defecto 60 segundos)","Max. votes by Browser\/IP":"M\u00e1x. votos desde Navegador\/IP","Max. entries by Browser\/IP":"M\u00e1x. participaciones Navegador\/IP","Need more Instant wins? Upgrade to Premium and you'll be able to add unlimited Instant wins.":"\u00bfNecesitas m\u00e1s Momentos Ganadores? Actualiza a Premium y podr\u00e1s crear Momentos Ganadores ilimitados.","Maximum number of entries allowed by the same browser\/IP pair":"M\u00e1ximo de participaciones permitidas por un mismo par de navegador\/IP","When enabling this option, from the second entry onwards, users will not be required to complete the registry form.":"Seleccionando esta opci\u00f3n, a partir de la segunda participaci\u00f3n en adelante, los usuarios no tendr\u00e1n que volver a rellenar el formulario de registro.","Maximum number of votes allowed by the same browser\/IP pair for a single entry":"M\u00e1ximo de votaciones permitidas por un mismo par de navegador\/IP","Oops! You can't cast any more votes from this computer.":"\u00a1Ups! No puedes volver a votar desde este ordenador.","None of your entrants has liked your recommended pages.":"Ninguno de tus participantes ha indicado que le gusten tus p\u00e1ginas recomendadas.","Click on the icon for more information.":"Pulsa el icono para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n.","Unable to identify this IP address. The IP code is '%s'.":"Esta direcci\u00f3n IP no se ha podido identificar. El c\u00f3digo de IP es '%s'.","When enabling this option, the application will check if the values introduced by the user are valid and, additionally, they have not been previously registered by another user.":"Al activar esta opci\u00f3n, la aplicaci\u00f3n comprobar\u00e1 que los valores introducidos por el usuario sean v\u00e1lidos y, adem\u00e1s, que no hayan sido registrados por otro usuario anteriormente.","This value has already been used.":"Este valor ya ha sido utilizado","One-time use values":"Valores de un solo uso","When enabling this option, only those users who have a minimum number of Facebook friends will be able to enter the promotion. Write 0 if not needed (by default 10 friends).":"Al activar esta opci\u00f3n, solamente podr\u00e1n participar en la promoci\u00f3n los usuarios que tengan un m\u00ednimo n\u00famero de amigos en Facebook. Escribe un 0 si no lo necesitas (por defecto 10 amigos). ","Use responsive layout":"Utilizar dise\u00f1o responsive","This option will only be available until %s. From that date on, all promotions will be automatically converted to responsive":"Esta opci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo estar\u00e1 disponible hasta el %s. A partir de esta fecha, todas las promociones se convertir\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente a responsive.","%s\/%s recruited users":"%s\/%s usuarios reclutados","country code":"c\u00f3digo de pa\u00eds","Desktop":"Escritorio","Home":"Inicio","Please, try again in our next promotion. Thanks.":"Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo en la pr\u00f3xima promoci\u00f3n. Gracias.","Quiz statistics":"Estad\u00edsticas del cuestionario","Refer a friend":"Reclutar","Recruited":"Reclutado","Somebody has entered this promotion from the same IP as you a few moments ago. Please, try it again later.":"Alguien ha participado en esta promoci\u00f3n desde la misma IP que t\u00fa hace unos momentos. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo en unos momentos.","View recruited users":"Ver usuarios reclutados","You cannot enter this promotion":"No puedes acceder a esta promoci\u00f3n","You cannot enter this promotion right now":"No puedes acceder a esta promoci\u00f3n en este momento","You have reached the maximum of registrations for this computer.":"Has alcanzado el m\u00e1ximo de registros permitidos para este ordenador.","agent":"agente","Browser":"Navegador","Change":"Cambiar","Change language":"Cambiar idioma","Display":"Mostrar","Enabled":"Habilitado","Export list of recruits to CSV\/Excel":"Exportar lista de reclutados a CSV\/Excel","Fraud control options":"Opciones de control de fraude","generic":"gen\u00e9rico","Hash":"Hash","ip-agent":"ip-agent","Is recruiter friend?":"\u00bfEs amigo del reclutador?","lands.":"hor.","Now the Easypromos template is 100% responsive: it adapts to the size of any type of device. Optimized layout for mobile.":"Ahora la plantilla de Easypromos es 100% responsive: se adapta al tama\u00f1o de cualquier tipo de dispositivo. Dise\u00f1o optimizado para m\u00f3viles.","num friends":"n\u00fam. amigos","portr.":"vert.","Responsive design %s":"Dise\u00f1o responsive %s","The new Easypromos responsive design adapts to any device resolution with an optimal view.":"El nuevo dise\u00f1o responsive de Easypromos se adapta a cualquier resoluci\u00f3n de dispositivo con una visualizaci\u00f3n \u00f3ptima.","This link is compatible with mobile devices and you can use URL shorteners. This is the final link, and it won't change.":"Este enlace es compatible con dispositivos m\u00f3viles y puedes usar acortadores de URL. Este es el enlace definitivo, y no cambiar\u00e1.","Until 31st of December, 2013, you can enable\/disable this option at anytime. From this time on, all promotions will be responsive.":"Hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2013, puedes habilitar\/deshabilitar esta opci\u00f3n en cualquier momento. A partir de ese momento, todas las promociones ser\u00e1n responsive.","Use this link to share your promotion in Facebook or in any other digital support (Social networks, websites, banners, newsletters, QR...)":"Utiliza este enlace para compartir tu promoci\u00f3n en Facebook o en cualquier soporte digital (Redes sociales, p\u00e1ginas web, banners, newsletters, QR...)","User agent":"User Agent","Voter Agent":"UserAgent Votante","Voter Hash":"Hash Votante","Use this link to go directly to the terms and conditions of the promotion.":"Utiliza este enlace para ir directamente a la pantalla con los t\u00e9rminos y condiciones de la promoci\u00f3n.","Link to the terms and conditions":"Enlace a los t\u00e9rminos y condiciones","This is the default link to the promotion. Use this link to communicate the promotion in your Facebook page or in any other site. When users share the promotion on their profile or send invitations, this link will be used.":"\u00c9ste es el enlace por defecto de la promoci\u00f3n. Utiliza este enlace para comunicar la promoci\u00f3n en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook o en cualquier otro sitio. Cuando los usuarios compartan la promoci\u00f3n en su perfil o env\u00eden invitaciones, tambi\u00e9n se utilizar\u00e1 este enlace.","Target page of the promotion main link":"P\u00e1gina de destino del enlace principal","Select the destination of the Main Link of the Promotion. To know the different options in detail click this %s.":"Selecciona el destino del enlace principal de la promoci\u00f3n. Para conocer en detalle cada opci\u00f3n consulta este %s.","Other links to the promotion":"Otros enlaces de la promoci\u00f3n","Entrants API":"API de participantes","Home page (Facebook Tab) (default)":"P\u00e1gina de inicio (Pesta\u00f1a de Facebook) (defecto)","Home page (Facebook Canvas)":"P\u00e1gina de inicio (Canvas de Facebook)","Register form":"Formulario de registro","Custom URL":"URL personalizada","Entries list":"Listado de entradas","You must enter a Custom URL first":"Debes introducir una URL personalizada primero","The data was saved":"La informaci\u00f3n se ha guardado","Available widgets for the promotion":"Listado de widgets disponibles para la promoci\u00f3n","Embed your promotion":"Incrusta tu promoci\u00f3n","This widget enables to embed the promotion into any website. Users will be able to register and participate within the same widget.

To embed the promotion copy and paste the following code in your website.":"Este widget permite incrustar la promoci\u00f3n en cualquier sitio web. Los usuarios podr\u00e1n realizar todo el proceso de registro y participaci\u00f3n dentro del propio widget.

Copia y pega el siguiente c\u00f3digo en tu p\u00e1gina web para incrustar la promoci\u00f3n.","Width":"Ancho","Height":"Alto","Preview":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n","Example":"Ejemplo","Options":"Opciones","Widgets":"Widgets","Tracking code in %s":"C\u00f3digo de seguimiento para la %s","Enter a tracking code or pixel code to be inserted on the %s.":"Inserta un c\u00f3digo o p\u00edxel de seguimiento para la %s de la promoci\u00f3n","Welcome page":"P\u00e1gina de Inicio","Form page":"p\u00e1gina de Registro","Entries page":"p\u00e1gina de Participaciones","Analytics and tracking":"Anal\u00edticas y seguimiento","If you run a website, blog or even an online store you can let your users enter the promotion directly from there. This Widget is placed on one side of the screen as a tab. When clicking the tab, the promotion is displayed in a modal box over your page.

Use the options to configure the Widget Tab: color, label, position and box size.":"Si tienes una p\u00e1gina web, blog o incluso una tienda online puedes dejar que tus usuarios participen en la promoci\u00f3n directamente desde ah\u00ed. Este Widget se instala en un lateral de la pantalla como una pesta\u00f1a. Al hacer click en la pesta\u00f1a, la promoci\u00f3n se visualiza en una ventana modal encima de la p\u00e1gina web.

Utiliza las siguientes opciones para configurar el Widget: color, t\u00edtulo de la pesta\u00f1a, posici\u00f3n y tama\u00f1o de la ventana.","Tab Widget":"Widget pesta\u00f1a","Closed promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n cerrada","Color":"Color","Congratulations! You won the prize assigned on %s":"\u00a1Felicidades! Has ganado el premio asignado a las %s","Download winners list":"Descargar la lista de ganadores","Enter our promo":"Participa en nuestra promo","Enter the URL":"Introduce la URL","Enter the URL to where you want the users will be redirected after clicking the shared link.":"Introduce la URL a la que quieres que se redirija a los usuarios despu\u00e9s de hacer clic en el enlace compartido.","Export list of instant winners to CSV\/Excel":"Exportar la lista de ganadores por momento ganador a CSV\/Excel","Hungarian":"H\u00fangaro","INSTANT DATE":"FECHA MOMENTO","It must start with 'http:\/\/' or 'https:\/\/'":"Debe empezar por 'http:\/\/' o 'https:\/\/'","Label":"Etiqueta","Left":"Izquierda","MESSAGE":"MENSAJE","Position":"Posici\u00f3n","Prize":"Premio","Right":"Derecha","Share this link so people can see the preview of the promotion":"Comparte este enlace para que la gente pueda ver la previsualizaci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n","Share this preview":"Comparte esta previsualizaci\u00f3n","Thanks a lot for participating!":"\u00a1Muchas gracias por participar!","Winner name":"Nombre ganador","You can only win one prize":"S\u00f3lo puedes ganar un premio","Go to page":"Ir a la p\u00e1gina","Hi, %s!":"\u00a1Hola, %s!","Post Invitation description":"Descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n para invitar","Post Invitation title":"T\u00edtulo de la publicaci\u00f3n para invitar","Text of the invitation page":"Texto de la p\u00e1gina de invitaci\u00f3n","This is the description of the post when users share the promotion on Facebook to invite friends. Example: \\\"In order to enter this promotion I need at least 5 friends who like this page. Please, help me and become a new fan. Thank you!\\\".":"Esta es la descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Facebook para invitar amigos. Ejemplo: \\\"Para poder participar en esta promoci\u00f3n necesito que al menos 5 amigos sean fans de esta p\u00e1gina. Por favor, ay\u00fadame y hazte fan. \u00a1Muchas gracias!\\\".","This is the title of the post when users share the promotion on Facebook to invite friends. Example: \\\"Help me to win this great prize!\\\"":"Este es el t\u00edtulo de la publicaci\u00f3n cuando los usuarios comparten la promoci\u00f3n en Facebook para invitar amigos. Ejemplo: \\\"\u00a1Ay\u00fadame a ganar este fant\u00e1stico premio!\\\"","View permissions":"Ver permisos","Accept permissions":"Aceptar permisos","Check if you want to display the entries list page using the tiled gallery layout. Otherwise, the classic layout will be used.":"Selecciona si quieres mostrar el listado de entradas utilizando la plantilla mosaico. Por defecto, se utilizar\u00e1 la plantilla cl\u00e1sica.","Entries per page":"Participaciones por p\u00e1gina","FriendGate fans":"Fans de FriendGate","Join this contest now!":"\u00a1Participa ahora en el concurso!","Leave blank or write 0 for unlimited characters.":"Deja el campo en blanco o escribe un 0 para caracteres ilimitados.","Max. %s characters":"M\u00e1x. %s caracteres","Max. characters allowed":"M\u00e1x. caracteres permitidos","Maximum height of the pictures":"Altura m\u00e1xima de las fotos","Referer HTTP":"URL de referencia","Rotate CC":"Girar hacia la izquierda","Rotate CW":"Girar hacia la derecha","See example of classic layout":"Ver ejemplo de plantilla cl\u00e1sica","Share the promotion":"Comparte la promoci\u00f3n","This value allows to control the maximum height of the elements within the tiled gallery layout. The application will resize and display the pictures or videos in the gallery to take advantage of all the width available and keeping the maximum height specified. For more information, check this %s.":"Este valor te permite controlar la altura m\u00e1xima que pueden tener los elementos dentro de la plantilla mosaico. La aplicaci\u00f3n redimensionar\u00e1 y presentar\u00e1 las fotos o videos dentro de la galer\u00eda para aprovechar todo el ancho disponible sin que ninguna foto supere la altura m\u00e1xima indicada. Para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, consulta este %s.","This QR Code and link will take you directly to your promotion, add campaign parameters (utms) to measure the participants source":"Este c\u00f3digo QR y enlace te llevar\u00e1n directamente a tu promoci\u00f3n, agrega par\u00e1metros de campa\u00f1a (utms) para medir el origen de los participantes","Use this link for your campaign":"Utiliza este enlace para tu campa\u00f1a","Use tiled gallery layout":"Usar plantilla mosaico","When entries are published the entries list page is activated. If there are a lot participants the application will paginate the list. This option allows to define the maximum number of entries displayed per page.":"Cuando se hacen p\u00fablicas las participaciones se activa la p\u00e1gina del listado de entradas. Si hay muchos participantes la aplicaci\u00f3n paginar\u00e1 el listado. Esta opci\u00f3n te permite definir el n\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de participantes que aparecen por p\u00e1gina.","View of the gallery: %s":"Vista de la galer\u00eda: %s","Create a custom link campaign":"Crear una campa\u00f1a de enlaces personalizados","%s%% of the entrants":"%s%% de los participantes","%s%% of the entrants coming from
%s":"%s%% de los participantes que vinieron de
%s","** blank **":"** vac\u00edo **","** no campaign **":"** sin campa\u00f1a **","** no data captured **":"** sin datos **","** others **":"** otros **","absolute":"absoluto","Age":"Edad","Campaigns data is captured since Nov 28th, 2013 4pm (CEST).":"La informaci\u00f3n de campa\u00f1as se obtiene des del 28 de noviembre de 2013 a las 16 h (CEST).","Connection countries list":"Listado de pa\u00edses de conexi\u00f3n","First level":"Primer nivel","General":"General","Geolocalization":"Geolocalizaci\u00f3n","Geolocalized users":"Usuarios geolocalizados","Link campaigns insights for '%s'":"Estad\u00edsticas de campa\u00f1as de links para '%s'","not defined":"sin definir","Referral URL is captured since Nov 28th, 2013 4pm (CEST).":"La URL de referencia se obtiene des del 28 de noviembre de 2013 a las 16 h (CEST).","Registered entrants by link campaign using utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign parameters.":"Usuarios registrados a trav\u00e9s de la campa\u00f1a de enlace usando los par\u00e1metros utm_source, utm_medium y utm_campaign.","Registered entrants not accessing from a link campaign.":"Usuarios registrados sin acceder a trav\u00e9s de una campa\u00f1a de enlaces.","relative":"relativo","Second level":"Segundo nivel","Source URL from where entrants clicked to enter the promotion.":"URL de referencia desde la que los participantes accedieron a la promoci\u00f3n.","The captured referral URL is not parseable.":"La URL de referencia no es procesable.","The referral URL could not be registered.":"La URL de referencia no se ha podido registrar.","Third level":"Tercer nivel","Top 10 connection countries list":"El Top-10 de los pa\u00edses de conexi\u00f3n","User insights for '%s'":"Estad\u00edsticas de usuario para '%s'","User's age":"Edad del usuario","User's genre":"G\u00e9nero del usuario","From 1st February on, background customization will be a Premium functionality and this section will no longer be available for new Basic promotions. Backgrounds will be maintained for those Basic promotions activated before this date.":"A partir del 1 de Febrero, la personalizaci\u00f3n de fondos ser\u00e1 una funcionalidad Premium y esta secci\u00f3n ya no estar\u00e1 disponible para las nuevas promociones b\u00e1sicas. Se conservar\u00e1n los fondos para promociones b\u00e1sicas activadas antes de esta fecha.","More information about backgrounds":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre los fondos de pantalla","If you run a photo contest, with this widget you can embed the photo gallery into any website. When accessing the gallery, users will be able to interact with the photos exactly in the same way as they would do on Facebook: see and navigate between all the photos, vote, share, comment, become fan and even take part in the contest.":"Si realizas un concurso de fotos, con este widget puedes insertar la galer\u00eda de fotos en cualquier sitio web. Al acceder a la galer\u00eda, los usuarios podr\u00e1n interactuar con las fotos exactamente de la misma manera que lo har\u00edan en el enlace microsite del concurso: ver y navegar entre todas las fotos, votar, compartir, comentar, hacerse fan e incluso participar en el concurso.","Media Widget":"Widget media","Actions header":"Cabecera de Acciones","Control header":"Cabecera de Controles","Campaign statistics and traffic sources":"Estad\u00edsticas de campa\u00f1as y fuentes de tr\u00e1fico","This section shows the list of traffic sources of the promotion's participants. It also shows the statistics of the link campaigns created with utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign parameters. This statistics section is a Premium functionality. An upgrade to Premium is required in order to access this section.":"En esta secci\u00f3n se muestra el listado de fuentes de tr\u00e1fico de los participantes de la promoci\u00f3n. Tambi\u00e9n se muestran las estad\u00edsticas de las campa\u00f1as de links realizadas con los par\u00e1metros utm_source, utm_medium y utm_campaign. Esta secci\u00f3n de las estad\u00edsticas es una funcionalidad Premium. Para tener acceso a la secci\u00f3n es necesario actualizar la promoci\u00f3n.","I have published the promotion in different websites. Can I know the participants that have entered via these sites?":"He publicado la promoci\u00f3n en varios sitios web \u00bfPuedo conocer los participantes que se han registrado a trav\u00e9s de estos sitios?","Yes, Premium promotions allow to know the origin of the participants. This section shows a list with all the referral sites. In this way you can measure the impact of the links and external banners.":"S\u00ed, las promociones Premium permiten conocer la procedencia de los participantes. En esta secci\u00f3n se listan todos los sitios web de referencia. De esta forma se puede medir el impacto de los enlaces o banners externos.","I have used utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign parameters to create link campaigns. Can I measure the impact of these campaigns?":"He utilizado par\u00e1metros utm_source, utm_medium y utm_campaign, para realizar campa\u00f1as de links. \u00bfPuedo medir el impacto de estas campa\u00f1as?","Yes, Campaigns section shows the number of participants registered via each link campaign created. For example, if you have sent a newsletter with utm parameters, you will see the total of users that have entered the promotion via this campaign. It can also be used for utm campaigns created for any other means of communication used: Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Banners, etc.":"S\u00ed, desde la secci\u00f3n campa\u00f1as se muestra el n\u00famero de participantes registrados a trav\u00e9s de cada una de las campa\u00f1as de links realizadas. Por ejemplo, si has enviado una newsletter con par\u00e1metros utm, se mostrar\u00e1 el total de usuarios que han llegado a trav\u00e9s de esta campa\u00f1a. Tambi\u00e9n se puede aplicar para campa\u00f1as utm aplicadas a cualquier medio de difusi\u00f3n: Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Banners, etc\u2026","Can I know the impact of the participants obtained by the diffusion of the Easypromos own network?":"\u00bfPuedo conocer el impacto de participantes por la difusi\u00f3n de la propia red de Easypromos?","Yes, Campaigns section shows the total of users that have registered into the promotion via the diffusion provided by the Easypromos platform, via the %s and the Android and iPhone mobile application. You can also know the number of users that come from organic virality, that is, users that have registered via their friends' recommendations.":"S\u00ed, desde la secci\u00f3n campa\u00f1as se mostrar\u00e1 el total de usuarios que se han registrado a la promoci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de la difusi\u00f3n propia que se realiza desde Easypromos, a trav\u00e9s de la %s y la aplicaci\u00f3n m\u00f3vil para Android y iPhone. Tambi\u00e9n podr\u00e1s conocer el n\u00famero de usuarios que han llegado por viralidad org\u00e1nica, es decir que se han registrado a trav\u00e9s de las recomendaciones de sus amigos.","active promotions page":"p\u00e1gina de promociones activas","My promotion has already begun, if I upgrade to Premium now, will I be able to obtain all this information?":"Mi promoci\u00f3n ya ha empezado, \u00bfsi actualizo a Premium ahora, podr\u00e9 obtener todos estos datos?","The information related to the traffic sources and utm campaigns is registered for all promotions (Basic, Premium and White Label). Upon upgrading to Premium, you will see all the data registered during the whole duration of the promotion.":"La informaci\u00f3n de fuentes de tr\u00e1fico y datos de campa\u00f1as utm, se registra para todas las promociones (B\u00e1sica, Premium y Marca Blanca). Al actualizar a Premium, se mostrar\u00e1n los datos registrados durante todo el periodo de la promoci\u00f3n.","Click on the screenshots to zoom them":"Haz clic en las im\u00e1genes para ampliarlas","Attempts":"Intentos","Available size":"Medida disponible","Average participations per day":"Media de participaciones por d\u00eda","Average participations per user":"Media de participaciones por usuario","Campaigns insights":"Estad\u00edsticas de campa\u00f1as","Custom size":"Medida personalizada","Download participations":"Descargar participaciones","Edit this element":"Editar este elemento","Enable void prizes":"Habilitar premios desiertos","Enable\/Disable the assignment of prizes via Instant Win. When enabling this option, the application will start to assign the defined prizes depending on the scheduled instant wins.":"Habilitar\/Deshabilitar la asignaci\u00f3n de premios por Momento Ganador. Al habilitar esta opci\u00f3n, se empezar\u00e1n a asignar los premios definidos en funci\u00f3n de los momentos ganadores programados.","Enter again":"Volver a participar","Enter the custom height in pixels:":"Introduce el alto personalizado en p\u00edxeles","Enter the custom width in pixels:":"Introduce el ancho personalizado en p\u00edxeles","If any user enters during an interval of 2 instant win, the first instant win will be declared void and unassigned.":"Si ning\u00fan usuario participa durante el intervalo de 2 momentos ganadores, el primer momento ganador quedar\u00e1 desierto y no se le asignar\u00e1 ning\u00fan ganador.","Insert the prize for this instant win. It must be a short text that helps identify the prize, such as: iPad, samples, free tickets, 10% discount, etc.":"Introduce el premio para este momento ganador. Debe ser un texto corto e identificativo del premio, como por ejemplo: iPad, muestras, entrada gratis, descuento 10%, etc.","Instant Winner stats":"Estad\u00edsticas de Momento Ganador","Instant winners":"Momentos ganadores","Instant winners for '%s'.":"Momentos ganadores para '%s'.","It must be a text that congratulates the user and explains the prize, such as: Congratulations! You have just won a free ticket for the movies. We'll contact you shortly to give you the prize. Thanks a lot!":"Debe ser un texto que felicite al usuario y explique el premio ganado, como por ejemplo: \u00a1Enhorabuena! Acabas de ganar una entrada gratis para ir al cine. En breve contactaremos contigo para darte el premio. \u00a1Muchas gracias!","Last winners":"\u00daltimos ganadores","Latest participations":"\u00daltimas participaciones","Latest winners":"\u00daltimos ganadores","Link campaigns insights for '%s'.":"Estad\u00edsticas para campa\u00f1as de enlaces para %s.","No prize":"Sin premio","Number of participations":"N\u00famero de participaciones","Number of users":"N\u00famero de usuarios","Participants can only win once":"Los participantes s\u00f3lo pueden ganar una vez","Participations per user":"Participaciones por usuario","Preview changes":"Previsualizar cambios","Publish the winners automatically":"Publicar los ganadores autom\u00e1ticamente","Referer HTTP insights":"Estad\u00edsticas de las URL de referencia","Save styles":"Guardar estilos","Similar items":"Elementos similares","Sorry, this page doesn't exist":"Disculpa, esta p\u00e1gina no existe","Summary":"Resumen","Text color":"Color de texto","This is a supportive image for the '%s'. This field is optional.":"Esta imagen es una imagen de apoyo al '%s'. Este campo no es obligatorio.","This is the text displayed in the link to open quiz statistics":"Este es el texto mostrado en el link para abrir las estad\u00edsticas de cuestionario","Total participations":"Total de participaciones","Unique item":"Elemento \u00fanico","View all the information about your instant winners":"Ver toda la informaci\u00f3n acerca de tus momentos ganadores","View my participations":"Ver mis participaciones","When enabling this option, users will only be able to opt for one prize during the whole promotion. Participants will have the number of entries defined in the \u00ab%s\u00bb field, but once they win a prize, they will not be able to keep participating.":"Al habilitar esta opci\u00f3n, los usuarios solamente podr\u00e1n optar a un premio en toda la promoci\u00f3n. Los participantes dispondr\u00e1n del n\u00famero de participaciones definido en el campo \u00ab%s\u00bb, pero tras ganar un premio, los usuarios no podr\u00e1n seguir participando.","You can try again in":"Podr\u00e1s intentarlo de nuevo en","You have no more daily attempts left.":"No dispones de m\u00e1s participaciones diarias.","You have to enter valid numeric values":"Debes introducir un valor num\u00e9rico v\u00e1lido","You won %s on %s":"Has ganado %s en %s","Instructions":"Instrucciones","Coupons":"Cupones","All countries":"Todos los pa\u00edses","Check code":"Verificar c\u00f3digo","Coupon\/code instructions":"Instrucciones del cup\u00f3n\/c\u00f3digo","Download PDF":"Descargar PDF","Edit date":"Editar fecha","Enter the promotional code below":"Introduce el c\u00f3digo promocional","Go to links to promotion":"Ir a enlaces de la promoci\u00f3n","Here you have your coupon\/code":"Aqu\u00ed tienes tu cup\u00f3n\/c\u00f3digo","In order to access the online version of the coupon\/code, click on the following link":"Para acceder a la versi\u00f3n online del cup\u00f3n\/c\u00f3digo haz click en este enlace","Please, enter a code":"Por favor, introduce un c\u00f3digo","Print coupon":"Imprimir cup\u00f3n","Promotional codes validator":"Validador de c\u00f3digos promocionales","Select the countries for your promotion":"Selecciona los pa\u00edses para tu promoci\u00f3n","Send by email":"Enviar por e-mail","Send coupon by email":"Enviar cup\u00f3n por e-mail","Sending e-mail":"Enviando e-mail","Thanks a lot for participating in %s!":"\u00a1Muchas gracias por participar en %s!","Thanks a lot!":"\u00a1Muchas gracias!","The code %s has already been used":"El c\u00f3digo %s ya se ha utilizado","The code %s is not valid":"El c\u00f3digo %s no es v\u00e1lido","The code %s is valid":"El c\u00f3digo %s es v\u00e1lido","The email has been sent successfully":"E-mail enviado correctamente","This message includes attached the coupon\/code in PDF format.":"En este mensaje se adjunta el cup\u00f3n\/c\u00f3digo en formato PDF.","Timezone":"Zona horaria","View all winners":"Ver todos los ganadores","View promotion stats":"Ver estad\u00edsticas","Customize the background of the Redemption Portal":"Personalizar fondo del Portal de Validaci\u00f3n","Enable Code Redemption Portal":"Habilitar Portal de Validaci\u00f3n de C\u00f3digos","Coupons \/ Promotional codes enabled":"Cupones \/ C\u00f3digos promocionales habilitados","The Code Redemption Portal is a website where assigned promotional codes of the registered users can be redeemed. This Portal is designed to validate the codes in the point of sale.":"El Portal de Validaci\u00f3n es una p\u00e1gina web en la que se pueden validar los c\u00f3digos promocionales asignados a los usuarios que se registran a la promoci\u00f3n. Este portal est\u00e1 dise\u00f1ado para poder validar los c\u00f3digos en el punto de venta.","Upload an image that represents a coupon. This image is displayed in the Thank You page and it is included when the user downloads the coupon. The width of the image is %s, with a recommended height of %s.":"Sube una imagen que represente un cup\u00f3n. Esta imagen se muestra en la p\u00e1gina de Muchas gracias, y se incluye cuando el usuario de descarga el cup\u00f3n. El ancho de la imagen debe ser %s, y alto recomendado es %s.","Upload an image to customize the background of the Redemption Portal.":"Sube una imagen para personalizar el fondo del Portal de Validaci\u00f3n.","Use this link to access the Code Redemption Portal":"Utiliza esta link para acceder al Portal de Validaci\u00f3n de C\u00f3digos","When enabling this module, the user will see a coupon or a promotional code in the Thank You page, right after completing the registration process.":"Al habilitar este m\u00f3dulo, el usuario visualizar\u00e1 un cup\u00f3n o un c\u00f3digo promocional en la p\u00e1gina de Muchas gracias, justo despu\u00e9s de finalizar el proceso de registro.","Insert the name of the sender of the message that users will receive when coupons are sent by email.":"Introduce el nombre del remitente del correo electr\u00f3nico que le llegar\u00e1 al usuario cuando se env\u00ede el cup\u00f3n v\u00eda email.","Check if you want the optin checked by default.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres la casilla marcada por defecto.","Checked by default":"Marcado por defecto","Draft promotions":"Promociones en Borrador","Hide tour":"Ocultar Tour","From this menu you will be able to access all the options of the promotion:edit, preview, activate the promotion, create a quiz, view the participants, pick the winners, copy and duplicate the promotion and perform other management tasks.":"Desde este men\u00fa, podr\u00e1s acceder a todas las opciones de la promoci\u00f3n: editar, previsualizar, activar la promoci\u00f3n, crear un cuestionario, ver los participantes, seleccionar los ganadores, copiar y duplicar la promoci\u00f3n y realizar otras tareas de gesti\u00f3n.","Use the new calendar to set up the dates of the promotion. You will also be able to set up the default language, and in Premium and White Label promotions you will also be able to set up the country filter.":"Utiliza el nuevo calendario para configurar las fechas de la promoci\u00f3n. Tambi\u00e9n podr\u00e1s establecer el idioma por defecto, y configurar el filtro por pa\u00edses en las promociones Premium o Marca Blanca.","Check the status of your promotion and set up the Facebook tab where it will be published. Once the promotion is in drafts, you will be able to activate it from here, and once the promotion is active, you will know the publication status.":"Comprueba el estado de tu promoci\u00f3n y configura la pesta\u00f1a de Facebook en donde se va a publicar. Cuando la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e9 en borrador, podr\u00e1s activarla desde aqu\u00ed, y cuando la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e9 activa, se te informar\u00e1 tambi\u00e9n del estado de publicaci\u00f3n.","In order to communicate the promotion, always use this link, which is compatible with any device (PC, mobile, tablet, etc.).":"Para comunicar la promoci\u00f3n, utiliza siempre este enlace, compatible para cualquier dispositivo (PC, m\u00f3vil, tablet, etc.)","Code in %s":"C\u00f3digo en %s","There are no promotions yet.":"Todav\u00eda no hay promociones.","Javascript, HTML and your own code":"Javascript, HTML y c\u00f3digo propio","Done!":"\u00a1Hecho!","Link to the promotion":"Enlace de la promoci\u00f3n","Changes saved!":"\u00a1Cambios guardados!","Loading contents...":"Cargando...","Last modified on":"\u00daltima modificaci\u00f3n","Draft":"Borrador","Embed":"Incrustar","Embed promotion":"Incrustar promoci\u00f3n","Expired":"Finalizado","Promotion ID":"ID promoci\u00f3n","Share or embed it wherever you want":"Comparte e incrusta donde quieras","Tab options":"Opciones de pesta\u00f1a","Calendar view":"Vista de calendario","Click to edit this single date":"Haz click para editar esta fecha","Time to finish":"Tiempo restante","Time to publish":"Tiempo para publicaci\u00f3n","Add new countries":"A\u00f1adir nuevos pa\u00edses","Date configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n de fechas","Update promotion dates":"Actualizar fechas promoci\u00f3n","Edit dates":"Editar fechas","Published tab":"Pesta\u00f1a publicada","Here you will find all the options that will allow you to set up and administer the promotion.":"Aqu\u00ed encontrar\u00e1s todas las opciones que te permitir\u00e1n configurarla y administrarla.","Learn how this page works in the tour we suggest you.":"Aprende como funciona esta p\u00e1gina en el tour que te proponemos.","Start tour":"Empezar Tour","Promotions list":"Listado de promociones","Unpublished tab":"Pesta\u00f1a despublicada","Published":"Publicada","Get from Facebook":"Obtener de Facebook","Password protection":"Protecci\u00f3n con contrase\u00f1a","Password":"Contrase\u00f1a","Enable password protection":"Habilitar protecci\u00f3n con contrase\u00f1a","Password protected":"Protegida con contrase\u00f1a","Enable":"Habilitar","The password is not valid":"La contrase\u00f1a no es correcta","The password entered is correct. Now you would be redirected to the promotion.":"La contrase\u00f1a introducida es correcta. Ahora se proceder\u00eda a acceder a la promoci\u00f3n.","Please, enter a password":"Por favor introduce la contrase\u00f1a","Enter the password to access the promotion":"Introduce la contrase\u00f1a para acceder","Introductory text":"Texto introductorio","Password field cannot be empty":"Debes introducir una contrase\u00f1a","Use this link to display the promotion as a microsite. You can use this link in an iframe to embed the promotion in any website.":"Utiliza este enlace para mostrar la promoci\u00f3n como un microsite. Puedes utilizar este enlace como un iframe para incrustar la promoci\u00f3n en cualquier sitio web.","Link to the promotion home page outside of Facebook (Microsite)":"Enlace a la p\u00e1gina de inicio de la promoci\u00f3n fuera de Facebook (Microsite)","Add Quiz":"A\u00f1adir un cuestionario","Add your Google Analytics identifier to enable promotion traffic tracking with GA.":"Introduce el identificador de tu cuenta de Google Analytics para medir el tr\u00e1fico de la promoci\u00f3n.","Apply changes":"Aplicar cambios","Begin importation":"Empezar importaci\u00f3n","beta":"beta","Match the promotion registration form fields with the Mailchimp list fields":"Vincular los campos de la promoci\u00f3n con los de Mailchimp","Change bindings":"Modificar v\u00ednculos","Select the list you want to import the promotion's users to":"Seleccionar la lista a la que quieres importar los datos de la promoci\u00f3n","Clear console":"Borrar consola","Connect your promotion to your Google Analytics Account":"Conecta tu promoci\u00f3n a tu cuenta de Google Analytics","Create a campaign":"Crear una campa\u00f1a","Current list":"Lista actual","Edit all options for this module":"Editar todas las opciones de este m\u00f3dulo","Edit the contents of this element":"Editar los contenidos de este elemento","Embed the widget":"Incrustar el widget","End of ":"Fin de","Fetched %d\/%d":"Obtenido %d\/%d","Fetching users":"Obteniendo usuarios","Finished!":"\u00a1Finalizado!","From now on, no instant prizes will be given":"A partir de este momento, no se otorgar\u00e1n m\u00e1s premios","Generic options":"Opciones generales","Go to promotion profile":"Ir al perfil de la promoci\u00f3n","Click for more information":"Haz clic para obtener informaci\u00f3n de ayuda","Import all entrants information to your MailChimp Lists":"Importa los datos de los participantes a tus listas de MailChimp","Import e-mails automatically":"Importar autom\u00e1ticamente","Import now":"Importar ahora","Importation console":"Consola de importaci\u00f3n","Integrations":"Integraciones","Invalid File":"Fichero incorrecto","Last import":"\u00daltima importaci\u00f3n","Like gate disabled":"Like Gate deshabilitado","Like gate enabled":"Like Gate habilitado","Links":"Enlaces","List from users":"Participantes","List from voters":"Listados de votantes","List of promotions with statistics":"Listado de promociones con estad\u00edsticas","Mailchimp binding":"V\u00ednculo con Mailchimp","Manage":"Gestionar","Modules options":"Opciones de los m\u00f3dulos","Not matched":"Sin vincular","Make graphic media optional":"Material gr\u00e1fico opcional","Process complete":"Proceso completo","Promotion field":"Campo de la promoci\u00f3n","Registration date":"Fecha de registro","Save bindings":"Guardar v\u00ednculos","Select a list":"Selecciona una lista","Sending data...":"Enviando informaci\u00f3n...","Small Android":"Small Android","The Google Analytics integration is only available to Premium and WhiteLabel promotions.":"La integraci\u00f3n con Google Analytics s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible en promociones Premium y Marca Blanca.","The Mailchimp integration is only available to promotions that gathered the user's email.":"La integraci\u00f3n con Mailchimp s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible para aquellas promociones que solicitan el email del usuario.","The provided key has been saved":"La clave se ha guardado","The provided key is not valid":"La clave introducida no es v\u00e1lida","Undefined tab":"Pesta\u00f1a sin definir","Use this link to share it anywhere you want to":"Usa este enlace para compartirlo d\u00f3nde quieras","Use this link to share the promotion":"Usa este enlace para compartir la promoci\u00f3n","Your Mailchimp Api Key":"Tu Api Key de Mailchimp","Insert the email address of the sender of the message that users will receive when coupons are sent by email. Users will be able to respond to this address.":"Introduce la direcci\u00f3n de e-mail del remitente del mensaje que los usuarios recibir\u00e1n cuando se env\u00edan los cupones por e-mail. Los usuarios podr\u00e1n responder a esta direcci\u00f3n.","Mailchimp is a software to manage mailing lists. Use this integration with Easypromos to synchronize the registered users in the promotion with a Mailchimp list. You will be able to synchronize users both manually or automatically, and match each registration form field of the promotion to the list fields.":"Mailchimp es un programa para gestionar listas de emails. Utiliza esta integraci\u00f3n con Easypromos para sincronizar los usuarios registrados en la promoci\u00f3n con una lista de contactos de Mailchimp. Podr\u00e1s sincronizarlos manualmente o autom\u00e1ticamente los usuarios, y mapear uno a uno los campos de registro de la promoci\u00f3n con los campos de la lista.","List view":"Vista en listado","Please make sure that there are no pending instants to be granted":"Por favor, aseg\u00farate que no hay ning\u00fan premio pendiente de otorgar","Use our integrations to enhance your promotions":"Utiliza nuestras integraciones para mejorar tus promociones","When enabling this option, it won't be mandatory to upload graphic media in order to complete the registration.":"Al habilitar esta opci\u00f3n, no ser\u00e1 obligatorio subir el material gr\u00e1fico para completar el proceso de registro.","Facebook applications created as of 30th April 2014 cannot be linked to a White Label promotion due to a %s. Applications created before this date are still operational and linkable. At Easypromos we are working to adapt to the new Facebook API and Login 2.0.":"Las aplicaciones de Facebook creadas a partir del 30 de Abril del 2014, no se pueden vincular a una promoci\u00f3n Marca Blanca debido a los %s. Las aplicaciones creadas anteriores a esta fecha siguen operativas y vinculables. En Easypromos estamos trabajando para adaptarnos a la nueva API y Login 2.0 de Facebook.","Accept":"Aceptar","Access Token":"Access Token","Allow users to upload their video file?":"\u00bfPermitir que los usuarios suban el v\u00eddeo?","***Back":"***Volver","Connect my Dropbox account":"Conectar mi cuenta de Dropbox","Connect the promotion to your Dropbox account for your contest.":"Conecta la promoci\u00f3n con tu cuenta de Dropbox para tu concurso.","Download video file":"Descargar v\u00eddeo","Dropbox account connected successfully":"Cuenta de Dropbox conectada correctamente","Dropbox account not connected":"Cuenta de Dropbox no conectada","Dropbox is a software to store digital files. Use this integration with Easypromos for your photo and video competitions. Users will be able to upload their media files, and they will be automatically stored in a folder of your Dropbox account.":"Dropbox es un programa para almacenar contenidos digitales. Utiliza esta integraci\u00f3n con Easypromos para tus concursos de foto y v\u00eddeo. Los usuarios podr\u00e1n subir los ficheros originales, y autom\u00e1ticamente se guardar\u00e1n en una carpeta de tu cuenta de Dropbox","Invalid Access Token":"Access Token Inv\u00e1lido","Maximum file size exceeded":"Tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo de fichero superado","Name of the folder to store the files":"Nombre de la carpeta","Not saved":"No se ha podido guardar","Oops, something went wrong.":"\u00a1Ups! ha habido un error.","Pending upload video to Dropbox":"V\u00eddeo en proceso de subir a la cuenta de Dropbox","Status: Error connecting to Dropbox":"Estado: Error al conectar a Dropbox","Status: Uploading to Dropbox":"Estado: Subiendo a Dropbox","Status: Video file on Dropbox - OK":"Estado: V\u00eddeo en Dropbox - OK","This option allows users to upload a video directly from their computer or mobile device. To activate this option it is necessary to connect the promotion to a Dropbox account. All video files uploaded by users will be stored in a Dropbox public folder of the account.":"Al seleccionar esta opci\u00f3n los usuarios podr\u00e1n subir un v\u00eddeo directamente de su ordenador o dispositivo m\u00f3vil. Para habilitar esta opci\u00f3n es necesario, tener conectada una cuenta de Dropbox con la promoci\u00f3n. Todos los archivos de v\u00eddeos subidos por los usuarios se guardar\u00e1n en la cuenta de Dropbox.","Upload video":"Subir v\u00eddeo","Video file, max. size":"Archivo de v\u00eddeo, tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo","Video uploaded successfully":"Video subido correctamente","Your video has been uploaded successfully and it is being processed and validated for its publication.":"Tu v\u00eddeo se ha subido correctamente y se est\u00e1 procesando y validando para su publicaci\u00f3n.","Copy the address from a %s video":"Copia la direcci\u00f3n de un v\u00eddeo de %s","This video could not be played in all browsers or devices. We recommend to download the original file and upload to Youtube or convert to MP4 format.":"El formato de este v\u00eddeo no es compatible para reproducirlo en todos los dispositivos o navegadores. Te recomendamos bajar el archivo original y subirlo a Youtube o convertirlo a formato MP4.","What are Groups?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 son los grupos?","A Group is a collection of individual promotions that are part of the same promotional campaign or are related to each other.":"Un grupo es un conjunto de promociones que forman parte de una misma campa\u00f1a promocional o est\u00e1n relacionadas entre s\u00ed.","Create a group when you wish to display promotions on one single page or tab.":"Crea un grupo cuando quieras presentar las promociones en una sola p\u00e1gina o pesta\u00f1a.","Groups allow you to":"Los grupos te permitir\u00e1n","Create a single registration form for all promotions in the group":"Crear un registro \u00fanico entre todas las promociones del grupo","Use a unique link to communicate and share all promotions":"Publicar las promociones con un enlace \u00fanico de grupo","Show an overall ranking of all participants in the group":"Mostrar un r\u00e1nking global entres todos los participantes de las promociones","Discover all the possibilities and practical ideas for Groups":"Descubre todas las posibilidades de los grupos e ideas pr\u00e1cticas","Custom HTML, Javascript code":"C\u00f3digo HTML, Javascript personalizado","Terms and conditions for the whole group. If this field is completed, these will be the terms and conditions for all the individual promotions of the group.":"Bases legales de todo el grupo de promociones. Si se rellena este campo, \u00e9stas ser\u00e1n las bases que se aplicar\u00e1n en todas las promociones individuales del grupo.","Check this option to enable the Single Registration. Users data will only be requested the first time they enter in a promotion of the group.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n para habilitar el registro \u00fanico. Solamente se pedir\u00e1n los datos de registro de los usuarios la primera vez que participen en una promoci\u00f3n del grupo.","The Master Promotion is the one in the group which will be used as reference in the Single Registration. The user data requested in the Master Promotion will be requested as well in the rest of the promotions in the group.":"La promoci\u00f3n principal es la promoci\u00f3n de grupo que se utilizar\u00e1 como referencia en el registro \u00fanico. Los campos del formulario de registro que se pidan en la promoci\u00f3n principal son los que se aplicar\u00e1n en el resto de promociones del grupo. ","Publish global ranking":"Publicar r\u00e1nking global","Check if you want to publish a ranking of the users who entered in any of the promotions of the group.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n para publicar un ranking global entre todos los usuarios que paticipan en las promociones del grupo.","Text that will be displayed as the title of the post when users share the group in Facebook":"Texto que aparecer\u00e1 como t\u00edtulo del post cuando un usuario comparta el grupo en Facebook","Text that will be displayed as the description of the post when users share the group in Facebook":"Texto que aparecer\u00e1 como descripci\u00f3n del post cuando un usuario comparta el grupo en Facebook","Image that will be displayed in the post when users share the group in Facebook.":"Imagen que aparece\u00e1 en el post cuando un usuario comparta el grupo en Facebook.","Promotions Opening Mode":"Modo de apertura de las promociones","Select the maximum file size users will be able to upload.":"Selecciona el tama\u00f1o de fichero m\u00e1ximo que los usuarios podr\u00e1n subir.","Like Gate is a feature of Facebook Apps that allows to show different content if a user doesn't like the page where the App is installed. Like Gate is not compatible with mobile devices [Facebook limitation]":"La Like Gate es una propiedad de las Apps de Facebook, que permiten mostrar un contenido diferente si el usuario no le gusta la p\u00e1gina donde est\u00e1 instalada la App. La funcionalidad de Like Gate no es compatible para dispositivos m\u00f3viles [Limitaci\u00f3n de Facebook]","Image used as Like Gate when the user doesn't like the page.":"Imagen que se mostrar\u00e1 cuando la Like Gate est\u00e1 habilitada y el usuario no le gusta la p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","%d promotions in group":"%d promociones en el grupo","%d x %d px":"%d x %d px","%s points":"%s puntos","A dynamic value, relative to its container, can be introduced. To do so, simply add the percentage after the numeric value (example: 80%).":"Puedes introducir un valor din\u00e1mico, relativo a su contenedor. Para hacerlo, simplemente a\u00f1ade el porcentaje despu\u00e9s del valor num\u00e9rico (por ejemplo: 80%).","Absolute width of the widget, expressed in pixels. All contents will be adapted to this width responsively.":"Ancho absoluto del widget, expresado en p\u00edxeles. Todos los contenidos se adaptar\u00e1n din\u00e1micamente a este ancho.","Advanced options":"Opciones avanzadas","Click here for more information":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n","Click here to see your rank":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para ver tu posici\u00f3n","Create new group":"Crear grupo","delete group":"eliminar grupo","Download file, edit entry and try to upload again.":"Descarga archivo, edita la entrada y vuelve a subirlo otra vez.","Dropbox account not connected. Connect my Dropbox account":"Cuenta de Dropbox no conectada. Conectar mi cuenta de Dropbox","Dropbox configured correctly":"Cuenta de Dropbox correctamente configurada","Dropbox not configured":"Dropbox no configurado","Dropbox successfully connected":"Dropbox conectado correctamente","Embed code":"C\u00f3digo de incrustaci\u00f3n","Embed your promotion group":"Incrusta tu grupo de promociones","Export list of audiences to CSV\/Excel":"Exportar lista de ","Full-sized picture size: %dx%dpx":"Tama\u00f1o de la imagen real: %dx%dpx","Group home":"Inicio del grupo","Group ID":"ID de grupo","Group title":"T\u00edtulo de grupo","Groups":"Grupos","Here you have direct links to each of the promotion group pages":"Aqu\u00ed tienes enlaces directos a cada una de las p\u00e1ginas del grupo","If you wish to publish this group in an App in your Facebook page, you need the Easypromos Groups App installed in your page. Install and manage this App from this area.":"Si quieres publicar este grupo en una nueva aplicaci\u00f3n dentro de tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook, por necesitas la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos Groups instalada en tu p\u00e1gina. Podr\u00e1s instalar y gestiona esta aplicaci\u00f3n desde esta zona.","Install App Now":"Instalar ahora","Install on Facebook":"Instalar en Facebook","Invalid Dropbox Access Token":"Access Token de Dropbox incorrecto","Invalid Dropbox key or secret":"Clave o Secret de Dropbox incorrecto","Join here":"Participa","Link to the Group":"Enlace al grupo","Link to the group:":"Enlace al grupo:","Loading data...":"Cargando informaci\u00f3n...","manage group":"gestionar grupo","manage promotion":"Gestionar promoci\u00f3n","min. %d x %d px":"m\u00edn, %d x %d px","Modal window":"Ventana modal","New window":"Nueva ventana","open":"abierto","Optional media":"Media opcional","Preview picture (click to view full-sized)":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n de imagen (haz clic para verla a tama\u00f1o real)","Preview uploaded %s (scaled)":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n de %s","Preview uploaded image":"Previsualizar imagen subida","Promotion Groups":"Grupos de promociones","Promotion Settings in the Group":"Opciones de promoci\u00f3n en el grupo","Promotions in %s":"Promoci\u00f3n en %s","Promotions of the Group":"Promociones del grupo","Promotions you can add":"Promociones que puedes a\u00f1adir","Publication":"Publicaci\u00f3n","Publication of %s":"Publicaci\u00f3n de %s","Publish group in a Facebook Page App":"Publicar la promoci\u00f3n como una aplicaci\u00f3n de una p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Publish this Group":"Publicar este grupo","Ranking":"Ranking","remove from group":"eliminar del grupo","Select the master promotion":"Selecciona la promoci\u00f3n principal","Self window":"Misma ventana","Settings for %s":"Configuraci\u00f3n para %s","settings in the group":"configuraci\u00f3n en el grupo","Single registration":"Registro \u00fanico","Standarize":"Unificar","Successful integration dropbox":"Integraci\u00f3n con Dropbox correcta","The App is installed and the Group is published in your Facebook Page":"La aplicaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 instalada y el grupo est\u00e1 publicado en la p\u00e1gina de Facebook","The App is installed in your Facebook Page but another Group is published":"La aplicaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 instalada pero otro grupo est\u00e1 publicado en la p\u00e1gina de Facebook","The App is not installed in your Facebook Page":"La aplicaci\u00f3n no est\u00e1 instalada en la p\u00e1gina de Facebook","The GoogleAnalytics integration is only available to Premium and WhiteLabel promotions.":"La integraci\u00f3n de GoogleAnalytics s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible en promociones Premium y Marca Blanca.","There are no entrants at the moment.":"No hay participantes por el momento.","There are no promotions":"No hay promociones","This is the master promotion":"Esta es la promoci\u00f3n principal","This is your position in %s":"Esta es tu posici\u00f3n en %s","This video fomat can not be played in the browser. When users click on the video thumbnail, the video file will start to download":"Este formato de video no se puede reproducir en este navegador. Cuando los usuarios hagan clic en la previsualizaci\u00f3n del v\u00eddeo, este empezar\u00e1 a descargarse","This widget enables to embed the promotion group into any website. Users will be able to register and participate within the same widget.

To embed the promotion group copy and paste the following code in your website.":"Este widget permite incrustar el grupo de promociones en cualquier sitio web. Los usuarios podr\u00e1n registrarse y participar dentro del mismo widget.

Para incrustar el grupo de promociones copia y pega el siguiente c\u00f3digo en tu p\u00e1gina web.","To add promotions to the group, drag and drop them here":"Para a\u00f1adir promociones al grupo, arr\u00e1stralas aqu\u00ed","Tweet":"Tweet","unfold options":"desplegar opciones","Uninstall App":"Desinstalar App","Unknown error":"Error desconocido","Use this link to promote and share this Group in any digital support: Facebook, Twitter, Social networks, websites, banners, ads, newsletters or QR. This link is compatible with mobile devices and you can use URL shorteners.":"Utiliza este enlace para promover y compartir el Grupo en cualquier soporte digital: Facebook, Twitter, Redes sociales, sitios web, banners, publicidad, newsletter o QRs. Este enlace es compatible con dispotivos m\u00f3viles, y puedes utilizar acortadores de URL.","Users ranking":"R\u00e1nking de usuarios","View full-sized picture":"Ver imagen a tama\u00f1o real","Viral description":"Descripci\u00f3n viral","Viral image":"Imagen viral","Viral title":"T\u00edtulo viral","You are seeing an exact preview of the layout of each page of the promotion group. This is a simulation only and the user information shown is not real.":"Est\u00e1s viendo una previsualizaci\u00f3n exacta de cada una de las secciones del grupo de promociones. S\u00f3lo es una simulaci\u00f3n y por lo tanto la informaci\u00f3n de usuarios no es real.","Your participation":"Tu participaci\u00f3n","coming soon":"pr\u00f3ximamente","Draft promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n en borrador","Expired promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n finalizada","This is the text tweeted when users share the group on Twitter. If leave empty generic text will be shown.":"Este es el texto a twitear cuando los usuarios comparten el grupo en Twitter. Si se deja vac\u00edo se mostrar\u00e1 un texto gen\u00e9rico.","Redirect to":"Redirigir a","Select the target page users will be redirected to when clicking on the promotion within the group.":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina de destino a la que se redirigir\u00e1 a los usuarios cuando hagan clic en las promociones del grupo.","Note: By default users will allways have the possibility to insert a URL of a Youtube or Vimeo video.":"Nota: Los usuarios por defecto diempre tienen la posibilidad de introdudir la URL de un v\u00eddeo de Youtube o Vimeo.","Options pending to select":"Opciones pendientes a seleccionar","Maximum number of options selected":"N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de opciones seleccionadas","Select method of scoring":"Selecciona el m\u00e9todo de puntuaci\u00f3n","One point for each correct answer":"Un punto por respuesta correcta","One point if all correct answers are selected":"Un punto si se seleccionan todas las respuestas correctas","Minimum number of answers":"N\u00famero m\u00ednimo de respuestas","Minimum number of answers that a user must select":"M\u00ednimo n\u00famero de respuestas que debe seleccionar el usuario","Maximum number of answers that a user can select. Leave this field empty or with value 0 for unlimited answers.":"M\u00e1ximo n\u00famero de respuestas que puede seleccionar el usuario. Deja el campo vac\u00edo o con valor 0 para n\u00famero de respuestas posibles ilimitadas.","Maximum number of answers":"N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de respuestas","MultiAnswer":"Multirespuesta","The system allows you to import as participants users that have published a content on Instagram by using a specific hashtag. You'll be able to set up all the available options from here.":"El sistema te permite importar como participantes usuarios que han publicado un contenido en Instagram utilizando un hashtag espec\u00edfico. En esta pantalla podr\u00e1s configurar todas las opciones disponibles.","The system allows you to import as participants users that have published a tweet on Twitter by using a specific hashtag. You'll be able to set up all the available options from here.":"El sistema te permite importar como participantes usuarios que han publicado un contenido en Twitter utilizando un hashtag espec\u00edfico. En esta pantalla podr\u00e1s configurar todas las opciones disponibles.","change account":"cambiar de usuario","characters left":"caracteres restantes","Connect your Instagram account to send comments on behalf of the brand name":"Conecta tu cuenta de Instagram para enviar comentarios con el nombre de la marca","Connect your Twitter account to send tweets behalf your user name.":"Conecta tu cuenta de Twitter para poder enviar Tweets en tu nombre.","Connected as":"Conectado como","Content from users included in this list will be ignored and won't be imported.":"Los contenidos de los usuarios de esta lista no se importar\u00e1n.","Disable":"Deshabilitar","Enable auto reply message":"Habilitar mensaje de respuesta","Excluded users":"Usuarios excluidos","Hashtag\/s (do not include '#')":"Hashtag\/s (no incluir '#')","Import photos\/videos with hashtag in the comments":"Importar fotos\/videos con el hashtag en los comentarios","Insert the user names separatted by coma and with '@'. Example: @username1, @username2":"Inserta los nombres de los usuarios separados por coma y con el s\u00edmbolo '@' delante. Ejemplo: @nombre_usuario1, @nombre_usuario2","Instagram Hashtag":"Hashtag de Instagram ","List of unique user Facebook IDs in CSV file. Use this for custom audiences if you create Facebook Ads.":"Lista de los IDs de Facebook \u00fanicos de los participantes en formato CSV. Utiliza esta lista para alimentar audiencias personalizadas en caso de gestionar Facebook Ads.","Not saved, please enter #hashtag":"No guardado, por favor introduzca el #hashtag","Only images":"S\u00f3lo im\u00e1genes","Only one entry per user":"Una participaci\u00f3n por usuario","Only photos":"S\u00f3lo fotos","Reply message":"Mensaje de respuesta","Select %s to import only those tweets that include an image.":"Selecciona %s si quieres importar solamente tweets que incluyan una imagen.","Select 'Only photos' to import only photos from Instagram. Select 'Only videos' to import only videos from Instagram.":"Selecciona 'S\u00f3lo fotos' si quieres importar solamente fotos de Instagram. Selecciona 'S\u00f3lo v\u00eddeos' si quieres importar solamente v\u00eddeos de Instagram.","Select this option if you don't want to import the retweets of a tweet.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si no quieres que los retweets de un tweet se importen.","Select this option if you want to import only the first photo or video of a user. Next ones will be ignored.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si solo quieres que se importe s\u00f3lo la primera foto o v\u00eddeo de un usuario. Los siguientes ser\u00e1n ignorados.","Select this option if you want to import only the first tweet of a user. Next ones will be ignored.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si solo quieres que se importe el primer Tweet detectado de un usuario. Los siguientes ser\u00e1n ignorados.","Select this option if you want to send a comment as a reply in the photo or video imported by the user in Instagram. It will be necessary to connect your Instagram account to Easypromos application in order to send comments on behalf of the brand name":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres enviar un comentario de respuesta en la foto o v\u00eddeo del usuario importado desde Instagram. Ser\u00e1 necesario conectar tu cuenta de Instagram con la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos, para poder enviar comentarios con el nombre de la marca","Select this option if you want to send a reply automatically to the user when a new tweet is imported. It will be necessary to connect your Twitter account to Easypromos application in order to send tweets behalf your user name.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres enviar un tweet de respuesta autom\u00e1tico al usuario cuando se importa un nuevo tweet. Ser\u00e1 necesario conectar tu cuenta de Twitter con la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos, para poder enviar Tweets con tu nombre.","Select this option to import photos or videos that have got one comment with the hashtag. Note: This option allows users to enter with a photo or video created before the promotion was published.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres que se importen tambi\u00e9n las fotos o v\u00eddeos que contengan el hashtag en cualquier de sus comentarios. Nota: Con esta opci\u00f3n habilitada se permite participar con fotos o v\u00eddeos anteriores a la promoci\u00f3n.","Instagram integration is only available when a photo or video is requested to enter":"La integraci\u00f3n con Instagram s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible en promociones que solicitan foto o v\u00eddeo para participar","The promotion has finished. This configuration is not editable.":"La promoci\u00f3n ha terminado. Esta configuraci\u00f3n no es editable.","Tweets of users included in this list will be ignored and won't be imported":"Los tweets de los usuarios de esta lista no se importar\u00e1n","Twitter Hashtag":"Hashtag de Twitter","Type of content to import":"Tipo de contenido a importar","Type of tweet to import":"Tipo de tweet a importar","unlimited":"ilimitado","Write @username to place the mention":"Escribe @username para situar la menci\u00f3n","Your Instagram account has been connected successfully.":"Tu cuenta de Instagram se ha conectado correctamente","Your Instagram could not be connected.":"Tu cuenta de Instagram no se ha podido conectar.","Your Twitter account has been connected successfully.":"Tu cuenta de Twitter se ha conectado correctamente.","Your Twitter could not be connected.":"Tu cuenta de Twitter no se ha podido conectar.","Upgrade to Premium":"Actualizar a Premium","All types":"Todos","Go to Integrations":"Ir a Integraciones","The advanced options to integrate Twitter and Instagram on your competition have been moved to the new section of integrations":"Las opciones avanzadas para integrar Twitter e Instagram en tu concurso, se han movido a la secci\u00f3n de Integraciones","Maximum height of rows":"Altura m\u00e1xima de fila","Color configuration for quotes":"Configuraci\u00f3n de colores para las citas de texto","Examples and more informations":"Ejemplos y m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n","The only-text entries of the contest will be displayed within the tiled gallery as quotes inside a colored box. Use this field to set the color configuration for background and font color for each box. Each line corresponds to a new color configuration. Set as many color configurations as you wish":"Las participaciones del concurso que sean s\u00f3lo de texto, aparecer\u00e1n en la galeria mosaico como citas dentro de un recuadro. En este campo puedes definir la configuraci\u00f3n de colores para el fondo y el texto de cada recuadro. Cada l\u00ednea corresponde a una configuraci\u00f3n de colores de recuadro diferente. Puedes definir tantas configuraciones de colores como desees","Color Picker Tool":"Selector de colores","Apply":"Aplicar","In order to send reply messages as comments in the photos or videos posted by the contestants, comments must comply with the Instagram guidelines, based on the following points":"Para poder enviar mensajes de respuesta como comentarios en las fotos o v\u00eddeos de los participantes, es necesario cumplir con la propia normativa de Instagram, que se basa en los siguientes puntos","The comment cannot consist of all capital letters":"El comentario no puede estar escrito \u00edntegramente en may\u00fasculas","The comment cannot contain more than one URL":"El comentario s\u00f3lo puede incluir 1 enlace","The comment cannot contain more than four hashtags":"El comentario no puede contener m\u00e1s de 4 hashtags","The total length of the comment cannot exceed 300 characters":"El comentario no puede exceder los 300 caracteres","Easypromos team will review the messages set up by the administrator in order to verify that comments comply with the Instagram guidelines, so a quality experience and relationship between the brand and the user is guaranteed":"El equipo de Easypromos revisar\u00e1 los mensajes configurados por el administrador para asegurar que se cumple la normativa de Instagram y as\u00ed se garantiza una experiencia y relaci\u00f3n entre usuario y marca de calidad","Easypromos can disable the reply message system if any of these points fails to meet":"Easypromos puede deshabilitar el sistema de mensajes de respuesta en caso de no cumplir alguno de estos puntos","Note":"Nota","To comply with the rate limits defined by Instagram, the application will send a maximum of 10 comments every 10 minutes":"Para cumplir con los l\u00edmites de uso establecidos por Instagram, la aplicaci\u00f3n enviar\u00e1 un m\u00e1ximo de 10 comentarios en intervalos de 10 minutos","Twitter replies always start with the @username of the person you're responding to. The application will add it automatically in the beginning of the message":"Los tweets de respuesta siempre empiezan con el @username del usuario a quien est\u00e1s respondiendo. La aplicaci\u00f3n lo a\u00f1adir\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente al inicio del mensaje","URL to share the ranking page":"URL para compartir la p\u00e1gina del r\u00e1nking","A quiz is composed of questions":"El cuestionario se compone de preguntas","Access from this menu all the available options of the quiz:":"Accede desde este men\u00fa a todas las opciones disponibles del cuestionario:","Add a closed answer":"Respuesta cerrada","Add a list answer":"Lista seleccionable","Add a rating answer":"Respuesta puntuable","Add an open text answer":"Respuesta abierta","Add answers":"A\u00f1ade respuestas","Add graphic media":"A\u00f1ade material gr\u00e1fico","Add pictures, videos and answers":"A\u00f1ade fotos, v\u00eddeos y respuestas","Answer ID":"ID de respuesta","Answer text":"Texto de respuesta","Answers in question":"Respuestas en la pregunta","Answers options":"Opciones de respuestas","Answers per row":"N\u00fam. de respuestas por fila","Appearance":"Apariencia","Are you sure you want to create this amount of copies?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres crear tantas copias?","Button color":"Color de bot\u00f3n","Button color by default":"Color de bot\u00f3n por defecto","Button color on mouseover":"Color de bot\u00f3n en mouseover","Cancel rating icon color by default":"Color del icono Cancelar puntuaci\u00f3n por defecto","Cancel rating icon color on mouseover":"Color del icono Cancelar puntuaci\u00f3n en mouseover","By an email":"Por un email","By number":"Por n\u00famero","By numbers":"Por n\u00fameros","Cancel rating":"Cancelar puntuaci\u00f3n","change custom video thumb":"cambiar imagen personalizada de v\u00eddeo","delete custom video thumb":"eliminar imagen personalizada de v\u00eddeo","Paste a list of items to create":"Pega un listado de elementos a crear","the question is hidden":"la pregunta no es visible","the question is visible":"la pregunta es visible","Total points in the whole quiz":"Total de puntos en el cuestionario","Total points per question":"Total de puntos por pregunta","Use this tool to make multiple instances of the element selected at a time.":"Usa esta herramienta para crear m\u00faltiples copias del elemento seleccionado a la vez.","Type of list":"Tipo de lista","Smart batch tool":"Herramienta de copiado inteligente","Sortable answers":"Respuestas ordenables","Single answer":"Respuesta \u00fanica","Single columned":"\u00danica columna","Select the scoring system":"Selecciona el Sistema de puntuaci\u00f3n","Give the points for each correct answer selected":"Dar los puntos por cada respuesta correcta seleccionada","Give points if all correct answers are selected":"Dar puntos solamente si se seleccionan todas las respuestas correctas","Click to show \/ hide details":"Haz clic para mostrar \/ ocultar los detalles","Awesome quiz - default":"Awesome quiz - por defecto","add custom video thumb":"a\u00f1adir una imagen personalizada de v\u00eddeo","change picture":"cambiar imagen","change video":"cambiar v\u00eddeo","Add media":"A\u00f1adir material gr\u00e1fico","Add new answer":"A\u00f1adir nueva respuesta","Add new question":"A\u00f1adir nueva pregunta","Continue button":"Bot\u00f3n Continuar","Create a new color preset with your color configurations to be used in the quiz.":"Crea un nuevo preset de color con tus configuraciones para usarlo en el cuestionario.","Create new color preset":"Crear nuevo preset de color","disable question":"deshabilitar pregunta","Make visible to users":"Hacer visible a los usuarios","Promotion Title":"T\u00edtulo de la promoci\u00f3n","Question ID":"ID de pregunta","Quiz insights":"Estadisticas de cuestionario","Registered by campaign":"Registrado por campa\u00f1a","Registered by mobile app":"Registrado por app m\u00f3vil","This value is incorrect":"Este valor no es correcto","Thumb-down icon":"Icono de pulgares abajo","Thumb-up icon":"Icono de pulgares arriba","Total answers":"total de respuestas","Scoring summary":"Resumen de puntos","Max. points or correct answers":"M\u00e1x. puntuaci\u00f3n o respuestas correctas","Min. points or correct answers":"M\u00edn. puntuaci\u00f3n o respuestas correctas","Multiple answers":"Respuestas m\u00faltiples","In case of a correct\/incorrect question type, write here the correct answer.":"En caso de pregunta del tipo Correcta\/Incorrecta, escribe aqu\u00ed la respuesta correcta.","view question stats":"ver estad\u00edsticas de pregunta","View settings":"Ver configuraciones","You are in the edit mode.":"Est\u00e1s en modo Edici\u00f3n.","You are in the preview mode.":"Est\u00e1s en modo Previsualizaci\u00f3n.","You have to enter a smaller number":"Debes introducir un n\u00famero m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o","You must fill this field":"Debes rellenar este campo","Add a list of choices from which users must choose to answer":"A\u00f1ade un listado de opciones entre las que el usuario tendr\u00e1 que escoger","Add a text field to let users write their own answer":"A\u00f1ade un campo de texto para permitir a los usuarios escribir su propia respuesta","Autocomplete list":"Listado autocompletable","Add graphic icons to let users rate elements":"A\u00f1ade iconos gr\u00e1ficos para que los usuarios puntuen elementos","Circle icon":"Icono de c\u00edrculo","Click to upload your own icon":"Haz clic para subir tu propio icono","Close preview area":"Cerrar \u00e1rea de previsualizaci\u00f3n","Closed answer":"Respuesta cerrada","Closed answer (sel.)":"Respuesta cerrada (sel.)","Color scheme":"Esquema de color","Complete the question with a photo or video and set its layout (portrait or landscape).":"Completa la pregunta con una foto o v\u00eddeo y selecciona la plantilla (horizontal o vertical).","Complete your answers with a photo or a video.":"Podr\u00e1s a\u00f1adir una foto o un v\u00eddeo a cada respuesta.","copy answer":"copiar respuesta","copy final message":"copiar mensaje final","copy question":"copiar pregunta","Correct answers":"Respuestas correctas","Correct values":"Respuestas correctas","Correct!":"\u00a1Correcto!","Custom":"Personalizado","Default rate":"Puntuaci\u00f3n por defecto","delete final message":"eliminar mensaje final","Delete preset":"Eliminar preset","Drop-down list":"Lista desplegable","edit final message":"editar mensaje final","Editing question":"Editando pregunta","enable question":"habilitar pregunta","Enter the color preset name":"Introduce el nombre del ajuste de color","Enter the HEX color code of the tab background.It must begin with a '#' symbol.":"Introduce el c\u00f3digo de color HEX para el fondo de la pesta\u00f1a.Debe empezar con el s\u00edmbolo '#'.","Enter the number of copies to create":"Introduce el n\u00famero de copias a crear","Enter the video URL":"Introduce la URL del v\u00eddeo","Error message goes here":"El mensaje de error va aqu\u00ed","Exit editor":"Salir del editor","Exit the preview mode":"Salir del modo de previsualizaci\u00f3n","Feedback message text":"Texto de Feedback","Final message options":"Opciones del mensaje final","Final messages":"Mensajes finales","Final messages options":"Opciones de los mensajes finales","Finish tour":"Finalizar tour","fold options":"ocultar opciones","Follow us on Facebook":"S\u00edguenos en Facebook","Force question layout":"Forzar disposici\u00f3n de pregunta","General options":"Opciones generales","Heart icon":"Icono de coraz\u00f3n","Help about quiz":"Ayuda sobre el cuestionario","Here you will design and build the different screens of the quiz. Edit and customize the questions and answers directly from here.":"Aqu\u00ed dise\u00f1ar\u00e1s y crear\u00e1s las diferentes pantallas del cuestionario. Edita y personaliza las preguntas y respuestas directamente desde aqu\u00ed.","Hide Answer text":"Ocultar texto de respuesta","hide options":"ocultar opciones","Hide text":"Ocultar texto de la respuesta","Input type?":"Tipo de lista","Show final score after registering":"Mostrar la puntuaci\u00f3n final tras participar","Number of points":"N\u00famero de puntos","show \/ hide all questions":"mostrar \/ ocultar todas las preguntas","show \/ hide question":"mostrar \/ ocultar pregunta","Turn off":"No mostrar","This is only a test version. None of the actions will be saved.":"Esto es una versi\u00f3n de test. Ninguno de las acciones que hagas se guardar\u00e1n.","By majority of answers":"Por mayor\u00eda de respuestas","By summing all points":"Por la suma de todos los puntos","The maximum value is already defined or it's contained in a rank (ie: trying to define 3 having a 2 to 5 rank).":"El valor m\u00e1ximo ya est\u00e1 definido o est\u00e1 contenido en un rango (por ejemplo, est\u00e1s intentando definir 3 teniendo ya creado un rango de 2 a 5).","Text message":"Mensaje de texto","By list of items":"Por listado de elementos","customize question":"personalizar pregunta","Manage quiz final messages":"Gestionar mensajes finales del cuestionario","Manage quiz questions":"Gestionar preguntas del cuestionario","Select if you want the tab to appear aligned to the left or to the right in your website.":"Selecciona si quieres que la pesta\u00f1a aparezca alineada a la izquierda o la derecha de tu web.","Num. answers":"N\u00fam. de respuestas","Check if you want to display the filter and search options in the widget.":"Selecciona si quieres mostrar el filtro y opciones de b\u00fasqueda en el widget.","Check if you want to display the sharing and the 'Enter' button in the widget.":"Selecciona si quieres mostrar las opciones de compartir y el bot\u00f3n 'Participa' en el widget.","Check if you want to enable the widget even though the promotion is in draft mode.":"Seleccionasi quieres habilitar el widget aunque la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e9 en modo borrador.","Rating color":"Color de puntuaci\u00f3n","Rating icon":"Icono de puntuaci\u00f3n","Rating icons":"Iconos de puntuaci\u00f3n","Correct position":"Posici\u00f3n correcta","Validation regexp":"Expresi\u00f3n regular de validaci\u00f3n","Show selected":"Mostrar sel.","Show default":"Mostrar def.","Icon for checked items":"Icono para los elementos marcados","Icon for unchecked items":"Icono para los elementos desmarcados","Incorrect!":"\u00a1Incorrecto!","Large Text":"Texto largo","Layout":"Dise\u00f1o","List":"Listado","Make this answer optional":"Hacer esta respuesta opcional","maximum":"m\u00e1ximo","Maximum characters allowed to answer":"M\u00e1ximo de caracteres permitidos para responder","Media":"Medio","Meet the Canvas":"Descubre el Canvas","Meet the Menu":"Descubre el Men\u00fa","New answer":"Nueva respuesta","New final message":"Nuevo mensaje final","New question":"Nueva pregunta","Note: If you have one single final message for all entrants, it is not necessary to use this section.":"Nota: Si quieres mostrar un \u00fanico mensaje final para todos los participantes, no es necesario utilizar esta secci\u00f3n.","Now share your participation with your friends":"Ahora comparte tu participaci\u00f3n con tus amigos","Number of rating icons":"N\u00famero de iconos de puntuaci\u00f3n","numeric":"num\u00e9rico","Preset":"Dise\u00f1os predefinidos","Question type":"Tipo de pregunta","Rating answer":"Respuesta puntuable","Recalculate":"Recalcular","Save as...":"Guardar como","Save changes":"Guardar cambios","Selectable answer":"Respuesta seleccionable","Set up your quiz":"Configura tu cuestionario","Squared icon":"Icono de cuadrado","Star icon":"Icono de estrella","stars":"estrellas","Test debug tool":"Herramienta de test","Test the quiz":"Test de Cuestionario","Toggle feedback":"Mostrar\/Ocultar Feedback","Upon completing the quiz and the registry form, users access the \\\"Thank you\\\" page which can be customized with your own text and graphic media.":"Tras completar el cuestionario y el formulario de registro, los usuarios acceder\u00e1n a la p\u00e1gina final de \\\"Muchas Gracias\\\", que puedes personalizar con tu propio texto.","Use the test tool to check the general performance of your quiz and its final design: scoring, feedback messages, color customization and final messages.":"Utiliza la herramienta de test para comprobar el comportamiento general de tu cuestionario y su aspecto final: puntuaci\u00f3n, mensajes de feedback, personalizaci\u00f3n de colores y mensajes finales.","Validation?":"\u00bfM\u00e9todo de validaci\u00f3n?","View video":"Ver el v\u00eddeo","Wait a moment!":"\u00a1Espera un momento!","WARNING: This question is hidden to users.":"ATENCI\u00d3N: Esta pregunta no es visible para los usuarios.","Write here the question text.":"Escribe aqu\u00ed el texto de la pregunta.","Yes, I do":"S\u00ed, quiero","You can create as many final messages as you wish.":"Podr\u00e1s crear tantos mensajes como desees.","You can create customized final messages based on the score obtained by the users in the quiz.":"Puedes crear mensajes finales personalizados en funci\u00f3n de la puntuaci\u00f3n obtenida por los usuarios en el cuestionario.","You can customize the final message from the promotion edit form.":"Puedes personalizar el mensaje final desde el formulario de edici\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n.","You have up to 4 types of answers to choose from:":"Puedes escoger entre 4 tipos de respuesta:","Actual preview scale":"Escala de previsualizaci\u00f3n actual","Hide Continue button":"Ocultar bot\u00f3n Continuar","Check this option if you want the user to move to the next question by just clicking on the answer buttons. By default, the Continue button is displayed in closed answers to allow users to move forward to the next questions of the quiz":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres que el usuario pueda avanzar de una pregunta a la otra con s\u00f3lo hacer clic en los botones de respuesta. Por defecto, en las preguntas con respuestas cerradas se muestra el bot\u00f3n Continuar, que permite al usuario avanzar a las siguientes preguntas","Define if the user can select one single option, multiple options or let them order the options":"Define si el usuario puede seleccionar una sola opci\u00f3n, m\u00faltiples opciones u ordenar opciones","Add a customized feedback message for each individual question. Use it to show the correct answer to the question or add an explanation":"A\u00f1ade un mensaje de feedback personalizado para cada pregunta individual. Util\u00edzalo para mostrar la respuesta correcta o a\u00f1adir un texto explicativo","Customize the colors of the quiz":"Personaliza los colores del cuestionario","In case of a correct\/incorrect question type, enter an amount of points if the answer is correct (for example, 1), or leave it at 0 if it is incorrect.":"En caso de pregunta tipo Correcta \/ Incorrecta, escribe un n\u00famero de puntos si la respuesta es correcta (por ejemplo, 1) o d\u00e9jalo en 0 si es incorrecta.","Add a drop-down list or an autocomplete text field to let users choose one option from a list":"A\u00f1ade una lista desplegable o un campo de texto autocompletable para que los usuarios escojan una opci\u00f3n de la lista","Add blank option to the top of the list":"A\u00f1adir opci\u00f3n en blanco al principio de la lista","The number of points is the rate selected by the user":"Los puntos corresponden al n\u00famero de iconos seleccionados","test your quiz":"test de cuestionario","In case of a correct\/incorrect question type, here the correct answers.":"En caso de pregunta del tipo Correcta\/Incorrecta, escribe aqu\u00ed la respuesta correcta.","Type your question here...":"Escribe aqu\u00ed tu pregunta\u2026","Type your message here...":"Escribe aqu\u00ed tu mensaje...","There are changes pending to save":"Hay cambios pendientes de guardar","IMPORTANT WARNING: Due to new Facebook Guidelines, from 5th November 2014 onwards, the options highlighted in red will be automatically disabled.":"AVISO IMPORTANTE: Debido a la nueva normativa de Facebook, a partir del 5 de Noviembre del 2014, las opciones marcadas en rojo se deshabilitar\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente.","It will be deprecated on 5th November 2014":"Se deshabilitar\u00e1 el 5 de noviembre del 2014","View all participants":"Ver todos los participantes","View your entry":"Ver tu participaci\u00f3n","Share your entry":"Comparte tu participaci\u00f3n","Invite your friends":"Invita a tus amigos","Follow us":"\u00a1S\u00edguenos!","Main font family":"Tipograf\u00eda principal","Secondary font family":"Tipograf\u00eda secundaria","Main colors":"Colores principales","Default viral message used when sharing the promotion.":"Mensaje viral utilizado por defecto cuando se comparte la promoci\u00f3n.","Viral message used when users submit their entry and share the promotion to invite their friends to enter.":"Mensaje viral utilizado cuando un usuario finaliza el proceso de registro y comparte la promoci\u00f3n para invitar a sus amigos a participar.","Viral message used when users share an entry published in a a photo, video or writing-based contest.":"Mensaje viral utilizado cuando un usuario comparte una participaci\u00f3n de un concurso con fotos, v\u00eddeos o textos p\u00fablicos.","What do you want participants to share?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres que compartan los participantes?","Registry form":"Formulario de registro","Fill in all the fields to submit your entry":"Rellena todos los campos del formulario para completar tu registro","Viral message used when the winner shares the promotion.":"Mensaje viral utilizado cuando el usuario ganador comparta la promoci\u00f3n.","Add network":"A\u00f1adir red","Attemptsleft":"Intentosrestantes","Box with counter":"Bot\u00f3n vertical","Button":"Bot\u00f3n simple","Button Text":"Texto del bot\u00f3n","Button with counter":"Bot\u00f3n con contador","Check if you want to use the participant own comment as the description of the publication when users share the entry on Facebook.":"Selecciona si quieres usar el propio comentario del participante como texto de la descripci\u00f3n cuando los usuarios compartan en Facebook.","Click on the image to upload a viral image":"Haz clic para subir la imagen viral","Colors":"Colores","Control which content users can share right after they have submitted their entry on the 'Thank You' page.":"Controla qu\u00e9 compartir\u00e1n los usuarios en la pantalla de ''Gracias'', justo despu\u00e9s de finalizar su registro.","copy net":"copiar red","Dailyattempts":"Intentos diarios","delete net":"eliminar red","Display footer":"Mostrar pie de promoci\u00f3n","edit net":"editar red","Entry content":"Contenido de participaci\u00f3n","Entry content (to share the own entry. I.e, to get votes)":"Contenido de participaci\u00f3n (para compartir la propia participaci\u00f3n. Ej., para conseguir votos)","Final message sharing options":"Opciones de compartir en el mensaje final","Font specifications":"Especificaciones de tipograf\u00eda","Footer":"Pie de promoci\u00f3n","Footer message":"Mensaje del pie de promoci\u00f3n","Generic content":"Contenido gen\u00e9rico","Help about networks":"Ayuda sobre Mis Redes","Here is where the My Networks contents will be displayed.":"Aqu\u00ed es donde se presenta el contenido de Mis Redes","Here is where the Quiz Stats contents will be displayed.":"Aqu\u00ed es donde se presenta el contenido de las estad\u00edsticas del cuestionario","How does the score works?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo funciona el sistema de puntuaci\u00f3n?","Insert the Facebook page url or the Facebook page username or the Facebook page id.":"Introduce la url de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook o el nombre de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook o el id de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Insert without '@' the username of the account to follow.":"Introduce sin '@' el nombre de usuario de la cuenta a seguir","Instant Win Result (to share the prize won. Only winners)":"Resultado por Momento Ganador (para compartir el precio ganado. S\u00f3lo ganadores)","Introduction message for registry form":"Mensaje de introducci\u00f3n para el formulario de registro","Large button":"Bot\u00f3n grande","Like Box":"Like Box","Like Box with Faces":"Like Box con Caras","Manage networks":"Gestionar redes","Message displayed upon voting":"Mensaje mostrado tras votar","My Networks":"Mis Redes","My participations":"Mis participaciones","Networks":"Redes","Operation successful: %s users updated":"Operaci\u00f3n completada satisfactoriamente: %s usuarios actualizados","Or copy-paste this link":"O copia-pega este enlace","Please, be aware this may take quite long time depending on the amount of entrants to recalculate.":"Por favor, ten en cuenta que esta acci\u00f3n puede tomar bastante tiempo dependiendo del n\u00famero de participantes a recalcular","Post tweet":"Publicar tweet","Promotion only will be visible for users of choosen countries.

