var start_locales = { locale: 'en', messages: {"verbose_time":"%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M%P","long_numeric_time":"%b %d %Y, %I:%M %p","The promotion has been successfully created and has been saved in your drafts.":"The promotion has been successfully created and saved in your drafts.","Create new promotion":"Create New Promotion","Insert a title if you require that participants upload a picture. (i.e: Upload a picture of your favorite sunset). Leave it empty if you don't.":"Insert a title if you require participants to upload a picture (e.g., Upload a picture of your favorite sunset). Leave it empty if you don't.","Update your promotion":"Update Your Promotion","voted":"voted","Require phone?":"Require phone number?","Phone":"Phone number","Date when promotion will disappear on the tab.":"Date when promotion will disappear from the tab.","Date when users will be able to start entering.":"Date when users will be able to start entering. Before registration opens users will not be able to see the 'Enter' button, or any information relating to registration dates and entry requirements.","Date from which users can not enter.":"Date after which users will no longer be able to enter. Once the end of registration date has passed, it will not be possible to extend this date.","Date when votes are opened.":"Date when voting will open.","Date when votes are closed.":"Date when voting will close. Once voting is closed, it will not be possible to extend this date.","Flash or video presentation (swf file)":"Flash or video presentation","Add the URL to a swf file as an introduction to your promo. It may be a swf file pointing to a video, like youtube or vimeo. It must have same dimensions than the promo image.":"Add the URL of a YouTube or Vimeo video, or a link to a swf file to present your promotion. It must be the same size as the promo image. (The video or Flash animation are not autoplay, so users will need to click on the promo image to start the video or Flash.)","Header image":"Banner header image","Upload an image to customize headers of registration and voting pages. The image will be automatically resized to a width of %s.":"This image will be at the top of both the registration and voting pages. The image should be %s wide and we recommend a height of no more than 200px.","If leave empty promotion description will be shown.":"If you leave it empty the promotion description will be used by default.","Post image":"Wall post image","Create your promotion":"Create Your Promotion","In this step you can define the main characteristics of the promotion.":"This is where you define the main characteristics of the promotion.","Insert a title if you require that participants upload a video from youtube or vimeo. If you require a picture, you cannot require a video. Leave it empty if you don't.":"Insert a title if you require participants to upload a video from YouTube or Vimeo. Leave it empty if you don't. (If you already require a picture, you cannot require a video as well.)","Optin checkbox":"Verification \/ Opt-in checkbox","Insert a title for an optin checkbox in the registration form. Example: I want to sign up for the newsletter. Leave it empty if you don\\'t.":"Insert a title for an opt-in checkbox in the registration form (e.g., I want to sign up for the newsletter). Leave it empty if you don\\'t.","mandatory optin":"Mandatory opt-in","Check if you require mandatory optin to complete the registration.":"Check if you require mandatory opt-in to complete the registration.","Optin":"Opt-in","Facebook pages ids separated by commas.":"Facebook pages IDs separated by commas.","Birthday":"Date of birth","Require birthday?":"Require date of birth?","Check if you require user date of birth to complete the registration.":"Check if you require user\\s date of birth to complete the registration.","Check if you require user phone to complete the registration.":"Check if you require user\\'s phone number to complete the registration.","Check if you require user email to complete the registration.":"Check if you require user\\'s email to complete the registration.","Check if you require user gender to complete the registration.":"Check if you require user\\'s gender to complete the registration.","Check if you require user city to complete the registration.":"Check if you require user\\'s city to complete the registration.","Check if you require user country to complete the registration.":"Check if you require user\\'s country to complete the registration.","Thanks for joining our promo!":"Thank you for entering!","TAB page set name":"Set page TAB name","Countries for the TAB page set":"Select Countries for this page TAB","You have already registered for this promotion.":"You have already signed up.","View and vote for entries":"Vote for Entries","There are no promotions yet.":"There are no promotions yet.","single_date_time":"%m\/%d\/%Y","Use only characters and numbers without special symbols. %s":"Use only characters and numbers without special symbols. %s","Use \\\"smart tags\\\" to personalize the email with the information of each participant":"Utiliza los \"smart tags\" para personalizar el contenido del email con los datos de cada participante","Distribute unique coupon codes to the participants and use all the {link}.":"Distribute unique coupon codes to the participants and use all the {link}.","Recommended for promotions with up to {num_entries} entries.":"Recommended for promotions with up to {num_entries} entries.","Vote for me":"Vote for me","Last update: {date}":"Last update: {date}"} };