Note: the country filter is not applied to those users who are connected via their mobile devices; regardless of what country they are in they will be able to view and participate in the promotion, but they will not be allowed to vote.":"La promoci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo ser\u00e1 visible para los usuarios de los pa\u00edses escogidos","Promotion texts":"Textos de la promoci\u00f3n","Quiz Result (to share the own quiz final result)":"Resultado del Cuestionario (para compartir el propio mensaje de resultado del cuestionario","Recalculating scores...":"Recalculando puntuaci\u00f3n...","Recalculating...":"Recalculando...","Recruiting content":"Contenido de reclutamiento","Recruiting content (to invite friends to enter)":"Contenido de reclutamiento (para invitar a los amigos a participar)","Send e-mail":"Enviar e-mail","Settings upon registering":"Configuraci\u00f3n tras registrarse","Share this entry":"Compartir esta participaci\u00f3n","Share this on":"Compartir en","Show username":"Mostrar nombre de usuario","Start by creating a new question.":"Empieza creando una nueva pregunta","Text to encourage users to share":"Texto para animar a los usuarios a compartir","The file exceeds the maximum size (%s MB).":"El archivo supera el tama\u00f1o maximo (%s MB).","The text is too long.":"El texto es demasiado largo.","This date is not valid.":"Esta fecha no es v\u00e1lida.","This image will be used when the user shares his participation. If empty the quiz image will be used.":"Esta imagen se utilizar\u00e1 cuando el usuario comparta su participaci\u00f3n. Si se deja en blanco se utilizar\u00e1 la imagen del cuestionario.","This is the description of the publication of the viral message on Facebook. Maximum 255 characters.":"\u00c9sta es la descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n del mensaje viral en Facebook. M\u00e1ximo 255 caracteres.","This is the text of the tweet of the viral message on Twitter. The shared link will be included automatically at the end of this text.":"\u00c9ste es el texto del tweet del mensaje viral en Twitter. El enlace compartido se incluir\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente al final del texto.","This is the text that will be automatically displayed in a popup after the user has voted for an entry. Below the message the app will include sharing buttons to encourage user to spread that entry.":"\u00c9ste es el texto que se mostrar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente en una ventana pop-up tras votar por una participaci\u00f3n. Bajo el mensaje la aplicaci\u00f3n incluir\u00e1 los botones de compartir para animar al usuario a difundir la participaci\u00f3n.","This is the text that will be displayed at the top of the registry form. Use it to give users additional instructions about the fields requested. Leave it empty if not required.":"\u00c9ste es el texto que se mostrar\u00e1 en la parte superior del formulario de registro. Util\u00edzalo para dar a los usuarios instrucciones adicionales sobre los campos requeridos. D\u00e9jalo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","This is the title of the publication of the viral message on Facebook. Maximum 90 characters.":"\u00c9ste es el t\u00edtulo de la publicaci\u00f3n del mensaje viral en Facebook. M\u00e1ximo 90 caracteres.","This message appears on the %s, next to the main share button. Write something that gets users attention and encourage them to click on the button.":"Este mensaje se muestra en la p\u00e1gina de 'Gracias', junto al bot\u00f3n de compartir principal. Escribe un mensaje que capte la atenci\u00f3n de los usuarios y les anime a hacer clic en el bot\u00f3n.","This must be selected.":"Este campo se debe seleccionar","Twitter username":"Usuario de Twitter","Type of button":"Tipo de bot\u00f3n","Upload an image for the background of the promotion":"Sube una imagen para el fondo de la promoci\u00f3n","Use an image that describes this quiz result":"Utiliza una imagen que describa este resultado del cuestionario","Use the entry content as description":"Utiliza el contenido de la participaci\u00f3n como descripci\u00f3n","Viral message used when users shares their Quiz result":"Mensaje viral utilizado cuando los usuarios comparten su resultado del Cuestionario","Window title":"T\u00edtulo de la ventana","Go to Quiz Stats":"Ir a las estad\u00edsticas del Cuestionario","Do you want to receive our news and updates?":"\u00bfQuieres recibir nuestras novedades y actualizaciones?","Follow us on our social networks.":"S\u00edguenos en nuestras redes sociales.","Observation: only the first promotion will be displayed in a tab":"Nota: en una pesta\u00f1a solamente se mostrar\u00e1 la primera promoci\u00f3n","Disable My Networks popup in the Registration Form":"Deshabilitar ventana Mis Redes en el formulario de registro","Check this option if you want to hide the enter button so users can not access the registration form. Recommended for Pick your Favorite promotion.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres ocultar el bot\u00f3n Participa para que los usuarios no tengan acceso al formulario de registro. Recomendado para promociones del tipo \u00abVota por tu favorito\u00bb.","Hide enter button":"Ocultar bot\u00f3n Participa","Connect your account":"Conecta tu cuenta","Connect":"Conectar","Final button link":"Enlace del bot\u00f3n final","Final button label":"Texto del bot\u00f3n final","Select this option if you want to display a connection status bar at the top of each of the promotion screens. For example, if the user is connected on Facebook, the bar will show the user name and profile picture. If the user is not connected, the user will see the option to register connected with his Facebook account.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres mostrar una barra de estado de conexi\u00f3n en la parte superior de cada una de las pantallas de la promoci\u00f3n. Por ejemplo, si el usuario est\u00e1 conectado en Facebook, se indicar\u00e1 su nombre de usuario y su foto de perfil. En caso que no est\u00e9 conectado, le aparecer\u00e1 la opci\u00f3n de poder participar conectado con su cuenta de Facebook.","Show connection status bar":"Mostrar barra de estado de conexi\u00f3n","Select this option if you want users to identify with their Facebook account in order to complete the registration process. Users will need to connect on Facebook and accept the app permissions. If you don't select this option, users will be able to enter with no requirement to be connected on Facebook nor have a Facebook account. If this option is not selected, we recommend you to always ask users' email address in the registry form, and enable the connection status bar, so that users have the possibility to optionally connect on Facebook.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres que un usuario deba identificarse con su cuenta de Facebook para completar el proceso de registro. El usuario deber\u00e1 estar conectado a Facebook y haber aceptado los permisos de la aplicaci\u00f3n. Si no seleccionas esta opci\u00f3n, el usuario podr\u00e1 participar sin tener cuenta de Facebook o sin estar conectado. En caso de no seleccionar esta opci\u00f3n, te recomendamos que siempre pidas el email del usuario en el formulario de registro, y que tambi\u00e9n habilites la barra de estado de conexi\u00f3n, para dar la opci\u00f3n al usuario a conectar su cuenta de Facebook de forma opcional.","Do you want it to be mandatory for users to connect with their Facebook account?":"\u00bfQuieres que sea obligatorio que el usuario tenga que conectarse a Facebook?","Select and connect the social network with which you want to participate":"Selecciona y conecta la red social con la que quieres participar","Fix this":"Corregirlo","In order to identify unique participants, require users' email address in the registry form, or make mandatory for users to connect on Facebook to register.":"Para poder identificar los participantes de forma \u00fanica, habilita el email en el formulario de registro, o bien solicita que sea obligatorio que el usuario conecte su cuenta de Facebook.","In order to enter this promotion you need to connect your Facebook account.":"Para poder participar en esta promoci\u00f3n debes conectar tu cuenta de Facebook.","Connect your Facebook account for a faster registration and identify your participation with your Facebook user name and profile picture.":"Conecta tu cuenta de Facebook para un registro m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido e identificar tu participaci\u00f3n con tu nombre y foto de perfil de Facebook.","Warning":"Atenci\u00f3n","Open answer":"Respuesta abierta","Specifies how the entries will be ordered in the public list":"Especifica c\u00f3mo se ordenan las participaciones en el listado p\u00fablico","Why?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?","You are logged as %s.":"Conectado como %s.","Sign in via Facebook":"Conectar a trav\u00e9s de Facebook","Not connected":"No conectado","Like us on Facebook":"S\u00edguenos en Facebook","Dropbox account status OK":"Estado de la cuenta de Dropbox correcto","Disconnect":"Desconectar","Connect now":"Conectar ahora","A Dropbox PRO account is required to enable the public folder":"Se requiere una cuenta PRO de Dropbox para habilitar la carpeta p\u00fablica","Home page (Microsite)":"P\u00e1gina de inicio (Microsite)","not specified":"sin especificar","Make stats public":"Mostrar p\u00fablicamente las estad\u00edsticas","A button will be displayed on the Thank you page, after participating. By clicking on this button, an overlayed window will show up with the quiz stats.":"Se mostrar\u00e1 un bot\u00f3n que abre una ventana con las estad\u00edsticas del cuestionario. Este bot\u00f3n aparece en la p\u00e1gina de Muchas gracias, justo despu\u00e9s de finalizar el proceso de participaci\u00f3n.","Label of the button that opens the stats":"Texto del bot\u00f3n que abre las estad\u00edsticas","This is the legal disclaimer text that will be displayed in the registration form of the promotion. It is optional and it does not exclude the Terms and Conditions.":"Texto legal que aparecer\u00e1 en el formulario de registro de la promoci\u00f3n. Es opcional y no excluye las bases legales.","These are the terms and conditions you may want to apply to your promotion. If you ask for user email, we encourage you to define here your mailing and privacy policy. Leave this field empty if you do not want to specify any terms and conditions.":"\u00c9stas son las bases legales de la promoci\u00f3n que puedes aplicar. Si pides el e-mail, te recomendamos que definas aqu\u00ed la pol\u00edtica de privacidad y de uso de la informaci\u00f3n de usuario. Deja el campo en blanco si no tienes condiciones de uso.","single_date_time":"%d-%m-%Y","Add custom data as smart-tag. They will be replaced by the information they represent when sending the email. Click on the icon to get the available smart-tags list.":"A\u00f1ade datos personalizados con las etiquetas de contenido (smart tags). En el email recibido ser\u00e1n sustitu\u00eddos por la informaci\u00f3n que representan. Haz clic en el icono para ver la lista de smart tags disponibles.","All participants":"Todos los participantes","All winners":"Todos los ganadores","Are you sure do you want to delete this attachment?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de eliminar este archivo?","Are you sure do you want to delete this email?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de eliminar este email?","Are you sure do you want to send this email?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de enviar este email?","Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de eliminar este archivo?","Are you sure you want to delete this email?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de eliminar este email?","Are you sure you want to send this email?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de enviar este email?","at":"a","Attach up to 3 files in each email":"Adjuntar hasta 3 archivos por email","Attatch documents":"Adjunta documentos","Body":"Cuerpo","By getting recruited":"Al reclutar nuevo usuario","By regular expression":"Por expresi\u00f3n regular","Checking Dropbox account status":"Comprobando estado de tu cuenta Dropbox","Choose a type of email":"Escoge un tipo de email","Condition":"Condici\u00f3n","Confirm & send":"Confirmar y enviar","Create a filter to send this email only to participants who accomplish the filter conditions":"Crea un filtro para que el email se env\u00ede solamente a los participantes que las condiciones del filtro","Create a validation email":"Crear un email de validaci\u00f3n","Create a validation email if you want that users must verify the email address registered in the promotion. The platform will send an automatic email to the participant with a link to verify the email address":"Crea un email de validaci\u00f3n si quieres que los usuarios deban verificar el correo electr\u00f3nico con el que se han registrado en la promoci\u00f3n. La plataforma enviar\u00e1 un email autom\u00e1tico al email del participante con un link para que verifique su correo","Create new email":"Crear nuevo email","Current votes":"Votos actuales","Date to send":"Fecha de env\u00edo","Delivery on":"Se enviar\u00e1 el","different":"diferente","Different from":"Diferente de","Discover some ideas and common configurations to automate communication with your participants":"Descubre ideas y configuraciones habituales para automatizar las comunicaciones con tus participantes","Do not send to users who have already received this email":"No enviar a usuarios a los que ya ha sido enviado este mismo email","Email signature":"Firma del email","Email validation":"Email de validaci\u00f3n","Email validation activated. A validation email will be sent to all entrants upon registering. %s or %s this email":"Validaci\u00f3n de email activada. Se enviar\u00e1 un email de validaci\u00f3n a todos los participantes que se registren. %s o %s email","Email validation link":"Enlace de validaci\u00f3n del email","Emails":"Emails","Emails Platform":"Plataforma de Emails","Emails sent":"Emails enviados","Equal to":"Igual a","Equal to or greater than":"Igual o superior a","Equal to or less than":"Igual o menor que","Example: Email to all participants on register":"Ejemplo: Email a todos los participantes al registrarse","Filter already selected":"Este filtro ya est\u00e1 seleccionado","Filters":"Filtros","Footer Image":"Imagen del pie del email","From email address":"Email del remitente","Go to send":"Ir a enviarlo","Greater than":"Superior a","Hi {{user_first_name}},\\n\\nYou have registered on the promotion: {{promo_title}}. Please, click on this
link<\/a> to validate your email and complete your entry.\\n\\nYou can also confirm your email address copying this link and pasting it on your browser's address bar: {{validate_email}}.\\n\\nThank you!":"Hola {{user_first_name}},\\n\\nTe has registrado en la promoci\u00f3n: {{promo_title}}. Por favor, haz clic en este enlace<\/a> para validar tu email y completar el proceso de registro.\\n\\nPuedes tambi\u00e9n validar tu email copiando esta direcci\u00f3n en tu navegador: {{validate_email}}.\\n\\n\u00a1Muchas gracias!","Hide Question text":"Esconder el texto de la pregunta","How to enable the public folder?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo activar la carpeta p\u00fablica?","Instant Win winners":"Premiados por Momento Ganador","Last delivery":"\u00daltimo env\u00edo","Last month":"\u00daltimo mes","Last week":"\u00daltima semana","Less than":"Menor que","Message on success validation page":"Texto de validaci\u00f3n correcta","Message that appears on the screen confirming the participant that his\/her email has been successfully validated":"Texto que aparece en la pantalla del participante confirm\u00e1ndole que ha validado correctamente su email.","Message validation email":"Texto de validaci\u00f3n correcta","Name this email":"Ponle un t\u00edtulo a este email","No emails processed to be sent":"No se ha procesado ning\u00fan email para ser enviado","Not processed any email to be sent":"No se ha procesado ning\u00fan email para ser enviado","Not sent yet":"A\u00fan no enviado","Not validated":"No validado","Number of votes":"N\u00famero de votos","On a specific date":"A una fecha programada","On getting a vote":"Al conseguir un voto","On referring a new user":"Al reclutar nuevo usuario","On Participating":"Al participar","On scheduled date":"Programado","On this section you will be able to create and personalize your own emails, as well as to set up to whom and when to send them":"En esta secci\u00f3n podr\u00e1s crear y personalizar tus propios emails y configurar a qui\u00e9n y cu\u00e1ndo enviarlos","On validating the email":"Al validar el email","Operator":"Condici\u00f3n","Personalize the email content with your name, email address, signature and header image":"Personaliza el contenido del email con tu nombre, direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico, firma e im\u00e1genes de cabecera","Please correct errors: Reply messages cannot contain URLs.":"Por favor corrija errores: los mensajes de respuesta no pueden contener URLs.","Prom. code":"C\u00f3digo promocional","Promotion link":"Enlace de la promoci\u00f3n","Recipients":"Destinatarios","Referred username":"Nombre usuario reclutado","Registration was closed on":"El registro fue cerrado el","Registration will open on":"El registro se abrir\u00e1 el","Result between %s and %s":"Resultado entre %s y %s","Result is":"El resultado es","Results of the quiz":"Resultado del cuestionario","Segment your participants into groups depending on their characteristics (age, gender, country) or based on their promotion achievements (points, votes obtained, recruited friends, winners and correct answers)":"Segmentar grupos de participantes por sus caracter\u00edsticas (edad, g\u00e9nero, pa\u00eds) o por sus logros (puntos, votos conseguidos, reclutados, ganadores y aciertos)","Select":"Selecciona","Send test email":"Enviar email de prueba","Send an automatic email to the user on participating":"Enviar un email autom\u00e1tico a los usuarios al participar","Sender":"Remitente","Some of the uploaded files exceed the total attachment limit":"Alguno de los archivos subidos excede la capacidad m\u00e1xima permitida","Subject":"Asunto","The Emails Platform is a section that allows you to send emails automatically to the participants while the promotion is active and also when it has already ended":"La Plataforma de Emails es una secci\u00f3n que te permite automatizar el env\u00edo de emails a los participantes durante y despu\u00e9s de la promoci\u00f3n","The Platform will allow you to":"La Plataforma te permitir\u00e1","The registration to this promotion will be open soon. Stay tuned and try again.":"El registro a esta promoci\u00f3n estar\u00e1 abierto pronto. Est\u00e9n atentos y vuelvan a intentarlo.","This email will be automatically sent on the date and time specified by the administrator.":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 de forma autom\u00e1tica en la fecha y hora que especifique el administrador.","This email will be automatically sent to the participants when they participate in the promotion.":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 de forma autom\u00e1tica a los usuarios justo cuando finalizan su participaci\u00f3n en la promoci\u00f3n.","This email will be automatically sent when a participant gets a new vote for his\/her participation.":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 cuando un participante consiga un nuevo voto para su participaci\u00f3n.","This email will be sent automatically when the participant obtains a a new referral (ie. a user signs up in the contest through their referral link).":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 de forma autom\u00e1tica cuando un participante reclute a un nuevo usuario al concurso.","This email will be automatically sent when a participant verifies his\/her email correctly.":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 de forma autom\u00e1tica cuando un participante valide su email de forma correcta.","This email will be manually sent when the administrator clicks on \\\"send now\\\".":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 de forma manual cuando el administrador ejecute la acci\u00f3n de enviar.","This email will be sent to all participants":"Este email ser\u00e1 enviado a todos los participantes","This is an email test":"Email de prueba","To stop receiving all the emails from this promotion you may %s":"Para dejar de recibir todos los emails de esta promoci\u00f3n, puedes %s","To stop receiving this type of emails from this promotion you may %s":"Para dejar de recibir este tipo de emails de esta promoci\u00f3n, puedes %s","Today":"Hoy","Type of email":"Tipo de email","Unknown":"Desconocido","unsubscribe now":"darte de baja aqu\u00ed","Use an image that describes the prize of this instant win":"Utiliza una imagen que describa el premio de este momento ganador","user selected":"usuario seleccionado","user to send the email":"Usuario a enviar este email","Username":"Nombre de usuario","users selected":"usuarios seleccionados","users to send the email":"Usuarios a enviar este email","Validate this email to finalize your promotion entry":"Valida este email para terminar tu participaci\u00f3n en la promoci\u00f3n","Validation email":"Email de validaci\u00f3n","Value":"Valor","Valuesforconditions":"Valor","My entry URL":"URL de mi participaci\u00f3n","Voter username":"Nombre usuario votante","What is the Emails Platform?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es la Plataforma de Emails?","With this option you can decide when the email must be sent. This moment can be determined by a participant action in the promotion (registering, voting, recruiting or validating), by a scheduled date, or by a manually delivery done my the administrator. The system allows you to choose amongst 6 types of emails: ":"Esta opci\u00f3n te permite determinar el momento en que se debe enviar el email que se est\u00e1 configurando. Este momento puede ser por un evento que realiza un participante en la promoci\u00f3n (registrarse, votar, reclutar, validar), por una fecha programada, o bien, un env\u00edo manual del administrador. El sistema te permite escoger entre 6 tipos de emails: ","Write a message using variables (smart tags) to personalize the email depending on the information of each participant":"Escribir el contenido del email y el asunto utilizando variables (smart tags) para personalizarlo seg\u00fan cada participante","You can include %s in the message to show the score or number of correct answers of the user.":"Puedes escribir %s en el mensaje para mostrar la puntuaci\u00f3n o el n\u00famero de respuestas correctas del usuario.","You have unsubscribed from this type of emails of this promotion successfully":"Tu email ha sido dado de baja correctamente para este tipo de emails de esta promoci\u00f3n","Your email has already been validated. Thank you!":"Tu email ya ha sido validado. \u00a1Gracias!","Your email has been already unsubscribed of this promotion":"Tu email ya no est\u00e1 suscrito a las comunicaciones de esta promoci\u00f3n","Your email has been successfully validated. Thank you!":"Tu email ha sido validado correctamente. \u00a1Gracias!","Your emails":"Tus emails","From name":"De parte de","Send now":"Enviar ahora","Are you sure you want to unpublish entries of users with a not validated email?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de querer despublicar las participaciones de los usuarios con email no validado?","Activate the delivery of this type of email":"Activar el env\u00edo de este tipo de email","Email header Image":"Imagen de cabecera del email","Use only characters and numbers without special symbols. %s":"Escribe un hashtag sin acentos, '\u00f1', '\u00e7', signos de puntaci\u00f3n o espacios en blanco. %s","Try now the Emails Platform!":"\u00a1Prueba la Plataforma de Emails!","Help":"Ayuda","Unpublish unvalidated users":"Despublicar los usuarios no validados","A validation email will be sent to your inbox":"Recibir\u00e1s un email de validaci\u00f3n a tu correo","Message":"Mensaje","User email":"Email del usuario","Use \\\"smart tags\\\" to personalize the email with the information of each participant":"Utiliza los \\\"smart tags\\\" para personalizar el contenido del email con los datos de cada participante","And much more":"Y mucho m\u00e1s","Copy link":"Copiar enlace","Copied!":"\u00a1Copiado!","Instant Messaging Apps (Whatsapp, Telegram, Line)":"Aplicaciones de mensajer\u00eda instant\u00e1nea (Whatsapp, Telegram, Line)","This is the message that users will send through Instant Messaging Apps. The shared link will be automatically included at the end of the mensaje. This option is only available for users connnected via smartphone. Maximum length: 200 characters":"\u00c9ste es el texto del mensaje que el usuario enviar\u00e1 a trav\u00e9s de apps de mensajer\u00eda instant\u00e1nea. El enlace compartido se incluir\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente al final del texto. Esta opci\u00f3n solamente aparecer\u00e1 a los participantes conectados v\u00eda tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil. Recomendamos un texto de 200 caracteres m\u00e1ximo","Current number of referrals":"N\u00famero actual de reclutados","Advanced Install":"Instalaci\u00f3n avanzada","Application's Display Name":"Display name de la aplicaci\u00f3n","Brand":"Marca","BSC":"BSC","Direct link":"Enlace directo","Do you want to embed your promotion in your website as a widget?":"\u00bfQuieres incrustar la promoci\u00f3n en tu web como un widget?","Do you want to show the promotion in the Easypromos list of public promotions?":"\u00bfQuieres aparecer en el listado p\u00fablico de promociones de Easypromos?","Do you want to install the promotion as a tab on your Facebook page?":"\u00bfQuieres instalar la promoci\u00f3n en una pesta\u00f1a de tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook?","Export and download":"Exportar y descargar","Facebook Tab":"Pesta\u00f1a de Facebook","Facebook publication":"Publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","First entries":"Primeros participantes","First page":"Primera pantalla","General view":"Vista general","Information about the users: geolocation, gender and age.":"Informaci\u00f3n sobre los usuarios: geolocalizaci\u00f3n, g\u00e9nero y edad.","Install":"Instalar","IP address":"Direcci\u00f3n IP","Link the promotion to an application that you created on %s.":"Vincula la promoci\u00f3n con una aplicaci\u00f3n que hayas creado en %s.","Main information about registered users: number of registrations per day \/ hour, device used, etc.":"Datos principales de los usuarios registrados: n\u00famero de registros por d\u00eda \/ hora, dispositivo usado, etc.","Methods of promotion publication":"M\u00e9todos de publicaci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n","More users' information":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n de los usuarios","Not published":"No publicada","Not verified email":"Email no validado","Number of participations and users per day, average of participations per user and other statistics.":"N\u00famero de participaciones y usuarios por d\u00eda, media de participaciones por usuario y otros datos estad\u00edsticos.","Number of times that the promotion has been shared, what social networks have been used, from which promotion page and what content has been shared.":"N\u00famero de veces que se ha compartido la promoci\u00f3n, en qu\u00e9 redes sociales, desde qu\u00e9 p\u00e1gina de la promoci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9 contenido se ha difundido.","Participations per day":"Participaciones por d\u00eda","Percentages and absolute values about clicks on each social network displayed in \\\"My networks\\\" module, and graphics of clicks per day.":"Porcentaje y valores absolutos de los clicks hechos en cada red social presentada en el m\u00f3dulo \\\"Mis redes\\\", y gr\u00e1ficos de clicks por d\u00eda.","Percentages and absolute values of the quiz answers selected by the users.":"Porcentaje y valores absolutos de las respuestas del cuestionario escogidas por los usuarios.","PRM":"PRM","promotion currently installed":"promoci\u00f3n actualmente instalada","promotion not installed":"promoci\u00f3n no instalada","Quick Install":"Instalaci\u00f3n R\u00e1pida","Redirect promotion main link to this App in Facebook page (only for non-mobile users)":"Redirigir el enlace principal de la promoci\u00f3n a esta aplicaci\u00f3n de dentro la p\u00e1gina de Facebook (s\u00f3lo para usuarios no m\u00f3viles)","Review":"Revisar","Select the Facebook page where you want to install the tab and click the %s button. The tab will be automatically installed on the page with the promotion on it.":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina de Facebook donde quieres instalar la pesta\u00f1a y haz clic en el bot\u00f3n de %s. La pesta\u00f1a se instalar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente en la p\u00e1gina con la promoci\u00f3n dentro.","Set up this section if you want to show the promotion as an application in one or several Facebook pages.":"Configura esta secci\u00f3n si quieres publicar la promoci\u00f3n dentro de una App instalada en una o varias p\u00e1ginas de Facebook.","Shares":"Clics en compartir","Shares from Social Networks by Content":"Clics a comparir en RRSS por contenido","Shares from Social Networks by Page":"Clics a compartir en RRSS por p\u00e1gina","Support":"Soporte","Table terms legend":"Tabla de t\u00e9rminos","The equivalent to %s.":"Lo equivalente a %s.","The promotion can also be displayed in your blog or website using the widgets system. If you are interested in this method of publication, obtain here the information to embed the promotion in your site.":"La promoci\u00f3n tambi\u00e9n se puede mostrar en tu blog o p\u00e1gina web utilizando el sistema de widgets. Si te interesa este tipo de publicaci\u00f3n, obt\u00e9n aqu\u00ed las indicaciones para poder incrustar la promoci\u00f3n en el site que quieras.","The promotion is not published in any Facebook app at this time":"Actualmente la promoci\u00f3n no est\u00e1 publicada en ninguna aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","The promotion is published on %s":"La promoci\u00f3n est\u00e1 publicada en %s","The promotion will be available in":"La promoci\u00f3n se publicar\u00e1 en","There are %s pending or unpublished entries to review.":"Hay %s participaciones despublicadas o pendientes de revisar.","This link is fully compatible with mobile devices":"Este enlace es totalmente compatible con dispositivos m\u00f3viles","Total of shares on the social networks":"Total de clics en compartir en las redes sociales (RRSS)","Uninstall from Facebook Tab":"Desinstalar de la pesta\u00f1a de Facebook","Unpublish not verified":"Despublicar los no validados","Use this link to share your campaign":"Utiliza este enlace para compartir tu campa\u00f1a","Verified email":"Email validado","Where do you want to install the tab?":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde quieres instalar la pesta\u00f1a?","WHT":"BLC","Widgets available":"Widgets disponibles","With the Widgets system you can obtain the promotion iframe code that you can use to embed the promotion into your website or blog. Users can participate directly from there. There are 4 types of widgets, depending on how you want to present the promotion in your website: Embed your promotion, Widget Link, Popup Widget and Widget Mmedia (when the promotion has a public gallery). Choose the most suitable widget for you, customize the dimensions and other features and copy\/paste the iframe code into your website.":"El sistema de 'Widgets' consiste en un c\u00f3digo iframe del concurso que se facilita en esta pantalla para que puedas incrustarlo en tu web o blog. Los usuarios podr\u00e1n participar directamente desde all\u00ed. Hay 4 tipos de widgets, seg\u00fan c\u00f3mo quieras presentar el concurso en tu web: Incrusta tu promoci\u00f3n, Widget Link, Widget Popup y Widget Media (aparece si hay galer\u00eda p\u00fablica). Escoge el que m\u00e1s te convenga, personaliza el tama\u00f1o y otras funcionalidades y copia el c\u00f3digo iframe en tu web para instalarlo.","Users will leave their details in the form to enter a prize draw.":"Los usuarios dejar\u00e1n sus datos en el formulario para entrar en un sorteo final.","Launch a photo contest to gather user-generated content that you can then share for your promotional purposes.":"Organiza un concurso de fotos online para obtener contenido generado por tus usuarios, que podr\u00e1s mostrar en una galer\u00eda p\u00fablica.","Organize a video contests to obtain user-generated content that you can then share in a public gallery or with your followers.":"Organiza un concurso de v\u00eddeos online para obtener contenido audiovisual generado por tus usuarios, que podr\u00e1s mostrar en una galer\u00eda p\u00fablica.","Organize a writing contest to collect texts generated by your users. Share the best comments, short stories, essays, ideas or reviews on a topic of your choice.":"Organiza un concurso de textos online para que tu p\u00fablico pueda expresarse escribiendo un relato, frase o historia. ","Import the tweets, photos and videos from Twitter and Instagram that contain a specific hashtag and organize a contest or sweepstakes.":"Importa los tweets, fotos y v\u00eddeos de Twitter e Instagram que tengan un hashtag espec\u00edfico y organiza un concurso o sorteo.","Create a questionnaire with correct and incorrect answers, and prepare personalized messages that the users will see depending on their answers.":"Crea un cuestionario con respuestas correctas e incorrectas y genera mensajes personalizados seg\u00fan la puntuaci\u00f3n que obtengan los participantes.","Get feedback and product reviews with a multiple-choice quiz, or learn about your audience preferences.":"Pregunta la opini\u00f3n a tus clientes o p\u00fablico objetivo con un cuestionario para que valoren tu marca o productos, y conocer sus h\u00e1bitos de consumo y preferencias.","Prepare a set of closed questions to identify the likes and preferences of your audience. Display a final personalized message based on the answers.":"Crea un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas para identificar los gustos y preferencias de tu audiencia. Muestra un mensaje final personalizado seg\u00fan sus respuestas.","Create a set of questions and challenge users to predict the results of cultural events or sports championships.":"Pide a tu p\u00fablico objetivo que adivine el resultado sobre eventos deportivos o culturales futuros.","Distribute a coupon to participants to redeem for discounts or gifts.":"Distribuye un cup\u00f3n entre todos los usuarios canjeable por descuentos o regalos.","Distribute unique codes to participants to redeem for discounts or gifts.":"Distribuye c\u00f3digos entre todos los usuarios canjeables por descuentos o regalos.","Only users who introduce correct codes will be able to register and redeem their coupons.":"Registra s\u00f3lo los usuarios que introduzcan un c\u00f3digo v\u00e1lido en la aplicaci\u00f3n.","Distribute prizes randomly and immediately among users who register through the entry form.":"Reparte premios de forma inmediata y aleatoria entre los usuarios que se registren mediante el formulario de la app.","Organize a contest with an entry form. The participants that refer their friends to your promotion will be awarded with extra chances to win.":"Organiza un concurso con registro y da m\u00e1s oportunidades de ganar a los participantes que viralicen el concurso y consigan que sus amigos tambi\u00e9n se registren.","Invite users to vote for their favorite product, text, photo or video from a gallery selection.":"Configura una app para presentar varios textos, fotos o v\u00eddeos y permitir que los visitantes voten su propuesta favorita.","Account configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n de la cuenta","Activate for free now":"Activar gratis ahora","Add entry":"A\u00f1adir participaci\u00f3n","Add new color":"A\u00f1adir un nuevo color","Advanced publication":"Publicaci\u00f3n avanzada","Affiliate programs":"Programas de afiliaci\u00f3n","All results":"Todos los resultados","Anti-fraud options":"Opciones anti-fraude","Are you sure you want to unpublish entries not validated?":"\u00bfDe verdad quieres despublicar las entradas no validadas?","Babies and children":"Beb\u00e9s y Ni\u00f1os","Birthday field":"Campo fecha de nacimiento","Button clicks on Facebook buttons":"Clicks en los botons de Facebook","Button clicks on Twitter buttons":"Clicks en los botones de Twitter","Category":"Categor\u00eda","Change the promotion type":"Cambiar el tipo de promoci\u00f3n","Checking data...":"Verificando datos...","City field":"Campo ciudad","Clear filter":"Limpiar filtro","Click to view an example":"Haz click para ver un ejemplo","Comments field":"Campo comentarios","Compatible with jQuery libraries.":"Compatible con la librer\u00eda jQuery.","Connecting to %s platform":"Conectando a la plataforma %s","Connection country":"Pa\u00eds de conexi\u00f3n","Step 2":"Paso 2","Control panel":"Panel de control","copy field":"copiar campo","copy instant winner":"copiar momento ganador","Country field":"Campo pa\u00eds","Coupon options":"Acciones de cup\u00f3n","Create and install a custom Facebook Tab":"Crear e instalar una pesta\u00f1a de Facebook personalizada","Create campaign":"Crear campa\u00f1a","Create it now":"Crear ahora","Created by %s, on %s":"Creado por %s, el %s","Creation type":"Tipo de creaci\u00f3n","Culture and cinema":"Cultura y cine","current published promotion in this Facebook app":"promoci\u00f3n actualmente publicada en esta aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","Current recruits":"Reclutados actuales","Custom Redirection URL":"Redirecci\u00f3n a URL personalizada","Customize the colors and styles of the promotion":"Personaliza los colores y estilos de la promoci\u00f3n","Daily price":"Precio por d\u00eda","Delete ALL users":"Eliminar TODOS los usuarios","delete instant winner":"eliminar momento ganador","Disabled functionality.":"Funcionalidad deshabilitada","Do you know the Premium applications?":"\u00bfConoces las aplicaciones Premium?","Download to CSV file":"Descargar en fichero CSV","Edit account":"editar cuenta","edit app settings":"editar configuraci\u00f3n de la aplicaci\u00f3n","Edit custom Facebook app":"Editar aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook personalizada","edit field configuration":"editar configuraci\u00f3n del campo","edit instant winner":"editar momento ganador","edit instant winners messages":"editar mensajes de momento ganador","edit quiz final messages":"editar mensajes finales de cuestionario","edit section contents":"editar contenidos de la secci\u00f3n","Edit the published promotion":"Editar la promoci\u00f3n publicada","Education":"Educaci\u00f3n y formaci\u00f3n","Email field":"Campo e-mail","Enter your activation code here":"Introduce tu c\u00f3digo de activaci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed","Entrants information":"Informaci\u00f3n de los participantes","Entries header image":"Imagen de cabecera","Entries list page":"Listado de participantes","Entry list page":"Participaci\u00f3n \u00fanica","Examples":"Ejemplos","Export list of votes":"Descargar listado de votantes","Additional text field":"Campo de texto adicional","Facebook app configuration":"Configuraci\u00f3n de la aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","Facebook App ID":"App ID de Facebook","Facebook App Secret":"App Secret de Facebook","Fashion":"Moda y complementos","Fill in the form":"Rellena el formulario","Follow us in our networks!":"\u00a1S\u00edguenos en las redes sociales!","Form fields":"Campos","Food and Beverage":"Gastronom\u00eda","Gender field":"Campo g\u00e9nero","Go to classic editor":"Ir al editor cl\u00e1sico","Group":"Grupo","Health and beauty":"Salud y Belleza","Hide to users":"Ocultar a los usuarios","House and garden":"Hogar y decoraci\u00f3n","In this field you can insert HTML, Javascript or any other code that can be read by a web browser.":"En este campo puedes introducir HTML, Javascript o cualquier otro c\u00f3digo compatible en navegadores.","New field":"A\u00f1adir campo","New instant winner":"A\u00f1adir momento ganador","Other":"Otros","Recruited users list":"Listado de usuarios reclutados","Referrals":"Reclutadores","Redirecting...":"Redireccionando...","years":"a\u00f1os","Click to see an example of classic layout":"Haz click para ver un ejemplo de layout cl\u00e1sico","This integration will allow you to (1) publish the promotion on Facebook in advanced mode and (2) only for White Label promotions, to use your own application to login Facebook users.":"Esta integraci\u00f3n te permitir\u00e1 (1) publicar la promoci\u00f3n en Facebook en modo avanzado y (2) para las promociones Marca Blanca poder utilizar tu propia aplicaci\u00f3n para pedir los permisos de Facebook a los usuarios.","Videotutorial: how to create an application in Facebook Developers":"Videotutorial: c\u00f3mo crear una aplicaci\u00f3n en el entorno de Desarrolladores de Facebook","No, I'll use a custom app":"No, utilizar\u00e9 una aplicaci\u00f3n personalizada","Install a tab on your Facebook page to display the promotion. We give you 2 options: %s, to install the tab with just one click, and %s, which will allow you to install the tab on several Facebook pages.":"Instala una pesta\u00f1a en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook para mostrar la promoci\u00f3n. Te damos 2 opciones: %s, para instalar la pesta\u00f1a en un solo clic, e %s, si quieres instalar la pesta\u00f1a en varias p\u00e1ginas de Facebook.","Warning: There's already an active promotion in the application":"Advertencia: Actualmente ya hay una promoci\u00f3n activa en la aplicaci\u00f3n.","Yes, replace the current promotion":"S\u00ed, reemplazar la promoci\u00f3n actual","UTF8 encoded":"Codificaci\u00f3n UTF8","Technology":"Tecnolog\u00eda","Download in ZIP":"Descargar en ZIP","Validated email":"E-mail validado","Not validated email":"E-mail no validado","Network":"Red","not editable":"no editable","Num. days":"N\u00fam. d\u00edas","View full-size picture":"Ver imagen a tama\u00f1o real","View demo":"Ver demo","Voters information":"Informaci\u00f3n de los votantes","Voters list":"Listado de votantes","Click to show\/hide this field":"Haz click para mostrar\/ocultar este campo","Configuration areas":"\u00c1reas de configuraci\u00f3n","Default publish options":"Opciones de publicaci\u00f3n por defecto","Max size: %d MB":"Peso m\u00e1x: %d MB","Total price":"Precio total","Leisure and travel":"Ocio y Viajes","It will be displayed from %s to %s in %s.":"Se mostrar\u00e1 des del %s hasta el %s en %s.","Matches the searched query":"Coincide con la b\u00fasqueda","Microsite":"Microsite","Public entry":"Participaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica","Points obtained":"Puntos conseguidos","You can upload a JPG, GIF, or PNG file. The maximum filesize is 5 Mb.":"Puedes subir una imagen JPG, GIF o PNG. El peso m\u00e1ximo son 5 Mb.","Need more information about our activation codes?":"\u00bfNecesitas informaci\u00f3n sobre los c\u00f3digos de activaci\u00f3n?","This value allows to control the maximum height of the elements within the tiled gallery layout. The application will resize and display the pictures or videos in the gallery to take advantage of all the width available and keeping the maximum height specified.":"Este valor te permite controlar la altura m\u00e1xima que pueden tener los elementos dentro de la plantilla mosaico. La aplicaci\u00f3n redimensionar\u00e1 y presentar\u00e1 las fotos o videos dentro de la galer\u00eda para aprovechar todo el ancho disponible sin que ninguna foto supere la altura m\u00e1xima indicada.","Click here to go to the settings area and enable this functionality.":"Haz clic para ir a la secci\u00f3n de configuraciones y habilitar esta funcionalidad.","Set up the instant winner messages":"Edita los mensajes de momento ganador","Set up the quiz final messages":"Edita los mensajes finales de cuestionario","Click to see an example":"Haz clic para ver un ejemplo","Contest audiences":"Audiencias del concurso","Contest pictures":"Im\u00e1genes del concurso","Create a featured campaign and gain users by appearing in the %s section":"Crea una campa\u00f1a destacada e incrementa tus usuarios apareciendo en la secci\u00f3n %s","Customize the functionalities of the promotion":"Personaliza las funcionalidades de la promoci\u00f3n","Customize the sharing contents":"Personaliza los contenidos de compartici\u00f3n","Do not send to participants. Send to a specific email.":"No enviar a los participantes. Enviar a un e-mail concreto.","Do not send to users who already have sent this same email":"No enviar a los usuarios que ya han recibico este mismo e-mail.","General view for Facebook":"Vista general para Facebook","Insert a question if you require answers or comments from participants":"Introduce una pregunta si requieres respuestas o comentarios de los participantes","Insert a title for an optin checkbox in the registration form. Example: I want to sign up for the newsletter.":"Introduce un t\u00edtulo para una casilla de verificaci\u00f3n en el formulario de registro. Ejemplo: Quiero suscribirme al newsletter.","Insert a title to be displayed in the registration form to encourage users to select their image":"Introduce un t\u00edtulo en el formulario de registro para animar a los usuarios a seleccionar su imagen","Install this app in the Facebook pages you manage":"Instala esta aplicaci\u00f3n en las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook que gestionas","Instant win options":"Opciones de momento ganador","Invite via":"Invitar v\u00eda","It must start with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/":"Debe empezar por http:\/\/ o https:\/\/","Last send":"\u00daltimo env\u00edo","Links to the promotion":"Enlaces para la promoci\u00f3n","List Options":"Listado de opciones","Media field":"Campo de media","Media type":"Tipo de media","Method of validation by list of values":"M\u00e9todo de validaci\u00f3n por un listado de valores","Method of validation by regular expression":"M\u00e9todo de validaci\u00f3n por expresi\u00f3n regular","My networks insights for %s":"Estad\u00edsticas de Mis Redes para %s","My Networks layer":"Mis Redes","Number of users recruited":"N\u00famero de usuarios reclutados","Opt-in field":"Casilla de verificaci\u00f3n","Option not available":"Opci\u00f3n no disponible","Pages in promotion":"P\u00e1ginas de la promoci\u00f3n","Pending promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n pendiente","Permission scope":"Permisos","Phone field":"Campo tel\u00e9fono","Please, connect your Facebook account to continue":"Por favor, conecta tu cuenta de Facebook para poder continuar","Promotion background":"Fondo de la promoci\u00f3n","Promotion settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n","Promotion type selector":"Selector del tipo de promoci\u00f3n","Publish on a Facebook app":"Publicar en una aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","Publish on a custom site using a widget":"Publicar en un sitio propio usando un widget","Publish options":"Opciones de publicaci\u00f3n","Publish the link to the promotion":"Publicar el enlace a la promoci\u00f3n","Publish this Promotion":"Publicar esta promoci\u00f3n","publish this promotion in this Facebook app":"publicar la promocion en esta aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","Referring":"Reclutamiento","Recruitment":"Reclutamiento","Registration form page":"P\u00e1gina del formulario de registro","regular expression":"expresi\u00f3n regular","remove field":"eliminar campo","Reset":"Reiniciar","Select application":"Selecciona la aplicaci\u00f3n","Select your application or {link}":"Selecciona tu aplicaci\u00f3n o {link}","Send manual email":"Enviar e-mail manual","Send test":"Enviar test","Setting conditions":"Condiciones","Smart color picker":"Selector de color","Specify the name you want for the app to be displayed on your Facebook page. Its maximum length is 15 characters.":"Especificar el nombre de la aplicaci\u00f3n que quieres que se muestre en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook. La longitud m\u00e1xima s\u00f3n 15 car\u00e1cteres.","Sports and motor sports":"Deportes y Motor","Plans":"suscripciones","Terms and conditions layer":"T\u00e9rminos y condiciones","The app has been created":"La aplicaci\u00f3n se ha creado","The App is installed and the Promotion is published in your Facebook Page":"La aplicaci\u00f3n se ha instalado y la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e1 publicada en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook","The App is installed in your Facebook Page but another Promotion is published":"La aplicaci\u00f3n se ha instalado en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook, pero hay otra promoci\u00f3n publicada","This app is visible to users.":"La aplicaci\u00f3n es visible a los usuarios.","This content will be inserted right before closing the BODY tag on the %s.":"Este contenido se instertar\u00e1 justo antes de cerrar la etiqueta BODY en %s.","This is a supportive image for the %s. This field is optional.":"Esta es una imagen de soporte para %s. Este campo es opcional.","This promotion has expired":"Esta promoci\u00f3n ha caducado","Tiled gallery options":"Opciones de la Galer\u00eda Mosaico","To register":"Al registrarse","show\/hide options":"mostrar\/ocultar opciones","Toggle visualitzation":"Alternar visualizaci\u00f3n","Tutorial":"Tutorial","uninstall Facebook app":"desinstalar aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","Update app":"Actualizar aplicaci\u00f3n","Use an image that describes this final message":"Utiliza una imagen para describir este mensaje final","Use an image that describes this quiz result.":"Utiliza una imagen que describa este mensaje final de cuestionario.","Use emails to communicate with participants":"Utiliza e-mails para comunicarte con los participantes","Use this app to get permissions":"Utiliza esta aplicaci\u00f3n para obtener permisos","Use this field to test your regular expression":"Utiliza este campo para verificar tu expresi\u00f3n regular","Use this tool to add color background \/ color text pairs.":"Utiliza esta herramienta para introducir pares de color de fondo \/ color de texto.","Validated":"Validado","Viral message used when users shares their Instant Win":"Mensaje viral usado cuando un usuario comparte su momento ganador","Widget":"Widget","Your own app enabled":"Tu aplicaci\u00f3n customizada est\u00e1 habilitada","Photo Contest":"Concurso de fotos","Video Contest":"Concurso de v\u00eddeos","Recruiters contest":"Reclutadores","Hashtags contest":"Concurso de Hashtags","Instant win":"Momento ganador","Quiz":"Trivia","Writing-based contest":"Concurso de textos","Predictions":"Quiniela","Multiple-choice test":"Cuestionario tipo test","Survey":"Encuesta","Customer loyalty rewards":"Valida tu c\u00f3digo","Instant Win result":"Resultado por Momento Ganador","Share details":"Detalles de los clicks en compartir","Share options":"Opciones de compartir","Shares from Social Networks":"Clics en Redes Sociales","Sign-in":"Inicio de sesi\u00f3n","Sign-in description":"Descripci\u00f3n para el inicio de sesi\u00f3n","Single entry page":"P\u00e1gina de participaci\u00f3n individual","Text length field":"Longitud del texto","Thank you page":"P\u00e1gina de Muchas Gracias","This Dropbox account allows you to store videos, but can not reproduce them, because the public folder is not enabled.":"Esta cuenta de Dropbox permite almacenar los v\u00eddeos, pero no permite reproducirlos porque la carpeta p\u00fablica no est\u00e1 habilitada.","This is the message that users will send through Instant Messaging Apps. The shared link will be automatically included at the end of the mensaje. This option is only available for users connnected via smartphone. Maximum length: 200 characters.":"\u00c9ste es el mensaje que los usuarios enviar\u00e1n a trav\u00e9s de las aplicaciones de mensajer\u00eda instant\u00e1nea. El enlace compartido se incluir\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente al final del mensaje. Esta opci\u00f3n est\u00e1 disponible \u00fanicamente para usuarios que se conectan v\u00eda tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil. Longitud m\u00e1xima: 200 caracteres.","Total share in \\\"%s\\\"":"Total de clics en \\\"%s\\\"","User shares list":"Lista de clics en compartir de los usuario","Go back to classic editing mode":"Volver al modo de edici\u00f3n cl\u00e1sico","The promotion has been successfully created":"La promoci\u00f3n se ha creado correctamente","What's next?":"\u00bfY ahora qu\u00e9?","Now you can customize the images and texts of your contest, and also set up the registration form asking for the user's information that you need.":"Ahora personaliza los textos e im\u00e1genes de tu concurso, y configura los datos que pedir\u00e1s en el formulario de registro.","Now, create each instant win and schedule when the app will deliver each prize from 'Edit', by going to 'Instant Win' section.":"Crea ahora los premios que quieres repartir y configura cu\u00e1ndo distribuirlos desde el formulario de 'Editar', apartado 'Momento Ganador'.","Create now the questions and answers of your quiz by going to 'Quiz' section.":"Ahora crea las preguntas y respuestas del trivia accediendo al apartado 'Cuestionario'.","Create now the questions and answers of your survey by going to 'Quiz' section.":"Ahora crea las preguntas y respuestas de la encuesta accediendo al apartado 'Cuestionario'.","Create now the questions and answers of your pool by going to 'Quiz' section.":"Ahora crea las preguntas y respuestas de la quiniela accediendo al apartado 'Cuestionario'.","Create now the questions and answers of your test by going to 'Quiz' section.":"Ahora crea las preguntas y respuestas del test accediendo al apartado 'Cuestionario'.","Now set up a hashtag to import content from Instagram You will be able to do it from 'Integrations' section.":"Ahora habilita el hashtag para importar contenido desde Twitter y\/o Instagram desde el apartado 'Integraciones'.","Now you can customize the images and texts of your sweetpstake and also set up the registration form asking for the user's information that you need.":"Ahora personaliza los textos e im\u00e1genes de tu sorteo, y configura los datos que pedir\u00e1s en el formulario de registro.","Go":"Ir","Promotion not activated":"Promoci\u00f3n no activada","button":"bot\u00f3n","Already participating":"Ya est\u00e1s participando","App image":"Imagen de la aplicaci\u00f3n","Now you can create the validation field to verify the codes by setting up a new additional field from 'Edit', in 'Registry form - Users data'.":"Crea ahora un campo de validaci\u00f3n para verificar los c\u00f3digos configurando un campo de texto adicional desde la secci\u00f3n 'Formulario de registro \u2013 Informaci\u00f3n de usuario', en el men\u00fa 'Editar'.","This is the default method of publication. The promotion is displayed as a web page (microsite). Click here to see all the URLs of each screen of the microsite. For White Label promotions you can set up your own domain to customize the URL of the microsite.":"Es el m\u00e9todo de publicaci\u00f3n por defecto. La promoci\u00f3n se abre como una p\u00e1gina web (microsite). Accede aqu\u00ed para ver todas las URLs de cada pantalla del microsite. Para las promociones Marca Blanca podr\u00e1s configurar tu propio dominio para personalizar la URL del microsite.","Publish as microsite":"Publicar como microsite","Facebook App in a Page":"Aplicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","Site where widget is embedded":"Sitio web donde est\u00e1 instalado el widget","Upload your picture":"Sube tu foto","Write your answer":"Escribe tu respuesta","Upload your video":"Sube tu v\u00eddeo","Add a caption":"A\u00f1ade una descripci\u00f3n","Enter your domain":"Introduce tu dominio","This is the default method of publication. The promotion is displayed as a web page (microsite). See here all the URLs of each screen of the microsite. For White Label promotions you can set up your own domain to customize the URL of the microsite.":"Es el m\u00e9todo de publicaci\u00f3n por defecto. La promoci\u00f3n se abre como una p\u00e1gina web (microsite). Consulta aqu\u00ed las URLs de cada pantalla del microsite. Para las promociones Marca Blanca podr\u00e1s configurar tu propio dominio para personalizar la URL.","":"","In order to use your own domain properly is necessary that you create a A record in the DNS of the domain pointing to the IP adress: %s":"Para poder usar tu propio dominio es necesario que crees un registro A en el DNS del dominio que apunte a la direcci\u00f3n IP: %s","Custom domain":"Dominio personalizado","Links in the microsite":"Enlaces de la promoci\u00f3n en el microsite","API that allows you to export in JSON format and in real time, the list of entrants with their registration data.":"API que permite exportar en formato JSON y en tiempo real, el listado de usuarios participantes con su informaci\u00f3n de registro.","Click for more information.":"Haz click para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n.","Enter the domain":"Introduce el dominio","Enter the Facebook User profile's URL here":"Introduce la URL del perfil de usuario de Facebook aqu\u00ed","Facebook User ID":"ID de usuario de Facebook","Find out how to measure the traffic sources and the origin of your entrants":"Descubre aqu\u00ed c\u00f3mo medir las fuentes de tr\u00e1fico y el origen de tus participantes.","Get User ID":"Obtener ID de usuario","Intant Win result":"Resultado de Momento Ganador","Main Link of the Promotion":"Enlace principal de la promoci\u00f3n","No Facebook user with this URL":"No hay ning\u00fan usuario de Facebook con esta URL","Plugin for fetching Facebook User ID":"Plugin para obtener el ID de Facebook","Select this user":"Selecciona este usuario","The changes could not be saved":"Los cambios no se han podido guardar","The domain has been saved!":"El dominio se ha guardado.","The promotion is published as a microsite by default, but you can also publish it in an application in your Facebook page or as a widget on your website. The 3 methods are not exclusive. Use the main link of the promotion for communicating and sharing, and select the default method of publication.":"La promoci\u00f3n se publica por defecto como un microsite, pero tambi\u00e9n la puedes publicar en una p\u00e1gina de Facebook o como un widget en tu p\u00e1gina web. Los 3 m\u00e9todos no son excluyentes. Utiliza el enlace principal de la promoci\u00f3n para comunicar y compartir, y selecciona el m\u00e9todo de publicaci\u00f3n por defecto.","There is an issue with the domain provided":"Hay alg\u00fan problema con el dominio especificado","This domain already displays a group!":"\u00a1Este dominio ya contiene un grupo de promociones!","This domain already displays a promotion!":"\u00a1Este dominio ya contiene una promoci\u00f3n!","Use it to communicate and share the promotion":"Util\u00edzalo para comunicar y compartir la promoci\u00f3n","Valid user ID":"ID de usuario v\u00e1lido","View original video":"Ver v\u00eddeo original","View videotutorial":"Ver videotutorial","Paypal is sending payment notifications with a 30 min. delay. Once paid, if you need to activate the promotion before 30 min., send an email to %s and we will activate immediately.":"Paypal est\u00e1 enviando notificaciones con un retraso de 30 min. Una vez pagada la promoci\u00f3n, si necesitas publicarla inmediatamente, env\u00eda un email a %s, y la activaremos inmediatamente.","Important note [6th February 2015]":"Nota importante [6 Febrero 2015]","App name":"Nombre de la app","If you aren't a administrator of the page, click on \\\"Install\\\" and send the Install page URL to a administrator user.":"Si no eres administrador de la p\u00e1gina, pulsa \\\"Instalar\\\" y env\u00eda la URL de la p\u00e1gina de Instalar a un usuario administrador. ","If you are a administrator of the page, when clicking on \\\"Install\\\", you should select the Facebook page where you want to publish the promotion. Once installed, check in your page that the app has been installed successfully.":"Si eres administrador de la p\u00e1gina, cuando pulses \\\"Instalar\\\", deber\u00e1s seleccionar la p\u00e1gina de Facebook donde publicar la promoci\u00f3n. Una vez instalada, comprueba en tu p\u00e1gina que se ha instalado correctamente.","Publish in another app":"Publicar en otra aplicaci\u00f3n","The app is currently uninstalled in your Facebook page. Do you want to reinstall it now?":"La aplicaci\u00f3n no est\u00e1 instalada actualmente en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook. \u00bfQuieres reinstalarla ahora?","Reinstall":"Reinstalar","Profile":"Ficha","Destination of the promotion's main link":"Destino del enlace principal de la promoci\u00f3n","In preview mode, the final result displayed, do not correspond to your answers selected in the quiz.":"En modo previsualizaci\u00f3n, el resultado final que ver\u00e1s ahora, no corresponde a tus respuestas seleccionadas en el cuestionario.","If you want to check this page for each final message configured, please use the selector on the top menu.":"Si quieres ver como quedar\u00eda esta pantalla seg\u00fan cada mensaje final configurado, utiliza el selector del men\u00fa de arriba.","If you wish to do a real test of the behavior of the quiz as if it was activated, please use the test tool included in the quiz editor.":"Si quieres hacer un test real del comportamiento del cuestionario como si estuviera activado, utiliza la herramienta de test del propio editor de cuestionarios.","Go to test tool":"Ir a la herramienta de test","Attention":"\u00a1Atenci\u00f3n!","Archived promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n archivada","The users data have been archived":"Los datos de los usuarios de la promoci\u00f3n han sido archivados","Download archived users":"Descargar usuarios archivados","Go to group":"Ir al grupo","Once you click on the download button, we'll start processing the file.":"Una vez hagas clic en el bot\u00f3n de descargar, el archivo empezar\u00e1 a procesarse.","This process may take some time depending on the amount of information to be processed.":"Este proceso puede tardar alg\u00fan tiempo dependiendo de la cantidad de informaci\u00f3n a procesar.","Please, be patient. Do not close your browser tab during the process and wait until the file is automatically downloaded to your computer.":"Por favor, ten paciencia. No cierres la ventana del navegador durante el proceso y espera hasta que el archivo se descargue autom\u00e1ticamente a tu ordenador.","Coupons and codes":"Cupones y c\u00f3digos","Next":"Siguiente","Show Facebook Page Plugin":"Mostrar Plugin P\u00e1gina de Facebook","It indicates the Facebook page which is linked to the promotion and it shows the Like Box Facebook plugin that allows users to follow the page. If you want to link the promotion to a different Facebook page, insert here the page URL or ID. Leave this field blank if you want to hide this plugin.":"Indica la p\u00e1gina de Facebook vinculada a la promoci\u00f3n y muestra el plugin Like Box de Facebook que permite a los usuarios seguir la p\u00e1gina. Si quieres vincular la promoci\u00f3n a una p\u00e1gina de Facebook distinta, indica aqu\u00ed la URL o el ID de la p\u00e1gina. Deja el campo en blanco si quieres ocultar el plugin.","Add your comment":"Escribe tu comentario","Email validation not activated":"Email de validaci\u00f3n no habilitado","Label for %s":"Texto para %s","Label for '%s' button":"Texto del bot\u00f3n '%s'","Editor":"Editor","Dates interval":"Int\u00e9rvalo de fechas","Enter the number of instants to create":"Introduce el n\u00famero de momentos ganadores que quieres crear","Copy this instant":"Copia este momento ganador","Insert a title for an additional text field in the registration form.":"Introduce un t\u00edtulo para un campo de texto adicional en el formulario de registro.","Validation Portal":"Portal de Validaci\u00f3n","It must be a text that congratulates the user and explains the prize, such as: Congratulations! You have just won a free ticket for the movies. We will contact you shortly to give you the prize. Thanks a lot!":"Debe ser un texto que felicite al usuario y explique el premio ganado, como por ejemplo: \u00a1Enhorabuena! Acabas de ganar una entrada gratis para ir al cine. En breve contactaremos contigo para darte el premio. \u00a1Muchas gracias!","edit this page":"editar esta p\u00e1gina","%s or %s this email":"%s o %s este e-mail","A validation email will be sent to the user upon registration.":"Se enviar\u00e1 un e-mail de validaci\u00f3n a todos los participantes al registrarse.","activated":"activado","Add language":"A\u00f1adir idioma","Click here to give permissions to the application so we don't ask for your email everytime":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para dar permisos a la aplicaci\u00f3n y as\u00ed no tengamos que pedirte el e-mail cada vez","Set up the coupon and promotional codes":"Edita el cup\u00f3n y los c\u00f3digos promocionales","Datetime":"Fecha y hora","Deactivate":"Desactivar","deactivated":"desactivado","Delete language":"Eliminar idioma","Desktop \/ Custom size":"Escritorio \/ Medida personalizada","Window height":"Alto de la ventana","Window width":"Ancho de la ventana","Email validation activated":"Validaci\u00f3n de e-mail activada","Error":"Error","Force uppercase":"Forzar may\u00fasculas","Send to a specific email":"Enviar a un e-mail concreto","Sorry, only 1 file is allowed":"Disculpa, s\u00f3lo se permite 1 archivo","The promotion has been copied":"La promoci\u00f3n se ha copiado","view in landscape mode":"ver en modo horizontal","view in portrait mode":"ver en modo vertical","view in this device":"ver en este dispositivo","view this page":"ver esta p\u00e1gina","Winner":"Ganador","Decide if you want users to identify with their Facebook account for a faster registration. You can enable the status connection bar to let users easily connect their Facebook account.":"Decide si quieres que los usuarios deban identificarse con su cuenta de Facebook para un registro m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido a la promoci\u00f3n. Podr\u00e1s habilitar la barra de conexi\u00f3n para permitir a los usuarios conectar f\u00e1cilmente su cuenta de Facebook.","Now you can go to Editor and create a validation field to verify the codes by setting up a new additional field from 'Registration form page'.":"Ahora ve al Editor y crea un campo adicional en la pantalla del 'Formulario de registro' para verificar los c\u00f3digos.","Now you can go to Editor and upload your codes from 'Coupons\/promotional codes', on Settings section.":"Ahora ve al Editor y sube tus c\u00f3digos desde 'Cupones\/c\u00f3digos promocionales', en la secci\u00f3n de Opciones.","Now you can go to Editor and upload your coupon image from 'Coupons\/promotional codes', on Settings section.":"Ahora ve al Editor y sube tu imagen de cup\u00f3n desde 'Cupones\/c\u00f3digos promocionales', en la secci\u00f3n de Opciones.","Now you can go to Editor, customize the images and texts of your contest, and also set up the registration form asking for the user's information that you need.":"Ahora ve al Editor y personaliza los textos e im\u00e1genes de cada pantalla de tu concurso, as\u00ed como datos que pedir\u00e1s en el formulario de registro.","Now you can go to Editor, customize the images and texts of your promotion, and create the questions and answers from 'Quiz' section.":"Ahora ve al Editor y empieza personalizando los textos e im\u00e1genes, y creando las preguntas y respuestas desde 'Cuestionario'.","Now you can go to Editor, customize the images and texts of your survey, and create the questions and answers from 'Quiz' section.":"Ahora ve al Editor y empieza personalizando los textos e im\u00e1genes, y creando las preguntas y respuestas desde 'Cuestionario'.","Now you can go to Editor, customize the images and texts of your sweetpstake and also set up the registration form asking for the user's information that you need.":"Ahora ve al Editor y personaliza los textos e im\u00e1genes de tu sorteo, as\u00ed como los datos que pedir\u00e1s en el formulario de registro.","Now, go to Editor, create each instant win and schedule when the app will deliver each prize.":"Ahora ve al Editor, crea los premios que quieres repartir con los momentos ganadores y configura cu\u00e1ndo distribuirlos.","What is it?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es?","Tutorial: virality system":"Tutorial: sistema de viralidad","Basic settings to control the public recruitment information.":"Opciones de configuraci\u00f3n b\u00e1sicas para controlar la informaci\u00f3n de reclutamiento p\u00fablica.","Create and manage the prizes given by Instant Win.":"Crea y gestiona los premios asignados a trav\u00e9s de Momento Ganador.","Create your own custom tab in the Facebook Developers environment and use it to publish the promotion. This way, you'll be able to install the tab on as many Facebook pages you want, or install more than one tab per page.":"Crea tu propia pesta\u00f1a en el entorno de Desarrolladores de Facebook, y util\u00edzala para publicar la promoci\u00f3n. De esta forma, podr\u00e1s instalar la pesta\u00f1a en tantas p\u00e1ginas de Facebook como quieras, o instalar m\u00e1s de una pesta\u00f1a por p\u00e1gina.","Manage the options to give coupons to your entrants.":"Gestiona las opciones para dar cupones a tus participantes.","To disable the registry form in an Instant Win promotion, login with a Facebook account must be mandatory.":"Para deshabilitar el formulario de registro en una promoci\u00f3n Momento Ganador, el inicio de sesi\u00f3n con Facebook es obligatorio.","Create a featured campaign and increase the visibility of your promotion.":"Crea una campa\u00f1a de promoci\u00f3n destacada e incrementa la visibilidad de tu promoci\u00f3n.","public list of Easypromos promotions":"listado p\u00fablico de promociones de Easypromos","Do you want to appear as featured promotion in the %s?":"\u00bfQuieres aparecer como promoci\u00f3n destacada en el %s?","I want to appear in the %s":"Quiero aparecer en el %s","Note: You can also use this %s to reinstall the application in your page.":"Nota: tambi\u00e9n puedes utilizar este %s para reinstalar la aplicaci\u00f3n en tu p\u00e1gina.","This date has passed and cannot be extended.":"Esta fecha ha pasado y no se puede extender.","View tutorial":"Ver tutorial","Platform upgrade upcoming!":"Nueva actualizaci\u00f3n programada","Today from %s Premium platform will be upgraded and the new promotions editor will be added. Please, see how the new editor will look":"Hoy de las %s se actualizar\u00e1 la plataforma Premium y se introducir\u00e1 el nuevo editor de promociones. Aqu\u00ed puedes ver como ser\u00e1 el nuevo editor","Enable the Anonymous Registration":"Habilitar el registro an\u00f3nimo","This option allows participant to skip the registration form page, and it is only available in case that you have created at least one question in the Quiz Editor. In this way, upon completing the last question of the Quiz, participants will be redirected to the results page. Internally the entry and the answers will be registered as anonymous.":"Esta opci\u00f3n te permite deshabilitar la p\u00e1gina del formulario de registro. Solamente est\u00e1 disponible en caso que hayas creado una pregunta en el cuestionario. De esta forma cuando los usuarios completen la \u00faltima pregunta del cuestionario, acceder\u00e1n directamente a la p\u00e1gina final del resultado. Internamente se guardar\u00e1 la participaci\u00f3n y las respuestas proporcionadas como an\u00f3nimas.","Anonymous Registration":"Registro an\u00f3nimo","Use a different feedback message for an incorrect answer":"A\u00f1adir texto de Feedback para respuestas incorrectas","Feedback message for incorrect answer":"Texto de Feedback para respuestas incorrectas","Click on %s to open on the web browser of your device to continue and participate":"Haz click en %s para abrir en el navegador de tu dispositivo y participar","Pressing the button will send you to the secure payment gateway where you can pay by Paypal or credit card. Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress accepted.":"Al pulsar el bot\u00f3n te reenviaremos a la pasarela de pago segura, donde podr\u00e1s pagar mediante Paypal o tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito. Se acepta Visa, MasterCard y AmericanExpress.","Pay now":"Pagar","Error: Enter a valid URL":"Error: Inserta una URL v\u00e1lida","This entry does not meet the promotion's conditions in terms of media content":"Esta participaci\u00f3n no incluye el contenido gr\u00e1fico requerido por la promoci\u00f3n","Add a URL from Twitter to import a new user":"A\u00f1ade una URL de Twitter para importar el nuevo usuario","Add a URL from Instagram to import a new user":"A\u00f1ade una URL de Instagram para importar el nuevo usuario","Error inserting user. Please, try it again":"Error al a\u00f1adir el usuario. Por favor, int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo","Create a new entry from Instagram":"Crea una nueva participaci\u00f3n v\u00eda Instagram","Create a new entry from Twitter":"Crea una nueva participaci\u00f3n v\u00eda Twitter","User inserted properly":"Usuario a\u00f1adido correctamente","%d invoices":"%d facturas","%d promotions":"%d promociones","All pages":"Todas las p\u00e1ginas","Application available only for":"Aplicaci\u00f3n disponible solo para","Campaign for '%s'":"Campa\u00f1a para '%s'","Change the %s":"Cambiar el %s","classic editor":"editor cl\u00e1sico","Cookies and Internet advertising":"Cookies y publicidad en internet","Create a sweepstake":"Crear un sorteo","Create an application":"Crear una aplicaci\u00f3n","Download invoice":"Descargar factura","Facebook page URL or ID":"URL o ID de p\u00e1gina de Facebook","How to buypromotions<\/strong>?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo contratarlas promociones<\/strong>?","If you have any question, please, contact us via the email: %s.":"Si tienes cualquier duda, contacta directamente con nosotros a trav\u00e9s del email: %s.","If you have paid via credit card, please, try it again and verify the information introduced. You can also try it with a different credit card or pay via PayPal.":"Si has pagado mediante tarjeta, por favor int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo, y verifica los datos introducidos. Tambi\u00e9n puedes probar con otra tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito o bien pagar mediante Paypal.","Information":"Informaci\u00f3n","Loading editor. Is it taking too long? Try with the %s.":"Cargando editor. \u00bfTarda demasiado? Prueba con el %s.","Material guide specifications":"Gu\u00eda de especificaciones de materiales","Materials":"Materiales","Move promotion":"Mover promoci\u00f3n","No data":"No hay datos","Not supported":"No soportado","Not supported in Basic version":"No soportado en versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica","Old invoices":"Facturas antiguas","Please write your question above this line":"Por favor escribe tu pregunta sobre esta l\u00ednea","Preview promotion":"Previsualizar promoci\u00f3n","Promotion '%s'":"Promoci\u00f3n '%s'","Radiobutton list":"Listado de radiobuttons","See options":"Ver opciones","Select the platform version":"Selecciona la versi\u00f3n de plataforma","Select version":"Selecciona versi\u00f3n","Social net not available":"Red social no disponible","Plan invoices":"Facturas de suscripci\u00f3n","Plan":"Plan de suscripci\u00f3n","Giveaways":"Sorteos","The payment #%s failed":"El pago #%s ha fallado","The payment could not be processed":"El pago no se ha podido procesar","The usual reason for which the payment could not be processed is because the credit card information is not valid. Please, make sure to use a Visa, MasterCard or AmericanExpress card.":"El motivo habitual por el cual no se ha aceptado el pago es porque los datos introducidos de la tarjeta no son v\u00e1lidos. Aseg\u00farate que la tarjeta es del tipo Visa, MasterCard o AmericanExpress","There are no invoices yet.":"Todav\u00eda no hay facturas.","Try the payment again":"Vuelve a intentar el pago","Undefined element":"Elemento desconocido","Unlimited Basic promotions":"Promociones B\u00e1sicas ilimitadas","Unlimited Premium promotions":"Promociones Premium ilimitadas","Unlimited White Label promotions":"Promociones Marca Blanca ilimitadas","Upgrade":"Actualizar","Upgrade for '%s'":"Actualizaci\u00f3n para '%s'","Version selector":"Selector de versiones","View promotion":"Ver promoci\u00f3n","What can I do?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 puedo hacer?","White Label<\/strong>":"Marca Blanca<\/strong>","Why was the payment not processed?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no se ha procesado el pago?","Your first basic applicationfor free<\/strong> is available":"Tu primera aplicaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sicagratis<\/strong> est\u00e1 disponible","Your invoices":"Tus facturas","Your promotions":"Tus promociones","Your plans":"Tus planes","Unlimited email deliveries for free until 1st October 2015":"Emails gratuitos e ilimitados hasta el 1 de octubre de 2015","No, I don't want to show it":"No, no quiero mostrarla","Yes, on clicking the Enter button on the welcome page":"S\u00ed, al pulsar el bot\u00f3n Participar de la p\u00e1gina de bienvenida","Yes, on clicking the Submit button on the registration form page":"S\u00ed, al pulsar el bot\u00f3n Terminar en el formulario de registro","Yes, on loading the welcome page":"S\u00ed, al cargar la p\u00e1gina de bienvenida","Do you want to show the My Networks pop-up?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar la ventana de Mis Redes?","Show automatically MyNetworks popup upon voting to increase the number of likes and followers.":"Mostrar autom\u00e1ticamente la ventana Mis Redes cuando un usuario vota para aumentar los seguidores.","Click to set up MyNetworks popup":"Configurar ventana Mis Redes","Show automatically MyNetworks popup upon voting.":"Mostrar autom\u00e1ticamente la ventana Mis Redes al votar.","Your promotion is active":"Tu promoci\u00f3n est\u00e1 activa","Check out this guide with 14 basic tips to communicate your promotion and reach the maximum number of users.":"Consulta esta gu\u00eda con 14 consejos b\u00e1sicos para difundir tu promoci\u00f3n y llegar al m\u00e1ximo de usuarios.","Check out the guide":"Consultar gu\u00eda","Create a campaign to feature your promotion in the list of Easypromos promotions.":"Crea una campa\u00f1a para aparecer como destacada en el listado de promociones de Easypromos.","Create a campaign now":"Crear una campa\u00f1a ahora","Would you like to give more visibility to your promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres dar m\u00e1s visibilidad a tu promoci\u00f3n?","Share it now with your friends so they can enter too.":"Comparte ahora con tus amigos para que tambi\u00e9n participen.","Facebook Sweepstakes":"Sorteos Facebook","Pinterest App":"Pinterest App","Basic Applications":"Aplicaciones B\u00e1sicas","Premium Applications":"Aplicaciones Premium","%d%% VAT":"%d%% IVA","A country must be selected.":"Debe seleccionarse un pa\u00eds.","A payment pending has been generated in your user account. Access your user account to make the payment manually. We'll also reattempt to process payment in the next 24 hours.":"Se ha generado un pago pendiente en tu cuenta de usuario. Accede a tu cuenta de usuario para efectuar el pago de forma manual. Igualmente, procederemos a reintentar el pago en las pr\u00f3ximas 24 horas.","Account settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de cuenta","Account invoices":"Facturas de la cuenta","Active plans":"Planes activos","Add a new plan":"A\u00f1adir plan","Add a plan":"A\u00f1adir","advanced search":"b\u00fasqueda avanzada","Affiliate program":"Programa de afiliados","Agencies":"Agencias","All status":"Todos los estados","All versions":"Todas las versiones","All your pages":"Todas tus p\u00e1ginas","Also, if you have any doubt or technical question, you have these options available":"Adem\u00e1s, si tienes cualquier duda o pregunta t\u00e9cnica, tienes estas opciones disponibles","Amount: %s ":"Importe: %s","Annual":"Anual","Archive":"Archivo","Apply filter":"Aplicar filtro","Automatic renew":"Renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica","Manual renew":"Renovaci\u00f3n manual","Available actions":"Acciones disponibles","Best regards,":"Saludos,","Billed to: ":"Facturado a: ","By clicking an option above, you will be redirected to your Facebook page to set up the promotion":"Al hacer clic en una de las opciones anteriores, ser\u00e1s redirigido a tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook para configurar la promoci\u00f3n","Cancelled":"Cancelado","Change billing account":"Cambiar datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Choose the Facebook page for your plan":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina de Facebook para tu suscripci\u00f3n","Choose the version of Easypromos":"Selecciona la versi\u00f3n de Easypromos","close filter":"cerrar filtro","Company number (VAT ID, Tax ID, ...)":"CIF o N\u00famero de registro de empresa","Compare versions":"Comparar versiones","Complete this form to create your account and start managing your Facebook promotions and contests.":"Completa el formulario para crear tu cuenta y empezar a gestionar tus promociones y concursos en Facebook.","Create account":"Crear cuenta","Create and manage all your own promotions and contests in your Facebook pages easily":"Crear y gestionar todas tus promociones y concursos en tus p\u00e1ginas de Facebook de forma f\u00e1cil","Create Basic promotion":"Crear promoci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica","Create Premium promotion":"Crear promoci\u00f3n Premium","Create WhiteLabel promotion":"Crear promoci\u00f3n Marca Blanca","Dashboard":"Panel de control","Dashboard - Easypromos":"Panel de control - Easypromos","Date: %s":"Fecha: %s","Details: Plan %s, %s, %s":"Concepto: Suscripci\u00f3n %s, %s, %s","Drafts promotions":"Promociones en borrador","Easypromos details:":"Datos Easypromos:","Easypromos S.L.":"Easypromos S.L.","Easypromos team welcomes you and thanks you for signing up to Easypromos Dashboard.":"El equipo de Easypromos te da la bienvenida y te agradece que te hayas dado de alta en el Panel de control de Easypromos.","Edit billing information":"Editar datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Edit promotion":"Editar promoci\u00f3n","Filter":"filtro","For 1 Facebook page":"Para 1 p\u00e1gina de Facebook","For any question, send an email to %s":"Para cualquier duda, env\u00eda un email a","For unlimited Facebook pages":"Para p\u00e1ginas de Facebook ilimitadas","Get the winners":"Obtener los ganadores","Have a question?":"\u00bfTienes dudas?","I accept the Easypromos' %s.":"Acepto las %s de Easypromos.","In order to access Easypromos Dashboard, please accept the Facebook permissions to identify your account and the list of pages you administer.":"Para poder acceder al Panel de control de Easypromos, por favor acepta los permisos de Facebook para identificar tu cuenta y la lista de p\u00e1ginas que administras.","Invoice number: %s":"N\u00famero de factura: %s","Lastname":"Apellidos","Loading data":"Cargando informaci\u00f3n","Login to the Easypromos Dashboard with your Facebook account to manage all the promotions and contests of the pages you administer.":"Accede al Panel de control de Easypromoscon tu cuenta de Facebook para gestionar todas
las promociones y concursos de las p\u00e1ginasque administras.","Login with Facebook":"Accede con Facebook","Logout":"Salir","Manage your account":"Gestionar tu cuenta","month":"mes","Monthly":"Mensual","Next payment:":"Siguiente Pago","Old":"Antiguas","One Facebook page":"Una p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Online helpdesk":"Centro de soporte","Our Blog":"Nuestro Blog","Our blog site":"Nuestro blog","Our FAQ page":"Nuestra p\u00e1gina de Preguntas frecuentes","Pay":"Pagar","Pending payment was on":"El pago pendiente era el","Please, check your payment details. If payment can't be processed in the next reattempt, your plan will automatically be cancelled and all active promotions of this plan will be unpublished.":"Por favor, revisa tus datos de pago. Si en el pr\u00f3ximo reintento no se puede efectuar el pago, se cancelar\u00e1 la suscripci\u00f3n autom\u00e1ticamente y se desactivar\u00e1n todas las promociones activas de esta suscripci\u00f3n.","Please, to avoid your plan from automatically being cancelled, please, check your payment details.":"Por favor, revisa tus datos de pago para evitar la cancelaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica de la suscripci\u00f3n.","Products and pricing":"Productos y precios","Promote and share":"Promocionar y compartir","Remember that you can check our terms and conditions and privacy policy at any time in the following links":"Recuerda que tienes acceso a nuestras condiciones de uso y pol\u00edtica de privacidad en cualquier momento desde estos enlaces","Reset filter":"Eliminar filtro","See all your Easypromos invoices":"Ver todas tus facturas de Easypromos","Select a page from the list":"Selecciona una p\u00e1gina del listado","Select plan":"Seleccionar plan","Set up your plan":"Configura tu suscripci\u00f3n","Spanish":"Espa\u00f1ol","Taxes (%d%%): %s":"Impuestos (%d%%): %s","Terms and conditions":"Condiciones de uso","Thank you":"Muchas gracias","Thank you so much and we hope your promotions in Facebook are a success.":"Muchas gracias y esperamos que tus promociones en Facebook sean un \u00e9xito.","The following errors were found":"Se han encontrado los siguientes errores","The privacy policy must be accepted.":"Debes aceptar la pol\u00edtica de privacidad.","The usage conditions must be accepted.":"Debes aceptar las condiciones de uso.","There are no invoices at the moment.":"No hay ninguna factura por el momento.","There are no promotions at the moment.":"No hay ninguna promoci\u00f3n por el momento.","There are no plans at the moment.":"No hay ninguna suscripci\u00f3n por el momento.","There has been an unexpected error":"Ha habido un error inesperado","This plan will be automatically renewed at the end of the period until you cancel it from your user account. Renewal: %s":"La suscripci\u00f3n se renovar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente al final del periodo hasta que la canceles desde tu cuenta de usuario. Renovaci\u00f3n: %s","Total: %s":"Total: %s","Type of plan":"Tipo de suscripci\u00f3n","Unlimited promotions":"Promociones ilimitadas","Unlimited pages":"P\u00e1ginas ilimitadas","Until":"Hasta el","Update account":"Actualizar cuenta","User account information":"Informaci\u00f3n de la cuenta de usuario","User billing information":"Datos de facturaci\u00f3n del usuario","User ID":"ID de usuario","Using the direct link":"Usando el enlace directo","View my invoices":"Ver mis facturas","View my promotions":"Ver mis promociones","View my plans":"Ver mis subscripciones","view promotions":"ver promociones","We confirm you that your plan has been processed. These are the details of this transaction:":"Te confirmamos que tu suscripci\u00f3n se ha procesado correctamente. Estos son los detalles de esta transacci\u00f3n:","We have tried to automatically renew the plan #%s, but we haven't been able to process the payment. These are the plan details:":"Hemos intentado renovar autom\u00e1ticamente la suscripci\u00f3n #%s, pero no se ha podido procesar el pago correctamente. Los datos de la suscripci\u00f3n son:","Website":"P\u00e1gina web","Welcome to Easypromos":"Bienvenido a Easypromos","Welcome to your Easypromos Dashboard":"Bienvenido a tu Panel de Control de Easypromos","Will expire on":"Caducar\u00e1 el","With Easypromos Dashboard you will be able to":"Con el Panel de control de Easypromos podr\u00e1s","You are about to purchase a plan":"Est\u00e1s a punto de realizar pago de un plan","You can download this payment invoice from your Dashboard: %s":"Puedes descargar la factura del pago desde tu Panel de Control: %s","You can start by creating a promotion right now. Just click on the button below.":"Puedes empezar creando una promoci\u00f3n ahora mismo. Simplemente haz clic en el siguiente bot\u00f3n.","You don't have active plans":"No tienes suscripciones activas","You have pending payments":"Tienes pagos pendientes","Your billing information":"Tus datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Your plan has been cancelled successfully!":"\u00a1Tu suscripci\u00f3n se ha cancelado correctamente!","Access my user account: %s":"Acceder a mi cuenta de usuario: %s","Add new billing":"A\u00f1adir datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Amount: %s %s":"Cantidad: %s %s","An Internal Error Has Occurred.":"Ha ocurrido un error interno.","Are you sure you want to deactivate the automatic renewal of your plan?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres desactivar la renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica de tu suscripci\u00f3n?","Billing profile":"Datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Cancel plan":"Cancelar suscripci\u00f3n","case sensitive":"distingue entre may\u00fasculas y min\u00fasculas","Connecting":"Conectando","Create a billing profile":"Crear datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Create a new billing profile to be used when creating invoices for a particular page.":"Crear unos datos de facturaci\u00f3n para ser utilizados en las facturas para una p\u00e1gina individual.","Create new billing profile":"Crear datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Customized plans":"Planes personalizados","Delete billing profile":"Eliminar datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Easypromos plan":"Plan de suscripci\u00f3n de Easypromos","Easypromos team wants to thank you for trusting our platform, and we are at your disposal for future promotions to solve any questions or doubts. You can send an email to our sales team at %s":"El equipo de Easypromos te quiere dar las gracias por confiar en nuestra plataforma. Estamos a tu disposici\u00f3n para promociones futuras y resolver cualquier duda o pregunta. Puedes enviar un e-mail a nuestro equipo de ventas a %s","Edit billing profile":"Editar datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Editing this Page":"Editando esta p\u00e1gina","Expiration date: %s":"Fecha de caducidad: %s","For any question, send an email to %s":"Para cualquier pregunta, env\u00eda un e-mail a %s","Getting Started":"C\u00f3mo empezar","If you have any question or doubt, send an email to our sales team at %s":"Si tienes cualquier duda o pregunta, env\u00eda un e-mail a nuestro equipo de ventas a %s","If you proceed, all the %s promotions in %s will be cancelled on %s.":"Si procedes, todas las promociones %s en %s se cancelar\u00e1n el %s.","If you want to activate the plan again, access your user account: %s":"Si quieres activar la suscripci\u00f3n de nuevo, accede a tu cuenta de usuario: %s","In case you had any active promotion with this plan, it has been unpublished and moved to your \\\"Drafts\\\" tab.":"En el caso de que tuvieses alguna promoci\u00f3n activa con esta suscripci\u00f3n, se han despublicado y movido a la pesta\u00f1a de \\\"Borradores\\\".","Invalid confirmation":"Informaci\u00f3n incorrecta","Invoice - Easypromos":"Factura - Easypromos","Invoice to":"Factura a","Move promotion to another page":"Mover la promoci\u00f3n a otra p\u00e1gina","Easypromos | Plan invoice #%d":"Easypromos | Recibo Suscripci\u00f3n #%d","Newsletter":"Newsletter","Please, try again or check your payment details.":"Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo o verifica los datos de pago.","Please, type the word in uppercase.":"Por favor, escribe la palabra en may\u00fasculas.","Pick the winners":"Crear sorteo","Reactivate":"Reactivar","Refreshing data":"Actualizando la informaci\u00f3n","Renewal amount: %s %s":"Precio de renovaci\u00f3n: %s %s","Renewal date: %s":"Fecha de renovaci\u00f3n: %s","Retry the payment":"Reintentar el pago","Select the page you want to move the promotion to":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina a la que quieres mover la promoci\u00f3n","Select the target page":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina de destino","Sorry, your payment could not be processed.":"Disculpa, el pago no se ha podido procesar.","Plan %s, %s, %s":"Suscripci\u00f3n %s, %s, %s","Plan cancellation":"Cancelaci\u00f3n de plan","Plan Cancelled":"Suscripci\u00f3n cancelada","Plan will be definitely cancelled on the expiration date. Meanwhile, you'll be able to enjoy your plan. Once the plan is cancelled, if you have any active promotion, it will be unpublished and moved to \\\"Drafts\\\" tab.":"La suscripci\u00f3n se cancelar\u00e1 definitivamente en la fecha de caducidad. Mientrastanto, puedes disfrutar de ella. Una vez la suscripci\u00f3n est\u00e9 cancelada, si tienes alguna promoci\u00f3n activada con ella, se despublicar\u00e1n y mover\u00e1n a la pesta\u00f1a \\\"Borradores\\\".","There are no billing profiles yet.":"A\u00fan no has proporcionado datos de facturaci\u00f3n.","There is no billing information at the moment.":"A\u00fan no has proporcionado datos de facturaci\u00f3n.","There is no such plan":"Esta suscripci\u00f3n no existe","This email is to inform you that next %s your plan #%s expires, which has the following details:":"Este e-mail es para informarte que el pr\u00f3ximo %s tu suscripci\u00f3n #%s caducar\u00e1. Estos son los detalles:","To confirm the deletion, type %s%s in the field and press the %s button":"Para confirmar la eliminaci\u00f3n, escribe %s%s en el campo de texto y presiona el bot\u00f3n %s","Tomorrow":"Ma\u00f1ana","Type the requested word if you really want to cancel this plan.":"Escribe la palabra solicitada si realmente quieres cancelar esta suscripci\u00f3n.","Unlimited %s":"%s ilimitados","VAT Number":"N\u00famero VAT","We confirm you that the cancellation request for plan #%s has been processed successfully. These are the plan details:":"Te confirmamos que tu petici\u00f3n de cancelar la suscripci\u00f3n #%s se ha procesado correctamente. Estos son los datos de la suscripci\u00f3n:","We haven't been able to process the automatic payment for the renewal of the plan #%s. We inform you that the plan has been cancelled. In case you had any active promotion with this plan, it has been unpublished and moved to your \\\"Drafts\\\" tab.":"No hemos podido realizar el pago autom\u00e1tico para la renovaci\u00f3n de tu suscripci\u00f3n #%s. Te informamos que tu suscripci\u00f3n se ha cancelado. En caso de que tuvieses promociones activas con esta suscripci\u00f3n, se han despublicado y movido a tu pesta\u00f1a \\\"Borradores\\\".","We inform you that plan #%s has expired. These are your plan details:":"Te informamos de que tu suscripci\u00f3n #%s ha caducado. Estos son los detalles de tu suscripci\u00f3n:","We remind you that the renewal of this plan is not automatic. If you want to renew this plan now, you can do it from your user account: %s":"Te recordamos que la renovaci\u00f3n de esta suscripci\u00f3n no es autom\u00e1tica. Si quieres renovar esta suscripci\u00f3n ahora, puedes hacerlo desde tu cuenta de usuario: %s","year":"a\u00f1o","Yestderday":"Ayer","You can start by adding a plan to your Facebook. Just click on the button below.":"Puedes empezar a\u00f1adiendo una suscripci\u00f3n. Simplemente haz clic en el siguiente bot\u00f3n.","You must fill in all the fields to proceed.":"Debes rellenar todos los campos para proceder.","You'll receive an email confirmation with the payment receipt and your plan details.":"Recibir\u00e1s un e-mail de confirmaci\u00f3n con la factura y los detalles de la suscripci\u00f3n.","Your billing profiles":"Tus datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Your plan #%s has been successfully processed.":"Tu suscripci\u00f3n #%s se ha procesado correctamente.","Choose the Facebook page to see and manage the posts it contains and create contests with them":"Elige la p\u00e1gina de Facebook para visualizar y gestionar las publicaciones que contiene y crear concursos con ellas","Choose the Facebook page where you want to create your promotion":"Elige la p\u00e1gina de Facebook d\u00f3nde quieres crear la promoci\u00f3n ","Choose the finalists":"Escoger finalistas","Comment":"Comentar","Download finalists in Excel":"Descargar finalistas en Excel","Easypromos winning certificate":"Certficado de ganador de Easypromos","Enter the number of alternate winners":"Introduce el n\u00famero de ganadores suplentes","Enter the number of winners":"Introduce el n\u00famero de ganadores","Exclude":"Excluir","Export comments":"Exportar los comentarios","Export finalists":"Exportar los finalistas","Export likes":"Exportar los \\\"me gusta\\\"","Free applications":"Aplicaciones gratuitas","Go to post":"Ir a la publicaci\u00f3n","Go to posts list":"Ir al listado de publicaciones","Here are the alternates":"Aqu\u00ed tienes los suplentes","Here are the winners":"Aqu\u00ed tienes los ganadores","Include":"Incluir","likes":"Me gustas","Loading posts":"Cargando publicaciones","Move":"Mover","Payment pending for Plan #%d":"Pago pendiente para la suscripci\u00f3n #%d","Pick winners":"Seleccionar ganadores","Please, be aware this can only be done once.":"Esto s\u00f3lo puede hacerse una vez.","post":"Publicaci\u00f3n","Posts":"Publicaciones","Latest posts":"\u00daltimas publicaciones","Previous step":"Paso anterior","Publish the winners now":"Publicar los ganadores ahora","Publish winners":"Publicar ganadores","Receipt for your payment - Plan #%d":"Factura por tu pago - Suscripci\u00f3n #%d","Renewal plan #%d":"Renvoaci\u00f3n de la suscripci\u00f3n #%d","See excluded":"Ver excluidos","See included":"Ver incluidos","Select the group of participants":"Selecciona el grupo de participantes","Start over":"Volver a empezar","Plan cancellation #%d":"Cancelaci\u00f3n de suscripci\u00f3n #%d","Sweepstakes among participants in a post":"Sorteos entre los participantes en una publicaci\u00f3n","There is a promotion tied with this post already":"Ya existe una promoci\u00f3n ligada a esta publicaci\u00f3n","There's no action available for this":"No hay ninguna acci\u00f3n disponible","This is the link to your certificate":"Este es el enlace al certificado","Timeline posts":"Publicaciones en el Muro","Users who commented the post":"Usuarios que han comentado la publicaci\u00f3n","Users who liked the post":"Usuarios a los que les gusta la publicaci\u00f3n","View certificate":"Ver certificado","Winners and alternates":"Ganadores y suplentes","Referral program":"Programa de afiliados","New referral user: %s":"Nuevo usuario afiliado: %s","Congratulations! A new payment by your referral %s":"\u00a1Enhorauena! Un nuevo pago de tu afiliado %s","Referral activity: First free basic promotion of %s":"Actividad de afiliado: Primera promoci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica gratis de %s","Referral Identifier":"Identificador de afiliado","Your referral link":"Tu enlace de afiliado","You can use your referral link as a parameter in any website with the following root":"Puedes utilizar tu identificador de afiliado como par\u00e1metro en cualquiera de las p\u00e1ginas web que tengan la ra\u00edz","Comission":"Comisi\u00f3n","Of all payments of all your referrals during their first year":"de todos los pagos de tus afiliados durante su primer a\u00f1o","Insert your Paypal<\/strong> account to receive the payments":"Introduce tu cuenta de Paypal para los pagos","Your Paypal email":"Tu email de Paypal","Total earned":"Total acumulado","Pending to collect":"Pendiente de cobrar","when reaching %s you'll be able to claim your earnings.":"cuando acumules %s podr\u00e1s cobrar tus ganancias.","Total collected":"Total pagado","Your activity":"Tu actividad","Your referrals":"Tus afiliados","Referral":"Afiliado","Referral registration":"Fecha de afiliaci\u00f3n","No referrals yet.":"Sin afiliados.","Use your referral link to start referring people.":"Utiliza tu enlace de afiliado para empezar tu actividad de afiliador.","Welcome to our %s":"Bienvenido a nuestro %s","Access referral program":"Accede al programa de afiliados","Get your link to refer users":"Obt\u00e9n tu enlace para afiliar usuarios","Receive 10% of all payments of your referral users during their first year":"Recibe el 10% de los pagos del primer a\u00f1o de tus afiliados","In order to opt for the referral program it is necessary to be an Easypromos customer, or you can contact us directly and we will explain how you can recommend Easypromos.":"Para podar optar al programa de afiliados es necesario que ya seas cliente de Easypromos, o bien ponerte en contacto directamente con nosotros y explicarnos c\u00f3mo recomendar\u00edas Easypromos.","Contact us":"Contacta con nosotros","conditions of referral program":"condiciones del programa de afiliados","Accept %s":"Acepto %s","Go back":"Atr\u00e1s","Affiliation date":"Fecha de afiliaci\u00f3n","%s activity":"%s actividad","Action date":"Fecha","Type":"Tipo","No activity yet.":"Sin actividad.","Free trial":"Promoci\u00f3n gratis","New promotion":"Nueva promoci\u00f3n","New plan":"Nueva subscripci\u00f3n","New affiliate":"Nuevo afiliado","Paid %s promotion":"Pago de promoci\u00f3n %s ","page: %s":"p\u00e1gina: %s","Hi %s!":"\u00a1Hola %s!","We inform you that your referral %s has tried and activated the first free basic promotion. This is the information:":"Te informamos que tu afiliado %s ha probado y activado su primera promoci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica gratis. Estos son los datos:","Promotion title: %s":"T\u00edtulo promoci\u00f3n: %s","Promotion link: %s":"Enlace a la promoci\u00f3n: %s","Facebook page: %s":"P\u00e1gina de Facebook: %s","You can check your activity as a referrer on this %s.":"Puedes consultar tu actividad como afiliador en este %s.","We encourage you to keep sharing our application in order to increase your earnings as a referrer! Remember to always share the link which identifies you and in this way all your activities will be recorded.":"\u00a1Te animamos a seguir compartiendo nuestra aplicaci\u00f3n para aumentar tus ingresos como afiliador! Recuerda compartir siempre el enlace que te identifica y as\u00ed todas las acciones se contabilizar\u00e1n.","Your referral link: %s":"Tu enlace de afiliador: %s","Easypromos team":"El Equipo de Easypromos","We inform you that you have a new referral:":"Te informamos que tienes un nuevo afiliado:","We inform you that your referral %s has contracted a %s with the following information:":"Te informamos que tu afiliado %s ha contratado una %s, con los siguientes datos:","Type of payment: %s":"Tipo de pago: %s","Total paid: $%s":"Total pagado: $%s","Your earned comission: $%s":"Tu comisi\u00f3n ganada: $%s","Plan: %s":"Subscripci\u00f3n: %s","Plan to %s promotions %s ":"Suscripci\u00f3n para promociones %s %s ","Date of Renewal: %s":"Fecha de renovaci\u00f3n: %s","If you have any questions, please send an email to our sales team to %s":"Si tienes cualquier consulta, por favor env\u00eda un email a nuestro equipo comercial a %s","This email is to inform you that on %s your plan #%s will automatically be renewed and a new charge will be in your bank account.":"Este email es para informarte que el pr\u00f3ximo %s tu suscripci\u00f3n #%s se renovar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente y se realizar\u00e1 un nuevo cargo en tu cuenta bancaria.","The renewal of the plan has the following details:":"La renovaci\u00f3n de la suscripci\u00f3n tiene los siguientes detalles:","If you do not want to renew the plan, you can cancel directly from your user account in the control panel: %s":"Si no quieres renovar la suscripci\u00f3n, la puedes cancelar directamente desde tu cuenta de usuario en el panel de administraci\u00f3n: %s","[Reminder] Renewal of plan #%d":"[Recordatorio] Pr\u00f3xima renovaci\u00f3n para la suscripci\u00f3n #%d","on Page: ":"en la P\u00e1gina: ","Administration panel":"Panel de administraci\u00f3n","Access the Easypromos administration panel via your Facebook account in order to manage all the promotions and contests in the Pages that you administer.":"Accede al panel de administraci\u00f3n de Easypromos con tu cuenta de Facebook para gestionar todas las promociones y concursos de las p\u00e1ginas que administras.","Is this your first time?":"\u00bfes tu primera vez?","Thank you for trying Easypromos!":"\u00a1Muchas gracias por probar Easypromos!","We really hope you enjoy your experience with Easypromos!":"\u00a1Esperamos que disfrutes mucho de tu experiencia con Easypromos!","And... Welcome!":"Y... \u00a1Bienvenido!","You should login via your Facebook account. This is to ensure a quick and easy signup and account creation. When you click on the Login button, the Easypromos app will ask you to accept permissions. These include access to public information on your Facebook profile and your email address, as well as the \\\"management of pages\\\" permission which enables us to publish your campaigns on these Pages. We can guarantee that we won't make any other use of this information!":"Para acceder deber\u00e1s hacerlo con tu cuenta de Facebook. Lo hacemos as\u00ed para que el primer registro y la creaci\u00f3n de la cuenta sea m\u00e1s r\u00e1pida. Cuando pulses el bot\u00f3n de Login, te vamos a solicitar que aceptes los permisos de la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos. Te pedimos la informaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica de tu perfil de Facebook, tu email, y tambi\u00e9n el permiso de \\\"gesti\u00f3n de p\u00e1ginas\\\", as\u00ed podremos publicar tus campa\u00f1as en estas p\u00e1ginas. \u00a1Te aseguramos que no vamos a hacer ning\u00fan uso m\u00e1s de esta informaci\u00f3n!","In case you do not renew the plan and have some active promotion, it will unpublish and move to draft status.":"En caso que no renueves la suscripci\u00f3n y haya alguna promoci\u00f3n activa, \u00e9sta se despublicar\u00e1 y se mover\u00e1 a estado borrador.","Promotions in \\\"%s\\\"":"Promociones en \\\"%s\\\"","Posts in \\\"%s\\\"":"Publicaciones en \\\"%s\\\"","Facebook Timeline Giveaway":"Sorteo en Facebook","%d applications":"%d aplicaciones","%d groups":"%d grupos","%d plans":"%d suscripciones","%d sweepstakes":"%d sorteos","A successful payment has been received:":"El pago se ha recibido correctamente:","Accepted payment methods":"M\u00e9todos de pago aceptados","Active applications":"Aplicaciones activas","Add billing account":"A\u00f1adir datos de facturaci\u00f3n","adv. search":"b\u00fasqueda avanzada","Advanced statistics.":"Estad\u00edsticas avanzadas.","Advertising":"Publicidad","Application not available in Basic version":"Aplicaci\u00f3n no disponible en versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica","Applications list":"Listado de aplicaciones","Are you sure you want to delete this group?":"\u00bfSeguro que quieres eliminar este grupo?","At least one winner must be specified":"Al menos debe especificarse un ganador","Basic Groups":"Grupos B\u00e1sicos","By clicking an option above, you will be redirected to your Facebook page to manage your groups":"Haciendo click en una de las opciones de arriba, se te redirigir\u00e1 a tu p\u00e1gina de gesti\u00f3n de grupos","Choose a page from the list":"Elige una p\u00e1gina del listado","Choose the Facebook page where you want to create your group":"Elige una p\u00e1gina de Facebook d\u00f3nde quieras crear tu grupo","Closed sweepstakes":"Sorteos finalizados","Comments sweepstakes":"Sorteo de comentarios","Compare the complete feature for each version":"Comparar el listado completo de funcionalidades para cada versi\u00f3n","Connect with Twitter":"Conectar con Twitter","Contact email":"E-mail de contacto","Create new Sweepstakes":"Crear nuevo sorteo","Created on":"Creado el","Custom Payment Received - Payment #%d":"Pago customizado recibido - Pago #%d","Customization of colors and fonts.":"Personalizaci\u00f3n de colores y tipograf\u00edas.","Data error":"Error","Developers: WebHooks and API for real-time exporting of entries.":"Desarrolladores: WebHooks y API para exportar participaciones en tiempo real.","Developers: Use your own CSS styles, HTML and Javascript code.":"Desarrolladores: Opciones para insertar tus propios estilos CSS, HTML y Javascript.","Disconnect account":"Desconectar cuenta","Draft applications":"Aplicaciones en borrador","Easypromos Custom Payment":"Pago customizado de Easypromos","Edit giveaway":"Editar sorteo","Email: %s":"E-mail: %s","Error connecting to Facebook":"Error al conectar con Facebook","Error searching comments\/likes":"Error obteniendo comentarios\/me gustas","Excluded users in %s":"Usuarios exclu\u00eddos en %s","Export Like Users":"Exportar Me Gustas de los usuarios","Extracting participants from post %s - Page %s":"Extrayendo participacntes del post %s - P\u00e1gina %s","First, connect your account (step 1)":"Primero, conecta tu cuenta (paso 1)","First, select a Facebook page (step 1)":"Primero, selecciona la p\u00e1gina de Facebook (paso 1)","First, select a type of sweepstakes (step 2)":"Primero, selecciona un tipo de sorteo (paso 2)","Full customization of the registration form.":"Personalizaci\u00f3n total del formulario de registro.","Generic user":"Usuario gen\u00e9rico","Go to profile":"Ir al perfil","Groups in \\\"%s\\\"":"Grupos en \\\"%s\\\"","Groups list":"Listado de grupos","Hello admin,":"Hol administrador,","If you are already familiar with Basic, and are looking for more advanced options, such as:":"Si ya conoces la versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica, y necesitas funcionalidades m\u00e1s avanzadas como:","Included within your hired plan":"Inclu\u00eddo en tu suscripci\u00f3n contratada","It includes the sweepstakes tool to select the winners automatically and randomly with a certificate of validity.":"Incluye una herramienta de sorteo para obtener los ganadores de forma autom\u00e1tica y aleatoria con certificado de validez.","Likes sweepstakes":"Sorteo de Me Gustas","Limit":"L\u00edmite","Load more posts":"Cargar m\u00e1s posts","Log-in":"Acceder","Make sweepstake":"Hacer sorteo","Min. Likes":"M\u00edn. Me Gustas","Moderation of entries.":"Moderaci\u00f3n de participantes","Must select a post":"Debes seleccionar un post","No reference to the Easypromos brand when sharing the promotion.":"Ninguna referencia a Easypromos al compartir.","Not available":"No disponible","Num likes":"N\u00fam. Me Gustas","Official Plugins":"Plugins oficiales","Old applications":"Aplicaciones cerradas","Open sweepstakes":"Sorteos abiertos","Page post":"Post de p\u00e1gina","Payment":"Pago","Payment identifier":"Identificador de pago","Payments":"Pagos","Platform to automate the sending of emails.":"Plataforma de env\u00edo autom\u00e1tico de emails.","Please, press on %s to make the payment":"Por favor, haz clic en %s para hacer el pago","Premium Groups":"Grupos Premium","Recommended version if you are using Easypromos for the first time.":"Versi\u00f3n recomendada para usuarios que utilicen por primera vez Easypromos.","Reference":"Referencia","Select a post":"Selecciona el post","Select elements":"Seleccionar elementos","Select one or more tweets":"Seleccionar uno o m\u00e1s tuits","Select the type of sweepstakes you want to create":"Selecciona sobre qu\u00e9 acci\u00f3n quieres hacer el sorteo","Select your Facebook page":"Selecciona tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Show more":"Ver m\u00e1s","Sweep created":"Sorteo creado","Sweepstakes title":"T\u00edtulo del sorteo","Sweepstake type selector":"Selector del tipo de sorteo","Sweepstakes list":"Listado de sorteos","Thank you so much for trusting Easypromos":"Muchas gracias por confiar en Easypromos","The entered page ID is not correct.":"El ID de p\u00e1gina no es correcto.","The most complete version including all Premium functionalities, as well as:":"Es la versi\u00f3n m\u00e1s completa porque dispone de todas las funcionalidades Premium y adem\u00e1s:","The payment can be done via credit card or Paypal":"El pago puede hacerse con tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito o Paypal","The sum of winners and alternate winners cannot be higher than the total of finalists (%d)":"La suma de ganadores y suplentes no puede ser superior al total de finalistas (%d)","There are no applications yet.":"Todav\u00eda no hay aplicaciones.","There are no groups at the moment.":"Todav\u00eda no hay grupos.","There are no payments at the moment.":"No hay pagos en este momento.","There are no sweepstakes yet.":"A\u00fan no hay ning\u00fan sorteo.","Third-party integrations (Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp, Google Analytics).":"Integraciones con plataformas externas (Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp, Google Analytics).","this link":"este enlace","This promotion must be activated before upgrading":"La promoci\u00f3n debe estar activa antes de actualizarla","Title is mandatory field":"El t\u00edtulo es un campo obligatorio","To try it again, please access from %s":"Para intentarlo de nuevo, por favor accede a %s","Set up your sweepstakes":"Configura tu sorteo","view group":"ver grupo","View winners":"Ver ganadores","WhiteLabel Groups":"Grupos Marca Blanca","You can use your own domain.":"Puedes utilizar tu propio dominio.","You have a template to set up each screen of the application, and upload your own texts and images.":"Dispones de una plantilla para configurar cada una de las pantallas de la aplicaci\u00f3n y subir tus propios textos e im\u00e1genes.","You must provide an email.":"Debes introducir un email.","You will be able to gather information from participants and download it from your administration panel.":"Podr\u00e1s obtener los datos de registro de los usuarios, y descargarlos desde tu panel de administraci\u00f3n.","You'll receive a payment confirmation by email and be contacted by our agents.":"Recibir\u00e1s un email de confirmaci\u00f3n de pago y ser\u00e1s contactado por nuestros agentes.","Your applications":"Tus aplicaciones","Your Facebook sweepstakes":"Tus sorteos en Facebook","Your groups":"Tus grupos","Your payment for %s has been successfully processed.":"Tu pago para %s se ha procesado correctamente.","%s is not displayed in any screen of the application, and footer can be customized with your own brand.":"No aparece %s en ninguna de las pantallas de la aplicaci\u00f3n.","Customize an entry form so the users can register to enter a final prize draw.":"Crea un formulario de registro para que los usuarios dejen sus datos y accedan as\u00ed a un sorteo final.","Organize a giveaway for users who like or comment on one or more of your Facebook posts.":"Organiza un sorteo entre los usuarios que comentan en una o varias publicaciones de tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","Select a type of sweepstake":"Selecciona el tipo de sorteo","These Premium features are included:":"Incluye las funcionalidades Premium:","Facebook page":"P\u00e1gina de Facebook","Connect to Facebook as a user":"Con\u00e9ctate como usuario de Facebook","We have detected that you are connected on Facebook as a Page. To publish the promotion on Facebook you must be connected as a user.":"Hemos detectado que est\u00e1s conectado en Facebook como p\u00e1gina. Para poder utilizar la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook, debes estar conectado como usuario.","Go to Facebook and switch from Page to User.":"Accede a Facebook y c\u00e1mbiate de p\u00e1gina a usuario.","Congratulations to the winners!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena a los ganadores!","The winners of the sweepstakes have been obtained randomly through the Easypromos platform. Check the certificate of validity for details of the draw.":"Los ganadores del sorteo han sido seleccionados de forma totalmente aleatoria a trav\u00e9s de la plataforma Easypromos. Consulta el certificado de validez para ver los detalles del sorteo.","Test it!":"Realiza un test","Launch a giveaway for users who interact with your business account on Twitter.":"Genera un sorteo entre los usuarios que interaccionan con tu perfil de marca en Twitter.","Twitter Giveaway":"Sorteo en Twitter","Manage the finalists of the sweepstakes by using the following user exclusion rules:":"Gestiona los finalistas del sorteo utilizando las opciones de exclusi\u00f3n disponibles a continuaci\u00f3n:","Filter by network":"Filtra por red","List of participants":"Lista de participantes","Year(s)":"A\u00f1o(s)","Minute(s)":"Minuto(s)","Month(s)":"Mes(es)","Hour(s)":"Hora(s)","Day(s)":"D\u00eda(s)","Week(s)":"Semana(s)","Twitter profile":"Cuenta de Twitter","You can only select tweets of less than 1 week old":"Solamente se pueden seleccionar tweets inferiores a 1 semana","Your sweepstakes":"Tus sorteos","Are you sure you want to delete this sweepstake? This action cannot be undone":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de querer eliminar este sorteo? Esta acci\u00f3n no podr\u00e1 deshacerse","Delete sweepstakes":"Eliminar sorteo","Tweets included in the sweepstakes":"Tweets incluidos en el sorteo","Add tweets to the sweepstakes":"A\u00f1adir tweets al sorteo","Remove from sweepstakes":"Eliminar del sorteo","User exclusion rules":"Reglas de exclusi\u00f3n de usuarios","Exclude Non-Followers":"Excluir No followers","Export":"Exportar","Last update: %s ago":"\u00daltima actualizaci\u00f3n: hace %s","Remove from blacklist":"Eliminar de la lista negra","Blacklisted":"Lista negra","Add to blacklist":"A\u00f1adir a la lista negra","Post of the sweep":"Post del sorteo","Exclude blacklisted users":"Excluir usuarios de la lista negra","Exclude previous winners":"Excluir antiguos ganadores","No users excluded":"Ning\u00fan usuario excluido","Type to find users to exclude":"Teclea para encontrar un usuario a excluir","Number of winners":"N\u00famero de ganadores","Number of alternate winners":"N\u00famero de suplentes","The sweepstakes can not be carried out since this Twitter profile exceeds maximum number of followers permitted (%s followers maximum)":"El sorteo no se puede realizar puesto que este perfil de Twitter excede el m\u00e1ximo n\u00famero de followers permitidos (m\u00e1ximo %s followers)","This sweepstakes can not be carried out since it exceeds the maximum of %s retweets permitted":"Este sorteo no se puede realizar puesto que supera el m\u00e1ximo de %s retweets permitidos","Ready! Pick the winners":"\u00a1Listo! Hacer sorteo","Carried out by %s, %s ago":"Realizado por %s, hace %s","Alternates":"Suplentes","Winners publication":"Publicaci\u00f3n de los ganadores","Find below the URLs to disseminate the Certificate of Validity and the Winners page. You can edit the Winners page to customize it as you like.":"A continuaci\u00f3n te indicamos las URL para poder difundir el certificado de validez y la p\u00e1gina de ganadores. Puedes editar la p\u00e1gina de ganadores para personalizarla a tu gusto.","Do you want to communicate the winners?":"\u00bfQuieres comunicar los ganadores?","Internal reference":"Referencia interna","Second(s)":"Segundo(s)","Number of winners and alternates":"N\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes","Indicate the number of winners and alternates you want to obtain automatically.":"Indica el n\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes que quieres obtener de forma autom\u00e1tica.","Ex.":"Ej.","Although the user takes part with several retweets, the user will be entered into the swepstakes with a single entry.":"Aunque un usuario participe con varios retweets, solamente entrar\u00e1 en el sorteo con una \u00fanica participaci\u00f3n.","If a user makes multiple comments on one social network, they will only have one prize draw entry.":"Aunque un usuario participe con varios comentarios, solamente entrar\u00e1 en el sorteo con una \u00fanica participaci\u00f3n.","Blacklist":"Lista negra","The limit of requests to Twitter has been exceeded for this sweepstakes. You can try again in 15 minutes.":"Se ha excedido el l\u00edmite de peticiones a Twitter para este sorteo. Podr\u00e1s intentarlo de nuevo en 15 minutos.","%d terms":"%s t\u00e9rminos y condiciones","%s blacklisted users":"%s usuarios en lista negra","%s participants":"%s participantes","Add users to blacklist":"A\u00f1adir usuarios a la lista negra","Added to blacklist":"A\u00f1adido a la lista negra","Are you sure you want to delete this terms and conditions? This action cannot be undone.":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de querer eliminar estos t\u00e9rminos y condiciones? Esta acci\u00f3n no podr\u00e1 deshacerse","Blacklist for %s":"Lista negra para %s","Blacklisted a few seconds ago":"A\u00f1adido a la lista negra hace unos segundos","Blacklisted on":"A\u00f1adido a la lista negra el","Certificate of validity":"Certificado de validez","Create a sweepstakes":"Crear un sorteo","Create new Sweepstakes in Facebook":"Crear un sorteo en Facebook","Create new Sweepstakes in Twitter":"Crear un sorteo en Twitter","Create new terms and conditions":"Crear unas bases legales","create your own sweepstakes with":"crea tu propio sorteo con","Custom Terms and Conditions":"Bases legales personalizadas","Date and time of giveaway":"Fecha y hora del sorteo","Delete terms and conditions":"Eliminar bases legales","Done on":"Hecho el","Edit sweepstakes title":"Editar el t\u00edtulo del sorteo","Edit terms and conditions":"Editar t\u00e9rminos y condiciones","Export participants":"Exportar participantes","Extracting excluded users":"Extrayendo usuarios exclu\u00eddos","Extracting followers, page %s":"Extrayendo seguidores, p\u00e1gina %s","Extracting participants":"Extrayendo participantes","Extracting winners":"Extrayendo ganadores","Facebook Blacklist":"Lista negra de Facebook","few seconds":"pocos segundos","Generic description for the winners page":"Descripci\u00f3n general para la p\u00e1gina de ganadores","Generic title for the winners page":"T\u00edtulo general para la p\u00e1gina de ganadores","Images + videos":"Im\u00e1genes + v\u00eddeos","Include again to sweep":"Volver a incluir en el sorteo","List of previous winners":"Listado de ganadores anteriores","Making the sweepstake and obtaining winners":"Realizando el sorteo y obteniendo los ganadores","Manage blacklist":"Gestionar lista negra","No participants":"Sin participantes","Removed from blacklist":"Eliminado de la lista negra","Retweets":"Retweets","Select from the entrants list":"Seleccionar del listado de participantes","Short link":"Enlace corto","Your Twitter sweepstakes":"Tus sorteos de Twitter","Winners page":"P\u00e1gina de ganadores","Update now":"Actualizar ahora","Updating":"Actualizando","User already blacklisted":"El usuario ya est\u00e1 en la lista negra","User already excluded":"El usuario ya est\u00e1 exclu\u00eddo","View terms and conditions":"Ver bases legales","View users":"Ver usuarios","We have the winners of the sweepstake of %s":"Tenemos los ganadores del sorteo de %s","Type users to exclude":"Teclea usuarios a excluir","Twitter Blacklist":"Lista negra de Twitter","There are no terms and conditions yet.":"Todav\u00eda no hay t\u00e9rminos y condiciones.","Pick your winners - Final step":"Obtener ganadores - Paso final","Congratulations, you are one step away from obtaining the winners of the sweepstakes.":"Enhorabuena, est\u00e1s a s\u00f3lo un paso de obtener los ganadores del sorteo.","Upon selecting the winners a certificate of validity will be issued including the following information: date and time of the sweepstakes, reference and list of winners and alternates. Once issued, this certificate cannot be eliminated.":"Al realizar el sorteo se emitir\u00e1 un certificado de validez que incluye los siguientes datos: fecha, hora, referencia del sorteo y listado de ganadores y suplentes. Este certificado no se puede eliminar una vez emitido.","Important note":"Nota importante","Certificates of validity can only be issued once, so once the sweepstakes has been made it cannot be repeated.":"Los certificados de validez se emiten una sola vez, con lo que no podr\u00e1s repetir el sorteo una vez realizado.","%s button":"Bot\u00f3n %s","Go back to the previous screen to set up the sweepstakes.":"Te permite volver a la pantalla de configuraci\u00f3n del sorteo.","Make test of the sweepstakes and some winners and alternate winners among your finalists will be displayed. The result will not be published, nor will a certificate of validity be issued. It is not a valid sweepstakes, and you can run as many tests as you wish.":"Se realizar\u00e1 un test del sorteo y se mostrar\u00e1n unos ganadores y suplentes entre tus finalistas. Este resultado no se publica, ni tampoco se emite un certificado de validez. No es un sorteo v\u00e1lido, y puedes hacer tantos tests como desees.","The sweepstakes will be carried out randomly, the certificate of validity will be issued, and you will be taken to the screen to set up the winner's publication. Once the sweepstakes has been made it cannot be repeated. You will be asked a new confirmation.":"Se realizar\u00e1 el sorteo de forma aleatoria, se emitir\u00e1 un certificado de validez y acceder\u00e1s a la pantalla para configurar la publicaci\u00f3n de ganadores. Una vez realizado el sorteo no se podr\u00e1 volver a repetir. Se te pedir\u00e1 una nueva confirmaci\u00f3n.","Sweepstakes Test Results":"Resultados del test del sorteo","Not Valid - Test Mode":"No v\u00e1lidos - Test","This result is not valid and the certificate of validity has not been issued":"El resultado de este sorteo no es v\u00e1lido, y no se ha generado ning\u00fan certificado de validez.","Go back and carry out the final sweepstakes":"Volver y realizar el sorteo definitivo","This field cannot be left blank":"Este campo es obligatorio","Use this tool to write and host your own Terms and Conditions. An HTML page will be created with a unique link you can use to communicate the Terms and Conditions of your promotions and giveaways.":"Utiliza esta herramienta para redactar y alojar tus propias bases legales. Se generar\u00e1 una p\u00e1gina HTML con un enlace \u00fanico que podr\u00e1s utilizar para comunicar las bases legales de tus promociones y sorteos.","There are no winners.":"No hay ganadores.","There are no alternates.":"No hay suplentes.","What can you do now?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 puedes hacer ahora?","or":"o","(Optional) Limit entrants to only those who use the following hashtags":"(Opcional) Limita los finalistas del sorteo al uso de uno o varios hashtags","Create label":"Crear etiqueta","Add URL from Instagram to import new user":"A\u00f1adir URL de Instagram para importar nuevo usuario","Add URL from Twitter to import new user":"A\u00f1adir URL de Twitter para importar nuevo usuario","Applying exclusion rules":"Aplicando criterios de exclusi\u00f3n","Claim your price":"Reclama tu premio","Delete label":"Eliminar etiqueta","Do you want to link this promotion to a Facebook page?":"\u00bfQuieres vincular esta promoci\u00f3n a una p\u00e1gina de Facebook?","Error adding tweet":"Error al a\u00f1adir tweet","Error adding user":"Error al a\u00f1adir usuario","Error creating sweepstakes":"Error al crear un sorteo","Error inserting tweet":"Error al insertar un tweet","Error inserting user. Please, try again":"Error al insertar usuario. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.","Error updating participants":"Error al actualizar los participantes","Error deleting":"Error al eliminar","Error deleting tweet":"Error al eliminar tweet","Error saving changes":"Error al guardar los cambios","Exclude from the sweepstakes":"Excluir del sorteo","Exclude users with more than one hashtag":"Excluir usuarios con m\u00e1s de un hashtag","Filter by hashtag":"Filtrar por hashtag","Find labels":"Encontrar etiquetas","Hashtags detected":"Hashtags detectados","Importing participants":"Importando participantes","In order to activate a promotion it is necessary to fill in the following information about your account. In case you pay for the promotion, we will use the company information to generate the corresponding invoice.":"Para activar la promoci\u00f3n es necesario que rellenes la siguiente informaci\u00f3n sobre tu cuenta. En caso que efectues el pago por promoci\u00f3n, utilizaremos la informaci\u00f3n de empresa para generar la factura correspondiente.","In order to calculate the price we need that you provide the invoice information. Please click on the link to your right and fill the required information.":"Para calcular el precio, es necesario que nos indiques tus datos de facturaci\u00f3n. Por favor, haz clic en el enlace de tu derecha y rellena la informaci\u00f3n requerida.","It is necessary to select a Facebook page where you want to perform the swepstakes":"Es necesario escoger la p\u00e1gina de Facebook donde se quiere hacer el sorteo","Could not obtain new participants":"No ha sido posible obtener nuevos participantes","Labels":"Etiquetas","Labels Management":"Gesti\u00f3n de etiquetas","Learn how to use it and get ideas for your sweepstakes.":"Aprende c\u00f3mo utilizarlo y obt\u00e9n ideas para tus sorteos.","Manage labels":"Gestionar etiquetas","New label":"Nueva etiqueta","There are no excluded users":"No hay usuarios excluidos","Obtaining winners":"Obteniendo ganadores","Obtaining winners and issuing certificate of validity":"Obteniendo ganadores y generando certificado de validez","Platform":"Plataforma","Please, review the errors":"Por favor, revisa los errores","QR\/Barcode Image":"Imagen de QR\/c\u00f3digo de barras","Radio button":"Radio button","Radio Buttons":"Radio buttons","Retweet Sweepstakes":"Sorteo de Retweets","Refer a friend buttons":"Botones para reclutar","Buttons to share my entry":"Botones para compartir mi participaci\u00f3n","Sorry, there are less participants than winners and alternates":"Lo sentimos. Hay menos participantes que los ganadores y suplentes requeridos.","Sorry, after excluding there are less participants than winners and alternates":"Lo sentimos. Despu\u00e9s de aplicar las exclusiones, hay menos participantes que los ganadores y suplentes requeridos.","Sweepstakes created and users imported":"Sorteo creado y usuarios importados","Sweepstakes saved":"Sorteo guardado","Sweepstakes done!":"\u00a1Sorteo realizado!","Followers sweepstakes":"Sorteo de Seguidores","Sweepstakes in progress. Please, wait":"Sorteo en proceso. Por favor, espera.","Sweepstake not possible. Error: Twitter API Calls exceeded":"El sorteo no se puede realizar. Error: Se han excedido las peticiones a la API de Twitter.","Sweepstakes creator":"Creador del sorteo","The action couldn't be executed, as at least 1 element must be kept in the sweepstakes":"La acci\u00f3n no se ha podido ejecutar pues almenos debe haber un elemento en el sorteo.","The limit of requests to Twitter has been exceeded for this sweepstakes. You can try again in 15 minutes":"El l\u00edmite de solicitudes a Twitter para este sorteo se ha excedido. Puedes probarlo otra vez en 15 minutos.","The list of retweets can't be fetched from Twitter for this sweep. Write to for support, and add as reference the case number #%s":"La lista de retweets para este sorteo no se ha podido importar desde Twitter. Escribe a para soporte y a\u00f1ade como referencia el n\u00famero de caso #%s","The sweepstakes can not be performed since it exceeds %s Followers permitted":"El sorteo no se puede realizar porque excede el %s de followers permitido.","The sweepstakes can not be performed since it exceeds %s RT permitted":"El sorteo no se puede realizar porque excede el %s de retweets permitido.","The sweepstakes exceeds %s Comments. The price will be %s":"El sorteo excede los %s comentarios. El precio ser\u00e1 de %s","The sweepstakes exceeds %s Followers. The price will be %s":"El sorteo excede los %s followers. El precio ser\u00e1 de %s","The sweepstakes exceeds %s Likes. The price will be %s":"El sorteo excede los %s likes. El precio ser\u00e1 de %s","The sweepstakes exceeds %s RT. The price will be %s":"El sorteo excede los %s retweets. El precio ser\u00e1 de %s","The sweepstakes has not been performed":"El sorteo no se ha realizado","The sweepstakes is closed":"El sorteo est\u00e1 cerrado","The tweet has already been used in a previous sweepstakes and must be removed from the list":"El tweet ha sido utilizado en un sorteo anterior y debe ser eliminado de la lista","The tweet has too many retweets and must be removed from the list":"El tweet tiene demasiados retweets debe ser eliminado de la lista","The tweet is too old and must be removed from the list":"El tweet es demasiado antiguo y debe ser eliminado de la lista","There are no labels yet":"A\u00fan no hay etiquetas","These are the options of the radio buttons. Write the list with each option separated by a comma or with one option per line":"\u00c9stas son las opciones que se presentar\u00e1n en el radio buttons. Crea la lista con cada opci\u00f3n separada por comas o en una l\u00ednea distinta","This action may take some seconds. Please do not close this window during the process":"Esta acci\u00f3n tardar\u00e1 unos segundos. Por favor, no cierres la ventana durante el proceso","This entry contains media not configured in promotion":"Esta participaci\u00f3n contiene un tipo de contenido media no configurado en la promoci\u00f3n","This sweepstakes has already been performed":"El sorteo ya se ha realizado","This tweet already exists":"Este tweet ya existe","Tweet added":"Tweet a\u00f1adido","The tweet selected does not belong to your account":"El tweet seleccionado no pertenece a tu cuenta","Type of barcode":"Tipo de c\u00f3digo de barras","Unable to load the winners":"No es posible cargar los ganadores","Winners can't be loaded.":"Los ganadores no pueden ser cargados.","You can show the promotional codes as barcode. Select the type of barcode":"Puedes mostrar los c\u00f3digos promocionales como c\u00f3digos de barras. Selecciona un tipo de c\u00f3digo de barras","You cannot use the selected post because it was already used by %s, %s ago":"No puedes utilizar el post seleccionado porque ya ha sido usado por %s, hace %s","You cannot use the tweet because it was already used by %s, %s ago":"No puedes utiizar este tweet porque ya ha sido usado por %s, hace %s","You cannot use tweet \\\"%s\\\" published \\\"%s\\\" because already used by %s, %s ago":"No puedes utilizar el tweet \\\"%s\\\" porque ya ha sido usado por %s, hace %s","You have exceeded the maximum number of tweets that can be selected":"Has excedido el n\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de tweets que pueden seleccionarse","You need to choose at least one winner and one substitute":"Debes seleccionar al menos un ganador y un suplente","Your Labels":"Tus etiquetas","Smart tags":"Smart tags","Click Like to Continue":"Pulsa Me Gusta para continuar","You can close the window to continue":"Puedes cerrar la ventana para continuar","%d label(s)":"%d etiqueta(s)","Complete this form to create your account and start managing your promotions, contests and sweepstakes.":"Completa esta formulario para crear tu cuenta y empezar a gestionar tus promotions, concursos y sorteos.","You must connect Easypromos Application to your Facebook account to authorize the app to fetch the list of pages you manage. You must be administrator of the Facebook page where you want to install the promotion.":"Debes autorizar y conectar la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos a tu cuenta de Facebook para autorizar la aplicaci\u00f3n a obtener el listado de p\u00e1ginas que administras. Debes ser administrador de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook donde quieres instalar la promoci\u00f3n.","What is a Facebook page?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 son las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook?","If you want to publish this promotion in a Facebook page, select your Facebook page here for a quick set up. You can change this configuration later and anytime. Click here to learn the options that we will set up.":"Si quieres publicar tu promoci\u00f3n en una p\u00e1gina de Facebook, selecci\u00f3nala aqu\u00ed para una preconfiguraci\u00f3n r\u00e1pida. Podr\u00e1s cambiar esta configuraci\u00f3n en cualquier momento. Clica aqu\u00ed para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre esta configuraci\u00f3n r\u00e1pida.","Review your information and pay the promotion":"Comprueba tus datos y paga la promoci\u00f3n","Do not show barcode":"No mostrar el c\u00f3digo de barras","Extracting finalists (%s)":"Extrayendo finalistas (%s)","Facebook pages":"P\u00e1ginas de Facebook","My labels":"Mis etiquetas","Not added":"No a\u00f1adidos","Not allowed":"No permitido","Show automatically the social network signin window when registering?":"\u00bfMostrar autom\u00e1ticamente la ventana para identificarse al participar?","The number of winners and alternates can't be higher than 1000":"El n\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes no puede ser superior a 1000","The sweepstakes can not be performed since this Facebook post exceeds the maximum number of %s permitted (%s %s maximum)":"El sorteo no se puede realizar porque el post de Facebook excede el n\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de %s permitido (%s %s maximum)","Twitter Error: Rate limit exceeded":"Error de Twitter: excedido el l\u00edmite ","You can't delete this label. Otherwise you will not be able to manage it again.":"No puedes eliminar esta etiqueta, pues si lo hicieras no tendr\u00edas acceso a gestionarla.","Action for %s button":"Acci\u00f3n del bot\u00f3n %s","Click rate":"\u00cdndice de clicks","Delete email":"Eliminar email","Easypromos versions":"Versiones de Easypromos","Error connecting to Dropbox":"Error al conectar con Dropbox","External URL":"URL externa","Facebook page labels":"Etiquetas de p\u00e1ginas de Facebook","Filter finalists":"Filtrar finalistas","Found a tweet after %s days, should be deleted":"Se ha encontrado un tweet de m\u00e1s de %s d\u00edas. Deber\u00eda ser eliminado.","Hide filters":"Esconder filtros","Hide link to certificate of validity":"Esconder el enlace al certificado de validez","Loading statistics, please wait":"Cargando estad\u00edsticas. Por favor, espere.","On Accept Participation":"Al aceptar participaci\u00f3n","On Reject Participation":"Al rechazar participaci\u00f3n","Open rate":"\u00cdndice de apertura","Out of Date":"Fuera de terminio","Out of range":"Fuera de rango","Reject":"Rechazar","Rejected":"Rechazado","Show alternate winners":"Mostrar suplentes","Sorry, there aren't winners":"Lo sentimos, no hay ganadores","Sweepstakes not available":"Sorteo no disponible","There are %s pending entries to review.":"Hay %s participaciones pendientes de revisar.","This email will be automatically sent when the administrator clicks on \\\"Accept\\\" to change status about user.":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente cuando el administrador pulse en \\\"Aceptar\\\" para cambiar el estado de la participaci\u00f3n del usuario. Selecciona en Destinatarios los participantes a los que quieres enviar este email","This email will be automatically sent when the administrator clicks on \\\"Reject\\\" to change status about user.":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente cuando el administrador pulse en \\\"Rechazar\\\" para cambiar el estado de la participaci\u00f3n del usuario.","Tweet could not be added (it exceeds the maximum of 10 tweets)":"Este tweet no se puede a\u00f1adir (excede el m\u00e1ximo de 10 tweets)","Uploading to Dropbox":"Subiendo a Dropbox","View the last emails sent":"Ver los \u00faltimos emails enviados","":"","Your Name":"Tu nombre","Created by you, on %s":"Creado por ti, el %s","The email statistics are only available during %d days once sent.":"Las estad\u00edsticas de email s\u00f3lo est\u00e1n disponibles durante %d d\u00edas a partir su env\u00edo.","We have upgraded the administration control panel with new functionalities. In order to continue and apply these changes, it is necessary that you clear all your cookies and restart your browser. Thank you!":"Hemos actualizado el panel de administraci\u00f3n de Easypromos con nuevas funcionalidades. Para poder continuar y aplicar los cambios, es necesario que elimines todas las cookies, y reinicies tu navegador. \u00a1Muchas gracias!","Important notice":"Aviso importante","giveaway":"sorteo","Create my first promotion":"Crear mi primera promoci\u00f3n","Do you want to create your first promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres crear tu primera promoci\u00f3n?","Currently you have no promotion created in your account.":"Actualmente no tienes ninguna promoci\u00f3n creada en tu cuenta.","This section lists all the promotions you have created through the platform. The list shall be classified in Draft promotions, those with which you are working on, Active promotions, those that are running, and Old promotions, those that have already ended.":"En esta secci\u00f3n aparecer\u00e1 el listado de todas las promociones que vayas creando a trav\u00e9s de la plataforma. El listado se clasificar\u00e1 en promociones en Borrador, son aquellas con las que est\u00e1s trabajando, promociones en Activo, son aquellas que est\u00e1n en funcionamiento, promociones Antiguas, son aquellas que ya han terminado.","Create my first sweepstakes":"Crear mi primer sorteo","Create my first group":"Crear mi primer grupo","Currently you have not created any sweepstakes.":"Actualmente no tienes ning\u00fan sorteo creado en tu cuenta.","Do you want to create your first sweepstakes?":"\u00bfQuieres crear tu primer sorteo?","This section lists all the sweepstakes you have carried out through the platform. The list shall be classified in Open sweepstakes, those with which you are working on, Closed sweepstakes, those which winners have already been picked up and a certificate of validity has been issued.":"En esta secci\u00f3n aparecer\u00e1 el listado de todos los sorteos que has realizado. El listado se clasificar\u00e1 en sorteos Abiertos, son aquellos con los que est\u00e1s trabajando, y sorteos Cerrados, son aquellos para los que ya se ha obtenido los ganadores y se ha generado un certificado de validez.","Valid for apps created before July 9th, 2015, with API v2.3 or earlier. API v2.4 apps will be supported from September 2015":"V\u00e1lido para aplicaciones creadas antes del 9 de julio de 2015, con API v2.3 o anterior. Las aplicaciones con API v2.4 estar\u00e1n soportadas a partir de septiembre de 2015","Welcome to %s, the easiest and best way to create and manage contests, sweepstakes and promotions across all social media platforms and devices.":"Bienvenido a %s, la manera m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil y mejor de crear y gestionar concursos, sorteos y promociones en todas las redes sociales y plataformas.","Our tools are designed to make your life easy. Since your first sweepstakes or basic contest is free, try us out! You can test our capabilities, familiarize yourself with all of our design and configuration options, execute and evaluate your first campaign without spending a dime.":"La plataforma ha sido dise\u00f1ada para hacerte la vida m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil. \u00a1Pru\u00e9bala! El primer sorteo o concurso b\u00e1sico es siempre 100% gratis, y te permitir\u00e1 familiarizarte con todas las opciones de configuraci\u00f3n y evaluar el resultado de tu primera campa\u00f1a.","If you're working on a more advanced promotion idea, our Premium and White Label platforms are completely open to you. Build your campaign and try out different options. You won't be asked for payment information until you are ready to execute the promotion.":"Para las promociones avanzadas (Premium y Marca Blanca), la plataforma est\u00e1 abierta para que puedas configurar la campa\u00f1a hasta el final y solamente se te solicitar\u00eda tu informaci\u00f3n de pago en el momento que tengas la promoci\u00f3n lista y preparada para publicar.","Want to see what others have done? Check out our %s page where you can see successful campaigns built by Easypromos clients around the world.":"Descubre algunas ideas consultando en nuestros %s las campa\u00f1as que algunos de nuestros clientes han llevado a cabo con \u00e9xito.","Success Cases":"Casos de \u00e9xito","If you ever need help, our %s offers step-by-step tutorials, frequently-asked technical questions, and designer guides. We also offer expert support 24x7 via %s.":"Y si alguna vez necesitas ayuda, nuestro %s pone a tu disposici\u00f3n tutoriales paso a paso, preguntas frecuentes a consultas t\u00e9cnicas y gu\u00edas de dise\u00f1o. Tambi\u00e9n ofrecemos soporte 24x7 a trav\u00e9s del e-mail %s, donde ser\u00e1s atendido por uno de nuestros agentes.","Online Help Desk":"Centro de Soporte","Thanks for signing up, and welcome to Easypromos.":"Muchas gracias por crear tu cuenta y bienvenido a Easypromos.","The Easypromos Team":"El equipo de Easypromos.","P.S. Got a great idea but not sure where to start? Check out our free %s which can help organize thinking around your idea and offer suggestions on which promotion could be best for you.":"P.D. \u00bfTienes una buena idea pero no sabes por d\u00f3nde empezar? Visita nuestro asistente %s que puede ayudarte a organizar tus ideas y descubrir qu\u00e9 tipo de promoci\u00f3n es mejor para ti.","Promotions App Helper":"Promotions App Helper","Norwegian":"Noruego","Upgrade to Premium now":"Actualizar ahora a Premium","This is a Premium option, not available in Basic promotions.":"Es una opci\u00f3n Premium, no disponible en promociones B\u00e1sicas.","Do you need to write the terms and conditions of your promotion? Save time by downloading this template and adapt it to your promotion.":"\u00bfNecesitas redactar unas bases legales para tu promoci\u00f3n? Ahorra tiempo y desc\u00e1rgate este modelo y ad\u00e1ptalo a tu promoci\u00f3n.","Resources for %s":"Recursos para %s","%s template":"Modelo en %s","Name and Email are the basic fields but you can add additional ones by clicking on the New field button.":"Nombre y E-mail son los campos b\u00e1sicos pero puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s haciendo clic en el bot\u00f3n A\u00f1adir Campo.","%s information":"Informaci\u00f3n de %s","%s replacement":"Sustituci\u00f3n de %s","%s: %s replaces %s %s":"%s: %s sustituye a %s %s","Accept entry":"Aceptar participaci\u00f3n","Account":"Cuenta","Already claimed":"Ya reclamado","Are you a winner?":"\u00bfEres uno de los ganadores?","Azeri":"Azer\u00ed","Back to edit":"Volver a edici\u00f3n","Edit fields":"Editar campos","Choose the payment method to make the sweepstakes":"Selecciona el m\u00e9todo de pago para realizar el sorteo","Claim prize":"Reclamar premio","Claim your prize page":"P\u00e1gina Reclama tu premio","Claim your prize":"Reclama tu premio","Prize claimed":"Premio reclamado","Confirm your data":"Confirma tus datos","Congratulations! You are one of the winners!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena! \u00a1Has resultado ganador!","Date field":"Campo Fecha","Do you want to replace the winner %s with an alternate?":"\u00bfQuieres reemplazar el ganador %s por un suplente?","%s claimed their prize":"%s ha reclamado su premio","Enable Claim your prize":"Habilitar Reclama tu premio","Enter the maximum year to be displayed in the year selector":"Introduce el a\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo mostrado en el selector de a\u00f1os","Enter the minimum year to be displayed in the year selector":"Introduce el a\u00f1o m\u00ednimo mostrado en el selector de a\u00f1os","Footer text":"Texto del pie de p\u00e1gina","Review all the information provided by winners that have claimed their prize. You can also replace winners with alternates and write the reason of the replacement.":"Revisa la informaci\u00f3n proporcionada por los ganadores que han reclamado su premio. Tambi\u00e9n puedes sustituir ganadores por suplentes y escribir el motivo de la sustituci\u00f3n.","Please, leave us your details so we can contact you.":"Por favor, d\u00e9janos tus datos para que podamos contactarte ","Are you the winner?":"\u00bfHas ganado el premio?","Click on the social network button you used to enter the sweepstakes and claim your prize now":"Reclama tu premio haciendo click en el bot\u00f3n de la red social con la que participaste","Impersonate":"Impersonar","Invoice for":"Factura para","We'll contact to you shortly. Thank you for entering!":"En breve nos pondremos en contacto contigo. \u00a1Muchas gracias por participar!","Try your luck again on our next giveaway":"Te invitamos a probar suerte en nuestros pr\u00f3ximos sorteos. \u00a1Muchas gracias!","Button on each winner":"Bot\u00f3n en cada ganador","Loading editor.":"Cargando Editor","Manage winners":"Gestionar ganadores","Max. year":"A\u00f1o m\u00e1x.","Min. year":"A\u00f1o m\u00edn.","Now you can proceed by making the final sweepstakes. You will be redirected to the confirmation page, from where you will be able to make the final sweepstakes or make a previous test to see how it will look like.":"Ahora ya puedes proceder a realizar el sorteo final. Acceder\u00e1s a la pantalla de confirmaci\u00f3n desde donde podr\u00e1s hacer el sorteo o hacer un test para comprobar c\u00f3mo quedar\u00e1.","Please, leave us your details so we can contact you and send you the prize. Thank you!":"Por favor, d\u00e9janos tus datos para que podamos contactarte y enviarte el premio. \u00a1Gracias!","Sorry, you have not won this time":"Lo sentimos, pero no eres uno de los ganadores","Original winner":"Ganador original","Monthly Basic Plan":"Suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica mensual","Annual Basic Plan":"Suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica anual","Pay by sweepstakes":"Pago por sorteo","Personal data":"Datos personales","Prize has been claimed on %s - %s Sweepstakes - ID:%s":"El premio ha sido reclamado en %s - %s ID Sorteo: %s","Continue with the sweepstakes":"Continuar con el Sorteo","Reason":"Motivo","Reject entry":"Rechazar participaci\u00f3n","Replace winner":"Sustituir ganador","Replace with":"Sustituir por","Replace":"Sustituir","Replacement logs":"Registro de sustituciones","Button on the footer":"Bot\u00f3n en el pie de p\u00e1gina","Support Easypromos":"Soporte de Easypromos","Support Xeerpa":"Soporte de Xeerpa","Thank you for this payment!":"\u00a1Gracias por realizar el pago!","WOW! The giveaway has more than %s participants.":"\u00a1Uau! El sorteo tiene m\u00e1s de %s participantes.","The sweepstakes can not be performed since it exceeds %s participants permitted":"Este sorteo no se puede realizar porque supera el l\u00edmite de %s participantes permitidos","There are no alternates to perform the replacement":"No hay suplentes para poder realizar la sustituci\u00f3n","This action cannot be undone.":"Esta acci\u00f3n no se puede deshacer","This sweepstakes is free until September 1st, 2015":"Este sorteo es gratuito hasta el 1 de Septiembre de 2015","Prize not claimed":"Premio no reclamado","Unknown user":"Usuario desconocido","Use Xeerpa Discovery":"Utilizar Xeerpa Discovery","view Instagram profile":"Ver perfil de Instagram","View logs":"Ver logs","view Twitter profile":"Ver perfil de Twitter","We'll contact you soon.":"En breve nos pondremos en contacto contigo.","What's this?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es?","Without prize":"Sin premio","Write %s to confirm the replacement":"Escribe %s para confirmar la sustituci\u00f3n","Write the reason of the replacement. It will be visible in the certificate of validity":"Escribe el motivo de la sustituci\u00f3n. Se mostrar\u00e1 de forma p\u00fablica en el certificado de validez","Xeerpa ID":"ID de Xeerpa","Xeerpa KEY":"Clave de Xeerpa","Xeerpa URL":"URL de Xeerpa","Xeerpa":"Xeerpa","You already claimed the prize":"Ya has reclamado el premio","On claiming":"Al reclamar","Classic editing mode":"Modo de edici\u00f3n cl\u00e1sico","%s pending users":"%s usuarios pendientes","%s pixels":"%s pixels","%s users":" %s usuarios","Click on the picture to set its main focus of interest. This will help users to always see the important area of the picture, especially on devices where the picture can be displayed cropped (for example, in case of viewing a portrait picture on a landscape device).":"Haz clic en la foto para marcar el punto de inter\u00e9s. Esto ayudar\u00e1 a los usuarios a ver siempre el \u00e1rea m\u00e1s importante de la foto, especialmente en dispositivos donde puede mostrarse cortada (por ejemplo, en caso de ver la foto de un retrato utilizando un dispositivo en horizontal).","Congratulations!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena!","Congratulations! You're one of the winners!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena! \u00a1Eres uno de los ganadores!","Set the time each slide will be displayed (in seconds)":"Indica el tiempo que se mostrar\u00e1 cada foto (en segundos)","Edit focus point":"Editar foco de inter\u00e9s","Edit focus point of the picture":"Editar foco de inter\u00e9s de la foto","Enable fullscreen gallery":"Habilitar galer\u00eda en pantalla completa","Error sending messages":"Error al enviar mensajes","Fullscreen gallery":"Galer\u00eda en pantalla completa","Link Widget":"Widget Link","Do you want to carry out a sweepstakes among all the entrants of the promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres hacer un sorteo entre todos los participantes de la promoci\u00f3n?","Send comment to winners":"Enviar comentario a los ganadores","Select if you want to add a dotted texture over the pictures. It increases the sharpening illusion of the pictures when seen at a certain distance, such as with projection events. In mobile devices, no texture will be shown.":"Selecciona si quieres a\u00f1adir una textura punteada en las fotos. Permite perfilar las fotos cuando se proyectan a una cierta distancia, por ejemplo, en proyecciones realizadas en eventos. En dispositivos m\u00f3viles no se aplicar\u00e1 ninguna textura.","Send to":"Enviar a","Set up the page where winners can claim their prize. The winners will be asked to identify with the social media account they participated with and enter their data in the form. You can customize the form with additional fields to ask for further information so you can send the prize.":"Configuraci\u00f3n de la p\u00e1gina en la que los ganadores podr\u00e1n reclamar su premio. Los ganadores deber\u00e1n identificarse con la cuenta de la red social desde la que participaron e introducir sus datos en un formulario. Puedes personalizar el formulario con campos adicionales para pedir m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n para enviar el premio.","Share on social networks":"Compartir en redes sociales","Texture":"Textura","This email has been sent by default":"Este e-mail se ha enviado por defecto","Your first sweepstakes of %s with Easypromos is free. Carry out the sweepstakes now!":"Tu primer sorteo de %s con Easypromos es gratis. \u00a1Realiza el sorteo ahora!","This sweepstakes was already paid on %s and it is ready to be performed.":"Este sorteo fue pagado el %s. Ya puedes realizar el sorteo y obtener los ganadores.","More information about the limits and the pricing of sweepstakes":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre los l\u00edmites y precios de los sorteos","Use this gallery mode to be projected in an event (for example) to display in real-time the entries to the gallery. A unique URL to the gallery will be enabled, which will display in fullscreen mode the entries chronologically sorted (last first). As long as the original pictures are displayed in the gallery, we highly recommend to be displayed when using hi-speed internet connection in order to improve loading performances.":"Utiliza esta galer\u00eda para proyectar las fotos a pantalla completa. Esta galer\u00eda puede ser \u00fatil por ejemplo en un evento para mostrar en tiempo real las fotos realizadas durante el evento. Obtendr\u00e1s una URL \u00fanica de la galer\u00eda, que mostrar\u00e1 a pantalla completa las fotos ordenadas cronol\u00f3gicamente (las m\u00e1s recientes primero). Se mostrar\u00e1n las fotos originales subidas por los usuarios, por lo que se recomienda utilizar este formato de galer\u00eda en conexiones de Internet de banda ancha para mejorar los tiempos de carga de las fotos.","You are the winner of the sweepstakes %s":"Eres el ganador del sorteo %s","Set up the page from where winners will be able to claim their prize":"Configura la p\u00e1gina desde donde los usuarios que han resultado ganadores podr\u00e1n reclamar su premio","Set up the page that winners will see upon claiming their prize.":"Configura la p\u00e1gina a la que llegar\u00e1n los ganadores tras haber reclamado su premio.","Set up the page that non-winners will see when clicking on the %s button.":"Configura la p\u00e1gina a la que llegar\u00e1n los usuarios no ganadores cuando hagan clic en el bot\u00f3n %s.","Set up the page that winners that already claimed their prize click again the %s button.":"Configura la p\u00e1gina a la que llegar\u00e1n los ganadores que ya hayan reclamado su premio y vuelvan a hacer clic en el bot\u00f3n %s.","Write the comment that will be sent to the winners. It will be visible to all users as a public reply to the user's own comment.":"Escribe el comentario que se enviar\u00e1 a los ganadores. El texto ser\u00e1 visible para todos los usuarios en forma de respuesta p\u00fablica al comentario del propio usuario.","This is only a visual gallery to display the images in fullscreen mode, so no actions can be done on it (such as vote or share the entries).":"Esta galer\u00eda es solamente una galer\u00eda para proyectar las fotos a pantalla completa, por lo que no se pueden realizar acciones en ella, como puede ser votar o compartir las fotos.","Option disabled":"Opci\u00f3n deshabilitada","In order to use the Full Screen Gallery you must enable the Media field on the %s first to ask users to upload a picture.":"Para poder utilizar la Galer\u00eda Pantalla Completa debes habilitar el campo Media en el %s para solicitar a los usuarios que suban una foto.","Enable face dectection system":"Habilitar sistema de detecci\u00f3n de caras","Upon uploading a photo to the contest, the system will analyse the picture to find the faces on it and set the focus point accordingly. Please, keep in mind that this is an automatic process, so the face dectection is subject to various factors. Please, activate this option ONLY if you ask users to upload pictures of people.":"Tras subir la foto para el concurso, el sistema analizar\u00e1 la imagen para detectar las caras y marcar as\u00ed el foco de inter\u00e9s. Por favor, ten en cuenta que se trata de un proceso autom\u00e1tico por lo que la detecci\u00f3n de caras en la imagen puede estar sujeto a varios factores. Por favor, activa esta opci\u00f3n S\u00d3LO si pides a los usuarios que suban fotos de personas.","Fullscreen gallery Widget":"Widget Galer\u00eda Pantalla Completa","This Widget allows your users to enter your promotion directly from you website, blog or even an online store. This Widget is placed as a link on the text. When clicking the link, the promotion is displayed in a modal box over your page.":"Este Widget permite a los usuarios participar en la promoci\u00f3n directamente desde tu web, blog o tienda online. El Widget se situar\u00e1 como un enlace en una parte del texto. Al hacer clic en el enlace, la promoci\u00f3n se abrir\u00e1 como una ventana modal encima de la p\u00e1gina.","If you run a photo contest, with this widget you can embed the photo gallery in fullscreen mode into any website. This widget is 100% compatible with contests which include imported photos from Instagram and Twitter with a #hashtag.":"Si realizas un concurso de fotos, con este widget podr\u00e1s incrustar la galer\u00eda de fotos en formato pantalla completa en cualquier p\u00e1gina web. El widget es 100% compatible con los concursos que incluyen fotos importadas directamente de Instagram y Twitter a trav\u00e9s de un #hashtag","You have an active plan to run unlimited sweepstakes":"Tienes una suscripci\u00f3n activa para realizar sorteos ilimitados","The sweepstakes has less than %s %s. You can carry it out for free":"El sorteo tiene menos de %s %s. Puedes realizarlo de forma gratuita","You must have an active plan or make a single payment to continue":"Es necesario tener una suscripci\u00f3n activa o realizar el pago del sorteo para poder continuar","See limits and prices":"Ver l\u00edmites y precios","Make a single payment to continue and carry out the sweepstakes":"Efect\u00faa un \u00fanico pago para poder continuar y realizar este sorteo","Carry out unlimited sweepstakes each month":"Podr\u00e1s realizar sorteos ilimitados cada mes","The renewal is automatic but you can cancel the plan at any time":"La renovaci\u00f3n es autom\u00e1tica pero puedes cancelar la suscripci\u00f3n en cualquier momento","The basic plan includes Facebook Sweepstakes, Twitter Sweepstakes and any basic application":"La suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica incluye sorteos en Facebook, sorteos en Twitter y cualquier aplicaci\u00f3n del tipo b\u00e1sica","Carry out unlimited sweepstakes each year":"Podr\u00e1s realizar sorteos ilimitados durante todo un a\u00f1o","Notify the winners":"Notifica los ganadores","Congratulations, you are one of the winners! You can claim your prize here %s":"\u00a1Enhorabuena eres uno de los ganadores! Puedes reclamar tu premio y confirmar tus datos aqu\u00ed %s","Congratulations, you are one of the winners! Checks the results here %s":"\u00a1Enhorabuena eres uno de los ganadores! Consulta los resultados del sorteo aqu\u00ed %s","To send this comment, you have to authorize the Facebook permission that allows Easypromos application to publish a comment on behalf your Facebook page. This authorization will be asked the first time you click on Send button":"Para poder enviar el comentario, es necesario que autorices el permiso de Facebook que permite a la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos publicar un comentario en nombre de tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook. Esta autorizaci\u00f3n se solicitar\u00e1 la primera vez que pulses el bot\u00f3n Enviar","Sent!":"\u00a1Enviado!","Sending comments":"Enviando comentarios","One of the winners in your giveaway has claimed their prize":"Uno de los ganadores del sorteo ha reclamado su premio y ha confirmado sus datos","User data":"Datos del usuario","Social profile":"Perfil social","Giveaway ref":"Referencia Sorteo","You can see the winners and information about who claimed their prize, as well as download the information to an Excel\/CSV file %s":"Puedes ver los ganadores e informaci\u00f3n sobre qui\u00e9n reclam\u00f3 su premio, as\u00ed como descargar la informaci\u00f3n en un archivo %s","Still not a fan? Click on Like and Follow Us":"\u00bfTodav\u00eda no eres fan? Pulsa en Me Gusta y s\u00edguenos","Polish":"Polaco","Japanese":"Japon\u00e9s","Also, please keep in mind that only pictures will be shown (no videos).":"Adem\u00e1s, por favor ten en cuenta que s\u00f3lo se mostrar\u00e1n las im\u00e1genes (no los v\u00eddeos).","Exclude entries registered after":"Excluir participaciones registradas despu\u00e9s de","Tiled":"Mosaico","Vertical":"Vertical","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","9 tips for writing a tweet for a Twitter sweepstakes based on retweets":"9 Recomendaciones para redactar un tweet para tu siguiente sorteo","Do you need to write and host some terms and conditions for your sweepstakes? Discover this free tool<\/strong>":"\u00bfNecesitas redactar unas bases para tu sorteo? Descubre esta herramienta gratu\u00edta<\/strong>","Do you run multiple Sweepstakes? Discover all that a Basic Monthly Plan includes":"\u00bfQuieres sorteos ilimitados? Conoce todo lo qu\u00e9 incluye una suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica mensual","Facebook Sweepstakes videotutorial":"Videotutorial de sorteos en Facebook","How to write and host your %s":"C\u00f3mo redactar y alojar las %s del sorteo","Twitter Sweepstakes videotutorial":"Videotutorial de sorteos en Twitter","%s sweepstakes help":"Ayuda sorteos de %s","Sweepstakes help":"Ayuda sorteos","Entries with picture or comment":"Participaciones con imagen o comentario","Filter entries in gallery by":"Filtrar las participaciones en la galer\u00eda por","Only entries with comment":"S\u00f3lo participaciones con comentario","Only entries with picture":"S\u00f3lo participaciones con foto","Solid color":"Color s\u00f3lido","Go to the fullscreen gallery":"Ir a la galer\u00eda a pantalla completa","Select what should be displayed in the areas without images":"Selecciona qu\u00e9 quieres mostrar en las \u00e1reas sin im\u00e1genes","Set the background color":"Especifica el color de fondo","Select the type of entries to be displayed in the gallery":"Selecciona el tipo de participaciones que quieres mostrar en la galer\u00eda","Accept and apply filters":"Aceptar y aplicar filtros","Accept entries":"Aceptar entradas","Account created on %s":"Cuenta creda el %s","Add a password":"A\u00f1adir una contrase\u00f1a","Add filter":"A\u00f1adir filtro","Add password":"A\u00f1adir contrase\u00f1a","Are you really sure? This action cannot be undone!":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro? Esta acci\u00f3n no se puede deshacer","Are you sure you want to apply this bulk action to all the selected entries?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres aplicar esta acci\u00f3n por lotes en todas las entradas seleccionadas?","Are you sure you want to remove this filter?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este filtro?","Autocomplete":"Autocompletado","Select the type of content to fill the background":"Selecciona el tipo de contenido para llenar el fondo","Update your password":"Actualiza tu contrase\u00f1a","Mark \/ unmark this entry":"Marcar \/ desmarcar esta entrada","Clear":"Limpiar","Click to verify":"Haz clic para verificar","Confirm password":"Confirmar contrase\u00f1a","Connect with Facebook":"Conectar con Facebook","Current password":"Contrase\u00f1a actual","Date register":"Fecha de registro","Do not send any email":"No enviar ning\u00fan e-mail","New: Create a password for your account so you can login to your control panel via email\/password or your Facebook account. Click here to create your password.":"Crea una contrase\u00f1a para tu cuenta y de esta forma podr\u00e1s acceder al panel de administraci\u00f3n mediante email\/contrase\u00f1a o bien con tu cuenta de Facebook. Haz click aqu\u00ed para crear tu contrase\u00f1a.","Easypromos Payment Gateway":"Pasarela de Pago de Easypromos","edit additional participations":"Editar participaciones adicionales","Notification of new prize claimed":"Notificaci\u00f3n de nuevo premio reclamado","Edit filters":"Editar filtros","Emails (Separate by comma or breakline)":"E-mails (separados por coma o salto de l\u00ednea)","Forgot password?":"\u00bfHas olvidado tu contrase\u00f1a?","I already have an account":"Ya tengo una cuenta","I am new to Easypromos":"Soy nuevo en Easypromos","If you did not request this change you can disregard this email.":"Si no solicitaste este cambio puedes ignorar este mensaje","Enable this option to access Easypromos control panel with your Facebook account.":"Habilita esta opci\u00f3n para acceder al panel de control de Easypromos con tu cuenta de Facebook.","Last updated %s ago":"\u00daltima actualizaci\u00f3n %s atr\u00e1s","Link to a Facebook account":"Vincular con una cuenta de Facebook","Connected":"Conectado","The email has been sent!":"\u00a1E-mail enviado!","New password":"Nueva contrase\u00f1a","No picture":"Sin imagen","Others":"Otros","Please, verify your email":"Por favor, verifica tu e-mail","score in the quiz":"puntos en el trivia","Register with Facebook":"Registrarte con Facebook","Reject entries":"Rechazar entradas","Remove filter":"Eliminar filtro","Reset password":"Reiniciar contrase\u00f1a","Reset password request":"Reiniciar solicitud de contrase\u00f1a","Same image (semitransparent and zoomed-in)":"Misma imagen (semitransparente y con zoom-in)","Search entries":"Buscar entradas","Do you want to apply the same actions to several entries? Select the action you want to execute and this will apply to all the entries selected":"\u00bfQuieres aplicar la misma acci\u00f3n a varias entradas? Selecciona la acci\u00f3n que quieres ejecutar y \u00e9sta se aplicar\u00e1 por lotes a todas las entradas seleccionadas","Add your password":"Crea tu contrase\u00f1a","Simple search":"B\u00fasqueda simple","Something was wrong with your validation.":"Ha ocurrido un error en la validaci\u00f3n","This bulk action doesn't exist.":"Esta acci\u00f3n por lotes no existe","This sweepstake has been done randomly according to the requirements of the mechanism described in section 10.2 of %s.":"Este sorteo se ha realizado de forma aleatoria seg\u00fan los requisitos del mecanismo descrito en la secci\u00f3n 10.2 de %s","Toggle between full and condensed view":"Cambiar de vista completa a vista reducida","Unlimited %s Apps":"%s Aplicaciones ilimitadas","Unlimited Facebook Sweepstakes":"Sorteos de Facebook ilimitados","Unlimited Twitter Sweepstakes":"Sorteos de Twitter ilimitados","Update password":"Actualizar contrase\u00f1a","User account":"Cuenta de usuario","Wrong email format.":"Formato de email incorrecto.","You can now close this window and proceed.":"Puedes cerrar la ventana para continuar","You have requested to reset your password.":"Has solicitado el cambio de tu contrase\u00f1a.","You need to validate your email in order to do the swepstakes":"Necesitas validar tu e-mail para poder realizar el sorteo","Your email has been validated":"Tu e-mail ha sido verificado","Your email is verified":"Tu e-mail est\u00e1 verificado","This email has already been registered":"Este e-mail ya ha sido registrado","This email could not be validated":"Este e-mail no se ha podido validar","This email is not valid and cannot be used":"Este e-mail no es v\u00e1lido y no se puede utilizar","This email does not exist. Please, create a new account by pressing the %s button":"Este e-mail no existe. Por favor, crea una nueva cuenta ","Wrong email and password combination":"Combinaci\u00f3n de e-mail y contrase\u00f1a incorrecta","In order to validate your account, please verify your email by clicking on the following link":"Para poder validar tu cuenta, por favor, verifica tu e-mail haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace","Email not found":"E-mail no encontrado","Your email is NOT verified":"Tu e-mail NO est\u00e1 verificado","Password updated successfully":"Contrase\u00f1a actualizada correctamente","Enter a valid email address to receive an email when winners receive their prize. You can specify multiple email addresses separated by a comma or one per line.":"Introduce un e-mail v\u00e1lido para recibir una notificaci\u00f3n cada vez que un ganador reclame su premio. Puedes introducir m\u00faltiples e-mails separados por coma o uno por l\u00ednea.","Leave blank if not required.":"Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","Notification on claim":"Notificaci\u00f3n al reclamar","Register":"Registrarse","Please, follow this link to create a new one":"Por favor, haz clic en el siguiente enlace para crear una nueva","How to notify Winners of a Sweepstakes carried out via Comments<\/strong> on Facebook":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo notificar los ganadores en un sorteo de comentarios<\/strong> de Facebook","17 tips on how to write a post for carrying out a Facebook Sweepstakes":"17 recomendaciones para redactar el post de un sorteo","Guide to write a post to launch a Facebook Sweepstakes in your Timeline<\/strong>":"Gu\u00eda para redactar el post de un sorteo en Facebook<\/strong>","Font color":"Color de fuente","Thank you! I am done":"\u00a1Gracias! He terminado","Disconnect and start over":"Desconectar y volver a empezar","This button allows to disconnect the session of the user who has registered, and go back to the welcome page of the application. Useful when registering different users from the same device (events, conventions, booths, etc...)":"Este bot\u00f3n permite desconectar la sesi\u00f3n del usuario que se acaba de registrar, y volver al inicio de la aplicaci\u00f3n. \u00datil en caso de registrar diferentes usuarios desde un solo dispositivo (eventos, ferias, etc\u2026)","Button label":"Texto del bot\u00f3n","Button %s":"Bot\u00f3n %s","What type of company do you work for?":"\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 tipo de empresa trabajas?","A different type of company":"Otro tipo de empresa","Marketing, advertising or communication agency":"Agencia de m\u00e1rketing, publicidad o comunicaci\u00f3n","And remember that you can share this #sweepstakes on your timeline and mention your friends in the comments so they can enter too!":"\u00a1Y recuerda que puedes compartir el #sorteo en tu biograf\u00eda y mencionar a tus amigos en los comentarios para que tambi\u00e9n puedan participar!","Are you sure?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro?","Create a new post on Facebook":"Crear un nuevo post en Facebook","Enter now!":"\u00a1Participa ahora!","Go back to the sweepstakes list":"Volver al listado de sorteos","Go to my Facebook page":"Ir a mi p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Go to sweepstakes":"Ir al sorteo","Image #%d":"Imagen #%d","Learn the next steps in the following {link}":"Aprende los siguientes pasos a trav\u00e9s de este {link}","Submit to {network}":"Enviar a {network}","Right now":"Inmediatamente","Step-by-step instructions":"Instrucciones paso a paso","Caption included on the image":"Texto de la imagen","The post for the sweepstakes has been successfully sent to Facebook":"El post del sorteo se ha enviado correctamente a Facebook","The start of publication date is set to: %s.":"La fecha de inicio de publicaci\u00f3n programada es: %s.","To participate [EXPLAIN HERE THE TYPE OF WRITTEN RESPONSE YOU REQUIRE FROM PARTICIPANTS. FOR EXAMPLE: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION?].":"Para participar [INDICA AQU\u00cd EL TIPO DE COMENTARIO QUE PIDES A LOS PARTICIPANTES. EJ: \u00bfCU\u00c1L ES TU DESTINO FAVORITO?].","Undo":"Deshacer","Upload my own picture":"Subir mi propia imagen","Uploading picture to Facebook":"Subiendo imagen a Facebook","Uploading post to {network}":"Subiendo post a {network}","video tutorial":"videotutorial","We are giving away [NAME PRIZE] among all users who #Like this post.":"Sorteamos [NOMBRE PREMIO] entre todos los usuarios que hagan #MeGusta en este post.","We are giving away [NAME PRIZE] among all users who comment on this post.":"Sorteamos [NOMBRE PREMIO] entre todos los usuarios que comenten este post.","We have sent you an email with all the information you need to make your giveaway a success.":"Te hemos enviado un email con todas la informaci\u00f3n que necesitas tener en cuenta para que tu sorteo sea un \u00e9xito.","What do I have to do the day of the draw?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo llegue el d\u00eda del sorteo qu\u00e9 tienes que hacer?","Without hashtag":"Sin hashtag","You have time until [END OF PROMOTION DATE] at [END TIME OF PROMOTION] to participate. Good luck!":"Tienes tiempo hasta el [D\u00cdA FINALIZACI\u00d3N DE PROMOCI\u00d3N] a la\/s [HORA FINALIZACI\u00d3N DE PROMOCI\u00d3N] para participar. \u00a1Mucha suerte!","You need to validate your email before activating the free promotion.":"Tienes que validar tu e-mail antes de poder activar la promoci\u00f3n gratis.","Select your Timezone":"Selecciona tu zona horaria","When will you publish the post on Facebook?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo publicar\u00e1s el post en Facebook?","Mandatory field":"Campo obligatorio","Select one country if you want to limit the participation":"Selecciona un pa\u00eds si quieres limitar la participaci\u00f3n","Tell us when you plan to select the winners and we will send you a reminder to your email":"Ind\u00edcanos la fecha prevista de finalizaci\u00f3n del sorteo y te enviaremos un recordatorio por e-mail","I want to appear in the {last} to expand my audience":"Quiero aparecer en el {last} para ampliar mi audiencia","public list of Easypromos sweepstakes":"listado p\u00fablico de sorteos de Easypromos","Keep an eye on our page where we will announce the lucky winner\/s.":"Estate atento a nuestra p\u00e1gina donde publicaremos al ganador\/es.","Like this post.":"Haz Me Gusta en este post.","Send me the validation e-mail again":"Enviar de nuevo el e-mail de validaci\u00f3n","You can follow us to keep up-to-date with all our news.":"Puedes seguirnos para estar al corriente de todas las novedades.","Leave a response on this post answering the question.":"Escribe un comentario en el post respondiendo a la pregunta.","Create a new one":"Crea una nueva","Predefined image":"Imagen predefinida","Creating predefined image":"Creando imagen predefinida","Add a predefined image":"A\u00f1adir imagen predefinida","Textual part of the post":"Texto del post","This is the direct link to your post":"\u00c9ste es el enlace directo al post de Facebook","o you know how you can pick the winners of your Sweepstakes?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podr\u00e1s obtener los ganadores el d\u00eda del sorteo?","Easypromos control panel":"Panel de Control de Easypromos","When the period for participating ends, you will need to pick the winners. Just go to your %s, select your post and you will be redirected to the sweepstakes app, which will import the users who liked or commented your post. You'll be able to exclude users, indicate the number of winners and alternates you wish to obtain, and you'll also find the tools to notify the winners and customize the results page.":"Cuando termine el periodo para participar, podr\u00e1s seleccionar los ganadores. Para ello, solamente deber\u00e1s acceder al %s, seleccionar el post, y ser\u00e1s redirigido a la herramienta de sorteo, que importar\u00e1 los usuarios que han hecho Me Gusta o que han comentado el post. Podr\u00e1s excluir usuarios, indicar el n\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes que quieres obtener, y tambi\u00e9n encontrar\u00e1s las herramientas para notificar los ganadores y personalizar la p\u00e1gina de resultado del sorteo.","step-by-step tutorial on how to create a sweepstakes":"tutorial de c\u00f3mo realizar el sorteo","Don't miss any of our tips by checking this %s.":"Consulta aqu\u00ed el %s y no te pierdas ninguno de nuestros consejos.","This is your Sweepstakes ID":"La referencia de tu sorteo es","This will be useful to contact us in case you need help to set up and create your sweepstakes. If you need support, please, send an email to %s.":"Esto ser\u00e1 \u00fatil para contactar con nosotros si necesitas ayuda para configurar y crear tu sorteo. Si necesitas soporte, por favor, env\u00eda un e-mail a %s.","Congratulations! We confirm you that the post for your sweepstakes has been successfully published on Facebook.":"\u00a1Enhorabuena! Te confirmamos que el post de tu sorteo ha sido publicado en Facebook correctamente.","The post for your sweepstakes has been successfully sent to Facebook (Ref. %s)":"El post de tu sorteo se ha enviado correctamente a Facebook (Ref. %s)","Ref.: #%s":"Ref.: #%s","Create your own sweepstakes":"Crea tu propio sorteo","1,000":"1.000","There are no open sweepstakes.":"No hay ning\u00fan sorteo abierto.","You can create a new sweepstakes among participants from the %s section.":"Puedes realizar un nuevo sorteo entre los participantes desde %s.","View videotutorial of how to integrate Google Analytics":"Ver videotutorial de c\u00f3mo integrar Google Analytics","You will be able to activate this promotion for free as it is your first basic promotion. To continue and compete the activation, please fill in the following form with your company information.":"Podr\u00e1s activar esta promoci\u00f3n de forma gratuita por ser tu primera promoci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica. Para poder continuar y terminar la activaci\u00f3n, necesitamos que rellenes este formulario con tus datos de empresa.","The result of the sweepstakes and the corresponding certificate of validity can't be removed, and they'll be public and accessible to any user.":"El resultado del sorteo y el certificado de validez asociado no se puede eliminar, y ser\u00e1 p\u00fablico y accesible para cualquier usuario.","Access to the %s":"Acceso a %s","Access your sweepstakes setting":"Accede a la configuraci\u00f3n de tu sorteo","Add this code at the bottom of your page, right before the closing":"A\u00f1ade este c\u00f3digo al final de la p\u00e1gina justo antes de la etiqueta ","All entries":"Todas las entradas","Are you sure you want to create the sweepstakes?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres realizar el sorteo?","Check the step-by-step tutorial on how to carry out the sweepstakes and pick the winners":"Consulta el tutorial paso a paso de c\u00f3mo realizar el sorteo y seleccionar los ganadores","Select one":"Elige uno","Created: %s ago":"Creado: %s atr\u00e1s","Custom template":"Plantilla personalizada","Date of Draw":"Fecha del sorteo","Do you want to publish the winners?":"\u00bfQuieres publicar los ganadores?","Don't exclude":"No excluir","Draft sweepstakes":"Sorteo en borrador","Error uploading picture to Facebook, please try again":"Se ha producido un error al enviar la imagen a Facebook. Por favor, int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.","Export entries":"Exportar entradas","Exporting users to sweepstakes. Please wait":"Exportando usuarios al sorteo. Por favor, espera.","Find below some tips to complete your sweepstakes":"Consulta algunos consejos para completar tu sorteo.","Follow this link: %s to enter your new password.":"Sigue este enlace: %s para acceder a tu sorteo.","Follow this link: %s to validate your email.":"Sigue este enlace: &s para validar tu e-mail.","From account":"De Cuenta","How to notify the winners?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo notificar a los ganadores?","How to pick the winners of your Sweepstakes?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo obtener los ganadores del sorteo?","In order to start you should follow these steps":"Sigue estos pasos para continuar","Latest Sweepstakes":"\u00daltimo Sorteo","Link to the sweepstakes post":"Enlace al post del sorteo","Load entries":"Cargar entradas","Load new entries":"Cargar nuevas entradas","Please, check your inbox":"Por favor, comprueba tu bandeja de correo","Posting":"Publicando","Instructions to select the winners of your Facebook Sweepstakes (Ref. %s)":"Instrucciones para obtener los ganadores de tu sorteo de Facebook (Ref. %s)","Scroll to top":"Ir arriba","See all Sweepstakes":"Ver todos los Sorteos","See next image":"Ver imagen siguiente","See previous image":"Ver imagen anterior","Select filter":"Selecciona filtro","Select finalists with the chosen selection":"Selecciona una acci\u00f3n para aplicar a los usuarios seleccionados","This message is just to remind you that the following sweepstakes will end soon":"Este mensaje es para recordarte que el siguiente sorteo finalizar\u00e1 pronto","Run giveaway":"Realizar sorteo","***Sweepstakes":"***Sorteo con registro","Automatic<\/strong> winners":"Ganadores Autom\u00e1ticos<\/strong>","Manual<\/strong> winners":"Ganadores Manuales<\/strong>","And the winners are... [Take advantage of this space to write the list of the promotion winners. We also recommend you to add a reference to the prize. This template is useful if you have not selected the winners through the Easypromos Sweepstakes Platform. You can include standard HTML code.]":"Y los ganadores son... [Aprovecha este espacio para escribir el listado de los ganadores de esta promoci\u00f3n y te recomendamos que pongas una referencia al premio que han ganado. Esta plantilla es \u00fatil si no has seleccionado los ganadores autom\u00e1ticamente a trav\u00e9s de la plataforma de sorteos Easypromos. Puedes incluir aqu\u00ed c\u00f3digo HTML est\u00e1ndar]","Automatic winners":"Ganadores Autom\u00e1ticos","create multiple sweepstakes between groups of users":"tambi\u00e9n m\u00faltiples sorteos entre grupos de usuarios","Customizable winners' template":"Plantilla de ganadores personalizable","Direct link to winners page":"Enlace directo a la p\u00e1gina de ganadores","Do you want to add an access to the winners' page?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar un acceso a la p\u00e1gina de ganadores?","Do you want to select your winners among all participants registered in the promotion? Easypromos provides the selection tool to pick the winners in an automatic and random way.":"\u00bfQuieres realizar un sorteo entre los participantes registrados en la promoci\u00f3n? Easypromos te ofrece una plataforma de sorteos para obtener los ganadores y suplentes de una forma autom\u00e1tica y aleatoria.","Edit sweepstakes":"Editar sorteo","Go to entrants list and start sweepstakes":"Ir a participantes y empezar sorteo","Go to website":"Ir a p\u00e1gina web","Hi {{user_first_name}},\\n\\nWrite here the body of the email. You can use smart tags to personalize this content with entrants information":"Hola {{user_first_name}},\\n\\nEscribe aqu\u00ed el cuerpo del email. Puedes utilizar smart tags para personalizar el contenido con datos de los participantes","I don't have the winners yet":"Todav\u00eda no tengo ganadores","Manual winners":"Ganadores Manuales","No entries matching these filters.":"No hay participaciones que cumplan los filtros.","Pending sweepstakes":"Sorteos pendientes","Redirect to an external website":"Redirigir a un sitio web externo","Romanian":"Rumano","Selecting the winners manually will allow you to use a customizable template to publish and communicate the result of your sweepstakes on your social networks.":"Seleccionar los ganadores de forma manual te permitir\u00e1 disponer de una plantilla personalizable para publicarlos y comunicarlos en tus redes sociales.","Show manual winners":"Mostrar ganadores manuales","Template %s":"Plantilla %s","Template of the Sweepstakes winners":"Plantilla de ganadores del sorteo","The winners have not been chosen yet":"Todav\u00eda no se han seleccionado los ganadores","The winners of the promotion will be selected through the Easypromos platform in order to guarantee the transparency, security and impartiality of the process.":"Los ganadores de la promoci\u00f3n se seleccionar\u00e1n a trav\u00e9s de la plataforma Easypromos para garantizar la transparencia, seguridad e imparcialidad del proceso.","The winners page is not published":"La p\u00e1gina de ganadores no est\u00e1 publicada","The winners page is published":"La p\u00e1gina de ganadores est\u00e1 publicada","This option is useful if you have obtained the winners via a jury, a notary or by popular voting.":"Esta opci\u00f3n es \u00fatil por ejemplo si has obtenido los ganadores mediante un jurado, por votaci\u00f3n popular o a trav\u00e9s de un notario.","To start your first sweepstakes, go to the participants list and select the finalists.":"Para empezar tu primer sorteo debes ir al listado de participantes y seleccionar los usuarios finalistas.","What content do you want to display?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 contenido quieres mostrar?","Write the subject of the email":"Escribe el asunto del email","On the menu":"En el men\u00fa","Yes, on the menu and the button":"S\u00ed, en el men\u00fa y bot\u00f3n","You already have the winners? Select manually the winners of your promotion among all participants registered.":"\u00bfYa tienes los ganadores? Selecciona manualmente los ganadores de tu promoci\u00f3n entre todos los participantes registrados.","You can customize a template to display the winners which will be accessible from the promotion welcome page.":"Dispones de una plantilla personalizable para mostrar los ganadores que ser\u00e1 accesible desde la p\u00e1gina de inicio de la promoci\u00f3n.","You'll be able to perform a sweepstakes among all users registered and %s.":"Podr\u00e1s hacer un sorteo entre todos los usuarios registrados y %s.","[NEW]":"[NUEVO]","No winners":"Sin ganadores","Please, check your inbox and come back.":"Por favor, verifica tu buz\u00f3n de entrada y vuelve.","Promotion sweeps list":"Listado de sorteos de la promoci\u00f3n","Promotion sweepstakes":"Sorteo de promoci\u00f3n","Publish the winners":"Publicar los ganadores","Put this link wherever you want in your code":"Introduce este enlace d\u00f3nde quieras en tu c\u00f3digo","Reload changes":"Recargar cambios","See post on {network}":"Ver publicaci\u00f3n en {network}","Select an action to be applied to the selected users":"Selecciona una acci\u00f3n a aplicar a los usuarios seleccionados","Share winners":"Compartir ganadores","Since the last page reload, there have entered new participants":"Desde la \u00faltima carga de p\u00e1gina, ha habido nuevos participantes","Single sweepstakes":"Sorteo \u00fanico","There is already an open sweepstakes":"Ya hay un sorteo abierto","Unpublish the winners":"Despublicar los ganadores","Selected users from filter":"Usuarios seleccionados por filtro","VIEW POST":"VER PUBLICACI\u00d3N","View user information":"Ver informaci\u00f3n de usuario","What do you want to do?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres hacer?","Winners options":"Opciones de ganadores","Winners publishing":"Publicaci\u00f3n de ganadores","Write below the names of the winners and alternate winners of the promotion. Once they are selected, you can publish them on the winners template and send them an email from the emails platform.":"Escribe el nombre de los ganadores y suplentes de la promoci\u00f3n. Una vez seleccionados puedes publicarlos en la plantilla de ganadores o bien enviarles un e-mail desde la plataforma de e-mails.","In case of including text in the image, it can't cover more than 20% of the image's area":"En caso de a\u00f1adir texto en la imagen te recomendamos que el texto no supere el 20% del \u00e1rea de la imagen","Winners will be picked with #Easypromos":"El sorteo se realizar\u00e1 con #Easypromos","Additional participations detail":"Detalle de las participaciones adicionales","All non-winners":"Todos los no ganadores","Assign additional entries":"Asignar participaciones adicionales","Carry out a sweepstakes among your participants":"Realizar un sorteo entre tus participantes","Choose value":"Seleccionar valor","Create email":"Crear e-mail","Creation date of the open sweepstakes":"Fecha de creaci\u00f3n del sorteo pendiente","Delete the open sweepstakes and start a new one":"Eliminar el sorteo pendiente y empezar el nuevo","Discover practical examples to make the most of your sweepstakes":"Descubre ejemplos pr\u00e1cticos para aprovechar al m\u00e1ximo tu sorteo","Do you want to display an access to the contest winners page in the promotion welcome page?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar un acceso directo a la p\u00e1gina de ganadores del sorteo en la p\u00e1gina de inicio de la promoci\u00f3n?","Do you want to send to blacklist?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir a la lista negra?","Due to page load speed, only %s entries were loaded.":"Debido a la velocidad de carga de la p\u00e1gina, solamente se han cargado %s participantes","Edit and publish":"Editar y publicar","Email Blacklist":"Lista negra de E-mail","Edit template":"Editar plantilla","Export winners":"Exportar ganadores","Facebook ref.":"Ref. Facebook","Free promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n gratuita","From all active users":"Todos los usuarios activos","All active users":"Todos los usuarios activos","From Facebook page: %s":"De la p\u00e1gina de Facebook: %s","From filtered active users":"Todos los usuarios filtrados","Filtered active users":"Los usuarios filtrados","From Instagram hashtag":"De un hashtag de Instagram","From promotion":"De la promoci\u00f3n","From Twitter hashtag":"De un hashtag de Twitter","Give %s extra participations for every %s %s":"Asignar %s participaciones adicionales por cada %s %s","Go to publish":"Ir a publicar","Go to the open sweepstakes to complete it":"Ir al sorteo pendiente para finalizarlo","How will it work once it is active?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo funcionar\u00e1 una vez activada?","If you did any change to this page, %s. Otherwise, you can close this layer and proceed.":"Si has realizado alg\u00fan cambio en esta p\u00e1gina, %s. De lo contrario, puedes cerrar esta ventana para continuar.","In order to carry out the sweepstakes there must be at least one participant":"Para poder realizar el sorteo, debe haber al menos un participante","Instagram Blacklist":"Lista negra de Instagram","Limit to":"Limitar a","Limit to %s entries":"Limitar a %s participantes","Linked social network accounts":"Redes sociales vinculadas a la cuenta","Login FB":"Login con Facebook","Login the Easypromos dashboard":"Login al panel de administraci\u00f3n de Easypromos","Run giveaway from users selection":"Realizar sorteo entre los usuarios seleccionados","Multiple sweepstakes":"M\u00faltiples sorteos","No emails to be processed":"No se han encontrado e-mails para procesar","No information to add to Blacklist":"No hay informaci\u00f3n para a\u00f1adir a la Lista Negra","Note: you can apply filters to make a sweepstakes from a subset of participants":"Nota: puedes aplicar filtros para realizar un sorteo entre un segmento de participantes","Please accept publish pages permissions to allow Easypromos publish this post in your Facebook page":"Por favor, acepta los permisos de publicaci\u00f3n para permitir a Easypromos poder publicar este post en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Promotion addons":"Addons de la promoci\u00f3n","save and reload now":"Guardar y recargar ahora","Share sweepstakes":"Compartir sorteo","Sweepstakes in promotion":"Sorteos de la promoci\u00f3n","Sweepstakes non-winners":"Usuarios no ganadores del sorteo","Sweepstakes winners":"Usuarios ganadores del sorteo","The total amount of winners and alternates must be less than %s.":"El n\u00famero total de ganadores y suplentes debe ser inferior a %s.","There is already an open sweepstakes for this promotion. You must complete the open sweepstakes or delete it before starting a new one":"Ya hay un sorteo pendiente para esta promoci\u00f3n. Debes finalizar el sorteo pendiente o eliminarlo antes de empezar uno nuevo","This action will be available once the registration and voting periods have ended so no more participants enter the promotion.":"Esta acci\u00f3n estar\u00e1 disponible una vez finalizado el periodo para participar y votar y no puedan participar nuevos usuarios.","Title of the open sweepstakes":"T\u00edtulo del sorteo pendiente","To be able to use filters, you must load all the entries in the contest.":"Para poder utilizar el filtro, debes cargar el listado completo de participantes.","Twitter ref.":"Ref. Twitter","You are about to pick the winners from the selected participants. Click on Continue to access to a new screen where you'll be able to define the number of winners and alternates, as well as use other advanced options, such as the exclusion of old winners. You'll also be able to perform a test before obtaining the final winners":"Vas a empezar un sorteo entre los participantes seleccionados. Al continuar acceder\u00e1s a una nueva pantalla donde definir\u00e1s el n\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes, as\u00ed como otras opciones de exclusi\u00f3n avanzadas como filtro de antiguos ganadores. Tambi\u00e9n podr\u00e1s realizar un test antes de obtener los ganadores definitivos.","You can start a sweepstakes for the selected users from here.":"Desde aqu\u00ed puedes empezar un sorteo entre los usuarios seleccionados.","You've already made a sweepstakes for this promotion":"Ya has realizado un sorteo para esta promoci\u00f3n","Multi-Network Giveaway option (make several sweepstakes among the users registered of a promotion) is only included in the Premium or White Label promotions. Easypromos accounts that have an active basic plan also have the multi-sweepstakes feature available":"La opci\u00f3n de Sorteo Multired (realizar varios sorteos entre los usuarios registrados de una promoci\u00f3n) solamente est\u00e1 inclu\u00edda en las promociones Premium o Marca Blanca. Tambi\u00e9n disponen de la opci\u00f3n multisorteo las cuentas de Easypromos con una suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica activa","In order to finish this sweepstakes, you need to contract a basic plan or make the payment for this individual sweepstakes":"Para continuar con este sorteo debes contratar una suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica o bien realizar el pago de este sorteo individual","Here you'll be able to carry out a sweepstakes to pick the winners randomly among all participants. You'll also be able to create multiple sweepstakes among segments of users selected through the filter. This option is enabled once the promotion is active":"Desde aqu\u00ed podr\u00e1s realizar un sorteo para seleccionar los ganadores de forma aleatoria entre todos los participantes. Podr\u00e1s tambi\u00e9n crear m\u00faltiples sorteos entre segmentos de usuarios seleccionados a trav\u00e9s del filtro de usuarios. Esta opci\u00f3n estar\u00e1 disponible cuando la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e9 activa","Appearance Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n de Dise\u00f1o","This section allows you to change the colors and fonts of the default template of the promotion for a higher level of customization.":"Esta secci\u00f3n te permite cambiar los colores y tipograf\u00edas de la plantilla de la promoci\u00f3n para un mayor nivel de personalizaci\u00f3n.","See all options":"Ver todas las opciones","This is a Premium functionality not included in the Basic version. You can add it as an extension of your promotion, and it has a cost of %s.":"Es una funcionalidad Premium no inclu\u00edda en la versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica. Puedes a\u00f1adirla como una extensi\u00f3n de tu promoci\u00f3n, y tiene un coste de %s.","You can add the extension now to test it and then disable it. If you decide to keep it, the payment will be required at the time of activation.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir la extensi\u00f3n ahora, probarla y luego desactivarla. En caso que decidas utilizarla se deber\u00e1 realizar el pago en el momento de la activaci\u00f3n.","If you add the extension you will be redirected to the order page.":"Al a\u00f1adir la extensi\u00f3n ser\u00e1s redirigido a la pasarela de pago.","Add extension":"A\u00f1adir extensi\u00f3n","Disable extension":"Deshabilitar extensi\u00f3n","The %s is enabled.":"La %s est\u00e1 activada.","In case you activate the promotion, a charge of %s will be added in the order page.":"En caso de activar la promoci\u00f3n, se incluir\u00e1 el coste de %s correspondiente a esta extensi\u00f3n.","In case you disable the extension, any change applied in this section will be removed.":"En caso de deshabilitar la extensi\u00f3n, se eliminar\u00e1 cualquier cambio realizado en la configuraci\u00f3n de esta secci\u00f3n.","In case you disable the extension, any email created will be removed.":"En caso de deshabilitar la extensi\u00f3n, se eliminar\u00e1 cualquier email que hayas creado.","Emails Platform Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n Plataforma de emails","Discover all the available options":"Descubre todas las opciones disponibles","This extension allows you to add new fields in the registration form in addition to the predefined fields. The types of fields that can be added are: free text fields, drop-down lists with closed options, check-boxes, date fields, radio button fields and autocompletable text fields.":"Esta extensi\u00f3n te permite a\u00f1adir nuevos campos en el formulario de registro diferentes de los predefinidos. Los tipos de campos que se pueden a\u00f1adir son: campos de texto libre, listas desplegables con opciones cerradas, casillas de verificaci\u00f3n, campos de fecha, campos del tipo radio button y campos de texto autocompletables.","Additional Fields Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n de Campos Adicionales","In case of adding it, all the available types of fields will be enabled.":"En caso de a\u00f1adirla, se habilitan todos los tipos de campos disponibles.","Alternate":"Suplente","Premium Field":"Campo Premium","You have an active plan":"Tienes una suscripci\u00f3n activa","You have successfully added the extension to your promotion":"Has activado correctamente la extensi\u00f3n para tu promoci\u00f3n","This extension has been already activated":"Esta extensi\u00f3n ya se hab\u00eda activado","There is no email address to send a message to":"No hay ninguna direcci\u00f3n de correo d\u00f3nde mandar el mensaje","Remove extension":"Quitar extensi\u00f3n","Additional participations":"Participaciones adicionales","1 participation":"1 participaci\u00f3n","1 participation \/ 1 participation":"1 participaci\u00f3n \/ 1 participaci\u00f3n","%s additional participations \/ %s %s":"%s participaciones adicionales \/ %s %s","All the %s functionalities are now ready to use.":"Todas las funcionalidades de %s est\u00e1n listas para ser usadas.","Advanced":"Avanzado","Go to editor and set-up the extension as you want to":"Ves al editor y configura la extensi\u00f3n como desees","Learn more about all the possibilities this extension has to offer":"Aprende todas las posibilidades que esta extensi\u00f3n puede ofrecerte","File":"Fichero","First free promotion":"Primera promoci\u00f3n gratis","Document types":"Tipo de documento","The text file formats than can be uploaded are: %s.":"Los formatos de texto que se pueden subir son: %s.","Image files":"Archivos de imagen","The image file formats that can be uploaded are: %s.":"Los formatos de imagen que se pueden subir son: %s.","Download file":"Descargar documento","Texts files":"Archivos de texto","In case you disable the extension, any additional field you have added will be removed.":"En caso de deshabilitar la extensi\u00f3n, se eliminar\u00e1 cualquier campo adicional que hayas a\u00f1adido.","Select the type of document allowed to users to claim their prize. Max.%sMB":"Selecciona el tipo de documento que permites a los usuarios subir para reclamar su premio. M\u00e1x. %sMB","Insert a title to be displayed in the registration form to encourage users to select their image or document":"Introduce un t\u00edtulo en el formulario de registro para animar a los usuarios a seleccionar su imagen o documento","Documents field":"Campo Documentos","When enabling this option, it will be mandatory to upload a document in order to complete the form.":"Al habilitar esta opci\u00f3n, ser\u00e1 obligatorio subir un documento para completar el formulario.","from %s to %s":"del %s al %s","on %s":"el %s","Premium Extensions":"Extensiones Premium","Enhances the performance of your Basic promotion":"Mejora las prestaciones de tu promoci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica","Customize the colors of the promotion for participants to identify with your brand.":"Personaliza los colores de la promoci\u00f3n para que los participantes la identifiquen con tu marca.","Add additional fields in the registration form to request more data from your participants.":"A\u00f1ade campos adicionales en el formulario de registro para obtener m\u00e1s datos de tus participantes.","Create emails that are automatically sent when participants registers for the promotion.":"Crea emails que se enviar\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente cuando los participantes se registren en la promoci\u00f3n.","Could not connect to Facebook in order to update the participants.":"No se ha podido realizar la conexi\u00f3n con Facebook para actualizar los participantes.","Please, make sure that you are connected on Facebook as a user administrator of the Facebook page and try it again.":"Por favor aseg\u00farate que est\u00e1s conectado a Facebook como usuario administrador de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook e int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.","Add more posts":"A\u00f1ade m\u00e1s posts","Add posts to the sweepstakes":"A\u00f1adir posts al sorteo","Already participating page":"Usuario ya ha participado","Any prize":"Cualquier premio","Assign codes":"Asignar c\u00f3digos","Campaign payment":"Pago de la campa\u00f1a","Checked":"Marcada","Connect with Facebook to vote":"Conectar con Facebook para votar","Contains":"Contiene","Contract a plan":"Contratar una suscripci\u00f3n","Dates":"Fechas","Duration must be 2 months maximum":"La duraci\u00f3n debe ser de 2 meses m\u00e1ximo","Error adding post":"Error al a\u00f1adir post","Error connecting to Google Analytics":"Error al conectar con Google Analytics","SAMPLE DATA":"INFORMACI\u00d3N DE MUESTRA","Filter by country":"Filtro por pa\u00eds","First step":"Primer paso","Follow":"Seguir","Follow us on Twitter":"S\u00edguenos en Twitter","For a longer duration it is necessary to activate a plan.":"Para una duraci\u00f3n superior es necesario contratar una suscripci\u00f3n.","For promotions with a longer duration you must have an active plan.":"Para promociones de duraci\u00f3n superior necesitas tener una suscripci\u00f3n activa.","Analyze the performance of your promotion in detail with access to the Premium statistics like: Visits, how the users share the promotion, where your users come from etc.":"Analiza al detalle el rendimiento de tu promoci\u00f3n con acceso a las estad\u00edsticas premium como: visitas, c\u00f3mo los usuarios comparten, de donde vienen, etc.","In case you activate now, the maximum end date for the promotion must be %s (2 months).":"En caso de activar ahora, la fecha m\u00e1xima para la promoci\u00f3n debe ser %s (2 meses)","In order to extend an already closed promotion it is necessary to have an active Premium plan.":"Para poder extender una promoci\u00f3n ya finalizada es necesario tener una suscripci\u00f3n Premium activa.","Include buttons to follow social networks as an optional step to vote.":"Incluir botones para seguir en redes sociales como un paso adicional para votar.","Data about the visits to the promotion's pages, as well as funnel conversion rates":"Datos sobre las visitas a las p\u00e1ginas de la promoci\u00f3n, as\u00ed como porcentajes del embudo de conversi\u00f3n","Main information":"Informaci\u00f3n principal","Manage my plans":"Gestionar mis suscripciones","Maximum date exceeded":"Fecha m\u00e1xima sobrepasada","Multiple-answer":"Multi-respuesta","Not allowed access page":"P\u00e1gina de acceso no permitido","Not checked":"No marcada","Not verified":"No verificada","Not votable":"No votable","Only to instant winners":"S\u00f3lo a los ganadores por Momento Ganador","Participants list":"Listado de participantes","Percentage of views coming from previous step":"Porcentaje de usuarios respecto al paso anterior","Percentage of views going to this step from the first step":"Porcentaje de usuarios respecto al primer paso","Post could not be added (it exceeds the maximum of 10 posts)":"El post no se ha podido incluir puesto que se ha sobrepasado el m\u00e1ximo de 10 posts","Post\/s included in the sweepstakes":"Post\/s incluidos en el sorteo","See some examples":"Ver ejemplos pr\u00e1cticos","Publication dates":"Fechas de publicaci\u00f3n","Winner type":"Tipo de ganador","Save and activate":"Guardar y activar","Languages":"Idiomas","See visits":"Ver visitas","Select the type of question you want to create":"Selecciona el tipo de pregunta que quieres crear","Show automatically My Networks pop-up upon voting to increase the number of likes and followers.":"Mostrar autom\u00e1ticamente la ventana Mis Redes cuando un usuario vota para incrementar el n\u00famero de seguidores.","Starts with":"Empieza por","Plan payment":"Pago de la suscripci\u00f3n","Thank you for voting!":"\u00a1Muchas gracias por votar!","The duration of the promotion can be of up to 2 months starting from the activation date.":"La duraci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n puede ser hasta 2 meses a contar a partir de la fecha de activaci\u00f3n.","The end date exceeds the expiration date.":"La fecha de finalizaci\u00f3n supera la fecha de expiraci\u00f3n.","To all registered users":"A todos los usuarios registrados","Tweet\/s included in the sweepstakes":"Tweet\/s incluidos en el sorteo","Verified account":"Cuenta verificada","Verification error":"Error de verificaci\u00f3n","Verify you're not a robot":"Verifica que no eres un robot","Statistics Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n de Estad\u00edsticas","Visits":"Visitas","Vote for":"Votar a","Voting dates":"Fechas de votaci\u00f3n","You can create promotions with a duration of up to 2 months starting from the activation date.":"Puedes crear promociones de hasta 2 meses de duraci\u00f3n desde la fecha de activaci\u00f3n.","You can extend the promotion until %s maximum, which corresponds to 2 months starting from the activation date.":"Puedes extender la promoci\u00f3n como m\u00e1ximo hasta el %s, que corresponde a 2 meses desde la fecha de activaci\u00f3n.","You have already voted for this user":"Ya has votado por este usuario","%s to make a bigger sweepstakes for %s (cancel anytime)":"%s para hacer un sorteo entre todos los participantes por %s (cancelable en cualquier momento)","Unique visits":"Visitas \u00fanicas","Page views":"P\u00e1ginas vistas","Multiple choice question, from which the user can choose more than one option.":"Pregunta donde se presentan varias opciones de respuesta cerrada y el usuario debe elegir entre diferentes opciones.","Use all types of answers available: ratings, open, lists, radio buttons, sortable and closed answers.":"Utiliza todos los tipos de respuestas disponibles: puntuables, abiertas, listas, radio buttons, ordenables y respuestas cerradas.","Multiple choice question, from which the user must choose one.":"Pregunta donde se presentan varias opciones de respuesta cerrada y el usuario debe elegir una.","Multiple choice question where the user must choose the correct order.":"Pregunta donde se presentan varias opciones y el usuario debe ordenarlas para indicar la respuesta correcta o para indicar sus preferencias.","What do you want to ask your users? Choose one question type among the following options":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres preguntar a los usuarios? Selecciona el tipo de pregunta entre las opciones siguientes","Individual entry":"Participaci\u00f3n individual","The data is not in real time. It is updated every 6 hours":"Los datos no son en tiempo real. Se actualizan cada 6 horas","The vote is not counted":"El voto no se ha contabilizado","You have exceeded the control threshold of fraud":"Se ha superado el l\u00edmite del control de fraude","{link} to get public_profile, email and manage_pages permissions from Facebook or register directly using your email and a password.":"{link} para obtener los permisos de public_profile, email y manage_page de Facebook o reg\u00edstrate directamente con tu email y un password.","email and manage_pages":"email y manage_pages","An account with your email already exists. Please login using your password. Use Remember password to send a new one to your email.":"Ya existe una cuenta con tu email. Por favor accede con tu password. Utiliza Recordar Contrase\u00f1a para enviar una nueva a tu email.","Please, connect to Facebook":"Por favor, con\u00e9ctate a Facebook","We can not obtain your email from Facebook.":"No podemos obtener tu email de Facebook.","You cannot connect this Facebook user because is already linked to another account.":"No puedes conectar esta cuenta de Facebook, porque ya est\u00e1 vinculada a otra cuenta.","The email format is not correct.":"El formato de email no es correcto.","Passwords do not match":"Las contrase\u00f1as no coinciden","The old password is not correct":"La contrase\u00f1a antigua no es correcta","Did you mean %s?":"\u00bfQuer\u00edas decir %s?","I recommend this promotion":"Recomiendo esta promoci\u00f3n","I entered this promotion and I recommend it!":"\u00a1He participado en esta promoci\u00f3n y la recomiendo!","I need your help: 1 vote please":"Necesito tu ayuda: 1 voto por favor","I am in this voting contest, and I need to get votes":"Participo en un concurso de votos, y necesito sumar votos","Can you please vote for me here?":"\u00bfPuedes votarme aqu\u00ed por favor?","You can also enter, click here":"Puedes participar tu tambi\u00e9n, haz clic aqu\u00ed","By clicking the button, you are accepting the %s of the contest":"Al pulsar el bot\u00f3n, aceptas las %s del concurso","get them from Facebook":"obtenlos de Facebook","Validation error":"Error de validaci\u00f3n","How do users authenticate to vote?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo deben identificarse los usuarios para votar?","Using their Facebook account":"Con su cuenta de Facebook","Using their email address":"Con su correo electr\u00f3nico","Users will be requested to insert their first name, last name and email address when voting. An automatic validation email will be sent to the inbox of the user. Users must open and click on the validation email in order to count their vote.":"Se pedir\u00e1 a los usuarios insertar su nombre, apellidos y direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico al momento de votar. Se enviar\u00e1 al usuario un email de validaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tico a su bandeja de entrada para que validen su direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico. Los usuarios deber\u00e1n abrir y hacer clic en el email para poder contabilizar su voto como v\u00e1lido.","Edit validation email":"Editar email de validaci\u00f3n","Users must connect their Facebook account in order to vote.":"Los usuarios deben conectar su cuenta de Facebook para votar.","Validate your vote by confirming your email.":"Tu voto est\u00e1 pendiente de validar.","We have sent an email to %s to validate your email address. Your vote will be counted once you validate your email.":"Hemos enviado un email a %s para que valides tu direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico. Una vez lo valides, tu voto se contabilizar\u00e1.","We sent an email to %s to validate your email address. Once you validate it your vote is counted.":"Enviamos un email a %s para que validaras tu direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico. Una vez lo valides, tu voto se contabilizar\u00e1.","Send validation email again":"Reenviar validaci\u00f3n de correo.","If you do not receive the email in your inbox in the next few minutes, check your spam folder.":"Si no recibes el correo en tu bandeja de entrada en los pr\u00f3ximos minutos, por favor revisa tu carpeta de spam.","You are voting for %s.":"Est\u00e1s votando a %s.","Please, click on this %s to validate your email and confirm your vote.":"Por favor haz clic en este %s para validar tu direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico y contabilizar tu voto.","You can also validate your vote by copying this link and pasting it into your browser's address bar":"Tambi\u00e9n puedes confirmar tu voto copiando y pegando este enlace directamente en la barra de tu navegador","One step missing":"Te falta un paso","Go to Facebook Integration":"Ir a integraci\u00f3n con Facebook","You must link a new Facebook App in integrations to use your domain when connecting entrants to Facebook and when sharing.":"Es necesario vincular una aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook en integraciones para que se utilice tu dominio al conectar los participantes en Facebook y al compartir.","Verify user":"Verificar usuario","This user requires verify their data to continue voting.":"Este usuario requiere verificar sus datos para continuar votando.","All texts":"Todos los textos","All sections":"Todas las secciones","All voters":"Todos los votantes","Youtube Channel":"Canal de Youtube","Filter by section":"Filtrar por secci\u00f3n","Filter contents":"Filtrar contenidos","Follow us on Instagram":"S\u00edguenos en Instagram","Follow us on Youtube":"S\u00edguenos en Youtube","Insert the channel name to follow or the YouTube channel ID":"Introduce el nombre del canal a seguir o el ID del canal de YouTube","Instagram username":"Nombre de usuario de Instagram","Multi-language functionalities":"Funcionalidades multi-idioma","Pending translations":"Traducciones pendientes","Show number of followers":"Mostrar n\u00famero de seguidores","This email will be automatically sent when a user votes in order to verify his\/her email address.":"Este e-mail se enviar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente cuando un usuario vota para validar su correo electr\u00f3nico.","To validate vote":"Para validar voto","Translated texts":"Textos traducidos","Translations":"Traducciones","Unique users":"Usuarios \u00fanicos","Validate now":"Validar ahora","Validate this email to confirm your vote":"Valida este e-mail para confirmar tu voto","Vote validation":"Validaci\u00f3n de voto","Vote validation link":"Link de validaci\u00f3n de voto","You are translating the promotion into":"Est\u00e1s traduciendo la promoci\u00f3n a","Your vote has been validated.":"Tu voto ya estaba validado","The Right Prize for Your Contest":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el mejor premio?","Enter this survey to win one of the three free Easypromos Premium promotions":"Participa en esta breve encuesta y podr\u00e1s ganar una de las 3 promociones Premium que sorteamos","Click on the first language you want to translate.":"Haz click el idioma al que quieres empezar a traducir.","Do you want to create the promotion in several languages?":"\u00bfQuieres crear la promoci\u00f3n en varios idiomas?","From this section you'll be able to translate all the texts and images of the promotion into the language you want.":"Desde este apartado podr\u00e1s traducir todos los textos e im\u00e1genes de la promoci\u00f3n al idioma que quieras.","For each screen of the promotion you'll be able to translate all the texts (title, description, buttons, terms and conditions, final messages), the registration form fields, the quiz, the viral content, My Networks window and all the images you have uploaded.":"Para cada pantalla de la promoci\u00f3n podr\u00e1s traducir todos los textos de la promoci\u00f3n (t\u00edtulo, descripci\u00f3n, botones, bases legales, mensajes finales), los campos del formulario de registro, el cuestionario, el contenido viral, la ventana Mis Redes y todas las im\u00e1genes que hayas subido.","The duration of the promotion must be of 2 months maximum starting from the activation date.":"La duraci\u00f3n m\u00e1xima de una promoci\u00f3n es de 2 meses a contar a partir de la fecha de activaci\u00f3n.","Create a promotion and use this discount now!":"\u00a1Crea una promoci\u00f3n y usa este descuento ahora!","There has been an unexpected error while processing the code %s":"Ha habido un error inesperado durante el procesado del c\u00f3digo %s","You already activated the code %s":"Ya hab\u00edas activado el c\u00f3digo %s","Congratulations! You have activated the code %s!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena! \u00a1Has activado el c\u00f3digo %s!","You will be able to apply this code when you activate your next promotion.":"Podr\u00e1s aplicar este c\u00f3digo cuando actives tu pr\u00f3xima promoci\u00f3n.","Periodicity":"Periodicidad","Verify now":"Verificar ahora","Successful promotion ideas to get the most out of one of the biggest celebration days of the year":"Ejemplos de promociones que funcionan para que saques partido a una de las festividades m\u00e1s importantes del a\u00f1o","March 19th: Father's Day":"19 marzo: D\u00eda del Padre","Convert users who vote into followers of your social networks.":"Convierte los usuarios votantes en seguidores de tus redes sociales.","%s for %s to convert the %s into followers of your social networks.":"%s por %s para convertir el %s en seguidores de tus redes.","%s of voters":"%s de los votantes","The security delay to vote for the same participant from the same IP address has not been reached.":"No se ha llegado al tiempo de espera de seguridad para votar desde la misma IP al mismo participante.","Add this Premium extension":"A\u00f1ade la extensi\u00f3n Premium","ALREADY_VOTED":"YA_VOTADO","Average conversion of Premium voting contests. The conversion of your contest may be higher or lower than %s.":"Media de conversi\u00f3n de concursos de votos Premium. Tu conversi\u00f3n en tu concurso puede ser superior o inferior al %s.","BROWSER_IP":"NAVEGADOR_IP","Error trying to obtain the public information of the Facebook profile.":"Error al intentar obtener la informaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica del perfil de Facebook.","Timeout on KAPTCHA verification.":"Timeout en la resoluci\u00f3n de Kaptcha.","Export votes":"Exportar votos","Fan on voting Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n Fan al votar","FB_LOGIN_ERROR":"ERROR_FB_LOGIN","General system alert.":"Alerta gen\u00e9rica de sistema.","GENERIC":"GENERICO","IP_DELAY":"FRECUENCIA_IP","KAPTCHA_TIMEOUT":"KAPTCHA_TIMEOUT","MAX_VOTES":"MAX_VOTOS","NO_INFO_FB":"NO_INFO_FB","NO_VERIFIED_FB":"FB_NO_VERIFICADO","ERROR_COUNTRY":"ERROR_PAIS","See how it works.":"Ver c\u00f3mo funciona.","FRAUD_PATTERN":"PATRON_FRAUDULENTO","SUSPICIOUS_USER":"USUARIO_SOSPECHOSO","The attempt to vote for this user is part of a series of votes that meet a pattern series of fraudulent votes.":"El intento de voto de este usuario forma parte de una serie de votos que cumple con un patr\u00f3n de serie de votos fraudulento.","Error trying to identify the Facebook profile.":"Error al intentar identificar el perfil de Facebook.","The user can't vote anymore.":"El usuario no puede votar m\u00e1s.","The user has already voted for this participant.":"El usuario ya vot\u00f3 por este participante.","The internal limit of votes from the same device has been exceeded.":"Ha superado el l\u00edmite interno de votos desde el mismo dispositivo.","The user has tried to vote from an unverified Facebook account.":"El usuario ha intentado votar desde una cuenta de Facebook no verificada.","Attempt to vote from a not allowed country.":"Intento de voto desde un pa\u00eds no permitido.","The user is marked by the system as a user who needs an additional verification in order to vote. The user must complete this form: %s.":"El usuario est\u00e1 marcado por el sistema como un usuario que necesita verificaci\u00f3n extra para poder votar. El usuario debe rellenar este formulario: %s.","This date can't exceed the %s":"Esta fecha no puede ser superior a la %s","Version":"Versi\u00f3n","%s dictionaries":"%s diccionarios","%s invited you to be a collaborator for the promotion #%s.":"%s te ha invitado a ser un colaborador de la promoci\u00f3n %s #%s.","%s languages":"%s idiomas","Access the control panel of the promotion from %s.":"Acceso al panel de control de la promoci\u00f3n desde %s.","Add a collaborator":"A\u00f1adir colaborador","Added on":"A\u00f1adido el","Alerts":"Alertas","Click to edit":"Haz clic para editar","Account ID":"ID de cuenta","Collaborators":"Colaboradores","Create new dictionary":"Crear nuevo diccionario","Delete dictionary":"Eliminar diccionario","Dictionaries":"Diccionarios","Dictionary":"Diccionario","Edit dictionary":"Editar diccionario","Edit system labels":"Editar textos de sistema","Edit translations":"Editar traducciones","Add another user that can also see and manage the promotion. The collaborator will be able to perform all the actions available in the management page, except for the action of Deleting the promotion.":"A\u00f1ade otro usuario para que tambi\u00e9n pueda ver y gestionar la promoci\u00f3n. El colaborador podr\u00e1 realizar todas las acciones disponibles en el panel de control, a excepci\u00f3n de la acci\u00f3n de Eliminar la promoci\u00f3n.","Expiration":"Finalizaci\u00f3n","Facebook ID":"ID de Facebook","Facebook profile":"Perfil de Facebook","Full upgraded promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n actualizada completamente","Generic error.":"Error gen\u00e9rico.","Hard alerts":"Alertas graves","Info alerts":"Alertas de informaci\u00f3n","Manage your dictionaries":"Gestiona tus diccionarios","Now you are a collaborator for the promotion.":"Ahora eres un colaborador de la promoci\u00f3n.","Or activate all the extensions at once upgrading the promotion to Premium for only %s.":"O activa todas las extensiones a la vez actualizando la promoci\u00f3n a Premium por s\u00f3lo %s.","Participant":"Participante","Promotion dates editor":"Editor de fechas de la promoci\u00f3n","Remove collaborator":"Eliminar colaborador","Sent on":"Enviado el","Show user data":"Mostrar informaci\u00f3n de usuario","Soft alerts":"Alertas leves","System text dictionary":"Diccionario de textos de sistema","System translations":"Traducciones de sistema","The account could not be added as a collaborator.":"La cuenta no se ha podido a\u00f1adir como colaborador.","The account doesn't have an verified e-mail.":"La cuenta no tiene el e-mail verificado.","The account seems to be misconfigured.":"La cuenta no est\u00e1 correctamente configurada.","The account was added as collaborator. An e-mail has been sent to this account, and once it gets confirmed, the user will be able to access this promotion.":"La cuenta ha sido a\u00f1adida como colaborador. Se ha enviado un e-mail a esta cuenta, y una vez confirmado, el usuario ya podr\u00e1 acceder a la promoci\u00f3n.","The account was already added as a collaborator.":"La cuenta ya ha sido a\u00f1adida como colaborador.","The action could not be performed due to an expected error.":"La acci\u00f3n no se ha podido completar debido a un error inesperado.","The code has not been activated for this user. Please, contact %s.":"El c\u00f3digo no se ha activado para este usuario. Por favor, contacta %s.","There are no dictionaries yet.":"No hay ning\u00fan diccionario todav\u00eda.","There is no dictionary assigned to this promotion. You can add a dictionary to customize the system texts.":"No hay ning\u00fan diccionario asignado a esta promoci\u00f3n. Puedes a\u00f1adir un diccionario para personalizar los textos de sistema.","To confirm this and start editing the promotion, please follow this link":"Para confirmarlo y empezar a editar la promoci\u00f3n, por favor, haz clic en este enlace","Translate system texts for this language":"Traducir los textos de sistema para este idioma","Upload now the photos or videos from %s section, by clicking %s button for each photo or video that you want to present.":"Sube ahora las fotos o v\u00eddeos desde la secci\u00f3n %s, haciendo clic en el bot\u00f3n %s para cada nueva foto o v\u00eddeo que quieras presentar.","Voting alerts":"Alertas de votos","Action required! Confirm your account as a collaborator for the promotion #%s":"Invitaci\u00f3n pendiente: confirma tu cuenta como colaborador de la promoci\u00f3n #%s","You have activation codes available!":"\u00a1Tienes c\u00f3digos de activaci\u00f3n disponibles!","You were already added as a collaborator for this promotion.":"Ya fuiste a\u00f1adido como colaborador para esta promoci\u00f3n.","Your dictionaries":"Tus diccionarios","Collaborator verification":"Verificaci\u00f3n de colaborador","Entry ID":"ID de la participaci\u00f3n","First link a dictionary to the promotion":"Primero asigna un diccionario a la promoci\u00f3n","First, you have to add a language to the dictionary.":"Primero debes a\u00f1adir un idioma al diccionario","Most popular":"El m\u00e1s popular","Most viewed single users":"Participaciones individuales m\u00e1s visitadas","Please, %s to check if the processing was completed.":"Por favor, %s para verificar que el proceso se ha completado.","Promotions that use it":"Promociones que lo utilizan","The verification URL seems to be incorrect.":"La URL de verificaci\u00f3n parece que no es correcta.","You seem to be accessing a non-valid URL.":"Parece que est\u00e1s accediendo a una URL no v\u00e1lida.","These codes can be used by any user with an administrator account in Easypromos.":"Estos c\u00f3digos pueden ser utilizados por cualquier usuario que disponga de una cuenta de administrador en Easypromos.","Used":"Utilizado","Unused":"Disponible","These are your available activation codes. Use them to activate your next campaigns or share them with your team mates and collaborators so they can also activate the promotions.":"\u00c9stos son tus c\u00f3digos de activaci\u00f3n disponibles. Util\u00edzalos para activar tus pr\u00f3ximas campa\u00f1as o comp\u00e1rtelos con tus compa\u00f1eros de equipo y colaboradores para que puedan activar las promociones.","Copy your available activation codes":"Copiar c\u00f3digos de activaci\u00f3n disponibles","Only codes purchased after March 1st, 2016 will be displayed on this list.":"Solamente se muestran los c\u00f3digos comprados a partir de Marzo de 2016.","Copy unused codes":"Copiar c\u00f3digos disponibles","Buy activation codes pack":"Comprar paquete de c\u00f3digos","%s codes":"%s c\u00f3digos","Your activation codes":"Tus c\u00f3digos de activaci\u00f3n","There are no activation codes yet.":"Todav\u00eda no hay ning\u00fan c\u00f3digo de activaci\u00f3n.","Hard":"Grave","Soft":"Suave","Info":"Info","Manage pages":"Gestionar p\u00e1ginas","You must accept the %s Facebook Permission in order to show you the %s you manage.":"Debes aceptar el permiso de %s de Facebook para que podamos mostrar las %s que administras.","Accept permission":"Aceptar permiso","How to obtain it?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puedo obtenerlo?","Compare the voting process with and without the extension.":"Compara el proceso de votaci\u00f3n con y sin extensi\u00f3n.","Edit content":"Editar contenido","See sweepstakes about to end":"Ver sorteos a punto de finalizar","Fraud limit":"L\u00edmite de fraude","Pending votes":"Votos pendientes","Export alerts":"Exportar alertas","Verify email":"Verificar e-mail","View tutorial for %s":"Ver tutorial de %s","Click for more information about fraud control":"Haz click para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre el control de fraude","There were errors":"Hubo errores","Enable %s field":"Habilitar campo %s","Do you want to add a new language?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir un nuevo idioma?","You are translating the dictionary into":"Est\u00e1s traduciendo el diccionario a","Learn more about the translation specifications %s.":"Aprende m\u00e1s sobre las especificaciones de traducci\u00f3n %s.","No labels match the search.":"No se han encontrado textos con esta b\u00fasqueda.","Add an additional e-mail field so users have to enter it twice. Both e-mails must match to pass the validation.":"A\u00f1ade un campo de e-mail adicional para que los usuarios deban introducirlo dos veces. Ambos e-mails deben coincidir para pasar la validaci\u00f3n.","Fraud index":"\u00cdndice de fraude","The multilanguage support is available in White Label version only.":"El soporte multiidioma s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible en la versi\u00f3n Marca Blanca.","Use the default system texts":"Usar los textos por defecto","Activation codes":"C\u00f3digos de activaci\u00f3n","Fraud":"Fraude","Medium":"Medio","Low":"Bajo","High":"Alto","Both emails must match.":"Ambos e-mails deben coincidir.","Level error":"Nivel de error","Info error":"Informaci\u00f3n del error","BAD_REQUEST":"BAD_REQUEST","ERROR_SESSION":"ERROR_SESSION","For example":"Por ejemplo","Type the word to find":"Escribe la palabra a buscar","Error in user session parameters.":"Error en los par\u00e1metros de sesi\u00f3n del usuarios.","The request to vote of the user is incorrect.":"La petici\u00f3n de voto del usuarios est\u00e1 mal formada.","When an attempt to vote does not pass a fraud control an alert is registered for each participant. The Fraud Index is calculated according to the alerts registered.":"Para cada participante se registran alertas cuando un intento de voto no supera un control de fraude. El \u00cdndice de Fraude se calcula en funci\u00f3n de las alertas registradas.","The Fraud control system is included by default in all voting competitions. This system is composed of 11 security controls in order to detect non-valid votes. When a non-valid vote is detected, the vote is not counted, the voter receives a message with the reason why his vote is invalid, and an internal alert is registered which will be available for the administrator.":"El sistema de control de fraude est\u00e1 incluido por defecto en todos los concursos de votos. Este sistema est\u00e1 formado por 11 controles de seguridad para detectar votos no v\u00e1lidos. Cuando se detecta un voto no v\u00e1lido, el voto no se contabiliza, el usuario votante recibe un mensaje del motivo porque su voto no es v\u00e1lido, y se registra una alerta interna disponible para el administrador.","Fraud control":"Control de fraude","Check here the list with all the security controls and the alerts of votes.":"Consulta aqu\u00ed todo el listado de controles de seguridad y alertas de votos.","Easypromos Fraud Index":"\u00cdndice de Fraude de Easypromos","Fraud Index is calculated by the Easypromos platform and represents the probability that the votes received by a participant come from fraudulent practices. This index is calculated based on the votes received for a participant and the alerts registered by the security controls. Fraud Index is available for each participant. If this index is equal or higher than 100%, Easypromos considers that participation invalid.":"El \u00cdndice de Fraude es un indicador calculado por la plataforma Easypromos que representa la probabilidad que los votos recibidos por un participante provengan de pr\u00e1cticas fraudulentas. Se calcula a partir de los votos recibidos por un participante y sus alertas registradas por los controles de seguridad. Para cada participante podr\u00e1s consultar su valor del \u00cdndice de Fraude. Si \u00e9ste es igual o superior al 100%, Easypromos considera que es una participaci\u00f3n no v\u00e1lida.","What is the Fraud Index, how is it calculated and how can you use it?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es el \u00cdndice de Fraude, c\u00f3mo se calcula y c\u00f3mo lo puedes usar?","The Fraud Index is enabled for your account.":"El \u00cdndice de Fraude est\u00e1 habilitado para tu cuenta.","You'll be able to see the alerts of votes and the Fraud Index for each participant in the %s.":"Podr\u00e1s ver las alertas de votos y el \u00cdndice de Fraude de cada participante en el %s.","list of participants of your contest":"listado de participantes del concurso","The Fraud Index is not enabled for your account.":"El \u00cdndice de Fraude no est\u00e1 habilitado para tu cuenta.","Accept the particular Terms and Conditions that regulate the Easypromos Fraud Index to enable it for your account and you'll be able to check the alerts registered for each participant and get the Fraud Index.":"Acepta los T\u00e9rminos y Condiciones particulares que regulan el \u00cdndice de Fraude de Easypromos para habilitarlo y podr\u00e1s acceder a las alertas registradas para cada participante y consultar su \u00cdndice de Fraude.","I've read and accept the %s.":"He le\u00eddo y acepto los %s.","Terms and Conditions of the Easypromos Fraud Index":"T\u00e9rminos y Condiciones del \u00cdndice de Fraude de Easypromos","Bosnian":"Bosnio","Slovakian":"Eslovaco","For each participant in a voting contest Easypromos issues a validity report with the participant's Fraud Index. This report is generated automatically at the end of the voting period and has a validity of 90 days.":"Easypromos genera para cada participante de un concurso de votos un reporte de validez con el valor de su \u00cdndice de Fraude en el concurso. El reporte se genera de forma autom\u00e1tica al finalizar el periodo de votos, y tiene una validez de 90 d\u00edas.","Easypromos considers a participation valid if the participant's index value is less than 100%.":"Easypromos considera una participaci\u00f3n v\u00e1lida si el valor del \u00cdndice de Fraude es inferior al 100%.","Validity Report":"Reporte de validez","Send this link to the participant if you need to demonstrate the value of its Fraud Index. This link is available until %s.":"Env\u00eda este enlace al participante si necesitas demostrar el valor de su \u00cdndice de Fraude. Este enlace est\u00e1 disponible hasta el %s.","Contest":"Concurso","Valid":"V\u00e1lido","Not valid":"No v\u00e1lido","What is the Fraud Index?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es el \u00cdndice de Fraude de Easypromos?","You will be automatically redirected to the promotion profile once finished.":"Ser\u00e1s redirigido autom\u00e1ticamente a la p\u00e1gina de gesti\u00f3n una vez finalizado el proceso.","these guidelines":"esta gu\u00eda","Please, keep this window opened.":"Por favor, no cierres la ventana.","Num. of votes":"N\u00fam. de votos","The promotion is being copied to your account as a draft":"La promoci\u00f3n se est\u00e1 copiando en tu cuenta como borrador","Hashtags must be unique and representative for this campaign and must contain the name of your brand or the name of one of your products. The Easypromos team will review the hashtags set up by the administrator and can disable the hashtags if they don't meet the requirements described in %s.":"Los hashtags deben ser \u00fanicos y representativos para esta campa\u00f1a y deben contener el nombre de tu marca o el nombre de alguno de tus productos. El equipo de Easypromos revisar\u00e1 los hashtags configurados por el administrador y los podr\u00e1 deshabilitar si no cumplen %s.","We have not detected any Facebook page managed from this Facebook profile, so the sweepstakes set up can't continue.":"No se ha detectado ninguna p\u00e1gina de Facebook administrada desde este perfil de Facebook, por lo que no es posible continuar con la configuraci\u00f3n del sorteo.","This type of sweepstakes is only available for posts published on %s, not personal profiles.":"Este tipo de sorteo est\u00e1 disponible solamente para publicaciones publicadas en %s, no est\u00e1 disponible para perfiles personales.","deprecated":"obsoleto","back-end":"panel administrador","Missing: Public labels only":"Pendientes: Textos p\u00fablicos s\u00f3lamente","Translated: Public labels only":"Traducidos: Textos p\u00fablicos s\u00f3lamente","admin":"administrador","Missing: Not admin":"Pendientes: No administrador","front-end":"parte p\u00fablica","Missing: All":"Pendientes: Todos","Translated: All":"Traducidos: Todos","Translated: Not admin":"Traducidos: No administrador","System texts":"Textos de sistema","Translated":"Traducido","undefined":"desconocido","updated":"actualizado","Invalid Msgid":"Msgid incorrecto","Invalid id for Msgid":"El ID del Msgid no es incorrecto","Msgid deleted":"Msgid eliminado","The Msgid could not be saved.":"El Msgid no se ha podido guardar.","The Msgid has been saved":"El Msgid se ha guardado correctamente","Import translations file":"Importar archivo de traducciones","Import new labels":"Importar nuevos textos","Import Locales":"Importar traducciones","Import Labels":"Importar textos","imported":"importado","Imported translations":"Traducciones importadas","Imported labels":"Textos importados","The locales could not be imported.":"Los textos no se han podido importar.","The translations could not be imported.":"Las traducciones no se han podido importar.","Upload and import":"Subir e importar","Wrongly imported labels":"Textos importados incorrectamente","Blocked":"Bloqueado","Edit label":"Editar texto","Edit language":"Editar idioma","Go to list of labels":"Ir al listado de textos","inserted":"insertado","The labels were correctly inserted into the database.":"Los textos se han insertado correctamente en la base de datos.","The translations were correctly inserted into the database.":"Las traducciones se han insertado correctamente en la base de datos.","The language has been correctly added.":"El idioma se ha a\u00f1adido correctamente.","The language has been saved":"El idioma se ha guardado correctamente","templates":"plantillas","sweeps template":"plantilla de sorteo","Translator":"Traductor","Correctly %s labels":"Textos %s correctamente","Correctly %s translations":"Traducciones %s correctamente","All fields are required.":"Todos los campos son obligatorios.","CSV file":"Archivo CSV","Invalid Lang":"Idioma incorrecto","Language code":"C\u00f3digo de idioma","Language deleted":"Idioma eliminado","Language name":"Nombre del idioma","Invalid id for Language":"El ID de idioma no es correcto","New Language":"A\u00f1adir idioma","Label type":"Tipo de texto","Add label":"A\u00f1adir texto","This post has already been used for a sweepstakes":"Ya se realiz\u00f3 un sorteo para este post","%s already picked a winner from this %s post on %s.":"%s ya realiz\u00f3 un sorteo de %s de este post en %s.","A Certificate of Validity for this post already exists and can not be deleted. If you continue and you pick new winners, %s.":"Ya existe un certificado de validez de un sorteo para este post y no se puede eliminar. Si contin\u00faas y realizas un nuevo sorteo, %s.","all certificates of this post will be public and will be bound like this":"todos los certificados de este post ser\u00e1n p\u00fablicos y quedar\u00e1n vinculados as\u00ed","Applications included within your Basic plan":"Aplicaciones incluidas en tu suscripci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica","Any text file":"Cualquier archivo de texto","Any picture file":"Cualquier archivo de imagen","Easypromos templates":"Plantillas de Easypromos","Edit the post":"Editar la publicaci\u00f3n","Email sent to":"Email enviado a","I accept the %s of Easypromos":"Acepto las %s de Easypromos","I already have an Easypromos account":"Ya tengo una cuenta creada en Easypromos","Document type":"Tipo de documento","Connect to Facebook":"Conectar con Facebook","Maximum file size":"Tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo de archivo","Publish individual answers of the quiz":"Publicar las respuestas individuales del cuestionario","Tutorials":"Tutoriales","Twitter accounts":"Cuentas de Twitter","PDF only":"S\u00f3lo PDF","By checking this option, individual answers of each participant in the quiz will be published in the list of participants. A filter to order participants according to their score will also be added.":"Seleccionando esta opci\u00f3n, las respuestas individuales de cada participante del cuestionario se publicar\u00e1 en el listado de participantes. Tambi\u00e9n se a\u00f1adir\u00e1 un filtro para ordenar los participantes seg\u00fan su puntuaci\u00f3n.","Check your inbox please":"Por favor, comprueba tu email","Date publishing":"Fecha de publicaci\u00f3n","Quiz score":"Puntuaci\u00f3n","Invalid format file. Only %s files are accepted.":"Formato de archivo inv\u00e1lido. S\u00f3lo se aceptan archivos en formato %s.","Clean database from old labels":"Limpiar la base de datos de textos antiguos","Content organization update":"Cambios en la organizaci\u00f3n de contenidos","Search by title or ID of the promotion or giveaways":"Busca por t\u00edtulo o ID de promoci\u00f3n o sorteo","The administration panel has been updated to better organize your campaigns.":"Hemos actualizado el panel de administraci\u00f3n para organizar mejor tus campa\u00f1as.","All your sweepstakes and applications now show up grouped under %s list.":"Ahora todos tus Sorteos y Aplicaciones aparecen unificadas en el listado %s.","Use the new filters to search by type of promotion.":"Utiliza los nuevos filtros para buscar por tipo de promoci\u00f3n.","Your %s have been moved to the new top right %s menu.":"Los %s los encontrar\u00e1s en el nuevo men\u00fa de %s.","Select the Facebook page where you want to publish the sweepstakes":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina en la que se publicar\u00e1 el sorteo","Continue to the last step":"Continuar al \u00faltimo paso","Selection":"Selecci\u00f3n","The post will be published in %s minutes.":"El post se publicar\u00e1 en %s minutos.","You will be able to cancel it from your Facebook account.":"Podr\u00e1s cancelarlo en tu cuenta de Facebook.","You can also create a single Premium application":"Tambi\u00e9n puedes crear una aplicaci\u00f3n Premium","Click on the product to start creating it right now":"Haz clic en la aplicaci\u00f3n y empieza a crearla ahora","Error adding element":"Error al a\u00f1adir elemento","In order to know what Facebook pages you manage, you must accept the permissions.":"Para conocer las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook que administras, debes aceptar los permisos.","Is this what you've been looking for?":"\u00bfEs lo que estabas buscando?","Minimum number of followers":"N\u00famero m\u00ednimo de followers","Quick Start":"Inicio r\u00e1pido","Review the post on Facebook":"Revisa la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook","Select an option":"Selecciona una opci\u00f3n","Select the Facebook page and submit":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina de Facebook para publicar","Step 1":"Paso 1","Utilities":"Utilidades","We have sent an email with the instructions to":"Hemos enviado un email con las instrucciones a","You can also create a different product":"Tambi\u00e9n puedes crear un producto diferente","Your post could NOT be sent to Facebook":"Tu post NO se ha podido enviar a Facebook","Your post has been sent to Facebook successfully":"El post del sorteo se ha enviado correctamente a Facebook","This field can't be public":"Este campo no puede ser p\u00fablico","Your first sweepstakes is free!":"\u00a1Tu primer sorteo es gratis!","Promotion groups":"Grupos de Promociones","Promotion type":"Tipo de promoci\u00f3n","You have tried to access with a Facebook profile that is not registered yet. Register here to sign up and start with Easypromos.":"Has intentado acceder con un perfil de Facebook que todav\u00eda no est\u00e1 registrado. Reg\u00edstrate desde aqu\u00ed para darte de alta y comenzar con Easypromos.","Charts":"Gr\u00e1ficos","Select the data to make a chart":"Selecciona los datos para hacer un gr\u00e1fico","Publish quiz answers on entries":"Publicar respuestas en el listado de participantes","Or %s.":"O %s.","Select another type of promotion":"Selecciona otro tipo de promoci\u00f3n","Congratulations! The post for your sweepstakes has been successfully sent to Facebook. This is your link to your sweepstakes in your control panel: %s":"\u00a1Felicidades! El post de tu sorteo se ha enviado correctamente a Facebook. \u00c9ste es el enlace a tu sorteo en tu panel de control: %s","What are the next steps?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les son los siguientes pasos?","You can re-schedule, edit or cancel your sweepstakes post before the publishing date. You can do this under the %s section of your Facebook account, like any other scheduled Facebook post.":"Puedes re-programar, editar o cancelar tu sorteo antes de la fecha de publicaci\u00f3n. Esto se realiza des de el men\u00fa %s de tu cuenta de Facebook, como cualquier otra publicaci\u00f3n de Facebook.","Once your sweepstakes is published, monitor its progress.":"Una vez tu sorteo se ha publicado, sigue atentamente su desarrollo.","Once the entry time is over, just go to your %s to pick the winner(s). You will find your sweepstakes under %s list and from there just follow the instructions. You'll be able to exclude users, choose the number of winners and alternates, and you'll also find the tools to notify the winners and customize the results page.":"Una vez la participaci\u00f3n se ha cerrado, entra en tu %s para sacar el ganador(es). Encontrar\u00e1s tu sorteo en el listado de %s y a partir de ah\u00ed sigue las instrucciones. Podr\u00e1s excluir participantes, decidir el n\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes, notificar a los ganadores y personalizar la p\u00e1gina de resultados.","Publishing Tools":"Herramientas de publicaci\u00f3n","Do you need help?":"\u00bfNecesitas ayuda?","Take a look at our %s (video included) on how to create a sweepstakes.":"Echa un vistazo a nuestro %s (con video incluido) sobre c\u00f3mo crear un sorteo.","step-by-step tutorial":"tutorial paso a paso","Check out our %s, with step-by-step tutorials, frequently-asked technical questions, and designer guides.":"Consulta nuestro %s, con tutoriales paso a paso, preguntas frecuentes y gu\u00edas de dise\u00f1o.","Reach out our 24x7 support team via %s. Please, provide them your Sweepstakes ID. Your Sweepstakes ID is: #%s.":"Contacta con nuestro equipo de soporte 24x7 via %s. Por favor, proporci\u00f3nales tu ID de Sorteo. Tu ID de Sorteo es: #%s.","Thanks for creating your first sweepstakes and welcome to Easypromos.":"Gracias por crear tu primer sorteo y bienvenido a Easypromos.","The tweet is too old":"El tweet es demasiado antiguo","Insert the link of the promoted %s":"Introduce el enlace de la %s promocionada","Tweet with no RT":"Tweet sin RT","No authorized user":"Usuario no autorizado","URL not valid":"URL incorrecta","***Name":"***Nombre","To continue, please connect your Instagram account and authorize Easypromos App to import new public content from Instagram which contains your hashtag.":"Para continuar, por favor conecta tu cuenta de Instagram y autoriza la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos a importar nuevos contenidos p\u00fablicos de Instagram que contienen tu hashtag.","%s participation":"%s participaci\u00f3n","%s participations":"%s participaciones","The Instagram integration is not configured properly in the promotion. Please, go to the %s section and reconnect Instagram.":"La integraci\u00f3n de Instagram no se ha configurado correctamente en la promoci\u00f3n. Por favor, ve a la secci\u00f3n %s y reconecta Instagram.","Delete user data":"Eliminar datos de usuarios","It is necessary that you reauthorize your Instagram account to continue importing content with your hashtag.":"Es necesario que reautorices tu cuenta de Instagram para seguir importando contenidos con tu hashtag.","You can reauthorize your account from %s.":"Puedes reautorizar tu cuenta desde %s.","You need to reauthorize your Instagram account.":"Tienes que reautorizar tu cuenta de Instagram.","Any change you apply here will only be visible in the Preview area of the promotion, not in Editor mode.":"Cualquier cambio realizado en esta secci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo ser\u00e1 visible en la secci\u00f3n Previsualizaci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n, no en modo Editor.","Open a new tab with the Preview to check how your changes look like":"Abrir una nueva pesta\u00f1a con la Previsualizaci\u00f3n para ver c\u00f3mo quedan los cambios","Custom code display":"Visualizaci\u00f3n de c\u00f3digo propio","Restore default application":"Restaurar aplicaci\u00f3n por defecto","more than 2 months":"m\u00e1s de 2 meses","agency":"agencia","more than one promotion per month":"m\u00e1s de una promoci\u00f3n al mes","Recommended if you want to run %s, if you're an %s and want to use Easypromos for %s or if your campaign includes more than one promotion.":"Recomendado si realizas %s, si eres una %s y quieres usar Easypromos para %s o si tu campa\u00f1a integra m\u00e1s de una promoci\u00f3n.","Buy a plan":"Contratar un plan","unlimited number of promotions":"promociones ilimitadas","Buy a plan plan to create %s, with a fixed monthly or anual fee.":"Contrata un plan de suscripci\u00f3n para poder crear %s, con un pago mensual o anual fijo.","B. With a plan":"B. Con un plan","less than 2 months":"menos de dos meses","only one promotion":"una \u00fanica promoci\u00f3n","Recommended if you want to run %s and you are not planning on activating more promotions during the same period.":"Recomendado si realizas %s y no tienes pensadas otras campa\u00f1as durante el mismo periodo.","Create an individual promotion":"Crear una promoci\u00f3n individual","one time payment":"\u00fanico pago","Buy an individual promotion and make a %s which will be processed when the promotion is activated.":"Contrata una promoci\u00f3n individual y realiza un %s, que se requerir\u00e1 una vez creada la promoci\u00f3n, en el momento de activarla.","A. Individual promotion":"A. Por promoci\u00f3n individual","In process":"En proceso","Your request has been queued. The task can take some minutes.":"Tu petici\u00f3n se ha enviado a la cola. La tarea puede durar unos minutos.","When the job is complete, you will receive an email with a link to download the information requested to the following address":"Cuando la tarea se complete, recibir\u00e1s un email con un enlace para descargar la informaci\u00f3n que has solicitado a la siguiente direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico","Note: please, check your spam folder if you don't receive the email in the next 10 minutes.":"Nota: Por favor revisa tu carpeta de spam si no recibes el correo en los pr\u00f3ximos 10 minutos.","Please, try again in a few minutes and if the problem persists, %s.":"Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo en unos minutos y si el problema persiste, %s.","List of users who redeemed their codes using the Code Validator tool.":"Lista de usuarios que han validado el c\u00f3digo a trav\u00e9s del Portal de Validaci\u00f3n.","Redeemed codes":"C\u00f3digos validados","Code redeemed on":"C\u00f3digo validado el","ZIP file only includes pictures uploaded directly to Easypromos. Photos displayed from Twitter or Instagram are not stored in Easypromos therefore they won't included in the ZIP file.":"Solamente se incluyen en el fichero ZIP las fotos subidas directamente a Easypromos. Las fotos de Twitter o Instagram no est\u00e1n alojadas en Easypromos, por lo tanto no se incluir\u00e1n en el fichero ZIP.","Do you still want to continue?":"\u00bfTodav\u00eda quieres continuar?","Unsubscribed on %s":"Dado de baja el %s","Users who unsubscribed in this promotion":"Usuarios que se han dado de baja en esta promoci\u00f3n","No users unsubscribed in this promotion":"Ning\u00fan usuario se ha dado de baja para esta promoci\u00f3n","files":"archivos","accounts":"cuentas","banner":"banner","Banners":"Banners","Build a promotion like this one":"Haz una promoci\u00f3n como esta","Confirmation email":"E-mail de confirmaci\u00f3n","Default settings restored":"Configuraci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica restaurada","Download Excel":"Descargar Excel","Excel file":"fichero de Excel","Find account by id":"Encontrar cuenta por ID","Manage your sweepstakes":"Gestiona tus sorteos","Promotions for %s":"Promociones para %s","Recommended for you":"Recomendado para ti","Redemption date":"Fecha de validaci\u00f3n","Scheduled post":"Post programada","Select a %s by url":"Selecciona %s por url","Subscribe":"Dar de alta","subscribed":"dado de alta","sweep templates":"plantillas de sorteo","Tagged promotions":"Promociones etiquetadas","This field can't be public.":"Este campo no puede ser p\u00fablico.","Unsubscribe":"Dar de baja","unsubscribed":"dado de baja","Upload the main image of the sweep template":"Subir la imagen principal de la plantilla de sorteo","Will open in new window":"Se abrir\u00e1 en una nueva ventana","ZIP file":"fichero ZIP","The %s with the %s for the promotion #%s: %s is ready! Click on the button below to download it.":"\u00a1El %s con los %s para la promoci\u00f3n #%s: %s est\u00e1 listo! Haz click en el bot\u00f3n para descargarlo.","Select reactions that you want to send to the draw. If you don't select any, all reactions will be sent":"Selecciona las reacciones que quieres enviar al sorteo. Si no seleccionas ninguna, todas las reacciones entran al sorteo","Unlimited use of all the basic applications and Facebook and Twitter sweepstakes for all the brands you manage.":"Utiliza de forma ilimitada todas las aplicaciones b\u00e1sicas y sorteos en Facebook y Twitter para todas las marcas que gestiones.","Ideal for Freelances managing several accounts and creating fast and recurring sweepstakes.":"Ideal para Freelances que gestionen varias cuentas y realicen sorteos r\u00e1pidos y peri\u00f3dicos.","It includes: Facebook Sweepstakes, Twitter Sweepstakes, Sweepstakes with Registration, Photo Contests, Writing-based Contests and Coupons.":"Incluye: sorteos en Facebook, sorteos en Twitter, sorteos con registro, concursos de fotos, concursos de textos y cupones.","Plan full features (PDF)":"Caracter\u00edsticas completas (PDF)","Unlimited use of all the products<\/strong> available on the platform: Sweepstakes, Applications and Promotion Groups.":"Utiliza de forma ilimitada todos los productos<\/strong> disponibles en la plataforma: Sorteos, aplicaciones y grupos de promociones.","Ideal for Agencies managing several brands and requiring advanced features.":"Ideal para Agencias que gestionen varias marcas y quieran disponer de funcionalidades avanzadas.","The most complete version of Easypromos.":"La versi\u00f3n de Easypromos m\u00e1s completa.","Recommended for large brands and high volume of users and traffic.":"Recomendada para grandes marcas y grandes vol\u00famenes de usuarios y tr\u00e1fico.","There is no reference to the Easypromos brand.":"No aparece ninguna referencia a la marca Easypromos.","It provides tools for complete customization of the promotion design.":"Dispone de herramientas para la personalizaci\u00f3n total del dise\u00f1o de la promoci\u00f3n.","View features":"Ver caracter\u00edsticas","Recommended for Easypromos first-time users":"Recomendada para usuarios que utilicen por primera vez Easypromos","If you are already familiar with Easypromos Basic and need some advanced features":"Si ya conoces la versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica, y necesitas funcionalidades m\u00e1s avanzada","Full access to all Easypromos features":"Acceso total a todas las funcionalidades de Easypromos","The language chosen here will be used to pre-populate some texts. The default language can be changed afterwards, but the pre-populated texts won't change unless you explicity do it from Editor.":"El idioma que elijas aqu\u00ed se usar\u00e1 para pre-completar algunos textos. El idioma por defecto puede cambiarse a posteriori, pero los textos pre-completados no cambiar\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente, y deber\u00e1s hacerlo expl\u00edcitamente des del Editor.","Delete this sweepstakes and start over":"Eliminar este sorteo y crear uno nuevo","Select a different post to this sweepstakes from my Facebook page":"Vincular otro post de mi p\u00e1gina de Facebook a este sorteo","If you deleted the post from your Facebook page, the sweepstakes can not be done.":"Si has eliminado el post en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook, no se puede realizar el sorteo.","Your post on Facebook has not been found":"No se ha encontrado tu post en la p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Show quiz score on entries":"Mostrar p\u00fablicamente los resultados del cuestionario","Quiz options":"Opciones del cuestionario","Show score":"Mostrar puntuaci\u00f3n","View answers":"Ver respuestas","Chinese (Traditional)":"Chino (Tradicional)","ANGRY":"Me enfada","SAD":"Me entristece","LOVE":"Me encanta","HAHA":"Me divierte","WOW":"Me asombra","LIKE":"Me gusta","Reactions detected":"Reacciones detectadas","Buzz":"Difusi\u00f3n","Use this link to promote your promotion anywhere":"Utiliza este enlace para compartir la promoci\u00f3n d\u00f3nde quieras","Thank you %s! Your entry is registered in the contest.":"\u00a1Gracias %s! Con esta participaci\u00f3n entras a formar parte del concurso.","Hi %s. Your entry has been received! Visit the entries gallery by clicking the link in the bio.":"Hola %s \u00a1Participaci\u00f3n recibida! Puedes consultar la galer\u00eda de participaciones pulsando en el link de la bio.","You're in the contest! Thank you for participating %s!":"\u00a1Ya est\u00e1s dentro del concurso! \u00a1Gracias por participar %s!","Thank you for participating in our competition! Visit the entries gallery by clicking the link in the bio.":"\u00a1Gracias por participar en nuestro concurso! Visita la galer\u00eda de participaciones pulsando en el link de la bio.","Build a custom URL to the promotion with parameters utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign to track the source of the entrants. Click on the help icon for more information.":"Crea una URL de promoci\u00f3n personalizada con par\u00e1metros utm_source, utm_medium y utm_campaign para medir el origen de los participantes. Haz clic en el icono de ayuda para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n.","Please, turn your device to landscape mode.":"Por favor, pon tu dispositivo en modo horizontal.","This content doesn't fit in portrait mode.":"Este contenido no cabe en modo vertical.","Filter by reaction":"Filtrar por reacci\u00f3n","Reactions":"Reacciones","Add autoreply message":"A\u00f1adir mensaje de auto-respuesta","Send reply":"Enviar respuesta","Choose the message":"Escoge el mensaje","Choose an option":"Escoge una opci\u00f3n","Message to be sent":"Mensaje a enviar","Not sent":"No enviado","Legal":"Legal","A company name must be entered.":"Debes introducir un nombre de empresa.","Sent":"Enviado","You must specify if you work for an agency or not.":"Debes especificar si trabajas o no para una agencia.","The size of your company must be selected.":"Debes seleccionar un tama\u00f1o de empresa.","How many people work in your company?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nta gente trabaja en tu empresa?","Interested in":"Interesado en","Last login":"\u00daltimo acceso","Last payment":"\u00daltimo pago","Toggle status":"Alternar estado","View details":"Ver detalles","Optional":"Opcional","Share button clicks":"Clics al bot\u00f3n compartir","Unlock":"Desbloquear","No, cancel":"No, cancelar","You will have to translate all the copies of the default language":"Deber\u00e1s traducir los textos del idioma principal de la promoci\u00f3n","Are you sure you want to add a new language?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres a\u00f1adir un nuevo idioma?","Ready! Go to my dashboard":"\u00a1Listo! Ir al panel de control","Abkhazia":"Abkhazia","Afghanistan":"Afganist\u00e1n","Albania":"Albania","Algeria":"Algeria","American Samoa":"Samoa Americana","Andorra":"Andorra","Angola":"Angola","Anguilla":"Anguila","Antigua and Barbuda":"Antigua y Barbuda","Argentina":"Argentina","Armenia":"Armenia","Aruba":"Aruba","Australia":"Australia","Austria":"Austria","Azerbaijan":"Azerbaiy\u00e1n","Bahrain":"Bahrein","Bangladesh":"Bangladesh","Barbados":"Barbados","Belarus":"Bielorrusia","Belgium":"B\u00e9lgica","Belize":"Belice","Benin":"Ben\u00edn","Bermuda":"Bermudas","Bhutan":"But\u00e1n","Bolivia":"Bolivia","Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba":"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius y Saba","Bosnia and Herzegovina":"Bosnia-Herzegovina","Botswana":"Botswana","Brazil":"Brasil","Virgin Islands - U.K.":"Islas V\u00edrgenes Brit\u00e1nicas","Brunei":"Brunei","Bulgaria":"Bulgaria","Burkina Faso":"Burkina Faso","Burundi":"Burundi","Cambodia":"Camboya","Cameroon":"Camer\u00fan","Canada":"Canad\u00e1","Cape Verde":"Cabo Verde","Cayman Islands":"Islas Caim\u00e1n","Central African Republic":"Rep\u00fablica Centroafricana","Chad":"Chad","Chile":"Chile","China":"China","Christmas Island":"Isla de Navidad","Cocos (Keeling) Islands":"Islas Cocos","Colombia":"Colombia","Comoros":"Comores","Cook Islands":"Islas Cook","Costa Rica":"Costa Rica","Croatia":"Croacia","Cuba":"Cuba","Cura\u00e7ao":"Cura\u00e7ao","Cyprus":"Chipre","Czech Republic":"Rep\u00fablica Checa","Democratic Republic of the Congo":"Rep\u00fablica Democr\u00e1tica del Congo","Denmark":"Dinamarca","Djibouti":"Yibuti","Dominica":"Dominica","Dominican Republic":"Rep\u00fablica Dominicana","East Timor":"Timor Oriental","Ecuador":"Ecuador","Egypt":"Egipto","El Salvador":"El Salvador","Equatorial Guinea":"Guinea Ecuatorial","Eritrea":"Eritrea","Estonia":"Estonia","Ethiopia":"Etiop\u00eda","Falkland Islands":"Islas Malvinas","Faroe Islands":"Islas Feroe","Federated States of Micronesia":"Estados Federados de Micronesia","Fiji":"Fiyi","Finland":"Finlandia","France":"Francia","French Guiana":"Guayana Francesa","French Polynesia":"Polinesia Francesa","Gabon":"Gab\u00f3n","Georgia":"Georgia","Germany":"Alemania","Ghana":"Ghana","Gibraltar":"Gibraltar","Greece":"Grecia","Greenland":"Groenlandia","Grenada":"Granada","Guadeloupe":"Guadalupe","Guam":"Guam","Guatemala":"Guatemala","Guernsey":"Guernsey","Guinea":"Rep\u00fablica Guinea","Guinea-Bissau":"Guinea Bissau","Guyana":"Guyana","Haiti":"Hait\u00ed","Honduras":"Honduras","Hong Kong":"Hong Kong","Hungary":"Hungr\u00eda","Iceland":"Islandia","India":"India","Indonesia":"Indonesia","Iran":"Ir\u00e1n","Iraq":"Iraq","Ireland":"Irlanda","Isle of Man":"Isla del Hombre","Israel":"Israel","Italy":"Italia","Ivory Coast":"Costa de \u00cdvori","Jamaica":"Jamaica","Japan":"Jap\u00f3n","Jersey":"Jersey","Jordan":"Jordania","Kazakhstan":"Kazajst\u00e1n","Kenya":"Kenia","Kiribati":"Kiribati","Kosovo":"Kosovo","Kuwait":"Kuwait","Kyrgyzstan":"Kirguist\u00e1n","Laos":"Laos","Latvia":"Letonia","Lebanon":"L\u00edbano","Lesotho":"Lesotho","Liberia":"Liberia","Libya":"Libia","Liechtenstein":"Liechtenstein","Lithuania":"Lituania","Luxemburg":"Luxemburgo","Macau":"Macao","Macedonia":"Macedonia","Madagascar":"Madagascar","Malawi":"Malawi","Malaysia":"Malasia","Maldives":"Maldivas","Mali":"Mali","Malta":"Malta","Marshall Islands":"Islas Marshall","Martinique":"Martinica","Mauritania":"Mauritania","Mauritius":"Mauricio","Mayotte":"Mayotte","Mexico":"M\u00e9xico","Moldova":"Moldavia","Monaco":"M\u00f3naco","Mongolia":"Mongolia","Montenegro":"Montenegro","Montserrat":"Montserrat","Morocco":"Marruecos","Mozambique":"Mozambique","Myanmar - Burma":"Birmania","Namibia":"Namibia","Nauru":"Nauru","Nepal":"Nepal","Netherlands":"Pa\u00edses Bajos - Holanda","New Caledonia":"Nueva Caledonia","New Zealand":"Nueva Zelanda","Nicaragua":"Nicaragua","Niger":"Niger","Nigeria":"Nigeria","Niue":"Niue","Norfolk Island":"Isla Norfolk","North Korea":"Korea del Norte","Northern Cyprus":"Chipre del Norte","Northern Mariana Islands":"Marianas del Norte","Norway":"Noruega","Oman":"Om\u00e1n","Pakistan":"Pakist\u00e1n","Palau":"Palau","Palestine":"Palestina","Panama":"Panam\u00e1","Papua New Guinea":"Pap\u00faa - Nueva Guinea","Paraguay":"Paraguay","Peru":"Per\u00fa","Philippines":"Filipinas","Pitcairn Islands":"Islas Pitcairn","Poland":"Polonia","Portugal":"Portugal","Puerto Rico":"Puerto Rico","Qatar":"Qatar","Republic of the Congo":"Rep\u00fablica del Congo","R\u00e9union":"Reuni\u00f3n","Romania":"Ruman\u00eda","Russia":"Rusia","Rwanda":"Ruanda","Saint Barth\u00e9lemy":"San Bartolom\u00e9","Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha":"Santa Elena, Ascensi\u00f3n y Trist\u00e1n de Cunha","Saint Kitts and Nevis":"San Cristobal y Nevis","Saint Pierre and Miquelon":"San Pedro y Miquel\u00f3n","Saint Vincent and the Grenadines":"San Vicente y Granadinas","Saint-Martin":"San Mart\u00edn","Samoa":"Samoa","San Marino":"San Marino","Sao Tome and Principe":"Santo Tom\u00e9 y Pr\u00edncipe","Saudi Arabia":"Arabia Saudita","Senegal":"Senegal","Serbia":"Serbia","Seychelles":"Seychelles","Sierra Leone":"Sierra Leona","Singapore":"Singapur","Sint Maarten":"Sint Maarten","Slovakia":"Eslovaquia","Slovenia":"Eslovenia","Solomon Islands":"Islas Salom\u00f3n","Somalia":"Somalia","South Africa":"Sud\u00e1frica","South Korea":"Corea del Sur","South Sudan":"Sud\u00e1n del Sur","Spain":"Espa\u00f1a","Sri Lanka":"Sri Lanka","Sudan":"Sud\u00e1n","Suriname":"Surinam","Swaziland":"Swazilandia","Sweden":"Suecia","Switzerland":"Suiza","Syria":"Siria","Taiwan":"Taiwan","Tajikistan":"Tadjikistan","Tanzania":"Tanzania","Thailand":"Tailandia","Bahamas":"Bahamas","Gambia":"Gambia","Togo":"Togo","Tokelau":"Tokelau","Tonga":"Tonga","Trinidad and Tobago":"Trinidad y Tobago","Tunisia":"T\u00fanez","Turkey":"Turqu\u00eda","Turkmenistan":"Turkmenist\u00e1n","Turks and Caicos Islands":"Islas Turcas y Caicos","Tuvalu":"Tuvalu","Uganda":"Uganda","Ukraine":"Ucraina","United Arab Emirates":"Emiratos \u00c1rabes Unidos","United Kingdom":"Reino Unido","United States":"Estados Unidos","Virgin Islands - U.S.":"Islas V\u00edrgenes Estadounidenses","Uruguay":"Uruguay","Uzbekistan":"Uzbekist\u00e1n","Vanuatu":"Vanuatu","Vatican City":"Ciudad del Vaticano","Venezuela":"Venezuela","Vietnam":"Vietnam","Wallis and Futuna":"Wallis y Futuna","Western Sahara":"S\u00e1hara Occidental","Yemen":"Yemen","Zambia":"Zambia","Zimbabwe":"Zimbabwe","Use this link to share your promotion anywhere":"Utiliza este enlace para compartirlo en cualquier sitio","fully compatible with mobile devices":"totalmente compatible con dispositivos m\u00f3viles","Do you want to give more visibility to your promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres dar m\u00e1s visibilidad a tu promoci\u00f3n?","Install a TAB on your Facebook page":"Instala una pesta\u00f1a en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Install the promotion as a Widget on your webpage":"Instala la promoci\u00f3n como un Widget en tu p\u00e1gina web","Publish the promotion on the Easypromos promotions' list":"Publica la promoci\u00f3n en el listado de promociones de Easypromos","Read the 14 steps to highlight your promotion":"Lee los 14 pasos para destacar tu promoci\u00f3n","Other options":"Otras opciones","Set up the behavior of the promotion link":"Configura el comportamiento del enlace de la promoci\u00f3n","Protect the promotion with a password":"Protege la promoci\u00f3n con una contrase\u00f1a","Create a links campaign to measure the traffic sources":"Crea una campa\u00f1a de enlaces para medir las fuentes de tr\u00e1fico","Use your own domain to publish the promotion":"Utiliza tu propio dominio para publicar la promoci\u00f3n","Promotion link behavior":"Comportamiento del enlace de la promoci\u00f3n","Set up how the promotion link will behave: which will be the first screen when accessing the link (welcome page, entries form, entries list or quiz), set up the destination of the promotion link or set up a redirection to an external URL.":"Configura c\u00f3mo se comportar\u00e1 el enlace de la promoci\u00f3n: cu\u00e1l ser\u00e1 la primera pantalla al acceder a trav\u00e9s del enlace (p\u00e1gina de inicio, formulario de registro, listado de entradas o cuestionario), configura el destino del enlace de la promoci\u00f3n o configura una redirecci\u00f3n a una URL externa.","A webhook is a method for an application to deliver real-time information to other applications. Utilize this integration with Easypromos to send user registration or participation information in your promotions, as well as details of prizes won by participants or transactions involving virtual coins.":"Un webhook es un m\u00e9todo para que una aplicaci\u00f3n env\u00ede informaci\u00f3n en tiempo real a otras aplicaciones. Utiliza esta integraci\u00f3n con Easypromos para enviar la informaci\u00f3n de registro o participaci\u00f3n de usuarios en tus promociones, as\u00ed como detalles sobre premios ganados por los participantes o transacciones con monedas virtuales.","This option is only available in %s version":"Esta opci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible en versi\u00f3n %s.","Please, fix the errors":"Por favor, corrige los errores","Link campaign":"Campa\u00f1a de enlaces","Tips":"Consejos","Link settings":"Opciones del enlace","Use the Easypromos integrations to amplify your promotions' features":"Utiliza las Integraciones de Easypromos para ampliar las funcionalidades de tu promoci\u00f3n","Enable participation via %s by defining the hashtag that will be used by participants.":"Habilita la participaci\u00f3n desde %s configurando el hashtag que los usuarios utilizar\u00e1n.","Connect your promotion to your Google Analytics account to obtain advanced statistics.":"Conecta tu promoci\u00f3n con tu cuenta de Google Analytics para obtener estad\u00edsticas avanzadas.","Automatically sync and import all entrants information to your Mailchimp lists.":"Sincroniza e importa autom\u00e1ticamente los datos de los participantes a tus listas de Mailchimp.","Export the entrants information with their registration data in JSON format and in real time.":"Exporta en formato JSON y en tiempo real la informaci\u00f3n de registro de los participantes.","Send the entrants information of your promotion to your own application in real time.":"Env\u00eda la informaci\u00f3n de los participantes de la promoci\u00f3n a tu propia aplicaci\u00f3n en tiempo real.","Check all the available Statistics of your promotion for a complete analysis of results":"Consulta todas las Estad\u00edsticas de tu promoci\u00f3n para un completo an\u00e1lisis de resultados","Main information about the promotion's activity: number of registrations and votes per day, device used, etc.":"Datos principales de la actividad de la promoci\u00f3n: n\u00famero de registros y votos por fecha, dispositivo utilizado, etc.","Data about the visits received in your promotion: pages views, unique visits and conversion rates.":"Datos sobre las visitas recibidas en la promoci\u00f3n: p\u00e1ginas vistas, visitas \u00fanicas y porcentajes de conversi\u00f3n.","URL or URLs of reference where entrants clicked in order to access the promotion.":"URL o URLs de referencia desde las que los participantes accedieron a la promoci\u00f3n.","Data about the origin of participants: social networks, referral sites, newsletter, UTMs tracking, widgets, etc.":"Datos sobre la procedencia de los participantes: redes sociales, sitios web de referencia, newsletter, UTM tracking, widgets, etc.","Number of times that the promotion has been shared, detail of the social networks used, shared content, etc.":"N\u00famero de veces que se ha compartido la promoci\u00f3n, a trav\u00e9s de qu\u00e9 redes sociales, contenido compartido, etc.","Percentages and absolute values about the clicks received in each social network displayed in %s.":"Porcentajes y valores absolutos de los clics recibidos en cada red social presentada en el m\u00f3dulo %s.","Only promotions created after %s can use this functionality.":"Esta funcionalidad s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible para promociones creadas despu\u00e9s del %s.","There is no quiz":"No hay ning\u00fan cuestionario","Instant Winners are not enabled":"El Momento Ganador no est\u00e1 habilitado","MyNetworks is not set up":"No se ha definido nada en Mis Redes","Campaign links builder":"Creador de campa\u00f1a de enlaces","Write a comment as a reply in the photo or video imported by the user in Instagram.":"Escribe un comentario de agradecimiento en la foto o el v\u00eddeo del usuario importado desde Instagram.","Review the rules and advices to compose the comment.":"Consulta las normas y recomendaciones para escribir el comentario.","Send a comment as a reply":"Enviar comentario de respuesta","Or write your tailored message":"O escribe tu mensaje personalizado","Send comment as":"Enviar comentario como","Contacted":"Contactado","Contact now":"Contacta ahora","Contact again":"Vuelve a contactar","Do you want to share your promotion link on your Social Networks?":"\u00bfQuieres compartir el enlace de la promoci\u00f3n en tus Redes Sociales?","The promotions are sorted by start date of the promotion (free service).":"Las promociones se ordenan por fecha de inicio de la promoci\u00f3n (servicio gratuito).","To be published in the %s will help you to have more visibility, but note that users who visit this list are users who like to participate in many competitions, and perhaps they are not your potential audience.":"Aparecer publicado en el %s te ayudar\u00e1 a tener m\u00e1s visibilidad, pero ten en cuenta que los usuarios que visitan este listado son usuarios que les gusta participar en muchos concursos, y quiz\u00e1s no es tu p\u00fablico potencial.","Do you want to be listed as featured promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres aparecer como promoci\u00f3n destacada en el listado?","For %s you can create a campaign to appear on top of the list as featured promotion.":"Por %s puedes crear una campa\u00f1a para aparecer arriba del listado como promoci\u00f3n destacada.","Do you want to appear as a featured promotion for %s?":"\u00bfQuieres aparecer como promoci\u00f3n destacada por %s?","Yes, appear as a featured promotion":"S\u00ed, aparecer como promoci\u00f3n destacada","Appear in the %s":"Aparecer en el %s","Are you sure you want to appear in the %s?":"\u00bfSeguro que quieres aparece en el %s?","Attention: the users who visit the %s are users interested in joining as many contests and sweepstakes as possible.":"Atenci\u00f3n: los usuarios que visitan el %s son usuarios interesados en participar en cuantos concursos y sorteos sea posible.","Install a Tab with the promotion on your Facebook page":"Instala una pesta\u00f1a con la promoci\u00f3n en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Localization":"Localizaci\u00f3n","Main statistics":"Estad\u00edsticas generales","No, thanks":"No, gracias","Not enabled":"No habilitado","Please, enable the JavaScript on your browser.":"Por favor, habilita el JavaScript en tu navegador.","Promote in Easypromos":"Promocionar en Easypromos","Remove it":"Eliminar","sent emails":"e-mails enviados","Settings saved":"Configuraci\u00f3n guardada","Share the promotion link on":"Comparte el enlace de la promoci\u00f3n en","Share your promotion now":"Comparte la promoci\u00f3n ahora","The promotion appears in the %s":"La promoci\u00f3n aparece en el %s","View promotions list":"Ver listado de promociones","Want to gain visibility?":"\u00bfQuieres mejorar la visibilidad?","Webhook key":"Clave de Webhook","Webhook URL":"URL de Webhook","Yes, appear":"S\u00ed, aparecer","You have installed the promotion as a Tab in %s":"Has instalado la promoci\u00f3n en una pesta\u00f1a en %s","You have installed the promotion as a Tab in a Facebook page":"Has instalado la promoci\u00f3n en una pesta\u00f1a en una p\u00e1gina de Facebook","The promotion dates have already passed.":"Las fechas de la promoci\u00f3n ya han pasado.","The %s has passed. Please fix this before activating the promotion.":"La %s ya ha pasado. Por favor, corrige esto antes de activar la promoci\u00f3n.","Learn how to set up all the options in detail":"Aprende en detalle todas las opciones de configuraci\u00f3n","Hashtags included":"Hashtags a\u00f1adidos","Keywords included":"Palabras clave a\u00f1adidas","Add new hashtags":"A\u00f1adir nuevos hashtags","Add new keywords":"A\u00f1adir nuevas palabras clave","Keywords":"Palabras clave","Write the word or words that users will need to include on the tweet. The system will only import tweets that include at least 1 of the keywords defined. Leave the field empty if you don't need it.":"Escribe la palabra o palabras clave que los usuarios deber\u00e1n incluir en el tuit. El sistema solamente importar\u00e1 los tuits que incluyan al menos 1 de las palabras clave especificadas. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","Write the word or words that users will need to include on the Instagram post. The system will only import Instagram posts that include at least 1 of the keywords defined. Leave the field empty if you don't need it.":"Escribe la palabra o palabras clave que los usuarios deber\u00e1n incluir en el post de Instagram. El sistema solamente importar\u00e1 los posts que incluyan al menos 1 de las palabras clave especificadas. Deja el campo en blanco si no lo necesitas.","Write the hashtag or hashtags that you want to track. You can include a maximum of 3 hashtags. The system will search all the content published on Instagram which includes at least 1 of the hashtags defined.":"Escribe el hashtag o hashtags que quieres monitorizar. Puedes incluir un m\u00e1ximo de 3 hashtags. El sistema buscar\u00e1 todo el contenido publicado en Instagram que incluya al menos 1 de los hashatgs.","Write the hashtag or hashtags that you want to track. You can include a maximum of 3 hashtags. The system will search all the content published on Twitter which includes at least 1 of the hashtags defined.":"Escribe el hashtag o hashtags que quieres monitorizar. Puedes incluir un m\u00e1ximo de 3 hashtags. El sistema buscar\u00e1 todo el contenido publicado en Twitter que incluya al menos uno de los hashtags especificados.","File.csv":"CSV o fichero de texto delimitado por tabuladores","Copy\/paste from a file":"Copiar\/pegar de un fichero","Import from a CSV file":"Importar de un fichero CSV","Import entrants from a .csv file or .txt files. A tab-delimited file is a text file that's set up with a tab separating each column of text. After importing, you will be able to select which column we will use to identify entrants univocally.":"Importa los participantes del sorteo de un fichero .CSV o .TXT. Un fichero delimitado por tabuladores es un fichero de texto con informaci\u00f3n tabulada, en donde el texto de cada columna est\u00e1 separada por tabuladores. Despu\u00e9s de importar, podr\u00e1s seleccionar la columna que debemos utilizar para identificar usuarios de forma un\u00edvoca.","Copy and paste entrants from a .xls o xlsx files. You can paste a tab or comma delimited list. After importing, you will be able to select which column we will use to identify entrants univocally.":"Copia y pega los participantes del sorteo de un fichero .xls o .xlsx. Puedes pegar un listado tabulado, separado por coma o tabulaciones. Despu\u00e9s de importar, podr\u00e1s seleccionar la columna que debemos utilizar para identificar usuarios de forma un\u00edvoca.","Paste file":"Pegar fichero","Imported file has headers":"El fichero importado tiene cabeceras","Columns are delimited by":"Las columnas est\u00e1n separadas por","Preview of the imported data":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n de la informaci\u00f3n importada","Display field":"Campo de visualizaci\u00f3n","Main field":"Campo principal","This field identifies an entrant univocally":"Este campo identifica un participante un\u00edvocamente","We'll use this field to show an entran":"Utilizaremos este campo para mostrar un participante","Import settings":"Opciones de importaci\u00f3n","Column #%s":"Columna #%s","Security password":"Contrase\u00f1a de seguridad","Enable a password to access the Validation Portal. The password will only be asked the first time. This measure provides greater security at the store, as it prevents unauthorized access of users who came to know the URL of the Validation Portal. We recommend you to activate this option in case of codifying the codes in QR format.":"Habilita una contrase\u00f1a para acceder al Portal de Validaci\u00f3n. Solamente se pedir\u00e1 la primera vez que se acceda. Esta medida proporciona mayor seguridad en el punto de venta, ya que previene accesos no autorizados de usuarios que llegaran a descubrir la URL del Portal de Validaci\u00f3n. Te recomendamos que actives esta opci\u00f3n en caso de habilitar la codificaci\u00f3n de c\u00f3digos con QR.","This information is updated every 6 h":"Esta informaci\u00f3n se actualiza cada 6 h","Tabulation":"Tabulaci\u00f3n","Semi-colon":"Punto y coma","Comma":"Coma","Accepted formats":"Formatos aceptados","Channel":"Canal","Basic promotions":"Promociones B\u00e1sicas","Premium promotions":"Promociones Premium","White Label promotions":"Promociones Marca Blanca","HTTPS protocol":"Protocolo HTTPS","Import":"Importar","Hi":"Hola","Pick-A-Winner App":"Sorteo de un listado","%s invited you to be a collaborator for the sweep #%s.":"%s te ha invitado a ser un colaborador del sorteo con id #%s.","We have sent you an email to confirm the prize.":"\u00a1Te hemos enviado un email para confirmar el premio!","Agency name":"Nombre de la agencia","Do not allow users from my blacklist to register":"Denegar el registro a usuarios de mi lista negra","Type a title for your Sweepstakes":"Escribe un t\u00edtulo para tu sorteo","This title will serve you and your users to identify the draw":"Este t\u00edtulo te servir\u00e1 a ti y a tus usuarios para identificar el sorteo","Giveaway of an awesome prize":"Sorteo de un premio maravilloso","If we detect same records":"Si detectamos registros iguales","Give only 1 participation":"Dar 1 sola participaci\u00f3n","Frequency of participation from the same IP":"Frecuencia de participaci\u00f3n desde la misma IP","We recommend that you select a column with email as a main field, in this way you can activate the winners notification system and the system 'claim your prize'.":"Te recomendamos que selecciones una columna con email como campo principal, ya que as\u00ed podr\u00e1s activar el sistema de notificaci\u00f3n a los ganadores y el sistema 'reclama tu premio'.","Congratulations, you are the winner of the giveaway!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena, eres el ganador del sorteo!","You have been the winner of the giveaway":"Has sido el ganador del sorteo.","To verify your email and claim your prize please click on the following link":"Para verificar tu correo electr\u00f3nico y reclamar tu premio por favor haz clic en el siguiente enlace","Download to Excel file":"Descargar en fichero Excel","Write the email that will be sent to the winners.":"Escribe el email que se enviar\u00e1 a los ganadores.","You were already added as a collaborator for this %s.":"Ya fuiste a\u00f1adido como colaborador para este %s.","You need extra verification to continue":"Necesitas verificaci\u00f3n extra para poder continuar","Wrong file extension":"Extensi\u00f3n de fichero no v\u00e1lida","What to do":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres hacer?","This field will be used to show the winner in the results page and certificate of validity":"Este campo es el que se utilizar\u00e1 para mostrar el ganador en la p\u00e1gina de resultados y en el certificado de validez","Verify your email to claim your prize":"Verifica tu email para reclamar tu premio","Verify my identity":"Verificar mi identidad","To confirm this and start editing the sweep, please follow this link":"Para aceptar la invitaci\u00f3n de colaborador y empezar a gestionar el sorteo, por favor haz clic en el siguiente enlace","The widget is limited to websites with up to 10,000 visitors a day. For websites with more daily visits please contact with us before.":"Los widgets est\u00e1n limitados a sitios web con un m\u00e1ximo de 10.000 visitas el d\u00eda. Para sitios web con m\u00e1s visitas diarias por favor ponte antes en contacto con nosotros.","The message was not delivered":"El mensaje no se pudo entregar","The app has been updated":"La aplicaci\u00f3n ha sido actualizada","The account was added as collaborator. An e-mail has been sent to this account, and once it gets confirmed, the user will be able to access this sweep.":"Se ha a\u00f1adido la cuenta como colaboradora. Hemos enviado un email al colaborador para que confirme la solicitud. Una vez confirmada, ya podr\u00e1 acceder a gestionar este sorteo.","Show winners":"Mostrar la p\u00e1gina de ganadores","Show promotion":"Mostrar la promoci\u00f3n","Show gallery":"Mostrar la galer\u00eda","Show expired page":"Mostrar p\u00e1gina de promoci\u00f3n expirada","Action required! Confirm your account as a collaborator for the %s #%s":"Debes confirmar este email para ser colaborador de la %s #%s","All content from Instagram with a specific hashtag will be imported automatically as a new entry in the promotion.":"Todo el contenido de Instagram con el hashtag se importar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente como un nuevo participante en la promoci\u00f3n.","All tweets with a specific hashtag will be imported automatically as a new entry in the promotion.":"Todos los tweets con el hashtag se importar\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente como nuevos participantes en la promoci\u00f3n.","Complete your profile and build your first contest":"Completa tu perfil y empieza a crear tu primera promoci\u00f3n","Data file":"Fichero","Do you work for a %s?":"\u00bfTrabajas para una %s?","End date passed":"La fecha de fin de publicaci\u00f3n ha pasado","Error sending email":"Error enviando el email","Error sending emails":"Error enviando los emails","Error unformatted file":"Error, formato del fichero incorrecto","File\/Data information":"Informaci\u00f3n del fichero","Form claim prize URL":"URL del formulario para reclamar el premio","List or File":"Lista o Fichero","Not notified":"Sin notificar","Notified":"Notificado","Now you are a collaborator for the %s.":"Ahora eres un colaborador para el %s.","Participants":"Participantes","Please contact us to claim your prize":"Por favor contacta con nosotros para Reclamar tu premio","Please, enable the Cookies on your browser.":"Por favor habilita las Cookies de tu navegador.","Redirect to URL":"Redirigir a una URL","Select the first page to be loaded in the widget.":"Selecciona la primera p\u00e1gina que quieres mostrar para el widget.","Select the Start and End date of your campaign and click on the %s button to activate it.":"Selecciona una fecha de inicio y fin para tu campa\u00f1a y haz clic en el bot\u00f3n %s para activarla.","Select how you want to import the entrants (step 2)":"Primero, selecciona como quieres importar los participantes (paso 2)","Insert your email address and click on the button to claim your prize":"Introduce tu direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico y haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para reclamar tu premio","Last contacted at":"\u00daltimo contacto en","This message is mandatory":"Este mensaje es obligatorio","Write the message the user will see when his access is denied. You must include your own reason, and you can't use the word Easypromos":"Escribe el mensaje que el usuario ver\u00e1 cuando su acceso es denegado. Debes incluir tu propio motivo, y no puedes utilizar la palabra Easypromos","How many people work in your agency?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nta gente trabaja en tu agencia?","You must provide a last name.":"Debes introducir un apellido.","You must provide a first name.":"Debes introducir un nombre.","Give 1 extra participation for each record":"Dar 1 participaci\u00f3n adicional por cada fila","Enter the password to access the validator":"Introduce la contrase\u00f1a para acceder al validador","Check Prize":"Comprobar premio","Access the control panel of the %s from %s.":"Acceder al panel de control de %s desde %s.","Visualization field":"Campo de visualizaci\u00f3n","Check if you want secure connection protocol. Check this only if really needed, as it will last longer time to load the page.":"Marca si quieres protocolo de conexi\u00f3n segura. Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n \u00fanicamente si lo necesitas, pues puede tardar un poco m\u00e1s en cargar la p\u00e1gina,","Add a title for the sweepstakes (step 1)":"A\u00f1adir un t\u00edtulo para el sorteo (paso 1)","Pick a winner from among users imported from an Excel, CSV or text document.":"Organiza un sorteo utilizando un listado de usuarios importados desde cualquier fichero Excel, CSV o de texto.","***High":"***Alta","***Medium":"***Media","***Low":"***Baja","Not recommended for most cases":"No recomendado para la mayor\u00eda de casos","Please, check your inbox.":"Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada.","Create an account":"Crear una cuenta","Still without an Easypromos account?":"\u00bfA\u00fan sin una cuenta de Easypromos?","Go to log-in":"Acceder","No, I just remembered!":"\u00a1No, justo la acabo de recordar!","Select the date when you plan to close the period of participation to pick the winners. We will send you a notification to your email as a reminder the day before with instructions of how to select the winners. It is an estimated date, which means that you can keep the promotion open for as long as you want and pick the winners when you wish.":"Selecciona la fecha en la que tienes previsto cerrar el periodo de participaci\u00f3n para hacer el sorteo y seleccionar los ganadores. Te enviaremos una notificaci\u00f3n en tu e-mail un d\u00eda antes a modo recordatorio con las instrucciones para hacer el sorteo. Es una fecha orientativa, lo que significa que podr\u00e1s mantener el sorteo abierto el tiempo que quieras y seleccionar los ganadores cuando desees.","Skip this step":"Saltar este paso","Congratulations! You've just created the draft!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena! \u00a1El borrador se ha creado!","You're closer to have your promotion ready.":"Ya est\u00e1s m\u00e1s cerca de tener tu promoci\u00f3n lista.","Now you can define some details so we can help you with the basic settings. You will be able to edit them later.":"A continuaci\u00f3n puedes definir algunos detalles para que te ayudemos con las configuraciones b\u00e1sicas. Podr\u00e1s editarlos m\u00e1s adelante.","Click on %s button to access the control panel of your promotion to continue working with your draft.":"Haz click en el bot\u00f3n %s para acceder a la p\u00e1gina de gesti\u00f3n y continuar con la edici\u00f3n.","Start here":"Empieza aqu\u00ed","Connect with YouTube":"Conectar con YouTube","Subscribers":"Suscriptores","Subscribers sweepstakes":"Concurso de suscriptores","ZIP pictures":"ZIP de im\u00e1genes","Please, contact support to activate":"Por favor, contacta con soporte para activar","Your account has been connected successfully.":"Tu cuenta se ha conectado satisfactoriamente.","Connection status":"Estado de la conexi\u00f3n","Video(s) included in the sweepstakes":"V\u00eddeo(s) incluidos en el sorteo","Add videos to the sweepstakes":"A\u00f1adir v\u00eddeos al sorteo","Accept and close":"Aceptar y cerrar","Dislikes":"No me gustan","No pages to load":"No hay p\u00e1ginas","Your Google account could not be connected.":"Tu cuenta de Google no se ha podido conectar.","Your Google account has been connected successfully.":"Tu cuenta de Google se ha conectado correctamente.","Most voted first":"M\u00e1s votados primero","Some countries (to be selected later)":"Algunos pa\u00edses (a seleccionar luego)","Video of the sweep":"V\u00eddeo del sorteo","Select one or more videos":"Selecciona uno o m\u00e1s v\u00eddeos","Add a private comment on this entry.":"A\u00f1adir un mensaje privado a esta entrada.","Only for %s":"S\u00f3lo para %s","YouTube Blacklist":"Lista negra de YouTube","The sweepstakes can not be carried out since this YouTube profile exceeds maximum number of followers permitted (%s followers maximum)":"El sorteo no se ha podido realizar debido a que este perfil de YouTube supera el n\u00famero de seguidores permitidos (%s seguidores m\u00e1ximo)","Legal content":"Textos legales","Only the administrators of the promotion can see it.":"S\u00f3lo los administradores de la promoci\u00f3n pueden verlo.","Download to CSV\/Excel file":"Descargar en fichero CSV\/Excel","Privacy policy layer":"Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad","Hashtags are not case sensitive. All content that includes the hashtag will be imported.":"Se importar\u00e1 todos los contenidos que incluyan el hashtag sin distinguir may\u00fasculas y min\u00fasculas.","Private comment":"Mensaje privado","Marked":"Marcado","Edit the private comment on this entry.":"Editar el mensaje privado de esta entrada.","The organizer of the promotion is the owner of the collected user's information. Enter here the privacy policy and data protection, and inform the user of the usage you will with it. Users will have to accept this policy to enter the promotion. Leave this field empty if you do not want to specify any privacy policy.":"El organizador de la promoci\u00f3n es el propietario de los datos de los usuarios que se recogen. Introduce aqu\u00ed tu pol\u00edtica de privacidad y protecci\u00f3n de esos datos, e informa al usuario del uso que har\u00e1s de sus datos. Los usuarios deber\u00e1n aceptar esta pol\u00edtica para poder registrarse en la promoci\u00f3n. Deja este campo en blanco si no quieres especificar ninguna pol\u00edtica de privacidad.","***I have read and accept the %s.":"***He le\u00eddo y acepto la %s.","I have read and accept the %s.":"He le\u00eddo y acepto las %s.","

Subtitle: Write here a short sentence<\/strong> that highlights the best of your prize<\/strong>.<\/h3>\\n\\nFor the Title, use expressions that catch the attention, for example: \u00abEnter now to win this prize!<\/em>\u00bb.\\n\\nFor the rest of the Description, don't forget to outline the following points:\\n
  1. Describe clearly what users need to do to participate<\/strong> (register, answer a question, upload a picture, etc).<\/li>\\n
  2. Make clear the promotion deadline<\/strong>.<\/li>\\n
  3. Explain how you will pick the winner\/s<\/strong> (at random, by jury, by voting, etc).<\/li>\\n
  4. Use bold and italic characters, bullet lists, links or your own HTML<\/strong>. They will allow a better reading.<\/li>\\n<\/ol>\\nFinish the description with a final sentence<\/strong> to encourage users to enter. Action verbs will always be your best choice: \u00abDon't waste time and enter now!<\/em>\u00bb.":"

    Subt\u00edtulo: Escribe aqu\u00ed una frase corta<\/strong> que destaque lo mejor de tu premio<\/strong>.<\/h3>\\n\\nPara el T\u00edtulo, utiliza expresiones que llamen a la acci\u00f3n, como por ejemplo: \u00ab\u00a1Participa y gana este premio!<\/em>\u00bb.\\n\\nPara el resto de la Descripci\u00f3n, no olvides destacar los siguientes puntos:\\n
    1. Describe claramente qu\u00e9 deben hacer para participar<\/strong> (registrarse, responder una pregunta, subir una foto, etc).<\/li>\\n
    2. Deja clara la fecha l\u00edmite de participaci\u00f3n<\/strong>.<\/li>\\n
    3. Explica c\u00f3mo seleccionar\u00e1s el ganador\/es<\/strong> (por sorteo final, por votaci\u00f3n, a trav\u00e9s de un jurado, etc).<\/li>\\n
    4. Utiliza negritas, cursivas, listas, enlaces o tu propio HTML<\/strong>. Ayudar\u00e1n a una mejor lectura.<\/li>\\n<\/ol>\\nTermina la descripci\u00f3n con una frase final<\/strong> que les anime a participar. Los verbos de acci\u00f3n ser\u00e1n siempre tu mejor opci\u00f3n: \u00ab\u00a1No pierdas m\u00e1s tiempo y participa ya!<\/em><\/em>\u00bb.","Acceptance checkbox":"La casilla de aceptaci\u00f3n","Don't remove the '%s' character as it will be replaced with a link to open the %s in a popup":"No elimines el car\u00e1cter '%s', ya que se reemplazar\u00e1 por un enlace para abrir el texto de %s en un popup.","Why can't I make a sweepstakes among the users who shared my post or liked my page?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no puedo hacer un sorteo entre los usuarios que comparten un post o dan Me Gusta en mi p\u00e1gina?","To pick winners from a post on Facebook, you must be logged in as a user who is administrator of the Facebook page where you wish to run the Sweepstakes. Moreover we will request your authorization to Easypromos application.":"Para poder realizar un sorteo en Facebook, debes estar conectado en este momento a Facebook con un usuario que sea administrador de la p\u00e1gina donde quieres realizar el sorteo y adem\u00e1s autorizar los permisos de la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos.","When you click on the Connect button, the Easypromos app will ask you to accept the ''management of pages'' permission which enables us to list your Facebook pages, so you can continue with your Sweepstakes. We can guarantee that we won't make any other use of this permission!":"Cuando pulses el bot\u00f3n de Conectar con Facebook, te vamos a solicitar que aceptes el permiso de ''gesti\u00f3n de p\u00e1ginas''. Solamente te lo pedimos para poder conocer las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook que administras, y as\u00ed facilitarte las herramientas para realizar el sorteo en la p\u00e1gina que deseas.","Featured Templates":"Plantillas destacadas","Large":"Grande","Small":"Peque\u00f1o","You need to choose at least one substitute":"Debes seleccionar al menos un suplente","You must indicate at least 1 winner.":"Como m\u00ednimo debes seleccionar 1 ganador.","***Comment":"***Comentario","Retweet":"Retuit","Videos":"Videos","Tweets":"Tweets","You can only select tweets of then than 1 week old and that have at least %s.":"Solamente se mostrar\u00e1n los tuits inferiores a 7 d\u00edas y que tengan al menos %s.","You can only select %s that have at least %s.":"Solamente aparecer\u00e1n los %s que tengan al menos %s.","There aren't any more %s available.":"No hay m\u00e1s %s disponibles.","Post":"Poste","***Post":"***Post","Video Hosting Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n Hosting de V\u00eddeo","When the job is complete, you will receive an email with the confirmation to the following address":"Cuando la tarea se complete, recibir\u00e1s un email de confirmaci\u00f3n a la siguiente direcci\u00f3n","Dropbox Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n de Dropbox","By default, users can only participate with videos from YouTube or Vimeo.":"Por defecto los usuarios solamente pueden participar con v\u00eddeos de YouTube o Vimeo.","If you want users to upload their own video file from their mobile device or computer, enable the %s.":"Si quieres que los usuarios puedan subir su propio archivo de v\u00eddeo desde su dispositivo m\u00f3vil o PC, habilita la %s.","Note: If you enable the extension, you'll be required to make the payment when you activate the promotion.":"Nota: En caso que habilites la extensi\u00f3n, se deber\u00e1 realizar el pago en el momento de la activaci\u00f3n del concurso.","Save uploaded videos in Dropbox":"Guardar los v\u00eddeos subidos a Dropbox","Save uploaded pictures in Dropbox":"Guardar las im\u00e1genes subidas a Dropbox","Connect your Dropbox account if you want to save the files uploaded by the users to a folder in your Dropbox.":"Conecta tu cuenta de Dropbox si quieres guardar los archivos subidos por los usuarios en tu Dropbox en un directorio.","Easypromos does not store the original pictures uploaded by the users, but a version with a lower resolution. Do you want us to send the original pictures to your Dropbox account?":"Easypromos no guarda las fotos originales de los usuarios, si no una versi\u00f3n con una resoluci\u00f3n inferior. \u00bfQuieres que enviemos las fotos originales a tu cuenta de Dropbox?","Connect with Dropbox":"Conectar con Dropbox","Easypromos offers you a complete Video Hosting solution for your contest for %s which includes the following features":"Easypromos te ofrece una completa soluci\u00f3n de V\u00eddeo Hosting para tu concurso por %s que incluye las siguientes prestaciones","Chat":"Chat","All the original files uploaded by the users will be automatically sent to a folder in your Dropbox account.":"Todos los ficheros originales subidos por los usuarios se enviar\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente a una carpeta de tu cuenta de Dropbox.","This is an extra functionality not included in the price of the promotion activation. You can add this extension for %s.":"Esta es una funcionalidad extra no incluida en el precio de activaci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n. Puedes a\u00f1adir esta extensi\u00f3n por %s.","Dropbox sync allows you to synchronize all the photo and video files to a folder in your Dropbox account. Only files that have not been imported yet will be sent to the folder.":"Dropbox sync te permite sincronizar todos los archivos del tipo foto o v\u00eddeo a una carpeta de tu cuenta de Dropbox. Solamente se enviar\u00e1n los archivos que no est\u00e9n ya en la carpeta.","You can find the settings for this folder in the Dropbox Integration section.":"La carpeta de sincronizaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 configurada en la integraci\u00f3n de Dropbox.","Sync now":"Sincronizar ahora","Dropbox Sync":"Dropbox Sync","Send to Dropbox":"Enviar a Dropbox","Profile type":"Tipo de empresa","Error connecting":"Error al conectar","Status: Video file - OK":"Estado: Fichero de v\u00eddeo - OK","No groups where found!":"No se ha encontrado ning\u00fan grupo","Edit group":"Editar grupo","Automatic language":"Idioma autom\u00e1tico","Promotion's links for all languages":"Enlaces de la promoci\u00f3n para todos los idiomas","%s language":"Idioma %s","It will be ready in some minutes.":"Estar\u00e1 disponible en unos minutos.","Processing and converting video":"Procesando v\u00eddeo","The Dropbox syncronization of the promotion #%s: %s is finished! Check your dropbox account.":"La sincronizaci\u00f3n de Dropbox para la promoci\u00f3n #%s: %s ha finalizado. Revisa tu cuenta de Dropbox.","Links for the different languages":"Enlaces para los diferentes idiomas","Use the following links to force the language of the promotion (i.e. a widget in your website or a Facebook Tab).":"Utiliza los siguientes enlaces para forzar el idioma de la promoci\u00f3n (por ejemplo, en un widget de tu p\u00e1gina web o en la pesta\u00f1a de Facebook).","Organizer and Title of the Giveaway":"Organizador y t\u00edtulo del sorteo","Enter the name of the organizer, and set a title for your Giveaway. Both fields are mandatory.":"Introduce el nombre de la empresa organizadora, y pon un t\u00edtulo a tu sorteo. Son dos campos obligatorios.","Title: Giveaway of an awesome prize":"T\u00edtulo: Sorteo de un premio maravilloso","Organizer Company Name":"Nombre de la empresa organizadora","The extension is enabled":"La extensi\u00f3n est\u00e1 habilitada","The extension is disabled":"La extensi\u00f3n est\u00e1 deshabilitada","Add this extension if you want to send and syncronize original media files uploaded by your entrants to your Dropbox account.":"A\u00f1ade esta extensi\u00f3n si deseas enviar y sincronizar los ficheros originales de fotos o videos subidos por tus participantes a tu cuenta de Dropbox.","This extension has a cost of %s.":"Esta extensi\u00f3n tiene un coste de %s.","Legal Advice for %s promotions":" Consejos Legales para promociones en %s","Select multiple winners":"Realiza m\u00faltiples sorteos","Organize a giveaway and pick a winner from users who comment on one or more of your YouTube videos.":"Crea un sorteo entre todos los usuarios que hayan comentado en uno o m\u00e1s v\u00eddeos de tu canal de Youtube.","YouTube Giveaway":"Sorteo en YouTube","There are no files to synchronize":"No hay archivos para sincronizar","In order to start the Dropbox Synchronization, you must first select what kind of files you want to sync.":"Para poder iniciar la sincronizaci\u00f3n con Dropbox, primero debes seleccionar qu\u00e9 tipo de archivo quieres sincronizar.","Can't see the options to set up your Facebook Sweepstakes?":"\u00bfNo puedes ver las opciones de configuraci\u00f3n del sorteo de Facebook?","An extension installed in your browser or the settings of your antivirus software are blocking the traffic to Facebook.":"Alguna extensi\u00f3n instalada en tu navegador o la configuraci\u00f3n de tu antivirus est\u00e1 bloqueando el tr\u00e1fico a Facebook.","Quick solutions":"Soluciones r\u00e1pidas","Disable the extensions in your browser":"Desactivar las extensiones de tu navegador","If you don't know how to disable the browser extensions, change the browser":"Si no sabes desactivar las extensiones, cambia de navegador","Still not working?":"\u00bfNo se soluciona?","Check the next steps":"Revisa los siguientes pasos","Minimum %s":"M\u00ednimo %s","Certificates of validity":"Certificados de validez","Public list of certificates of all sweepstakes completed by %s":"Lista p\u00fablica de los certificados de todos los sorteos hechos con %s","Find by ID, reference or title":"Buscar por ID, referencia o t\u00edtulo","The issued certificate will be published immediately on this website":"El certificado generado se publicar\u00e1 inmediatamente en esta p\u00e1gina web de acceso p\u00fablico","I understand and agree that a public certificate will be generated with the result of the draw and I can not repeat it.":"Entiendo y acepto que se generar\u00e1 un certificado p\u00fablico con el resultado del sorteo y no lo podr\u00e9 repetir.","It will be published %s.":"Se publicar\u00e1 %s.","The leading platform for social media giveaways":"La plataforma l\u00edder para hacer sorteos en redes sociales","Learn more about how to clear the cache of the promotion's link for each social network.":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre c\u00f3mo eliminar la cach\u00e9 del enlace de la promoci\u00f3n para las diferentes redes sociales.","If you make any changes to the viral content after posting the promotion link, you will need to clear the social network's cache of the link in order to update the content that will be displayed when you share it again.":"Si realizas alg\u00fan cambio en el contenido viral tras haber publicado el enlace de la promoci\u00f3n, deber\u00e1s vaciar la cach\u00e9 del enlace en la red social para as\u00ed actualizar el contenido que se mostrar\u00e1 al volver a compartirlo.","Go to Step 1":"Ir al paso 1","To be able to perform the live streaming, it is necessary to install the OBS program on your computer to connect with Facebook Live and indicate the url of the streaming source.":"Para poder realizar la emisi\u00f3n, es necesario instalar el programa OBS en tu ordenador para conectar con Facebook Live e indicarle la url fuente de streaming.","Define Streaming Source and Connect with Facebook Live":"Definir la fuente de streaming y conectar con Facebook Live","If you still do not have the OBS program on your computer, you can download and install it from here.":"Si todav\u00eda no tienes el programa OBS en tu ordenador, lo podr\u00e1s descargar e instalar desde aqu\u00ed.","It is a free software and it is recommended by Facebook for live broadcasts.":"Es un programa libre, gratuito y recomendado por Facebook para las retransmisiones en directo.","How to do it?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo hacerlo?","Enter the source url in the OBS program and start the streaming.":"Introduce la url fuente de streaming en el programa OBS e inicia la retransmisi\u00f3n.","Streaming Source URL":"URL fuente de streaming","Streaming Key":"Clave de streaming","Enter the Facebook streaming key in the OBS program.":"Introduce la clave de streaming de Facebook en el programa OBS.","Enter the content of the post on Facebook and start the live streaming":"Introduce el contenido de la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook y empieza a retransmitir en directo","Go to the last step":"Ir al \u00faltimo paso","Go to OBS official site":"Ir a la p\u00e1gina oficial de OBS","Free third-party software needed":"Software de terceros necesario (gratis)","Light background (black text)":"Fondo claro (texto negro)","Dark background (white text)":"Fondo oscuro (texto blanco)","Opacity":"Opacidad","Bottom-right corner":"\u00c1ngulo inferior-derecho","Bottom-left corner":"\u00c1ngulo inferior-izquierdo","Top-right corner":"\u00c1ngulo superior-derecho","Top-left corner":"\u00c1ngulo superior-izquierdo","Center":"Centro","Bottom-center edge":"Lado inferior-central","Middle-right edge":"Lado derecho-central","Middle-left edge":"Lado izquierdo-central","Top-center edge":"Lado superior-central","Container align":"Posici\u00f3n del contendor","Easypromos Basic promotion":"Aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos B\u00e1sica","Redeemed Code":"C\u00f3digo validado","***Posts":"***Posts","Organizer":"Organizador","and organizer":"y organizador","min.":"m\u00edn.","Go to Editor":"Ir al Editor","There's nothing to synchronize":"No hay nada para sincronizar","Robinson field (Commercial communications)":"Campo Robinson (comunicaciones comerciales)","Let's make editing easier":"Hagamos m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil la edici\u00f3n","This is only seen by super admins":"Esto s\u00f3lo es visible por s\u00faperadmins","Imported file":"Fichero importado","Does not have this parameter":"No tiene este par\u00e1metro","Premium Plan":"Plan Premium","Sign up now for a Premium plan for %s.":"Contrata ahora una suscripci\u00f3n Premium por %s.","Discover all the applications included in the Premium plan":"Descubre todas las aplicaciones incluidas con la suscripci\u00f3n Premium incluye","Activate Premium Plan":"Activar suscripci\u00f3n Premium","Activate a Premium Plan":"Activa un Plan Premium","Container width":"Ancho del contenedor","Custom folder":"Carpeta personalizada","Easypromos Certificates of validity":"Certificados de validez de Easypromos","%s per row":"%s por fila","Remaining":"Tiempo restante","Your video streaming is now LIVE":"Tu v\u00eddeo est\u00e1 emitiendo en directo","Your Twitter account could not be connected.":"No se puede conectar con tu cuenta de Twitter.","Your Instagram account could not be connected.":"No se puede conectar con tu cuenta de Instagram.","Your browser doesn't support the video tag.":"Tu navegador no soporta la etiqueta v\u00eddeo.","You must select what kind of files you want to synchronize with Dropbox.":"Debes seleccionar qu\u00e9 tipo de archivo quieres sincronizar con Dropbox.","You can connect your Dropbox account to storage the videos uploaded by the users.":"Puedes conectar tu cuenta de Dropbox para almacenar los v\u00eddeos subidos por los usuarios.","Video finalized":"V\u00eddeo finalizado","Unlimited storage space.":"Espacio de almacenamiento ilimitado.","Unlimited number of videos.":"N\u00famero de v\u00eddeos ilimitado.","Unlimited bandwith for video streaming.":"Banda ancha ilimitada para el streaming de v\u00eddeo.","Time countdown":"Cuenta atr\u00e1s","Support for any video format and with up to 150MB per video.":"Soporte para cualquier formato de v\u00eddeo y hasta 150MB por v\u00eddeo.","Source URL":"URL fuente","Show reaction labels":"Mostrar el texto de la Reacci\u00f3n","Responsive video player, without any logo of Easypromos, without ads and with customizable colors.":"Reproductor de v\u00eddeo responsive, sin ning\u00fan logo de Easypromos, sin publicidad y con colores personalizables.","Add a title":"A\u00f1ade un t\u00edtulo","app template":"plantilla de promoci\u00f3n","Certificates of validity List of public certificates of all sweepstakes created with Easypromos":"Certificados de validez Lista p\u00fablica de los certificados de todos los sorteos realizados con Easypromos","Enable Reaction":"Habilitar Reacci\u00f3n","List of public certificates of all sweepstakes created with Easypromos":"Lista p\u00fablica de los certificados de todos los sorteos realizados con Easypromos","Hashtag":"Hashtag","Indicate the duration of the Facebook Live to display a countdown in the streaming. When the countdown is 00:00:00 the Live Video will finish automatically. Max. 4h":"Indica la duraci\u00f3n de la Facebook Live para mostrar una cuenta atr\u00e1s en la retransmisi\u00f3n. Cuando la cuenta atr\u00e1s sea 00:00:00 el video finalizar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente. Max. 4h","Or you can also pick one of the royalty-free videos down here":"O puedes seleccionar uno de los v\u00eddeos con licencia gratuita que te ofrecemos a continuaci\u00f3n","MPEG-4 format URL":"URL para el formato MPEG-4","WEBM format URL":"URL para el formato WEBM","You can upload a video of your own into a HTTPS server and display it as a background":"Puedes subir un v\u00eddeo propio en un servidor HTTPS y mostrarlo como fondo","Select a video for the background":"Selecciona un v\u00eddeo para el fondo","It is not case-sensitive.":"No distingue entre may\u00fasculas y min\u00fasculas, y considerar\u00e1 v\u00e1lidas participaciones con acento y sin acento.","Users will only participate with their first valid word. Subsequent comments will be ignored.":"Los usuarios solamente participar\u00e1n con la primera palabra v\u00e1lida. Los comentarios posteriores se ignorar\u00e1n.","Remove %s":"Borrar %s","word":"palabra","words":"palabras","A minimum of %s %s is required":"Se requiere un m\u00ednimo de %s %s","New word":"Nueva palabra","Your password is not secure":"Tu contrase\u00f1a no es segura","We ran a security check and found your password does not meet the minimum security level. Please, change your password to continue using Easypromos.":"Tras una comprobaci\u00f3n de seguridad, hemos observado que su contrase\u00f1a no cumple con el nivel de seguridad m\u00ednimo. Por favor, cambie su contrase\u00f1a para continuar usando Easypromos.","Change my password":"Cambiar mi contrase\u00f1a","Remind me later":"Recu\u00e9rdemelo m\u00e1s tarde","Password set up rules":"Reglas para establecer la contrase\u00f1a","Your password must be minimum 8 characters long, include one uppercase and one lowercase\u00a0letter, a number and at least one of the following special characters":"La contrase\u00f1a debe tener un m\u00ednimo de 8 caracteres e incluir may\u00fasculas, min\u00fasculas, n\u00fameros y al menos uno de los siguientes caracteres especiales","Please update here":"Por favor, actualizala aqu\u00ed","If you Stop Streaming from OBS or you close OBS Software, Facebook will finish Live Video immediately.":"Si detienes la transmisi\u00f3n de OBS o si cierras el software de OBS, Facebook terminar\u00e1 el video en vivo inmediatamente.","The password must not contain whitespaces":"La contrase\u00f1a no debe contener espacios en blanco","The password must be minimum 8 characters long":"La contrase\u00f1a debe contener un m\u00ednimo de 8 caracteres","The password must include one uppercase and one lowercase letter, a number and a special character":"La contrase\u00f1a debe incluir may\u00fasculas, min\u00fasculas, n\u00fameros y como m\u00ednimo un car\u00e1cter especial","You can use a Youtube or Vimeo video as background":"Puedes usar un video de Youtube o Vimeo como fondo de pantalla","We add autoplay and autoloop parameters automatically":"A\u00f1adimos autom\u00e1ticamente los par\u00e1metros de autoplay y autoloop","Copy & paste a Youtube URL":"Copia y pega la URL de Youtube","Copy & paste a Vimeo URL":"Copia y pega la URL de Vimeo","Registering your entry and trying your luck!":"\u00a1Registrando tu participaci\u00f3n y probando suerte!","Please, don't refresh the page and you'll discover if you are one of the lucky winners.":"Por favor, no actualices la p\u00e1gina y enseguida descubrir\u00e1s si eres uno de los afortunados.","By default, all emails are allowed to participate in the promotion, but you have the possibility to limit the registration to an email or a set of emails or, if you prefer, to a specific email domain. Use it to organize a promotion to a closed group of users (for example, the employees of a company). In this case, only users who use an email or the email domain you have set up will be able to register in the promotion. You can enter several emails or email domains (one per line).":"Por defecto, todos los e-mails est\u00e1n permitidos para participar en la promoci\u00f3n, pero tienes la posibilidad de limitar el registro a un e-mail o conjunto de e-mails o, si lo prefieres, a un dominio de correo electr\u00f3nico concreto. Util\u00edzalo en caso de organizar una promoci\u00f3n para un grupo de usuarios cerrado (por ejemplo, los empleados de una empresa). En este caso, solamente podr\u00e1n completar el formulario de registro los usuarios con el e-mail o dominio de e-mail configurados. Puedes introducir varios e-mails o dominios (uno por l\u00ednea).","By default, any email isn't prohibited to participate in the promotion, but you have the possibility to insert an email or set of emails, or a domain or domains that you don't allow to register in the promotion. Users who try to participate with the specified email or email domain won't be allowed to register and will receive an %s message. You can enter several emails or email domains (one per line).":"Por defecto, ning\u00fan e-mail est\u00e1 prohibido para participar en la promoci\u00f3n, pero tienes la posibilidad de introducir un e-mail o un conjunto de e-mails, o un dominio o un conjunto de dominios que no permites registrar en la promoci\u00f3n. Los usuarios que intenten participar con una direcci\u00f3n de e-mail o con el dominio especificado no podr\u00e1n registrarse en la promoci\u00f3n y ver\u00e1n un mensaje de %s. Puedes introducir varios e-mails o varios dominios (uno por l\u00ednea).","Invalid email":"E-mail no v\u00e1lido","Insert the message to ask users their email address in the registration form":"Introduce el texto para solicitar a los usuarios que escriban su e-mail en el formulario de registro","Emails and domains allowed":"E-mails o dominios permitidos","Emails and domains not allowed":"E-mails o dominios prohibidos","path-to-your-video":"ruta-a-tu-video","The param epfbuid":"El par\u00e1metro epfbuid","A maximum of %s %s is permitted":"S\u00f3lo se permite un m\u00e1ximo de %s %s","hashtags":"hashtags","Choose it":"Elegir","Evolution":"Evoluci\u00f3n","Updating participants, please wait":"Actualizando participantes. Por favor, espera","Game over":"Final","Stop Streaming":"Detener Transmisi\u00f3n","Facebook limits the streaming of Live videos to 4 hours maximum.":"Facebook limita la retransmisi\u00f3n de los v\u00eddeos Live a un m\u00e1ximo de 4 horas.","In case you detect that the word counter of the Survey has stopped, you can reset the counters of the Live Survey at any time. When you reset it, the counters will be recalculated and will display the updated values.":"En caso de detectar que el contador de palabras de la Encuesta se ha detenido, puedes reiniciar los contadores de la Encuesta en vivo en cualquier momento. Al reniciarlo, los contadores se recalculan y se muestran con el valor actualizado.","Learn how to reset the counters":"Consulta c\u00f3mo hacerlo","While the streaming is live you can't change the words nor their order, but you can change the survey design. In case you change an element of the design we recommend that you reset the counters as explained in previous point 3.":"Mientras la retransmisi\u00f3n est\u00e1 en vivo no puedes modificar las palabras ni tampoco su orden. S\u00ed puedes cambiar el dise\u00f1o de la Encuesta. En caso que cambies alg\u00fan elemento te recomendamos que luego reinicies los contadores como indicamos en el punto 3.","Promotion groups are only available for Easypromos accounts with Premium or White Label plan.":"Los grupos de promociones est\u00e1n disponibles solamente para cuentas de Easypromos con suscripci\u00f3n Premium o Marca Blanca. ","Do you want to create a group of %s promotions?":"\u00bfQuieres crear un grupo de promociones %s?","Sign up now for a %s plan":"Contrata ahora una suscripci\u00f3n %s","Your streaming key has not been generated, please generate a new key.":"No se ha generado su clave de streaming, por favor, genere una nueva clave.","We are using cookies that help us give you the best experience of our site.":"Utilizamos cookies para poder ofrecerte la mejor experiencia en nuestro sitio.","Cookie policy":"Pol\u00edtica de cookies","Click the button to create the promotion in your account as a draft":"Pulsa el bot\u00f3n para copiar la promoci\u00f3n como borrador en tu cuenta","For any enquiry please contact to our billing team":"Para cualquier consulta contacta con nuestro equipo de administraci\u00f3n","This invoice is already paid and it has been automatically generated.":"Esta factura se ha generado autom\u00e1ticamente y ya est\u00e1 pagada.","Enable Cookie Policy":"Habilitar la Pol\u00edtica de Cookies","When the Cookie Policy is enabled, all analytics cookies are disabled by default. Users will need to accept or reject the cookie notice before accessing the promotion. The Easypromos Cookie Manager system complies with GDPR regulations.":"Cuando se activa la Pol\u00edtica de Cookies, todas las cookies anal\u00edticas se desactivan de forma predeterminada. Los usuarios deber\u00e1n aceptar o rechazar el aviso de cookies antes de acceder a la promoci\u00f3n. El sistema de gesti\u00f3n de cookies de Easypromos cumple con las regulaciones del RGPD.","Cookie policy layer":"Aviso de pol\u00edtica de cookies","Tweet of the sweep":"Tweet del sorteo","Add up to 10 tweets":"A\u00f1ade hasta 10 tweets","%s to the sweepstakes for %s (cancel anytime)":"%s al sorteo por %s (cancelable en cualquier momento)","You'll be able to pick random winners from all RTs. Tweets can't be older than 7 days.":"Podr\u00e1s seleccionar ganadores entre todos sus RTs. Los tweets tienen que ser de los \u00faltimos 7 d\u00edas.","Croatian":"Croata","pending":"pendiente","I do not want Easypromos to overwrite my Facebook application settings.":"No quiero que Easypromos sobreescriba la configuraci\u00f3n de mi aplicaci\u00f3n en Facebook.","In order to distribute codes to participants you must load them by creating and assigning a code set.":"Para poder repartir c\u00f3digos a los participantes deber\u00e1s cargarlos creando y asignando un nuevo set de c\u00f3digos.","There is no code set created":"No hay ning\u00fan set de c\u00f3digos creado","Code set created successfully":"Set de c\u00f3digos creado correctamente","Please, don't close this window":"Por favor, no cierres esta ventana","Loading codes":"Cargando c\u00f3digos","Participants per day of the week":"Participantes por d\u00eda de la semana","Participants per hour of the day":"Participantes por hora del d\u00eda","Select a graph":"Selecciona una gr\u00e1fica","Main information about votes to registered users: number of votes per day \/ hour, device used, etc.":"Datos principales de los votos a los usuarios registrados: n\u00famero de votos por d\u00eda \/ hora, dispositivo usado, etc.","Votes are not enabled":"Las votaciones no est\u00e1n habilitadas","Votes per day of the week":"Votaciones por d\u00eda de la semana","Votes per hour of the day":"Votaciones por hora del d\u00eda","Recruited participants":"Participantes reclutados","Graph detail":"Detalles de la gr\u00e1fica","Visible for %s":"Visible en %s","Totals":"Totales","Day by day":"D\u00eda a d\u00eda","Which page do people click on when sharing?":"\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 p\u00e1gina comparten los usuarios?","Enable this section to distribute coupons and promotional codes to users that register in your promotion.":"Habilita esta secci\u00f3n para distribuir cupones y c\u00f3digos promocionales a los usuarios que se registran en tu promoci\u00f3n.","Enable Coupons and Promotional Codes":"Habilitar Cupones y C\u00f3digos Promocionales","Functionalities":"Funcionalidades","Show a coupon image to all users that register in your promotion.":"Muestra una imagen de un cup\u00f3n para todos los usuarios que acaben de registrarse.","Add instructions of how to redeem the coupon.":"A\u00f1ade instrucciones de c\u00f3mo canjear el cup\u00f3n.","Users will be able to manually send the coupon via email and download it in PDF format.":"Los usuarios podr\u00e1n enviarse el cup\u00f3n por e-mail y descargarlo en PDF manualmente.","Automatically send the coupon via email in PDF format.":"Env\u00eda el cup\u00f3n en formato PDF v\u00eda e-mail autom\u00e1ticamente.","Assign alphanumeric codes to users that register in the promotion.":"Asigna c\u00f3digos alfanum\u00e9ricos \u00fanicos a los usuarios registrados.","Show the codes in QR format or barcode format.":"Muestra los c\u00f3digos en formato QR o c\u00f3digo de barras.","Assign the codes via Instant Win system.":"Asigna los c\u00f3digos por Momento Ganador.","Enable the Validation Portal for online verification of promotional codes.":"Habilita el Portal de Validaci\u00f3n para la verificaci\u00f3n online de los c\u00f3digos promocionales.","Upgrade to Premium now for %s":"Actualiza ahora a Premium por %s","You want to automatically assign and send unique codes to winners of a sweepstakes or contest.":"Quieras asignar y enviar autom\u00e1ticamente c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos a los ganadores de un sorteo o concurso.","You want to limit the registration to a user that has a valid code (%s app).":"Quieras limitar el registro a la promoci\u00f3n a un usuario que tenga un c\u00f3digo v\u00e1lido (Aplicaci\u00f3n %s).","You want to automatically assign unique codes to users that have their entry validated.":"Quieras asignar c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos autom\u00e1ticamente a los usuarios que se les valida su participaci\u00f3n.","You want to automatically assign unique codes to Instant Winners.":"Quieras asignar c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos autom\u00e1ticamente a los ganadores por Momento Ganador.","You want to automatically assign unique codes to all users who register in the promotion.":"Quieras asignar c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos autom\u00e1ticamente a todos los usuarios que se registran a la promoci\u00f3n.","Apply a code set when":"Apl\u00edcalos cuando","The set of codes facilitates the management of a list of unique alphanumeric codes. You'll be able to load them in blocks of 20,000 (total limit of 2 million) by copying and pasting them directly. In addition, you will have tools to quickly sort, filter and locate the codes of a set.":"El set de c\u00f3digos facilita la gesti\u00f3n de un listado de c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos alfa-num\u00e9ricos. Podr\u00e1s cargarlos en lotes de 20.000 (l\u00edmite total de 2 millones), copi\u00e1ndolos y peg\u00e1ndolos directamente. Adem\u00e1s, tendr\u00e1s herramientas para ordenar, filtrar y localizar r\u00e1pidamente los c\u00f3digos de un set.","New code set":"Crear set de c\u00f3digos","ASC":"ASC","DESC":"DESC","Delete code":"Eliminar c\u00f3digo","Code sets":"Sets de c\u00f3digos","Code set":"Set de c\u00f3digos","Order":"Orden","Number of times used":"N\u00famero de veces utilizado","All codes":"Todos los c\u00f3digos","By a code set":"Por un set de c\u00f3digos","Code set options":"Opciones del set de c\u00f3digos","Copy from":"Copiar de","Copy-paste a list of codes":"Copia y pega el listado de c\u00f3digos","Create code set":"Crear set de c\u00f3digos","Last added code":"\u00daltimo c\u00f3digo a\u00f1adido","Main information about promotion's activity: number of registrations and votes per day, origin of the users, device used for registering, etc.":"Informaci\u00f3n principal sobre la actividad de la promoci\u00f3n: n\u00famero de registros y votos por d\u00eda, origen de los usuarios, dispositivo utilizado para registrarse, etc.","Manage codes":"Gestionar c\u00f3digos","New users will not have a code":"Los nuevos usuarios no tendr\u00e1n c\u00f3digo","Number of codes":"N\u00famero de c\u00f3digos","Or you can also upload a CSV file with the codes":"O puedes subir un archivo CSV con los c\u00f3digos","Pending codes":"C\u00f3digos pendientes","Re-distribute codes from the beginning of the list":"Repartir de nuevo los c\u00f3digos desde el principo de la lista","Recruited vs Direct users":"Reclutados Vs. Usuarios Directos","Regenerate key":"Regenerar clave","Registration device type":"Tipo de dispositivo para el registro","Registration mobile device":"Dispositivo m\u00f3vil para el registro","Search code":"Buscar c\u00f3digo","Select the code set":"Selecciona el set de c\u00f3digos","Only to confirmed users":"S\u00f3lo a usuarios confirmados","New entry by hashtag":"Nueva entrada por hashtag","Payment campaign":"Pago de la campa\u00f1a","Reports":"Informes","Select the code set that you will use in order to distribute the codes to the participants.":"Selecciona el set de c\u00f3digos que utilizar\u00e1s para repartir los c\u00f3digos a los participantes.","Select the code set you want to use":"Selecciona el set de c\u00f3digos que quieres utilizar","Total codes":"Total de c\u00f3digos","Used codes":"C\u00f3digos utilizados","View user assigned":"Ver usuario asignado","Send emails":"Enviar e-mails","Options design":"Dise\u00f1o de las opciones","Edit emails":"Editar e-mails","Post successfully published":"Post publicado correctamente","Create emails":"Crear e-mail","Insertion":"Introducci\u00f3n","Sweepstakes creation":"Creaci\u00f3n del sorteo","Sweepstakes type selection":"Selecci\u00f3n de tipo de sorteo","Sources":"Fuentes","No reference":"Sin referencia","source":"fuente","And furthermore you get the advantages of these functionalities:":"Y adem\u00e1s te beneficiar\u00e1s de estas funcionalidades:","Complete personalization of the register form, including additional fields to get more information from your participants.":"Personalizar totalmente el formulario de registro, incluyendo campos adicionales para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n de tus participantes.","Get advanced statistics about the participants and the visits your promotion receives. It's time to track all your promotion traffic sources and achieve maximum efficiency in dissemination.":"Obtener estad\u00edsticas avanzadas sobre los participantes y las visitas a tu promoci\u00f3n. Es hora de poder medir tus fuentes de tr\u00e1fico eficientemente y optimizar tus acciones de difusi\u00f3n.","Unlimited use of the email platform to communicate with the participants.":"Utilizar de forma ilimitada la plataforma de env\u00edos de emails a los participantes.","And a lot more":"Y mucho m\u00e1s","If you have any doubts or queries, please don't hesitate to contact us at %s and we'll be happy to assist you.":"Si tienes dudas o consultas, cont\u00e1ctanos a %s y te asesoramos encantados.","PS. Don't worry about your existing promotions, everything will keep working as usual":"P.D.: No te preocupes por tu promoci\u00f3n actual, continuar\u00e1 funcionando correctamente","Congratulations! Your promotion #%s: %s has reached 1,000 participants!":"\u00a1Felicidades! \u00a1Tu promoci\u00f3n #%s: %s ha superado los 1.000 participantes!","Because of the number of participants you've achieved, we recommend that for your next promotion you change to the Premium version. With the Premium version you have the perfect platform ready to get you to your next goal: 10,000 participants!":"Por el volumen que has conseguido te recomendamos que para tu pr\u00f3xima promoci\u00f3n te pases a la versi\u00f3n Premium. Con la versi\u00f3n Premium, tendr\u00e1s ante ti una plataforma perfectamente preparada para llegar a tu siguiente objetivo: \u00a1los 10.000 participantes!","Your promotion has reached %s participants!":"\u00a1Tu promoci\u00f3n ha alcanzado los %s participantes!","Wow, looks like your promotion #%s: %s! is a great success! Congratulations, you've reached 10,000 participants!":"\u00a1Vaya \u00e9xito has alcanzado con tu promoci\u00f3n #%s: %s! \u00a1Felicidades, has superado los 10.000 participantes!","If you've already gotten this result, you are having great success. A-ma-zing!":"Pocos consejos te podemos dar si has conseguido estos resultados. \u00a1Es-pec-ta-cu-lar!","Now it is time to make the most out of our platform by changing to the White Label version. It's the most complete version and you will be able to optimize your efforts when doing a promotion.":"\u00a1S\u00e1cale a\u00fan m\u00e1s provecho a nuestra herramienta! P\u00e1sate a la versi\u00f3n Marca Blanca, la m\u00e1s completa, y conseguir\u00e1s optimizar tus esfuerzos al realizar una promoci\u00f3n.","Why change to White Label?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 cambiar a Marca Blanca?","It's recommended for campaigns that have more than 10,000 participants. We offer more server power to the White Label promotions.":"Est\u00e1 recomendada para las campa\u00f1as que gestionan m\u00e1s de 10.000 participantes. Ofrecemos m\u00e1s potencia de servidores a las promociones Marca Blanca.","You'll benefit from our preferential customer service.":"Te beneficiar\u00e1s de una atenci\u00f3n al cliente preferente.","You'll be able to give your participants a more personalized experience by presenting a multi-language promotion.":"Puedes ofrecer una experiencia m\u00e1s personalizada a tus participantes presentando la promoci\u00f3n en m\u00faltiples idiomas.","You can connect the entries of your promotion with your CRM in real-time through API and Webhooks.":"Puedes conectar la base de datos de los participantes con tu CRM en tiempo real a trav\u00e9s del acceso a la API y a Webhooks.","And you can personalize the application to the maximum with your own domain and insert CSS, HTML and Javascript styles.":"Y personalizar al m\u00e1ximo la aplicaci\u00f3n con dominio propio e inserci\u00f3n de estilos CSS, HTML y Javascript.","":"","Configuring":"Configurando","Discover here all the statistics and graphs you could obtain to analyze the performance of your campaign.":"Descubre aqu\u00ed todas las estad\u00edsticas y gr\u00e1ficas que podr\u00edas obtener para analizar el rendimiento de tu campa\u00f1a.","Select the winners from participants":"Hacer un sorteo entre los participantes","Select the winners from voters of participants":"Hacer un sorteo entre los votantes de los participantes","Picking the winners from participants":"Seleccionando los ganadores entre los participantes","Picking the winners from voters":"Seleccionando los ganadores entre los votantes","You are about to pick the winners from the voters of the selected participants. Click on Continue to access to a new screen where you'll be able to define the number of winners and alternates, as well as use other advanced options, such as the exclusion of old winners. You'll also be able to perform a test before obtaining the final winners.":"Vas a empezar un sorteo entre los votantes de los participantes seleccionados. Al continuar acceder\u00e1s a una nueva pantalla donde definir\u00e1s el n\u00famero de ganadores y suplentes, as\u00ed como otras opciones de exclusi\u00f3n avanzadas como filtro de antiguos ganadores. Tambi\u00e9n podr\u00e1s realizar un test antes de obtener los ganadores definitivos.","Only valid voters will be counted as finalists for the draw (users with a verified Facebook profile, or users who have verified their email address after voting). In addition, even if a user has voted several times, he will be entered in the draw with only one entry.":"Solamente se contabilizar\u00e1n como finalistas para el sorteo los votantes v\u00e1lidos (usuarios con el perfil de Facebook verificado, o usuarios que hayan verificado su correo electr\u00f3nico tras votar). Adem\u00e1s, aunque un usuario haya emitido varios votos, el usuario entrar\u00e1 en el sorteo con una \u00fanica participaci\u00f3n.","voters":"votantes","ASCII char":"Car\u00e1cter ASCII","Click on the chars to see it's information":"Haz click en el car\u00e1cter para ver su informaci\u00f3n","Lined icons char-set":"Familia de iconos estilo de l\u00ednea","Roman":"Roman","Solid icons char-set":"Familia de iconos estilo s\u00f3lido","Usage CSS class(es)":"Clase(s) CSS de uso","***Light":"***Light","Action elements":"Elementos de acci\u00f3n","Adaptative":"Adaptativo","Back to editor":"Volver al Editor","Background":"Imagen de fondo","Depending on layout specifications or legibility reasons for complex backgrounds, you can set a semi-opac background to the contest.":"Dependiendo de las especificaciones del dise\u00f1o o por razones de legibilidad en caso de im\u00e1genes de fondo complejas, puedes establecer un fondo semi-opaco para el concurso.","Basic template":"Plantilla B\u00e1sica","Black":"Negro","Button style":"Estilo del bot\u00f3n","Buttons":"Botones","Carousel":"Carrusel","Columns proportion":"Proporci\u00f3n de las columnas","Container":"Contenedor","Container columns":"Columnas del contenedor","Main container":"Contenedor principal","Could not connect to Intercom":"No se ha podido conectar con Intercom","Dark":"Oscuro","Design":"Dise\u00f1o","Direct":"Directo","Display %s":"Mostrar %s","Where do you want to publish the winners page?":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde quieres publicar la p\u00e1gina de ganadores?","Enable hover zoom effect on entries":"Habilitar el efecto zoom para las participaciones de la galer\u00eda","Go to preview":"Ir a Previsualizaci\u00f3n","Zoom":"Zoom","White":"Blanco","Used for main texts of the promotion":"Utilizado para los textos principales de la promoci\u00f3n","Used for main clickable elements like buttons or links":"Utilizado para los elementos clicables principales, como botones o enlaces","Upload media":"Subir media","Typographies":"Tipograf\u00edas","Texts":"Textos","Template layout":"Dise\u00f1o de la plantilla","Switch to %s":"Cambiar a %s","Style":"Estilo","Start":"Empezar","Source level 1":"Fuente nivel 1","Source level 2":"Fuente nivel 2","Source level 3":"Fuente nivel 3","Solid":"S\u00f3lido","Select image or %s":"Selecciona imagen o %s","Section width":"Ancho de la secci\u00f3n","Secondary":"Secundario","repeat":"repetir","Primary":"Primario","Presets":"Predefinidos","Premium template":"Plantilla Premium","No image selected":"Ninguna imagen seleccionada","Main elements in the template":"Elementos principales de la plantilla","Light":"Claro","Layout options":"Opciones de dise\u00f1o","Introduction message":"Mensaje de introducci\u00f3n","Intercom keys connected successfully":"Key de Intercom conectada correctamente","Intercom Api Secret":"Api Secret de Intercom","Intercom Api Key":"Api Key de Intercom","Intercom":"Intercom","Hide status and date":"Ocultar el estado y las fechas","Hide terms and conditions":"Ocultar las bases legales","Identifier":"Identificador","Insert your own code":"Introduce tu propio c\u00f3digo","Loading codes. Please, don't close the window.":"Cargando c\u00f3digos. Por favor, no cierres la ventana.","Outlined":"Delineado","Size tests":"Test de medidas","%s message":"Mensaje de %s","Use this attribute as an event":"Utiliza este atributo como un evento","Full":"Total","upload yours":"sube la tuya","Main":"Principal","***Primary":"***Primaria","***Secondary":"***Secundaria","***New":"***Nueva","Enable %s":"Habilitar %s","Disable %s":"Deshabilitar %s","You have a free promotion!":"\u00a1Tienes una promoci\u00f3n gratuita!","Discover the %s":"Descubre la %s","Third-party cookies disabled":"Cookies de terceros deshabilitadas","We have detected that your browser has third-party cookies disabled. In order to register in the promotion, please open this page in a new window or enable third-party cookies in your browser.":"Hemos detectado que tu navegador tiene las cookies de terceros deshabilitadas. Para poder continuar con el registro a la promoci\u00f3n, por favor, abre esta p\u00e1gina en una nueva ventana o habilita las cookies de terceros en tu navegador.","Open in new window":"Abrir en ventana nueva","Learn how to change the thumbnail for your Facebook Live video":"Aprende c\u00f3mo cambiar el thumbnail del v\u00eddeo de tu Facebook Live","Online support":"Soporte t\u00e9cnico","A friendly reminder that your Facebook sweepstakes will end soon. We hope you've had great results!":"Este mensaje es para recordarte que tu sorteo de Facebook finalizar\u00e1 pronto. \u00a1Esperamos que hayas tenido buenos resultados!","When the period for participating ends, in order to obtain the winner, just go to your control panel and start the process to pick the winners.":"Cuando des por terminado el periodo para participar, solamente deber\u00e1s conectarte a tu panel de control e iniciar el proceso para obtener los ganadores.","Do you know how you can pick the winners of your Sweepstakes?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podr\u00e1s obtener los ganadores el d\u00eda del sorteo?","This button is a direct link to your Facebook page. It will open the page in a new window. It will work for all Facebook pages, with or without restrictions.":"Este tipo de bot\u00f3n es un enlace directo a tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook. Abrir\u00e1 la p\u00e1gina en una ventana nueva. Funciona para todas las p\u00e1ginas de Facebook con o sin restricci\u00f3n.","If for example your page has restrictions for age or country, you'll see this button in blank. In this case, you can use the button %s.":"Si por ejemplo tu p\u00e1gina tiene una restricci\u00f3n por edad o pa\u00eds ver\u00e1s el bot\u00f3n en blanco. En este caso utiliza el tipo de bot\u00f3n %s.","This type of button only work for Facebook pages that are completely public (without any restrictions).":"Este tipo de bot\u00f3n solamente funciona para p\u00e1ginas de Facebook completamente p\u00fablicas (sin restricciones).","Valid for pages without restrictions":"V\u00e1lido para p\u00e1ginas sin restricciones","Try the following promotion, thanks!":"Prueba en la siguiente promoci\u00f3n \u00a1gracias!","Only to users that have validated their email":"S\u00f3lo a los usuarios que han validado su e-mail","Monitoring of new comments disabled":"Monitorizaci\u00f3n de nuevos comentarios desactivada","Change date":"Cambiar fecha","Stop monitoring":"Parar de monitorizar","We are not monitoring your Instagram post":"No estamos monitorizando tu post de Instagram","New comments will not be imported to the sweepstakes.":"Los nuevos comentarios no se importar\u00e1n en el sorteo.","Start monitoring":"Monitorizar ahora","We will import new comments until %s.":"Importaremos los nuevos comentarios hasta el %s.","We are monitoring your Instagram post":"Estamos monitorizando tu post de Instagram","Automatic update every %s minutes":"Actualizaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica cada %s minutos","Select random winners now from the currently imported participants.":"Finaliza el sorteo ahora con los participantes actuales importados.","For future sweepstakes, we recommend you %s to not miss any comments.":"Para pr\u00f3ximos sorteos te recomendamos que %s para no perderte ning\u00fan comentario.","Select random winners from Instagram posts with more than %s comments.":"Obt\u00e9n ganadores aleatorios con certificado en posts de Instagram con m\u00e1s de %s comentarios.","The basic plan includes unlimited Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube Sweepstakes, Pick-a-Winner App and other basic applications.":"La suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica incluye sorteos ilimitados de Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, sorteos de un listado y uso de cualquier aplicaci\u00f3n del tipo b\u00e1sica.","Enjoy the Basic Plan for a full year":"Podr\u00e1s disfrutar de la suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica durante todo un a\u00f1o","You will save 2 months":"Ahorrar\u00e1s 2 meses","To select random winners, access your control panel from this address":"Para finalizar el sorteo y obtener los ganadores, accede a tu panel de administraci\u00f3n desde esta direcci\u00f3n","We inform you that the monitoring of your Instagram post has been stopped, and therefore the new comments will not be imported in the sweepstakes.":"Te informamos que se ha detenido la monitorizaci\u00f3n de tu post de Instagram, y por lo tanto los nuevos comentarios no se importar\u00e1n en el sorteo","You can already pick winners from your Instagram Post!":"\u00a1Ya puedes finalizar tu sorteo de Instagram!","Monitoring of new Instagram comments stopped":"Monitor de nuevos comentarios de Instagram detenido","rules of exclusion":"reglas de exclusi\u00f3n","You can apply %s and pick the winners randomly from the imported comments.":"Entre los comentarios importados, podr\u00e1s aplicar %s, y obtener ganadores de forma aleatoria.","most recent comments":"los comentarios m\u00e1s recientes","We will import the %s on a post and you can enable the option to import new comments.":"Importaremos %s de un post y podr\u00e1s habilitar la opci\u00f3n de importar nuevos comentarios.","purchase the plan":"contrates la suscripci\u00f3n","Why do I have less participants than the number of comments that the post shows on Instagram?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 tengo menos participantes que el n\u00famero de comentarios que muestra el post en Instagram?","Activate a plan for":"Contrata una suscripci\u00f3n por","%s, to monitor the post in real time and import all new comments.":"%s, para monitorizar el post en tiempo real e importar todos los nuevos comentarios.","You need to %s this post before in order to continue":"Es necesario %s este post para poder continuar","Learn more about exclusion rules for Instagram Sweepstakes":"Aprende c\u00f3mo funcionan las reglas de exclusi\u00f3n para sorteos de Instagram","Users must be followers of":"Los usuarios deben ser seguidores de","Add accounts":"A\u00f1adir cuentas","Comments must include a minimum number of mentions":"N\u00famero de menciones que deben incluir los comentarios","No mentions required":"No requerido","At least %s mention":"M\u00ednimo %s menci\u00f3n","At least %s mentions":"M\u00ednimo %s menciones","Instagram accounts to follow":"Cuentas de Instagram a seguir","You can add multiple Instagram accounts to follow":"Puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00faltiples cuentas de Instagram a seguir","There is no limit":"No hay l\u00edmite","Instructions to add a new account":"Instrucciones para a\u00f1adir una nueva cuenta","Logout your current session in Instagram":"Cierra tu actual sesi\u00f3n de Instagram","Connect to Instagram with the account you want to add and authorize Easypromos App permissions":"Con\u00e9ctate a Instagram con la cuenta que quieres a\u00f1adir y autoriza los permisos de la app de Easypromos","Why do I need to authorize Easypromos App?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 necesito autorizar la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos?","Added accounts":"Cuentas a\u00f1adidas","Connect External Accounts":"Conectar cuentas externas","Do you want to add an account that you don't manage? Use this link to send the instructions to connect to the owner of the account.":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir una cuenta que no gestionas? Utiliza este enlace para enviar las instrucciones para conectar al administrador de la cuenta.","Your account is connected":"Tu cuenta ha sido conectada","%s invites you to connect your Instagram account":"%s te invita a conectar tu cuenta de Instagram","Email verification":"Confirmaci\u00f3n de e-mail","Copy URL":"Copiar URL","Connect with Instagram":"Conectar con Instagram","Update the end date of the monitoring process":"Modifica la fecha de finalizaci\u00f3n del proceso de monitorizaci\u00f3n","If you don't manually stop the monitoring process to import the new comments on your Instagram post, it will automatically stop at the specified date.":"Si no detienes el proceso de monitorizaci\u00f3n de nuevos comentarios manualmente, el proceso se detendr\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a la fecha especificada.","You can edit this date any time you want.":"Puedes modificar esta fecha cuando quieras.","Only for Premium Layout":"S\u00f3lo para Plantilla Premium","We use this CSS snippet to force group container width to %s, overwriting the master promotion's main container width.":"Utilizamos este c\u00f3digo CSS para forzar el ancho del contenedor del grupo a %s, sobrescribiendo el ancho del contenedor de la promoci\u00f3n principal.","You can edit or remove this if you want to use the master promotion defaults instead":"Puedes editar o eliminar esto si quieres usar el valor por defecto de la promoci\u00f3n principal en su lugar","Premium Design Template":"Plantilla de dise\u00f1o Premium","Any audio file":"Cualquier fichero de audio","new users":"nuevos usuarios","monitoring":"monitorizando","not monitoring":"no se est\u00e1 monitorizando","redeemed":"validado","Force Basic template":"Forzar Plantilla B\u00e1sica","Mentions":"Menciones","GoogleFonts typography":"Tipograf\u00eda de GoogleFonts","Available variants":"Variantes disponibles","Select a GoogleFont":"Selecciona una GoogleFont","Available language subsets":"Subconjuntos de idioma disponibles","Cyrillic":"Cir\u00edlico","Latin":"Latino","Ext.":"Ext.","Secondary typography":"Tipograf\u00eda secundaria","Main typography":"Tipograf\u00eda principal","Typography":"Tipograf\u00eda","Bold":"Bold","Use a GoogleFonts typography":"Utiliza una tipograf\u00eda GoogleFonts","This message contains invalid smartags":"Este mensaje contiene smartags inv\u00e1lidos","Exporting all participants to an Excel file is only available to clients with an active {plan}.":"Exportar el listado de todos los participantes a un fichero Excel solamente est\u00e1 disponible para clientes con un {plan}.","%s, and download the full Excel file with all participants.":"%s, y desc\u00e1rgate el Excel con los participantes.","Activate now a Basic plan for":"Contrata ahora una suscripci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica por","Write the message you want to send to the winners. The message will be sent as a reply to the comment made by the winner himself in the giveaway post.":"Escribe el mensaje que quieres enviar a los ganadores. El mensaje se enviar\u00e1 como respuesta al comentario realizado por el propio ganador en la publicaci\u00f3n del sorteo.","We already have the winners of the giveaway! Congrats to %s":"\u00a1Ya tenemos los ganadores del sorteo! Enhorabuena a %s","This post is already open by %s":"Este post ya est\u00e1 abierto por %s","The type of your promotion is not Instant Win":"Tu promoci\u00f3n no es del tipo Momento Ganador","Are you sure to continue?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de continuar?","The Instant Wins are based on assigning prizes according to the time of registration of the user.":"Los momentos ganadores se basan en asignar premios en funci\u00f3n de la hora de participaci\u00f3n del usuario.","The prize is assigned automatically and immediately just after user registration.":"El premio se asigna de forma autom\u00e1tica e inmediata justo despu\u00e9s que el usuario se registra.","If you want to select winners randomly at the end of the registration period, you should not enable this option.":"Si los ganadores de tu promoci\u00f3n los quieres seleccionar por sorteo al final el periodo de participaci\u00f3n, no debes habilitar esta opci\u00f3n.","Create a giveaway for users who comment on one or more of your Instagram posts.":"Crea un sorteo entre los usuarios que dejan un comentario en una o varias publicaciones de un perfil de Instagram.","Instagram Giveaway":"Sorteo en Instagram","The end of the scheduled date has been reached":"Se ha llegado al final de la fecha programada","Plan not active":"Subscripci\u00f3n no activa","Insert the link of the %s":"Inserta el link de la %s","Write the content of the post":"Escribe aqu\u00ed el contenido del post","Example: You will be able to edit this content directly in Facebook (even while the video is live)":"Ejemplo: Podr\u00e1s editar este texto directamente en Facebook (incluso estando el v\u00eddeo en directo)","Link to Post in Facebook is broken?":"\u00bfEl enlace a la publicaci\u00f3n en Facebook est\u00e1 roto?","Verify your OBS configuration":"Verifica tu configuraci\u00f3n del OBS","Verify that streaming from OBS is started":"Verifica que la transmisi\u00f3n desde el OBS est\u00e1 iniciada","Ready! Go Live":"\u00a1Listo! Transmitir ahora","The live video will immediately start on your Facebook page.":"El v\u00eddeo en directo empezar\u00e1 inmediatamente en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","If you haven't created your sweepstakes post on Instagram yet, %s.":"Si a\u00fan no has creado tu post en Instagram, %s.","Read these useful advice on how to write the post":"Lee estos consejos \u00fatiles para redactar el post","Highly recommended!":"\u00a1Muy recomendable!","week":"semana","Stop and finish video now":"Detener y finalizar el video ahora","How?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo?","Send a notification to the winners":"Env\u00eda una notificaci\u00f3n a los ganadores","Communicate the winners inside Instagram":"Comunica los ganadores dentro de Instagram","Share the result on your social networks":"Comparte el resultado en tus redes sociales","Enable advanced filter by Keywords":"Habilitar filtro avanzado de Palabras Clave","Enter now! You can win a [#PRIZE]":"\u00a1Participa ahora! Podr\u00e1s ganar este [#PREMIO]","COMMENT this post explaining [QUESTION and\/or HASHTAG]":"COMENTA esta publicaci\u00f3n explicando [PREGUNTA y\/o HASHTAG]","FOLLOW OUR profile %s [AND THE PROFILE @%s]":"SIGUE nuestro perfil %s [Y EL PERFIL @%s]","TAG [NUMBER FROM %s TO %s] friends so that they can enter too":"ETIQUETA [N\u00daMERO DE %s A %s] amig@s para que tambi\u00e9n puedan participar","You have time until [DATE]. The winner will be selected randomly using %s":"Tienes tiempo hasta el [FECHA] para participar. El ganador se seleccionar\u00e1 de forma aleatoria mediante %s","Good Luck!":"\u00a1Mucha suerte!","Select a post or create a new one %s":"Selecciona el post o crea uno nuevo %s","this template":"esta plantilla","Post must be created from your Instagram App installed in your mobile device":"El post del sorteo lo debes crear desde tu App de Instagram instalada en tu dispositivo m\u00f3vil","We suggest the text of this template as %s.":"Te sugerimos el texto de esta plantilla como %s","good practices for Instagram giveaways":"buenas pr\u00e1cticas de un sorteo en Instagram","Copy template":"Copiar plantilla","Send template":"Enviar plantilla","ID_USER":"ID_USUARIO","Once you have published the post on Instagram, you will have to go back to Easypromos and in the list you will see the post you have just published ready to be selected.":"Cuando hayas publicado el post del sorteo en Instagram, deber\u00e1s volver a Easypromos y en el listado ya te aparecer\u00e1 el post que has acabado de publicar para poderlo seleccionar.","Copied in your clipboard!":"\u00a1Copiado en tu portapapeles!","Template text for Instagram Giveaway":"Texto de Plantilla para Sorteo Instagram","Copy and paste this text into your Instagram App to create a new post for the giveaway.":"Copia y pega este texto en tu App de Instagram para crear un nuevo post de un sorteo. ","Remember to replace uppercase text with your own content.":"Recuerda sustituir el texto en may\u00fascula con tu propio contenido.","You must have an active plan to continue":"Es necesario tener una suscripci\u00f3n activa para poder continuar","Export comments to an Excel\/CSV file":"Exporta los comentarios a un fichero Excel\/CSV","Enable the monitoring process of new comments in real time.":"Habilita el proceso de monitorizaci\u00f3n de nuevos comentarios en tiempo real.","The system has only been able to import %s comments of the %s that the post currently has on Instagram.":"El sistema solamente ha podido importar %s comentarios de los %s que tiene actualmente el post en Instagram.","This is because the post was not monitored by Easypromos from the beginning and therefore Instagram can only send back the most recent comments.":"Esto es debido a que el post no estaba monitorizado desde el inicio por Easypromos, y por lo tanto Instagram solamente puede devolver los X comentarios m\u00e1s recientes.","Run the sweepstakes with Easypromos now with the %s imported comments. Keep in mind that the certificate of validity of the sweepstakes will show %s finalists.":"Finalizar el sorteo ahora en Easypromos con los %s comentarios importados. Ten en cuenta que en el certificado de validez del resultado del sorteo se indicar\u00e1 %s como n\u00famero de finalistas.","The only alternative if you want to count all the comments is doing it manually in an Excel sheet and then run the draw with the %s.":"La \u00fanica alternativa para obtenerlos todos es contabilizarlos de forma manual en un fichero Excel, y luego realizar el sorteo con la aplicaci\u00f3n de %s.","How do avoid this in future sweepstakes?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo evitarlo para pr\u00f3ximos sorteos?","When you publish the sweepstakes post on Instagram, immediately after go to your Easypromos control panel and enable monitoring of new comments for this post.":"Cuando publiques el post del sorteo en Instagram, accede inmediatamente a Easypromos, y habilita el sistema de monitorizaci\u00f3n de nuevos comentarios para este post.","Ok, I understand":"Ok, lo entiendo","Automatic renewal activated":"Renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica activada","Automatic renewal deactivated":"Renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica desactivada","Do you already know everything that includes your %s plan?":"\u00bfYa conoces todo lo que incluye tu suscripci\u00f3n %s?","Billing period":"Periodicidad","Automatic renewal":"Renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica","We believe it's more than you think":"Creemos que es m\u00e1s de lo que piensas","Learn how to get the most out of your plan":"Desc\u00fabrelo y s\u00e1cale el m\u00e1ximo provecho","basic":"b\u00e1sica","Basic Plan":"Plan Basic","White Label Plan":"Plan Marca Blanca","Designers' Guide":"Gu\u00eda para Dise\u00f1adores","Create unlimited sweepstakes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube for all the brands you manage.":"Crea sorteos ilimitados en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Youtube, para todas las marcas que gestiones.","Also includes unlimited number of sweepstakes with registration and use of Pick-a-winner app, plus photo contest, writing based contests and applications to distribute coupons. All in basic version (with limited features).":"Incluye tambi\u00e9n la creaci\u00f3n ilimitada de sorteos con registro y sorteos de un listado, adem\u00e1s de poder organizar concursos de fotos, concursos de textos y aplicaciones para distribuir cupones. Todos en versi\u00f3n b\u00e1sica (restringida en funcionalidades).","Ideal if you manage several accounts and run quick and recurring sweepstakes.":"Ideal si gestionas varias cuentas y realizas sorteos r\u00e1pidos y peri\u00f3dicos en una o varias redes sociales.","The monthly plan has no permanency. Activate it only the months you need.":"La suscripci\u00f3n mensual no tiene permanencia. Act\u00edvala \u00fanicamente los meses que lo necesites.","Save 2 months with annual plan":"Ahorra 2 meses con suscripci\u00f3n anual","A few seconds ago":"Hace pocos segundos","Your Tokens list":"Listado de tokens","In order to use the Easypromos API, you will need a valid Token.":"Para poder utilizar la API de Easypromos, necesitar\u00e1s tener un token v\u00e1lido.","Create new Token":"Crear nuevo Token","The Easypromos API makes it easy for programmers to integrate participants and their entries of White Label promotions into other applications.":"La API de Easypromos permite a los programadores que de una forma f\u00e1cil integren los participantes y su informaci\u00f3n de promociones Marca Blanca en otras aplicaciones.","Read API documentation":"Leer la documentaci\u00f3n de la API","Access Permissions":"Permisos de acceso","All promotions":"Todas las promociones","Do you authorize %s?":"\u00bfAutorizas a %s?","There are no tokens yet.":"Todav\u00eda no hay ning\u00fan token","We will not do anything without your explicit authorization.":"No realizaremos ninguna acci\u00f3n sin tu autorizaci\u00f3n expl\u00edcita.","Extend by":"Extender duraci\u00f3n","weeks":"semanas","Developers":"Desarrolladores","Yes, I accept":"S\u00ed, acepto","Edit Token":"Editar token","Edit token's information":"Editar informaci\u00f3n del token","Easypromos Application":"Aplicaci\u00f3n de Easypromos","We need you to accept this permission so we can access to your account promotions.":"Necesitamos que aceptes los permisos para poder acceder a las promociones de tu cuenta.","It is not the first Sweepstakes for this Facebook page.":"No es el primer sorteo que se realiza para esta p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","Use the new API":"Utiliza la nueva API","This call will still be valid until %s. For longer access, please %s.":"Esta llamada seguir\u00e1 siendo v\u00e1lida hasta %s. Para acceso posterior, por favor %s.","Deprecated method":"M\u00e9todo obsoleto","Login to Easypromos":"Accede a Easypromos","You must be logged in with your Easypromos account in order to connect your account to Zapier.":"Debes estar logueado con tu cuenta de Easypromos para poder conectar tu usuario a Zapier.","Check if you want to hide user's name and avatar in public entries.":"Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n si quieres ocultar el nombre de usuario y el avatar en las participaciones p\u00fablicas.","Access API Documentation":"Acceder a la Documentaci\u00f3n de la API","Allow users to change their answers":"Permitir a los usuarios cambiar sus respuestas","Created with Easypromos":"Creado con Easypromos","10,000":"10.000","Recommended for promotions with up to %s entries.":"Recomendada para promociones que registren hasta %s participantes.","Recommended for promotions with unlimited number of entries.":"Recomendada para promociones sin l\u00edmite de participantes.","Original size":"Tama\u00f1o original","See extension":"Ver extensi\u00f3n","Buy the %s and connect your account.":"Compra la %s y conecta tu cuenta.","Do you need the photos in their %s? We can send them to your Dropbox account.":"\u00bfNecesitas las im\u00e1genes en %s? Las podemos enviar a tu cuenta de Dropbox.","***Layout":"***Plantilla","Your Terms and Conditions":"Tus Bases Legales","Documentation":"Documentaci\u00f3n","Use this app to connect with Facebook":"Usar esta aplicaci\u00f3n para conectar con Facebook","Important: Facebook must have reviewed and accepted any extended permission you request for your app.":"Importante: Facebook debe haber revisado y aceptado los permisos extendidos que pidas para tu app.","Scope: select the permissions you want to request authorization when users connect with your app for the first time":"Scope: selecciona los permisos que quieres que autoricen los permisos cuando conecten con tu aplicaci\u00f3n por primera vez","Summary page":"P\u00e1gina resumen","Do you want to show the Summary page after the last question?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar la P\u00e1gina resumen tras la \u00faltima pregunta?","Yes, to all participants":"S\u00ed, a todos los participantes","Yes, but only to those who fail some question":"S\u00ed, pero s\u00f3lo a los que han fallado alguna pregunta","Do you want to show the details of users' answers?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar el detalle de las respuestas de los usuarios?","Yes, without correct\/incorrect icons":"S\u00ed, sin las marcas de correcto\/incorrecto","Yes, with correct\/incorrect icons":"S\u00ed, con las marcas de correcto\/incorrecto","Select buttons to show":"Selecciona los botones a mostrar","Show only %s button":"Mostrar s\u00f3lo el bot\u00f3n de %s","Show %s and %s buttons":"Mostrar los botones %s y %s","Correct message":"Mensaje correcto","Incorrect message":"Mensaje incorrecto","Toggle message":"Cambiar mensaje","User's answer for this question":"Respuesta del usuario para esta pregunta ","Restart":"Reiniciar","What is the Summary page?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es la P\u00e1gina resumen?","Use the Summary page to show the user a new page with the details of their answers before submitting their entry. You can give the option to restart the questionnaire to give them the chance to modify their answers.":"Utiliza la P\u00e1gina resumen para mostrar al usuario una nueva p\u00e1gina con los detalles de sus respuestas antes de registrar su participaci\u00f3n. Puedes dar la opci\u00f3n de reiniciar el cuestionario para que puedan modificar sus respuestas. ","Facebook Raw data":"Informaci\u00f3n de Facebook","Vote":"Voto","Third-party integrations (Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Dropbox).":"Integraciones con plataformas externas (Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Dropbox).","Your post has no participants yet":"Tu post todav\u00eda no tiene participantes","When the period for participating ends, return to this screen and the system will import all participants of your post on {network}. At that moment you'll be able to select the winners randomly.":"Cuando des por finalizado el periodo de participaci\u00f3n, regresa a esta pantalla y el sistema importar\u00e1 todos los participantes de tu post en {network}. En ese momento podr\u00e1s seleccionar los ganadores aleatoriamente.","Guide to give visibility to a {network} post":"Gu\u00eda para dar visibilidad a un post en {network}","Do you want to add a Quiz to your promotion?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir un Cuestionario a tu promoci\u00f3n?","With the quiz questions you can create quizzes, multiple-choice tests, surveys and predictions in just a few minutes.":"Con los Cuestionarios podr\u00e1s crear Trivias, Tests, Encuestas y Pron\u00f3sticos en s\u00f3lo unos minutos.","Create your first question to begin":"Crea tu primera pregunta para empezar","With the quiz questions you can":"Con los Cuestionarios podr\u00e1s","Create one or more questions.":"Crear una o m\u00faltiples preguntas.","Choose between different question types: Single answers, Multiple-answer, sort options, dropdown, auto-complete lists, and rating options.":"Escoger entre varios tipos de pregunta: respuesta \u00fanica, multi-respuesta, respuestas ordenables, listas desplegables, respuestas puntuables, etc.","Show the questions and answers with images and videos.":"Presentar las preguntas y respuestas con im\u00e1genes y v\u00eddeos.","Show, optionally, a summary of the user's answers.":"Presentar opcionalmente un resumen de las respuestas del usuario.","Show feedback messages according to the user's answers.":"Mostrar mensajes de feedback seg\u00fan las respuestas del usuario.","Test the flow of the quiz before publishing.":"Testea el comportamiento del cuestionario antes de publicarlo.","Assign points and values of the answers and establish final messages according to the user's answers.":"Asignar puntos y valores a las respuestas y definir mensajes finales seg\u00fan las respuestas del usuario.","You can only switch templates while the promotion is in draft mode.":"S\u00f3lo puedes cambiar de plantilla mientras la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e1 en borrador.","Design Guide":"Gu\u00eda de Dise\u00f1o","Don't forget to %s with the template specifications. It includes screenshots and examples.":"No olvides %s con las especificaciones de la plantilla. Incluye adem\u00e1s capturas de pantalla y ejemplos.","A Guide Designed by Designers for Designers.":"Una Gu\u00eda Dise\u00f1ada por Dise\u00f1adores para Dise\u00f1adores.","Great, you are using the %s!":"\u00a1Genial! \u00a1Est\u00e1s utilizando la %s!","Navigate through the tabs to customize the general look and feel of your promotion.":"Navega entre las pesta\u00f1as para personalizar el look and feel general de tu promoci\u00f3n.","Basic Design Template":"Plantilla de dise\u00f1o B\u00e1sica","%s with the template and images specifications":"%s con las especificaciones de la plantilla y de las im\u00e1genes","Discover all Premium Design Features":"Descubre todas las caracter\u00edsticas de la Plantilla de Dise\u00f1o Premium","See DEMO with Premium Design":"Ver DEMO con la Plantilla Premium","You are using the %s":"Est\u00e1s utilizando la %s","Download the Design Guide":"Descargar la Gu\u00eda de Dise\u00f1o","The Form page is disabled to users.":"La p\u00e1gina del Formulario est\u00e1 deshabilitada para los usuarios.","The fields of the form can affect other options of the promotion, such as the contents that will be visible on the public gallery, the Twitter & Instagram integrations, the %s functionality, etc. This is why although the Form page is disabled to users, you can still set up the form fields.":"Los campos del formulario pueden afectar otras opciones de la promoci\u00f3n, como por ejemplo, los contenidos que ser\u00e1n visibles en la galer\u00eda p\u00fablica, las integraciones de Twitter & Instagram, la funcionalidad %s, etc. Por este motivo, aunque el formulario de registro est\u00e1 deshabilitado para los usuarios, puedes editar estos campos. ","Click here to set up generic layout settings":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para configurar las opciones generales de la plantilla","The Comments field must be enabled on the Form to set up these options.":"Para poder configurar estas opciones, debes habilitar el campo Comentarios en el Formulario.","Disable Share":"Deshabilitar Compartir","Enable \/ Disable share on this network":"Habilitar \/ Deshabilitar compartir en esta red","Contents":"Contenidos","Custom link":"Link personalizado","Custom page":"P\u00e1gina personalizada","Custom Pages":"P\u00e1ginas personalizadas","Edit contents":"Editar contenidos","Enable Facebook Login?":"\u00bfHabilitar Login con Facebook?","Enable premoderation":"Habilitar pre-moderaci\u00f3n","Enable section":"Habilitar secci\u00f3n","External link":"Link externo","First enable the %s option.":"Primero habilita la secci\u00f3n %s.","Registration Form":"Formulario","Gallery":"Galer\u00eda","Internal page":"P\u00e1gina interna","Menu":"Men\u00fa","Menu options":"Opciones del men\u00fa","Mobile only":"S\u00f3lo en m\u00f3vil","Mobile preview":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n en m\u00f3vil","New section":"Nueva secci\u00f3n","Section icon":"Icono de la secci\u00f3n","The platform detects hashtags used by participants in the comments. You can use this feature to organize surveys and betting pools, and limit participation to users who comment with specific hashtags.":"La plataforma es capaz de detectar hashtags escritos por los usuarios en el comentario. Puedes utilizar esta funcionalidad para configurar encuestas y porras, as\u00ed como para limitar los finalistas del sorteo seg\u00fan el uso de un hashtag determinado.","This action can not be performed":"Esta acci\u00f3n no se puede realizar","Tools":"Herramientas","Twitter network must be enabled":"La red Twitter debe estar habilitada","Vertical gallery":"Galer\u00eda vertical","Voting layer":"Ventana de votar","This page is disabled":"Esta p\u00e1gina est\u00e1 deshabilitada","Recaptcha":"Recaptcha","The %s section will be displayed here":"La secci\u00f3n %s se mostrar\u00e1 aqu\u00ed","Whatsapp, Telegram or Line networks must be enabled":"Las redes Whatsapp, Telegram o Line deben estar habilitadas.","To enable this page, go to %s and enable the page.":"Para habilitar esta p\u00e1gina, accede al %s y habilita la p\u00e1gina.","To enable this, enable the %s section first.":"Para habilitar esta secci\u00f3n, habilita primero la secci\u00f3n %s.","Tiled gallery":"Galer\u00eda mosaico","This page is directly linked to the Form: if the Form page is disabled, the Thank You page will also be disabled.":"Esta p\u00e1gina est\u00e1 directamente relacionada con el Formulario: si la p\u00e1gina del Formulario est\u00e1 deshabilitada, tambi\u00e9n se deshabilitar\u00e1 la p\u00e1gina de Muchas Gracias.","Show section in the Menu":"Mostrar secci\u00f3n en el Men\u00fa","Hide section in the Menu":"Ocultar secci\u00f3n en el Men\u00fa","The visibility of the Thank you page is directly related to the Form page: if the Form is disabled, the Thank You page will also be disabled.":"La visibilidad de la p\u00e1gina de Muchas Gracias est\u00e1 directamente relacionada con la p\u00e1gina del Formulario: si el Formulario est\u00e1 deshabilitado, tambi\u00e9n se deshabilitar\u00e1 la p\u00e1gina de Muchas Gracias.","In order to set up this option you must enable the Extension first.":"Para poder configurar esta opci\u00f3n debes habilitar la Extensi\u00f3n primero.","Section name":"Nombre de la secci\u00f3n","Set up the Share contents":"Configura las opciones de Compartir","Options not available":"Opciones no disponibles","Open as":"Abrir como","Please, upgrade the promotion to Premium to enable it.":"Por favor, actualiza la promoci\u00f3n a Premium para habilitarlo.","In order to set up the template of the %s, the Media or the Comments field must be added on the %s.":"Para poder configurar la plantilla de la %s, debes a\u00f1adir el campo Media o Comentarios en el %s.","Enable Share":"Habilitar Compartir","Enable Share section to set up this option":"Habilita la secci\u00f3n Compartir para poder configurar esta opci\u00f3n","In order to set up these options, you must enable the voting first.":"Para poder configurar estas opciones, primero debes habilitar las votaciones.","Edit the page where you'll show the winners of your promotion before making it public and visible to users.":"Edita la p\u00e1gina donde presentar\u00e1s los ganadores de tu promoci\u00f3n antes de hacerla p\u00fablica y visible para los usuarios.","The winners are NOT published":"Los ganadores NO est\u00e1n publicados","

      Write here a short sentence<\/strong> that highlights the best of your prize<\/strong>.<\/h3>
      You can also give a short description of how users can enter, HTML is accepted<\/em>.":"

      Escribe aqu\u00ed una frase corta<\/strong> que destaque lo mejor de tu premio<\/strong>.<\/h3>
      Tambi\u00e9n puedes a\u00f1ador una breve descripci\u00f3n de c\u00f3mo deben participar los usuarios, se acepta HTML<\/em>.","There are no sweepstakes created at the moment.":"No hay ning\u00fan sorteo creado todav\u00eda.","Make a new sweepstakes":"Hacer un nuevo sorteo","To show the sweepstakes results on the winners page, go to %s section and select the %s option":"Para mostrar el resultado del sorteo en la p\u00e1gina de ganadores, accede a la secci\u00f3n %s y selecciona la opci\u00f3n %s","To edit the winners page, go to %s section and edit the contents there.":"Para editar la p\u00e1gina de ganadores, accede a la secci\u00f3n %s y edita los contenidos desde ah\u00ed.","%s to view the winners page and share it.":"%s para ver la p\u00e1gina de ganadores y compartirla.","The winners are published":"Los ganadores est\u00e1n publicados","Back to menu":"Volver al men\u00fa","%s must be enabled from the Sweepstakes Winners page":"El m\u00f3dulo %s debe estar activado desde la p\u00e1gina de ganadores del sorteo","Manage and publish winners":"Gestiona y publica los ganadores","Edit and publish the winners page":"Edita y publica la p\u00e1gina de ganadores","Channel ID":"ID de canal","Format":"Formato","Learn how to configure the networks":"Aprende a configurar tus redes","Unsubscribers":"Bajas de usuario","Negative Robinson":"Robinson negativo","Min. characters allowed":"M\u00edn. caracteres permitidos","The HTML is not valid":"El HTML no es v\u00e1lido","These elements are not properly closed":"Estos elementos no est\u00e1n correctamente cerrados","First, publish the winners.":"Primero, publica los ganadores.","Vote status":"Estado del voto","Between %s and %s characters":"Entre %s y %s caracteres","Min. %s characters":"M\u00edn. %s caracteres","The text is too short.":"El texto es demasiado corto.","This is the fixed value that will be passed for this field":"\u00c9ste es el valor fijo que se pasar\u00e1 para este campo","This value will be the same for all users":"Este valor es siempre el mismo para todos los usuarios registrados","Hidden field":"Campo oculto","Restrict the accessibility to the promotion by country":"Limita la accesibilidad de la promoci\u00f3n por pa\u00eds","By default all basic promotions are accessible from any country.":"Por defecto todas las promociones b\u00e1sicas son accesibles desde cualquier pa\u00eds.","This section allows you to restrict the accessibility of the promotion by country.":"Esta secci\u00f3n te permite restringir el acceso de la promoci\u00f3n por pa\u00eds.","Multilanguage option is only available in White Label version.":"La opci\u00f3n de multi-idioma solamente est\u00e1 disponible para la versi\u00f3n Marca Blanca.","Would you like to run the promotion in multiple languages?":"\u00bfTe gustar\u00eda crear una promoci\u00f3n en m\u00faltiples idiomas?","Learn more about multilanguage options for White Label promotions":"Descubre como funciona el sistema multi-idioma para promociones Marca Blanca","Learn more about how to modify default System Texts with Dictionaries":"Aprende como modificar los textos de sistema con los Diccionarios","Create a Dictionary":"Crea un diccionario","{link} if you want to change any default text or translation.":"{link} si quieres modificar alguna de las traducciones y textos que vienen por defecto.","Once the promotion has been upgraded to Premium, you can't return to the basic version. If you change your mind and want to do the promotion in Basic version, you'd have to create it again.":"Una vez actualizada a Premium, no podr\u00e1s volver a la versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica. Si cambias de opini\u00f3n y quieres hacer la promoci\u00f3n en versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica, tendr\u00edas que crear la promoci\u00f3n de nuevo.","You can upgrade your promotion to Premium version for %s to get access to the Premium design template, emails platform, full customization of the registration form, Multi-Network Giveaway and advanced statistics, among others. You can review all the advantages of the Premium version %s.":"Puedes actualizar la promoci\u00f3n a versi\u00f3n Premium por %s y tendr\u00e1s a tu disposici\u00f3n la plantilla de dise\u00f1o Premium, plataforma de emails, personalizaci\u00f3n total del formulario de registro, Sorteo Multired y estad\u00edsticas avanzadas, entre otras. Puedes ver todas las ventajas de la versi\u00f3n Premium %s.","***Upgrade to Premium":"***P\u00e1sate a Premium","The activation price is %s and includes 1 month plus %s days grace.":"El precio de activaci\u00f3n es de %s e incluye 1 mes m\u00e1s %s d\u00edas de gracia.","If you want to extend your promotion longer you need to buy additional months.":"Si quieres extender tu promoci\u00f3n m\u00e1s de 2 meses necesitar\u00e1s comprar meses adicionales.","*** Start":"Inicio","Finish":"Fin","Entry dates":"Fechas de participaci\u00f3n","The dates your campaign can accept votes.":"Las fechas en las que tu promoci\u00f3n puede aceptar votos.","The dates your campaign can receive entries.":"Las fechas en las que tu promoci\u00f3n puede aceptar participaciones.","The dates your campaign is visible.":"Las fechas en las que tu promoci\u00f3n es visible.","By default your campaign's maximum duration is 1 month plus %s days of grace.":"Por defecto la duraci\u00f3n m\u00e1xima de tu promoci\u00f3n es de 1 mes m\u00e1s %s d\u00edas de gracia.","If the End of publication date exceeds the limit date, you will be billed %s for each additional month beyond the initial month period.":"Si la fecha de Fin de publicaci\u00f3n supera la fecha l\u00edmite, se te facturar\u00e1n %s por cada mes adicional que exceda el mes inicial. ","Purchase additional months":"Pagar los meses adicionales","Promotion is closed":"La promoci\u00f3n est\u00e1 cerrada","You can change the dates of your promotion for free, so long as they don't exceed the limit date.":"Puedes modificar las fechas de la promoci\u00f3n sin ning\u00fan coste adicional si las nuevas fechas no superan la fecha l\u00edmite.","You can keep your promotion open while the plan is active":"Puedes mantener la promoci\u00f3n abierta mientras la suscripci\u00f3n est\u00e1 activa","The restriction is based on the geolocation of the IP address of the users.":"La restricci\u00f3n est\u00e1 basada en la geolocalizaci\u00f3n de la direcci\u00f3n IP de los usuarios.","Activation price":"Precio de activaci\u00f3n","Add country":"A\u00f1adir pa\u00eds","Add. month":"Mes ad.","Additional cost":"Coste adicional","Additional languages":"Idiomas adicionales","Additional month(s)":"Mes(es) adicional(es)","Additional months calculator":"Calculadora de meses adicionales","Additional months":"Meses adicionales","After %s promotion will close, and you won't be able to buy additional months":"Despu\u00e9s de %s la promoci\u00f3n se cerrar\u00e1 y no podr\u00e1s comprar meses adicionales","Change end of publication date to dynamically calculate additional costs":"Modifica la Fecha de fin de publicaci\u00f3n para calcular el precio adicional","Copy dictionary":"Copiar diccionario","Countries":"Pa\u00edses","Countries Extension":"Extensi\u00f3n de Pa\u00edses","Country accessibility":"Accesibilidad por pa\u00eds","Date voting":"Voting date","If plan is not renewed and the promotion is still open, it will be closed":"Si no renuevas la suscripci\u00f3n y la promoci\u00f3n sigue abierta, se cerrar\u00e1","If you activate the campaign today your limit date will be %s.":"Si activas hoy la promoci\u00f3n, la fecha l\u00edmite ser\u00e1 el %s.","If you continue you can't return to the Basic Version.":"Si contin\u00faas no podr\u00e1s regresar a la versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica.","If you need to extend your promotion beyond the limit date, you must purchase additional months.":"Si necesitas extender la promoci\u00f3n m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la fecha l\u00edmite, necesitas comprar meses adicionales.","Included":"Incluido","Indonesian":"Indonesio","Limit date":"Fecha l\u00edmite","Your promotion is limited to {limit_date}":"La fecha l\u00edmite es {limit_date}","The limit date is the final day your promotion can remain active.":"La fecha l\u00edmite se corresponde con el \u00faltimo d\u00eda que tu promoci\u00f3n puede estar activa.","New limit date":"Nueva fecha l\u00edmite","Obtain the extended user token":"Obtener el token de usuario extendido","Previous limit date":"Fecha l\u00edmite anterior","Promotion is expired":"La promoci\u00f3n ha finalizado","Promotion is expired.":"La promoci\u00f3n ha finalizado.","Promotion visible in %s":"Promoci\u00f3n visible en %s","Restrict accessibility of the promotion by country.":"Restringir la accesibilidad de la promoci\u00f3n por pa\u00eds.","The {end_date} can not be before the {start_date}":"La {end_date} no puede ser anterior a la {start_date}","The fullscreen gallery is disabled":"La galer\u00eda pantalla completa est\u00e1 deshabilitada","Voting must be enabled.":"Se deben habilitar las votaciones.","You will be billed {price} for each additional month":"Se te facturar\u00e1 {price} por cada mes adicional","Your promotion is expired":"Tu promoti\u00f3n est\u00e1 finalizada","Dates can't be changed":"Las fechas no se pueden modificar","Hour Format":"Formato de hora","As it is your first basic promotion, the activation of the first two months is free":"Como es tu primera promoci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica, la activaci\u00f3n de los dos primeros meses es gratis","First Basic Activation Free":"Primera activaci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica gratis","%s promo activation":"Activaci\u00f3n promo %s","Will you be activating more than one %s promotion within the next 30 days?":"\u00bfActivar\u00e1s m\u00e1s de una promoci\u00f3n %s en los pr\u00f3ximos 30 d\u00edas?","Discover everything included in the %s plan":"Descubre todo lo que incluye el plan de suscripci\u00f3n %s.","%s for %s and you can activate unlimited %s promotions at a better price than paying for them individually.":"%s por %s y podr\u00e1s activar promociones %s ilimitadas con un mejor coste que pag\u00e1ndolas individualmente.","Buy a %s plan":"Contrata un plan de suscripci\u00f3n %s","***Login with Facebook":"***Acceder con Facebook","Register now and you will be able to create draft promotions at no cost":"Reg\u00edstrate ahora y podr\u00e1s crear promociones en borrador sin ning\u00fan coste","You can also {link}":"Tambi\u00e9n puedes {link}","Complete your account information":"Completa la informaci\u00f3n de tu cuenta","Introduce the information of your company and your contact details to continue with the activation.":"Introduce la informaci\u00f3n de tu empresa y tus datos de contacto para continuar con la activaci\u00f3n.","Create new final message now":"Crear nuevo mensaje final ahora","Learn how to create customized final messages":"Aprende c\u00f3mo crear los mensajes finales personalizados del cuestionario","From this section you can create a personalized final message based on the user's answers in the quiz.":"Desde esta secci\u00f3n tienes la posibilidad de crear un mensaje final personalizado en funci\u00f3n de las respuestas del usuario en el cuestionario.","Do you want to show a customized final message to users?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar a los usuarios un mensaje final personalizado?","If you want to display a single final message for all participants, it is not necessary to use this section.":"Si quieres mostrar un \u00fanico mensaje final para todos los participantes, no es necesario utilizar esta secci\u00f3n.","You can customize the final message from the section %s field.":"Puedes personalizar el mensaje final desde el apartado %s.","Click here to edit the %s":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para editar el %s","Learn how to manage final messages and scoring":"Aprende c\u00f3mo gestionar mensajes finales y puntos","On continue you are accepting the {link} of this promotion":"Al continuar est\u00e1s aceptando las {link} de esta promoci\u00f3n","You are under %s":"Tienes menos de %s a\u00f1os","You can not participate in this promotion":"No puedes participar en esta promoci\u00f3n","Please enter your birth date to continue":"Introduce tu fecha de nacimiento para continuar","You must be over legal age":"Tienes que ser mayor de edad","Restrictions":"Restricciones","Enable age restriction":"Habilitar restricci\u00f3n de edad","Minimum age to enter":"Edad m\u00ednima para participar","The end of entry date is reached":"Se ha superado la fecha de fin de participaci\u00f3n","To edit this section extend this date":"Para editar esta secci\u00f3n extiende esta fecha","Add Sponsored Posts":"A\u00f1adir posts patrocinados","Instagram sponsored posts are created from a Facebook Ad Account. You must authorize Easypromos App to read and manage your Ad Account, in order to import comments from a sponsored post.":"Los posts patrocinados para Instagram est\u00e1n creados desde una cuenta de Facebook Ads. Deber\u00e1s autorizar a Easypromos para leer tu cuenta publicitaria, para as\u00ed poder importar comentarios de posts patrocinados.","You don't need to monitor new comments in real time as an original Instagram post. We can import all them at once.":"Para estos posts, no es necesario monitorizar los comentarios en tiempo real como los posts originales de Instagram. Podemos importar todos sus comentarios a la vez.","Select your Ad Account":"Selecciona tu cuenta publicitaria","Select your Promoted Posts":"Selecciona tus posts patrocinados","First, select the Ad Account that created your sponsored post (step 2)":"Primero, selecciona la cuenta publicitaria que cre\u00f3 la el post patrocinado (paso 2)","You can select multiple posts. After select your posts, please close this window.":"Puedes seleccionar m\u00faltiples posts. Despu\u00e9s de seleccionar tus posts, por favor cierra la ventana.","Do you want to add the comments of a promoted Instagram post?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir los comentarios de un post promocionado de Instagram?","Add promoted post":"A\u00f1adir post promocionado","This functionality is only available for accounts with an active Premium plan":"Esta funcionalidad solamente est\u00e1 disponible para cuentas con una suscripci\u00f3n Premium activa","Sign up now for a %s plan for %s":"Contrata ahora una suscripci\u00f3n %s por %s","You can cancel at any time.":"Podr\u00e1s cancelar la suscripci\u00f3n en cualquier momento.","To access the list of comments of a sponsored post, it is necessary to link your advertising account on Facebook to the Easypromos application":"Para poder acceder el listado de comentarios de un post patrocinado, es necesario vincular tu cuenta de publicidad en Facebook a la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos","Obtain your advertising ID here":"Obt\u00e9n tu ID aqu\u00ed","You must stop the comments monitoring in order to continue":"Debes parar el monitorizador de comentarios para continuar","Buy a plan to be able to finish the sweepstakes. Only the first sweepstakes is free.":"Contrata una suscripci\u00f3n para poder finalizar el sorteo. Solamente es gratis el primer sorteo.","Monitoring limited to 7 days":"Monitorizaci\u00f3n limitada a 7 d\u00edas","Select random winners from Instagram posts":"Selecciona los ganadores aleat\u00f3riamente a partir de posts de Instagram","Unlimited time for monitoring process of new comments":"Tiempo ilimitado de monitorizaci\u00f3n de nuevos comentarios","Support for multiple sweepstakes from single post":"Soporte a m\u00faltiples sorteos sobre un mismo post","Please do not close de window":"Por favor no cierres la ventana","Importing %s new users":"Importando %s nuevos usuarios","Click on a photo to exclude it":"Haz clic sobre una foto para excluirla del sorteo","Photo Gallery":"Galer\u00eda de fotos","Exclude comments without photo":"Excluir comentarios sin foto","Field with number of entries":"Campo de n\u00famero de participaciones","Numeric field that indicates the number of entries of that record for the draw. If no field is selected, a single entry per record is considered.":"Campo num\u00e9rico que indica el n\u00famero de participaciones que tiene ese registro para el sorteo. Si no se indica ning\u00fan campo, se considera una sola participaci\u00f3n por registro.","Assign the number of entries of the first record":"Asignar el n\u00famero de participaciones del primer registro","Sum the number of entries of each record":"Sumar el n\u00famero de participaciones de cada registro","Assign the number of entries of higher value":"Asignar el n\u00famero de participaciones de mayor valor","Assign the number of entries of lower value":"Asignar el n\u00famero de participaciones de menor valor","Connect your %s account":"Conecta tu cuenta de %s","First, connect and authorize the Facebook Account who manages your Facebook Ads (Step 1)":"Primero, conecta y autoriza la cuenta de Facebook que gestiona tus Facebook Ads (Paso 1)","Choose the participants you want to send this email to in 'Recipients'.":"Selecciona en Destinatarios a los participantes a los que quieres enviar este email.","No active plan":"Sin suscripci\u00f3n activa","%s account":"cuenta de %s","%s page":"p\u00e1gina de %s","It is not the first Sweepstakes for this %s.":"No es el primer sorteo para esta %s.","Real-time comment monitoring is limited to a maximum of 7 days":"La monitorizaci\u00f3n de comentarios en tiempo real est\u00e1 limitada a un m\u00e1ximo de 7 d\u00edas","To extend %s":"Para ampliar %s","you need to buy a Basic plan":"contrata una suscripci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica","The reason is that for personal Instagram profiles, it's only possible to import the 150 newest comments of a post.":"El motivo es porque para perfiles de Instagram personales, Instagram solamente permite importar los comentarios m\u00e1s recientes de un post, normalmente entre 100 y 150.","If you continue with the sweepstakes to pick the winners, please take into account that the certificate of validity of the sweepstakes will show as total number of finalists the number of comments imported, not the real number of comments that Instagram shows.":"Si contin\u00faas con el sorteo para obtener los ganadores, ten en cuenta que en el certificado de validez del resultado del sorteo constar\u00e1 como n\u00famero total de finalistas el n\u00famero total de comentarios importados, no el n\u00famero real de comentarios que indica Instagram.","Your sweepstakes has been created successfully and we have imported the comments that the post currently has.":"Hemos creado correctamente tu sorteo y hemos importado los comentarios de tu post si ya ten\u00edas alguno.","And more importantly":"Y lo m\u00e1s importante","We are monitoring your Instagram post in real time!":"\u00a1Estamos monitorizando tu post de Instagram en tiempo real!","This means that all new comments on the post will be added to your sweepstakes automatically.":"Esto quiere decir que autom\u00e1ticamente todos los nuevos comentarios del post se a\u00f1adir\u00e1n a tu sorteo.","Remember that when you want to pick the winners you'll first need to stop the monitoring process.":"Recuerda que cuando quieras seleccionar los ganadores deber\u00e1s antes parar el proceso de monitorizar.","Oh! and as it is your first sweepstakes, you can finish it for free!":"\u00a1Ah y como es tu primer sorteo, lo podr\u00e1s finalizar de forma gratuita!","Ad accounts":"cuentas publicitarias","Checking users":"Analizando usuarios","Exclude users without photo":"Excluir usuarios sin foto","%s new user(s) included":"%s nuevo(s) usuario(s) incluido(s)","%s new user(s) excluded":"%s nuevo(s) usuario(s) excluido(s)","Unexpected error while updating users. Please reload the page.":"Error inesperado mientras se actualizaban los usuarios. Por favor, recarga la p\u00e1gina.","To continue we need to review your hashtag. Please verify that your hashtag meets the described requirements.":"Para continuar tenemos que revisar tu hashtag. Por favor verifica que tu hashtag cumple con las condiciones descritas.","If you think that it meets all the requirements, please send an email to %s with your hashtag and a detailed description of the purpose and dynamics of your campaign.":"Si crees que cumple con todas las condiciones, por favor env\u00eda un email a %s, ind\u00edcanos el hashtag y describe en detalle el objetivo y funcionamiento de tu campa\u00f1a.","You must enable %s switch in the advanced settings of your app.":"Debes habilitar la opci\u00f3n %s, que encontrar\u00e1s en el apartado de Configuraciones avanzadas de tu aplicaci\u00f3n.","Allow API Access to App Settings":"Permitir el acceso de la API a la configuraci\u00f3n de la aplicaci\u00f3n","Click %s to learn how to do it":"Haz clic %s para aprender c\u00f3mo hacerlo","Frequently Asked Questions":"Preguntas frecuentes","How can I pick the winners when the sweepstakes ends? How can I communicate with the winners? %s you'll be prepared for the day of the prize draw.":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podr\u00e9 obtener los ganadores el d\u00eda del sorteo? \u00bfC\u00f3mo podr\u00e9 comunicarme con los ganadores? %s as\u00ed estar\u00e1s preparado para el d\u00eda del sorteo.","Check out the 12 frequently asked questions and in three minutes":"Consulta estas 12 preguntas frecuentes en 3 minutos","If you have an Instagram Business Profile":" Si tienes Perfil de empresa de Instagram","If you have an Instagram Personal Profile":" Si tienes Perfil personal de Instagram","Enter the hashtag to track and the start date of the giveaway.":"Introduce el hashtag y la fecha inicial del sorteo.","You can apply %s and pick the winners randomly from the imported hashtags.":"Entre los hashtags importados, podr\u00e1s aplicar\u00a0%s, y obtener ganadores de forma aleatoria.","Write the hashtag you want to track and from when, maximum 1 year back.":"Escribe el hashtag que quieres rastrear y desde cu\u00e1ndo, m\u00e1ximo 1 a\u00f1o atr\u00e1s.","We will import all the comments on the selected post":"Importaremos todos los comentarios del post seleccionado","The hashtag should be representative for your brand\/product\/campaign.":"El hashtag debe ser representativo de tu empresa\/marca\/campa\u00f1a.","The system will import the hashtags published from the chosen date until the moment you create the sweepstakes. It will not refresh and import new hashtags afterwards. You can choose another end date in the next step.":"El sistema importar\u00e1 los hashtags publicados desde la fecha elegida hasta el momento de creaci\u00f3n del sorteo. Despu\u00e9s de esto, no volver\u00e1 a actualizar con nuevos hashtags. Puedes seleccionar una nueva fecha final en el siguiente paso.","In free version the maximum number of hashtags imported is %s. If you want to import more, you need Basic, Premium or White Label plan.":"En la versi\u00f3n gratuita el m\u00e1ximo n\u00famero de hashtags importados son %s. Si quieres importar m\u00e1s, necesitar\u00e1s suscripci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica, Premium o Marca Blanca.","How do I know if I have an Instagram Business profile?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo s\u00e9 si tengo perfil de empresa?","Which advantages does an Instagram Business Profile have?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 ventajas tiene el perfil de empresa de Instagram?","If you want to run a hashtags sweepstakes, you should %s and create the sweepstakes again.":"Si quieres hacer un sorteo de hashtags, debes %s y volver a crear el sorteo.","We have not detected any Instagram Business Profile linked to this Facebook account.":"No se ha detectado ninguna cuenta de empresa de Instagram vinculada a esta cuenta de Facebook.","click here to read more":"haz clic aqu\u00ed para leer m\u00e1s","If you want to get all comments from this post you need to convert your personal profile to a business Instagram profile.":"Si quieres obtener todos los comentarios de este post, deber\u00e1s convertir tu perfil personal de Instagram a perfil de empresa.","No posts found with hashtag":"No se ha encontrado ning\u00fan post con el hashtag","Select your Business Instagram Profile":"Seleccciona tu perfil de empresa de Instagram","This gallery is only for the organizer to see and easily exclude entries. If you're interested in creating a public gallery with the participants' photos and have the option to enable voting, you should try a %s.":"Esta galer\u00eda es \u00fanicamente para que el administrador pueda ver las participaciones y hacer exclusiones de una manera f\u00e1cil. Si te interesa crear una galer\u00eda p\u00fablica con las fotos de los participantes y tener la opci\u00f3n de activar votaci\u00f3n, prueba un %s.","Write the comment that will be sent to the winner. The text will be sent as a reply to the post published by the user in his Instagram profile.":"Escribe el comentario que se enviar\u00e1 al ganador. El texto se enviar\u00e1 en forma de respuesta al propio post publicado por el usuario en su perfil de Instagram.","Review the rules and advices to compose the comment":"Consulta las normas y recomendaciones para escribir el comentario","%s Congratulations, you're one of the winners! Thank you for participating in our sweepstakes!":"%s \u00a1Enhorabuena eres uno de los ganadores! \u00a1Muchas gracias por participar en nuestro sorteo!","The Quiz Summary Page is only available in the Premium Design Template.":"La P\u00e1gina Resumen del Cuestionario solamente est\u00e1 disponible en la plantilla de dise\u00f1o Premium.","Quiz summary activated":"P\u00e1gina Resumen del Cuestionario activada","To switch templates, please disable the %s":"Para cambiar la plantilla, deshabilita primero la %s","Quiz Summary Page":"P\u00e1gina Resumen del Cuestionario","list of certificates":"listado de certificados","You now have your winners and the public certificate has been created and published in the %s. You can consult the certificate of your sweepstakes at any time in %s.":"Ya tienes los ganadores y se ha publicado un certificado p\u00fablico en el %s. Puedes consultar el certificado de tu sorteo en cualquier momento en %s. ","Publish page":"Publicar p\u00e1gina","Unpublish page":"Despublicar p\u00e1gina","Where do you want to receive notifications?":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde quieres que te enviemos las notificaciones?","We send out email notifications such as important notices and alerts regarding your promotions, updates to the platform or development of incidents and it's important that you don't miss them.":"Enviamos notificaciones por email como avisos y alertas importantes sobre tu promoci\u00f3n o actualizaciones de la plataforma o evoluci\u00f3n de incidencias, que son importantes que no te las pierdas.","By default we send the notifications to the email address that you used to create your Easypromos account. If you prefer to receive the notifications to another email address, please change it here or from the account options.":"Por defecto enviamos las notificaciones al email con el que te diste de alta en Easypromos. Si prefieres que enviemos las notificaciones a otro email, por favor c\u00e1mbialo aqu\u00ed o desde tus opciones de cuenta.","This does not change the email address that you use to access your account.":"Este email no modifica tu email principal de acceso a la cuenta.","Email for notifications":"Email de notificaciones","Access E-mail":"Email de acceso","How do you want to assign the prize?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo asignar\u00e1s el premio?","Choose the type of prize assignation:":"Selecciona el tipo de asignaci\u00f3n:","By Random Draw":"Por Sorteo Aleatorio","This allows to perform a random sweepstakes among all registered users or among a specific segment of users. A certificate validating the sweepstakes will be issued.":"Permite realizar un sorteo entre todos los usuarios registrados o entre un segmento de usuarios concreto. Se generar\u00e1 un certificado de validez del sorteo realizado.","This allows to assign direct prizes to all users after participating in the promotion. Example: a coupon or promotional code is distributed to users after participating.":"Permite asignar premios de forma directa a todos los usuarios tras participar en la promoci\u00f3n. Ejemplo: distribuir un cup\u00f3n o c\u00f3digo promocional a todos los usuarios que participan en la promoci\u00f3n.","By Instant Win":"Por Momento Ganador","This allows to assign prizes according to the time of participation of the user. The prize is awarded automatically and immediately after the user registers.":"Permite asignar premios en funci\u00f3n de la hora de participaci\u00f3n del usuario. El premio se asigna de forma autom\u00e1tica e inmediata justo despu\u00e9s que el usuario se registra.","By Manual Assignment":"Por Asignaci\u00f3n Manual","This allows to award the prize manually to the selected winners. For example if the winners have been chosen by a jury.":"Permite asignar el premio de forma manual a los ganadores seleccionados. Ejemplo: un jurado ha sido el encargado de escoger los ganadores.","This field will be used in the control panel as an internal reference of this prize":"Este campo se utilizar\u00e1 en el panel de administraci\u00f3n como referencia interna a tu premio","Short description":"Descripci\u00f3n corta","Units":"Unidades","The units must correspond to the total number of winners you want to assign the prize to. It must be a whole number of up to 10 digits.":"Debe corresponder con el n\u00famero total de ganadores a los que quieres asignar este premio. Debe ser un n\u00famero de m\u00e1ximo 10 d\u00edgitos.","View example":"Ver ejemplo","Basic information about the prize":"Informaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica del premio","Reorder the list of prizes in the public prizes page.":"Configura el orden de los premios en el listado.","Show or hide the prize in the public prizes page":"Oculta \/ muestra el premio en el listado.","Edit contents and properties of the prize.":"Edita los contenidos y propiedades del premio.","Delete the prize (undoable).":"Eliminar el premio (no puede deshacerse).","Prizes":"Premios","Prize types":"Tipos de premio","Add an image":"A\u00f1adir una imagen","Assign and manage the winners for each of the promotion prizes.":"Asigna y gestiona los ganadores para cada uno de los premios de la promoci\u00f3n.","Fantastic! You have now created your first prize!":"\u00a1Genial, ya has creado tu primer premio!","By creating your first prize, the public page with the list of prizes of your promotion has also been created.":"Con tu primer premio, se ha creado la p\u00e1gina p\u00fablica del listado de premios de tu promoci\u00f3n.","You can now:":"Ahora podr\u00e1s:","Edit and publish the content of this page.":"Editar y publicar los contenidos de esta p\u00e1gina.","Edit all the characteristics of the prize: Is it a promotional code? Do you want to customize the image and the texts of the prize? Do you want to add instructions for use? EDIT the prize and explore all the options.":"Editar todas las propiedades del premio creado: \u00bfEs un c\u00f3digo promocional?, \u00bfQuieres personalizar la imagen y los textos del premio?, \u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adirle instrucciones de uso? EDITA el premio, y explora todas sus opciones.","Add new prizes to your promotion.":"A\u00f1adir nuevos premios a tu promoci\u00f3n.","OK, got it!":"\u00a1OK, entendido!","Prize Management":"Gesti\u00f3n de Premios","Any type of incentive that your users can win for any type of action to be done in the promotion, you will establish in this section.":"Cualquier incentivo que puedan ganar tus usuarios por cualquier tipo de acci\u00f3n que realicen en la promoci\u00f3n, los definir\u00e1s en esta secci\u00f3n.","Here we give you some prize examples:":"Te indicamos a continuaci\u00f3n algunos ejemplos de premios:","An amazing trip assigned by draw when the entry period ends.":"Un viaje fant\u00e1stico asignado por sorteo al finalizar el periodo de registro.","A unique discount code per user assigned automatically upon registration.":"Un c\u00f3digo de descuento \u00fanico por usuario asignado autom\u00e1ticamente al registrarse.","10 fantastic t-shirts for the most voted users\/entries.":"10 camisetas estupendas para los usuarios m\u00e1s votados.","2,000 coupons with 20% off and 10 with 50% off assigned randomly with Instant Win.":"2.000 Cupones del 20% y 10 del 50% asignados aleatoriamente por Momento Ganador.","A tech gadget raffled among all users who get all the quiz questions right.":"Un gadget tecnol\u00f3gico sorteado entre todos los acertantes de un trivia.","A free dinner raffled among the guests of my restaurant.":"Una cena gratuita entre los clientes de mi restaurante.","And much more...":"Y mucho m\u00e1s...","In this section you can:":"En esta secci\u00f3n podr\u00e1s:","Create a list of prizes in your promotion.":"Crea una lista de premios en tu promoci\u00f3n.","Activate a Basic Plan to assign unlimited prizes":"Activa una Suscripci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica para premios ilimitados","Establish the number of units per prize and how you will assign them to the winners.":"Definir el n\u00famero de unidades por premio y c\u00f3mo las asignar\u00e1s a los usuarios ganadores","Customize all the characteristics of the prizes such as title, description, instructions for use, sharing messages, if it is a code or not, design, etc.":"Personalizar todas las propiedades de los premios como, t\u00edtulo, descripci\u00f3n, instrucciones de uso, mensajes virales al compartir, si es un c\u00f3digo o no, dise\u00f1o del premio, etc...","Configure a public page to present the prizes and the winners in case they have already been assigned.":"Configurar una p\u00e1gina p\u00fablica para presentar los premios y los ganadores en caso que ya los tengas asignados.","Configure how the directly assigned prizes will be shown to the users, for example a coupon after registration or an Instant Win prize.":"Configurar c\u00f3mo se mostrar\u00e1n los premios a los usuarios que se les asigna de forma directa, por ejemplo un cup\u00f3n tras registrarse o un premio por momento ganador.","Create my first prize":"Crear mi primer premio","Tutorial to the prize management system":"Tutorial del sistema de gesti\u00f3n de premios","This is how the prize will be displayed in the Prizes List page":"As\u00ed es como se ver\u00e1 el premio en la p\u00e1gina de listado de premios","This is the pop-up that will appear to the winner in the Thank You page":"\u00c9ste es el popup que le aparecer\u00e1 al ganador en la p\u00e1gina de muchas gracias","Prizes Page view":"Vista Listado Premios","Winner Pop-up view":"Vista pop-up Ganador","In this section you can select the winners of your promotion. The winners can be selected in 4 different ways:":"Desde esta secci\u00f3n podr\u00e1s seleccionar los ganadores de tu promoci\u00f3n. Los ganadores se pueden seleccionar de 4 formas diferentes:","Through random sweepstakes":"Aleatoriamente mediante un sorteo","Automatically upon registration":"Autom\u00e1ticamente tras registrarse","Automatically with instant win":"Autom\u00e1ticamente por instante ganador","Manually":"Manualmente","Create prize":"Crear premio","You can create new prizes and manage the existing ones from the Editor.":"Puedes crear nuevo premios y gestionar los existentes desde el Editor.","Prizes pending to be assigned":"Premios pendientes de asignar","Assigned prizes":"Premios asignados","The page with the list of prizes and winners is not published.":"La p\u00e1gina con el listado de premios y ganadores no est\u00e1 publicada.","The page with the list of prizes and winners is published.":"La p\u00e1gina con el listado de premios y ganadores est\u00e1 publicada.","Edit and preview":"Editar y previsualizar","Unpublished":"Despublicados","published":"Publicados","Unpublish now":"Despublicar ahora","Learn more about winners and prize publication":"Aprende c\u00f3mo funciona el sistema de publicaci\u00f3n de ganadores y premios.","i.e. \u00abT-shirt\u00bb \/ \u00ab50% off coupon\u00bb":"por ejemplo: \u00abCamiseta\u00bb \/ \u00abCup\u00f3n 50% descuento\u00bb","i.e. \u00abT-shirt 100% cotton. Sort of sizes and colors available. Shipping included.\u00bb \/ \u00abCoupon for the online shop, valid until December 31st 2017\u00bb":"por ejemplo \u00abCamiseta 100% algod\u00f3n. Variedad de tallas y colores disponibles. Env\u00edo a domicilio con gastos incluidos.\u00bb \/ \u00abCup\u00f3n v\u00e1lido hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2017 para la tienda online\u00bb","Quantity":"Cantidad","Learn how to configure a message to non-winners":"Aprende a configurar el mensaje de no-ganador","Non-winners message":"Mensaje de no-ganadores","Do you want to configure a message to non-winners?":"\u00bfQuieres configurar un mensaje de no-ganadores?","This content will replace the %s and the header image when a user doesn't win a prize after entering.":"Este contenido sustituir\u00e1 el %s y la imagen de cabecera cuando un usuario no tenga premio tras registrarse.","Sorry, you have not won any prize":"Lo sentimos, no has ganado ning\u00fan premio","Winners will be drawn between...":"\u00bfEntre qu\u00e9 usuarios quieres realizar el sorteo?","All the participants":"Todos los participantes","A group of participants":"Un grupo de participantes","The voting users of all participants":"Los usuarios votantes de todos los participantes","The voting users of a group of participants":"Los usuarios votantes de un grupo de participantes","Here you can select and manage the winners of each of the prizes of the promotion.":"Aqu\u00ed puedes seleccionar y gestionar los ganadores de cada premio de la promoci\u00f3n.","No winners yet":"A\u00fan sin ganadores","Reset and select new finalists":"Reinicia y selecciona nuevos finalistas","Selection of finalists":"Selecci\u00f3n de finalistas","Draw the prize among...":"Realizar el sorteo entre...","You are selecting finalists for":"Est\u00e1s seleccionando los finalistas para","Select as finalists":"Seleccionar como finalistas","Create the group of participants by using the filters below.":"Crea el grupo de participantes utilizando los filtros de abajo.","You can apply filters by any criteria of a user participation and you can combine multiple filters.":"Puedes aplicar filtros por cualquier criterio de la participaci\u00f3n de un usuario, y puedes combinar m\u00faltiples filtros.","When ready, click on Select as Finalists button to continue with the draw.":"Cuando est\u00e9s listo, haz clic en el bot\u00f3n de Seleccionar como finalistas para continuar con el sorteo.","To be able to select the winners, first you need to create the prize in the editor of the promotion.":"Para poder seleccionar los ganadores, primero debes crear un premio desde el editor de promociones.","Will your promotion have winners? A winner is one or more users that participate in your promotion and obtain a prize.":"\u00bfTu promoci\u00f3n tendr\u00e1 ganadores? Un ganador es uno o varios usuarios que participan en tu promoci\u00f3n y que consiguen un premio.","Basic version is limited to one type of prize.":"La versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica est\u00e1 limitada a un s\u00f3lo tipo de premio.","***Select":"***Seleccionar","Create new prize":"Crear nuevo premio","Message to winner":"Mensaje al ganador","When enabling this option, users will only be able to opt for one prize during the whole promotion. Participants will have the number of entries defined in the \u00abMaximum entries per user\u00bb field, but once they win a prize, they will not be able to keep participating.":"Al habilitar esta opci\u00f3n, los usuarios solamente podr\u00e1n optar a un premio en toda la promoci\u00f3n. Los participantes dispondr\u00e1n del n\u00famero de participaciones definido en el campo \u00abM\u00e1x. participaciones por usuario\u00bb, pero tras ganar un premio, los usuarios no podr\u00e1n seguir participando.","When enabling this option, the user has the same number of entries that you have defined in the \u00abMaximum entries per user\u00bb field every day.":"Al habilitar esta opci\u00f3n, el usuario vuelve a disponer del n\u00famero de participaciones definido en el campo \u00abM\u00e1x. participaciones por usuario\u00bb cada d\u00eda.","You want to limit the registration to a user that has a valid code (Customer loyalty rewards app).":"Quieras limitar el registro a la promoci\u00f3n a un usuario que tenga un c\u00f3digo v\u00e1lido (Aplicaci\u00f3n Valida tu c\u00f3digo).","Run random draw":"Sortear premio","Assign prize":"Asignar premio","Select the prize you want to draw among the selected users.":"Selecciona el premio que quieres sortear entre los usuarios seleccionados.","Select a prize":"Selecciona un premio","Select the prize you want to assign to all selected users.":"Selecciona el premio que quieres asignar a todos los usuarios seleccionados.","Selected users (%s) and pending prizes (%s).":"Usuarios seleccionados (%s) y premios pendientes (%s).","If continue, only the first selected %s user\/s will have prize.":"Si continuas, solo los primeros %s usuarios seleccionados tendr\u00e1n premio.","There is no prize to draw":"No hay ning\u00fan premio para sortear","There is no prize to assign":"No hay ning\u00fan premio para asignar","To draw a prize among the selected users, it is necessary to create a prize with random assignation from the Promotions Editor.":"Para poder realizar un sorteo entre los usuarios seleccionados, es necesario crear un premio de asignaci\u00f3n aleatoria desde el editor de promociones.","To assign a direct prize to the selected users, it is necessary to create a prize with manual assignation from the Promotion Editor.":"Para poder asignar un premio directo a todos los usuarios seleccionados, es necesario crear un premio de asignaci\u00f3n manual desde el editor de promociones.","Regular expression":"Expresi\u00f3n regular","Add condition":"A\u00f1adir condici\u00f3n","Additional field":"Campo adicional","No Instant Winner prize created":"No hay premios por Momento Ganador creados","Background preset":"Fondo de pantalla predefinido","Calendar":"Calendario","Choose code set":"Selecciona el set de c\u00f3digos","Conditions":"Condiciones","Text alignment":"Alineamiento de texto","Copy prize":"Copiar premio","Country (by IP)":"Pa\u00eds (por IP)","Create a new Prize by Instant Win":"Crear un nuevo premio por Momento Ganador","Go to Instant Win tool to schedule the allocation date and time for this prize.":"Accede a la herramienta de Momento Ganador para programar la fecha de asignaci\u00f3n de este premio.","Do you want this prize to be a promotional code?":"\u00bfQuieres que este premio sea un c\u00f3digo promocional?","Do you want to show the winners?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar los ganadores del premio?","Do you want to show the winners of each prize?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar los ganadores de cada premio?","Edit prize":"Editar premio","Add Download PDF button":"A\u00f1adir bot\u00f3n Descargar en PDF","Add Send by email button":"A\u00f1adir bot\u00f3n Enviar por e-mail","The prize is visible in the public prizes page":"El premio se muestra en la lista","First, you have to select a prize from the list":"Primero debes seleccionar un premio de la lista","In order to create instant winners you first need to create new Prizes by Instant Win.":"Para poder crear momentos ganadores primero necesitas crear nuevos Premios por Momento Ganador.","Instant win manager":"Gesti\u00f3n de Momentos Ganadores","Reauthorize":"Reautorizar","There are no conditions at the moment":"No hay condiciones en este momento","There are not enought codes in the code set.":"No hay suficientes c\u00f3digos en el set de c\u00f3digos.","The prize is NOT visible in the public prizes page":"El premio no se muestra en la lista","Pick the color":"Selecciona el color","Prize details":"Detalles del premio","Select the additional field":"Selecciona el campo adicional","Show winners search tool":"Mostrar el buscador de ganadores","Sunburst":"Rayo de sol","Minimal":"Simple","Lines":"L\u00edneas","You need to create a code set in order to convert this prize into a promotional code.":"Necesitas crear un set de c\u00f3digos para convertir este premio en un c\u00f3digo promocional.","Grunge paint":"Pintura grunge","It will be displayed as the description of the winners page. Write here the main characteristics of the prize. You will be able to add instructions for use and technical specifications on the next step.":"Aparecer\u00e1 como descripci\u00f3n del premio en la p\u00e1gina de ganadores. Escribe aqu\u00ed las caracter\u00edsticas principales del premio. En la siguiente p\u00e1gina podr\u00e1s a\u00f1adir las instrucciones de uso y las especificaciones t\u00e9cnicas si es necesario.","Select the prize and add the number of instant win moments you want to create for this prize. Then select the date and time when you want the instant win prize to be assigned.":"A\u00f1ade el n\u00famero de momentos ganadores que quieres crear para cada tipo de premio y determina en qu\u00e9 fecha quieres que se asigne.","The prize cannot be removed as it has winners":"El premio no se puede eliminar porque tiene ganadores asignados","Next: Design":"Siguiente: Dise\u00f1o","Viral":"Contenido viral","Every":"Cada","Is not selected":"No seleccionado","Is selected":"Seleccionado","The import of comments from personal Instagram profiles is %s.":"Los perfiles personales de Instagram est\u00e1n %s.","limited to 150 comments":"limitados a un m\u00e1ximo de 150 comentarios","Switch to business profile to be able to import all the comments.":"P\u00e1sate a perfil de empresa para poderlos importar todos.","Why only 150 and how can I switch to business profile?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 s\u00f3lo 150 y c\u00f3mo puedo pasarme a perfil de empresa?","Why Facebook and not Instagram?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 Facebook y no Instagram?","Business profiles use the new Facebook API for Instagram to import all the comments on the posts. It's necessary to accept the Facebook permissions that authorize Easypromos to read the posts and comments on an Instagram profile.":"Los perfiles de empresa deben utilizar la nueva API de Facebook para Instagram para importar todos los comentarios de los posts. Ser\u00e1 necesario aceptar los permisos de Facebook, que autorizan a Easypromos poder leer los posts y comentarios de una cuenta de Instagram.","Image to winner":"Imagen al ganador","Yes, show winners automatically when there is at least one":"S\u00ed, mostrar los ganadores autom\u00e1ticamente cuando haya al menos uno","Field":"Campo","Combine fields":"Combinar campos","No additional participations field":"Sin campo de participaciones adicionales","Email colors":"Colores del email","background":"fondo","You are giving additional participations to finalists of":"Est\u00e1s asignando participaciones adicionales a los finalistas de","Create the group of participants by using the filters below. They must be finalists of the prize.":"Crea el grupo de participantes utilizando los filtros de abajo. Los usuarios deben ser finalistas del premio.","When ready, set the number of additional participations to give to the filtered users and click on Continue.":"Cuando est\u00e9s listo, introduce el n\u00famero de participaciones adicionales que les quieres asignar, y haz clic en el bot\u00f3n de Continuar.","Double confirmation via email":"Doble confirmaci\u00f3n v\u00eda email","When checked, a confirmation email will be sent to the user to validate.":"Si el usuario marca la casilla se le enviar\u00e1 un email de confirmaci\u00f3n para validar.","Activate checkbox confirmation if you want users to confirm by email that they have checked the box. The platform will send an automatic email to the participants with a link for them to confirm. You can customize this email.":"Habilita esta opci\u00f3n si quieres que los usuarios confirmen v\u00eda email que han marcado este casilla. La plataforma enviar\u00e1 un email autom\u00e1tico al participante con un enlace para confirmar. Puedes personalizar este email.","Your confirmation was received successfully. Thank you!":"Tu confirmaci\u00f3n se ha validado correctamente. \u00a1Gracias!","Your confirmation has already been validated. Thank you!":"Tu confirmaci\u00f3n ya ha sido validada. \u00a1Gracias!","You have registered in the promotion: {{promo_title}} and checked the box: %s.":"Te has registrado en la promoci\u00f3n: {{promo_title}} y has marcado la casilla: %s.","Please, click on this %s to confirm that you accept [FOR EXAMPLE: TO RECEIVE NEWSLETTER].":"Por favor, haz clic en este %s para confirmar y que aceptas [POR EJEMPLO: RECIBIR NUESTRA NEWSLETTER].","You can also confirm your email address by copying this link and pasting it in your browser's address bar: {{validate_optin_url}}.":"Puedes confirmar tambi\u00e9n copiando este enlace en la barra de direcciones de tu navegador: {{validate_optin_url}}.","Checkbox email confirmation":"Email de confirmaci\u00f3n de checkbox","Confirm your acceptance of":"Confirmar la aceptaci\u00f3n de","This email will be sent automatically to the participants who have checked the checkbox when they submit their entry in the promotion":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a todos los participantes que hayan marcado la casilla cuando env\u00eden el formulario de registro","This email will be sent to all participants who check the box":"Este email se enviar\u00e1 a todos los participantes que marquen la casilla","Save changes to create this field and enable this option.":"Guarda los cambios para crear este campo y habilitar esta opci\u00f3n.","And the winners are...":"Descubre los ganadores para cada uno de los premios de la promoci\u00f3n.","Discover the winners for each of the promotion prizes.":"Y los ganadores son...","You can't enter again.":"No puedes volver a participar.","Does this prize have downloadable content?":"\u00bfEste premio tiene contenido descargable?","Enable this option if you want users to be able to download the prize and send it by email. You can upload the document to be downloaded, or insert an external url with the content to download, or indicate that Easypromos generates an automatic PDF to be download based on the prize information.":"Habilita esta opci\u00f3n si deseas que los usuarios puedan descargar el premio y envi\u00e1rselo por email. Podr\u00e1s subir el documento a descargar, o introducir una url de descarga externa, o indicar que Easypromos genere un PDF autom\u00e1tico para descargar a partir de la informaci\u00f3n del premio.","Select the source of the content to download":"Selecciona el origen del contenido a descargar","Upload a document":"Sube un documento","Insert an external url with the content to download":"Introduce una url de descarga externa","Easypromos will generate a PDF file that can be downloaded":"Easypromos genera autom\u00e1ticamente el PDF a descargar","Select file":"Selecciona archivo","Insert URL":"Introduce URL","Download your prize":"Descarga tu premio","Thank you very much for participating in our promotion. You have won the following prize":"Muchas gracias por participar en nuestra promoci\u00f3n. Has ganado el siguiente premio","Edit email":"Editar email","Learn all you can do with the prize management system.":"Aprende todo lo que puedes hacer con el sistema de gesti\u00f3n de premios.","Furthermore, if you upgrade to PREMIUM you will be able to create Instant Win prizes and give direct prizes with conditions of participation.":"Adem\u00e1s al actualizar a PREMIUM, podr\u00e1s crear premio del tipo momento ganador, y dar premios directos con condiciones de participaci\u00f3n.","Raffle 3 units of prize A among all participants and give away a 50% discount coupon to all participating users.":"Sorteo 3 unidades del premio A entre todos los participantes y regalo un cup\u00f3n del 50% de descuento a todos los usuarios participantes.","Premium feature":"Funcionalidad Premium","Basic promotions are limited to one type of prize per promotion.":"Las promociones b\u00e1sicas est\u00e1n limitadas a un solo tipo de premio por promoci\u00f3n.","Do you want to give away more than one type of prize in your promotion? Upgrade your promotion to Premium now and you will be able to run these types of campaigns:":"\u00bfQuieres ofrecer m\u00e1s de un premio en tu promoci\u00f3n? Actualiza ahora tu promoci\u00f3n a versi\u00f3n Premium, y podr\u00e1s realizar campa\u00f1as del tipo:","Raffle prize A and prize B among all participants.":"Sorteo del premio A y el premio B entre todos los participantes","Assign prize A to the participant with most votes, raffle prize B among all participants and raffle prize C among all users who voted.":"Asigno el premio A al participante con m\u00e1s votos, y sorteo el premio B entre todos todos los participantes, y sorteo el premio C entre todos los usuarios que han votado.","Discover all the advantages of the Premium promotions.":"Descubre todas las ventajas de las promociones Premium.","The payment is done when activating the promotion":"El pago se realiza en la activaci\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n","You will be redirected to the checkout page":"Ser\u00e1s redirigido a la p\u00e1gina de pago","For example: I only want to give a prize if the participant is from a specific country, is over 18 years old or has entered a valid code.":"Por ejemplo: Solamente dar\u00e9 el premio si el participante es de un pa\u00eds concreto, o si es mayor de 18 a\u00f1os o si ha introducido un c\u00f3digo v\u00e1lido.","These are some of the possibilities you get with the CONDITIONS feature of the prize. This is a PREMIUM feature.":"\u00c9stas son algunas de las posibilidades que te permite la funcionalidad de CONDICIONES del premio. Es una funcionalidad PREMIUM.","Valid formats":"Formatos v\u00e1lidos","To add comments from sponsored posts it's necessary to have a Basic plan.":"Para a\u00f1adir los comentarios de posts patrocinados es necesario tener activa una suscripci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica.","When you have bought the plan, you need to authorize Easypromos to read the ads in your Facebook Ads account.":"Cuando hayas activado el plan, deber\u00e1s autorizar a Easypromos para que pueda leer los anuncios de tu cuenta de Facebook Ads.","The price for the Basic plan is %s.":"El coste de una suscripci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica es de %s.","Type to find winners":"Busca aqu\u00ed ganadores","Prize title":"T\u00edtulo del premio","The prizes page is not visible to users.":"La p\u00e1gina est\u00e1 oculta para los usuarios.","Even though the Prizes page is disabled, you can still edit it and manage its contents to prepare it for publication.":"Aunque la p\u00e1gina de Premios est\u00e9 deshabilitada, puedes editar y gestionar su contenido para tenerlo listo en el momento de publicarla.","Share the Winners page":"Compartir la p\u00e1gina de Ganadores","If you publish the winners, they will be listed on the Prizes page of the promotion":"Si publicas los ganadores, se listar\u00e1n en la P\u00e1gina de Premios de la promoci\u00f3n","Manage Prize":"Gestionar premio","You've won {prizes} prizes":"Has ganado {prizes} premios","View your prizes":"Ver tus premios","Type the winner's name":"Escribe el nombre del ganador","You need to create a random draw prize to do this":"Necesitas crear un sorteo aleatorio para realizar esta acci\u00f3n","Run the sweepstakes now":"Hacer el sorteo ahora","View Prizes page":"Ver p\u00e1gina de Premios","Edit Prizes page":"Editar p\u00e1gina de Premios","Accept and apply entries":"Aceptar y aplicar participaciones","additional entries for every":"participaciones adicionales por cada","Give":"Dar","Code set missing":"Falta un set de c\u00f3digos","Non-winners":"No ganadores","Prize winners":"Ganadores del premio","The winners of this prize are published":"Los ganadores de este premio est\u00e1n publicados","Select Prize Type":"Selecciona el tipo de premio","Assign":"Asignar","Create a prize now":"Crear un premio ahora","quiz point":"punto de cuestionario","recruited user":"usuario reclutado","The e-mail has been sent.":"Se ha enviado el e-mail.","More information for {prize}":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n para {prize}","Instructions for {prize}":"Instrucciones para {prize}","Send by e-mail for {prize}":"Enviar por e-mail para {prize}","Type your e-mail":"Escribe tu e-mail","Send by e-mail":"Enviar por e-mail","Prizes and winners":"Premios y ganadores","Assign prize manually":"Asignar premio manual","Add additional entries using other criteria":"A\u00f1adir participaciones adicionales con otros criterios","%s out of %s":"%s de %s","Your participations":"Tus participaciones","Add an image or a video":"A\u00f1ade una imagen o un v\u00eddeo","This is your prize":"\u00c9ste es tu premio","You can share this directly on your Social Networks so your followers are notified":"Puedes compartir esto directamente en tus redes sociales para que tus seguidores reciban notificaci\u00f3n","Done! Additional participaciones added.":"\u00a1Hecho! Participaciones adicionales a\u00f1adidas.","%s for only %s":"%s por s\u00f3lo %s","Get 2 months for FREE!":"\u00a1Consigue 2 meses GRATIS!","Buy the annual plan":"Contrata la suscripci\u00f3n anual","Buy now":"Contratar","Yes, I want to save 2 months":"S\u00ed, quiero ahorrar 2 meses","Promotion has no participants. You can't assign prizes yet.":"La promoci\u00f3n no tiene participantes. Todav\u00eda no se pueden asignar premios.","You need to reauthorize the account @%s of %s in the rules of exclusion of followers to be able to finish the sweepstakes.":"Es necesario volver a autorizar la cuenta @%s de %s en las reglas de exclusi\u00f3n de seguidores para poder hacer el sorteo.","You've won {prizes} prize":"Has ganado {prizes} premio","Code":"C\u00f3digo","This set of codes has been configured to be distributed by {graphic_type} barcode":"Este set de c\u00f3digos se ha configurado para ser distribuido mediante c\u00f3digos del tipo {graphic_type}","Select the prize":"Selecciona el premio","How many prizes do you want to create?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos premios quieres crear?","remaining":"quedan","Checked, pending confirmation":"Marcada, pendiente de confirmar","Confirmed":"Confirmado","You're just one step away to make the giveaway":"Est\u00e1s a un solo paso de realizar el sorteo","This action can not be undone. The generated certificate will be published {link}.":"Esta acci\u00f3n no se puede deshacer. El certificado generado ser\u00e1 publicado {link}.","Exclude users in the blacklist":"Excluir usuarios de la lista negra","Recommendation: minimum 1.":"Recomendaci\u00f3n: m\u00ednimo 1.","Yes, by promotion":"S\u00ed, por promoci\u00f3n","Yes, by account":"S\u00ed, por cuenta","Sweepstakes test":"Test de sorteo","All instant wins for this prize have been scheduled":"Todos los momentos ganadores con premio ya se han asignado","The winners of this prize are not published":"Los ganadores de este premio no est\u00e1n publicados","See examples and more information":"Ver ejemplos y m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n","Manual assignment":"Asignaci\u00f3n manual","Text to encourage winner to share. You can edit the sharing content below.":"Texto para animar al ganador a compartir. Puedes editar el contenido que se comparte m\u00e1s abajo","Share it now!":"\u00a1Comp\u00e1rtelo ahora!","Purchase the %s %s plan for %s":"Contrata el plan %s %s por %s","Coupon codes":"Cupones y c\u00f3digos","Visits to My Networks":"Visitas a Mis Redes","Go to channel":"Ir al canal","From February 5, 2018 Facebook no longer allows to detect when a user clicks the button in a Like plugin. That's the reason why we can't include these clicks in the stats. You can see the evolution of the Likes on your page in the page stats itself.":"Des del 5 de Febrero del 2018, Facebook ya no permite detectar cuando un usuario hace clic en el bot\u00f3n de plugin Me Gusta. Por eso, no podemos incluir estos clics en esta estad\u00edstica. Puedes ver la evoluci\u00f3n de Me Gusta de tu p\u00e1gina, desde las propias estad\u00edsticas de tu p\u00e1gina.","Distribute coupons and promotional codes to users that fill in the entry form.":"Distribuye cupones o c\u00f3digos a los participantes que rellenen el formulario de registro seg\u00fan las condiciones que t\u00fa configures.","Distribute unique coupon codes to the participants and use all the %s.":"Distribuye c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos a los participantes y utiliza todas las %s.","advanced features of the prize management system":"funcionalidades avanzadas del sistema de gesti\u00f3n de premios","Upload a coupon image with all the information and distribute it to every participant on the thank you page.":"Sube una imagen de cup\u00f3n con toda la informaci\u00f3n y distrib\u00fayela a cada participante en la p\u00e1gina final.","Prizes page":"P\u00e1gina de Premios","Prize downloads":"Descargas de premios","Downloads":"Descargas","Copy download URL":"Copiar la URL de descarga","The system tracks each time a user downloads the PDF of a prize. Access here the statistics of number of downloads per day and per type of prize.":"El sistema registra cada vez que un usuario se descarga el PDF de un premio. Accede aqu\u00ed a la estad\u00edstica de n\u00famero de descargas por d\u00eda y por tipo de premio.","Download Basic PDF sample":"Descargar PDF B\u00e1sico de ejemplo","Quantity must be greater than 0 and not empty":"Debes especificar una cantidad y ser mayor de 0","You must have \\\"Administration\\\" role for this Facebook Page to use this feature.":"Debes tener el rol de \\\"Administrador\\\" de esta p\u00e1gina para utilizar esta funcionalidad.","Add new types of prizes by activating a basic plan for {price} per month (cancel at any time).":"A\u00f1ade nuevos tipos de premios contratando una suscripci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica por {price}\/mes (cancelable en cualquier momento).","Enable Instant Win":"Habilitar Momento Ganador","Click to see examples":"Haz clic para ver ejemplos","Open pop-up automatically when accessing the Thank you page":"Abrir autom\u00e1ticamente el popup en la p\u00e1gina de muchas gracias","When a user wins a prize upon registration, this pop-up can be displayed automatically above the Thank you page. Disable this option to not show the pop-up automatically and only show the name of the prize on the Thank you page with the option to open the pop-up to view more details.":"Cuando un usuario gana el premio de forma autom\u00e1tica tras registrarse, se puede mostrar autom\u00e1ticamente este popup justo encima de la pantalla de muchas gracias. Deshabilita la opci\u00f3n para no abrir autom\u00e1ticamente el popup, y simplemente mostrar el t\u00edtulo del premio ganado en la propia p\u00e1gina de muchas gracias con la opci\u00f3n de abrir el popup para ver m\u00e1s detalles.","If the user does not receive the email, they can also accept the invitation from their control panel.":"Si el usuario no recibe el email, tambi\u00e9n podr\u00e1 aceptar la invitaci\u00f3n desde su panel de control.","Invitations to collaborate":"Invitaciones a colaborar","Video views":"Reproducciones de v\u00eddeo","Number of views of the videos you have embedded in the pages of the promotion.":"N\u00famero de reproducciones de los v\u00eddeos que has incrustado en las p\u00e1ginas de la promoci\u00f3n.","There are still {pending_fields} to assign.":"Todav\u00eda queda por asignar {pending_fields} campo(s).","You have successfully inserted {new_users} participants to the promotion. Now you can go back to View Participants.":"Has importado correctamente {new_users} participantes a la promoci\u00f3n. Ahora puedes volver a Ver Participantes.","Virals":"Virales","View public page":"Ver p\u00e1gina p\u00fablica","This is the content that will be shown when you share the direct link to the winners page.":"\u00c9ste es el contenido que se mostrar\u00e1 al compartir el enlace directo a la p\u00e1gina de ganadores.","Name of prize":"Nombre del premio","In order to enable the winners page you must first create a prize.":"Para poder habilitar la p\u00e1gina de ganadores deber\u00e1s antes crear un premio.","You can show the prizes of your promotion, the winners of each prize and customize the texts and images of the page.":"Podr\u00e1s mostrar los premios de tu promoci\u00f3n, los ganadores de cada premio y personalizar los textos e im\u00e1genes de la p\u00e1gina.","Use this page to publish the winners of your campaign.":"Utiliza esta p\u00e1gina para publicar los ganadores de tu campa\u00f1a.","Go to Prize Editor and Create my first prize":"Ir al Editor de Premios y Crear mi primer premio","Prize Editor":"Editor de Premios","You can set it up in {non_winners_path} tab.":"Config\u00faralo en {non_winners_path}.","Click here to see the experience of winning a prize displayed in the pop-up.":"Ver v\u00eddeo de c\u00f3mo es la experiencia al ganar un premio mostrado en el pop-up.","By default, the message to the winner will be presented as a pop-up that will open automatically upon reaching the thank you page. You have the option that the pop-up doesn't open automatically.":"Por defecto, el mensaje al ganador se presentar\u00e1 como un pop-up que se abre autom\u00e1ticamente al llegar a la p\u00e1gina de muchas gracias. Tienes la opci\u00f3n de que el pop-up no se abra autom\u00e1ticamente.","Hide name of prize":"Ocultar nombre del premio","If you don't apply any condition, the prize will be automatically assigned to all users that participate.":"Si no aplicas ninguna condici\u00f3n, el premio se asignar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a todos los usuarios que participan.","Conditions allow to create prize assignment rules according to different user participation criteria. For example, assign the prize to users who select a certain option from a drop-down list of the promotion participation form.":"Las condiciones permiten crear reglas de asignaci\u00f3n del premio seg\u00fan criterios de participaci\u00f3n del usuario. Por ejemplo, dar el premio a los usuarios que seleccionan una opci\u00f3n determinada de una lista desplegable del formulario de registro. ","Assignment by Instant Win":"Asignaci\u00f3n por Momento Ganador","Assignment (on participating)":"Asignaci\u00f3n al participar","Assignment by Random Draw":"Asignaci\u00f3n por sorteo aleatorio","Assignment type":"Tipo de asignaci\u00f3n","Example: coupon to all participating users":"Ejemplo: cup\u00f3n para todos los usuarios participantes","Unlimited units":"Unidades ilimitadas","Limited units":"Unidades limitadas","The type of prize assignment can't be modified once the prize is created.":"El tipo de asignaci\u00f3n del premio no se puede modificar una vez creado.","Access this tab to customize how the prize is presented to the winner after participating in the promotion.":"Accede a esta pesta\u00f1a para customizar c\u00f3mo presentar\u00e1s el premio al ganador tras participar a la promoci\u00f3n.","By default, the prize is assigned to all participating users. You can create assignment conditions according to different participation criteria.":"Por defecto el premio se asigna a todos los usuarios participantes. Puedes crear condiciones de asignaci\u00f3n seg\u00fan criterios de participaci\u00f3n.","The Easypromos platform is used to select the winners randomly":"Se utiliza la plataforma Easypromos para seleccionar los ganadores de forma aleatoria","Import participants":"Importar participantes","You can add new participants one by one using the option %s.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir nuevos participantes de forma individual desde la opci\u00f3n %s.","You can also import participants with bulk upload from a CSV file.":"Tambi\u00e9n puedes importar participantes de forma masiva subiendo un fichero CSV. ","To enable this option, first you need to ACTIVATE the promotion.":"Para habilitar esta opci\u00f3n primero debes ACTIVAR la promoci\u00f3n.","Supported fields":"Campos soportados","File format: CSV with columns delimited by comma, tabulation or semi colon.":"Formato de fichero: CSV con columnas separadas por coma, tabulador o punto y coma.","You can add more fields from {link}.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s campos desde {link}.","After importing, you will match file columns with the corresponding promotion fields.":"Una vez importado el fichero, podr\u00e1s vincular las columnas del fichero con los campos de la promoci\u00f3n.","Copy file example to your clipboard":"Copiar ejemplo de fichero en tu portapapeles","You can import up to {max_participants} participants in bulk.":"Puedes importar hasta un m\u00e1ximo de {max_participants} participantes.","Where do you want to import entrants from?":"\u00bfDesde d\u00f3nde deseas importar los participantes del sorteo?","Copy text":"Copiar texto","Upload file":"Subir fichero","Add participant":"A\u00f1adir participante","Management":"Gesti\u00f3n","***Entries":"***Participaciones","Set up":"Configuraci\u00f3n","Convert to Unlimited":"Convertir en Ilimitados","Change to a limited number":"Cambiar a un n\u00famero limitado","Unlimited":"Ilimitadas","Filter prizes":"Filtrar premios","Facebook Auth Login":"Facebook Auth Login","Twitter Hashtag Tracking":"Twitter Monitorizar Hashtag","Instagram Hashtag Contest":"Instagram Concurso con Hashtags","Choose the prize":"Selecciona el premio","expired":"expirada","Edit Winners page":"Editar p\u00e1gina de Ganadores","You can show the winners of this prize in a public winners page.":"Puedes mostrar los ganadores del premio en una p\u00e1gina de ganadores p\u00fablica.","View Winners page":"Ver p\u00e1gina de Ganadores","QR Code":"C\u00f3digo QR","Barcode":"C\u00f3digo de barras","Preview file":"Previsualizar fichero","Click to Select and Upload File":"Haz clic para seleccionar y subir fichero","Drag and Drop File":"Arrastra el fichero","Match columns":"Relaciona las columnas","We have sent participants to the import queue. When the task is completed you will receive an email to {email}.":"Hemos enviado los participantes a la cola de importaci\u00f3n. Cuando se complete la tarea recibir\u00e1s un correo electr\u00f3nico a {email}.","Import in queue":"Importaci\u00f3n en cola","The import of participants has finished. You can see them in the list of participants of your promotion.":"La importaci\u00f3n de participantes ha finalizado. Los puedes ver en el listado de participantes de tu promoci\u00f3n.","Import of participants completed in promotion #%s":"Importaci\u00f3n de participantes finalizada para la promoci\u00f3n #%s","Last %s months":"\u00daltimos %s meses","Last year":"A\u00f1o anterior","Anytime":"Cualquier momento","Assign the prize when the user validates his\/her email":"Asignar el premio cuando el usuario valide su email","Winners information":"Datos de los ganadores","Direct sweepstakes":"Sorteos directos","Contests":"Concursos","Questionnaries":"Cuestionarios","What do you get?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 obtienes?","Individual sweepstakes":"Sorteo individual","Premium sweepstakes":"Sorteo Premium","WhiteLabel sweepstakes":"Sorteo Marca Blanca","First sweepstakes":"Primer sorteo","Create draft promotion with this template":"Crear borrador con esta plantilla","Recommended for promotions with up to {num_entries} entries.":"Recomendada para promociones que registren hasta {num_entries} participantes.","Distribute unique coupon codes to the participants and use all the {link}.":"Distribuye c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos a los participantes y utiliza todas las {link}.","{ep_credit} is not displayed in any screen of the application, and footer can be customized with your own brand.":"No aparece {ep_credit} en ninguna de las pantallas de la aplicaci\u00f3n.","What prize do you want to draw?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 premio quieres sortear?","Prize description":"Descripci\u00f3n del premio","Number of units of the prize":"N\u00famero de unidades del premio a sortear","Giveaway":"Sorteo","Activate now for {monthly_price}":"Act\u00edvalo ahora por {monthly_price}","Only available with active plan":"S\u00f3lo disponible con suscripci\u00f3n activa","Your first basic application {highlight} is available":"Tu primera aplicaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica {highlight} est\u00e1 disponible","for free":"gratis","Select the sweepstakes type":"Selecciona el tipo de sorteo","Change display field":"Cambiar campo de visualizaci\u00f3n","Filter by Date":"Filtrar por fecha","Code 39":"Code 39","Code 128":"Code 128","EAN-13":"EAN-13","QR":"QR","From {price}":"A partir de {price}","Your first sweepstakes is FREE":"Si es tu primer sorteo, es GRATIS","Go to the list of Participants":"Ir al listado de Participantes","To import the users for the sweepstakes, you must go to the Participants list.":"Para importar los usuarios del sorteo, debes ir al listado de Participantes.","PDF Template not configured":"La plantilla de PDF no est\u00e1 configurada","Customize the PDF Template":"Personaliza la plantilla de PDF","Edit PDF Template":"Editar plantilla PDF","There are {num_sites} validation points defined. You can add more or manage them from {link}.":"Hay {num_sites} puntos de validaci\u00f3n definidos. Puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s o gestionarlos desde {link}.","Logged in as {user}":"Conectado como {user}","Yes, use same code for everyone":"S\u00ed, utilizar el mismo c\u00f3digo para todos","Yes, I will upload a list of custom codes":"S\u00ed, subir un listado de c\u00f3digos","Enter your promotional code":"Introduce tu c\u00f3digo promocional","Font style":"Estilo de letra","Font size":"Tama\u00f1o de letra","Text options":"Opciones del texto","Element options":"Opciones del elemento","Options for":"Opciones para","Save layout":"Guardar plantilla","Go back to prize configuration":"Volver a la configuraci\u00f3n del premio","Coupon Editor":"Editor de Cupones","Elements in layout":"Elementos en plantilla","Add element":"A\u00f1adir elemento","Validation QR Code":"C\u00f3digo QR de validaci\u00f3n","QR\/Barcode":"QR\/C\u00f3digo de barras","Line":"L\u00ednea","Rect":"Rect\u00e1ngulo","Download test PDF":"Descargar PDF de prueba","Toggle visual grids":"Mostrar \/ Ocultar gu\u00edas visuales","Toggle zoom":"Acercar \/ Alejar","Import from file":"Importar desde archivo","This will undo any configuration you may have done to the data.":"Esto deshar\u00e1 cualquier configuraci\u00f3n que hayas realizado con los datos.","Select columns":"Seleccionar columnas","Fields":"Campos","No value":"Sin valor","Insert users":"Insertar usuarios","Column":"Columna","Maximum limit of entries reached. It is not possible to continue.":"Se ha llegado al n\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de participantes permitido. No es posible continuar.","%s users detected":"%s usuarios detectados","Please contact to our sales team: %s":"Contacta con nuestro equipo comercial: %s","Limit of users exceeded":"L\u00edmite de usuarios excedido","This prize was already validated by {validation_point} at {validation_date}":"Este premio ya fue validado por {validation_point} el {validation_date}","QR validations":"Validaci\u00f3n QR","Create a Point of Sale":"Crear Punto de Venta","Validation Point name":"Nombre del Punto de Validaci\u00f3n","Number of validations":"N\u00famero de validaciones","Validation Points":"Puntos de Validaci\u00f3n","There is no validation point":"No hay ning\u00fan punto de validaci\u00f3n","Why can not I exclude by \\\"being follower of\\\"?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no puedo excluir por \\\"ser seguidor de\\\"?","Since April 4, 2018, Instagram doesn't allow apps to filter by users relationship.":"Desde el 4 de Abril del 2018, Instagram no permite a las apps filtrar por ser ''seguidor de''.","Read the new":"Lee la noticia","Important":"Importante","Since April 5, 2018 it is only possible to create sweepstakes from Instagram business profiles.":"Desde el 5 de Abril del 2018, solamente es posible realizar sorteos desde perfiles de empresa de Instagram.","Bottom":"Abajo","Top":"Arriba","Thank you! We'll get down to work.":"\u00a1Gracias, nos ponemos a trabajar!","What's the minimum number of participants you would be happy with?":"\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 n\u00famero de participantes a la promoci\u00f3n te sentir\u00edas satisfecho?","We can help you achieve your objectives":"Podemos ayudarte con tus objetivos","Set up the generic layout settings":"Configura las opciones generales de la plantilla","Create PDF Template":"Crear plantilla PDF","{link_upgrade} to customize the design and contents of the PDF template.":"{link_upgrade} para personalizar el dise\u00f1o y los contenidos de la plantilla del PDF.","Discover all the possibilities of the PDF Premium editor":"Descubre todas las posibilidades del editor de PDFs Premium","Save as PDF":"Guardar como PDF","This is the ideal tool to design your own coupon.":"Es tu herramienta ideal para dise\u00f1ar tu propio cup\u00f3n.","Easypromos offers you a tool to automatically generate a PDF that's ready to print with a 100% customizable template: You can upload images, insert text, QR codes, configure colors, fonts and sizes, and you can select where you want the user data to appear.":"Easypromos te ofrece una herramienta para generar autom\u00e1ticamente un PDF listo para imprimir con una plantilla 100% personalizable: Podr\u00e1s subir im\u00e1genes, introducir textos, QRs, configurar colores, fuentes y tama\u00f1os, y podr\u00e1s posicionar donde quieres que aparezcan los datos de los usuarios.","Generate PDF Template":"Generar Plantilla PDF","Select a form":"Selecciona un formulario","Yes, and Easypromos will generate the PDF":"S\u00ed, y Easypromos generar\u00e1 el PDF","You can edit the email on the email platform":"Podr\u00e1s editar el email en la plataforma de emails","Email created":"Email creado","Create an email to send the content automatically":"Crear email para enviar el contenido autom\u00e1ticamente","Yes, and I will upload my own PDF":"S\u00ed, y subir\u00e9 mi propio PDF","Do you want to validate the prize with a QR code?":"\u00bfQuieres validar el premio con un c\u00f3digo QR? ","It allows to validate the prizes in your point of sale or physical store":"Permite validar los premios en tu punto de venta o tienda f\u00edsica","Create Validation Point":"Crear Punto de Validaci\u00f3n","This password already exists. Please, try another.":"Esta contrase\u00f1a ya existe. Por favor, prueba otra","The password will allow the store to validate the QR and will be used to identify who is validating the prize":"La contrase\u00f1a permitir\u00e1 al punto de venta poder validar el QR y ser\u00e1 utilizado para identificar qui\u00e9n est\u00e1 validando el premio","It identifies the store, shop or point of sale.":"Identifica la tienda, comercio o punto de venta.","You need to create a validation point in order validate your QRs":"Debes crear un Punto de Validaci\u00f3n para poder validar el premio en formato QR ","Number of units":"N\u00famero de unidades","How to convert an Instagram personal profile to Business":"C\u00f3mo pasar un perfil personal de Instagram a perfil de Empresa","Validation Point":"Punto de Validaci\u00f3n","You haven't requested any alternate winner.":"No has indicado ning\u00fan suplente.","We recommend requesting at least 1 alternate.":"Recomendamos solicitar al menos 1 suplente.","Click on the icon to read the table with the basic information about the data protection.":"Haz clic en el icono para leer la tabla con la informaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica sobre la protecci\u00f3n de datos.","Updated General Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de las condiciones generales de uso y pol\u00edtica de privacidad","We have updated our General Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy to adapt them to the new General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR).":"Hemos actualizado nuestras condiciones generales de uso y pol\u00edtica de privacidad para adecuarlas al nuevo Reglamento General de Protecci\u00f3n de Datos de la Uni\u00f3n Europea (RGPD).","In the General Terms & Conditions we have added the Data Processor Agreement, in which we commit to comply with all the obligations of the GDPR, to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of the data of the participants of your promotions and contests.":"En las condiciones generales de uso hemos a\u00f1adido el acuerdo de encargado de tratamiento de los datos de los participantes, en el que nos comprometemos a cumplir con todas las obligaciones de la RGPD, para garantizar la seguridad, confidencialidad e integridad de los datos de vuestros usuarios.","Please, spend a few minutes reading these two documents":"Por favor, dedica unos minutos a leer los dos documentos.","General terms and conditions":"Condiciones generales de uso","Other winners of this promotion":"Otros ganadores de esta promoci\u00f3n","Other certificates of this publication":"Otros certificados de esta publicaci\u00f3n","I have read and accept Easypromos' {toc}":"He le\u00eddo y acepto las {toc} de Easypromos","I have read and accept Easypromos' {policy}":"He le\u00eddo y acepto la {policy} de Easypromos","Are you sure you want to delete all the users registered in the promotion? Please keep in mind that this action can not be undone.":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar todos los usuarios registrados en la promoci\u00f3n? Por favor, ten en cuenta que esta acci\u00f3n no puede deshacerse.","Analyst":"Analista","Administrator":"Administrador","Add another user that can also see and manage the promotion. In White Label promotions there are 3 different types of roles for collaborators":"A\u00f1ade un usuario colaborador para que tambi\u00e9n pueda ver y gestionar la promoci\u00f3n. En las promociones creadas con la versi\u00f3n Marca Blanca podr\u00e1s distinguir entre tres roles de colaborador diferentes","It gives permission to perform all the actions available in the promotion management page, except for the action of deleting the promotion.":"Permite dar permiso al usuario para realizar todas las acciones disponibles en la p\u00e1gina de gesti\u00f3n de la promoci\u00f3n, a excepci\u00f3n de la acci\u00f3n de \"Eliminar\" la promoci\u00f3n.","It gives permisson to only edit the promotion, so the user will only have access to the following sections: Editor, Integrations, Publish and Preview. The collaborator will not have access to the data of the participating users.":"Permite dar permiso al usuario \u00fanicamente para editar la promoci\u00f3n, por lo que s\u00f3lo tendr\u00e1 acceso a las secciones siguientes: Editor, Emails, Integraciones, Publicar y Previsualizar. El colaborador no tendr\u00e1 acceso a los datos de los usuarios participantes.","It gives permission to only review the list of Participants and the Statistics. The user will not have access to the other sections of the promotion.":"Permite dar permiso al usuario \u00fanicamente para consultar el listado de Participantes y ver las Estad\u00edsticas. El usuario no tendr\u00e1 acceso a las dem\u00e1s secciones de la promoci\u00f3n.","The names of winners and alternates are not visible to anyone. The link to the winners page returns a warning of \\\"Page not found\\\", and in the certificate of validity the names of the winners or the substitutes are not shown.":"Los nombres de ganadores y suplentes no son visibles por nadie. El enlace a la p\u00e1gina de ganadores devuelve un mensaje de \\\"P\u00e1gina no encontrada\\\", y en el certificado de validez no se muestras los nombres ni de los ganadores ni de los suplentes.","The name of the winners and the alternates are not public. For any question, contact with the sweepstakes organizer.":"El nombre de los ganadores y suplentes no es p\u00fablico. Para cualquier consulta, contacte con el organizador del concurso.","Click here to get more information about all the smart tags available to customize the email.":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre todos los smart tags disponibles para personalizar el email.","a single promotion":"una \u00fanica promoci\u00f3n","Select the budget you want to spend on this ad campaign. The duration of the campaign will vary according to the budget.":"Selecciona el presupuesto que quieres gastar en esta campa\u00f1a publicitaria. La duraci\u00f3n de la campa\u00f1a depender\u00e1 de tu presupuesto.","Open and follow tutorial":"Abrir y seguir tutorial","Create the prize of the promotion":"Crear el premio de la promoci\u00f3n","Customize the design of the layout":"Personalizar el dise\u00f1o de la plantilla","Define the contents when Sharing":"Definir los contenidos al Compartir","Set up the social networks to follow":"Configurar las redes sociales a seguir","Review the terms and conditions":"Revisar las bases legales","Create automatic sending of emails":"Crear emails de env\u00edo autom\u00e1tico","Review the promotion dates":"Revisar las fechas de la promoci\u00f3n","Test and check before activating":"Probar y revisar antes de activar","Review the tutorial on how to close the promotion":"Revisar el tutorial de c\u00f3mo cerrar la promoci\u00f3n","Assign the prize to the winners":"Asignar el premio a los ganadores","Send an email to the winners":"Enviar un email a los ganadores","Check the promotion statistics":"Consultar las estad\u00edsticas de la promoci\u00f3n","Export the list of participants":"Exportar los participantes","Edit the texts of the ''expired promotion'' page":"Editar los textos de la pantalla de ''promoci\u00f3n finalizada''","Great! The ad campaign has been created":"\u00a1Muy bien! La campa\u00f1a publicitaria se ha creado","The campaign has been successfully created and sent to Facebook for its review and approval process.":"La campa\u00f1a se ha creado y enviado a Facebook para ser revisada y aprobada.","The approval process may last up to 5 hours.":"El proceso de aprobaci\u00f3n puede durar hasta 5 horas.","You can check out the details and the status of your campaign through the %s menu section.":"Puedes ver los datos y el estado de tu campa\u00f1a a trav\u00e9s de la secci\u00f3n %s en el men\u00fa.","Go to the ad campaign":"Ir a la campa\u00f1a publicitaria","%s users detected.":"%s usurios detectados.","Activate an ad campaign":"Activar una campa\u00f1a publicitaria","Ad contents":"Contenidos del anuncio","Ad text":"Texto del anuncio","AdBlock is enabled":"AdBlock est\u00e1 habilitado","Add interests":"A\u00f1ade intereses","Add UTM parameters":"A\u00f1ade par\u00e1metros UTM","Age range":"Rango de edad","All cities":"Todas las ciudades","Any":"Cualquiera","Appear in the public Easypromos' List page":"Aparecer en el listado de Easypromos","Between {age_min} and {age_max} years old":"Entre {age_min} y {age_max} a\u00f1os","{duration} days, starting today":"{duration} d\u00edas, empezando hoy","Configure the target for your Ad":"Configura el p\u00fablico objetivo de tu campa\u00f1a","Create your campaign in just 3 clicks and no technical skills.":"Crea tu campa\u00f1a en s\u00f3lo 3 clicks y sin conocimientos t\u00e9cnicos.","Delete the campaign":"Eliminar la campa\u00f1a","Do it now":"Hacer ahora","The client is responsible for the content of the ad complying with the Facebook Ads policy":"El cliente es responsable que el contenido del anuncio cumpla con la pol\u00edtica de anuncios de Facebook","Easypromos will publish the ad of your promotion in Facebook's advertising network":"Easypromos publicar\u00e1 el anuncio de tu promoci\u00f3n en la red de anuncios de Facebook","Easypromos will take care of reaching out to the best audience to maximize your ROI.":"Easypromos se encargar\u00e1 de llegar al mejor p\u00fablico objetivo para maximizar tu ROI.","Embed the contest as a widget in your website":"Incrustar el concurso en un widget en tu web","Estimated reach":"P\u00fablico potencial","Ads Campaign":"Campa\u00f1a de publicidad","Follow the campaign progress straight from your control panel.":"Sigue el progreso de tu campa\u00f1a directamente desde el panel de control.","Get more participants with a Facebook Ads campaign":"Consigue m\u00e1s participantes con una campa\u00f1a publicitaria en Facebook","Install a tab into your Facebook Page":"Instalar pesta\u00f1a en tu p\u00e1gina de Facebook","Integrated with your promotion":"Integrado con tu promoci\u00f3n","Interests":"Intereses","It may also help you":"Tambi\u00e9n te puede ayudar","Layer background":"Fondo del pop-up","Link in":"Enlace en","Link to promotion":"Enlace a la promoci\u00f3n","Ease of use":"Facilidad de uso","No interest selected":"Ning\u00fan inter\u00e9s seleccionado","No interests":"Sin intereses","Optimize your budget":"Optimiza tu presupuesto","Pages management and Ads management":"Gesti\u00f3n de p\u00e1ginas y Anuncios","Please use Premium App for draws with more than %s users.":"Por favor, utiliza una App Premium para sorteos con m\u00e1s de %s usuarios.","Please, disable Adblock and refresh page in order to proceed configuring your Ad.":"Por favor, deshabilita AdBlock y recarga la p\u00e1gina para poder configurar tu anuncio.","Please, disable Adblock and refresh page in order to view your Ad.":"Por favor, deshabilita AdBlock y recarga la p\u00e1gina para poder ver tu anuncio.","Preselect with promotion's Facebook page":"Preseleccionar con la p\u00e1gina de Facebook de la promoci\u00f3n","Promotion link options":"Opciones del enlace de la promoci\u00f3n","Reached":"Alcance","Read the publishing recommendations":"Leer las recomendaciones de publicaci\u00f3n","Refresh page":"Recargar p\u00e1gina","Review before sharing":"Revisar antes de compartir","Review the guide to measure the traffic sources":"Revisar la gu\u00eda para medir fuentes de tr\u00e1fico","Send a newsletter to your contacts":"Enviar newsletter a tus contactos","Share on your social networks":"Compartir en tus redes","Get started":"Empezar ahora","The promotion has ended":"La promoci\u00f3n ha finalizado","The sweepstakes exceeds the maximum limit of %s %s and can not be completed":"El sorteo excede el l\u00edmite m\u00e1ximo de %s %s y no se puede completar","To create a campaign, Easypromos needs permissions to manage the promotion Facebook page":"Para crear una campa\u00f1a, Easypromos necesita permisos para gestionar la p\u00e1gina de Facebook de la promoci\u00f3n","Next steps":"Siguientes pasos","Total budget for this campaign":"Presupuesto total para esta campa\u00f1a","Total emails sent":"Total de e-mails enviados","Type an interest":"Escribe un inter\u00e9s","Type the location (country)":"Escribe una localizaci\u00f3n (pa\u00eds)","Type to find labels or add a new one":"Escribe para encontrar etiquetas o crear una nueva","Select the Facebook page related to this promotion":"Selecciona la p\u00e1gina de Facebook relacionada con la promoci\u00f3n","You must define your target audience by adding interests":"Debes definir tu p\u00fablico objetivo a\u00f1adiendo sus intereses","You will be able to create a campaign as soon as the promotion is active.":"Podr\u00e1s crear una campa\u00f1a cuando la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e9 activada.","Your Ad":"Tu anuncio","Your ad is being reviewed by the Facebook team":"Tu anuncio est\u00e1 siendo revisado por el equipo de Facebook","Your target audience":"Tu p\u00fablico objetivo","If you share the main link, the system will try to detect automatically the language of the user through the browser's default language.":"Si compartes el enlace principal, el sistema intentar\u00e1 detectar autom\u00e1ticamente el idioma del usuario a partir del idioma por defecto del navegador.","Voting":"Votaci\u00f3n","Campaign deleted":"Campa\u00f1a eliminada","Once you have selected all the tweets you want to include in you sweepstakes (maximum 10), click %s":"Una vez hayas seleccionado los tuits que quieres que entren en el sorteo (m\u00e1ximo 10), pulsa en %s","Selected tweets ":"Tweets seleccionados","You can only select tweets that are less than %s days old.":"Solamente puedes seleccionar tuits que tengan menos de %s d\u00edas.","Engagements":"Interacciones","Terms of service":"T\u00e9rminos de servicio","Ad preview":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n del anuncio","Your budget":"Tu presupuesto","This tweet is more than %s days old.":"Este tuit tiene m\u00e1s de %s d\u00edas.","This tweet has more than %s RTs.":"Este tuit tiene m\u00e1s de %s RTs.","Buy a {link_subspro} to select this tweet":"Compra un {link_subspro} para poder seleccionar este tuit","The subscription can be contracted for a single month and with no limit of permanence. The price is {price_pro}, and includes the use of all Easypromos Basic applications":"La suscripci\u00f3n se puede contratar por un \u00fanico mes ya que no tiene l\u00edmite de permanencia. El precio es de {price_pro}, e incluye el uso de todas las aplicaciones B\u00e1sicas de Easypromos.","Men and women":"Hombres y mujeres","Women":"Mujeres","Men":"Hombres","Managed Ads service":"Servicio de gesti\u00f3n de publicidad","and":"y","Data updated":"Datos actualizados","Data last updated until":"Datos actualizados hasta el","From {start_date} to {end_date}":"Del {start_date} al {end_date}","Completed":"Completado","You must accept the permissions":"Debes aceptar los permisos","Paused":"Pausado","I have read and accept the {service_terms}":"He le\u00eddo y acepto las {service_terms}","Type the location (city)":"Escribe una localizaci\u00f3n (ciudad)","You must add an image or text to your ad before you can continue":"Debes a\u00f1adir una imagen o un texto en tu anuncio antes de continuar","Finish and pay":"Finalizar y pagar","Ad campaign":"Campa\u00f1a publicitaria","Commercial communications":"Comunicaciones comerciales","Create an ad campaign":"Crear una campa\u00f1a publicitaria","Campaign duration":"Duraci\u00f3n de la campa\u00f1a","Until the end of the promotion":"Hasta el fin de la promoci\u00f3n","***Active":"***Activa","***Paused":"***Pausada","***Completed":"***Completada","View my next steps":"Ver mis siguientes pasos","Show main buttons on top":"Mostrar botones principales arriba","Since February 2018 the installation of tabs is limited to pages with 2,000 or more fans.":"Desde febrero de 2018 la instalaci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1as est\u00e1 limitada a p\u00e1ginas de 2.000 fans o m\u00e1s.","Language":"Idioma","I want to receive profiled commercial newsletters from Easypromos":"Quiero recibir las newsletters comerciales perfiladas de Easypromos","Receive our newsletter in your inbox with promotion and product ideas and examples, product and company news, success cases, offers, promotional campaigns and other valuable content that we generate on our blog, YouTube channel and other sources. Frequency: Between 1 and 5 per month.":"Recibe nuestros emails sobre ideas y ejemplos de promociones, novedades de producto y de la empresa, casos de \u00e9xito, ofertas, campa\u00f1as promocionales, ideas y ejemplos de los productos y otro contenido de valor que generamos en nuestro blog, canal de YouTube y otras fuentes. Frecuencia: Entre 1 y 5 al mes.","Last update: {date}":"\u00daltima actualizaci\u00f3n: {date}","Account created on {date}":"Cuenta creada el {date}","You need administrator access to this Facebook page to create an ad campaign.":"Es necesario tener permisos de administrador de esta p\u00e1gina de Facebook para poder crear una campa\u00f1a publicitaria.","Images with less text work better.":"Las im\u00e1genes con menos texto funcionan mejor.","Check out your image {link}.":"Comprueba tu imagen {link}.","You signed up and accepted to receive commercial communications from Easypromos on {date}":"Est\u00e1s suscrito y has aceptado recibir comunicaciones comerciales de Easypromos desde {date}","You are NOT signed up to receive our commercial communications":"No est\u00e1s suscrito a nuestras comunicaciones comerciales","Are you looking for ideas, examples, success cases and news from Easypromos?":"\u00bfBuscas ideas, ejemplos, casos de \u00e9xito y novedades Easypromeras?","Sign up to our newsletter to stay on top of it all!":"Para estar informado de todo, \u00a1ap\u00fantate a las newsletters de Easypromos!","Sign me up!":"\u00a1Suscribirme!","Only users who have used the hashtag with the mention to the brand will be imported.":"S\u00f3lo se importar\u00e1n usuarios que hayan utilizado el hashtag junto la menci\u00f3n a la marca.","When you continue, the system will import all the finalists till the date and you won't have the option to import more.":"Cuando contin\u00faes, el sistema importar\u00e1 todos los finalistas hasta la fecha, y no te dar\u00e1 opci\u00f3n de reimportar nuevos.","Only click continue if your contest is finished and you want to select the winners.":"Continua solo si tu sorteo ha acabado y quieres seleccionar los ganadores.","No, I'm not done yet":"No, a\u00fan no estoy","Geographical area":"\u00c1rea geogr\u00e1fica","Pay once for unlimited use":"Pago \u00fanico y uso ilimitado","Get 2 months for free!":"\u00a1Y ah\u00f3rrate 2 meses!","Easypromos will deduct 15% of the budget as a service fee. The remaining 85% will go completely to the display of the ad":"Easypromos descontar\u00e1 el 15% del presupuesto como tarifa del servicio. El 85% restante se destinar\u00e1 completamente a la visualizaci\u00f3n del anuncio","Easypromos will optimize the client's budget to achieve the best possible result according to the configured audience":"Easypromos optimizar\u00e1 el presupuesto del cliente para conseguir el mejor resultado posible seg\u00fan la audiencia configurada","conditions of the Easypromos managed ads service":"condiciones del servicio de gesti\u00f3n de publicidad de Easypromos","You can add UTM parameters to the link to measure the sources of the participants.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir par\u00e1metros UTM al enlace para medir la procedencia de los participantes.","UTMs Builder":"Creador de UTMs","buy a Premium Plan":"contrata el Plan Premium","For 50,000 RTs and up to 7 day tweets, {link_buy}":" Para 50.000 RTs y tweets de hasta 7 d\u00edas, {link_buy}","This field is mandatory":"Este campo es obligatorio","I agree to Easypromos' %s and %s.":"Acepto las %s y la %s de Easypromos.","Only available with a Basic Plan":"S\u00f3lo disponible con un Plan B\u00e1sico","Only available with an active Premium Plan":"S\u00f3lo disponible con un Plan Premium","WOW! More than 50,000?":"\u00a1WOW! \u00bfM\u00e1s de 50.000?","You can upgrade your promotion to Premium version for {price} to get access to the Premium design template, emails platform, full customization of the registration form, Multi-Network Giveaway and advanced statistics, among others. You can review all the advantages of the Premium version {link}.":"Puedes actualizar la promoci\u00f3n a versi\u00f3n Premium por {price} y tendr\u00e1s a tu disposici\u00f3n la plantilla de dise\u00f1o Premium, plataforma de emails, personalizaci\u00f3n total del formulario de registro, Sorteo Multired y estad\u00edsticas avanzadas, entre otras. Puedes ver todas las ventajas de la versi\u00f3n Premium {link}.","Activate the promotion":"Activar la promoci\u00f3n","Preview not available":"Previsualizaci\u00f3n no disponible","Do you think your colleagues should also sign up to receive all these ideas and more?":"\u00bfquieres que otros compa\u00f1eros tuyos tambien se suscriban con su email para recibir estas ideas?","Send them {visible_link} or {copy_link}":"Env\u00edales {visible_link} o {copy_link}","Your data":"Tus datos","Sign up now":"Suscr\u00edbete ahora","Commercial information":"Informaci\u00f3n comercial","Edit data":"Editar","Successfully signed up":"Suscripci\u00f3n confirmada","Successfully unsubscribed":"Suscripci\u00f3n cancelada correctamente","You are signed up to receive our commercial communications with this information":"Est\u00e1 suscrito para recibir nuestras comunicaciones comerciales con esta informaci\u00f3n.","Accept and sign up":"Aceptar y suscribirse","You will be able to change this information later":"Podr\u00e1s cambiar esta informaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s tarde","copy it":"c\u00f3pialo","State":"Provincia","Reply to":"Responder a","Email address that will be used in case the user replies directly to the email received. Important: This is not the sender's email address. The sender address 'From email' is not editable and comes with Easypromos domains to minimize spam.":"Direcci\u00f3n de correo que se utilizar\u00e1 en caso que el usuario responda directamente al email recibido. Importante: Este no es la direcci\u00f3n de correo del remitente. La direcci\u00f3n del remitente 'From email' no es modificable y viene con dominios de Easypromos para minimizar el spam.","Total page views":"Total de p\u00e1ginas vistas","Total visits":"Total de visitas","In order to set up the template of the {name}, the Media or the Comments field must be added on the {link}.":"Para poder configurar la plantilla de la {name}, debes a\u00f1adir el campo Media o Comentarios en el {link}.","To enable this page, go to {link} and enable the page.":"Para habilitar esta p\u00e1gina, accede al {link} y habilita la p\u00e1gina.","View all statistics":"Ver todas las estad\u00edsticas","The minimum age allowed is %s":"La edad m\u00ednima permitida es %s","Do not show the checkbox automatically":"No mostrar la casilla autom\u00e1ticamente","Automatically a mandatory checkbox of acceptance of terms and conditions is shown.":"Autom\u00e1ticamente se muestra una casilla obligatoria de aceptaci\u00f3n de bases legales.","f you already have the terms and conditions hosted on an external site, {link}.":"Si ya tienes las bases alojadas en un sitio externo, {link}.","enter the URL here":"introduce su URL aqu\u00ed","If you do not have terms and conditions, you can {link}.":"Si no dispones de bases legales, puedes {link}.","download and fill in this generic template":"descargar y rellenar esta plantilla gen\u00e9rica","All digital promotions must include the terms and conditions.":"Las bases legales en cualquier promoci\u00f3n digital son obligatorias.","Minimum age allowed":"Edad m\u00ednima permitida","The contents are displayed in an external URL":"El contenido se muestra en una URL externa","***Registration Form":"***Formulario de registro","The privacy policy is mandatory whenever personal data of participants is processed.":"La pol\u00edtica de privacidad es obligatoria siempre que traten datos personales de participantes.","If you do not have privacy policy, you can {link}.":"Si no dispones de pol\u00edtica de privacidad, puedes {link}.","If you already have the privacy policy hosted on an external site, {link}.":"Si ya tienes la pol\u00edtica de privacidad en un sitio externo, {link}.","Automatically a mandatory checkbox of acceptance of privacy policy is shown.":"Autom\u00e1ticamente se muestra una casilla obligatoria de aceptaci\u00f3n de pol\u00edtica de privacidad.","Learn how the voting works":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo funcionan los votos?","Users can only vote one time for the same entry. Daily votes or multiple votes for the same entry by the same user are not allowed.":"Los usuarios s\u00f3lo pueden votar una vez por una misma participaci\u00f3n. Los votos diarios o m\u00faltiples votos para una misma participaci\u00f3n por parte de un mismo usuario no est\u00e1n permitidos.","

      Subtitle: Write here a short sentence<\/strong> that highlights the best of your prize<\/strong>.<\/h3>\\n\\nDon't forget to outline the following points:\\n
      1. Describe clearly what users need to do to participate<\/strong> (register, answer a question, upload a picture, etc).<\/li>\\n
      2. Make clear the promotion deadline<\/strong>.<\/li>\\n
      3. Explain how you will pick the winner\/s<\/strong> (at random, by jury, by voting, etc).<\/li>\\n
      4. Use bold and italic characters, bullet lists, links or your own HTML<\/strong>. They will allow a better reading.<\/li>\\n<\/ol>\\nFinish the description with a final sentence<\/strong> to encourage users to enter. Action verbs will always be your best choice: \u00abDon't waste time and enter now!<\/em>\u00bb.":"

        Subt\u00edtulo: Escribe aqu\u00ed una frase corta<\/strong> que destaque lo mejor de tu premio<\/strong>.<\/h3>\\n\\nNo olvides destacar los siguientes puntos:\\n
        1. Describe claramente qu\u00e9 deben hacer para participar<\/strong> (registrarse, responder una pregunta, subir una foto, etc).<\/li>\\n
        2. Deja clara la fecha l\u00edmite de participaci\u00f3n<\/strong>.<\/li>\\n
        3. Explica c\u00f3mo seleccionar\u00e1s el ganador\/es<\/strong> (por sorteo final, por votaci\u00f3n, a trav\u00e9s de un jurado, etc).<\/li>\\n
        4. Utiliza negritas, cursivas, listas, enlaces o tu propio HTML<\/strong>. Ayudar\u00e1n a una mejor lectura.<\/li>\\n<\/ol>\\nTermina la descripci\u00f3n con una frase final<\/strong> que les anime a participar. Los verbos de acci\u00f3n ser\u00e1n siempre tu mejor opci\u00f3n: \u00ab\u00a1No pierdas m\u00e1s tiempo y participa ya!<\/em><\/em>\u00bb.","This website uses cookies for the proper functioning of the promotion and to collect statistical information. If you keep navigating the site, we consider it as your acceptance of use of these cookies. You can change the configuration or learn more in our %s.":"Se utilizan cookies para el correcto funcionamiento de la promoci\u00f3n y para recopilar informaci\u00f3n estad\u00edstica. Si sigues navegando consideramos que aceptas su uso. Puedes cambiar la configuraci\u00f3n u obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n en %s.","This website uses cookies for the proper functioning of the promotion and to collect statistical information. If you keep navigating the site, we consider it as your acceptance of use of these cookies. You can change the configuration or learn more in our {link}.":"Se utilizan cookies para el correcto funcionamiento de la promoci\u00f3n y para recopilar informaci\u00f3n estad\u00edstica. Si sigues navegando consideramos que aceptas su uso. Puedes cambiar la configuraci\u00f3n u obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n en {link}.","Cookies warning":"Aviso de cookies","If you do not have cookie policy, you can {link}.":"Si no dispones de pol\u00edtica de cookies, puedes {link}.","Display {field}":"Mostrar {field}","Exclude users with less than %s commented posts":"Excluir usuarios con menos de %s posts comentados","If you already have the terms and conditions hosted on an external site, {link}.":"Si ya tienes las bases legales en un sitio externo, {link}.","You can create various validation points if you have different points of sale where the codes can be validated.":"Podr\u00e1s definir m\u00faltiples puntos de validaci\u00f3n si tienes diferentes puntos de venta donde validar los c\u00f3digos.","The validation portal is a website to use at the point of sale to validate promotional codes that have been assigned to the users. Use the validation portal if you need a reliable system to easily validate the codes given in the promotion.":"El portal de validaci\u00f3n es una web para poder validar en los puntos de venta los c\u00f3digos asignados a los usuarios. Utiliza el portal de validaci\u00f3n si necesitas un sistema que te permita validar de forma \u00e1gil y fiable los c\u00f3digos que repartes en la promoci\u00f3n.","Any mobile QR code reader app can be used.":"Cualquier aplicaci\u00f3n lectora de QR es v\u00e1lida.","The validation point can type the alphanumeric code or scan the QR code with a QR reader.":"El punto de validaci\u00f3n podr\u00e1 introducir el c\u00f3digo alfanum\u00e9rico a mano o bien escanear con una aplicaci\u00f3n m\u00f3vil el c\u00f3digo QR.","The validation portal is compatible with promotional codes that have been encoded with the QR code system.":"El portal de validaci\u00f3n es compatible con los c\u00f3digos promocionales codificados mediante sistema QR.","QR code validation":"Validaci\u00f3n de c\u00f3digos mediante QR","You will know which codes have been validated at which validation point.":"Podr\u00e1s saber los c\u00f3digos validados por cada punto de validaci\u00f3n.","Valid code":"C\u00f3digo v\u00e1lido","If the code is valid, the screen will show the message {message} together with the prize and the name of the user. If the code has already been validated, it will show when and from which validation point is was validated.":"Si el c\u00f3digo es v\u00e1lido se mostrar\u00e1 {message} junto con el premio y el nombre de usuario. Si el c\u00f3digo ya se utiliz\u00f3, se indicar\u00e1 cu\u00e1ndo se valid\u00f3 y desde qu\u00e9 punto de validaci\u00f3n.","When the employees at the point of sale access the validation portal, they will first have to identify with the username and password and will then be able to enter the customer's code to validate it.":"Cuando un punto de validaci\u00f3n acceda a la web del portal, primero se identificar\u00e1 con su contrase\u00f1a, y a continuaci\u00f3n podr\u00e1 introducir el c\u00f3digo del cliente a validar.","You can create various validation points. Each validation point will be identified with a username and a password.":"Podr\u00e1s dar de alta m\u00faltiples puntos de validaci\u00f3n. Cada punto de validaci\u00f3n lo identificar\u00e1s con un nombre y contrase\u00f1a.","You can customize this website with a background image.":"Esta web la podr\u00e1s personalizar con una imagen de fondo.","You will get access to a website with a unique URL that you should give to the points of sale.":"Dispondr\u00e1s de una web con una URL \u00fanica que deber\u00e1s compartir con los puntos de validaci\u00f3n.","Features of the validation portal":"Caracter\u00edsticas del portal de validaci\u00f3n","Minimum number of commented posts":"M\u00ednimo de publicaciones comentadas","The minimum number of posts a user has to comment on to enter the draw.":"El m\u00ednimo de publicaciones que un usuario debe comentar para entrar en el sorteo.","Yes, generate automatic unique codes with QR":"S\u00ed, generar autom\u00e1ticamente c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos con QR","Go to Validation Portal":"Ir al Portal de Validaci\u00f3n","You must create at least one validation point":"Debes crear como m\u00ednimo un punto de validaci\u00f3n","Validation points allow you to identify who validates user codes":"Los puntos de validaci\u00f3n te permiten identificar quien valida los c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos entregados como premio en la promoci\u00f3n","Share this URL with your points of sale":"Comparte esta URL con tus puntos de venta","Download template":"Descargar plantilla","To use the in-app legal text layer instead of the external URL, {link}.":"Para presentar las bases legales en forma de pop-up en lugar de la URL externa, {link}.","click here":"haz click aqu\u00ed","Leave blank for unlimited characters.":"Deja en blanco para caracteres ilimitados.","Terms and conditions template for a Instagram giveaway":"Modelo de Bases Legales para un sorteo en Instagram","Terms and conditions template for a generic giveaway or promotion":"Modelo de Bases Legales para un sorteo o promoci\u00f3n gen\u00e9rica","Enable {field} field":"Habilitar el campo {field}","Insert a title for a {field} in the registration form.":"Introduce un t\u00edtulo para un {field} en el formulario de registro.","By clicking the button, you are accepting the %s and the %s of the contest":"Al pulsar el bot\u00f3n, aceptas las %s y la %s del concurso","No Facebook Ad account detected":"No se ha detectado ninguna cuenta publicitaria de Facebook","Do not add HTTP or HTTPS in your domain name.":"No pongas HTTP o HTTPS en el nombre de dominio.","Verify that you don't add white spaces.":"Verifica que el dominio no tiene espacios en blanco.","You can insert a subdomain:":"Puedes introducir un subdominio:","Root domains ( are also valid. Useful when you bought a full domain for this campaign.":"Los dominios ra\u00edz ( tambi\u00e9n son v\u00e1lidos. Es \u00fatil si has comprado todo un dominio para esta campa\u00f1a.","Configure the DNS":"Configura tu DNS","Check your DNS settings":"Verifica tu configuraci\u00f3n del DNS","Verify the configuration of your domain: %s":"Verifica la configuraci\u00f3n del DNS de tu dominio: %s","DNS configured correctly":"Configuraci\u00f3n de DNS v\u00e1lido","Invalid DNS settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de DNS no v\u00e1lida","Use this URL to access in your promotion":"Utiliza esta URL para acceder a tu promoci\u00f3n","Check your DNS settings and try again later":"Revisa tu configuraci\u00f3n de DNS y pru\u00e9belo m\u00e1s tarde","Enable Social Login?":"\u00bfHabilitar Social Login?","Do you want mandatory Social Login?":"\u00bfQuieres que sea obligatorio el Social Login?","Select Social Networks":"Selecciona redes sociales:","To enable this, enable the registration form section first.":"Para poder habilitar esta secci\u00f3n, primero debes habilitar la p\u00e1gina del Formulario.","To enable this, enable the Gallery section first.":"Para poder habilitar esta secci\u00f3n, primero debes habilitar la Galer\u00eda.","To enable this, enable the Winners page first.":"Para poder habilitar esta secci\u00f3n, primero debes habilitar la p\u00e1gina de Ganadores.","Do you want it to be mandatory?":"\u00bfQuieres que sea obligatorio?","To continue, connect with":"Para continuar, con\u00e9ctate con","Register easily with":"Reg\u00edstrate r\u00e1pidamente con","You need to select at least one network":"Debes seleccionar al menos una red social.","Enter the promotional code":"Introduce el c\u00f3digo promocional","The code is not valid":"El c\u00f3digo no es v\u00e1lido","Prize validated":"Premio validado","From October 1st, 2018 the Basic Design Template will become obsolete and will no longer be available.":"A partir del 1 de Octubre de 2018, la Plantilla de Dise\u00f1o B\u00e1sica quedar\u00e1 obsoleta y ya no se podr\u00e1 utilizar.","We recommend you to switch to Premium template.":"Te recomendamos que cambies a la Plantilla Premium.","You are creating a copy of a promotion that uses an obsolete design template.":"Est\u00e1s intentando crear una copia de una promoci\u00f3n que tiene una plantilla de dise\u00f1o obsoleta.","This template can not be used after October 1st 2018.":"Esta plantilla dejar\u00e1 de poderse utilizar el 1 de Octubre de 2018.","Copy with obsolete template":"Copiar con plantilla obsoleta","Copy with new template":"Copiar con plantilla nueva","Recommended":"Recomendado","Log in to continue":"Inicia sesi\u00f3n para continuar","Log in":"Iniciar sesi\u00f3n","Logged as {username}":"Conectado como {username}","Add a promoted post to your sweepstakes through its URL (dark post). You must be administrator of its Facebook Page.":"A\u00f1ade una publicaci\u00f3n promocionada a tu sorteo a trav\u00e9s de la URL (dark post). Debes ser administrador de su p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","Select a promoted post":"Selecciona una publicaci\u00f3n promocionada","Publish":"Publica","Draw":"Sortea","Configure":"Configura","Click on the buttons to connect the social networks your want to create the sweepstakes with":"Haz click en los botones para conectar las redes sociales con las que quieres hacer el sorteo","Once you have selected all the posts you want to include in your giveaway, click on the Continue button.":"Cuando tengas seleccionadas todas las publicaciones que quieres incluir en el sorteo, haz click en el bot\u00f3n Continuar.","Switch account":"Cambiar de cuenta","Instagram business profile":"Cuenta de empresa de Instagram","How to turn your personal Instagram profile into a business profile?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo convertir tu perfil personal de Instagram a perfil de empresa?","Select a maximum of {max} posts":"Selecciona un m\u00e1ximo de {max} publicaciones","Select a maximum of {max} tweets":"Selecciona un m\u00e1ximo de {max} tweets","Import the comments of the publications from different social networks in a single sweepstakes.":"Importa los comentarios de publicaciones de distintas redes sociales en un \u00fanico sorteo.","If a user comments via multiple social networks, the system will treat each network as a separate entry.":"No es posible relacionar una misma persona en diferentes redes sociales.","The total amount of winners and alternates must be less than {max_winners}.":"El n\u00famero total de ganadores y suplentes debe ser inferior a {max_winners}.","{label} button":"Bot\u00f3n {label}","Report error":"Reportar error","Minimum 1":"M\u00ednimo 1","Creating sweepstakes":"Creando sorteo","You will be redirected automatically.":"Ser\u00e1s redireccionado autom\u00e1ticamente","Please, don't refresh the page.":"Por favor, no actualices la p\u00e1gina.","Total imported":"Total importados","It will be published {link_certificate}":"Se publicar\u00e1 {link_certificate}","This is a test":"Esto es un test","Sweepstakes not valid":"Sorteo no v\u00e1lido","{total_participants} participants":"{total_participants} participantes","Carried out by {who}, {when}":"Realizado por {who}, {when}","Edit emails list":"Editar listado de emails","Email addresses":"Direcciones de correo electr\u00f3nico","Do you want to replace the winner {winner} with an alternate?":"\u00bfQuieres reemplazar el ganador {winner} por un suplente?","Write {word} to confirm the replacement":"Escribe {word} para confirmar la sustituci\u00f3n","Winner replace":"Reemplazar ganador","Add a promoted post":"A\u00f1ade un post promocionado","Add a tweet via URL":"A\u00f1ade un tweet a trav\u00e9s de URL","Exit from promoted posts":"Salir de las publicaciones promocionadas","Select promoted posts from your Facebook Ad Account to import its comments. You must have advertiser role to select the Ad.":"Selecciona un post promocionado desde tu cuenta publicitaria de Facebook para importar los comentarios. Debes tener el rol de 'advertiser' para seleccionar el anuncio.","Share on your networks":"Comparte en tus redes sociales","Importing new participants":"Importando nuevos participantes","Generating gallery":"Generando galer\u00eda","Multi-Network":"Multired","Publications":"Publicaciones","Failed to load posts":"No se han podido importar los posts","The names of winners and alternates are not visible to anyone. The link to the winners page returns a warning of ''Page not found'', and in the certificate of validity the names of the winners or the substitutes are not shown.":"Los nombres de ganadores y suplentes no son visibles por nadie. El enlace a la p\u00e1gina de ganadores devuelve un mensaje de ''P\u00e1gina no encontrada'', y en el certificado de validez no se muestras los nombres ni de los ganadores ni de los suplentes.","Use the Multi-Network Giveaway, included in the Basic Pro subscription plan":"Utilice el sorteoMultired, incluido en el plan de suscripci\u00f3n Basic Pro","Multi-Network Giveaway":"Sorteo Multired","Multi-Network Comments Giveaway":"Sorteo de comentarios Multired","Entrants":"Participantes","Single prize page":"P\u00e1gina de premio \u00fanico","Share this link if you want users to view only a specific prize instead of the whole winners page":"Comparte este enlace si quieres que los usuarios vean \u00fanicamente un premio en lugar de toda la p\u00e1gina de ganadores","This post has no comments and can not be added to the sweepstakes":"Esta publicaci\u00f3n no tiene comentarios y no puede ser a\u00f1adido al sorteo","Finishing process.":"Finalizando el proceso.","Exclude from the sweepstakes users that don't accomplish certain rules":"Excluir del sorteo usuarios que no cumplan ciertas reglas.","There are no winners in {network} to perform the sends.":"No hay ning\u00fan ganador en {network} para realizar el env\u00edo.","Insert the link of the post":"Introduce la URL del post","Insert the link of the tweet":"Inserta el link del tuit","We suggest the text of this template as {link}.":"Te sugerimos el texto de esta plantilla como {link}.","View posts":"Ver posts","Selected posts":"Posts seleccionados","Add color":"A\u00f1adir color","Go to tutorial":"Ir al tutorial","Here's everything you need to create a giveaway on your Instagram":"Aqu\u00ed tienes los contenidos de la plantilla para que puedas publicar el sorteo en tu cuenta de Instagram","Text for the giveaway post - %s":"Texto predefinido de la publicaci\u00f3n [%s]","copy text":"ver y copiar","Image to announce the giveaway on your Profile":" Imagen para la publicaci\u00f3n de un 'post'","Image to promote the giveaway in your Stories":"Imagen para promover el sorteo como una 'story'","attached":"adjunta","Click %s to use our ready-made terms and conditions":"\u00bfNecesitas unas bases legales? Utiliza nuestras bases legales predefinidas %s","Yes, I confirm this domain":"S\u00ed, confirmo este dominio","If you confirm we will automatically generate the SSL certificates for this domain HTTPS support.":"Si confirmas se generar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente un certificado SSL para dar soporte HTTPS para el dominio.","Do you confirm that this will be the domain for your promotion?":"\u00bfConfirmas que este ser\u00e1 el dominio definitivo para esta promoci\u00f3n?","Verification OK":"Validaci\u00f3n OK","How will you pick the winners? Read our %s.":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo selecciono los ganadores? Lee nuestro %s.","tutorial on how to select winners once the contest has closed":"tutorial sobre c\u00f3mo seleccionar ganadores una vez finalizado el periodo de participaci\u00f3n","Remember, if you have any questions or issues, our support team is ready to help.":" Para cualquier duda, tienes a tu disposici\u00f3n nuestro equipo de soporte.","Thanks for trying the Instagram template!":"\u00a1Gracias por probar la plantilla!","If you want to allow users to share the promotion on Facebook and to enter and vote using Facebook Social Login through your own domain you must link a Facebook App (created in Facebook Developers site) from the Integrations Menu. This is the way to notify Facebook about your domain, and authorize it for sharing and login.":"Si quieres que los usuarios puedan compartir en Facebook y que puedan participar y votar mediante Login Social de Facebook a trav\u00e9s de tu dominio, debes enlazar una Aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook (creada desde el sitio web de Facebook Developers) desde el men\u00fa Integraciones. \u00c9sta es la forma de notificar a Facebook sobre tu dominio, y autorizarlo para que se pueda compartir y hacer login.","Go to Integrations and Link my Facebook App":"Ir a Integraciones y enlazar mi Aplicaci\u00f3n de Facebook","Facebook Support":"Facebook Support","Start configuring this template and test it is free.":"Empezar a configurar esta plantilla y probarla es gratis.","To publish, you will need to have an active {link_plan}.":"Para publicarla, deber\u00e1s tener un {link_plan} activo.","The download and publication of the template is free.":"La descarga y publicaci\u00f3n de la plantilla es gratis.","To pick winners through Easypromos, take a look to {link_plans}.":"Para la selecci\u00f3n de ganadores a trav\u00e9s de Easypromos, consulta los {link_plans}.","payment plan":"plan de pago","payment plans":"planes de pago","using a template":"usando una plantilla","Select a template from the list":"Selecciona una plantilla de la lista","Type to search":"Escribe para buscar","Do you want to display My Networks?":"\u00bfQuieres mostrar Mis Redes?","The registration form has error. Please check red fields.":"El formulario tiene errores. Por favor revisa los campos marcados en rojo.","Draft text of the giveaway post, ready to edit and publish.":"Borrador del texto del sorteo (listo para ser configurado y publicar).","Image to use in the giveaway post, free to edit, use and share.":"Imagen predefinida para ser usada en el post del sorteo, libre de derechos para poder editarla, utilizarla y\/o difundirla.","Image to promote the giveaway in your Instagram Stories, free to edit, use and share.":"Imagen predefinida para promover el sorteo en las stories de tu perfil, libre de derechos para poder editarla, utilizarla y\/o difundirla.","Giveaway guaranteed by Easypromos, with a certified link. Instagram does not endorse or sponsor this promotion.":"Incluye exoneraci\u00f3n de Instagram y la garant\u00eda del sorteo realizado con Easypromos.","Ready-made template for terms and conditions (download and fill in your company's contact details).":"Plantilla preconfigurada de bases legales (desc\u00e1rgala e introduce los datos de contacto de tu compa\u00f1\u00eda).","You'll receive an email with everything you need to create your Instagram giveaway.":"Recibir\u00e1s por email todo el material para configurar tu sorteo en Instagram.","Draft text and instructions for participants designed to follow Facebook rules and best practices.":"Texto revisado para que los requerimientos de participaci\u00f3n cumplan con la normativa y buenas pr\u00e1cticas de Facebook.","Detailed tutorial on how to set up the giveaway.":"Tutorial detallado para configurar el sorteo.","To use this template, create your Easypromos account for free.":"Para utilizar esta plantilla debes darte de alta en Easypromos (alta gratuita).","Ready-made promotion. Just edit the dates, personalize the text, and activate the campaign.":"Promoci\u00f3n preconfigurada. Solamente deber\u00e1s modificar las fechas, personalizar los textos y activarla. \u00a1Te ahorrar\u00e1s el 70% de tu tiempo!","All the pre-set images are free to edit, use, and share. This includes the background image, viral image, main image and header.":"Todas las im\u00e1genes predefinidas listas para usar, libres de derechos para poder editarlas, utilizarlas y\/o difundirlas. Incluye: imagen de fondo, imagen viral, imagen principal e imagen de cabecera.","Our creative team have produced promotion text which works to maximize your viral reach. Review and edit to suit your needs.":"Todos los textos base de la promoci\u00f3n ya est\u00e1n creados. Nuestro equipo creativo ha pensado los textos que mejor funcionan para conseguir m\u00e1s viralidad. \u00a1Rev\u00edsalos y ed\u00edtalos a tu gusto!","Ready-made template for terms and conditions. Just download the template and fill in your company's details.":"Acceso a la plantilla de bases legales lista para que la completes con tus datos de empresa.","Ready-made drafts of automated emails to promotion participants.":"Emails de la promoci\u00f3n creados en modo borrador.","Send template files to your email":"Enviar archivos de la plantilla a tu email","Download this template":"Descarga esta plantilla","Get started with this template":"Empieza ahora con esta plantilla","Your Instagram giveaway template for '%s'":"Tu plantilla de sorteo Instagram para '%s'","Template sent to %s":"Plantilla enviada a %s","Copy text to clipboard":"Copiar texto al portapapeles","View all templates":"Ver todas las plantillas","Basic PRO Plan":"Plan Basic PRO","It's not possible to install in pages with less than 2,000 followers":"No se permite publicar en p\u00e1ginas de menos de 2000 fans","Only available with a Basic PRO Plan":"S\u00f3lo disponible con un Plan Basic PRO","Facebook permissions missing":"Falta aceptar el permiso de Facebook","You must accept the {perms} Facebook Permission in order to show you the {perms2} you manage.":"Debes aceptar el permiso de Facebook {perms} para poder mostrarte el {perms2} que administras.","You must accept the {perms} Facebook permissions in order to show you the {what_to_display} you manage.":"Debes aceptar el permiso de Facebook {perms} para poder mostrarte la {what_to_display} que administras.","Facebook Ads permissions missing":"Falta aceptar el permiso de Facebook Ads","Instagram permissions missing":"Falta aceptar el permiso de Instagram","No Facebook pages detected":"No se han detectado p\u00e1ginas de Facebook","This type of sweepstakes is only available for posts published on {link_facebook_pages}, not personal profiles.":"Este tipo de sorteo est\u00e1 solamente disponible para posts publicados en {link_facebook_pages}, no en perfiles personales.","Advertising profile not linked":"La cuenta publicitaria no est\u00e1 vinculada","To do this you must contact us by sending an email to {email_soporte}, and indicate us your Easypromos account number (#{account_id}) and your advertising account ID on Facebook.":"Para poder continuar deber\u00e1s contactar con nosotros envi\u00e1ndonos un email a {email_soporte} e indicarnos el ID de tu cuenta de Easypromos (#{account_id}) y el ID de tu cuenta publicitaria de Facebook.","No Instagram Business profile":"No se ha detectado ning\u00fan perfil de Instagram de empresa","Promotion recommended to":"Promoci\u00f3n recomendada para","To add comments from sponsored posts it's necessary to have a Basic PRO plan.":"Para a\u00f1adir comentarios de publicaciones promocionadas es necesario tener un plan Basic PRO.","The Basic PRO plan price is {label_price}.":"El precio de un plan Basic PRO es de {label_price}.","You can cancel at anytime.":"Puedes cancelarlo en cualquier momento.","To include the participants of the selected posts you need to have an active Basic PRO plan.":"Para importar los participantes de las publicaciones seleccionadas es necesario tener activado un plan Basic PRO. ","Combine in a single giveaway participants from different social networks.":"Combina en un \u00fanico sorteo participantes de diferentes redes sociales.","Include Ads and promoted posts in your giveaways.":"Incluye anuncios y publicaciones patrocinadas en tus sorteos.","Unlimited giveaways and participants.":"N\u00famero de sorteos y participantes ilimitados.","The price for {plan} is {price}.":"El precio para {plan} es {price}.","Your first giveaway is FREE. Continue to draw the winner(s) and alternate(s)":"Tu primer sorteo es GRATUITO. Continua para obtener ganador(es) y suplente(s)","Ad account":"Cuenta publicitaria","Select the Facebook Ads account with which you have paid for the Ad or Instagram sponsored post.":"Selecciona la cuenta publicitaria de Facebook con la que has pagado el anuncio o post patrocinado de Instagram.","Do you want to add the comments of a post created from Facebook Ads (dark post)?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir los comentarios de un post creado desde Facebook Ads (dark post)?","Use this plan to run quick giveaways for users who interact with social media posts.":"Plan para gestionar sorteos r\u00e1pidos entre los usuarios que interaccionan con las publicaciones de las redes sociales.","Small to medium enterprises which run occasional quick giveaways on their social media.":"Peque\u00f1as y medianas empresas que realizan sorteos peri\u00f3dicos y r\u00e1pidos en sus redes sociales.","Includes unlimited giveaways on Facebook and Instagram for all the brands you work with.":"Incluye sorteos ilimitados en Facebook e Instagram para todas las marcas que gestiones.","Limited to 5000 participations per giveaway. Sponsored posts are not supported.":"Limitado a 5000 participaciones por sorteo. No soporta posts patrocinados.","View comparison table":"Ver tabla comparativa","Need more powerful features? Upgrade to a {better_plan}.":"\u00bfNecesitas m\u00e1s funcionalidades? Actualiza a {better_plan}.","The price to upgrade your current plan to a {plan}: {price}.":"Precio para actualizar tu plan actual a {plan}: {price}.","The renewal date will not change. If you keep on with the upgrade, the {plan} rate will be applied on the following month.":"La fecha de renovaci\u00f3n no se modifica. Si mantienes la renovaci\u00f3n del plan, al siguiente mes se aplicar\u00e1 la tarifa del {plan}.","The upgrade price is calculated based on the months left on your current plan, with a cost of {monthly_price}.":"El precio de la actualizaci\u00f3n se calcula a partir de los meses restantes de tu plan actual multiplicado por {monthly_price}.","Includes the List giveaway App.":"Incluye la aplicaci\u00f3n de Sorteo de un Listado.","Includes basic giveaways with registration form.":"Incluye la versi\u00f3n b\u00e1sica del Sorteo con Registro.","A high-powered plan for quick social media giveaways. Unlimited entries, support for sponsored posts, and multi-network participation.":"El plan m\u00e1s completo para la gesti\u00f3n de sorteos r\u00e1pidos de interacciones en redes sociales: Sin l\u00edmites, soporte a posts patrocinados y combinar participaciones de varias redes.","Marketing professionals who organize their clients' social media and advertising campaigns.":"Profesionales del marketing que adem\u00e1s de gestionar los contenidos de las redes sociales de sus clientes, gestionan sus campa\u00f1as publicitarias.","Includes all Basic apps, plus the Multi-Network giveaway app. Combine entries from different social networks in one giveaway.":"Incluye todas las aplicaciones del Plan Basic m\u00e1s la aplicaci\u00f3n Sorteo Multired, que permite crear sorteos combinando participaciones de diferentes redes sociales.","Unlimited participations and support for sponsored posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.":"Sin l\u00edmite de participaciones y soporte a sorteos con posts patrocinados de Facebook, Instagram y Twitter.","Twitter giveaways using tweets up to 7 days old. Twitter giveaways using replies, and mentions + hashtags.":"Sorteos en Twitter de tweets de hasta 7 d\u00edas, y aplicaci\u00f3n de sorteo entre respuestas de un tweet y hashtag + menciones.","The best plan for collecting user data. Includes all promotion and contest types you need to achieve all your marketing objectives.":"El mejor plan para la captaci\u00f3n de datos de usuarios. Incluye todas las din\u00e1micas de promociones y concursos, para as\u00ed conseguir todos los objetivos de marketing.","Agencies and businesses which need a 360\u00b0 platform for promotions and contests. It's reliable, flexible, and doesn't require programming at all.":"Agencias y empresas que necesitan una plataforma de promociones y concursos completa, robusta, flexible, f\u00e1cil de usar y sin depender de desarrolladores.","Includes all the apps and features listed in Basic PRO Plan.":"Incluye todas las aplicaciones de sorteos directos con las mismas prestaciones que el Plan Basic PRO.","Includes all Premium contest types: photos, videos, texts, and Pick Your Favorite.":"Incluye todos los tipos de concursos: fotos, v\u00eddeos, textos, vota tu favorito.","Includes all methods for rewarding customer registration: giveaways, coupons, unique promotional codes, Instant Win, Refer a Friend, Redeem codes and Winning codes.":"Incluye todos los tipos de formularios con premio: Sorteos, cupones y c\u00f3digos promocionales, momentos ganadores, sistema de reclutadores, validaci\u00f3n de c\u00f3digos y c\u00f3digos ganadores.","Includes all types of quiz: Knowledge quiz, Survey, Predictions and Personality quiz.":"Incluye todos los tipos de cuestionarios: trivias, encuestas, quinielas y cuestionarios tipo test.","Includes chat and email support.":"Incluye soporte v\u00eda chat e email.","The most comprehensive Easypromos plan. Includes all applications, all features, and full customization.":"El plan m\u00e1s completo de Easypromos. Incluye todas las aplicaciones con todas las opciones de configuraci\u00f3n y personalizaci\u00f3n gr\u00e1fica disponibles.","Large enterprises which run high-volume and international campaigns. Marketing agencies which need tools to automate and integrate with CRM and other systems.":"Grandes empresas con campa\u00f1as de gran volumen de usuarios y campa\u00f1as internacionales. Agencias de marketing que necesitan herramientas para automatizar e integrarse con CRMs y otros sistemas.","No mention of the Easypromos brand in your competition apps.":"Las aplicaciones no tienen ninguna referencia a la marca Easypromos.","Global promotions with multilingual support.":"Promociones globales con soporte multi-idioma.","Your own domain name with HTTPS support.":"Uso de dominio propio con soporte HTTPS inclu\u00eddo.","Access to the API and webhooks to synchronize participations with third-party systems.":"Acceso a la API y webhooks para sincronizar los participaciones con sistemas de terceros.","Tools for developers to customize the web design, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript.":"Herramientas para desarrolladores web para personalizaci\u00f3n de dise\u00f1o: HTML, CSS y Javascript.","Choose your plan":"Elige tu plan","Save 2 months with annual payment":"Ahorra 2 meses con pago anual","Recommended for":"Recomendado para","Comparison Table: BASIC vs BASIC PRO":"Tabla comparativa: BASIC vs BASIC PRO","Price per month":"Precio por mes","Minimum length of subscription":"Tiempo m\u00ednimo de permanencia","All plans have a minimum subscription of 1 month. If you don't cancel your plan, it will automatically be renewed after 30 days. Subscribe for a full year and save 2 months!":"Todos los planes tienen una permanencia m\u00ednima de 1 mes. Si no se cancela el plan, se renueva de forma autom\u00e1tica al cabo de 30 d\u00edas. Es posible contratar todo un a\u00f1o completo \u00a1te ahorrar\u00e1s 2 meses!","1 month":"1 mes","Number of sweepstakes included":"N\u00famero de sorteos inclu\u00eddos","All active plans include unlimited sweepstakes.":"Todos los planes incluyen sorteos ilimitados mientras est\u00e9n activos.","Number of social media profiles supported":"N\u00famero de perfiles en redes sociales soportados","You can run unlimited promotions on any social media profile of which you are an administrator. This applies to your own profiles, and profiles which you administer on behalf of your clients.":"Puedes realizar sorteos ilimitados para cualquier red social que administres, sea tuya o de tus clientes.","Maximum number of participants per promotion":"N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de participantes por sorteo","The Basic plan is limited to a maximum of 5000 entries per promotion. For example, an Instagram giveaway would be limited to 5000 comments. A giveaway with registration form would be limited to 5000 registered leads.":"El plan b\u00e1sico est\u00e1 limitado a un m\u00e1ximo de 5.000 participaciones. Ejemplo: un sorteo de comentarios de Instagram est\u00e1 limitado a 5000 comentarios. Un sorteo de un listado excel est\u00e1 limitado a 5000 registros.","Facebook giveaways":"Sorteos en Facebook","Likes\/Reactions to one or more posts":"Me gustas\/Reacciones de una o varias publicaciones","Giveaway for users who react to one or more posts (maximum 10) on a Facebook Page.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que reaccionan a una o varias publicaciones (m\u00e1ximo 10) de una p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","Comments on one or more posts":"Comentarios de una o varias publicaciones","Giveaway for users who comment on one or more posts (maximum 10) on a Facebook Page.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que comentan una o varias publicaciones (m\u00e1ximo 10) de una p\u00e1gina de Facebook.","Giveaway for users who share their contact details via Facebook Lead Ads.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que dejan sus datos de contacto en un anuncio basado en Facebook Lead Ads.","Support for dark posts":"Soporte de dark posts","Include reactions or comments on posts which are created with Facebook Ads and don't appear on your Page.":"Incluir reacciones o comentarios de publicaciones creadas directamente desde el administrador de anuncios de Facebook.","Instagram giveaways":"Sorteos en Instagram","Giveaway for users who comment on one or more posts (maximum 10) on an Instagram business profile.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que comentan una o varias publicaciones (m\u00e1ximo 10) de un perfil de negocio de Instagram.","Support for sponsored posts and dark posts":"Soporte de posts patrocinados y dark posts","Include comments on sponsored posts and posts created with Facebook Ads.":"Incluir usuarios que comentan de publicaciones de Instagram patrocinadas o creadas directamente desde el administrador de anuncios de Facebook.","Twitter giveaways":"Sorteos en Twitter","Maximum age of tweets":"M\u00e1xima antiguedad de los tweets","Twitter giveaways are based on user interactions with tweets. If a tweet was published more than 7 days ago, its interactions can not be recovered.":"Los sorteos en Twitter se basan en interacciones de tweets. Si el tweet tiene m\u00e1s de 7 d\u00edas, no se importar\u00e1n los retweets.","RTs and quote RTs of one tweet":"RTs y tweets citados de un tweet","Giveaway for users who retweet one tweet (quote retweets included).":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que hacen RT de un \u00fanico tweet (quote retweets incluidos).","Followers":"Seguidores","Giveaway for users who follow a Twitter account.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que son seguidores de una cuenta de Twitter.","Replies to one tweet":"Respuestas de un tweet","Giveaway for users who reply to one tweet.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que comentan un tweet de un perfil de Twitter.","Giveaway for users who mention a brand on Twitter and include the brand's chosen hashtag in their tweet.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que mencionan una marca de Instagram junto con el hashtag del consurso o sorteo definido por la marca.","Support for sponsored tweets":"Soporte a tweets patrocinados","Include tweets created in Twitter Ads.":"Incluir Tweets que se han creado directamente desde el administrador de anuncios de Twitter.","YouTube giveaways":"Sorteos en YouTube","Comments on a video":"Comentarios de un v\u00eddeo","Giveaway for users who comment on a video from a YouTube channel which you administer.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que comentan un v\u00eddeo de un canal de YouTube que administras.","Comments on multiple videos":"Comentarios de m\u00faltiples v\u00eddeos","Giveaway for users who comment on multiple videos (maximum 10) from YouTube channels which you administer.":"Sorteo entre los usuarios que comentan m\u00faltiples v\u00eddeos (m\u00e1ximo 10) de los canales de Youtube que administras.","Multi-Network giveaways":"Sorteos Multired","Combine comments on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube posts in one giveaway":"Combinar en uno \u00fanico sorteo comentarios de publicaciones en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTube","Select multiple posts, from multiple profiles, on multiple social networks. Import all comments, and select the winners at random. You'll also receive a certificate with the Easypromos guarantee. Ideal for giveaways which combine posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.":"La aplicaci\u00f3n te permite seleccionar m\u00faltiples publicaciones de tus diferentes redes sociales, e importar en un \u00fanico sorteo todos los usuarios que han dejado un comentario, y seleccionar ganadores de forma aleatorio con certificado. Ideal para sorteos que combinan publicaciones entre Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y YouTube.","Other apps":"Otras Apps inclu\u00eddas","Giveaway for users listed in an Excel or CSV file.":"Sorteo aletaorio entre todos los registros de un fichero Excel o CSV.","Create and customize a registration form, hosted by Easypromos. Share it on social media and collect users' data. Run a giveaway when the participation period ends.":"Aplicaci\u00f3n que permite crear y personalizar un formulario de registro alojado en Easypromos. Podr\u00e1s difundirlo en tus redes sociales, y as\u00ed obtener los datos de los usuarios registrado. Podr\u00e1s realizar un sorteo aleatorio con certificado tras finalizar el periodo de participaci\u00f3n.","Create a photo contest. User-generated content is published in an online gallery. Users can view, share, and vote for their favorite entries.":"Aplicaci\u00f3n que permite crear un concurso de fotos, en donde los usuarios suben sus im\u00e1genes, y se publican en una galer\u00eda para poder ser visualizadas, compartidas y votadas.","Create a writing-based contest. User-generated content is published in an online gallery. Users can view, share, and vote for their favorite entries.":"Aplicaci\u00f3n que permite crear un concurso de textos, en donde los usuarios suben sus historias, y se publican en una galer\u00eda para poder ser visualizadas, compartidas y votadas.","Create and customize a registration form, hosted by Easypromos. Registered users receive a coupon in exchange. Customize the coupon for your brand, personalize it for individual users, and choose from a range of coupon and code formats.":"Aplicaci\u00f3n que permite crear y personalizar un formulario de registro alojado en Easypromos. Tras registrarse los usuarios obtienen un cup\u00f3n, que como administrador podr\u00e1s personalizar.","Contract details":"Condiciones de contrataci\u00f3n","{plan}: {price}.":"Tarifa {plan}: {price}.","Automatic renewal every 30 days.":"Renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica cada 30 d\u00edas.","Automatic renewal can be cancelled at any time.":"La renovaci\u00f3n se puede cancelar en cualquier momento.","Includes unlimited giveaways and promotions.":"Incluye n\u00famero de sorteos y promociones ilimitados.","Connect all the brands and social media accounts that you manage.":"Incluye todas las cuentas de redes sociales y marcas que administras.","Single payment of {price} without automatic renewal":"Pago \u00fanico de {price} sin renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica","I want to save 2 months and sign up for the annual plan":"Quiero ahorrar 2 meses y contratar el plan anual","Go to payment process":"Ir al proceso de pago","When upgrading the plan, the first month you will only pay {price}.":"Al actualizar el plan, el precio del primer mes ser\u00e1 de s\u00f3lo {price}.","From next month on, the general price for {plan} will be applied.":"A partir del siguiente mes, se aplicar\u00e1 la tarifa general del {plan}.","Change plan":"Cambiar plan","Automatic renewal is activated":"La renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica est\u00e1 activada","Automatic renewal is deactivated":"La renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica est\u00e1 desactivada","This plan includes":"Este plan incluye","Deactivate plan":"Desactivar plan","Reactivate plan":"Reactivar plan","Do you know everything your plan includes?":"\u00bfYa conoces todo lo que incluye tu plan?","You own this plan":"Ya tienes este plan","***Unlimited":"***Sin l\u00edmite","Confirmation word":"Palabra de confirmaci\u00f3n","Even if you cancel, you can still use the plan without restrictions until %s.":"Aunque canceles, podr\u00e1s usar el plan sin restricciones hasta el %s.","Plan cancelling":"Cancelaci\u00f3n de plan","Promoted Tweets":"Tweets promocionados","Facebook Ads (dark posts)":"Anuncios de Facebook (dark posts)","Instagram Ads or promoted posts":"Anuncios de Instagram o publicaciones promocionadas","To run giveaways with %s, you'll need to use the %s app.":"Para hacer sorteos con %s, necesitas usar la app de %s.","Do you need to add a promoted post or an Ad?":"\u00bfNecesitas a\u00f1adir una publicaci\u00f3n promocionada o un anuncio?","Do you need to add a promoted tweet or an Ad?":"\u00bfNecesitas a\u00f1adir un tweet promocionado o un anuncio?","Add a promoted post or an Ad (dark posts)":"A\u00f1ade una publicaci\u00f3n promocionada o anuncio (dark posts)","Add a promoted post or an Ad":"A\u00f1ade una publicaci\u00f3n promocionada o anuncio","Activate a %s now":"Activa un %s ahora","Now you can combine Facebook, Instagram and Twitter comments and replies in a single giveaway.":"Ahora puedes combinar en un \u00fanico sorteo comentarios y respuestas de Facebook y Instagram.","Go to the Multi-Network app":"Ir a sorteo Multired","PRO":"PRO","Use Multi-Network Giveaway":"Utiliza el Sorteo Multired","Do you need to include promoted %s, ads or posts from other social networks?":"\u00bfNecesitas incluir %s promocionados, ads o posts de otras redes sociales?","posts":"posts","Users who commented on posts from different social networks":"Usuarios que han comentado en posts de diferentes redes sociales","To add a promoted tweet by URL you need to activate a Basic PRO Plan.":"Para a\u00f1adir un tweet patrocinado por URL es necesario tener un Plan Basic PRO activo.","Promoted tweet":"Tweet patrocinado","Add promoted posts":"A\u00f1adir posts promocionados","Native integrations":"Integraciones nativas","Top seller":"M\u00e1s vendido","Compare the two plans":"Comparar ambos planes","Choose a plan to continue":"Elige un plan para continuar","Only available with the %s.":"S\u00f3lo disponible con el %s.","Unlimited number of participants.":"N\u00famero ilimitado de participantes.","You'll need to use the %s app.":"Necesitar\u00e1s utilizar la aplicaci\u00f3n de %s.","Use this app to run giveaways with":"Utiliza esta aplicaci\u00f3n para hacer sorteos con","Support for sponsored posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.":"Soporte para posts promocionados en Facebook, Instagram y Twitter.","Enjoy all BASIC features, plus the Multi-Network app. Run a single giveaway across multiple social networks.":"Disfruta todas las funcionalidades BASIC, m\u00e1s el sorteo Multi-plataforma. Crea un \u00fanico sorteo entre m\u00faltiples redes sociales.","To select the winners and get a Certificate of Validity, you must have an active plan.":"Para seleccionar los ganadores y obtener un Certificado de Validez, debes tener un plan activo.","Maximum %s participants per promotion exceeded.":"Se ha excedido el m\u00e1ximo de %s participantes por promoci\u00f3n.","Maximum %s participants per promotion.":"%s participantes por promoci\u00f3n como m\u00e1ximo.","You can sign up for any plan for just one month.":"Puedes activar cualquier plan durante s\u00f3lo un mes.","Plan upgrade":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de plan","Your current plan":"Tu plan actual","Your plan has been reactivated successfully!":"\u00a1Tu suscripci\u00f3n se ha reactivado correctamente!","Disable autofocus in first form field":"Deshabilitar el autofoco en el primer campo del formulario","Comments need to be enabled in order to configure its colors":"Debes habilitar el campo comentario para poder configurar los colores","Discover the 4 reasons":"Descubre los 4 motivos","See a different number of comments on Instagram?":"\u00bfVes un n\u00famero diferente de comentarios en Instagram?","As of 1st October 2018, this promotion design became obsolete. It's been replaced with a new, more modern template. When you copy this promotion, the new template will be applied.":"El pasado 1 de Octubre del 2018, el dise\u00f1o de la promoci\u00f3n que est\u00e1s copiando qued\u00f3 obsoleto, por una nueva plantilla m\u00e1s moderna. Al copiar la promoci\u00f3n se aplicar\u00e1 la nueva plantilla.","Import start date":"Fecha de inicio de importaci\u00f3n","Do you want it to be mandatory for the participants to select a photo from their Instagram account that contains a specific hashtag?":"\u00bfQuieres que sea obligatorio que el participante seleccione la foto de su cuenta de Instagram y que contenga un hashtag espec\u00edfico?","Type your hashtag without the #":"Introduce tu hashtag sin el #","Go to Instagram app":"Ir a la aplicaci\u00f3n de Instagram","You don't have any posts with the hashtag {query}.":"No tienes ninguna publicaci\u00f3n con el hashtag {query}.","Share a photo on your Instagram profile with the hashtag {query}":"Realiza la publicaci\u00f3n con el hashtag {query} en tu perfil de Instagram","Enable this option if you want to restrict participation to only Instagram users that post a photo or a video to their profile with the specific contest hashtag.":"Habilita esta opci\u00f3n si deseas limitar la participaci\u00f3n a \u00fanicamente usuarios de Instagram que deben subir una foto o un v\u00eddeo con un hashtag espec\u00edfico.","Instagram social login will automatically be mandatory.":"Se forzar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente el Social Login con Instagram.","Users will not be able to identify with any other social login.":"Los usuarios no se podr\u00e1n identificar con otras redes sociales.","You can disable the option at any time.":"Puedes deshabilitar la opci\u00f3n en cualquier momento.","Instagram photo or video contests with hashtag and explicit acceptance of terms & conditions and privacy policy.":"Concursos de fotos en Instagram con hashtag y aceptaci\u00f3n expl\u00edcita de bases legales y pol\u00edtica de privacidad.","If you wish to collect the participants' contact details.":"Si se desea obtener los datos de contacto de los usuarios participantes.","If you wish to obtain the rights to use the photos or videos that the participants submit.":"Si se desea obtener derechos de uso de las im\u00e1genes de los participantes.","Giving direct prizes, for example coupons, for posting on Instagram with a certain hashtag.":"Dar premios directos, por ejemplo cupones, por publicar en Instagram con un hashtag espec\u00edfico.","Perfect for":"Ideal para","Instagram Media Hashtag":"Instagram Media Hashtag","We confirm that the records in the file have been deleted from our system.":"Te confirmamos que los datos del fichero han sido eliminados de nuestro sistema.","This action cannot be reversed.":"Esta acci\u00f3n no se puede deshacer.","I confirm that I want to delete the uploaded file and all the records.":"Confirmo que quiero eliminar el fichero subido y todos los registros.","Easypromos will save the file with the records for a maximum period of 1 year after which Easypromos will proceed to delete the data. If you need to delete the file before, you can click on \\\"Delete\\\" to proceed with the elimination of all records.":"Easypromos conservar\u00e1 los registros del fichero durante un periodo m\u00e1ximo de 1 a\u00f1o, concluido el cual, Easypromos podr\u00e1 proceder a la eliminaci\u00f3n de los datos. Si necesitas eliminar el fichero antes de 1 a\u00f1o, haz clic en \\\"Eliminar\\\" para proceder a la eliminaci\u00f3n de todos los registros.","This action does not delete the result of the giveaway, it will only delete the uploaded file. Only the minimum information necessary will be saved, in order to display the certificate of validity correctly.":"Esta acci\u00f3n no elimina el resultado del sorteo, \u00fanicamente elimina el fichero subido. Se guardar\u00e1 la informaci\u00f3n m\u00ednima para poder mostrar correctamente el certificado de validez del sorteo.","You have an active %s to run unlimited giveaways":"Tienes un %s activo para realizar sorteos ilimitados","Delete file":"Eliminar registros del fichero","By default, the ''Name'' field in the registration form has the autofocus activated so that the participants can begin to write without having to click on the field first when the page loads. This option allows to disable this effect to avoid that the autofocus scrolls down the page, which is useful in promotions that have a big header image.":"Por defecto, el campo ''Nombre'' en el formulario de registro tiene el autofoco habilitado para que, al cargar la p\u00e1gina del formulario, se pueda empezar a escribir sin tener que hacer clic en el campo primero. Esta opci\u00f3n permite deshabilitar este efecto para as\u00ed evitar que el autofoco haga scroll hacia abajo, lo que es especialmente \u00fatil en promociones que tienen una cabecera muy alta.","Do you want to use a custom domain?":"\u00bfQuieres utilizar un dominio personalizado?","Read instructions to set up your own domain for the group":"Lee las instrucciones para configurar tu propio dominio para el grupo","The %s with the %s for the giveaway #%s: %s is ready! Click on the button below to download it.":"\u00a1El %s con los %s para el sorteo #%s: %s est\u00e1 listo! Haz click en el bot\u00f3n para descargarlo.","Select type of content":"Selecciona el tipo de contenido","Choose an Instagram hashtag for your contest":"Introduce el hashtag de tu concurso en Instagram","Quick setup":"Configuraci\u00f3n r\u00e1pida","Now you can set up and customize each page of the promotion, and choose how it works.":"Ahora ya podr\u00e1s configurar y personalizar cada una de las pantallas de la promoci\u00f3n y sus caracter\u00edsticas generales.","Nice work!":"\u00a1Muy bien!","Compare the options":"Compara las dos soluciones","Not sure which contest type you need?":"\u00bfNo tienes clara la modalidad que te conviene?","{label} per day":"{label} por d\u00eda","{label} per hour":"{label} por hora","Top 10 participants":"Top 10 participantes","***Set up":"***Configurar","Mention + Hashtag":"Menci\u00f3n + Hashtag","Set up a tool to collect Instagram photos and videos which mention your brand and use your chosen hashtag, in real time. When the tool detects new content, it automatically imports the photo or video to the contest, and adds a new participant to the list.":"Habilita un monitorizador que rastrear\u00e1 en tiempo real nuevas fotos o v\u00eddeos en Instagram que contengan una menci\u00f3n a tu marca con un hashtag que hayas definido para el concurso. Cuando se detecte un nuevo contenido, se importar\u00e1 la foto o v\u00eddeo al concurso de forma autom\u00e1tica, y contar\u00e1 como un nuevo participante.","The system only monitors mentions in real time. It will not import posts from before the contest.":"El sistema \u00fanicamente monitoriza menciones en tiempo real. No importar\u00e1 menciones pasadas.","***View settings":"***Ver configuraci\u00f3n","You've set up the hashtag %s in Hashtag + Registration Form tool.":"Has habilitado el hashtag %s en la modalidad Hashtag + registro.","Participants must actively accept the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and content usage policy.":"Los participantes aceptar\u00e1n de forma expl\u00edcita las bases legales y la pol\u00edtica de privacidad y uso del contenido.","When users fill in the form, the system asks them to connect their Instagram account. Once they're logged in, they'll be able to select and confirm their competition photo.":"Cuando el usuario rellene el formulario de registro, el sistema le pedir\u00e1 que se identifique con su cuenta de Instagram. Una vez identificado se le presentar\u00e1n las fotos de su perfil de instagram con el hashtag para que seleccione una de ellas.","Users join the contest by sharing a photo on Instagram with your chosen hashtag. Then they confirm their entry by filling in a registration form.":"El usuario deber\u00e1 subir una foto a Instagram con el hashtag de tu concurso, y a continuaci\u00f3n finalizar su participaci\u00f3n rellenando el formulario de registro del concurso.","Unique participants":"Participantes \u00fanicos","A comment with a greater number of characters implies more quality of the participation. About 50 characters are approx. 7 words.":"Un comentario con mayor n\u00famero de caracteres, implica m\u00e1s calidad en la participacion. Unos 50 car\u00e1cteres son aprox. 7 palabras.","Min. number of characters in comments":"M\u00edn. n\u00famero de caracteres en comentarios","Platform status":"Estado de la plataforma","Export all":"Exportar todos","PRO feature":"Funcionalidad PRO","To see advanced statistics about your giveaway, you need an {label}":"Para poder ver las estad\u00edsticas avanzadas del sorteo es necesario que {label}","active Basic PRO plan":"un plan B\u00e1sico PRO activo","Advanced statistics include graphs and charts about how participation evolves each day, peak participation times, unique users, and more.":"Las estad\u00edsticas avanzadas te ofrecen gr\u00e1ficas de la evoluci\u00f3n de participaciones por d\u00eda, las horas con m\u00e1s participaci\u00f3n, usuarios \u00fanicos, etc.","Click here to learn about PRO statistics.":"Descubre aqu\u00ed como son las estad\u00edsticas PRO.","The promotion will open in":"La promoci\u00f3n se abrir\u00e1 en","First, you need to add a link for the final button":"Primero, debes a\u00f1adir un enlace para el bot\u00f3n final","Analyze the success of your giveaway to the last detail so that the next one you organize is even better.":"Analiza el \u00e9xito de tu sorteo hasta el \u00faltimo detalle para que el pr\u00f3ximo que organices sea aun mejor.","Advanced statistics":"Estad\u00edsticas avanzadas","How will we use your photo?":"\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 usaremos tu foto?","You will find more information in our {link}.":"M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n en nuestra {link}.","How will you use the images?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 uso har\u00e1s de las im\u00e1genes?","Participants will be shown this text (mandatory)":"Este texto lo leer\u00e1n los participantes (obligatorio)","Sample texts":"Ejemplos","We will only use images internally, in order to check that their content is appropriate and conforms with the requirements in our Terms and Conditions.":"\u00danicamente utilizaremos las im\u00e1genes internamente para comprobar que su contenido es correcto y cumple con los requisitos de nuestras bases legales.","We will publish all images from the contest in a public gallery, to be displayed on our social media and our website.":"Publicaremos una galer\u00eda con todas las fotos del concurso y la mostraremos en nuestras redes sociales y nuestras web.","We may publish winning images on our social media.":"Las im\u00e1genes de los ganadores las podemos publicar en nuestras redes sociales.","We will use the images to create a collage for our own content and media.":"Usaremos las im\u00e1genes para crear un mosaico gigante y lo publicaremos en los medios.","Does your Instagram profile not appear?":"\u00bfNo aparece tu perfil de Instagram?","Click on the image to select it":"Haz clic en la imagen para seleccionarla","Write your comment":"Escribe tu comentario","Platform updates":"Novedades de la plataforma","Convert to template":"Convertir a plantilla","Instagram Photo Contest":"Concurso de fotos Instagram","Set up a tool to collect Instagram photos and videos with your chosen hashtag, in real time. When the tool detects new content, it automatically imports the photo or video to the contest, and adds a new participant to the list.":"Habilita un monitorizador que rastrear\u00e1 en tiempo real nuevas fotos o v\u00eddeos en Instagram que contengan un hashtag que hayas definido para el concurso. Cuando se detecte un nuevo contenido, se importar\u00e1 la foto o v\u00eddeo al concurso de forma autom\u00e1tica, y contar\u00e1 como un nuevo participante.","Hashtag monitoring":"Monitor de hashtags","Comparison Table: Applications included":"Tabla comparativa: Aplicaciones inclu\u00eddas","If you need a single promotion, check out the available list":"Si necesitas una \u00fanica promoci\u00f3n, mira la lista disponible","Some types of promotions are available as a one-shot promotion without monthly commitment.":"Algunos tipos de promociones se pueden crear de manera individual sin compromiso mensual.","View included apps":"Ver aplicaciones inclu\u00eddas","REFRESH this page and select your contest photo":"Vuelve a esta p\u00e1gina, ACTUALIZA y podr\u00e1s seleccionar tu publicaci\u00f3n","New mentions will not be imported because the promotion is not yet open for entries":"Las menciones que lleguen ahora no se importar\u00e1n porque la promoci\u00f3n todav\u00eda no est\u00e1 abierta","New mentions will not be imported because the promotion is already closed":"Las menciones que lleguen ahora no se importar\u00e1n porque la promoci\u00f3n ya est\u00e1 cerrada","The promotion is not active":"La promoci\u00f3n no est\u00e1 activa","Activate now":"Act\u00edvala ahora","Change dates":"Modificar fechas","From December 11, 2018 Facebook will modify or eliminate the option to obtain public content from Instagram with a hashtag. It is still unknown how Facebook will work from December 11, 2018. The developer community is awaiting a communication from Facebook.":"A partir del d\u00eda 11 de diciembre del 2018, Facebook modificar\u00e1 o eliminar\u00e1 la opci\u00f3n de poder obtener contenidos p\u00fablicos de Instagram con un hashtag. No se conoce todav\u00eda el comportamiento de Facebook a partir del 11 de diciembre del 2018. La comunidad de desarrolladores est\u00e1 pendiente de una comunicaci\u00f3n de Facebook.","Due to this uncertainty from Facebook, our recommendation is to run Mention+Hashtag campaigns considering that its performance is 100% secure and guaranteed beyond this date.":"Debido a esta incertidumbre por parte de Facebook, nuestra recomendaci\u00f3n es hacer campa\u00f1as de Menci\u00f3n+Hashtag ya que su comportamiento es 100% seguro y garantizado m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de esta fecha.","If you wish to monitor only by hashtag anyway because your campaign finishes before December 11, 2018, please {link}.":"Si igualmente deseas monitorizar s\u00f3lo por hashtag ya que tu campa\u00f1a finalizar\u00e1 antes del 11 de diciembre de 2018, {link}","To begin, connect with a Facebook profile that is administrator of the Facebook page that is linked to the Instagram profile. Once connected, you can select the Instagram business profile.":"Para empezar con\u00e9ctate con un perfil de Facebook administrador de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook vinculada al perfil de Instagram. Una vez conectado podr\u00e1s seleccionar el perfil de Instagram de empresa del que quieres monitorizar sus menciones.","Important things to keep in mind":"Consideraciones importantes","Add more":"A\u00f1adir m\u00e1s","Real-time monitoring of a mention is only available for Instagram business profiles.":"La monitorizaci\u00f3n en tiempo real por menci\u00f3n solamente est\u00e1 disponible para perfiles de empresa de Instagram.","Participants Instagram profiles must be public. Private profiles are not supported.":"El perfil de los usuarios participantes en Instagram debe ser p\u00fablico. Las perfiles privados no est\u00e1n soportados.","Only posts (photo or video) on Instagram profiles are supported. Stories are not supported.":"S\u00f3lo se importar\u00e1n publicaciones (fotos o v\u00eddeos) en el perfil de Instagram. Las Stories no est\u00e1n soportadas.","Posts dates must be between the entry start date and the entry finish date in the promotion.":"Las fechas de las publicaciones deben estar dentro de las fechas de registro de la promoci\u00f3n.","Mention must be included in the post caption, not in post comments.":"La menci\u00f3n debe estar dentro de la descripci\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n, no en los comentarios.","Connect your {label_network} account":"Conecta tu cuenta de {label_network}","The system allows you to import users that have published a photo or a video on Instagram mentioning your brand and including a specific hashtag as participants.":"El sistema permite importar usuarios que hayan publicado una foto o un v\u00eddeo en Instagram mencionando tu marca e incluyendo un hashtag espec\u00edfico.","Tweet must include mention to brand (recommended)":"El tuit debe contener la menci\u00f3n a la marca (recomendado)","To begin, connect with your Twitter account.":"Para empezar con\u00e9ctate con tu perfil de Twitter.","Only public tweets will be imported. Protected tweets will not be imported.":"\u00danicamente se importar\u00e1n tuits p\u00fablicos. Tuits protegidos no se importar\u00e1n.","The monitoring is done in real-time meaning that old tweets will not be imported to the contest even though they include the hashtag. The monitoring takes place between the entry start date and the entry finish date in the promotion.":"La monitorizaci\u00f3n es en tiempo real, con lo que no se importar\u00e1n al concurso tweets pasados aunque tengan el hashtag. La monitorizaci\u00f3n es entre las fechas de registro configuradas en la promoci\u00f3n.","The system allows you to import users that have tweeted with a specific hashtag and mention as participants.":"El sistema permite importar usuarios que hayan realizado un tuit con un hashtag y menci\u00f3n espec\u00edfico.","Monitoring status":"Estado del monitor","Mention":"Menci\u00f3n","Which apps are included?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 apps est\u00e1n inclu\u00eddas?","HTTPS support included.":"Soporte HTTPS inclu\u00eddo.","Publication winners system.":"Sistema de publicaci\u00f3n de ganadores.","Multiple prizes management system.":"Sistema de gesti\u00f3n de m\u00faltiples premios.","You will be able to gather basic information from participants and download it from your administration panel.":"Podr\u00e1s obtener los datos de registro b\u00e1sicos de los usuarios, y descargarlos desde tu panel de administraci\u00f3n.","This application is NOT included in your active plan.":"Esta aplicaci\u00f3n NO est\u00e1 incluida en tu plan activo.","If you still want to create this type of promotion, click CONTINUE to learn more about advanced features and pricing.":"Si igualmente deseas crear y activar este tipo de promoci\u00f3n, por favor haz clic en CONTINUAR para ver sus funcionalidades avanzadas y precios.","Do you want to create an app with more advanced features?":"\u00bfQuieres crear una promoci\u00f3n con un nivel de funcionalidades superior?","This version is included in your active plan.":"Esta versi\u00f3n est\u00e1 incluida en tu plan activo.","The level of features is {version}.":"El nivel de funcionalidades es {version}.","start creating your promotion":"empieza a crear la promoci\u00f3n","You can activate a Giveaway with Registration Form, Contest or Questionnaire promotion with a single payment. This payment will be requested when you activate your promotion. If you want to use the single payment option, simply {link} without activating a plan.":"Para las promociones del tipo Formulario con Premio, Concursos y Cuestionarios es posible activarlas haciendo un pago \u00fanico. El pago \u00fanico se requerir\u00e1 en caso de activar una promoci\u00f3n y no disponer de un plan activo. Si quieres pago \u00fanico, no actives un plan, y {link}.","Check our monthly plans and save money":"Consulta nuestros planes mensuales y ah\u00f3rrate dinero","Have you planned more than 1 promotion per month?":"\u00bfTienes planificada m\u00e1s de una promoci\u00f3n al mes?","These {link} are included:":"Hay inclu\u00eddas estas {link}:","Premium features":"Funcionalidades Premium","{price} per promotion":"{price} por promoci\u00f3n","Includes up to 2 months length {monthly_price} per additional month":"{monthly_price} por mes adicional","Select rate and start creating the application":"Seleccionar tarifa y empezar a crear la aplicaci\u00f3n","You can create this application for an additional cost":"Puedes crear esta aplicaci\u00f3n con un coste adicional","Continue with my plan":"Continuar con mi plan","From December 11, 2018 this type of giveaway will be eliminated due to new changes from Facebook that limit the access to public content on Instagram with a specific hashtag. The objective of this change is to improve the protection and security of the users and their content on Instagram.":"A partir del d\u00eda 11 de Diciembre del 2018, se eliminar\u00e1 este tipo de sorteo, debido a los nuevos cambios de Facebook, que limitan el acceso a contenido p\u00fablico de Instagram que tengan un hashtag espec\u00edfico. Este cambio de Facebook tiene el objetivo de mejorar la protecci\u00f3n y la seguridad de los usuarios y sus contenidos p\u00fablicos.","Instagram Hashtag Giveaway will be deprecated on 11, December 2018.":"El sorteo de hashtags en Instagram quedar\u00e1 obsoleto a partir del 11 de diciembre de 2018.","Instagram Hashtag Giveaway will be deprecated":"El sorteo de hashtags en Instagram quedar\u00e1 obsoleto","The alternative that we offer is the Premium Instagram contest that includes the campaign hashtag and a mention of the organizing brand.":"La alternativa que ofrecemos son los concursos Premium en Instagram que incluyen el hashtag de la campa\u00f1a junto con la menci\u00f3n a la marca organizadora.","On December 11, 2018, the option of automatically importing Instagram users for having posted a photo or video with a specific hashtag is eliminated. This option will be replaced by the automatic import of content from Instagram that includes the campaign hashtag and a mention of the organizing brand.":"A partir del d\u00eda 11 de Diciembre del 2018, se eliminar\u00e1 la opci\u00f3n de importar autom\u00e1ticamente usuarios de Instagram por haber publicado una foto o v\u00eddeo con un hashtag espec\u00edfico. Esta opci\u00f3n ser\u00e1 reemplazada por la importaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica de contenido de Instagram que incluya el hashtag de la campa\u00f1a junto la menci\u00f3n de la marca organizadora.","This replacement is implemented because of the changes that Facebook applies to their tools to limit the access to public content on Instagram via hashtags. The objective of this change is to improve the protection and security of the users and their content on Instagram.":"Este cambio es debido a los cambios de Facebook en las herramientas para limitar el acceso al contenido p\u00fablico de Instagram v\u00eda hashtag. El objetivo del cambio es mejorar la protecci\u00f3n y seguridad de los usuarios y su contenido en Instagram.","Mention + Hashtag Contest":"Concurso de Menci\u00f3n + Hashtag","Includes up to 2 months length":"Incluye hasta dos meses de duraci\u00f3n","Select the level of functionalities":"Selecciona el nivel de funcionalidades","It is your first":"Es tu primera","Add up to 3 hashtags. The system will accept entries which mention your brand and use at least 1 of the hashtags. We recommend using the 3 hashtags to include common spelling mistakes.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir hasta 3 hashtags. El sistema insertar\u00e1 el usuario como participante si incluye la menci\u00f3n y como m\u00ednimo 1 de los 3 hashtags. Recomendaci\u00f3n: util\u00edzalo para errores de escritura de usuarios.","If you activate and publish it":"En caso de activarla y publicarla","{monthly_price} per additional month":"{monthly_price} por mes adicional","{price} for a promotion of maximum 2 months":"{price} por una app con duraci\u00f3n m\u00e1xima 2 meses","Click Continue to create a draft of the app with {version} features in your account.":"Al continuar, se crear\u00e1 un borrador de la app con funcionalidades {version} en tu cuenta.","You can customize it completely and preview it for free":"Podr\u00e1s configurarla completamente y previsualizarla sin ning\u00fan coste","Replies":"Respuestas","{label} status monitor":"Estado monitor {label}","Mention + Hashtag monitor":"Monitor de Menciones + Hashtag","Password cannot be empty":"La contrase\u00f1a no puede estar vac\u00eda","In order to enable the validation portal, you must have at least one prize with unique codes to validate.":"Para poder habilitar el portal de validaci\u00f3n, necesitas tener como m\u00ednimo un premio con c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos a validar.","Display QR":"Mostrar QR","Would you like to use your own frames?":"\u00bfTe gustar\u00eda a\u00f1adir tus propios marcos?","Would you like to use your own stickers?":"\u00bfTe gustar\u00eda a\u00f1adir tus propios stickers?","Upload your own stickers":"A\u00f1ade tus propios stickers","Upload your own frames":"A\u00f1ade tus propios marcos","No theme selected":"No tienes ning\u00fan tema seleccionado","Select your themes":"Selecciona tus temas","Frames":"Marcos","Stickers":"Pegatinas","Allow users to customize their photo with frames and stickers.":"Permite a los usuarios que puedan personalizar su foto con marcos y stickers.","Welcome to PhotoFun":"Bienvenido a PhotoFun","In this section, you can choose which frames and stickers to offer users to personalize their competition photos.":"Desde esta secci\u00f3n podr\u00e1s seleccionar qu\u00e9 marcos y stickers ofreces a los usuarios para personalizar las fotos del concurso.","First, choose a photo format:":"Para empezar, selecciona el formato de imagen:","Create an Instagram-style gallery of users' entries. Not sure what format you need? Choose this one.":"Para crear una galer\u00eda con las im\u00e1genes resultantes a modo Instagram. \u00bfNo lo tienes claro? Selecciona esta opci\u00f3n.","Create images for users to share in Instagram and Facebook Stories.":"Para que los usuarios compartan la imagen resultante en sus Stories de Instagram o Facebook.","Create images for users to share on Facebook or Twitter.":"Para que los usuarios compartan la imagen final en su perfil de Facebook o Twitter.","Story":"Story","Square":"Cuadrado","{count} frames":"{count} marcos","{count} stickers":"{count} stickers","PhotoFun is enabled":"PhotoFun est\u00e1 habilitado","PhotoFun \/ Scenes is disabled":"PhotoFun \/ Escenarios est\u00e1 deshabilitado","Please, go to {link} and enable it.":"Por favor, accede a {link} y habil\u00edtalo.","Form Editor":"Editor del Formulario","Only pictures are allowed":"S\u00f3lo se permiten im\u00e1genes","Is the frame mandatory?":"\u00bfEs obligatorio seleccionar un marco?","Image proportion":"Proporci\u00f3n de la imagen","Display sticker and frame names?":"\u00bfMostrar el nombre de los marcos y stickers?","Upload an image for all users":"Imagen fija para todos los usuarios","Min. number of stickers":"N\u00famero m\u00ednimo de stickers","Max. number of stickers":"N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de stickers","You can add new frames and stickers with your own designs. Users can personalize their photos with your creations! Add your own frames and stickers with a {link}.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir nuevos marcos y stickers que hayas dise\u00f1ado tu mismo, para que as\u00ed los usuarios puedan personalizar sus fotos con tus creaciones. Para a\u00f1adir tus propios marcos y stickers necesitas contratar una {link}.","White Label promotion":"promoci\u00f3n Marca Blanca","You have to select, at least, {min_stickers} stickers":"Debes seleccionar, al menos, {min_stickers} stickers","You have to select {stickers} stickers":"Debes seleccionar {stickers} stickers","Upload and edit image":"Sube y edita tu foto","Check out the help on the option's setup on {link}.":"Consulta la ayuda para configurar las opciones en {link}.","how to add your own creations":"c\u00f3mo a\u00f1adir tus propios dise\u00f1os","Check out other recommendations and examples on {link}.":"Consulta otras recomendaciones y ejemplos sobre {link}.","Recommended image size":"Tama\u00f1o recomendado para las im\u00e1genes","Image size must be":"Tama\u00f1o de las im\u00e1genes","The file name will be displayed as the frame's public name.":"El nombre del fichero ser\u00e1 el nombre p\u00fablico del marco","The file name will be displayed as the sticker's public name.":"El nombre del fichero ser\u00e1 el nombre p\u00fablico del sticker.","Select one or more images to add your own creations of frames to the current theme.":"Selecciona una o m\u00e1s im\u00e1genes para a\u00f1adir tus dise\u00f1os de marcos al tema actual.","Select one or more images to add your own creations of stickers to the current theme.":"Selecciona una o m\u00e1s im\u00e1genes para a\u00f1adir tus dise\u00f1os de stickers al tema actual.","Recommendations":"Recomendaciones","You can upload multiple frames by choosing a folder.":"Puedes subir m\u00faltiples marcos seleccionando una carpeta.","Add custom frames":"A\u00f1ade marcos personalizados","You can upload multiple stickers by choosing a folder.":"Puedes subir m\u00faltiples stickers seleccionando una carpeta.","PNG with transparency format.":"Formato de imagen PNG con transparencia.","Add custom stickers":"A\u00f1ade stickers personalizados","The maximum stickers is {max}":"El m\u00e1ximo de stickers es {max}","Need":"Necesitas","Min.":"M\u00edn.","***Remove":"***Borrar","***View":"***Ampliar","Are you sure you want to cancel this?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres cancelar?","You will lose any changes that may be applied.":"Perder\u00e1s cualquier cambio que hayas podido aplicar.","Yes, remove":"S\u00ed, eliminar","No, keep working":"No, seguir trabajando","Confirmation of cancellation":"Confirmaci\u00f3n de cancelaci\u00f3n","Lock":"Bloquear","Please, ensure you have Administration Role for this Facebook\/Instagram business. Other roles are not valid.":"Por favor, verifica que tienes el rol de Administrador para este negocio de Facebook\/Instagram. Otros roles no son v\u00e1lidos.","{edit} or {delete} this email":"{edit} o {delete} este email","There is no post with the hashtag %s.":"No hay ninguna publicaci\u00f3n con el hashtag %s.","Christmas":"Navidad","Party":"Fiesta","Arrows":"Flechas","Expressions":"Expresiones","Love":"Amor","Spooky":"Miedo","Add a promoted tweet or an Ad":"A\u00f1adir un tweet promocionado o Anuncio","Upload an image with the participation instructions. It will be visible to users just before creating their scene.":"Sube una imagen con las instrucciones para participar. El usuario la ver\u00e1 justo antes de crear su escenario.","Brand background":"Fondo de marca","Can you please vote me here?":"\u00bfPuedes votarme aqu\u00ed?","Download picture":"Descargar imagen","Delete account":"Eliminar cuenta","Delete all my campaigns and all my account data permanently":"Eliminar todas mis campa\u00f1as y los datos de mi cuenta permanentemente","Active plan detected":"Tienes una suscripci\u00f3n activa","Before you can delete your account, you must first deactivate the automatic renewal of all your active plans.":"Para eliminar tu cuenta, primero debes desactivar la renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e0tica de todos tus planes activos.","Deactivate your plan(s) {link}.":"Desactiva tu plan {link}.","You have an annual active plan, please contact us at {email}.":"Tienes un plan anual activo, por favor cont\u00e1ctenos en {email}.","You still have time left":"A\u00fan te queda tiempo","You still have {num_days} days left to continue using everything that's included in your plan. You can come back and delete your account anytime after your plan is over and, in the meantime, use it if you need to create any other promotions or sweepstakes.":"A\u00fan te quedan {num_days} d\u00edas para continuar usando todo lo que incluye tu plan. Puedes volver y eliminar tu cuenta m\u00e1s adelante y, mientras, usar tu plan si necesitas crear alguna promoci\u00f3n o sorteo.","Are you sure you want to continue with the removal of your account?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que quieres continuar con la eliminaci\u00f3n de tu cuenta?","Yes, continue":"S\u00ed, continuar","Exit":"Salir","Permanently delete your account":"Eliminaci\u00f3n permanente de tu cuenta","Before continuing, please read carefully the actions that will be taken when your account is deleted:":"Antes de continuar, por favor leer atentamente las acciones que se llevar\u00e1n a cabo cuando tu cuenta sea eliminada:","Your promotions, users, emails, settings, etc will all be deleted.":"Tus promociones, usuarios, emails, configuraciones, etc... ser\u00e1n todos eliminados.","The giveaways you may have created will all be deleted.":"Los sorteos que hayas podido crear ser\u00e1n eliminados.","Your plans will be canceled.":"Tus planes ser\u00e1n cancelados (aunque te quede tiempo no utilizado).","You will be unsubscribed from receiving any commercial information.":"Ser\u00e1s dado de baja de cualquier env\u00edo de informaci\u00f3n comercial.","The promotions in which you are a collaborator, will NOT be deleted.":"Las promociones en las que eres un colaborador NO ser\u00e1n eliminadas.","Your promotion's certificates will still be publicly available.":"Los certificados de tus promociones seguir\u00e1n estando p\u00fablicamente disponibles.","Even if you register again at a later date, none of the data deleted will be recovered.":"Aunque m\u00e1s tarde te vuelvas a registrar, ninguno de tus datos eliminados ser\u00e1n recuperados.","Why do you want to delete your account?":"\u00bfPorqu\u00e9 quieres eliminar tu cuenta?","Select a reason":"Selecciona un motivo","The platform does not meet my expectations":"La plataforma no cumple con mis expectativas","Specify your reason":"Especifica el motivo","I no longer use Easypromos":"Ya no uso la plataforma de Easypromos","I want to delete my personal data from the platform":"Quiero eliminar todos mis datos personales de la plataforma","Can we do something to keep you with us?":"\u00bfPodemos hacer algo para que te quedes con nosotros?","We will be happy to chat with you.":"Estaremos encantados de chatear contigo","I understand that all my data on Easypromos will be deleted, and that I will have no more access to it.":"Entiendo que todos mis datos en Easypromos ser\u00e1n eliminados, y ya no tendr\u00e9 acceso a ellos.","Write {keyword} and confirm to remove your account":"Escribe {keyword} y confirma para eliminar tu cuenta","Chat with us":"Chatea con nosotros","Delete my account":"Eliminar mi cuenta","Your Easypromos account has been terminated, and you won't be able to access our platform any more. All your personal data, promotions, giveaways, and their participants have been deleted. The certificates of validity for any completed promotions or giveaways are still publicly accessible.":"Tu cuenta en Easypromos ha sido dada de baja y ya no podr\u00e1s acceder a nuestro servicio. Todos tus datos personales han sido eliminados, as\u00ed como tus promociones y sorteos y sus participantes. A\u00fan as\u00ed, los certificados de tus promociones o sorteos (si los tuvieras), siguen siendo accesibles p\u00fablicamente.","If you ever reactivate your account, you will NOT be able to access the data you had before.":"Si en cualquier momento vuelves a darte de alta, seguir\u00e1s sin poder acceder a los datos que ten\u00edas anteriormente.","This is the last email you will get from us.":"Este email es el \u00faltimo que recibir\u00e1s de Easypromos.","Thanks for having used Easypromos.":"Gracias por haber utilizado nuestro servicio.","Your Easypromos account has been completely removed":"Tu cuenta de Easypromos ha sido borrada","We deleted your account and all the data related to it, and we sent a final email with the confirmation of the account removal.":"Hemos eliminado tu cuenta y todos los datos relacionados, as\u00ed mismo te hemos enviado un \u00faltimo correo electr\u00f3nico con la confirmaci\u00f3n de borrado de tu cuenta.","Frames label":"Texto de Marcos","Stickers label":"Texto de Stickers","Photo label":"Texto de Imagen","User picture":"Imagen del usuario","Games":"Juegos","Design personalized stickers and upload them to the app. Organize a contest where users decorate their photos with branded frames and stickers.":"Habilita un editor de im\u00e1genes y organiza un divertido concurso donde los participantes podr\u00e1n personalizar sus fotos con marcos y stickers.","Pick a winner from among users who interact with your giveaway posts on different social networks.":"Organiza un \u00fanico sorteo entre los usuarios que comenten uno o varios posts de tus diferentes redes sociales.","Organize a contest for Instagram users, where the participants share a picture from their profile, use your campaign hashtag and fill in an entry form. ":"Organiza un concurso entre los usuarios de Instagram que publiquen una foto en su perfil con el hashtag de la campa\u00f1a y adem\u00e1s rellenen el formulario de registro.","If you want to create a promotion with advanced features (Premium \/ White Label), {link}.":"Si quieres crear una promoci\u00f3n con nivel de funcionalidades superior (Premium \/ Marca Blanca), {link}.","Proportion":"Proporci\u00f3n","Invite your collaborators":"Invita a tus colaboradores","Create an invitation":"Crear invitaci\u00f3n","You have granted the organizer access to the post(s) so they can add the participants to the giveaway. Thank you.":"Has dado acceso al organizador a la(s) publicaci\u00f3n(es) para que pueda a\u00f1adir los participantes al sorteo. Gracias.","Access granted to organizer":"Acceso autorizado al organizador.","This is the link to share with the person who manages the social profile with the post you want to add. Once he\/she has granted you access, that post will appear in the giveaways' list of posts and its participants will be added to the giveaway.":"Este es el enlace para compartir con la persona que administra el perfil social del que quieres a\u00f1adir la publicaci\u00f3n. Una vez te haya dado acceso, la publicaci\u00f3n aparecer\u00e1 en la lista de publicaciones del sorteo y sus participantes se a\u00f1adir\u00e1n al sorteo.","The collaborator does not need to have an Easypromos account":"El colaborador no necesita una cuenta en Easypromos","Link to share with your collaborator":"Enlace para compartir con tu colaborador","Created invitations":"Invitaciones creadas","Click on the button to connect to the social network and allow the organizer to add the participants":"Haz click en el bot\u00f3n para conectar con la red social y permitir al organizador que a\u00f1ada tus participantes","Request for '%s' by %s accepted":"Respuesta para '%s' por %s aceptada","Your request to add a post to the giveaway %s has been accepted by %s and the participants have been added to the list. Check out the giveaways' new participants %s":"Tu petici\u00f3n para a\u00f1adir un post en el sorteo %s ha sido aceptada por %s y los participantes han sido a\u00f1adidos. Comprueba %s los nuevos participantes del sorteo.","Messages can only be sent to winners of the social profiles you are an admin of. Collaborator's winners cannot be contacted this way":"Los mensajes pueden enviarse solo a los ganadores de los perfiles sociales de los cuales eres administrador. Los ganadores de los colaboradores no pueden contactarse de esta manera","Request access to posts from social profiles you are not an admin of to add them to the giveaway.":"Solicite acceso a las publicaciones de los perfiles sociales de los que no es administrador para agregarlos al sorteo.","Collaborator":"Colaborador","Add posts from profiles you are not an admin of":"A\u00f1ade posts de perfiles que no administras","You can add to your giveaway participants from posts of social profiles that you are not an admin of.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir a tu sorteo participantes de publicaciones de perfiles sociales de las cuales no eres un administrador.","For this, you have to send an invitation link to the administrator of that profile.":"Para eso, deberas enviar un enlace de invitaci\u00f3n al administrador de ese perfil.","You can add collaborator's posts on the next step of the giveaway setup, but first you must select, at least, one post from a profile owned by you.":"Podr\u00e1s a\u00f1adir publicaciones de colaboradores en el siguiente paso de la configuraci\u00f3n del sorteo, pero primero deber\u00e1s seleccionar, como m\u00ednimo, una publicaci\u00f3n de un perfil que administres.","Now you can close this browser tab.":"Ahora ya puedes cerrar esta pesta\u00f1a del navegador.","Name of collaborator":"Nombre del colaborador","Social network":"Red social","Select a network":"Selecciona una red social","{label} by profile":"{label} por perfil","This promotional code can't be redeem with this type of plan.":"Este c\u00f3digo promocional no puede ser aplicado a este tipo de plan.","The promotional code is not valid.":"El c\u00f3digo introducido no es v\u00e1lido.","Redeem":"Canjear","Redeem a promotional code":"Aplicar un c\u00f3digo promocional","Type in your promotional code to activate a free trial plan for a limited time.":"Introduce tu c\u00f3digo promocional para activar un plan de pruebas gratis por tiempo limitado.","Type in your promotional code to obtain a plan extension.":"Introduce tu c\u00f3digo promocional para obtener una extensi\u00f3n de plan.","Activate a plan now before your trial expires":"Activa ahora un plan antes de que tu plan de pruebas finalice","Instructions image":"Imagen para instrucciones","Scenes label":"Texto de escenarios","Display sticker and scene names?":"\u00bfMostrar el nombre de los escenarios y stickers?","Scenes":"Escenarios","PhotoFun \/ Scenes":"PhotoFun \/ Escenarios","Dropbox Extension is disabled":"La extensi\u00f3n de Dropbox est\u00e1 deshabilitada","Dropbox Extension is enabled":"La extensi\u00f3n de Dropbox est\u00e1 habilitada","Video Hosting Extension is enabled":"La extensi\u00f3n de hosting de v\u00eddeo est\u00e1 habilitada","Video Hosting Extension is disabled":"La extensi\u00f3n de hosting de v\u00eddeo est\u00e1 deshabilitada","Filters temporaly disabled.":"Filtros temporalmente deshabilitados.","Visit %s to learn why.":"Visita %s para saber por qu\u00e9.","Upload various images personalized with your logo and branding colors. Ask your audience to decorate the scenes with branded stickers.":"Sube una o varias im\u00e1genes de escenarios personalizados con tu imagen corporativa y deja que los usuarios lo decoren con tus stickers personalizados.","Trial plan":"Plan de pruebas","In order to enable the PhotoFun, the Media field must be added on the {link}.":"Para poder habilitar el PhotoFun, primero debes a\u00f1adir el campo Media en el {link}.","PhotoFun is not available":"PhotoFun no est\u00e1 disponible","In order to enable the Scenes, the Media field must be added on the {link}.":"Para poder habilitar los Escenarios, primero debes a\u00f1adir el campo Media en el {link}.","Scenes are not available":"Escenarios no est\u00e1n disponibles","Welcome to Scenes":"Bienvenido a Escenarios","In this section, you can upload one or more images, and all the stickers you want. Create scenes, landscapes or conundrums. Ask your users to design a scene, play a game, or solve a puzzle.":"Desde esta secci\u00f3n podr\u00e1s subir una o varias im\u00e1genes y todas los stickers que quieras para proponer escenarios, paisajes o situaciones, y pedir a los usuarios que participen resolviendo tu juego o din\u00e1mica.","The file name will be displayed as the scene's public name.":"El nombre del fichero ser\u00e1 el nombre p\u00fablico del escenario.","JPG format.":"Formato JPG.","You can upload multiple scenes by choosing a folder.":"Puedes subir m\u00faltiples escenarios seleccionando una carpeta.","Add custom scenes":"A\u00f1adir escenarios personalizados","Test your PhotoFun":"Prueba tu PhotoFun","Test your Scene":"Prueba tu Escenario","Upload new scenes":"Sube nuevos escenarios","Select one or more images to add your own creations of scenes to the current theme.":"Selecciona una o m\u00e1s im\u00e1genes para a\u00f1adir tus dise\u00f1os de escenarios al tema actual.","Edit giveaway data":"Editar informaci\u00f3n del sorteo","Click to start":"Haz clic para empezar","Frames \/ Scenes label":"Texto de Marcos \/ Escenarios","Blacklist candidates":"Candidatos a la Lista Negra","From page":"P\u00e1gina asociada","There are no candidates":"No hay candidatos","Read how the blacklist works":"Lee c\u00f3mo funciona la Lista Negra","Blacklist candidates are participants that we think you may want to include in the blacklist for this page. The list of canditates is based on users that you've added to the blacklist for other Facebook pages.":"Candidatos a la lista negra son participantes que quiz\u00e1s quieras incluir en la Lista Negra. La lista de candidatos se basa en usuarios que ya has a\u00f1adido anteriormente a la lista negra para otras p\u00e1ginas de Facebook.","Winners of Facebook giveaways from before January 8, 2019, will not be taken into account for this exclusion.":"Los usuarios ganadores de sorteos Facebook anteriores al 8 de enero de 2019 no ser\u00e1n considerados en esta exclusi\u00f3n.","Searching for candidates":"Buscando candidatos","Scaling mode":"Modo de escalado","Scale uniformly":"Escalar uniformemente","Scale non uniformly":"Escalar no-uniformemente","you":"tu","***you":"***ti","How was your experience with Easypromos? This is just a reminder that your trial %s ends in 2 days. %s is the last day that you will be able to use this plan. After that date, all the work you've done will still be there, but any active promotions will be deactivated, and they won't be publicly accessible.":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal tu experiencia con Easypromos? Te recordamos que tu plan de pruebas %s finaliza en 2 d\u00edas. El \u00faltimo d\u00eda que podr\u00e1s utilizar este plan ser\u00e1 el %s. Despu\u00e9s de esta fecha, todo tu trabajo seguir\u00e1 disponible, pero si tienes promociones activas se desactivar\u00e1n y no se podr\u00e1n acceder p\u00fablicamente.","To keep enjoying all the features of this plan, you can activate it now here":"Para seguir aprovechando todas las funcionalidades de este plan, puedes activarlo ahora en el siguiente enlace","Activate %s":"Activar %s","If you have any questions, %s":"Para cualquier duda o consulta, nos tienes a tu disposici\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de nuestros %s.","contact our support team":"canales de atenci\u00f3n al cliente","Your trial of the %s has ended. How was your experience with Easypromos? You can %s with any comments or questions.":"Tu plan de pruebas %s ha finalizado. \u00bfQu\u00e9 tal tu experiencia con Easypromos? Puedes darnos tu opini\u00f3n o consultar cualquier duda a trav\u00e9s de nuestros %s.","Remember that you can keep enjoying all the features of your current plan by activating it below":"Recuerda que puedes seguir aprovechando todas las funcionalidades de este plan activandolo ahora en el siguiente enlace","Found in {page_name} blacklist":"Encontrado en la lista negra de {page_name}","Found in your old blacklist":"Encontrado en tu antigua lista negra","Add to {page_name} blacklist":"A\u00f1adir a la lista negra de {page_name}","All networks":"Todas las redes","Blacklisted users":"Lista negra de usuarios","Blacklisted users for {net}":"Lista negra de usuarios para {net}","Type to search by name":"Escribe para buscar por nombre","No users found.":"No se han encontrado usuarios.","Your email is not valid to vote":"Tu email no es v\u00e1lido para votar","The submitted email is not valid":"La direcci\u00f3n de email introducida no es v\u00e1lida","Do not allow disposable email domains":"No permitir dominios de emails temporales","Delete participants":"Eliminar participantes","Automatic removal: {date_remove}":"Fecha del borrado autom\u00e1tica: {date_remove}","This action does not delete the result of the giveaway, it will only delete the information of participants. Only the minimum information necessary will be saved, in order to display the certificate of validity correctly.":"Esta acci\u00f3n no elimina el resultado del sorteo, \u00fanicamente elimina la informaci\u00f3n de los participantes. Se guardar\u00e1 la informaci\u00f3n m\u00ednima para poder mostrar correctamente el certificado de validez del sorteo.","Instagram Mention + Hashtag Tracking":"Monitor de Menci\u00f3n + Hashtag en Instagram","You must enable {label_social} integration":"Debes habilitar la integraci\u00f3n con {label_social}","Your trial plan has ended":"Tu plan de pruebas ha terminado","[Reminder] Your trial plan ends in 2 days":"[Recordatorio] Tu plan de pruebas termina en 2 d\u00edas","Load automatically when user goes to Registration Form":"Cargar autom\u00e1ticamente cuando el usuario vaya el Formulario de Registro","Go to %s giveaway":"Ir al sorteo de %s","When the participant data is deleted you will not be able to export them and you will not be able to see the Giveaway Stats.":"Cuando se eliminen los participantes, ya no los podr\u00e1s exportar ni tampoco tener acceso a las estad\u00edsticas del sorteo.","Need help? Click here to go to tutorial":"\u00bfNecesitas ayuda? Haz clic aqu\u00ed para ir al tutorial","When you click continue, the system will import all entries up until the current date.":"Cuando hagas click en continuar, el sistema importar\u00e1 todas las entradas hasta la fecha actual.","customize prizes":"configura los premios","Prizes will be given to the winners in the same order they are drawn.":"Los premios se dar\u00e1n a los ganadores en el mismo orden en el que salgan premiados.","Add different prizes for your winners":"A\u00f1ade diferentes premios para los ganadores","Ready! Go to Sweeps Live":"\u00a1Listo! Ir a Sweeps Live","Do you need to include promoted posts, ads or posts from other social networks or from collaborators?":"\u00bfNecesitas incluir publicaciones promocionadas, ads o publicaciones de otras redes sociales o de colaboradores?","You'll need to use the {link_multinetwork} app.":"Necesitar\u00e1s utilizar la aplicaci\u00f3n de {link_multinetwork}.","Posts from collaborators on social profiles that you are not an admin of":"Publicaciones de colaboradores en perfiles sociales de los que no eres administrador","You can create a presentation to display the winners in a more dynamic way":"Puedes crear una presentaci\u00f3n para mostrar los ganadores de una manera m\u00e1s din\u00e1mica","Live sweepstakes":"Sorteo Live","There are no posts to select":"No hay publicaciones que seleccionar","Select a maximum of {max} videos":"Selecciona un m\u00e1ximo de {max} videos","Select a maximum of {max} posts or create a new one {label_template}":"Selecciona un m\u00e1ximo de {max} publicaciones o crea una nueva {label_template}","Select a maximum of {max} posts or {label_create}":"Selecciona un m\u00e1ximo de {max} publicaciones o {label_create}","Show Mode":"Modo Show","Create a giveaway from all {type} on selected posts on a single Instagram account.":"Crear un sorteo para todos los {type} en posts seleccionados de una cuenta de Instagram.","You can add this label to your collection with the {icon} button.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir esta etiqueta a tu colecci\u00f3n con el bot\u00f3n {icon}.","Connect your {network} account":"Conecta tu cuenta de {network}","Show Mode editor":"Editor Modo Show","Autoplay broadcast":"Presentaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica","End page title":"T\u00edtulo p\u00e1gina final","End page subtitle":"Subt\u00edtulo p\u00e1gina final","Thank you for participating":"Gracias a todos por participar","Hope to see you in our next contest!":"Esperamos verte en el pr\u00f3ximo concurso","This draw was carried out with":"Este sorteo se ha realizado con","Why can't I exclude non-followers?":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no puedo excluir no seguidores?","Add prize":"A\u00f1adir premio","Prize Name":"Nombre del premio","Total winners":"Total de ganadores","Create your own giveaway with":"Crea tu propio sorteo con","Label alternates":"Texto suplentes","Start button":"Bot\u00f3n Empezar","Loading message":"Mensaje de carga","I have the fields of the participants well configured and I want to continue":"Tengo los campos de los participantes correctamente configurados y quiero continuar","To be able to generate a video from this giveaway, you must use Google Chrome 49+ or Firefox 43+.":"Para poder generar un video de este sorteo, es necesario que utilices Google Chrome 49+ o Firefox 43+.","Once the processing is finished, you will be able to download the video as a WEBM video file. Please, do not close or refresh this window before the process ends.":"Una vez finalizado el proceso, podr\u00e1s descargar el video en formato WEBM. Por favor, no cierres ni refresques esta ventana antes de que haya finalizado el proceso.","Export to video":"Exportar a video","Start processing":"Iniciar proceso","Exporting video":"Exportando video","Please wait for the video to start processing.":"Por favor, espera a que comience a procesar el video.","Please wait for the screenshots to appear.":"Por favor espera a que aparezcan las capturas.","Processing video":"Procesando video","Processing complete":"Procesado completo","Download video":"Descargar video","Easypromos will save the participant data during 3 months, after which Easypromos will proceed to delete the data. If you need to delete the participant data before, you can click on {delete_button} to proceed with the elimination of all participants.":"Easypromos guardar\u00e1 los datos de los participantes durante 3 meses. Despu\u00e9s de este tiempo, Easypromos proceder\u00e1 a la eliminaci\u00f3n de estos datos. Si necesitas eliminar los datos antes, puedes hacer clic en {delete_button} para proceder a eliminar los datos de todos los participantes.","This action does not delete the result of the giveaway, it will only delete the participant data. Only the minimum information required to display the certificate of validity correctly will be saved after the elimination.":"Esta acci\u00f3n no eliminar\u00e1 el resultado del sorteo, s\u00f3lo los datos de los participantes. \u00danicamente se guardar\u00e1 la informaci\u00f3n m\u00ednima para poder mostrar correctamente el certificado de validez.","Marvelous prize":"Premio fant\u00e1stico","Written in singular":"Escrito en singular","Do you need to include posts from other social networks or from other collaborators?":"\u00bfNecesitas incluir publicaciones de otras redes sociales o de otros colaboradores?","Do you need to include ads or posts from other social networks or from other collaborators?":"\u00bfNecesitas incluir anuncios o publicaciones de otras redes sociales o de otros colaboradores?","{label_basic}, and download the full Excel file with all participants.":"{label_basic}, y desc\u00e1rgate el Excel con los participantes.","upgrade to Basic PRO Plan":"actualizar a plan B\u00e1sico PRO","Check the groups where you want to include your users":"Selecciona los grupos en los que quieres incluir los usuarios","Tag your subscribers with this label":"Etiqueta tus suscritores con esta etiqueta","Watch demo":"Ver demo","Read tutorial":"Leer tutorial","Your first {network} Giveaway with Easypromos is free.":"Tu primer sorteo de {network} con Easypromos es gratuito.","The giveaway has more than {limit} participants":"El sorteo tiene m\u00e1s de {label_limit} {label_participants}","It is not the first giveaway for this {network} account.":"Este no es el primer sorteo para esta cuenta de {network}.","Sending":"Enviando","Current key":"Clave actual","View and edit matched fields":"Ver y editar v\u00ednculos","Select the consent checkbox from the promotion":"Selecciona la casilla de consentimiento de la promoci\u00f3n","Subscribe all users":"Suscribir a todos los usuarios","Congratulations, you are one of the winners! Check the results here":"\u00a1Enhorabuena eres uno de los ganadores! Consulta los resultados del sorteo aqu\u00ed","Congratulations, you are one of the winners!":"\u00a1Enhorabuena eres uno de los ganadores!","You have won the following prize":"Has ganado el siguiente premio","Create a giveaway from all participants on imported file.":"Crear un sorteo entre los participantes de un fichero importado.","There are no previous winners":"No hay ganadores anteriores","Add billing information":"A\u00f1adir datos de facturaci\u00f3n","Manage columns":"Gestionar columnas","Combine columns":"Combinar columnas","{plan} for {price}":"{plan} por {price}","Multi-Network {type} Giveaway":"Sorteo Multired","Automatic import is enabled":"La importaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica est\u00e1 habilitada","Automatic import is disabled":"La importaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica est\u00e1 deshabilitada","The Show Mode is only available for giveaways with a maximum of 8 winners.":"El Modo Show est\u00e1 disponible solo para sorteos con un m\u00e1ximo de 8 ganadores.","Importing %s finalists":"Importando %s finalistas","Make test of the giveaway and some winners and alternate winners among your finalists will be displayed. The result will not be published, not will a certificate of validity be issued. It is not a valid giveaway, and you can run as many tests as you wish.":"Se realizar\u00e1 un test del sorteo y se mostrar\u00e1n unos ganadores y suplentes entre tus finalistas. Este resultado no se publica, ni tampoco se emite un certificado de validez. No es un sorteo v\u00e1lido, y puedes hacer tantos tests como desees.","What does the Basic Plan includes?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 incluye el Plan B\u00e1sico?","Run unlimited giveaways and contests for only {price} with the {plan}.":"Haz sorteos y promociones ilimitados por s\u00f3lo {price} con el {plan}.","Upgrade plan":"Actualizar plan","Refresh now":"Actualizar ahora","Activate a Plan":"Activar un plan de suscripci\u00f3n","Upgrade to Basic Plan":"Actualizar a plan B\u00e1sico","Upgrade to Basic PRO Plan":"P\u00e1sate al plan Basic PRO","Free Plan":"Plan Gratuito","Upgrade your plan":"Actualiza tu plan","Add new hashtag ({current} out of {max})":"A\u00f1adir nuevo hashtag ({current} de {max})","Write the hashtag or hashtags that you want to track. You can include a maximum of {max} hashtags. The system will search all the content published on {network} which includes at least 1 of the hashtags defined.":"Escriba el hashtag o hashtags que quieras monitorizar. Puede incluir un m\u00e1ximo de {max} hashtags. El sistema buscar\u00e1 todo el contenido publicado en {network} que incluya al menos 1 de los hashtags definidos.","Insert here your hashtag":"Escribe aqu\u00ed tu hashtag","Get Show Mode with {link_basicpro} and enjoy this amazing giveaway feature.":"Utiliza el Modo Show con {link_basicpro} y disfruta de esta espectacular funcionalidad.","Write the comment to send to the winners. It will be visible to all users as a public reply to the winner's comment.":"Escribe el comentario que se enviar\u00e1 a los ganadores. El comentario ser\u00e1 visible para todos los usuarios como una respuesta al comentario del ganador.","You reached the maximum of hashtags permitted.":"Has superado el m\u00e1ximo de hashtags permitido.","Please claim your prize as soon as possible here":"Por favor, reclama tu premio lo antes posible aqu\u00ed","Add hashtag":"A\u00f1adir hashtag","Winners page URL":"URL de la p\u00e1gina de ganadores","Claim your prize URL":"URL de la p\u00e1gina de reclamaci\u00f3n de premio","Check to combine":"Marca para combinar","You need to be an admin of the Facebook page to use this feature.":"Necesitas ser administrador de la p\u00e1gina Facebook para utilizar esta funcionalidad.","Retrieving new participants":"Obteniendo nuevos participantes","Read the post":"Leer la publicaci\u00f3n","Click to manage prizes":"Haz click para gestionar los premios","Your giveaway could have more participants":"Tu sorteo podr\u00eda tener m\u00e1s participantes","Do you want to update your giveaway to import the latest participants?":"\u00bfQuieres actualizar el sorteo con los \u00faltimos participantes?","Only tweets with this hashtag and the mention to {username} will be imported.":"Solo los tweets con este hashtag y la menci\u00f3n a {username} ser\u00e1n importados.","Manage your plans":"Gestiona tus planes","Language advanced options":"Opciones avanzadas de idioma","Next page link text":"Enlace de p\u00e1gina siguiente","Transitions":"Transiciones","Make sure that you are connecting an Instagram Business profile and not a personal profile.":"Aseg\u00farate que es un perfil de Instagram de empresa y no un perfil personal.","Make sure that you are connected with a Facebook user that is administrator of the Facebook Page linked to the Instagram Business profile.":"Aseg\u00farate que est\u00e1s conectado con un usuario de Facebook que es administrador de la p\u00e1gina de Facebook vinculada al perfil de empresa de Instagram.","Make sure that you have granted Easypromos app to access this Facebook Page. To do so, you must reauthorize the Easypromos app and verify that you give access permissions to all Facebook pages that you wish to run giveaways.":"Aseg\u00farate que la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos tiene acceso a esta p\u00e1gina de Facebook. Para ello debes reautorizar a la aplicaci\u00f3n Easypromos, y verificar que das permisos de acceso a las p\u00e1ginas donde quieres realizar sorteos.","If after reauthorizing permissions you still can't see your profile, you will have to follow this troubleshooting guide.":"Si despu\u00e9s de reautorizar los permisos, sigues sin poder ver tu perfil, deber\u00e1s seguir la gu\u00eda de resoluci\u00f3n paso a paso.","Go to the guide":"Acceder a la gu\u00eda","Reauthorize Easypromos App":"Reautorizar Easypromos","Instagram profile":"perfil de Instagram","Does your {network} not appear?":"\u00bfNo aparece tu {network}?","Make sure that you run a giveaway in a Facebook Page and not in a Personal Facebook profile.":"Aseg\u00farate que el sorteo lo has publicado en una p\u00e1gina de Facebook de empresa y no en un perfil personal.","Make sure that you are connected with a Facebook user that is administrator of the Facebook Page.":"Aseg\u00farate que est\u00e1s conectado con un usuario de Facebook que es administrador de la p\u00e1gina.","Date to begin importing comments":"Fecha de inicio de la importaci\u00f3n de comentarios","Import the {type} of the publications from different social networks in a single sweepstakes.":"Importa los {type} de publicaciones de distintas redes sociales en un \u00fanico sorteo.","Add more organic posts":"A\u00f1ade m\u00e1s publicaciones org\u00e1nicas","{add_more} to the giveaway for {price} (cancel anytime)":"{add_more} al sorteo por {price} (cancela en cualquier momento)","Send a message to the winners":"Env\u00eda un mensaje a los ganadores","Uncheck to leave as independent field":"Desmarca para dejar como un campo independiente","Loading posts, please wait":"Cargando publicaciones. Por favor, espere.","You will be requested to connect with a Facebook User and grant access to Easypromos App to your Facebook pages and Instagram Business profiles. You can choose which pages and profiles.":"Se te solicitar\u00e1 que te conectes con una cuenta de Facebook y autorices a Easypromos para acceder a tus p\u00e1ginas de Facebook y a tus perfiles de empresa de Instagram. Podr\u00e1s escoger qu\u00e9 p\u00e1ginas y qu\u00e9 perfiles.","You don't have an active plan right now":"En estos momentos no tienes ning\u00fan plan de pago activo","Your FREE plan includes":"Con el plan FREE dispones de","One giveaway on {network}":"El primer sorteo en {network} gratis","One Basic application (Registration Form Giveaway)":"La primera aplicaci\u00f3n B\u00e1sica gratis (Sorteo con Registro)","Access to the Terms and Conditions hosting tool":"Acceso a la herramienta de alojamiento de bases legales","Access to all giveaway and contest templates":"Acceso a todas las plantillas de sorteos y concursos preconfiguradas","Create Premium and White Label draft campaigns":"Crear campa\u00f1as en borrador de nuestra plataforma Premium y Marca Blanca","Access to all newsletters":"Acceso a nuestras newsletters con ideas, ejemplos y casos de \u00e9xito","Access to our online knowledge base":"Acceso a nuestro centro de documentaci\u00f3n online","To enjoy the full potential of the Easypromos platform, {link_plans}.":"Para disfrutar de todo el potencial de la plataforma Easypromos, {link_plans}.","upgrade to a paid plan":"p\u00e1sate a un plan de pago","Here you can learn how to set up the ''Claim your prize'' page":"Aqu\u00ed puedes leer c\u00f3mo configurar la p\u00e1gina de ''Reclama tu premio''","Only available with 10 or less alternate winners":"S\u00f3lo disponible para sorteos con 10 suplentes o menos","Only available with manual transitions":"S\u00f3lo disponible con transiciones manuales","Only available with alternate winners visible":"S\u00f3lo disponible con los suplentes visibles","Ready! Click here to grant access now.":"\u00a1Listo! Haz click aqu\u00ed para permitir el acceso.","Hide the Easypromos brand":"Ocultar la marca Easypromos","This mode allows you to show and save an animated video of the prize giveaway.":"Este modo permite visualizar y guardar un video animado del sorteo del premio.","Only available to customers with an active White Label Plan":"S\u00f3lo disponible para clientes con un Plan Marca Blanca activo","The system will select randomly":"El sistema seleccionar\u00e1 de forma aleatoria","Enter the participants manually or copy and paste them from an .xls or .xlsx file, ensuring that each user is on a separate line. Once imported, you can select the column that will be used to uniquely identify the users.":"Introduce los participantes manualmente o copia y pega desde un fichero .xls o .xlsx, asegur\u00e1ndote que cada usuario est\u00e9 en una l\u00ednea separada. Una vez importados, podr\u00e1s seleccionar la columna que se utilizar\u00e1 para identificar a los usuarios de forma \u00fanica.","Enter the participants manually":"Introducir manualmente los participantes","Enter participants":"Introduce los participantes","Enter manually":"Introducir manualmente","Import from a file":"Importar desde un fichero","Importing {inserted_vs_total} new users":"Importando {inserted_vs_total} nuevos usuarios","Combine {num} columns":"Combinar {num} columnas","Column #{column}":"Columna #{column}","At least {num} mentions":"M\u00ednimo {num} menciones","At least {num} mention":"M\u00ednimo {num} menci\u00f3n","To check if more have joined, click refresh":"Si crees que son m\u00e1s, haz clic en actualizar ahora","You updated participants {date}.":"Actualizaste los participantes {date}.","Your currently number of participants is: {num}.":"El n\u00famero total de participantes actual es: {num}.","Add a promoted tweet":"A\u00f1adir un tweet promocionado","Add a promoted tweet to your giveaway through its url":"A\u00f1ade un tweet promocionado a tu sorteo a trav\u00e9s de url","Select tweet":"Seleccionar un tweet\/s","Does your page not appear?":"\u00bfNo aparece tu p\u00e1gina?","This tweet is more than {days_premium} days old.":"Este tweet tiene m\u00e1s de {days_premium} d\u00edas.","This tweet has more than {max_rt_low} RTs.":"Este tweet tiene m\u00e1s de {max_rt_low} Retweets.","{link_subsbasic} from the same Timeline Post for {price_basic} (cancel plan any time). {link_how}":"{link_subsbasic} sobre el mismo post por {price_basic} (suscripci\u00f3n cancelable en cualquier momento). {link_how}","pending votes to validate":"votos pendientes de validar","validated votes":"votos validados","Short on time?":"\u00a1Ahorra tiempo!","Use quick templates to create giveaways and contests":"Aprovecha las plantillas para crear sorteos y concursos","See all templates":"Ver todas las plantillas","Activating integration, please wait":"Activando la integraci\u00f3n. Por favor, espere.","Desactivating integration, please wait":"Desactivando la integraci\u00f3n. Por favor, espere.","Upgrade NOW for just {price}":"Actualiza tu plan AHORA por s\u00f3lo {price}","You could do {link_to_compare} with a Basic PRO plan.":"Podr\u00edas hacer {link_to_compare} con un plan Basic PRO.","a lot more":"mucho m\u00e1s","Upgrade NOW":"Actualiza tu plan AHORA","Trendy templates":"Plantillas trendy","Discover all the themed templates":"Descubre todas las plantillas tem\u00e1ticas","Back to questions":"Volver a preguntas","Preparing to reauthorize":"Preparando para reautorizar","View the random draw as an animated presentation":"Visualizar el sorteo como una presentaci\u00f3n animada","Loading presentation. Please wait.":"Cargando la presentaci\u00f3n. Por favor, espere.","In order to use your own domain properly is necessary that you create a A record in the DNS of the domain pointing to the IP adress: {ip}":"Para poder usar tu propio dominio es necesario que crees un registro A en el DNS del dominio que apunte a la direcci\u00f3n IP: {ip}","Verify the configuration of your domain":"Verifica la configuraci\u00f3n del DNS de tu dominio","Facebook \/ Instagram incident":"Incidencia Facebook \/ Instagram","Since 13th March 2019, Facebook and Instagram social networks are having a general issue that is making a partial outage in their tools. Facebook is aware of this and they are focused to resolve it. This partial outage is making that our Facebook and Instagram apps are working intermitently. It means that it can't work 100%.":"Desde el 13 de Marzo 2019, Facebook e Instagram tiene una incidencia general que hace que sus servicios funcionen de forma intermitente.Facebook est\u00e1 al caso de la incidencia y est\u00e1 focalizado en resolverla. La incidencia est\u00e1 provocando que nuestras aplicaciones de Instagram y Facebook no funcionen al 100%.","We recommend you try it as this Facebook issue is not affecting all users in the same way. If you are an affected user, please subscribe here to receive real time notifications of the incident progress":"Te recomendamos igualmente que lo intentes, ya que la incidencia no est\u00e1 afectando a todos los usuarios de la misma manera. Si eres uno de los usuarios afectados, por favor suscr\u00edbete aqu\u00ed para recibir notificaciones del progreso de la incidencia en tiempo real","Optimizing view":"Optimizando vista","Double click to zoom out":"Haz doble click para alejar","ID":"ID","d":"d","h":"h","m":"m","s":"s","PhotoFun":"PhotoFun","Link":"Enlace","Double click to zoom in":"Haz doble click para acercar","Social Login":"Social Login","HTML link manager":"Editor de enlaces HTML","Enter your URL":"Introduce la URL","Click on the social networks button to connect your accounts":"Haz clic en los botones de las redes sociales para conectar tus cuentas","Show only Continue button":"Mostrar s\u00f3lo el bot\u00f3n de Continuar","Show Continue and Restart buttons":"Mostrar los botones Continuar y Reiniciar","You can include {tag} in the message to show the score or number of correct answers of the user.":"Puedes escribir {tag} en el mensaje para mostrar la puntuaci\u00f3n o el n\u00famero de respuestas correctas del usuario.","Show only Restart button":"Mostrar s\u00f3lo el bot\u00f3n de Reiniciar","Only available when image is added":"S\u00f3lo disponible al subir una imagen","Horizontal":"Horizontal","Direction of transition from one question to the next":"Direcci\u00f3n de la transici\u00f3n entre preguntas","Minimum value has already been used in another final message":"El valor m\u00ednimo ya est\u00e1 en uso en otro mensaje final","Maximum value has already been used in another final message":"El valor m\u00e1ximo ya est\u00e1 en uso en otro mensaje final","Download and share a video of the moment that winners are selected.":"Descarga y comparte el resultado del sorteo con un v\u00eddeo de la selecci\u00f3n de ganadores.","This is not a valid answer":"No es una respuesta correcta","You can customize the final message from the section {path} field.":"Puedes personalizar el mensaje final desde el apartado {path}.","Click here to edit the {section}":"Haz clic aqu\u00ed para editar el {section}","Promotion visible in {places}":"Promoci\u00f3n visible en {places}","Recommended to share the video of the draw as Stories.":"Recomendado para compartir el v\u00eddeo como Stories.","Recommended to share the video of the draw on Facebook or Twitter.":"Recomendado para compartir el v\u00eddeo del sorteo en Facebook o Twitter.","Portrait":"Vertical","Landscape":"Horizontal","Legal Advice for {origin_countries} promotions":" Consejos Legales para promociones en {origin_countries}","Select image or {upload}":"Selecciona imagen o {upload}","Specifies how promotion background image will be repeating over the available space":"Especifica como la imagen de fondo de la promoci\u00f3n se repite en el espacio disponible","TV optimized":"optimizado para TV","Mobile optimized":"optimizado para m\u00f3vil","Want to personalize the presentation and export as a video?":"\u00bfQuieres poder personalizar la presentaci\u00f3n y exportarla a v\u00eddeo?","Install of promotions in Facebook Tabs are disabled temporaly":"La instalaci\u00f3n de pesta\u00f1as en p\u00e1ginas de Facebook ha sido temporalmente deshabilitada","Due to an issue from Facebook in the installation process of Custom Tabs, this feature has been disabled from Easypromos.":"Debido a una incidencia de Facebook en el proceso de instalaci\u00f3n de Pesta\u00f1as, esta funcionalidad ha sido deshabilitada en Easypromos.","In order to publish and announce your promotion on Facebook, please publish a new post on your Facebook Timeline with the promotion link.":"Para poder publicar y comunicar tu promoci\u00f3n en Facebook, por favor publica un nuevo post en en tu p\u00e1gina con el enlace a tu promoci\u00f3n.","You can subscribe and follow the progress of this issue in this link":"Puedes suscribirte y seguir la evoluci\u00f3n de esta incidencia en este enlace","Facebook says it won't fix the issue. We are waiting for an official announcement about Facebook Tabs deprecation.":"Facebook indica que no solucionar\u00e1 la incidencia. Estamos a la espera de un anuncio oficial de Facebook sobre la eliminaci\u00f3n definitiva de las pesta\u00f1as de Facebook de apps en p\u00e1ginas.","Last update":"\u00daltima actualizaci\u00f3n","Temporaly disabled":"Temporalmente deshabilitado","Back to basic options":"Volver a opciones b\u00e1sicas","We tried to renew your %s #%s automatically, but we couldn't process the payment. Please access your account to make a manual payment, so that you can keep creating great promotions with Easypromos.":"Hemos intentado renovar autom\u00e1ticamente tu %s #%s, pero no se ha podido procesar el cobro correctamente. Por favor, accede a tu cuenta de usuario para efectuar el pago de forma manual para as\u00ed resolver esta situaci\u00f3n lo antes posible.","Log in here":"Haz Log in aqu\u00ed","While you're there, please take a minute to review your payment settings. If we can't process your payment, then your plan will be canceled. Any active promotions will be unpublished and saved as drafts in the Control Panel.":"As\u00ed mismo, revisa tus datos de pago ya que si en el pr\u00f3ximo reintento no se puede efectuar el cobro, se cancelar\u00e1 el plan autom\u00e1ticamente y se desactivar\u00e1n todas las promociones activas y se guardar\u00e1n como borrador.","We will make another attempt to process your payment within 24 hours.":"Igualmente, procederemos a reintentar el cobro en las pr\u00f3ximas 24 horas.","Here's more information about your plan":"Estos son los datos de tu plan","Active plan":"Plan activo","Renewal date":"Fecha de renovaci\u00f3n","Price":"Precio","Thank you for placing your trust in us":"Muchas gracias","We haven't been able to process your payment to renew your %s #%s with Easypromos. As a consequence, your plan has been canceled. If you had any active promotions, they have been unpublished and saved as drafts in the Control Panel.":"No hemos podido procesar tu pago para la renovaci\u00f3n de tu %s #%s. Como consecuencia, tu plan ha sido cancelado. Si ten\u00edas alguna promoci\u00f3n activa, se ha despublicado y guardado como borrador en tu panel de administraci\u00f3n.","Cancelled plan":"Plan cancelado","If you wish to reactivate your plan, visit your Control Panel":"Si deseas reactivar tu plan, puedes hacerlo desde tu panel de control","Renewal type":"Tipo de renovaci\u00f3n","We're sending this email to inform you that your Easypromos plan #%s will be renewed on %s. You don't have to do anything<\/strong> - we'll take care of the renewal and collect the payment automatically.":"Este email solo es para informarte de que renovaremos tu plan #%s el pr\u00f3ximo %s. No tienes que hacer nada<\/strong>, nosotros nos encargaremos de la renovaci\u00f3n y de realizar el cargo en tu cuenta bancaria.","If you don't wish to renew your plan, you can cancel the renewal before %s, from the Control Panel: %s. If you cancel the renewal, you can keep using the features of your plan until the renewal date. If you have any active promotions and don't renew your plan, they will be unpublished and saved as drafts on %s.":"Si no deseas renovar tu plan, puedes cancelar la renovaci\u00f3n antes del %s desde tu cuenta de usuario en el panel de administraci\u00f3n: %s. En este caso, podr\u00e1s seguir utilizando las funcionalidades de tu plan hasta la fecha de renovaci\u00f3n. Si tuvieras alguna promoci\u00f3n activa, el %s se despublicar\u00eda y guardar\u00eda como borrador en tu panel de administraci\u00f3n.","This email is to confirm that your %s #%s payment has been processed correctly.":"Te confirmamos que el pago de tu %s #%s se ha procesado correctamente.","Here's more information about your plan and payment":"Estos son los detalles de tu pago","Invoice number":"N\u00famero de factura","Your plan":"Tu plan","Easypromos information":"Datos Easypromos","You can download an invoice<\/strong> from the Easypromos Control Panel: %s":"Puedes descargar la factura<\/strong>del pago desde tu panel de control: %s","Your plan will be renewed automatically on %s. To manage renewals and cancellation, visit the Control Panel.":"Tu plan se renovar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente el %s o hasta que lo canceles desde tu cuenta de usuario en el panel de control.","Subscription cancellation #%d":"Cancelaci\u00f3n de subscripcion #%d","[Reminder] Renewal of subscription #%d":"[Recordatorio] Renovaci\u00f3n de tu suscripci\u00f3n #%d","Receipt for your payment - Subscription #%d":"Recibo de su pago - Suscripci\u00f3n #%d","Payment pending for Subscription #%d":"Pago pendiente para la suscripci\u00f3n #%d","Thanks all for participating!":"\u00a1Gracias a todos por participar!","You have defined more than 1 prize on participating":"Has definido m\u00e1s de 1 premio al participar","If a registered user is elegible for more than 1 prize, the system will only award them one random prize.":"En caso de que a un usuario, tras participar, le pueda tocar m\u00e1s de un premio, el sistema \u00fanicamente le asignar\u00e1 uno de los premios de forma aleatoria.","NEXT":"CONTINUAR","Final message":"Mensaje final","Main color":"Color principal","Remote Control URL":"URL del Control Remoto","Main Screen URL":"URL de la Pantalla Principal","Use this URL to project the giveaway on the main screen at your event. Open it in a browser on the device connected to the screen, in horizontal mode (for example 16:9).":"\u00c9sta es la URL que se proyectar\u00e1 en la pantalla del evento. Deber\u00e1s abrirla en una ventana del navegador del ordenador conectado a la pantalla. La pantalla del evento debe ser en formato horizontal (por ejemplo 16:9).","Use this URL if you want to control the giveaway from a separate device (for example, the presenter's mobile phone). Recommended for presentations where the projecting device is not accessible from the stage.":"Utiliza esta URL si quieres controlar el sorteo desde otro dispositivo diferente del ordenador conectado a la pantalla (como por ejemplo, el tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil del presentador).","In minutes":"En minutos","This field is used to identify individual participants. The information they enter will be projected on the main screen alongside their unique number in the prize draw. Do not ask for private information such as e-mails or social security numbers.":"Este es el campo con el que un participante se identificar\u00e1. Se proyectar\u00e1 en la pantalla principal junto a su n\u00famero de participaci\u00f3n \u00fanico asignado para el sorteo. No pidas datos privados como e-mail, DNI, etc.","Add multiple-choice questions to make the contest more exciting. Survey mode: collect and share participants' feedback on the main screen. Quiz mode: test participants' knowledge and limit the giveaway to those who answer correctly.":"A\u00f1ade preguntas al registro para darle m\u00e1s emoci\u00f3n al sorteo. El resultado de las preguntas se proyectar\u00e1 en la pantalla principal justo antes de obtener los ganadores. Modo encuesta: plantea preguntas de opini\u00f3n. Modo trivia: selecciona la opci\u00f3n correcta y \u00fanicamente los que acierten entrar\u00e1n en el sorteo.","Add question":"A\u00f1adir pregunta","Remote Control key":"Clave de Control Remoto","Attention! This field will be visible on the main screen":"\u00a1Atenci\u00f3n! Este campo ser\u00e1 visible en la pantalla principal","Available time for registering":"Tiempo disponible para participar","Create a new question":"Crear una nueva pregunta","Do you want to ask the participants some questions?":"\u00bfQuieres que los participantes respondan preguntas?","How many participants do you want, at most?":"\u00bfCuantos participantes quieres, como mucho?","i.e. Full name":"Por ejemplo, Nombre completo","Identification field":"Campo de identificaci\u00f3n","In order to control the projection with the Remote Control URL, the Main Screen URL must already be open.":"Para poder controlar la proyecci\u00f3n des del Control Remoto, la URL de la Pantalla Principal ya debe estar abierta","Limit of prizes reached":"Se ha alcanzado el m\u00e1ximo de premios","Limit of questions reached":"Se ha alcanzado el m\u00e1ximo de preguntas","Manage prizes":"Gestionar premios","Next question":"Siguiente pregunta","No question mode is selected":"No se ha seleccionado ning\u00fan modo de pregunta","Question text":"Texto de la pregunta","Short URL":"URL corta","The identification field is mandatory":"El campo de identificaci\u00f3n es obligatorio","There was an error":"Hubo un error","View results":"Ver resultados","Yes, quiz mode":"S\u00ed, en modo trivia","Yes, survey mode":"S\u00ed, en modo encuesta","You need to define, at least, one prize":"Debes definir, al menos, un premio","You need to define, at least, one question":"Debes definir, al menos, una pregunta","Run a live prize draw at an event to distribute prizes to participants who answer your quiz questions correctly.":"Crea un sorteo en un evento para regalar premios en directo en funci\u00f3n de las respuestas de los participantes.","Time's up!":"\u00a1Tiempo!","Your time":"Tu tiempo","Your unique number":"Tu n\u00famero \u00fanico","You entered as":"Est\u00e1s participando como","Create you own {live_giveaway_link} with {ep_link}":"Crea tu propio {live_giveaway_link} con {ep_link}","Giveaway for events":"Sorteo en evento","Time":"Hora","Rank":"Posici\u00f3n","{participants} out of {total_participants} participants ({percent}%)":"{participants} de {total_participants} participantes ({percent}%)","{partial} participants still in the game":"{partial} participantes pasan a la final","Top 10":"Top 10","Please, keep this window opened. If you win the contest, you will need to show it to the organizer.":"Por favor, no cierres esta ventana. Si ganas, deber\u00e1s mostrarla al organizador.","Try again":"Reintentar","Thank you for entering!":"\u00a1Gracias por participar!","Start Game":"Empezar el juego","Game PIN":"PIN del juego","This event has ended, wait for results!":"El juego ha acabado. \u00a1Espera los resultados!","Time to start":"Tiempo para que empiece","Finalize":"Finalizar","Your promotion end date":"Fecha de finalizaci\u00f3n de tu promoci\u00f3n","Click the button to choose your promotion type.":"Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para escoger el tipo de promoci\u00f3n.","Create my first giveaway":"Crear mi primer sorteo","Were you looking for something else?":"\u00bfQuieres otro tipo de sorteo?","Click the button to start your first %s.":"Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para empezar tu primer %s.","Upload an image to customize the winners page of your giveaway":"Sube una imagen para personalizar la p\u00e1gina de ganadores de tu sorteo","Giveaway created with":"Sorteo creado con","We've developed a tool so that you can go over the promotions that you've created and that you're sharing through the Facebook collaboration tags system. You can confirm which accounts should still have access to the promotions from {date}. This way you will have complete control of who can see your promotions.":"Hemos desarrollado una herramienta para que puedas revisar las promociones que t\u00fa has creado y que est\u00e1s compartiendo a trav\u00e9s del sistema de etiquetas colaborativas de Facebook. Podr\u00e1s confirmar a qu\u00e9 cuentas quieres seguir dando acceso a ellas a partir del {date}. De esta forma, tendr\u00e1s control absoluto de quien ve y quien no ve tus promociones.","Confirm accounts":"Confirmar cuentas","Select the accounts that you want to still have access to these promotions":"Selecciona las cuentas que quieres mantener el acceso a estas promociones","The accounts that you don't select will lose access immediately.":"Las cuentas que no selecciones dejar\u00e1n de tener acceso inmediatamente.","Select a Facebook Page tag":"Selecciona una etiqueta colaborativa de Facebook","Your account does not have any Facebook tags.":"Tu cuenta no dispone de etiquetas colaborativas de Facebook.","You don't need to do anything further. You account is secure.":"No es necesario que realices ninguna acci\u00f3n. Tu cuenta es segura.","Follow these instructions for each tag.":"Sigue las siguientes instrucciones para cada etiqueta.","Your account has {num_labels} Facebook tags.":"Tu cuenta tiene {num_labels} etiquetas colaborativas de Facebook.","On {date}, we will eliminate the Facebook collaboration tags system. These tags allow already existing Easypromos accounts to share promotions with users who are admins of the same Facebook page. To add more security to the platform, this system will be eliminated and it will only be possible to {link}.":"A partir del {date} eliminaremos el sistema de etiquetas colaborativas de Facebook. Estas etiquetas permiten que antiguas cuentas de Easypromos compartan promociones por el hecho que los usuarios sean administradores de una misma p\u00e1gina de Facebook. Para dotar de m\u00e1s seguridad la plataforma, este sistema se eliminar\u00e1 y \u00fanicamente se {link}.","share promotion through an explicit invitation from the creator of the promotion":"podr\u00e1 compartir una promoci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de una invitaci\u00f3n expl\u00edcita del creador","Changes in the Facebook collaboration tags system":"Cambios en el sistema de etiquetas colaborativas de Facebook","Please correct these errors in the file, and restart the import process":"Por favor, corrige los errores en el fichero y re-imp\u00f3rtalo de nuevo.","View errors":"Ver errores","Top tip!":"\u00a1Recomendaci\u00f3n!","If you give away a range of prizes, we recommend listing them from lowest to highest value. The giveaway will award prizes in the order that you list them here. And it's always more exciting to save the best prize for last!":"Si vas a sortear varios premios diferentes, te recomendamos que los introduzcas de menos a m\u00e1s valor. El sorteo se realizar\u00e1 siguiendo el mismo orden de premios que introduzcas aqu\u00ed. Generar\u00e1s m\u00e1s emoci\u00f3n si el premio de m\u00e1s valor se muestra al final.","Define the prize(s)":"Introduce los premios del sorteo","Give out prizes during an event, conference or meeting. Thrill your audience with the suspense and excitement of a live contest.":"Crea un sorteo en directo de premios durante un evento, conferencia o reuni\u00f3n, con el objetivo de generar un momento intenso y de emoci\u00f3n entre el p\u00fablico presencial.","To take part, the audience must be able to see the screen where you project the contest instructions and a countdown.":"Para participar, el p\u00fablico deber\u00e1 estar atento a la pantalla del evento. En ella se proyectar\u00e1 las instrucciones de participaci\u00f3n y una cuenta atr\u00e1s con el tiempo restante para participar.","Viewers use their mobile phones to share their name and answer a few questions.":"Los usuarios participar\u00e1n desde sus tel\u00e9fonos m\u00f3viles: deber\u00e1n identificarse con un nombre y responder unas preguntas.","When the countdown ends, the screen shows the results of the questions. These can be eliminatory, so that only users with correct answers enter the prize draw. Finally, the winners are selected at random. The screen displays the winners and prizes in Show Mode.":"Una vez termine el tiempo, en la propia pantalla se mostrar\u00e1 el resultado de las preguntas. Las preguntas pueden ser eliminatorias, de forma que \u00fanicamente entren al sorteo los acertantes. A continuaci\u00f3n se iniciar\u00e1 el sorteo de los premios. Se mostrar\u00e1 en la pantalla en formato show, los ganadores aleatorios de cada premio.","A screen which is visible to the whole audience, a computer which is connected to the screen and the Internet, and an awesome presenter.":"Para realizar este sorteo es imprescindible que en el evento se disponga de una pantalla visible a todo el p\u00fablico con un ordenador conectado a Internet. Tambi\u00e9n es necesario un presentador que haga de este momento un aut\u00e9ntico show.","What You'll Need":"Qu\u00e9 necesitas","Easypromos Live":"Easypromos Live","Participants will only enter the prize draw if they get all the questions correct.":"Solamente los acertantes de todas las preguntas entrar\u00e1n al sorteo de los premios.","If there are fewer finalists than prizes, the system will not run a giveaway. Instead, you'll see a top 10 ranking of participants, based on their correct answers and speed of response. Give out the prizes according to the ranking.":"En caso que haya menos acertantes que premios no se realizar\u00e1 el sorteo, y se mostrar\u00e1 el ranking de participantes ordenado por n\u00famero de aciertos y tiempo de respuesta. Podr\u00e1s dar los premios por el orden del ranking.","Click the X to mark the correct answer.":"Pulsa en X para marcar la respuesta correcta.","You need an active {plan} to run this giveaway.":"Necesitas un {plan} activo para poder hacer este sorteo.","Activate this plan":"Activar este plan","Can you help me?":"\u00bfPod\u00e9is ayudarme?","I want to create a bigger sweeps live event":"Quiero crear un sorteo en directo mayor ","You'll be able to see the alerts of votes and the Fraud Index for each participant in the {link}.":"Podr\u00e1s ver las alertas de votos y el \u00cdndice de Fraude de cada participante en el {link}.","There are no more actions to do.":"Ya no hay m\u00e1s acciones por hacer.","Enjoy your moment.":"Disfruta tu momento.","You became the King of Easypromos Live!":"\u00a1Te has convertido en el Rey de Easypromos Live!","The Main Screen URL is not open anywhere.":"La pantalla principal no est\u00e1 abierta.","Open in the browser you are using for the projection and this will be enabled automatically.":"\u00c1brela en el navegador que uses para la proyecci\u00f3n y el Control Remoto se habilitar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente.","You must add filters to the email to activate it":"Debes a\u00f1adir filtros en el email para activarlo","{page} has been successfully migrated":"{page} se ha migrado con \u00e9xito","I don't want to give permission to anyone":"No quiero dar permiso a ninguna cuenta","Live Predictions Display":"Display de predicciones en directo","Configure the screen that you can use to display the results of your predictions promotion live.":"Configura la pantalla que puedes utilizar para mostrar en directo los resultados de tu promoci\u00f3n de predicciones.","Click here to see if it affects you":"Pulsa aqu\u00ed para ver si te afecta","Security update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de seguridad","On %s, we will apply changes to the system for sharing promotions between Facebook administrators.":"El pr\u00f3ximo %s se aplicar\u00e1n cambios en el sistema de compartir promociones entre administradores de Facebook.","There are {number} promotions with this tag":"Hay {number} promociones con esta etiqueta","Select a Facebook tag":"Selecciona una etiqueta de Facebook","Live Display":"Display en directo","Please, fill the captcha to login":"Por favor, introduce el captcha para acceder","Activate now a Basic PRO plan for":"Contrata ahora un plan Basic PRO por","On {day}, we will apply changes to the system for sharing promotions between Facebook administrators.":"El pr\u00f3ximo {day} se aplicar\u00e1n cambios en el sistema de compartir promociones entre administradores de Facebook.","{num_apps} promotions":"{num_apps} promociones","Delete giveaway":"Eliminar sorteo","Activated on":"Activado el","Ended on":"Finalizado el","Create an organizing brand":"Crea una marca organizadora","All promotions and giveaways that you create should be linked to an organizing brand. You can have as many organizing brands as you wish in your account. They will help you arrange your promotions in your control panel.":"Todas las promociones o sorteos que crees deber\u00e1n vincularse a una marca organizadora. Puedes tener tantas marcas organizadores como desees en tu cuenta. Te servir\u00e1n para organizar tus promociones en tu panel de administraci\u00f3n.","Write the name of the organizing brand":"Escribe aqu\u00ed el nombre de la marca organizadora","Create and assign":"Crear y asignar","Which brand is organizing this promotion?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la marca organizadora de la promoci\u00f3n?","All promotions and giveaways are organized by a brand. You need to assign an organizing brand from your account to the promotion.":"En todas las promociones o sorteos existe una marca que es la promotora o organizadora. Es obligatorio asignar la promoci\u00f3n a una marca de tu cuenta.","Select the organizing brand":"Seleccionar la marca organizadora","There isn't any Easypromos account linked to your %s. If you already have an Easypromos account, please sign in with the email you signed up or create a new account.":"No hay ninguna cuenta de Easypromos asociada a tu %s. Si ya tienes una cuenta en Easypromos, inicia sesi\u00f3n con el email que te diste de alta o bien cr\u00e9ate una cuenta nueva.","Or create a new one":"Crear una nueva en mi cuenta","Click here to add an organizing brand":"Haz clic para a\u00f1adir una marca organizadora","Click here to change the organizing brand":"Haz clic para cambiar la marca organizadora","Click here to filter by this":"Haz clic para filtrar por esto","Click here to go":"Haz clic para ir","Filtered":"Filtrado","My organizing brands":"Mis marcas organizadoras","Without organizing brand":"Sin marca organizadora","Organizing brand":"Marca organizadora","Getting new followers, please wait":"Obteniendo nuevos seguidores. Por favor, espere.","See tutorial":"Ver tutorial","Live Display of prediction results":"Display de predicciones en directo","Configure a screen to display the results of a Predictions promotion live.":"Configura la pantalla que puedes utilizar para mostrar en directo los resultados de tu promoci\u00f3n de predicciones.","Display set-up":"Configuraci\u00f3n de la pantalla","Edit settings":"Editar configuraci\u00f3n","Here you can edit the settings of the display screen.":"Aqu\u00ed puedes editar la configuraci\u00f3n de la pantalla de display.","Visitor Team color":"Color equipo visitante","Local Team color":"Color equipo local","Room":"Sala","Not assigned":"Sin asignar","Last {num} months":"\u00daltimos {num} meses","Shared with me":"Compartida conmigo","Click the button to start your first {type}":"Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para empezar tu primer {type}.","All promotions and giveaways are organized by a brand. As a first step, you should create an organizing brand for your giveaway, that will also help you arrange your promotions in your control panel.":"En toda promoci\u00f3n o sorteo existe una marca que es la organizadora o promotora. Como primer paso, deber\u00e1s crear una marca organizadora para tu sorteo, que adem\u00e1s te servir\u00e1 para organizar tus promociones y sorteos en tu panel de administraci\u00f3n.","Your organizing brands":"Tus marcas organizadoras","{num} organizing brands":"{num} marcas organizadoras","Create new organizing brand":"Crear una marca organizadora","Search by name or internal reference":"Buscar por nombre o referencia interna","There are no items yet.":"A\u00fan no hay ning\u00fan elemento.","This action cannot be performed":"Esta acci\u00f3n no puede realizarse","You can't delete this organizing brand because it's in use in promotions and\/or giveaways.":"No puedes eliminar esta marca organizadora porque est\u00e1 en uso en algunas promociones y\/o sorteos.","In order to delete it, you must first unlink all the items that are linked to it.":"Para poder eliminarla, debes desvincularla primero de todos los elementos d\u00f3nde est\u00e9.","Items linked to organizing brand":"Elementos vinculados a la marca organizadora","Organizing brand settings":"Opciones de marca organizadora","{num} promotions":"{num} promociones","{num} giveaway(s)":"{num} sorteo(s)","Edit organizing brand":"Editar marca organizadora","Delete organizing brand":"Eliminar marca organizadora","Organizing brands":"Marcas organizadoras","In any promotion or giveaway there is always an organizing or promoter brand. As the first step, you should select or create an organizing brand for your giveaway.":"En toda promoci\u00f3n o sorteo existe una marca que es la organizadora o promotora. Como primer paso, deber\u00e1s crear una marca organizadora para tu sorteo.","The organizing brand is independent of any social network and works as a folder within your Easypromos account, in order to help organize the promotions that you create.":"Esta marca organizadora es independiente de cualquier red social y funciona como una carpeta dentro de tu cuenta de Easypromos para ayudarte a organizar los sorteos que creas.","Once you have selected the organizing brand of the giveaway, in step 2 you can connect with the social network where you want to run your giveaway.":"Una vez definida la marca organizadora de tu sorteo, en el Paso 2 podr\u00e1s conectar y seleccionar la red social donde quieres hacer el sorteo.","When you continue, a draft of your promotion will be created in your Easypromos account in the template version you've selected. The template is completely ready-made, you only need to modify it with your own texts and images, and define the prizes and the dates to customize it. You can preview the promotion at any time before you activate it.":"Al continuar se crear\u00e1 un borrador de la promoci\u00f3n en tu cuenta de Easypromos con la versi\u00f3n de plantilla que hayas seleccionado. La plantilla viene totalmente configurada, \u00fanicamente deber\u00e1s cambiarla con tus textos y tus im\u00e1genes y definir tus premios y fechas para terminarla de personalizar. En todo momento podr\u00e1s previsualizar como queda tu promoci\u00f3n, antes de activarla.","A correct answer must be defined":"Debes especificar una respuesta correcta","Create question":"Crear pregunta","from {price} on":"a partir de {price}","included in your plan":"incluido en tu plan","Basic features":"Funcionalidades B\u00e1sicas","Enterprise features":"Funcionalidades Enterprise","Customize basic images and texts in the template":"Personalizar textos e im\u00e1genes b\u00e1sicas de la plantilla","Access and download the participants' basic contact info":"Acceso y descarga de los datos b\u00e1sicos de contacto de los participantes","1 prize by random certified draw, on registering or by manual assignment":"Sorteo de un premio aleatorio con certificado de validez","Customize the registration form completely to ask any data from the participants that you need":"Personalizaci\u00f3n total del formulario de participaci\u00f3n para captar cualquier tipo de datos a los participantes","Access advanced design tools and options like colors, typographies, backgrounds, button type, etc.":"Acceso a las herramientas y opciones de dise\u00f1o avanzado como colores, tipograf\u00edas, fondos, tipo de bot\u00f3n, etc.","Versions comparison table":"Tabla comparativa de Versiones","Template version":"Versi\u00f3n de la plantilla","Compare templates":"Comparar plantillas","Please, select an organizing brand":"Por favor, selecciona una marca organizadora","Email Platform to send automatic messages to the participants":"Plataforma de emails para env\u00edo autom\u00e1tico de mensajes a los participantes","Advanced prize management: Multiple prizes, unique codes, instant win, prizes with conditions":"Gesti\u00f3n avanzada de premios: m\u00faltiples premios, c\u00f3digos \u00fanicos, momentos ganadores, premios condicionados","Integrations with external platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Zapier)":"Integraciones con plataformas externas (Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Zapier)","Advanced stats and reports: daily evolution, devices, sources, etc.":"Estad\u00edsticas e informes avanzados: evoluci\u00f3n por d\u00eda, dispositivos, origen de los participantes, etc.","White Label (No reference to the Easypromos brand)":"Marca Blanca (No aparece ''creado con Easypromos'')","Multi-language support: publish the promotion in more than one language":"Soporte multi-idioma: presenta la plantilla en m\u00faltiples idiomas","Use your own domain to communicate the promotion URL. Includes HTTPS support":"Utiliza tu propio dominio para comunicar la URL de la promoci\u00f3n. Incluye soporte HTTPS","Developers: support to include your own CSS and HTML and Javascript code":"Developers: soporte para incluir tus propios estilos CSS y c\u00f3digo propio HTML y Javascript","Developers: access to webhooks and REST API system to export participant data automatically":"Developers: acceso al sistema de webhooks y REST API para exportar de forma autom\u00e1tica a los participantes","Priority support":"Soporte prioritario","Payment is only required if you want to activate. Creating the draft and customizing it is free.":"El pago se requiere \u00fanicamente al activar. Instalar la plantilla como borrador y personalizarla es gratis.","Max. 2 months":"M\u00e1x. 2 meses","Price per activation":"Precio al activar","Price per additional month":"Precio por mes adicional","Creating the template in your account":"Creando la plantilla en tu cuenta","Click {button} when the entry period is over and you need to pick the winners of the giveaway.":"Haz clic en {button} cuando haya finalizado el periodo para participar y necesites obtener los ganadores del sorteo.","Emoji friendly":"Se aceptan emojis","Ready!":"\u00a1Listo!","Loading show. Please wait.":"Cargando el show. Por favor espera.","Missing permissions":"No dispones de permisos","You don't have the required permissions to create a new organizing brand.":"No dispones de los permisos requeridos para crear una nueva marca organizadora.","Please, ask the administrator of the account to create the organizing brand for your. Once created, you'll be able to come back and continue the process.":"Por favor, ponte en contacto con el administrador de la cuenta para que pueda crearla por ti y, una vez creada, podr\u00e1s regresar a este punto para continuar con el proceso.","You ran out of time! The registration has not been completed.":"\u00a1Te has quedado sin tiempo! Tu participaci\u00f3n no se ha registrado.","{partial} participant still in the game":"{partial} participante pasa a la final","Finalist":"Finalista","Finalizing giveaway. Please wait.":"Finalizando sorteo. Por favor, espera.","Oops, we don't recognize this PIN":"Ups, este PIN no es correcto","Please, try again!":"\u00a1Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo!","See it in action (video)":"Ver ejemplo en acci\u00f3n (video)","Get the Presenter's Kit":"Descarga el Kit del Presentador","Question #{question_number}":"Pregunta #{question_number}","If you want to delete a corporate account, including all agents, contact your Easypromos sales representative or send an email to {mail}.":"Si deseas eliminar toda la cuenta corporate contacta con tu representante comercial o env\u00eda un email a {mail}.","Let's go!":"\u00a1Vamos!","Password must be, at least, 8 characters long":"La contrase\u00f1a debe tener, al menos, 8 caracteres de longitud","Password must contain, at least, one digit":"La contrase\u00f1a debe contener, al menos, un d\u00edgito","Password can't contain emoji":"La contrase\u00f1a no puede contener emojis","Password must contain, at least, one special character":"La contrase\u00f1a debe contener, al menos, un car\u00e1cter especial","Password must contain, at least, one uppercase letter":"La contrase\u00f1a debe contener, al menos, una letra may\u00fascula","Password must contain, at least, one lowercase letter":"La contrase\u00f1a debe contener, al menos, una letra min\u00fascula","Did you mean {you_mean}":"\u00bfQuer\u00edas decir {you_mean}?","I agree to Easypromos' {link1} and {link2}.":"Acepto las {link1} y la {link2} de Easypromos.","Created by {creator} on":"Creado por {creator} el","Run a test to check the giveaway works and preview how it appears onscreen. Participate to test the user experience.":"Realiza un test para comprobar c\u00f3mo funciona el sorteo y ver c\u00f3mo se proyectar\u00e1 en la pantalla del evento. Tambi\u00e9n podr\u00e1s participar para testear y experimentar c\u00f3mo ser\u00e1 la experiencia de usuario.","Test and edit the giveaway as much as you need.":"Puedes hacer tantos tests como desees, y seguir editando las opciones del sorteo hasta que tengas la versi\u00f3n definitiva.","When you're ready for the event, click Activate to get the giveaway URL and project it on the big screen.":"Cuando est\u00e9s listo para proyectar el sorteo en el evento, haz clic en Activar para obtener la URL definitiva del sorteo.","Have you run a test yet? We recommend testing your giveaway before the event, to make sure everything's working as it should.":"\u00bfYa has realizado antes un test? Si no lo has hecho, te recomendamos que hagas antes uno, y compruebes que todo est\u00e1 correcto.","Click Continue to get the URL to project your giveaway onscreen, and the remote control URL to manage the giveaway on stage.":"Si contin\u00faas, obtendr\u00e1s la URL definitiva que proyectar\u00e1s en la pantalla del evento y tambi\u00e9n la URL del control remoto.","You can still edit the giveaway, right up until you begin the contest on the event screen.":"Hasta que no empieces el sorteo desde la pantalla del evento, todav\u00eda podr\u00e1s editar las opciones del sorteo.","Activation":"Activaci\u00f3n","The information in this field will be publicy displayed on the results page and the certificate of validity. Do not select as {display_field} the columns that may contain sensitive and personal information of the users (email adress, telephone, identity number, etc.)":"La informaci\u00f3n de este campo se mostrar\u00e1 p\u00fablicamente en la p\u00e1gina de resultados del sorteo y en el certificado de validez. No selecciones como {display_field} las columnas que pueden contener informaci\u00f3n sensible y personal de los usuarios (email, tel\u00e9fono, documento de identidad, etc.)","Deleting":"Eliminando","If you have any questions, you can contact us at %s":"Si tiene alguna duda, puede contactarnos en %s","":"","The email has been sent to the address {email}.":"El email se ha enviado a la direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico {email}.","If you don't receive the email in the next minutes, please check the SPAM folder.":"Si no recibes el correo en los pr\u00f3ximos minutos, por favor, revisa la carpeta de correo no deseado.","View user":"Ver usuario","My profile":"Mi perfil","My plans":"Mis planes","***Select one":"Elige una","Sweepstakes #{id}":"Sorteo #{id}","{promotion} #{id}":"{promotion} #{id}","{version} promotion":"Promoci\u00f3n {version}","organizing brand {name}":"marca organizadora {name}","account":"cuenta","user profile of {user}":"perfil de usuario de {user}","user profile":"perfil de usuario","the":"el","***the":"la","{subject} removed {role} permissions to {target} for {label}":"{subject} eliminado los permisos de {role} a {target} para {label}","{subject} given {role} permissions to {target} for {label}":"{subject} dado permisos de {role} a {target} para {label}","{subject} logged out":"{subject} salido","{subject} logged in":"{subject} accedido","{subject} deleted {article} {target}":"{subject} eliminado {article} {target}","{subject} changed {article} {target}":"{subject} editado {article} {target}","{subject} created {article} {target}":"{subject} creado {article} {target}","You":"T\u00fa","have":"has","has":"ha","your":"tu","***All":"***Todos","Title for identification field":"T\u00edtulo del campo de para identificarse","To participate, users should scan the QR code or access the URL on the presentation screen with their mobile phones. They'll be sent to the participation form. First, they identify themselves with their name or nickname. Then they answer some multiple-choice questions (you don't have to include questions if you don't want to).":"Los usuarios para participar deber\u00e1n utilizar sus tel\u00e9fonos para escanear un QR o acceder a la URL que se mostrar\u00e1 en la pantalla del evento. De esta forma acceder\u00e1n al formulario de participaci\u00f3n. Primero deber\u00e1n identificarse con un nombre o apodo en un campo de texto y a continuaci\u00f3n responder\u00e1n a una serie de preguntas con opciones cerradas. Las preguntas son opcionales.","Participation form":"Formulario de participaci\u00f3n***","The most simple. For starters":"La m\u00e1s simple. Para los que empiezan","The most popular. For professionals":"La m\u00e1s popular. Para profesionales","The most customizable. For large brands":"La m\u00e1s personalizable. Para grandes marcas","Select a picture to continue":"Selecciona una foto para continuar","Validation point identification":"Identificaci\u00f3n de punto de validaci\u00f3n","Help instructions":"Instrucciones de ayuda","Use it to suggest a support contact or instructions to help the user of the validation point":"Util\u00edzalo para sugerir un contacto de soporte o instrucciones de uso al usuario del punto de validaci\u00f3n","While editing an item, this is disabled":"Mientras editas un elemento, esto est\u00e1 deshabilitado","Display GIF for":"Mostrar GIF para","Hide GIF":"Ocultar GIF","nervous":"nervios","waiting":"espera","Finish manually":"Finalizar ahora","QR Zoom IN":"Acercar el QR","QR Zoom OUT":"Alejar el QR","{num} items":"{num} elementos","{name} template":"Modelo en %s","No title":"Sin t\u00edtulo","Free resources for Terms and Conditions":"Recursos gratuitos para Bases Legales","Your browser is not supported. Please try another one.":"Tu navegador no est\u00e1 soportado. Por favor, pru\u00e9balo con otro.","Do you want to collect the participants' email addresses?":"\u00bfQuieres que los participantes dejen su email?","Recommended for B2B events.":"Recomendado para eventos B2B.","This is the text that participants will see under the email field. Tell them what will you do with their email, that they can unsubscribe at any time and identify clearly who you are. You can use the text that we propose.":"\u00c9ste ser\u00e1 el texto que ver\u00e1n los usuarios debajo del campo donde se le pide el email. Expl\u00edcales para qu\u00e9 quieres su email, diles que podr\u00e1n darse de baja en cualquier momento, y sobretodo identifica claramente quien eres. Puedes utilizar el texto que te proponemos.","Link to your privacy policy":"Enlace a tu pol\u00edtica de privacidad","You can select or create one from {link} (privacy policy template included)":"Puedes seleccionar o crear una desde {link} (incluye plantillas para pol\u00edticas de privacidad)","our legal texts editor":"nuestro editor de textos legales","We promise that your email address is in good hands.":"Te aseguramos que tu email estar\u00e1 en buenos manos.","We will only use it to send you information about ourselves and you can unsubscribe at any time. We are [Name of company] and our address is [Company address].":"\u00danicamente lo utilizaremos para enviarte informaci\u00f3n sobre nosotros, y en cualquier momento podr\u00e1s darte de baja. Somos [Nombre de la empresa] y estamos en [Domicilio de la empresa].","For more information, please read our Privacy Policy that you need to accept in order to enter the giveaway. Thank you!":"Para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, por favor, lea nuestra pol\u00edtica de privacidad, que deber\u00e1s aceptar para entrar en el sorteo. \u00a1Muchas gracias!","Wrong url format":"Formato de URL incorrecto","The policy url field is mandatory":"El campo url de la pol\u00edtica de privacidad es obligatorio.","The disclaimer field is mandatory":"El campo aviso legal es obligatorio","only 1":"s\u00f3lo 1","You can make the game more exciting by adding {slot_label} segments. If there's a prize for all, leave at 0.":"\u00bfSab\u00edas que una casilla con {slot_label} hace la experiencia m\u00e1s emocionante? Solamente deja 0 cuando sea una promoci\u00f3n con premio seguro.","Prize Roulette":"Ruleta de premios","Would you like to create a more exciting experience?":"\u00bfTe gustar\u00eda ofrecer una experiencia super emocionante para dar los premios?","Set up a Prize Wheel and let your participants spin to see if they've won!":"Configura una Ruleta de premios para que tus participantes prueben suerte. \u00a1Diversi\u00f3n asegurada!","Set it up now!":"Empieza ahora","Enable Redemption of codes not registered on the promotion":"Habilitar la validaci\u00f3n de c\u00f3digos distribuidos de forma offline","Number of user licenses":"N\u00famero licencias usuarios","This option is only available for clients with a Premium or White Label plan.":"Opci\u00f3n disponible \u00fanicamente para clientes con plan Premium o Marca Blanca.","Account agents":"Agentes de la cuenta","Manager All brands":"Manager Todas las marcas","{num} out of {available} spots filled":"{num} de {available} sitios ocupados","Add more agents":"A\u00f1ade m\u00e1s agentes","Make administrator":"Hacer administrador","No roles assigned yet":"No tiene roles asignados","Add a new agent via email invitation":"A\u00f1ade nuevo agente via invitaci\u00f3n por email","Add new agent":"A\u00f1adir nuevo agente","Type of company":"Tipo de empresa","Company size":"Tipo de empresa","Role":"Rol","Add role":"A\u00f1adir rol","Invite":"Invitar","Delete agent":"Eliminar agente","Audit logs":"Logs de auditor\u00eda","Object":"Objeto","Action":"Acci\u00f3n","Assign role":"Asignar rol","Remove role":"Quitar rol","Remove participants":"Eliminar participantes","{subject} finished {article} {target}":"{subject} finalizado {article} {target}","Manage agents":"Gestionar agentes","If you change the agents' administrator status, they will have to log out and log in again for the change to take effect.":"Si cambias el estado del agente administrador, este tendr\u00e1 que hacer log-out y volver a hacer log-in para que el cambio sea efectivo.","Changes":"Cambios","From":"Desde","To":"Hacia","Corporate Account":"Cuenta Corporate","Last connection":"\u00daltima conexi\u00f3n","Agent":"Agente","Invitation pending":"Invitaci\u00f3n pendiente","No permissions yet":"No tiene permisos a\u00fan","Agent roles":"Roles del agente","Switch to":"Cambiar a","Your permissions":"Tus permisos","You can not change options with active integration.":"No puedes cambiar las opciones con la integraci\u00f3n activa.","Finalized":"Finalizado","Not valid entry":"Participaci\u00f3n no v\u00e1lida","Hidden field via URL parameter":"Campo oculto por par\u00e1metro URL","Enter the name of the URL GET parameter. If the promotion detects this parameter in the URL, it will get its value, and will insert it as a field of the participant.":"Introduce el nombre del par\u00e1metro GET de la URL. Si la promoci\u00f3n detecta este par\u00e1metro en la URL, obtendr\u00e1 su valor, y lo insertar\u00e1 como un campo del participante.","Parameter name":"Nombre del parametro","***Limited":"***Limitado","Hide timer":"No mostrar el tiempo","Show timer":"Mostrar el tiempo jugando","Show countdown":"Mostrar cuenta atr\u00e1s","Hide number of attempts":"No mostrar el n\u00famero de intentos","Show number of attempts":"Mostrar el n\u00famero de intentos","Show number of attempts left":"Mostrar el n\u00famero de intentos restantes","Only vertical and horizontal dispositions":"S\u00f3lo disposiciones verticales y horizontales","Add reverse to the previous level":"A\u00f1ade disposiciones inversas al nivel anterior","Add diagonals to the previous level":"A\u00f1ade diagonales al nivel anterior","***Hard":"***Dif\u00edcil","Easy":"F\u00e1cil","Allow users to try again":"Permitir a los usuarios intentar de nuevo","Max. number of attempts\/moves":"N\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de intentos\/movimientos","You ran out of moves!":"\u00a1Te quedaste sin movimientos!","***Time's up!":"***\u00a1Se acab\u00f3 el tiempo!","The promotion is not published":"La promoci\u00f3n no est\u00e1 publicada","Prepare a word game related to your brand or campaign that users have to solve before time runs out.":"Plantea una sopa de letras que los usuarios deber\u00e1n resolver antes de que el tiempo se agote. ","Upload an image that the platform will cut into 9, 16 or 25 puzzle pieces. The players have to solve the challenge before time runs out.":"Sube una imagen y el sistema crear\u00e1 un puzzle de 9, 16 o 25 piezas que los participantes tendr\u00e1n que resolver en un tiempo determinado.","Challenge users to find the pairs of cards with your brand image before time runs out.":"Plantea un juego de memoria en el que los participantes tendr\u00e1n que ir descubriendo las cartas para encontrar las parejas id\u00e9nticas.","Upload an image with hidden objects that your users have to find before time runs out.":"Sube una imagen en la que los usuarios deber\u00e1n encontrar una serie de objetos escondidos para completar el juego antes de que se agote el tiempo.","Create game":"Crear juego","Puzzle":"Puzzle","Upload your own image and let our system create a 9, 16 or 25 piece puzzle for the participants to solve.":"Sube tu propia imagen y el sistema crear\u00e1 un puzle de 9, 16 o 25 piezas que los participantes deber\u00e1n resolver.","You can, for example, use it to reveal a new product or new launch and surprise your audience with the reveal when they solve the puzzle.":"Puedes subir por ejemplo la imagen de tu nuevo producto o la imagen de una sorpresa que tu audiencia conocer\u00e1 tras resolver el puzle.","You can add a timer or a stopwatch and enter only the top players in the final draw.":"Puedes a\u00f1adir l\u00edmites de tiempo y cron\u00f3metros y hacer que s\u00f3lo los m\u00e1s r\u00e1pidos entren al sorteo final.","Combine with other features and collect participant data.":"Comb\u00ednalo con otras funcionalidades de la plataforma para obtener datos de los participantes.","Upload an image and the system will create and mix the pieces for participants to solve the puzzle.":"Sube una imagen y el sistema crear\u00e1 un puzle autom\u00e1tico para los participantes.","Word Search":"Sopa de letras","Add the words one by one, max. 15 words of min. 2 chars, and select the number of columns\/lines of letters the grid should have. The system automatically sets it to the minimum, according to the longest word you enter.":"A\u00f1ade las palabras una por una. M\u00e1xima 15 palabras de 2 caracteres m\u00ednimo. A continuaci\u00f3n el sistema generar\u00e1 el juego autom\u00e1ticamente y podr\u00e1s ajustar el n\u00famero de columnas y filas.","Create an entertaining Word Search game to engage your audience.":"Crea un juego de Sopa de Letras para dinamizar a tu audiencia.","It's easy to set up and you can add up to 15 words, for example, words related to your business, brand, products or services.":"Es f\u00e1cil de configurar y puedes a\u00f1adir hasta 15 palabras. A\u00f1ade palabras relacionadas con tu negocio, marca, productos o servicios.","Memory":"Memory","Upload the images in size 250x250px. The system will duplicate them and place them face down on the board for participants to find the matching pairs.":"Sube las im\u00e1genes en el tama\u00f1o 250x250px. El sistema las duplicar\u00e1 y las colocar\u00e1 boca abajo en la tabla para que los participantes busquen los pares de im\u00e1genes iguales.","While creating, you can edit the shape of each area and move it around. Once created, it's only possible to edit the name of the area, and you can delete areas and create new ones.":"Mientras las est\u00e9s creando, podr\u00e1s modificar la forma de cada una y moverla. Una vez creada, s\u00f3lo es posible editar el nombre de la \u00e1rea, y podr\u00e1s eliminar y crear nuevas \u00e1reas.","Create your brand's own version of the classical Memory game using your own images!":"Crea la versi\u00f3n de tu marca del cl\u00e1sico juego de Memory con tus propias im\u00e1genes.","You can create the game with 4 to 8 images, for example of your new products, and let your audience find the matching pairs of images.":"Puedes crear el juego con 4 a 8 im\u00e1genes, por ejemplo de tus nuevos productos, y deja a tus usuarios buscar los pares de im\u00e1genes iguales.","Hidden Objects":"Objetos ocultos","Upload the image with the hidden objects. In the next step, you will mark the areas of hidden objects that the participants should find.":"Sube la imagen con los objetos ocultos. En el siguiente paso, marcar\u00e1s las \u00e1reas de los objetos ocultos que los usuarios tienen que encontrar.","Challenge your audience to find the Hidden Objects in an image.":"Reta a tus usuarios a buscar los objetos ocultos en una imagen.","Upload an image, for example with your products hidden among other objects and let the users play.":"Sube la imagen, por ejemplo de tus productos ocultos entre otros objetos y deja jugar a los usuarios.","Add as many areas as you want.":"A\u00f1ade tantas \u00e1reas como quieras.","Add a label to the area so users can identify what to search for in the image.":"A\u00f1ade un nombre a cada \u00e1rea para que los participantes puedan saber lo que tienen que buscar en la im\u00e1gen.","To mark the hidden objects in the image that the participants have to find, click on the image to build different clickable areas (these are invisible to the participant).":"Para marcar los objetos ocultos en la imagen que los participantes tienen que encontrar, haz clic en la imagen para crear diferentes \u00e1reas clicables (no ser\u00e1n visibles para los participantes).","Create the hidden object areas":"Crea las \u00e1reas de los objetos ocultos","%s has invited you to become an agent of their Easypromos Account.":"%s te ha invitado a convertirte en agente de su cuenta de Easypromos.","Please click to join now":"Haz clic para unirte ahora","If you think you've received this mistakenly, or you wish to use another email address to access the account, please contact the administrator of the account %s.":"Si crees que has recibido esta invitaci\u00f3n por error, o quieres utilizar otro correo electr\u00f3nico para acceder a la cuenta, por favor, contacta con el agente administrador de la cuenta %s.","%s promotion price per month":"Precio de una promoci\u00f3n %s por mes","The price of the promotion depends on its duration.":"El precio de la promoci\u00f3n depende de su duraci\u00f3n.","The duration counts from the %s (not publication start date) till the %s.":"La duraci\u00f3n cuenta desde la %s (no fecha de inicio de publicaci\u00f3n) hasta %s.","If you activate the promotion today, the price would be: %s":"Si activas la promoci\u00f3n hoy, el precio ser\u00eda: %s","Create an area":"Crear una \u00e1rea","Create your own areas":"Crea tus propias \u00e1reas","Test the game":"Probar el juego","Understood. Go now":"Entendido. Empezar","Level":"Nivel","Show help":"Mostrar ayuda","Mode":"Modo","Upload reverse side image":"Sube imagen del reverso","Upload the images":"Subir las im\u00e1genes","Images in game":"Im\u00e1genes en el juego","Maximum images in game reached":"Se ha alcanzado el m\u00e1ximo de im\u00e1genes","Theme":"Tema","Areas":"\u00c1reas","Time limit":"Tiempo l\u00edmite","In seconds":"En seg.","Limit moves":"L\u00edmite de movimientos","Words to search":"Palabras a buscar","Minimum number of columns":"N\u00famero m\u00ednimo de columnas","Gameplay settings":"Jugabilidad","Help will hide in {time}":"La ayuda se ocultar\u00e1 en {time}","Quizzes":"Cuestionarios","Spin the Wheel":"Ruleta de premios","Display legend":"Mostrar leyenda","Your code goes here":"Tu c\u00f3digo va aqu\u00ed","Prizes in the wheel":"Premios en la ruleta","Click here to remove":"Haz click para eliminar","Min. {min_chars} characters":"M\u00edn. {min_chars} letras","Max. {max_words} words":"M\u00e1x. {max_words} palabras","seconds":"segundos","Total time":"Tiempo total","Total time played":"Tiempo total jugado","Average time per game":"Tiempo medio por partida","Average moves per game":"Movimientos medios por partida","Average games per user":"N\u00famero medio de partidas por usuario","Game final screenshot":"Imagen final del juego","Enable antifraud control":"Habilitar el control anti-fraude","Date and time":"Fecha y hora","Ready":"Prep\u00e1rate","Good job!":"\u00a1Buen trabajo!","Results":"Resultados","Bonus time":"Bonus por tiempo","Total score":"Puntos totales","You can't change the organizing brand":"No puedes cambiar la marca organizadora","Loading game":"Cargando juego","Fastest users":"Jugadores m\u00e1s r\u00e1pidos","Your prize is":"Tu premio es","Search by name":"Buscar por nombre","Loading scores":"Cargando jugadores","There are no participants":"No hay participantes","You cannot send emails to participants":"Ya no se pueden enviar emails a los usuarios participantes","Delete field":"Eliminar campo","Easypromos will use the Facebook Ads net to manage your ad publishing.":"Easypromos utilizar\u00e1 la red de publicidad de Facebook para gestionar la publicaci\u00f3n de tu anuncio.","I confirm that I want to delete all the participants and all their data from this giveaway.":"Confirmo que quiero eliminar todos los participantes y su informaci\u00f3n de este sorteo.","To export the list of participants as an Excel file, you must have an active plan.":"Para poder exportar la lista de participantes como archivo Excel, deber\u00e1s tener un plan activo.","UI color":"Color UI","Prize Wheel not available":"Ruleta no disponible","In order to enable the Prize Wheel, you must first {link}.":"Para poder habilitar la Ruleta, primero deber\u00e1s {link}.","This Widget allows users to enter your promotion directly from you website, blog or online store. The widget displays the promotion in a modal box over the page where you insert the code. You can control the delay (number of seconds the pop-up waits to open after the web page is loaded) and the frequency (control frequency of the pop-up for repeat visitors).":"Este Widget permite a los usuarios participar en la promoci\u00f3n directamente desde tu web, blog o tienda online. El Widget se mostrar\u00e1 como un popup encima de tu p\u00e1gina web. Puedes controlar el tiempo de espera (cuando aparece el widget popup desde la carga de la p\u00e1gina) y la frecuencia (cada cuanto aparece el widget popup a visitantes recursivos)","Delivered\/Units":"Entregadas\/Unidades","create the prizes":"crear los premios","Prize Wheel disabled":"Ruleta no habilitada","Segments":"Segmentos","Press here":"Pulsa aqu\u00ed","The segments in the wheel represent the probability of winning. If there are no more units of a prize, it will still show but the prize wheel will never stop on that prize.":"Las casillas en la ruleta representa la probabilidad de ganar. Si no hay m\u00e1s unidades de un premio, \u00e9ste se seguir\u00e1 mostrando, pero nunca tocar\u00e1.","We recommend having the anti-fraud control enabled if the prize wheel is for web or social networks. You can disable it if the prize wheel is to be used at an event where a person is controlling participation. The anti-fraud control places a cookie in the user's device to prevent repetitive spinning actions.":"Recomendamos habilitar el control anti-fraude si la ruleta se utilizar\u00e1 en web o redes sociales. Podr\u00e1s deshabilitarlo si la ruleta se utilizar\u00e1 en eventos donde una person controlar\u00e1 la participaci\u00f3n. El control anti-fraude coloca una cookie en el dispositivo del usuario para evitar giros repetitivos.","Refer a Friend":"Reclutadores","Hashtag + Registration Form":"Hashtag + Registro","Registration Form Giveaway":"Sorteo con Registro","Facebook Giveaway":"Sorteo en Facebook","Writing Contest":"Concurso de textos","Knowledge Quiz":"Trivia de conocimientos","Personality Quiz":"Test de personalidad","Product Recommender":"Recomendador productos","Distribute Coupon Codes":"Distribuir cupones","Redeem Codes":"Validar c\u00f3digos","Event Giveaway":"Sorteo en un Evento","Design a prize wheel to distribute prizes, vouchers and codes. Invite your social media followers, subscribers and blog readers to try their luck.":"Dise\u00f1a una ruleta para repartir premios entre los seguidores de tus redes sociales, los visitantes de tu web o blog y cualquier audiencia online.","Check tutorial":"Ver tutorial","{grace} for you to test the activated promotion during a week before communicating it to your audience.":"{grace} para que puedas testear la promoci\u00f3n en real al menos durante una semana antes de comunicarla a tu p\u00fablico.","We give you 7 days of grace":"Te regalamos 7 d\u00edas m\u00e1s de duraci\u00f3n","What does this mean?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quiere decir?","If you activate the promotion today, the second month of duration will count from the {date_grace} instead of the {date_no_grace}.":"Que si activas la promoci\u00f3n hoy, el segundo mes de duraci\u00f3n lo empezaremos a contar a partir del d\u00eda {date_grace} en vez del {date_no_grace}.","If you activate the promotion today, the total price is: {price}.":"Si activas la promoci\u00f3n hoy, el precio total ser\u00e1: {price}.","The price of a {type} promotion is {price} per month of active time.":"El precio de una promoci\u00f3n {type} es de {price} por mes de duraci\u00f3n.","The time starts counting when the promotion is activated (payment made).":"La duraci\u00f3n empieza a contar desde el momento en que se activa la promoci\u00f3n (pago de la promoci\u00f3n).","The duration ends on the end publication date that you configure on this page.":"La duraci\u00f3n finaliza en la fecha de fin de publicaci\u00f3n que configures en esta pantalla.","Additional Month":"Mes adicional","***View all":"***Ver todas","Delay":"Tiempo de espera","Frequency":"Frecuencia","{delay} seconds":"{delay} segundos","{size} pixels":"{size} pixels","Every {time} h":"Cada {time} h","Custom Domain itself will not be copied.":"El dominio propio no se copiar\u00e1.","Instagram and Twitter integrations will not be copied.":"Las integraciones de Instagram y Twitter no se copiar\u00e1n.","You must connect them again.":"Las deber\u00e1s conectar de nuevo.","You will have to configure it again.":"Lo deber\u00e1s configurar de nuevo.","Code sets will be copied but without any code.":"Los set de c\u00f3digos se copiar\u00e1n pero sin ning\u00fan c\u00f3digo.","You must upload the new codes.":"Deber\u00e1s subir los nuevos c\u00f3digos.","Emails will be copied but will be disabled.":"Los emails se copiar\u00e1n pero quedar\u00e1n deshabilitados.","You will need to check and enable them again.":"Deber\u00e1s revisarlos y habilitarlos para que funcionen.","Copy the prizes to the new promotion":"Copiar los premios a la nueva promoci\u00f3n","Copy the promotion with White Label features (upgrade)":"Copiar la promoci\u00f3n con funcionalidades Marca Blanca (upgrade)","Copy the users to the new promotion":"Copiar los usuarios a la nueva promoci\u00f3n","Pop-up Widget":"Widget Pop-up","Prepare a set of questions for your audience to help them find the perfect product based on their tastes and requirements.":"Sugiere el producto m\u00e1s adecuado a tus futuros clientes con un cuestionario de preguntas para conocer sus gustos y preferencias.","View template":"Ver plantilla","Total Games played":"Total juegos jugados","Total Time played":"Total tiempo jugado","Average spins per IP":"N\u00famero medio de tiradas por IP","Total number of spins":"N\u00famero total de tiradas","Data about the total number of spins in the Spin the wheel, prizes obtained as well as its distribution per day.":"Informaci\u00f3n del numero total de tiradas en la Ruleta de premios, los premios obtenidos y su distribuci\u00f3n por d\u00eda.","Percentages and absolute values of the game.":"Porcentajes y valores absolutos del juego.","Solved":"Resuelto","Unsolved":"Sin resolver","When do you want to show the Registration Form?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo quieres mostrar el formulario de registro?","BEFORE spinning the wheel":"ANTES de girar la ruleta","AFTER spinning the wheel":"DESPU\u00c9S de girar la ruleta","Not sure? {link}<\/a>.":"\u00bfNo lo tienes claro? {link}<\/a>.","Read our recommendations":"Lee nuestras recomendaciones","Upload your own background image or choose one of the presets":"Sube una imagen de fondo o selecciona un fondo predefinido","Review the privacy policy":"Revisar la pol\u00edtica de privacidad","Spin Button":"Bot\u00f3n Giro","Toggle group":"Mostrar \/ Ocultar grupo","Invalid game":"Juego no v\u00e1lido","Verifying":"Verificando","Reauthorize the Facebook Token for this Giveaway.":"Reautoriza el Token de Facebook para este sorteo.","Important action":"Acci\u00f3n importante","Reauthorize Facebook token for your Giveaway":"Reautoriza el Token de Facebook para tu sorteo","The Facebook Token for your giveaway is not valid and the option \\\"CLAIM YOUR PRIZE\\\" will not work.":"El Token de Facebook para tu sorteo ya no es v\u00e1lido y la opci\u00f3n \\\"RECLAMA TU PREMIO\\\" no funcionar\u00e1.","Reauthorize the Facebook Token %s.":"Reautoriza el Token de Facebook %s.","Giveaway ID":"ID Sorteo","How to fix it":"C\u00f3mo solucionarlo","Your Facebook account does not match with the creator of the giveaway.":"Tu cuenta de Facebook no coincide con el creador del sorteo.","You can't reauthorize the Facebook token because you are not an administrator of this page.":"No puedes reautorizar el token de Facebook porque no eres administrador de esta p\u00e1gina.","Action to do":"Acci\u00f3n a realizar","The agent %s requests that you activate the following promotion":"El agente %s solicita que actives la siguiente promoci\u00f3n","Go to check and activate the promotion":"Ir a revisar y activar la promoci\u00f3n","Activation request sent successfully":"Solicitud de activaci\u00f3n enviada","Only managers can activate promotions. Please select a manager to send an activation request.":"S\u00f3lo los m\u00e1nagers pueden activar promociones. Por favor selecciona un m\u00e1nager para enviar una solicitud de activaci\u00f3n.","Send request":"Enviar solicitud","Activation request":"Solicitud de activaci\u00f3n","Enable this option to access Easypromos control panel with your {network} account.":"Habilita esta opci\u00f3n para acceder al panel de control de Easypromos con tu cuenta de {network}.","Link to a Google Account":"Vincular con una cuenta de Google","You cannot connect this Google Account user because is already linked to another account.":"No puedes conectar esta cuenta de Google, porque ya est\u00e1 vinculada a otra cuenta.","Login with Google":"Acceder con Google","Google account":"cuenta de Google","Connect with Mailchimp":"Conectar con Mailchimp","Completed!":"\u00a1Completado!","Show animated image of the prize wheel":"Mostrar animaci\u00f3n de la ruleta","Spinning the Wheel":"Girando la ruleta","This prize will be placed in the wheel and will be assigned according to the probabilities of the segments in the wheel and the defined conditions.":"El premio se insertar\u00e1 dentro de la Ruleta de Premios y se asignar\u00e1 seg\u00fan las probabilidades de los segmentos de la ruleta y las condiciones definidas.","You can add a condition to the prize so that the prize is given from a certain date. The prize will be displayed in the wheel during the entire promotion but will not be assigned until the date defined int he condition is reached.":"Puedes crear una condici\u00f3n para que el premio en la ruleta se empiece a dar a partir de una fecha concreta. El premio se mostrar\u00e1 en la ruleta durante toda la promoci\u00f3n pero no ser\u00e1 asignado hasta que se alcance la fecha definida en la condici\u00f3n.","It's not possible to define a date for each of the units of the prize. The condition applies to all the units of the prize.":"No se puede definir una fecha para cada unidad del premio. La condici\u00f3n aplica a todas las unidades del premio.","By Spinning the Wheel":"Al girar la ruleta","Assignment by Spinning the Wheel":"Asignaci\u00f3n al girar la ruleta","Type to add new words in game":"Escribe para a\u00f1adir palabras al juego","PhotoFun is disabled":"PhotoFun est\u00e1 deshabilitado","Only segments":"S\u00f3lo las casillas","Download images":"Descargar im\u00e1genes","You can download the images of the prize wheel to design creatives of the wheel. You can download the whole wheel, the image of the structure, or the separate segments so you can create a GIF.":"Desc\u00e1rgate las im\u00e1genes de la ruleta y comp\u00e1rtelas con un dise\u00f1ador gr\u00e1fico para que genere material promocional de tu ruleta. Puedes descargar la ruleta entera, o bien la imagen de la estructura y los segmentos de forma separada, para que un dise\u00f1ador pueda generar un GIF animado.","All the elements":"Todos los elementos","Export the whole prize wheel.":"Exporta la ruleta de premios al completo.","Export only the prize segments of the prize wheel.":"Exporta \u00fanicamente las casillas de premio de la ruleta.","Only structure":"S\u00f3lo la estructura","Export only the structure of the prize wheel.":"Exporta \u00fanicamente la estructura de la ruleta.","discover our ready-made templates":"descubre nuestras plantillas","Use the internal reference to give the promotion another name within your control panel.":"Utiliza la referencia interna para sustituir el t\u00edtulo de la promoci\u00f3n como referencia de la promoci\u00f3n dentro de tu panel de control.","The internal reference is not public. The promotion title is.":"La referencia interna nunca es p\u00fablica. El t\u00edtulo de la promoci\u00f3n s\u00ed.","Add an internal reference":"A\u00f1adir una referencia interna","Floating layers":"Ventanas emergentes","Play mode":"Modo de juego","In columns":"En columnas","Mixed":"Mezclado","Display cards face down":"Muestra las tarjetas boca abajo","Add new images":"A\u00f1ade nuevas im\u00e1genes","Matching images":"Parejas de im\u00e1genes","Add more matching images":"A\u00f1ade m\u00e1s im\u00e1genes","Display {label} button":"Mostrar bot\u00f3n {label}","Add new match":"A\u00f1ade nueva pareja","Upload the matching images in size 250x250px. The system will place them face down on the board for participants to find the matching pairs. You can also choose to show the image side.":"Sube las parejas de im\u00e1genes en el tama\u00f1o 250x250px. El sistema las colocar\u00e1 boca abajo en la tabla para que los participantes busquen los pares de im\u00e1genes relacionadas. Tambi\u00e9n puedes elegir mostrar las cartas de cara.","Reverse side images":"Im\u00e1genes del reverso","Match It":"Relaciona parejas","Increase difficulty by limiting time and moves. Combine with other features and collect user database.":"Aumenta la dificultad, limitando el tiempo y los movimiento y adem\u00e1s consigue los datos de los participantes.","Use it to show products\/settings, product\/person, colors and shapes, etc.":"Util\u00edzalo para mostrar productos\/entorno, productos\/personas, colores y formas, etc.","Create a branded game with images that the participants have to relate to find the matching pairs.":"Crea un juego para tu marca con im\u00e1genes en la que los participantes tengan que relacionar y encontrar las parejas.","Upload images that will be shuffled. Ask users to make connections between different pairs of images.":"Sube un conjunto de im\u00e1genes que los usuarios deber\u00e1n conectar entre si para formar parejas. ","New matching images":"Nueva pareja de im\u00e1genes","There are not enough matching pairs to play the game":"No hay suficientes parejas de im\u00e1genes para poder jugar","There is no instruction page":"No hay p\u00e1gina de instrucciones","To be published in the public list of Easypromos promotions will help you to have more visibility, but note that users who visit this list are users who like to participate in many competitions, and perhaps they are not your potential audience.":"Ser visible en la lista p\u00fablica de Easypromos te ayudar\u00e1 a dar m\u00e1s visibilidad a tu promoci\u00f3n, pero tenga en cuenta que los usuarios que visitan esta lista son usuarios que les gusta participar en muchas promociones, y tal vez no sean su audiencia potencial","Message sent! You can see it as a reply to the winner's comment.":"\u00a1Mensaje enviado! Podr\u00e1s verlo como respuesta al comentario del ganador. ","Created by %s":"Creado por %s","Maximum age to enter":"Edad m\u00e1xima para participar","Upgrade to annual Basic":"Actualizar a Basic anual","Upgrade to annual Basic PRO":"Actualizar a Basic PRO anual","Upgrade to annual Premium ":"Actualizar a Premium anual","Upgrade to annual White Label":"Actualizar a Marca Blanca anual","{subject} activated {article} {target}":"{subject} activado {article} {target}","No logs to show":"No hay logs para mostrar","Type to search by name or email":"Escribe para buscar por nombre o e-mail","Repeated posts":"Publicaciones repetidas","Open the giveaway and finish it":"Ir al sorteo y finalizarlo","Delete the giveaway and create a new one":"Borrar sorteo y crear uno nuevo","We have detected that there is another active giveaway {sweep_id} for this same profile.":"Hemos detectado que hay otro sorteo activo {sweep_id} para este mismo perfil.\u00a0","Thanks for registering":"Gracias por registrarte","We have sent you an email to {mail} with the link to participate.":"Te hemos enviado un email a {mail} con tu enlace para participar.","If you don't receive the email in your inbox within the next few minutes, please review your spam or promotions folder.":"Si no recibes el correo en tu bandeja de entrada en los pr\u00f3ximos minutos, por favor, revisa la carpeta de correo no deseado.","We have sent you again an email to {mail} with the link to participate.":"Te hemos vuelto a enviar un email a {mail} con tu enlace para participar.","Access link sent":"Enlace de acceso enviado","Please, log in again":"Por favor, identif\u00edcate de nuevo","Your session expired":"La sesi\u00f3n ha caducado","participations":"participaciones","You still have {counter} left":"A\u00fan te quedan {counter}","This widget enables to embed the promotion into any website. Users will be able to register and participate within the same widget.":"Este widget permite incrustar la promoci\u00f3n en cualquier sitio web. Los usuarios podr\u00e1n realizar todo el proceso de registro y participaci\u00f3n dentro del propio widget.","To embed the promotion copy and paste the following code in your website.":"Para incrustar el grupo de promociones copia y pega el siguiente c\u00f3digo en tu p\u00e1gina web.","Your {plan} plan monthly has been upgraded to annual plan successfully!":"\u00a1Tu plan {plan} mensual se ha actualizado a anual correctamente!","My plan":"Mi plan","To confirm the deletion, type {magic_word} (case sensitive) in the field and press the {label_cancel} button":"Para confirmar la eliminaci\u00f3n, escribe {magic_word} en el campo de texto y presiona el bot\u00f3n {label_cancel}","Even if you cancel, you can still use the plan without restrictions until {day}":"Aunque canceles, podr\u00e1s usar el plan sin restricciones hasta el {day}","Manage plan":"Gestionar plan","Before your trial expires":"Antes de que tu plan de pruebas finalice","Activate a plan now":"Activa ahora un plan","Yes, cancel the subscription":"S\u00ed, deseo cancelar mi renovaci\u00f3n","No, I don't want to cancel it yet":"No, no deseo cancelar mi renovaci\u00f3n","And save 2 months!":"Y ahorra 2 meses!","Reactivating Plan":"Reactivar Plan","You have {days_to_pay} days left":"Te quedan {days_to_pay} d\u00edas","You only have {days_to_pay} days left":"S\u00f3lo te quedan {days_to_pay} d\u00edas","Activate automatic renewal":"Activar renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica","Automatic renewal is enabled":"La renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica est\u00e1 activada","Automatic renewal is disabled":"La renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica est\u00e1 desactivada","Disable automatic renewal":"Desactivar renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica","Disable plan":"Desactivar plan","{total} active plan(s)":"{total} plan(es) activo(s)","View plans":"Ver planes","You are currently enjoying the {plan}.":"Actualmente, est\u00e1s disfrutando del {plan}.","Choose a plan":"Elige un plan","Upgrade to annual plan":"Actualizar a plan anual","to":"para","{num} participation(s)":"{num} participacion(es)","Frequency of participation":"Frecuencia de participaci\u00f3n","Coming soon":"Pr\u00f3ximamente","New participation stage":"Nueva etapa de participaci\u00f3n","Security options":"Opciones de seguridad","How many times can a user participate?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas veces puede participar un usuario?","Daily":"Cada d\u00eda","Hourly":"Cada hora","In total":"En total","How often?":"Cada cu\u00e1nto tiempo?","View blacklist":"Ver lista negra","Edit email content":"Edita el contenido del email","Accepted privacy policy":"Pol\u00edtica de privadad aceptada","Accepted terms and conditions":"T\u00e9rminos y condiciones aceptados","Full name":"Nombre completo","Registered on":"Te registraste el","View ranking":"Ver clasificaci\u00f3n","View gallery":"Ver galer\u00eda","You have not participated here yet.":"Todav\u00eda no has participado aqu\u00ed.","Users must validate their email to participate":"Los usuarios deben validar su email para participar","My participation":"Mi participaci\u00f3n","Continue with Facebook":"Acceder con Facebook","Continue with Google":"Acceder con Google","Continue with email":"Acceder con email","Create your own promotion with {ep}":"Crea tu propia promoci\u00f3n con {ep}","Use one-time links":"Enlace de un solo uso","Do you want to customize the email?":"Quieres personalizar los estilos del email?","Go to email settings":"Ve a las opciones de los emails","You've won a prize":"Has ganado un premio","Email identification options":"Opciones de la identificaci\u00f3n por email","Enable the login to register the users before they participate in the promotion and enable multi-participation.":"Habilita el sistema de login para que el usuario se identifique antes de participar en la promoci\u00f3n y habilita adem\u00e1s la multiparticipaci\u00f3n.","How does the promotion work when the Login is enabled?":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el funcionamiento de la promoci\u00f3n cuando se habilita el Login?","The users identify either with their email address or a social profile before participating.":"El usuario se identifica con su email o con un perfil social antes de participar.","If it's the first time the user participates, the next step will be to fill in the registration form and accept Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Once the registration has been completed, the session of the user will be created so they can participate.":"Si es la primera vez que el usuario participa, el siguiente paso ser\u00e1 completar el formulario de registro y aceptar las bases legales y pol\u00edtica de privacidad. Una vez completado el registro, se genera la sesi\u00f3n del participante para poder participar.","If the participant was already registered, the user session will be recovered.":"Si el usuario ya estaba registrado, se recupera la sesi\u00f3n de participante.","The users can enter as many times as the number of entries they have been granted without registering each time.":"El usuario podr\u00e1 participar tantas veces como participaciones se le haya otorgado sin necesidad de registrarse cada vez.","Which configuration options do you have?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 podr\u00e1s configurar?","The social networks that can be used for the Login.":"Las redes sociales que se habilitan para el Login.","The number of entries and the participation frequency the users are granted. For example 5 entries per day.":"El n\u00famero de participaciones y la frecuencia de participaci\u00f3n que se otorga a los usuarios. Por ejemplo: 5 participaciones al d\u00eda.","The fields of the registration form and the legal texts.":"Los campos del formulario de registro de datos y los textos legales asociados.","The user identification security parameters and user session control.":"Los par\u00e1metros de seguridad para la identificaci\u00f3n de usuario y el control de sesi\u00f3n de participante.","Identify yourself to enter the contest":"Identif\u00edcate para participar","Login options":"Tipos de Login","Score: {score} points":"Puntuaci\u00f3n: {score} puntos","Time: {time} seconds":"Tiempo: {time} segundos","Enable this option to generate a new access link for each user login.":"Habilita esta opci\u00f3n para generar un nuevo enlace de acceso para cada login de usuario.","You are going to receive an e-mail with an access link to participate.":"Vas a recibir el enlace de acceso que necesitas para participar.","Or start with one of our ready-made templates that can be fully customized":"O empieza con una de nuestras plantillas totalmente personalizables","You can try again in {time}":"Podr\u00e1s intentarlo de nuevo en {time}","You need to create a stage.":"Debes crear una etapa.","You need to create at least one stage.":"Debes crear como m\u00ednimo una etapa.","Every day":"Cada d\u00eda","Every hour":"Cada hora","time":"hora","You will have {num} more participations in {time}.":"Tendr\u00e1s {num} participaciones m\u00e1s en {time}.","You still have {left} out of {total} left.":"Te quedan {left} de {total}.","Play now":"Jugar ahora","Participate again":"Vuelve a participar","You don't have any more participations left now.":"No tienes m\u00e1s participaciones ahora.","You have not participated yet.":"Todav\u00eda no has participado.","I want a plan":"Quiero un plan","The login system is only available with a Premium or a White Label plan.":"El sistema de login s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible con un plan Premium o Marca Blanca.","Our plans don't have any minimum commitment.":"Nuestros planes no tienen permanencia.","Only Registrations":"S\u00f3lo Registros","Only Participations":"S\u00f3lo Participaciones","Registrations":"Registros","Type of registration":"Tipo de participaci\u00f3n","Participation registration":"Registro de participante","You don't have any active plan":"Actualmente no tienes ning\u00fan plan activo","Activated by you, on %s":"Activado por ti, el %s","Activated by %s, on %s":"Activado por %s, el %s","by":"por","Activated by":"Activado por","Data about the participations of the registered users: participations per day, devices used, etc.":"Datos de las participaciones de los usuarios registrados: participaciones por d\u00eda\/hora, dispositivo usado, etc.","{link} to enable the Login system.":"{link} para poder habilitar el sistema de Login.","Activate a {type} Plan":"Activa un Plan {type}","By default, all emails are allowed to vote in the contest, but you have the possibility to limit the voting to an email or a set of emails or, if you prefer, to a specific email domain. Use it to organize a voting contest to a closed group of users (for example, the employees of a company). In this case, only users who use an email or the email domain you have set up will be able to vote in the contest. You can enter several emails or email domains (one per line).":"Por defecto, todos los e-mails est\u00e1n permitidos para votar en el concurso, pero tienes la posibilidad de limitar las votaciones a un e-mail o conjunto de e-mails o, si lo prefieres, a un dominio de correo electr\u00f3nico concreto. Util\u00edzalo en caso de organizar un concurso con votaciones para un grupo de usuarios cerrado (por ejemplo, los empleados de una empresa). En este caso, solamente podr\u00e1n votar los usuarios con el e-mail o dominio de e-mail configurados. Puedes introducir varios e-mails o dominios (uno por l\u00ednea).","score":"puntos","On participate":"Al participar","1 prize by random certified draw, on participating or by manual assignment":"1 premio por sorteo aleatorio certificado, al participar o por asignaci\u00f3n manual","To submit, please first fix the errors":"Para enviar el formulario, por favor primero soluciona los errores","1 participation {frequency}":"1 participaci\u00f3n {frequency}","You will have 1 more participation in {time}.":"Tendr\u00e1s 1 participaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s en {time}.","participation":"participaci\u00f3n","1 promotion":"1 promoci\u00f3n","Back to Stages":"Volver a Participaciones","Registered users":"Usuarios registrados","Displaying posts with hashtag {hashtag}":"Mostrando publicaciones con el hashtag {hashtag}","Removing selection":"Eliminando selecci\u00f3n","Registered user":"Registro de participante","Connect your Instagram account":"Conecta tu cuenta de Instagram","I have read and accept the {toc}.":"He le\u00eddo y acepto las {toc}.","***I have read and accept the {policy}.":"***He le\u00eddo y acepto la {policy}.","Hieroglyphic":"Jerogl\u00edfico","Alphabet":"Alfabeto","Custom alphabet":"Alfabeto personalizado","Comma separated":"Separados por coma","All characters must be separated with comma.":"Todos los caracteres deben estar separados por comas.","Add characters to the alphabet":"A\u00f1adir caracteres al alfabeto","Use only predefined characters":"Usar s\u00f3lo los caracteres predefinidos","Type the new characters":"Escribe los nuevos caracteres","If you confirm, this list will be cleared out.":"Si confirmas, se eliminar\u00e1 la lista.","Launch a contest where users share photos, videos and captions. Collect all entries from Instagram when they use your brand mention and campaign hasthag.":"Recopila en una app los textos, fotos y v\u00eddeos que los usuarios hayan publicado en Instagram mencionando la marca y utilizando el hashtag de la campa\u00f1a.","Lead capture campaign where users log in with their email or social login to participate in the promotion. You won't need IT.":"Campa\u00f1a de captaci\u00f3n donde los usuarios se loguean con su email o con login en redes sociales para participar en la promoci\u00f3n. No necesitas IT.","Retention and loyalty campaign where users are logged in automatically through their credentials from your mobile app or your website. You will need IT.":"Campa\u00f1a de retenci\u00f3n y fidelizaci\u00f3n en donde los usuarios entran logueados autom\u00e1ticamente con las credenciales de tu app m\u00f3vil o de tu sitio web. Necesitas de IT.","Which type of campaign do you want to run?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 campa\u00f1a vas a realizar?","Auto login options":"Opciones de Auto login","Deep links":"Deep links","New user registration URL":"URL para nuevo registro","iOS app download URL":"URL de descarga de iOS","Android app download URL":"URL de descarga de Android","Login URL":"URL de acceso","{name} - {total} participations":"{name} - {total} participaciones","Created from a {link}":"Creado a partir de una {link}","My Templates":"Mis plantillas","Delete template":"Eliminar plantilla","Customize the main options of the template":"Personaliza las opciones principales de la plantilla","This will be displayed in the template selector for all the agents":"Se mostrar\u00e1 en el selector de plantillas para todos los agentes","There are no more organizing brands":"No hay m\u00e1s marcas organizadoras","Create template":"Crear plantilla","Update template":"Actualizar plantilla","Creating promotion from template":"Crear promoci\u00f3n a partir de una plantilla","Custom template information":"Informaci\u00f3n de la plantilla","Use template":"Usar plantilla","No templates were found with this filter.":"No se han encontrado plantillas con el filtro seleccionado.","Please contact your administrator.":"Por favor, contacta con tu administrador.","You haven't created any templates yet.":"No has creado a\u00fan ninguna plantilla.","Go to the promotion you want to create a template from, and click on {button_label} button to start.":"Ve a la promoci\u00f3n desde la que desea crear una plantilla y haga click en el bot\u00f3n de crear.","Pick one of the following templates to create a new promotion from it":"Elige una de las siguientes plantillas para crear una nueva promoci\u00f3n a partir de ella","Convert to global template":"Convertir a plantilla global","Edit global template":"Editar plantilla global","Learn how the roles work":"Aprende c\u00f3mo funcionan los roles","There is no template id.":"No hay ning\u00fan ID de plantilla.","Your account can't use custom templates.":"Tu cuenta no pude utilizar plantillas personalizadas.","Promotion created successfully. You will be automatically redirected to the promotion.":"La promoci\u00f3n se ha creado correctamente. Se te redirigir\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente a ella.","Characters in game":"Caracteres en el juego","Custom character":"Caracter personalizado","Default character":"Caracter por defecto","View included characters in the game":"Ver caracteres incluidos en el juego","Put this div wherever you want in your code. It will contain the widget":"Introduce este DIV en tu c\u00f3digo donde quieras mostrar el Widget","Click here to remove all the brands from the template":"Haz click para eliminar todas las marcas organizadoras de la plantilla","Clear selection":"Deseleccionar todas","Select all":"Seleccionar todas","You need to specify a short description":"Necesitas especificar una descripci\u00f3n corta","You need to specify a title":"Necesitas especificar un t\u00edtulo","custom templates":"plantillas personales","Template instructions":"Instrucciones de la plantilla","Pick one of the following templates to create a new promotion from it or {link}":"Elige una de las siguientes plantillas para crear una nueva promoci\u00f3n a partir de ella o {link}","view Easypromos' templates":"mira las plantillas de Easypromos","Created from a %s":"Creado a partir de una %s","Created from a [deleted] template":"Creado a partir de una plantilla [eliminada]","Hold the button down to give more power":"Mant\u00e9n pulsado para dar m\u00e1s potencia","Entry Form Giveaway":"Sorteo con Registro","Incorrrect":"Color de fallo","Correct":"Color de acierto","Selection color":"Color de selecci\u00f3n","Maximum height":"Altura m\u00e1xima","Score screen":"Pantalla puntuaci\u00f3n","What do you want to customize?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres personalizar?","OK screen":"Pantalla de OK","KO screen: Time":"Pantalla de KO: Tiempo","KO screen: Moves":"Pantalla de KO: Movimientos","Then, click on the {button} button.":"A continuaci\u00f3n, haz clic en el bot\u00f3n {button}.","Learn how to add a collaborator's post":"Aprende c\u00f3mo a\u00f1adir el post de un colaborador","External ID":"ID Externo","This is the image that will be shown when the promotion is shared on Facebook. If you don't upload any image, the application will use the main image of the promotion.":"Esta es la imagen que se mostrar\u00e1 cuando se comparta la promoci\u00f3n en los muros de Facebook. Si no subes ninguna imagen, la aplicaci\u00f3n utilizar\u00e1 la imagen principal de la promoci\u00f3n.","Average time per user":"Tiempo medio por usuario","Total Games":"Total Juegos","Incorrect":"Color de fallo","Only available to clients with a Corporate plan":"Disponible solamente para clientes con plan Corporate","You can limit participation exclusively to users of your website or your mobile app. To participate, the users must be registered and logged in to your system. It won't be necessary for the users to sign up in the promotion to participate.":"Puedes limitar la participaci\u00f3n a \u00fanicamente usuarios de tu sitio web o de tu aplicaci\u00f3n m\u00f3vil. Los usuarios para participar deber\u00e1n estar dados de alta en tu sistema. No ser\u00e1 necesario que se registren a la promoci\u00f3n para participar.","You will have access to the auto login API so that {who} can connect your users with the Easypromos promotion.":"Tendr\u00e1s acceso a la API de auto login para que {who} puedan conectar tus usuarios con la promoci\u00f3n de Easypromos.","your programmers":"tus programadores","Discover how the auto login system works":"Descubre c\u00f3mo funciona el sistema de auto login","Auto login API":"Auto login API","Switch to Login":"Cambiar a Login","Switch to Auto Login":"Cambiar a Auto Login","The auto login system works through an API that a programmer needs to integrate on the website or in the app from where you want the users of your system to participate. This API allows registering users in your promotion automatically without the need for them to identify again.":"El sistema auto login funciona a trav\u00e9s de una API, que un programador deber\u00e1 integrar en la p\u00e1gina web o en la app desde donde quieres que los usuarios de tu sistema participen. Esta API permite registrar usuarios autom\u00e1ticamente en tu promoci\u00f3n, sin necesidad que se vuelvan a identificar.","Guide and technical auto login API integration specification":"Gu\u00eda y especificaci\u00f3n t\u00e9cnica de integraci\u00f3n de la API de auto login en tu p\u00e1gina web o aplicaci\u00f3n","Link to your new user registration page":"Enlace a tu p\u00e1gina de registro de nuevos usuarios","Link to you user login page":"Enlace a tu p\u00e1gina de login de usuarios","Link to your iOS app installation page":"Enlace a tu p\u00e1gina de instalaci\u00f3n de tu app de iOS","Link to your Android app installation page":"Enlace a tu p\u00e1gina de instalaci\u00f3n de tu app de Android","What do you want to do if a user that is not logged in to your system lands on your promotion?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres hacer si llega un usuario que no es de tu sistema?","Redirect automatically to my Register\/Login system":"Redirigir autom\u00e1ticamente a mi sistema de Registro\/Login","Show a page with links to my Register\/Login system":"Mostrar una p\u00e1gina con enlaces a mi sistema de Registro\/Login","If you already have an account":"Si ya tienes una cuenta","If you still don't have an account":"Si a\u00fan no tienes cuenta","Auto login system tutorial":"Tutorial sistema auto login","This registration form will not be shown.":"Este formulario de registro no se mostrar\u00e1.","If you want to show it for users to accept the terms and conditions explicitly or to ask for new data, please use the skip_registration parameter in the auto login API call.":"Si deseas forzar que se vea, para una aceptaci\u00f3n expl\u00edcita de las bases legales o para pedir nuevos datos de registro, por favor, utiliza el par\u00e1metro skip_registration de la llamada a la API de auto login.","The auto login system is enabled":"El sistema de auto login est\u00e1 activado","Change profile of promoted post":"Cambiar perfil de la publicaci\u00f3n promocionada","Urgent action":"Acci\u00f3n urgente","You must reconnect your Instagram integration to continue tracking mentions+hashtags":"Debes reconectar tu integraci\u00f3n con Instagram para seguir monitorizando menciones+hasgtags","Urgent action required for this promotion":"Se requiere de una acci\u00f3n urgente para esta promoci\u00f3n","Reconnect Instagram integration":"Reconectar Integraci\u00f3n Instagram","The Facebook access token linked to your Instagram integration has been invalidated.":"El token de acceso de Facebook vinculado a tu integraci\u00f3n de Instagram ha sido invalidado.","Go to your integration settings and reconnect your Instagram integration":"Ir a la integraci\u00f3n de instagram y reconectar la integraci\u00f3n","Facebook Access Token is invalid.":"Token de acceso de Facebook inv\u00e1lido.","New mentions won't be imported.":"No se monitorizar\u00e1n las nuevas menciones.","Reconnect your Business Instagram Account to generate a new Access Token.":"Reconecta tu cuenta de empresa de Instagram para generar un nuevo Token de acceso.","Reconnect":"Reconectar","Next action":"Siguiente acci\u00f3n","What do you want to configure?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres configurar?","First layer":"Primera capa","Second layer":"Segunda capa","Cookie notice":"Aviso de cookies","We use technical cookies for the promotion to work and for you to participate in it, as well as analytical cookies for statistical information. You can disable analytical cookies from the reject button. Check our {link} for more information.":"Utilizamos cookies t\u00e9cnicas para que la promoci\u00f3n funcione y puedas participar en ella, y tambi\u00e9n cookies anal\u00edticas para informaci\u00f3n estad\u00edstica. Puedes deshabilitar las cookies anal\u00edticas desde el bot\u00f3n rechazar. Consulta nuestra {link} para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n.","Cookie manager":"Gestor de cookies","For more information see our {link}.":"Para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n consulta nuestra {link}.","Enable analytical cookies":"Habilitar cookies anal\u00edticas","

          When you visit a website, it can store or retrieve information in your browser, mainly in the form of cookies. 2 types of cookies are used for this promotion:<\/p>

          Technical cookies<\/strong><\/p>

          Technical cookies are introduced by Easypromos, which is the program used for the development of this campaign. These cookies are necessary for users to participate: fraud control, participation control, customize the interface according to the user, etc. We include social media cookies as technical cookies, as they are necessary to offer the sharing and social login functionality.<\/p>

          They are mandatory. If you reject them from the browser options, you will not be able to participate in the promotion.<\/p>

          Analytical cookies<\/strong><\/p>

          These cookies allow us to know the total number of visits to the promotion, the user interaction experience and quantify the performance of the campaign. For this, we use Google Analytics cookies.<\/p>":"

          Cuando visitas un sitio web, \u00e9ste puede almacenar o recuperar informaci\u00f3n en tu navegador, principalmente en forma de cookies. Para esta promoci\u00f3n se utilizan 2 tipos de cookies:<\/p>

          Cookies t\u00e9cnicas<\/strong><\/p>

          Las cookies t\u00e9cnicas las introduce Easypromos, que es el programa que se utiliza para el desarrollo de esta campa\u00f1a. Estas cookies son necesarias para que los usuarios puedan participar: control de fraude, control de participaciones, personalizar el interfaz seg\u00fan el usuario, etc. Inclu\u00edmos dentro de las cookies t\u00e9cnicas, las cookies de redes sociales, ya que son necesarias para ofrecer las funcionalidades de compartir y de login social.<\/p>

          Son obligatorias. Si las rechazas desde las opciones del navegador no podr\u00e1s participar en la promoci\u00f3n.<\/p>

          Cookies anal\u00edticas<\/strong><\/p>

          Estas cookies nos permiten conocer el n\u00famero de visitas totales a la promoci\u00f3n, la experiencia de interacci\u00f3n con el usuario y cuantificar el rendimiento de la campa\u00f1a. Para ello utilizamos las cookies de Google Analytics.<\/p>","The analytical cookies will be set as {status} and the layer will be automatically closed.":"Las cookies anal\u00edticas se guardar\u00e1n como {status} y el layer se cerrar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente.","Debug message: user action feedback":"Mensaje de prueba: feedback por acci\u00f3n de usuario","Download document":"Descargar documento","List and description of all the cookies used in an Easypromos promotion":"Listado y descripci\u00f3n de todas las cookies utilizadas en una promoci\u00f3n de Easypromos","Terms and conditions are not defined":"Las condiciones de uso no est\u00e1n definidas","Privacy policy is not defined":"La pol\u00edtica de privacidad no est\u00e1 definida","The cookie policy is mandatory whenever personal data of participants is processed.":"La pol\u00edtica de cookies es obligatoria siempre que traten datos personales de participantes.","Cookie policy is not enabled":"La pol\u00edtica de cookies no est\u00e1 habilitada","List of origin domains":"Listado de dominios origen","If you use the Autologin Javascript Method, insert here the list of permitted origin domains. Insert the full domain or subdomain without HTTPS. You can insert multiple domains, one per line.":"Si utilizas el m\u00e9todo Autologin desde Javascript, inserta aqu\u00ed el listado de dominios origen permitidos. Inserta el dominio o subdominio completo sin HTTPS. Puedes insertar m\u00faltiples dominios, uno por l\u00ednea.","Javascript API":"Javascript API","Configure the promotions cookies from the {link}.":"Configura las cookies de la promoci\u00f3n desde el {link}.","Not available for posts on {reel}":"No disponible para publicaciones en {reel}","Instagram TV posts not available":"Publicaciones de Instagram TV no disponibles","Participants can only win a single direct prize":"Los participantes \u00fanicamente pueden ganar un solo premio directo","Do not let users participate again if they've already won a prize.":"No dejar participar m\u00e1s si el usuario gana un premio.","Participation options":"Opciones de participaci\u00f3n","Participation frequency":"Frecuencia de participaci\u00f3n","Set the number of times a user can participate and how often.":"Configura el n\u00famero de veces que un usuario puede participar, y en qu\u00e9 frecuencia.","A requirement is an action that the user needs to carry out in order to be able to complete their participation.":"Un requisito es una acci\u00f3n que deber\u00e1 realizar previamente el usuario para poder completar su participaci\u00f3n.","This action is carried out on the screen before the participation.":"Esta acci\u00f3n la realizar\u00e1 en una pantalla previa a la pantalla de participaci\u00f3n.","Access the Requirements tab and enable the action that you want to set up. By default, the requirements are disabled.":"Accede a la pesta\u00f1a Requerimientos y habilita la acci\u00f3n que quieres configurar. Por defecto los Requerimientos vienen desactivados.","The available requirements are":"Los requisitos disponibles son","Validate code":"Validar c\u00f3digo","Watch a video":"Ver un v\u00eddeo","The user should enter a valid code to participate.":"El usuario deber\u00e1 introducir un c\u00f3digo v\u00e1lido para participar.","The user should watch a YouTube video until the end to participate.":"El usuario deber\u00e1 ver todo un v\u00eddeo de Youtube para participar.","When do you want to apply the requirement?":"\u00bfCada cu\u00e1nto quieres aplicar el requisito?","On each participation":"En cada participaci\u00f3n","YouTube video ID":"ID de video de YouTube","Choose the code validation":"Elige la validaci\u00f3n del c\u00f3digo","Use a regular expression":"Usa una expresi\u00f3n regular","Use a code set":"Usa un set de c\u00f3digos","Use a unique code":"Usa un c\u00f3digo \u00fanico","Codes are single-use":"Los c\u00f3digos son de un solo uso","You don't have any code set created":"No tienes un conjunto de c\u00f3digos, crea uno","Create a code set":"Crear un set de c\u00f3digos","Unique code":"C\u00f3digo \u00fanico","This code has already been used":"Este c\u00f3digo ya se ha utilizado","Validate a code":"Validar un c\u00f3digo","These 2 options allows you to control the visualization of this prize in the wheel.":"Estas 2 opciones permiten controlar la visualizaci\u00f3n del premio en la ruleta.","Edit all settings for this prize":"Editar todas las opciones del premio","{edit_link} (name, units, description, instructions, delivery conditions, etc)":"{edit_link} (nombre, unidades, descripci\u00f3n, instrucciones, condiciones de entrega, etc)","This is a Premium functionality not included in the Basic version. You can add it as an extension of your promotion, and it has a cost of {price}.":"Es una funcionalidad Premium no inclu\u00edda en la versi\u00f3n B\u00e1sica. Puedes a\u00f1adirla como una extensi\u00f3n de tu promoci\u00f3n, y tiene un coste de {price}.","The {addon} is not enabled.":"La extensi\u00f3n de {addon} no est\u00e1 activada.","On the first participation only":"\u00danicamente en la primera participaci\u00f3n","No requirement":"Sin requisito","Do you want to add a participation requirement?":"\u00bfQuieres a\u00f1adir un requisito para participar?","Upload content to vote":"Subir contenido a votar","How do you want the transition to be?":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo quieres que sea la transici\u00f3n?","Automatic redirection":"Redirecci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica","By clicking on a button":"Haciendo clic en un bot\u00f3n","In production, the page will be automatically redirected after {num} seconds":"En producci\u00f3n, la p\u00e1gina redirigir\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente pasados {num} segundos","In production, the page will be automatically redirected immediately":"En producci\u00f3n, la p\u00e1gina redirigir\u00e1 inmediatamente","Enter the code":"Introduce el c\u00f3digo","Disable the test mode to activate and publish the promotion.":"Desactiva el modo test para activar y publicar la promoci\u00f3n.","Access to the old preview tool. It has been replaced by the new TEST MODE. The access will be removed in January 2021.":"Acceso a la antigua herramienta de previsualizaci\u00f3n. Ha sido reemplazada por el nuevo MODO TEST. El acceso se eliminar\u00e1 en Enero del 2021.","Sharing functionality is disabled in TEST MODE":"La funcionalidad de compartir est\u00e1 deshabilitada en MODO TEST","Disabled in test mode":"Deshabilitado en modo test","How to get the ID of a YouTube video":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo obtener el ID de un v\u00eddeo de YouTube?","Disable test mode":"Deshabilitar el modo test","Do you want to disable test mode?":"\u00bfQuieres deshabilitar el modo test?","When you disable test mode, all the test data is deleted and the stats, users and prizes will be reset.":"Al deshabilitarlo se eliminar\u00e1n todos los datos del test y se resetear\u00e1n todas las estad\u00edsticas, usuarios y premios.","The participants will be maintained and the vote count will be set to 0.":"Los participantes se mantienen y los contadores de votos se pondr\u00e1n a 0.","You can enable test mode again as long as the promotion is still in draft.":"Podr\u00e1s habilitar el modo test de nuevo mientras la promoci\u00f3n est\u00e9 en borrador.","Promotion in test mode":"Promoci\u00f3n en modo test","Test Mode Activated":"Modo Test Activado","Only the administrators and agents linked to the promotion can access the test.":"S\u00f3lo los administradores y agentes de la promoci\u00f3n pueden acceder al test.","Login into Easypromos":"Inicia sesi\u00f3n en Easypromos","You can participate as a real user and test all features. When you finish testing, you can delete all users and participations, reset stats, and release any prizes won during the test.":"Podr\u00e1s participar como un usuario real y probar todas las funcionalidades. Al finalizar el test, podr\u00e1s eliminar todos los registros y usuarios, resetear estad\u00edsticas y liberar cualquier premio ganado durante el test.","Test mode":"Modo test","Do you want to test the promotion before activating it? {enable_test_mode} and make sure everything works properly.":"\u00bfDeseas realizar un test antes de activar la promoci\u00f3n? {enable_test_mode}, y aseg\u00farate que funciona perfectamente.","Enable test mode":"Habilita el modo test","Try again {time}":"Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo {time}","Warning!":"\u00a1Atenci\u00f3n!","Your promotion is in test mode. You must disable the test mode to continue with the activation of the promotion.":"Tu promoci\u00f3n est\u00e1 en modo test. Debes desactivar el modo test para poder continuar con la activaci\u00f3n.","You must delete the current {delete} in the promotion to enable the test mode.":"Debes eliminar los {delete} de la promoci\u00f3n para habilitar el modo test.","users":"usuarios","

          The promotion takes place on a website that uses cookies and other files with similar functions. Cookies are small data files sent to the user's computer, smartphone or other access device when the user visits a website. Cookies provide us with information concerning the user's browsing habits on the website.<\/p>

          1. Cookies installed in this promotion:<\/strong>
            1. Technical cookies<\/strong>

              Some cookies are used internally and are essential for the proper functioning of the promotion. These include cookies that register whether a user has already participated or not; cookies that monitor and prevent fraud in voting contests; cookies that temporarily save questionnaire responses; and cookies that detect whether a user has been invited by another participant. These cookies are saved only for the duration of one session and are automatically deleted when users close their browsers.<\/p>

              Blocking these cookies precludes the proper functioning of the promotion.<\/p>

              These cookies can be identified by the name *_ep_requests y PHPSESSION.<\/p><\/li>

            2. Analytical cookies<\/strong>

              Analytical cookies are used to collect statistics on the activity of promotion users. The information collected provides us with information such as the number of pages visited; the languages used; the frequency and repetition of visits; the time of visits; the browser used; the referral traffic source, and so on. Users can exclude their individual activity by means of the exclusion systems provided by the analytical tools or by way of their own browser settings.<\/p>

              GoogleAnalytics<\/a> cookies are used as the promotion's analytical system.<\/p><\/li>

            3. Social media cookies.<\/strong>

              The promotion incorporates spaces and contents which contain social media buttons that enable users to share the promotion across the social networks.<\/p>

              We have no control over the cookies installed by each social network. However, they tend to be technical cookies, used to control the start of the session, or to display a counter showing how many times a certain piece of content has been shared.<\/p>

              We recommend that all users review the privacy and cookie policy of each social network, and if necessary, modify the privacy parameters of each network to limit any tracking that they may attempt to carry out.<\/p><\/li><\/ol><\/li>

            4. Deactivate or delete cookies.<\/strong>

              Most web browsers allow users to manage, at any time, their cookies preferences. Users can adjust their browser settings to block or delete certain cookies if desired.<\/p>

              To manage cookie settings, go to: